Principal: Ms. Rhonda Larkin Assistant Principal: Mrs. Alesia Allen Alpha Building Clerk: Mrs. Cynthia Lesley Omega Building Clerk: Ms. Betty Jackson LSC President: Mr. Renard Whitelow Head Start Brian Hardman 301 Kindergarten Bernice Hall Diane Witherspoon World Language Toni Johnson David Weil 401 219 303 302 Art Timothy Vail 113 First Grade Christina Thomas Myrtlean Anderson 407 409 Librarian Kenyatta Jackson 117-119 Physical Education Ryan Martin Second Grade Taffney Washington Susan Haley 405 402 Third Grade Antoinette Patton Camille Campbell 504 508 Fourth Grade James Oyler Kimberly Williams 507 510 Fifth Grade Linda Lattyak Craig Pennington 218 217 Sixth Grade Angela Dillard Ester Johnson 220 214 Seventh Grade Carol Taylor-Robinson Tara Davis 115 118 Eighth Grade Tara Frazier Rudy Knapp 112 120 Special Education Jacqueline Dixson Vera Willis Zanyta Garrett Dawn Welch Patsy Rice Resource 501 210 122 404 Gym Guidance Department Paula Guy - Counselor Marquetta Terry - Speech Shanita Brown - Social Worker Valerie Hubbard - Nurse TBA - Psychologist Educational Support Staff Lisa Wright - School Asst. Vanessa Thomas - Sp. Ed Asst. Tracy Moore - Sp. Ed Asst. Mary Lee - Head Start Jermaine Gause- School Asst. Ariel Johnson - School Asst. Security Officers Winfort Gilbert (CPS) Joyce Isom (CPS) Officer Alexander (CPD) Lunchroom Staff Vincent Walton - LRA Bernice Closure- Manager Lashunda Robinson - LRA Lolita Williams - LRA Nancy Smith - Porter Cynthia McKinney – LRA Custodial Staff Marcos Cruz - Engineer Everton Robinson Ricardo Escotto Jerome Elliott 2 SCHOOL MISSION: Alex Haley Academy strives to create a rich learning community by embracing the diversity of our students. Our aim is to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of every student. We believe that individualized instruction, professional learning communities, standards-based instruction, with the infusion of technology, along with parental involvement and community partnership creates a climate of success. We believe that through effort and encouragement we can empower every student to learn and grow into responsible, global, successful life-long learners. PARENT-TEACHER TEAMWORK: Parents and teachers must work together in close partnership to successfully educate a child. Unless there is a genuine unity of purpose and practice among parents, children, and faculty, the child will be torn between authorities. Communication is essential. If a parent is concerned about a situation or feels that a problem exists with his or her child, please make an appointment with the teacher. The problem should be discussed objectively and calmly. If the parent is still not satisfied after speaking with the teacher, then the parent should contact the principal. Parents should never hesitate to call the school about a specific problem or situation. Either the teacher or the principal, who is in the position to see the total picture, can help more than friends or neighbors who do not know all the circumstances. STUDENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIP: We believe that children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. We hope to guide students toward a love of learning. We seek to make our students aware of the value of knowledge in all of its forms. Equally important is an appreciation of beauty, which is why we encourage aesthetics throughout our program. We also believe that the role of the teacher and student are interchangeable and both have much to contribute 3 SOCIAL GOALS: • To help students realize that every person must accept responsibility for his/her decisions • To motivate students to become useful, informed citizens of our American society. • To encourage students to grow in respect for themselves, fellow students, teachers and everyone meet. • To involve students in the search for solutions to the pressing problems of society. • To explore ways to deepen students’ concerns for, and skills in, peacemaking and the achievement of justice in the world. ABSENCES: It is important that students maintain regular and punctual attendance. Prolonged absence or irregular attendance may cause the student to perform poorly in school. We encourage parents to schedule appointments after-school hours. However, we understand that this is not always possible. Therefore, students will be excused from school for the following reasons: 1. Student illness 2. Illness of a close relative 3. Death in the family The child must present the note to the homeroom teacher upon return to school in some cases. A note from a physician may be required. Students missing more than nine unexcused days of school may be subject to retention. TARDINESS: Students are to be in their seats and ready to work at 8:45 a.m. or they will be marked tardy. Students who arrive at school after 8:45 a.m. must report to the school office for a tardy slip before entering their classroom. If a student is consistently tardy without an excuse, the school will contact the parent/guardian. EARLY DISMISSAL: When it is absolutely necessary for a child to be excused from school for medical/dental appointments or family personal business, a note must be sent to the office. No one will be 4 permitted to leave the building without his/her parent or an authorized adult. Please inform the school office who will be picking up the child if it is someone other than yourself. The Student Release Form must be completed in the office before a student can leave the building. No student will be released from school after 2:00 pm. Students are required to be in attendance. The minutes taken with early dismissal will be calculated. Nine days or more may result in retention. EMERGENCY FORMS: It is of absolute importance that we have a completed Emergency Form on file for each family. If any information on the form changes during the school year, the office must be notified immediately. It is important that school personnel be able to quickly and easily reach at least one parent or guardian at any given time during the school day. If a pupil becomes ill or is the victim of an accident during the school day, the principal or the secretary will contact the parent or the person indicated on the family Emergency Form. If the parents, authorized persons, or family physician listed on the Emergency Form cannot be reached, the police will be called and the matter will be placed in their hands. REDUCED AND FREE LUNCH APPLICATION: A reduced/free lunch application for every student will be sent home the first week of school. It is essential that you complete an application for your child. If you do not wish to apply for a reduced/free lunch, please complete the top of the application (mark the application "DNA"), sign and return to school. The amount of discretionary funds, Chapter One that the school receives is based on the number of approved reduced/free lunches. We appreciate your cooperation. TRANSFERS: If a child is transferring to another school during the school year, please inform the principal or secretary a week ahead of time so pertinent information can be ready for the student. Parents must sign a release form before records can be forwarded to another school. All textbooks and school-related materials must be returned before a transfer is issued. 5 CHILD ABUSE: State of Illinois law requires that school personnel report any allegations or suspicions of child abuse/neglect to the Department of Children and Family Services. DAILY SCHEDULE: 8:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. DISCIPLINE: Discipline within the school is looked upon, not as a form of punishment, but rather as a tool for developing self-discipline and self-control. Its purposes are: • To promote character in the student • To create a classroom environment • Which is conducive to learning • To instill respect within the students for themselves, each other, teachers, principals, and all other associated with the school and the broader community • To help students understand that they have choices and are responsible for their behavior; every decision has consequences. Each teacher is responsible for school discipline, which is in keeping with the philosophy and goals of the school. If discipline in the school is to be meaningful and effective, then a cooperative and supportive attitude on the part of students and parents is essential. SUSPENSION: Suspension may be imposed for deliberate, irresponsible acts. These acts can result in an in-school or at-home suspension. Parents will be notified in either case. Please refer to the current CPS Uniform Discipline Code (Acts of Misconduct). DETENTION: Detention is enforced for minor infractions of the Uniform Discipline code (acts of misconduct numbers 1 or 2) and at the administrator’s discretion. 6 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Extracurricular programs at Alex Haley Academy are made up of activities, which take place before or after school hours. Students must be in good academic and social standing in order to participate in these activities. DRUG FREE SCHOOL ZONE: Alex Haley endeavors to help children resist drugs by teaching them positive and life-lasting skills. Drug education is integrated into various aspects of our total curriculum. SEARCH AND SEIZURE: We reserve the right to inspect all school property. INCLEMENT WEATHER: Please make every effort not to have children arrive before 8:45 a.m. No supervision is provided before 8:45 a.m. During heavy rain or cold weather, students are allowed into the school as they arrive on the school grounds. Students are to wait in the designated area until their teacher escorts them to their classroom by their teacher. DRESS AND GROOMING CODE: Students are to strive for high standards in dress and grooming. We expect them to be neat, clean and in compliance with the Dress Code Guidelines. Dress Code Guidelines: No gangrelated symbols, colors, tattoos, or apparel will be tolerated. Girls (Pre-K-8 th ) Blouse: White Pants/skirt: Navy Sweater (Optional): Navy blue cardigan or hoodie Socks: white or navy blue Shoes: Black (No gym shoes) Boys (Pre-K-8 th ) Shirt: White Pants: Navy blue Sweater (Optional): Navy blue cardigan or hoodie Socks: White or navy blue Shoes: Black (No gym shoes) 7 BOYS/GIRLS GYM UNIFORMS: Gym uniforms can be purchased through the Physical Education Department. Parents are requested to write a note or call the school office before 8:30 a.m. to explain why his/her child will be out of uniform. Any student who is in violation of the uniform dress code will receive a uniform referral slip. FIELD TRIPS: Two educational field trips will be taken each year by each class with the approval of the principal. One field trip form will cover all school field trips. Reminders of dates of the trips will be sent home. GRADING SCALE: The grading scale used in grades 1-8 is as follows: • • • • • A = 100 – 93 B = 92 – 86 C = 85 – 78 D = 77 – 73 F = 72 – 0 REPORT CARDS & CONFERENCES: Report cards are distributed quarterly to students in all grades. The initial card must be discussed by one of the parent/guardian at the Parent-Teacher. Conferences are in November and April. The exact dates of these conferences are listed on the school website. Other conferences may be set up whenever parents or teachers feel it is necessary. All conferences will be held at teachers’ discretion. You must report to the principal's office and sign in before visiting a teacher. HEALTH SERVICES: The school nurse maintains individual health records. Parents should discuss special student health problems with the nurse or school counselor. When necessary, for the protection of the students, the nurse or counselor informs the teacher of health problems. 8 Alex Haley Academy follows Chicago Public Schools directives regarding the dispensing of medication. Due to legal implications, school personnel are not permitted to dispense medication to students. Parents whose child requires daily medication are encouraged to consult their pediatrician who should be able to suggest alternative times for taking the medicine. If this is not possible, a Medication Form must be completed for the safety and welfare of your child. This form is available in the school office. HOMEWORK Policy (Pre-K – 8 th ): Homework offers a good opportunity to fill individual needs and to supplement and reinforce classroom teaching and learning. Homework is usually a natural outgrowth of a class activity and students are responsible for completing all assignments. Parents can help by providing a quiet place for study and by giving encouragement. Voluntary homework is greatly encouraged. This can take the form of library reading, projects, creative writing, vocabulary, math games, etc. Whether assignments are written or study nature, emphasis should be placed on excellence and neatness. Parents wishing assignments for their children who are absent from classes should call the school secretary who will notify the teacher. Teachers must have several hours of notice before being expected to have these assignments ready. Requests should be made in the morning. Please Note: Late assignments must be returned within two days. If the homework is not completed within that time, the student will receive a zero. Full credit will not be given for late work. CPS PROMOTION POLICY: Decisions to promote or retain elementary school students are based accordingly to CPS Promotion Policy. Retention of students is not recommended unless efforts at the remediation of academic deficiencies have been unsuccessful. 9 CRITERIA PROMOTION FOR 3 RD 6 TH & 8 TH : • Minimum percentile score in Reading & Mathematics on the Illinois Standard Achievement Test (ISAT): 24% • Minimum report card of a “C” or better in reading and math • Minimum attendance of no more than 9 unexcused absences, including absence caused by out-of-school suspension Promotion decisions will be made in June of each year. LOCAL SCHOOL COUNCIL: The Alex Haley Local School Council's (LSC) primary purpose is to foster the intellectual, social, and emotional development of its' students. Working in close harmony, the school principal, parents, and LSC members shall work to assist in the development and promotion of school policies, which provide the atmosphere that will enable the school to reach its goals. OPEN DOOR POLICY: The principal believes in the open door policy of listening to parents, teachers, students, and other members of the community. Those wishing to meet with the principal must make an appointment ahead of time. VISITORS: Anyone wishing to visit the school must contact the principal ahead of time. Please go directly to the office and sign in. No visitors or parents may visit classrooms or interrupt a teacher during class time. Alex Haley Academy retains the right to amend this parent handbook. Parents will be given prompt notification if changes are made. 10
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