HEALTH FARE Volume 4 March/April 1985 Number5 Hit TV Series Cast Member Enthralls Students at Birmingham Groves, Cass Tech FAME...remembermyname ALASEM will not soon forget the name NIA PEEPLES, newest cast member of the syndicated TV show, Fame (seen on Channel 50 in Detroit). Nia was in Detroit January 2, 3, and 4 as a guest of the Lung Association to speak to kids about the health hazards of marijuana in conjunction with Fame's support of the Marijuana: A Second Look national education program. In an upbeat presentation the dynamic young singer/dancer/actress appealed to students of Groves High School, Birmingham, and Cass Technical High School, Detroit, to resist peer pressure to smoke pot or use drugs. "I'm not here to tell you what to do," said Nia, "just to tell you what works for me. I don't want pot or drugs interfering with my performances . . . or my life. If I do something well, I want to be sure that I, alone, get credit for it. And the same goes if I f a i l . . . I can't blame drugs for that, either. I have to be in control and accountable for everything I do. Believe me, it takes hard work, a lot of very hard work to make it (in show business) and I have to be at my best every minute." Nia shared the story of how she acquired the role of Nicole Chapman on Fame with the local kids who represented various performing arts curricula in the two high schools. After fielding what seemed like a never-ending list of questions from the teens, Nia gave a Master Dance class to the groups. Bringing with her a tape and choreography for a scene in an upcoming episode of Fame, Nia led the students in learning the dance number. "Working with Nia was an unforgettable opportunity for our students," said teacher Fran Hamburger of Cass Tech. "Hearing it and learning it from someone as warm and caring as Nia is so very important for these kids. Many of them have as their only career goal . . . to be a professional singer or dancer... they're truly driven and are so appreciative of the time she has spent here at Cass Tech." Ms. Peeples also appeared on WDIV TV's 12 O'clock Live and early morning news. Features were filmed by WJBK-TV's PM Detroit, WXYZ-TV's Good Afternoon Detroit and WDIV's evening news. ALASEM's Smoking and Health Coordinator, Jennifer Mead, who accompanied Nia to all her area appearances commented, "It was like a 'love-in*. Nia was an absolute delight to work with; the kids loved her, the press couldn't leave her alone and ALASEM was thrilled that she could be with us." more pictures inside Photos courtesy Gary Caskey. Observer-Eccentric Newspapers. What's News in Health From the AMERICAN ± LUNG ASSOCIATION of Southeastern Michigan I TI54470601 f HEALTH FARE Rochester's Crittenton Hospital to Host Asthma Conference Northeast Oakland County families who'd like to learn more about living with asthma should plan to be at Crittenton Hospital, Wednesday, April 17, at 7:00 p.m. A dynamic new program designed for children ages five and up will be offered in conjunction with the physician's talk on asthma. Parents. will learn more about what asthma is, treatments and medications, "episodes" and managing their onslaught while children learn more about working with and understanding asthmatic episodes. By using games and exercises, children will gain skills which can, hopefully, reduce difficulties and make living with asthma a little easier. For more information, call the Program Services Department at 961-1697. New Trenton Breathers Club Begins April 15 ALASEM's Program Services department has announced a unique new Breathers Club for Trenton area "lovable lungers." Beginning on April 15, Seaway and Riverside hospitals will join forces to present monthly meetings at the Westfield Activity Center, 2700 Westfield, Trenton. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. and meet the third Monday of each month. Thanks, Alpha Xi Delta ALASEM would like to offer sincere thanks to the members of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, Grosse Pointe Chapter, for their help with Christmas Seal literature requests. Each holiday season, ALASEM receives thousands of requests for information. These are generated through the annual Christmas Seal appeal letters and would be nearly impossible to fill if it weren't for this generous donation of time and effort on the part of the Alpha Xi Deltas, ALASEM Annourices Twu Healthy Fundraising Events for Spring Stationary Bike Ride On Sunday, March 24, weli-known competitive cyclist Maurice Freed will ride a bicycle marathon on rollers at Tally Hall, Farmington Hills. The ride this year will be conducted in memory of Freed's father, a heavy smoker who died recently of lung disease. Pledges will benefit ALASEM. Channel 50/ Lawrence Tech Run "Run for Breath" — a 10K run and 2-Mile fun run (or walk) will be held at Lawrence Tech on Saturday, April 27. Sponsored by WKBD-TV Channel 50, the run will begin at 9:00 a m . Entry fee is $8.00. For more information, contact Public Affaires Director. Ron Cunningham at 961-1697. TI54470602 Staff Update There have been several staff changes at ALASEM in the last few months. It's a pleasure to announce that G. Alex Johnson has been appointed Data Processing Assistant. Alex is a bachelors degree candidate in Computer Science and holds a B.S. in Economics from Wayne State University. He was formerly a part-time Data Processing Assistant in ALASEM's Direct Mail department. A Grosse Pointe native, Johnson will have primary responsibility for integrating ALASEM's new IBM-PC computer system in all departments. Laura Staffeld joined ALASEM as a program assistant in February. Laura's first responsibilities will center around Camp Sun Deer 1985. Laura graduated cum laude from Western Michigan University with a B.S. in Health Education. A former Camp Sun Deer volunteer, Laura has most recently served as a substance abuse coordinator/therapist. She lives in Dearborn and enjoys skiing and swimming as hobbies. Kathleen Robinson, C.R.T.T., has been named to the position of Program Services Coordinator. Kathy formerly was a Program Assistant, Adult Lung Health, and has been with ALASEM several years on a part-time basis. Before joining ALASEM, Kathy was Supervisor of Respiratory Therapy at Heritage, Seaway and Botsford Hospitals and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist at Heritage Hospital. A Livonia resident, Kathy is married and the mother of two sons. ALASEM Fellowship Announced for Children's Hospital ALASEM has awarded a $10,000 Fellowship to Children's Hospital of Detroit. The fellowship will be administered by George Polgar, M.D., Director, Pulmonary Services at Children's Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics and Associate in Physiology at Wayne State University. Children's Hospital has also agreed to provide a physician to serve on the medical staff of Camp Sun Deer '85. DON'T FORGET $200,000 Walleye A fisherman's f a n t a s y . . . catching a fish, an ordinary-looking fish, by ordinary m e a n s . . . and finding it stuffed with thousand-dollar bills! Something very close to this fantasy might just happen this June. The Detroit News and ALASEM are presenting the $200,000 Walleye Weekend. It's a fishing contest to end all fishing contests. Grand prizes of $100,000 each go to the anglers who catch the speciallytagged walleye in Lakes St. Clair and Lake Erie. First prizes for the largest walleye caught are Lund 16-foot "Pro Pike" boats, 30hp Johnson motors and trailers. These prizes will also be awarded "one in each lake." The contest, which is chaired by Dave Rlchey, outdoor editor of The News, runs from 6 p.m. Friday, June 14 through 6 p.m. Sunday, June 16. The entry fee is $10. All fishermen must pre-register with ALASEM, 28 W. Adams, Detroit, 48226 or at Lakeview Tackle, 24317 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores. The Lake Erie headquarters is Lake Erie Metropark Marina, 35001 Mlllerville Road, Brownstown. Entries will be taken there after the boating season begins. For rules, entry blanks and details, call Ron Cunningham at ALASEM, 961-1697, or Doug Drapal at The Detroit News, 222-2422. Send-Off Offered at Sinai Hospital ALASEM's world-famous Cigarette Send-Off® will be offered March 26 at Sinai Hospital. The program, which features hypnotherapy, behavior modification and medical information, will be offered from 7-10 p.m. in Zuckerman Auditorium. Sinai is located at 6767 W. Outer Drive, just west of the Lodge Freeway. Tickets are $20 and are available by catling ALASEM, 961-1697, or at the door. Call it Quits on Cable Lifetime Medical Television (formerly Cable Health Network) will offer a two-hour program titled "Call it Quits: A Smokers Informathon" four times during March. The American Lung Association produced program will air on Monday, March 18, from 9-11 p.m. and again from 11 p.m.-1 a.m. It will also air Sunday, March 24, at 5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 26, at 9:00 a.m. The program offers expert advice and information on such topics as psychological addiction, aids to quitting, weight control, exercise and the stop/start syndrome. There are 34 cable stations in southeastern Michigan which are members of the LMT network. Watch for the program in your area. TI54470603 HEALTH FARE Sunday Monday March, 1985 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 • Health Fair Out Wayne County Head Start 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 Smoking Lecture McNamara BWg. 11:30 a.m. 11 10 Asthma Fun Fair Royal Oak Boys Club 12 noon-5 p.m. Project Health-0-Rama Oakland Mall 11 a.m.-7p.m. 17 18 Breathers Clubs Wm. Beaumont, Royal Oak 1:00 Garden City Hospital^ 7:30 p.m. Health Fair GM Tech Center 11-1 p.m. Breathers Clubs South Macomb Hosp. Warren 5:30 p.m. Calvary Senior Center Detroit 2:30 p.m. Tally Hall • Stationary Bike Ride Farmlngton Hills 12-6 p.m. Breathers Clubs Ml. Clemens 31 General 7 p.m. St. Joseph Hosp. West Mt. Clemens 3:00 p.m. Smoking Lecture 7:30 p.m. Gross* Pie. Natural Childbirth Class I » • Exec. Committee Mtg. ALASEM Library Noon 25 24 Health-O-Rama Oakland Mall 20 19 27 26 Project Health-0-Rama Livonia Mall 11 a.m.-7 p.m. March 26-29 Breathers Club Heritage Hosp. Taylor 7 p.m. Cigarette Send-off Sinai Hospital Zuckerman Auditorium 7-10 p.m. SEMCOG Council Environmental Strategy Book Building 1:30 p.m. * * * Health-O-Rama Oakland Mall 21 22 23 28 29 30 Health Fair GM Tech Center 11-1 p.m. Breathers Clubs Pontiac General 1:30 p.m. Crittenton Hosp. Rochester Breathers Club Wright4 p.m. Fillipls Utica 2 p.m. * * * * * * Health-O-Rama Livonia Mall | Health-O-Rama Livonia Mall Health-O-Rama Livonia Mall (tear here and post) HEALTH FARE Sunday Monday April, 1985 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3 2 1 Hyatt-Regency Dearborn April 2-5 8 7 MSRT Seminar Dearborn 9 Health Fair Early Childhood Council Southfield 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 14 15 16 28 Chocolate Sunday Troy-Hilton 11 a.m. 29 6 MSRT Seminar Dearborn 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 Asthma Conference Crittenton HospMRocheste/, 7 p.m. Breathers Clubs Wm. Beaumont, Royal Oak 1 p.m. Garden City Hosp^. 1:30 p.m. Board ot Directors ALASEM Conference Rm noon 22 Breathers Clubs Mt. Clemens General 7 p.m. St. Joseph Hospital-West Mt. Clemens 3 p.m. 5 Breathers Club Bi-County Hospital Warren 6 p.m. Breathers Clubs Calvary Senior Center Grosse Pte. 2:30 p.m. Westfield Activity Center, Trenton 7 p.m. 21 Saturday 4 Health-O-Rama McNamara Bldg. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. * * * MSRT Seminar Dearborn MSRT Seminar Friday 24 23 Breathers Clubs Pontiac General 1:30 p.m. Crittenton Hosp. Rochester 4 p.m. Breathers Clubs Heritage Hosp. Taylor 7 p.m. 30 Breathers Club Wright-Fillipis Utica 2 p.m. Lawrence Tech Run Southfield 9 a.m. ^HEALTH FARE Kirk Gibson Visits GM Men's Club Ski Free for Charity All Children Welcome at Asthma Fun Fair Magicians, clowns, games, activities . . . ail this and more awaits asthmatic children at ALASEM's Fun Fair to be held Sunday, March 10, from Noon to 4 p.m. at the Royal Oak Boys and Girls Club, 1545 E. Lincoln (10 Vz Mile), Royal Oak. Specially designed for asthmatic kids, the many fun things to do will not only entertain but help these special children expand their activity horizons and learn more about their disability. All Southeastern Michigan families who "live with" asthma are invited to attend. ALASEM hopes that lots of former Camp Sun Deer® campers, children who've participated in Family Asthma Conferences and alt asth- AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIAT/O T matics who wish to spend a fun afternoon with others who live with this condition will plan to attend. It's educational and lots of fun for asthmatics and their families. Applications for Camp Sun Deer '85 will be available at the fair. Admission is a "can of Juice." ALASEM annually sponsors a juice drive to provide fruit juices for Camp Sun Deer®; the Fun Fair admission will be the first appeal for juice for this summer's camp. For details and more information on the Fun Fair, Camp Sun Deer, or other programs for asthmatic children, call the Program Services Department at 961-1697. HEALTH FARE AMERICAN t r-,r I'.rEfi' VKhtt. M Tiger super-star Gibson was surrounded by autograph-seekers and well-wishers in his appearance to boost the annual ski event. Chocolate Lovers Please Note . . . Chocolate Sunday has been moved to Sunday, April 28,11 a.m. - 6 p.m., at the Troy Hilton. — same delectable goodies — same great location — same admission price (See January/February Health Fare for details.) NorvProfit Org. U.S. POSTAGE LUNG ASSOCIATION 28 WEST ADAMS DETROIT, Ml 48226 Editor: Maryellen L. Mumy Address CaB«etlsn Requested OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN PAID Detroit. Ml Permit No. 4258
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