. "'l~l 'fliilllll~;'.~fl.i.¡/l MucinE~ 1200 mg guaifenesin extended,ielease bi,layer tablets EXPECTORANT 1 15/16" ~. l i í f"~:( /1 í ¡i/ í í ~ -(.~ í r.:! MucinE~ 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT rO.§çT&Ni;ÉP~E-tASê-:'1àl!!LKi~AèíËT$.l ~. NOC63824-23-14 Jl, í í ~ l: l / í í I r / í í ~ " íí:. iI ,,~ Mucinex: Title: 14 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - - left justified Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - - - . i I , I , , i , I i , , left justified : .,/~) flll/I/II"';.¿:.II;..1.lJ MucinE~ 1200 mg guaifenesin extended,release bi,layel tablets EXPECTORANT , i i i i i , i i , , , , i , i , , i , , i i Subheadings: - - - - -I- :- , , ,, - - - - 0.5 pt. hairline .J \) US Pal , ,,--8 ,, , , 2. 6,37,25 B1 US Pa 6,955,821 B2 d ADAM' 041207 I ~~~!u~ORY 10010014 e 2007, Distibuted by Adams Respiraory Therapeutcs, Fort Wort. ix 76155 ,, NF; FO&C biue #1 aluminum lake: hypromellose, USP; magnesium stearate, NF; microcrystallne ceilulose, NF; sodium starch glycolate, NF Inactive ingredients carbomer 934P, . tamper evident do not use if cartn is open or if seal on bottle printed -SEALED for YOUR PROTECTION' is broken or missing . store between 2û-2S"C (68-77"F) Other information 1 tablet every 12 hours. 00 not exceed, 2 tablets in 24 hours, . children under 12 years of age: do not use . adulfs and children 12 years of age and over: regard for the timing of meals . do not cruh, chew, or break tablet . take with a full glass of water . this product can be administered without Directions Drug Facts (continued) ') ,, Title for continued panel: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified 00 NOT VARNISH THIS AREA ( , I I , Right justifiep Drug Facts Active ingredient Purpose (in each extended-release - bi-Iayer tablet) Guaifenesin 1200 mg...........,.......Expectorant . for children under 12 years of age Uses heips loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronchial passageways of bothersome mucus and make coughs more productive Warnings - Do nol us Ask a doclor before use II you have . persistent or chronic cough such as occurs . cough lasts' with smoking, ashma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema .. cough accompanied by too much phlegm I (mucus) I I Stop use and ask a doctor If be signs of a serious ilness, more than 7 days, comes back. or occurs with fever, rash, or persistent headache. These could If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. ~ DATA MATRIX POSITION - Graphic leading to next panel Keep out of reach of children, In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. 6 pt. Helvetica Bold Bullets: DO NOT VARNISH THIS AREA -- 1 15/16" ~ Condensed, 5 pt. solid square .. ~ M CD co M ~ N M left justified Zapf Dingbats ~. aN 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT 31/2" ~ "iJl'~ 'f11'1r1'1..-:t(it~/l~i. ;/''1 MucinE~ EXPECTORANT 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi,layer tablets 1 15/16" ~ i i r-":( Iii I l I i j Ð t iá:: i i ,:. Mucinex: EXPECTORANT 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets ~llpEj)lg,~1~e:û!:~5~ÄBiiCAx.ER IJ.ÊlLETS 1 ~ NDC63824-28 Title: 14 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique;- - - - left justified Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique,- - - -_ , i I , , , , I , , , I left justified : .,,1,) lJII/I/II..-ft(iá::il.¡.;/"I MucinE~ EXPECTORANT 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets i Lu_ " ,,- -8 i: I RESPIRATORY 10010015 e 20. Dísbule by Ad Resiratry Therapeutcs, FortWort, TX 76155 '- - - - 0.5 pt. hairline 2. Inactve ingredients caomer 934P, ' NF; FD&C blue #1 aluminum lake; hypromellose, USP; magnesium stearate, NF; microcrystallne cellulose, NF; sodium starch glycolate, NF . tamper evident: do not use if carn Is open or if seal on botte printed -SEAD for YOUR PROTECTION" is broken or missing _ stre beteen 2D-25"C (68' 77"f) Other information _ children under 12 years of age: do not use ' 2 tablet in 24 hours, ' , _ do not crush, chew, or break tablet _ tae wit a full glas of water _ this product can be administered without regard for the timing of meals _ adults and children 12 years of age and over: 1 tablet every 12 hours, Do not exceed, Directions Drug Facts (continued) I ,"I ) Title for continued panel: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified 1 DD NOT VARNISH THIS AREA ( Right justifiep i Drug Facts : Ace ingredient Purpose Gualenesin 1200 mg..........,......Exectant (in each extnded-release - bi-Iayer tablet) IJs helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thn bronchial secre1ons to rid the bronchial pasgeways of bothersome mucus and make coughs more productive Warnings As a doct before use n you have - Do no us _ tor children undor 12 years of age . pesistnt or chronic cough such as ocrs With smokng, asma, chronic bronchit, or emphysema - _ CllJgh accompanied by to much phlegm : (muCls, , Sto us and all a docr n _ cough lats" : more than 7 days, comes back, or ocurs wit i fe-ior, ras. or persistnt headache, These cold i be signs of a serious Ilness. , i If pregnt or breas-feeing, ask a heal i profesona before use, i I Ke ou of reach of chlfdreiln ca of i overdoe, get medica help or coct a / \ ~ "'''wnes- US Pa 6,3,2 81 J.ADAMS 041207 '- US Pa 6,95,821 82 DATA MATRIX POSITON - Graphic leading to next panel : Poison Cool Centr right aWir. ~ Subheadings: - - - - -I- :- i Condensed, 5 pt. solid square 6 pt. Helvetica Bold Bullets: left justified Zapf Dingbats cr v C\ co cr co M DO NOT VARNISH THIS AREA -- 115/16" . co C\ .~ C\ ci , , Mucinex: EXPECTORANT 31/2" T" 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets ß, í i l' ~~' l i í ì I l I í i ~ .¡ ~ =- í l-~ .~ . . Headings: wi regd fo ti ~ming of mea . aduns and children 12 years of age and over: 1 tablet every 12 hours. Do not exceer2 tablets in 24 hours, . children under 12 years of age:do not use ww.mucine:com NO VARNISH POSITION ~ DATA MATRIX left justified with 6.5 pt. leading, Condensed - -2" - - - - - - - - - Body text: 6 pt. Helvetica - - - - - 2.5 pt. box barline f-1/2"-' AREA ---- -- - - - - - -- ----1-- --- (1-866-682-4639) or call 1-866-MUCINEX Please visit our Web site: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified i , , , Directions . do not crush, chew, or break tablet . take with a tull glass of water - . this product can be administered Bullets: 5 pt. solid square Zapf Dingbats - - - - - - - - -, NDe 634-23-14 ., i l-, l Iiillii 1",-:,¡,.4 i r- ¡; /'1 MucinE~ 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT 6,37252 Bl 6,95,8 B2 " 041007 E~!~;:ORY US Pal d .J us \Pal I¡ 2007. Distributed by Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, Fort Wort, TX 76155 1000026 55/8" . .. . Headings: . w~hou regd for tte timing of meals . adulls and children 12 years of age and over. 1 tablet every 12 hours. Do not exood 2 tablets in 24 hours. . children under 12 years of age:- do not use or call1-866-MUCINEX NO VARNISH POSITON ~ DATA MATRIX left justified with 6.5 pt. leading, Condensed 6 pt. Helvetica ~ -2" - - - - - - - - - Body text: - - - - - 2.5 pt. box barline +-1/2"-+ AREA ---- -- ---- -- -- - --1-- - -- (1-866-682-4639) Please visit our Web site: ww.mucinexcom 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified , , , , Directions . do not crush, chew. or break tablet . take with a full giass of water - . this product can be administered Bullets: 5 pt. solid square Zapf Dingbats - - - - - - - - -, NDe 6324-02-28 . ¡¡ r.~:l1 i íllf i í.."1. ÍÍ=- if- ¡; i~ MucinE~ 1200 mg guaifenesin extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT 6,95,821 82 " 041007 \ ;;'UTICS- US Pal d./RESPIRATORY US Pal 6,37,252 81 e 2007. Distibuted by Adams Respiratory Therapeutcs, Fort Wort,1) 76155 10040027 55/8" . ",in" lllllll,I"'-jif.~/l~i.1. MucinE~D 1200 mg guaifenesin and 120 mg pseudoephedrine Hel extended.release bi'layer tablets EXPECTORANT NASAL DECONGESTANT . 'd",..tO""~ No Varnish Area ~ iì '" l:l Ii íl U ií 0- l.=. i l' ¡'; 01 MucinE~D extended-release bi-Iayer tablets 1200 mg guaifenesin and 120 mg pseudoephedrine HCI EXPECTORANT. NASAL DECONGESTANT ~EK§NDëB.;'HELE§sj:hal-lAYë:R::BLETS. i MucinE~D 1200 mg guaifenesin and 120 mg pseudoephedrine Hel extended-release bi-Iayer tablets r-i C\ 0C M ~ .. C\ o:: EXPECTORANT . NASAL DECONGEST. ¡Y"~ DD NOT VARNISH THIS AREA CO M ~ - ( Right justifiep i i 1 I ') Drug Facts (continued) , . i \ ~'RAl"UnCs- US Pal 6,37,252 81 B ~ COI ~ 1" left ',witl ,, , , I RESPIRATORY CHPS-CT-029 (Ç 2007. Distnbuted by Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, Fort Wort, TX 76155 FD&C yellow #6 aluminum lake; hypromellose, USP; magnesium stearate, NF; microcrystallne cellulose, NF; sodium starch glycolate, NF 2.5 away. ' 2.: pU ",~ --8Co Title for continued panel: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified 31/2" Drug Facts Active ingredients Purpose 115/16" .~ Title: 14 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - - - - - - - left justified Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - left justified .",,, lli¡/lli¡..-i,a=-ll-í.l/ll MucinE~D 1200 mg guaifenesin and 120 mg pseudoephedrine HO extended,release bi,layer tablets EXPECTORANT NASAL DECONGESTANT Stop use and ask a doctor if . you get nervous, dizzy,or sleepless . symptoms do not get better within 7 days, come (in each extended-release back or occur with a fever, rash,orpersistent bi-Iayer tablet) headache. These could be signs of a seriousiIness. Guaifenesin 1200 mg..........................Expectorant Pseudoephednne HCI120 mg........Nasal Decongestant If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Uses Keep out of reach of children. In case of overdose, . helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchiat getmedjcal help or contact a Poison Control Center, secretions to rid the bronchialpassagewaysof right bothersome mUcus and make coughs more producüve . temporarilyrelievesnasal congestiondue to: Directions hay fever . commoncold . . donot crush,chew, or break tablet . upperrespiratoryallergjes . take with a full glass of water . temporarilyrestores freer breathingthroughthe nose . this productcan be administeredwithoutregard for . promotes nasaland/orsinus drainage timingof meals . temporarilyrelievessinus congestionand pressure . adults and children 12 years and older:1 lablet every 12 hours; not more than 2 tablelsin 24 hours Warnings under 12 years of age: do not use . children Do notuse if you are nowtaking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) (certain drugs for Other information depression,psychiatricor emotionalconditions,or . tamper evident:do not use if printedseal on blister Parkinson'sdîseasel,orfor2 weeks after stoppingthe is broken or missing MAotdrug. If you dOnot knowif your prescriptiondrug . store at 20-25"C (68,¡¡"F) coritainsa MAOl,askadoctor orpharmaclst before Inactive ingredients carbomer 934P, NF; taking this product. , J, AlAMS 041207 "- - - 0.5 pt. hairline '/ '- US Pat 6,955,821 82 DATA MATRIX POSITON II Graphic leading to next panel ~ -Ask a doctor before use if you have . heart disease _ high bloodpressure . thyroiddisease . diabetes . trouble uririatirigdue to ari erilargedprostate gland . persistent or chroniccough such as occurs with smoking,aslhma, chronicbronchitis,or emphysema .. cough accompanied by too much phlegm (mucus) : When using this product i . do not use more than directed Bullets: 5 pt. solid square I I I I I i Zapf Dingbats Subheadings:- - - -Condensed, 6 pt. Helvetica Bold left justified No Varnish Area 3.228" ~ i ~ (82 mm) i aximum Strength uelNEXlB D 1200 mg guaifenesinl 20 mg pseudoephedrine Hel I xtended-release bi-Iayer tablet ist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutic art Worth, TX 76155 IIIIIIIII:~ li:a 1111111/ II I '~ I Ä~Y-I Maximum Strengt MUelNEXlBD 1200 mg guaifenesin 120 mg pseudoephedrine He extended-release bi-Iayer table ist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutic Fort Worth, TX 7615 1I11111"1:~ li:a 111/11111 I aximum Strength "-." Maximum Strengt 3.228" (82 mil) ivUelNEXlBD 1200 mg guaifenesinl ~ I MUelNEXlBD 1200 mg guaifenesin 120 mg pseudoephedrine Hei I 120 mg pseudoephedrine He ~i xtended-release bi-Iayer tablet I extended-release bi-Iayer table ist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutics Dist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutic i art Worth, TX 76155 Fort Worth, TX 7615 i ~11111111!iP':qIi~~111 tl~ .1111111111!iP':qIIIIIII~ aximum Strength ~~_ - .ly Maximum Strengt I UeiNEXlBD1200mgguaifenesinl . 't r~;¿ UeiNEXlBD1200mgguaifenesin I 120 mg pseudoephedrine Hei 120 mg pseudoephedrine He I . xtended-release bi-Iayer tablet I extended-release bi-Iayer table 'i ist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutic ist. by: Adams Respiratory Therapeutic art Worth, TX 76155 i Fort Worth. TX 7615 I 111111111:~li:a1i11111111 1111111111:~ij~IIIIIIIII i 11JAOL__ FILE INFORMATION Job Description: Max Str Mucinex 0 1200/120mg 6ct Blister Pack Drawing #: 8253.10 ~ "'if'~ (1'1111""''7 ,íi:.ll~í. ;/'1 MucinE~DM extended,release bi,layer tablets 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSANT 1 15/16" ~; i r- l:f /; i J ,/;; 0-" íá=-; r .:. MucinE~DM extended-release bi-Iayer tablets 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr EXPECTORANT. COUGH SUPPRESSANT O¿§IENb§Q..Bg~êrm~~!'..ABl.IE"'~J i:""~ NDe 63824-072-14 MucinE~DM 31/2" N M 00 M co i ~ N ar- N ~ ,- tit EXPECTORANT' COUGH SUPPRESSANT 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr extended-release bi-Iayer tablets ~ í í ~ l: l ( í í UJ" í í Ð- " íL:. í r .' i ; /1 ~~ ~~ Title: 14 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - left justified Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - - 1 1 I I I I , , I I I , left justified : .Jihl lll'lllll"',i(.~/l~í.'¿i"J MucinE~DM 1200 mg gua~enesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr extended,release bi,layer tablets EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSANT I: ') Drug Facts (continuedl ,, ,~--~ Stop oso and ask a doctor il . cough lasts more Ihan 7 days, comes back, or occurs with fever,rash, or persistent headache. These could be signs of a serious ilness. ,, Title for continued panel: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified DO NOT VARNISH THIS AREA ( PurPose I , , Right justifiep Drug Facts Active ingredients (in each extended-release , THERAeEUTICS' US ¡RESPIRATORY 10010016 e 2007. Distibuted by Adms Respiratory Therapeutcs, For Wort. TX 76155 osc yellow #10 aluminum lake; hypromellose. USP; magnesium stearate, NF; microcrystallne celluloe, NF; sodium slarch glycolate, NF Inactive ingredients carbomer 934P, NF; . tamper evident: do not use if cartn is open or if seal on botte printed 'SEALED for YOUR PROTECn ls brokenor míssing . store at 20,25'C (68'¡¡"f) Other information away. . bi-Iayer tablet) If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a healtl professional before use. Dextmetlorphan HBr 6l mg........ Cogh suppressnt Keep out 01 reach of chlldren,ln case of overdose, Guailenesin 1200 mg.......,....................Expectoranl get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right Uses . helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretionsto rid the bronchial passageways Directions of bothersme mucus and make coughs more productive . do not crush. chew, or break lablet . temporarìJyrelieves: . take with a full glass of waler . cough due to minor throat ami bronchia! irritation . tlis product can be administered "itlout regard for as may occur with the common cold or inhaled timing of meals irritants . aduhs and children 12 years and older: . the intensity of coughing 1 tablet every 12 hours; no1 more than 2 tablets . the impulse to cough to help you get to Sleep in 24 hours . children under 12 years of age: do not use Warnings -Do not use _ for children under 12 years of age . it you are now taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOn (cerlain drugs for depression, psychiatricor emotional conditions, or ParkInson's disease), or for 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. ff you do not know if your prescription drug contains a MAOI, ask a doctor or pharmacist before taking this product. Ask a docor belore use il you have ..8 persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with i smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema i When using this product ' , '~ - - 0.5 pt. hairline Pat 6,3,2 81 d,!, \) ADA"' 041207 US Pa 6,955,821 82 DATA MATRIX POSITION - Graphic leading to next panel I . do not use more than directed IJ :. cough accompanied by too much phlegm Imucus) i I Bullets: 5 pt. solid square I I I I , Zapf Dingbats Subheadings: - - - - ~ - 6 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed, ~ left justified DO NOT VARNISH THIS AREA -- 115/16" . .iih~ ~1111111'''-l''.~/I.Li. MucinE~DM extended,release bi-Iayer tablets 1100 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSANT 115/16" MucinE~DM extended-release bi-Iayer tablets 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr EXPECTORANT' COUGH SUPPRESSANT ~il~N~':RS(!1=Ãs~::I;l.y~flîA§tET5l ~ NDC63824-072-28 MucinE~DM 31/2" M o: M '7 C\ -+ ar- C\ C\ cO en "",'_ ..... .... ...." .. _"_' ....",':.'..;. "~,"""'~_"'_'_'_"""_""_'.~ ,~l ;¡ , EXPECTORANT . COUGH SUPPRESSANJ" 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr extended-release bi-Iayer tablets P, í í h 'l; l I í í I ! I í í Ð- .¡ if ~ í r ,~ .. .. Title: 14 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - left justified Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, - - - i , 1 1 I 1 I I I I I -----, I I I I I I 1 , I , , I 1 , ~ --8 Stop use and ask a doctor If . cough lasls more than 7 days, comes back, or occurs with fever, rash.or persistent headache. These could be signs of aserious lloess. Drug Facts (continued)' , ') Title for continued panel: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified uv HVt VH.-l--~-ilf ( Pu,pose I I I Right justifiep Drug Facts Active ingredients Directions away. . " pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right adonotcrush,chew,orbreaktablet Other information .. " . taKe with a full glass of water . this product can be administered without regard for timing of meals . adults and children 12 years and older: 1 tabiet evry 12 hours; not more than 2 tablets in 24 hours . children under 12 years of age: do not use Inactive ingredients carbomer 934P, Nf; . tamper evident do not use jf carton is open or if seal on batte printed "SEAED lorYOUR PROTECTON ¡sbraken or missing . store at 20,25°C (5S'77°f) D&C yellow #10 aluminum lake; hYPlOmellose, USP; magnesium stearale, Nf; microcrystaline cellulase. Nf; sodium starch glycolate. Nf 10010017 (Ç 2007. Distibuted by Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, fort Wort, TX 76155 , TH'W'UT'C'" I RESPIRATORY US '~ - - 0.5 pt. hairline PaL6,3,22 81 J,!, AD'," 041207 \'? USPaL6,95,82182 DATA MATRIX POSITION - Graphic leading to next panel I . do not use mare than directed ~ i Whn using this product ' , : . cough accompanied by too much phlegm Imucus; i , Ask a doctor before use n you bave ..a persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with i smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema -Do not use . for children under 12 years of age . jf you are now taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor IMAOQ lcertain drugs lor depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions, or Parkinson's disease). or for 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. ~ you do not know if your prescriplion drug contains a MAOI. asK a doctor or pharmacist before taKingthis product. Warnings Uses . helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronclial passageways of bothersomemucus and make coughsmore productive . temporarilyrelieves: . cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with the cornman cold or inhaled irritants . the intensity of coughing . the impulse to cough to help you get to sleep Oextomethorphan HBr 50 mg....,....COugh suppresst Guailenes 1200 mg................;............,Expectorant 1 lin each extended-release ,- bi-Iayer tablet) left justified : .., I r;' l III / / i' 1..-i",.:. ,f- ì. ; /'1 MucinE~DM 1100 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextomethorphan HBr extended'release bi'layer tablets EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSANT i Bullets: 5 pt. solid square I I I , i Zapf Dingbats Subheadings: - - - - - - ~ 6 pt. Helvetica Bold left justified . Condensed, DO NOT VARNISH THIS AREA -- 1 15/16" . . Headings: 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified or call 1-866-MUCINEX Please visit our Web site: WW.mucinexcom , 1 I I Directions without regard for timing of meals . adutts and children 12 years and older. 1 tablet every 12 hours; not more than 2 tablets in 24 hours . children under 12 years of age:do not use 6,37,2281 NO VARNISH f-1/2"-' AREA - -~- - - - - - - - -Body text: -1- - - - 2.5 pt. box barline Condensed 6 pt. Helvetica left justified with 6.5 pt. leading, POSITON ~ DATA MATRIX -_ - _- _- _- _- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _- _- _- _ - _ - _ - _1- _ - _ - _ - _-_ (1-866-682-4639) . do not crush, chew, or break tablet . take with a full glass of water - . this product can be administered Bullets: 5 pt. solid square Zapf Dingbats - - - - - - - - -, NDC 6324-072-14 ir i i l-"l Ii ¡III i i '--: ~ iL '- 1(- i ¡ /11 MucinE~DM 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSA Pat e 2007. Distibuted by Adms Respiratory Therapeutcs, Fort Wort,TX 76155 10040028 .J ~:ltvTlC'- US PaL. 6,95,8 041007 82 J RESPIRATORY US 55/8" . . . Headings: Please visit our Web site: ww.mucinex.com NO VARNISH f-1/2"-- AREA T - - - 2.5 pt. box barline Condensed - -~ - - - - - - - - - Body te~: 6 pt. Helvetica left justified with 6.5 pt. leading, POSITON . DATA MATRIX - _ - _ - _- _ - _ - _- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -_- _ -_ - _ -_1- _ -_ - _ -_ -_ (1-866-682-4639) or call1-866-MUCINEX 8 pt. Helvetica Bold Condensed Oblique, left justified , , , I , Directions . do not crush, chew, or break tablet older: 1 tablet every 12 hou,s; not more than 2 tablets in 24 hours . children under 12 years of age:do not use . adults and children 12 years and without regard for timing of meals . take wit a full glass of water - . this product can be administered Bullets: 5 pt. solid square Zapf Dingbats - - - - - - - - -, NDG 63824-072-28 . ií f') l I fll'l, í .. -; .¡ ¿ =- iI- í ; 1"1 MucinE~DM 1200 mg guaifenesin and 60 mg dextromethorphan HBr extended-release bi-Iayer tablets EXPECTORANT COUGH SUPPRESSANT . THERAPWTlCS- us Pat 6,95,821 82 .J \) 041007 J' ÎtEšrlRATORY USPat6,37,25281 e 2007. Distrbutd by Adams Respiratory Therapeutcs, Fort Wort,TX 76155 10040029 55/8" .
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