Children’s Hospital Foundation – Benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital CartWh Fall 2012 ls MAKING EVERY MINUTE COUNT NEW HEART VALVE MUSIC TO THE EARS INTENSIVE CARE ON THE ROAD COOL HEALTHY CHOICES In this issu ... Our quest to be the best! 3 Art helps kids cope I with depression 4 New less invasive heart valve surgery 6Louisville Concours d’Elegance 7 Interactive tool makes hospital stay more fun 8 Small babies receive special care 10 Intensive care available on the road 11 Healthy choices can n this issue of Cart Wheels, you will find the Children’s Hospital Foundation 2011 annual report. As the philanthropic arm of Kosair Children’s Hospital, the foundation is pleased to be able to play such a large role in ensuring that our community’s children have the medical care they need when they need it, while keeping kids as close to home as possible. We will continue to fill this role well into the future as we seek to help more and more children. Thanks to your support, we have some of the most talented and dedicated pediatric specialists and clinical and caregiving teams in the country ready to care for your child. You, too, are a critical part of this team — together with your support we provided care to more than 140,000 children in 2011. We have many accomplishments and milestones to celebrate and be thankful for, but we have even more to strive for in the future. During the past year, we were ranked among America’s Best Children’s Hospitals by U.S. News & World Report for the fourth consecutive year, and we began the first phase of transforming Norton Suburban Hospital into Norton Women’s Hospital and Kosair Children’s Hospital – St. Matthews, a medical campus that will be dedicated to the special needs of women and children through all ages and stages of life. Moving ahead, we look forward to providing funding for growth on our downtown Louisville campus, including the areas of oncology, neonatal intensive care and outpatient services; and Kosair Children’s Hospital – St. Matthews, which will begin serving pediatric surgical patients in January 2013. We also will continue funding initiatives that support programs, equipment, research, advocacy and education. None of this is possible without your ongoing support of our mission. On behalf of everyone at Kosair Children’s Hospital and Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro, we thank you for being a part of our team. be fun 12 News and Notes 14 Upcoming Events 15 Children’s Hospital Foundation 2011 Annual Report Dean Lavenson Photo On the cover: Landan and Braydan Flowers of Taylorsville, Ky. See page 8 2 Thomas D. Kmetz Division President Women’s and Children’s Services President, Kosair Children’s Hospital Lynnie Meyer, MSN, R.N., CFRE Executive Director Children’s Hospital Foundation William Ehrig Chair Children’s Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees Overcoming childhood What you need to know to keep your child healthy depression and suicide Artistic expressions can open up communication with children Dean Lavenson Photo E ach year, suicide claims three times more lives than homicide in the United States. It is arguably the most preventable and one of the most devastating occurrences a family can experience, and it is happening in younger children. In youth ages 10 to 14, it is the third leading cause of death in the United States. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey of 16,000 adolescents, one in five admitted to having thought about suicide. One in six actually had thought through a plan to end his or her life. These alarming statistics are deserving of attention from both parents and professionals, who should know the warning signs as well as some tools to address them. “It’s not always easy for parents to distinguish between normal teenage angst, ‘hormones’ and clinical depression, particularly if a child has a hard time expressing feelings to others,” said Bryan D. Carter, Ph.D., pediatric psychologist and director of the Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Service at Kosair Children’s Hospital. “If you are concerned about your child, the most important thing you can do is listen carefully and openly, ask questions and avoid overreacting or being judgmental.” Dr. Carter, who is a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, also advises parents to be direct. Ask if your child has thought about suicide or a suicide plan. If the child expresses that it would be better if he or she were not alive, that others would be better off without him or her around, or the child wants to end his or her life, always take it seriously. Have your child evaluated by a qualified child/adolescent mental health specialist. Kosair Children’s Hospital has an inpatient short-term care psychiatric unit dedicated to the mental health of children and adolescents ages 2 to 18. While in the unit, children are observed and evaluated in a therapeutic setting. Expressive art therapy is one effective tool employed by psychiatry unit staff in communicating with, evaluating and treating children with depression and other emotional or behavioral disorders. Patients are given an array of art mediums and the freedom to express their thoughts and feelings in any form they wish. Some of the most popular mediums include paint, magazines, pencils and even ceramic masks. Patients are given time to create almost every day as part of their therapy and evaluation while in the unit. They take their works home when they leave. “The art gives me questions to ask, but it doesn’t give me answers,” said Judi Magder, pediatric art therapist at Kosair Children’s Hospital. Rather than trying to interpret art, Magder has the child interpret it for her. She asks questions about the piece and lets the child explain what is happening, what might happen next and what the characters in the piece are experiencing. “We often project our feelings into art we create, but it is important not to project our feelings onto someone else’s art,” Magder said. “It is merely a medium to open up communication — but a very powerful one.” Suicide is preventable. To speak with a professional, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-TALK (8255). –Lyndsay Mountz Warning signs of depression and suicide risk in children • • • • • • • • • C A R T W H E E L S Decreased performance in school Social withdrawal Increased worry and anxiety Sleep disturbances Aggression Increased impulsiveness or risk-taking behaviors Irritability and easily frustrated Increased complaints of aches, pain, fatigue Triggered by/reactive to “small upsets” 3 The Melody minimally invasive Changing the tune for kids needing The last thing any parent wants for their child is to endure open-heart surgery. But that’s what Tamara and Henry Buchanan faced with their son, Austin — not once, but three times. S hortly after birth, Austin was diagnosed with a rare, complex congenital heart defect called tetralogy of Fallot. Austin’s heart had a hole the size of a quarter and a severe narrowing of the pulmonary valve that would require open-heart surgery. “His murmur was so strong you could feel it,” Tamara said. “And I remember when he was in the bathtub, his heart would beat so hard it would cause the water to ripple.” Surgeons in Mississippi, where Austin was born, planned to wait to perform open-heart surgery until Austin was 36 pounds to make it as safe as possible. However, he started having “blue spells” and ended up undergoing surgery when he was just 19 pounds. Cyanotic spells (blue spells) are a common side effect of tetralogy of Fallot due to low oxygen levels in the blood that cause the skin to appear blue. Two more open-heart surgeries followed over the next 10 years to replace his pulmonary valve. “Artificial heart valves tend to wear out or children outgrow them and need larger ones,” said Ryan Leahy, M.D., pediatric cardiologist and assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. “In the past this meant that these children would face invasive open-heart surgeries for the rest of their lives.” Open-heart surgery requires a large incision in the chest and cutting through muscles, tissue and sometimes the chest bone and ribs. The large incision puts the patient at risk for infection and blood loss among other complications. Recovery usually is long and painful. Austin Buchanan of Bowling Green, Ky. 4 heart valve heart surgery In 2003 Austin and his family moved to Bowling Green, Ky., where luckily he was not very far from Dr. Leahy and the experts at the Congenital Heart Center at Kosair Children’s Hospital, who also care for patients at a clinic in Bowling Green. “The scar tissue from his open-heart surgeries caused Austin to develop lung disease and suffer a stroke,” Tamara said. “When we heard about the Melody heart valve, we were so excited and relieved that he may never need another open-heart surgery.” “The Melody Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve, or Melody valve, is a new alternative to traditional artificial heart valves for patients with congenital heart disease and failing artificial pulmonary valves,” Dr. Leahy said. “What’s exciting is it is inserted using a minimally invasive, catheter-based procedure.” The catheter-based procedure is performed in the Kosair Children’s Hospital cardiac catheterization lab. The valve is mounted to a balloon on a catheter, inserted through a vein in the leg, and then threaded up to the heart to be put into place. The patient is asleep for the procedure and wakes up virtually pain-free with just a tiny incision in the leg. “Through minimally invasive techniques and avoiding open-heart surgery, patients have a shorter hospital stay, less pain and a much quicker overall recovery,” Dr. Leahy said. “It means kids get back to being kids faster.” Austin received his Melody valve in March. He spent the night in the hospital for observation but, according to his mom, was “raring to go.” “He came home with no medications — not even pain medication — just aspirin,” Tamara said. “Since getting the Melody valve he has more energy and says he feels better.” Though Austin is mentally limited due to complications of his heart condition, he works at a local restaurant and, like just about every other 20-year-old young man, loves playing Xbox. Austin has checkups with Dr. Leahy a few times a year. Since heart valves do wear out over a lifetime, it’s possible Austin may need another valve replacement, but it’s a relief to know it will be through a tiny incision in his leg instead of a large incision in his chest. –Jennifer Reynolds Singing the praises of the Melody heart valve Kosair Children’s Hospital is the only hospital in Kentucky offering the Melody valve procedure, which also can be implanted in adults with heart valve disorders. Dr. Leahy and his colleague Edward Kim, M.D., director of the cardiac catheterization lab at Kosair Children’s Hospital and assistant professor of pediatric cardiology at the University cardiologists in Kentucky performing the procedure. Visit for information on supporting children Dean Lavenson Photo of Louisville, are the only two pediatric like Austin. 5 Louisville Concours d’Elegance rolls into town Benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital T he 2012 Louisville Concours d’Elegance rolls into town Oct. 7 at Churchill Downs. This year the event benefits Kosair Children’s Hospital. Louisville Concours is not just a fancy car show. By definition it is a competition of elegance and refers to a gathering of cars that is judged on appearance. “The judges at the Louisville Concours will be looking for authenticity and quality workmanship in each area of the vehicle,” said John Carlson, chief judge and a permanent class judge at the prestigious Pebble Beach Concours. “The judges will use a 100-point deduction system, which is divided into categories that include body and paint finish, bright work, engine compartment detail, upholstery, chassis finish and window glass. Each area will be examined for the correct components as well as the proper installation and finish.” This year’s event will feature Cadillac and Porsche Racing, but they are not the usual cars you’d see on the street. You can expect to see vintage as well as pre- and post-war Cadillacs. The Porsche realm will include vehicles that were purpose-built for racing. Other classes will include European and American classic cars, muscle cars, Corvettes and hot rods. In all, the event will feature 120 of the rarest, most elegant historic and collector cars in the country. For younger event-goers, there will be a special kids and cars area plus an antique fire truck display. –Maggie Roetker Louisville Concours d’Elegance events “Dawn at the Downs” Champagne Brunch Saturday, Oct. 6, 8 a.m. Tickets are $75 per person and include a private viewing of morning workouts of the racehorses at the track, a champagne brunch at the Kentucky Derby Museum and a private tour of Churchill Downs. Concours d’Elegance Dean Lavenson Photo Sunday, Oct. 7, in the Churchill Downs infield. Gates open at 11 a.m.; awards ceremony at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person in advance or $20 at the gate. Group discounts are available. VIP passes are $100 and include access to a VIP tent with buffet and drinks. For more information, visit To purchase group discounts or tickets in advance, call (502) 629-KIDS. 6 “ comes to life at Kosair Children’s Hospital C A R T GetWell Town has been a great addition to our daughter’s inpatient stays at the hospital. It’s given our family countless opportunities to April Rietze Photo A s part of its mission of providing care “Just for Kids,” Kosair Children’s Hospital is always looking for ways to improve patients’ and families’ experiences while they spend time in the hospital. A new way the hospital is doing just that is with the installation of the “GetWell Network.” Funding provided by the Children’s Hospital Foundation, in partnership with the Team Shaan Foundation, allowed for all patient rooms to be connected with this new interactive patient care system. The GetWell Network incorporates the best in health education, age-relevant content and entertainment that patients can access from the television in their room. The GetWell Network engages patients and families in their own care by providing easy access to valuable health education resources that are presented in a fun way. “GetWell Town,” the network’s easy-to-use platform built specifically for pediatric facilities, allows staff to order educational materials specific to each patient’s condition. The system also allows service requests and communication from patients to be routed to the most appropriate staff member so that patients’ needs can be met as quickly as possible. “GetWell Town helps patients become active participants in their care,” said Cis Gruebbel, R.N., vice president of pediatric operations and chief nursing officer at Kosair Children’s Hospital. “Patients and families are empowered with kidfriendly educational materials and other hospital resources at their fingertips. This helps our caregivers deliver an even more personalized experience, and it helps our patients and families stay engaged with their health needs on a long-term basis.” What kids especially like about the GetWell Network is the broad range of entertainment features, such as TV, movies, Internet service, games and music. Parents have their own set of tools to learn about their child’s diagnosis, prescribed medicines, upcoming surgeries and more, ensuring that families are well prepared to support their child’s individualized needs and care plan. “GetWell Town has been a great addition to our daughter’s inpatient stays at the hospital,” said James Frazier, whose daughter, Kirsten, is 15. “It’s given our family countless opportunities to find additional education that we can access whenever we want. Having the Internet, movies and games available has been helpful in making our long stays a little easier.” For more information about the GetWell Network at Kosair Children’s Hospital, visit find additional education that we can access whenever we want. Having the Internet, movies and games available has been helpful in making our long stays a little easier.” –James Frazier, father of patient Kirsten Frazier Shannon Davis, R.N., helps Robert Keeney of Fort Knox, Ky., enjoy GetWell Town from his room. –Lauren Davis W H E E L S 7 Every minute became precious to Michele and Larry Flowers once they learned that at age 41, Michele was pregnant and expecting triplets — identical twins and one fraternal triplet — all boys. At 19 weeks she found out that the fraternal triplet had a congenital heart defect that could be corrected once he was born. As the Flowers family prepared for three babies and open-heart surgery shortly after delivery, they had no idea they were about to face such a difficult journey. At 25 weeks, Michele went into preterm labor and was admitted to Norton Hospital and placed on bed rest. While there, the Flowers family toured the neonatal intensive care unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital, which is connected by pedway to Norton Hospital. They wanted to see where their triplets would go once they were born. “The staff was great,” Michele said. “They gave us a lot of helpful information, showed us around the unit and even showed us an example of the size of our babies at 25 weeks.” when the Flowers family saw them for the first time, they were overwhelmed but hopeful as their boys continued to fight each minute to survive. “The nurses and staff of the NICU helped us appreciate and treasure each moment as we learned what type of struggles and battles were ahead,” Michele said. “One of my most prized possessions is a Thanksgiving card that the nurses made with Landan and Braydan’s handprints and Caydan’s footprint. It was my first greeting card from our boys.” While Caydan was in the most critical condition, the Flowers family appreciated that the NICU nurses and staff cared for each one of their triplets with the utmost care. “They not only cared for our children but also helped us experience special milestones while we were in the NICU, like the first time they were big enough to wear clothes,” Larry said. MAKING EVERY MINUTE COUNT From high tech to high touch, the NICU is a special place for special babies Michele and Larry left feeling prepared and educated for what they might face. “As with any set of multiples, we knew there were going to be challenges upon their arrival,” said Tamina Singh, M.D., neonatologist with Neonatal Associates PSC. “The complication of one of the babies having a congenital defect added an extra challenge for our team to prepare for.” On Nov. 17, at almost 27 weeks, Michele went into preterm labor again and was rushed in for an emergency cesarean section. Less than 10 minutes after going into labor, the Kosair Children’s Hospital NICU team was set up and included approximately 18 nurses and staff along with three incubators. “Our team was ready for the triplets when we got the call,” said Dr. Singh, who also is assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. “It was a team approach paired with ‘drills’ and a plan of action that allowed us to be ready for the triplets by the time Michele arrived for delivery.” Identical twins, Landan and Braydan, and fraternal triplet, Caydan, were born weighing 2 pounds, 1 ounce; 1 pound, 14 ounces; and 1 pound, 8 ounces, respectively. Each one was rushed to the NICU, placed on a ventilator to help him breathe and diligently cared for by the staff in the unit. With their eyes still fused together, ears still developing and feet less than 2 inches long, they had a long road ahead. A few hours later, 8 At the boys’ 1-month birthday, the staff helped the family celebrate by capturing a priceless moment of all three boys in an incubator together. “I had no idea how special that photo would be until Caydan lost his fight and passed away in my arms just three days later,” Michele said. Even then Michele and Larry were overwhelmed by the support they received from the staff in the NICU during their greatest time of need. After 81 days in the NICU, Landan and Braydan were able to go home. Today, at 21 months old, neither have physical or developmental concerns, and they have hit every growth milestone on the mark. The Flowers family continues to remember Caydan every day. “Landan’s first word was ‘baby’ as he was looking at a picture of Caydan,” Michele said. “We would not have been able to remember and enjoy that moment without all the effort, support and readiness shown by the staff in the NICU at Kosair Children’s Hospital each and every minute our family was there.” –Lauren Davis Dean Lavenson Photo Larry, Michele, Landan and Braydan Flowers visit with Tamina Singh, M.D., Neonatal Associates PSC (foreground). Piggies for Preemies! Help Kosair Children’s Hospital continue exceptional care for premature babies Piggies for Preemies, sponsored by BB&T, is an effort focused on raising funds to assist with the expansion of the neonatal intensive care unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital. Contact the Children’s Hospital Foundation to pick up your “Piggie” and help support C A R T W H E E L S the cause. Fill your Piggie and return it to the Children’s Hospital Foundation office for a chance to win a $500 scholarship. For more information, contact the Children’s Hospital Foundation at (502) 629-8060 or 9 Dean Lavenson Photo Sarah Badgett, respiratory therapist; Bob Morris, emergency medical technician; and Trisha Hardy, R.N., are three of the 27 “Just for Kids” Transport Team members. ‘Just for Kids’ Transport Team Specialized pediatric care on the road and in the air W hile many kids are awestruck to see sirens and flashing lights whirring by, when they are the ones being transported in an emergency vehicle it can be a frightening experience. The “Just for Kids” Transport Team at Kosair Children’s Hospital understands and provides emotional as well as expert medical care for kids and families on their way to Kosair Children’s Hospital. One parent knows all too well. Also a physician at Hardin Memorial Hospital in Elizabethtown, Ky., Todd Bell, D.O., has been on both sides of the ambulance door, so to speak. “In my personal and professional experience, the ‘Just for Kids’ Transport Team has been very calming to both patients and their families,” Dr. Bell said. “They are confident and reassuring at times when that is exactly what is needed.” Dr. Bell’s son, Zane, was treated for pneumonia at Hardin Memorial when he was 19 months old. When it was clear that Zane’s condition was not improving, he needed to be transported more than 40 miles to Kosair Children’s Hospital. Dr. Bell and his wife, Tanya, felt confident in the team’s ability to care for their son. The “Just for Kids” Transport Team is a unique group composed of 27 individuals. There are nine teams of three who rotate shifts and are on call 24/7. Each team has one respiratory therapist, one registered nurse and one emergency medical technician (EMT). They care for some of the most fragile, critically ill patients who come to the hospital for specialized care. But even those qualifications aren’t enough. The “Just for Kids” Transport Team is extremely selective. Each nurse 10 and respiratory therapist is required to have at least three years’ experience in the Kosair Children’s Hospital neonatal intensive care unit or pediatric intensive care unit before being considered for a position on the team. EMTs are required to have a minimum of two years’ experience in their profession. These qualifications, combined with the most advanced medical equipment, create what is referred to as a mobile intensive care unit. Not only does the team use specially equipped ambulances for ground transportation, they have an airplane and helicopter for covering longer distances or when time is critical. The air vehicles also are equipped with sophisticated, sometimes lifesustaining, technology. Recognizing the importance of the transport team’s unique service, Speedway recently made a generous gift to the Children’s Hospital Foundation to purchase a new “Just for Kids” ambulance. This state-of-the-art vehicle is equipped with special features that make it more functional and more comfortable for patients. The vehicle has already accrued more than 30,000 miles and transported more than 300 patients in the eight months it has been in service. In addition, Speedway provided funds to refurbish and modernize two ambulances — a gift totaling $1.5 million. This amount also includes funding for the emergency department at Kosair Children’s Hospital – St. Matthews, opening in 2014. Would you like to help support the lifesaving efforts of the “Just for Kids” Transport Team? To learn how, visit –Lyndsay Mountz for making healthy choices fun for kids Getting kids to eat healthy, nutritious food and be more active doesn’t have to be “mission impossible.” “Changing your child’s eating habits and making a game of kickball outside sound more fun than an online video game doesn’t have to be an uphill battle,” said Amy Medley, coordinator and health educator, Children’s Hospital Foundation Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital. Several tools and resources are available to help. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently changed its national model for healthy eating from a pyramid to a dinner plate, called “My Plate.” My Plate is an easy and fun way to visualize how much and what to eat by picturing your meal on a plate. One-half of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruit, because they are full of vitamins and minerals. One-quarter of the plate should be filled with protein, like baked chicken, low-fat grilled beef or an egg. The other one-quarter should be filled with a starch, like yams, sweet potatoes or a serving of whole wheat bread. Another way to make healthy food fun for your family is to prepare meals together. Also, learning fun facts about fruits and vegetables is a great way of getting kids’ attention. For example, here are just a few interesting facts about the food you eat: • Strawberries can make your teeth whiter. They have an enzyme that helps get rid of stains on your teeth. • Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. • Apples are made of 25 percent air, which is why they float. Dean Lavenson Photo Artésia Watts of Louisville, Ky. C A R T W H E E L S “Kicking the couch to the curb and encouraging your kids to be more active can be as easy as ‘5-2-1-0,’” Medley said. “These four numbers help kids remember to eat 5 fruits and vegetables, watch 2 hours or less of TV, get 1 hour of physical activity and drink 0 sugary drinks.” For more information about My Plate or the 5-2-1-0 campaign, visit Follow the “5-2-1-0 program” every day: 5 2 hours or less TV time 1 –Michelle Robey or more fruits and vegetables hour or more of physical activity It’s all about me The Children’s Hospital sugary soft and Foundation Office of Child sports drinks Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital recently developed several new materials designed to encourage kids to be more active and make healthier food choices. A grant from the Children’s Hospital Foundation through Kohl’s Fun-tastic Fitness Program made it possible to produce a video featuring local kids and their parents in a reality show format; an accompanying booklet that provides nutrition tips, recipes and other helpful resources; and a brochure titled “My Great Healthy Plate.” The Kohl’s Fun-tastic Fitness Program is part of the Kohl’s “Just for Kids” C.A.R.E. (Child Advocacy Regional Education) Program, a partnership between Kosair Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s department stores. To receive a copy of the videos, booklet or brochure, call (502) 629-7358. To learn more about supporting this program and other Kosair Children’s Hospital prevention and wellness efforts, visit 0 Adapted from materials developed by Let’s Go! 11 N ws and Not s Through a $50,000 grant provided by the Northwestern Mutual Foundation to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, the Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital was able to bring a successful program called “Fun Steps” to elementary school students in the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. in Indiana. Northwestern Mutual representatives, along with 65 members of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana’s Young Professionals Network, visited 13 elementary schools monthly during the past school year to mentor students on healthy eating habits and getting regular physical activity. Participating students received pedometers at the Northwestern Mutual financial representative Andrew Rice with a classroom of fourth-grade beginning of the program to track their activity. The students at Stockwell Elementary School he mentored as part of the “Fun Steps” program. data was downloaded into a classroom computer program each week. Students also completed a series of five “Programs like Fun Steps help our community’s children grow up challenges, often with the young professionals cheering them on, healthy so they can learn and reach their potential,” said Andrew encouraging them to walk as many steps as they could and helping Rice, Northwestern Mutual financial representative. “What’s better them make small changes toward better health. Throughout the than that?” school year, the students were given awards and incentives. Photo provided by Northwestern Mutual Northwestern Mutual supports teaching healthy habits in Evansville schools Hwang’s Martial Arts kicks up fundraising for Kosair Children’s Hospital “Just for Kids” Critical Care Center receives Beacon Award for Excellence The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses recently honored the “Just for Kids” Critical Care Center at Kosair Children’s Hospital with a silver-level Beacon Award for Excellence. The “Just for Kids” Critical Care Center is one of only three nursing units in Kentucky, and the only pediatric unit in the state, to receive a Beacon Award for Excellence. 12 Photo provided by Hwang’s Martial Arts Hwang’s Martial Arts continues to support Kosair Children’s Hospital and has given $200,000 to support the future Kosair Children’s Hospital – St. Matthews campus, as well as the neonatal intensive care unit and Addison Jo Blair Cancer Care Center at the downtown Kosair Children’s Hospital. “Our mission is the same as Kosair Children’s Hospital in that we do this for the kids,” said Grandmaster Jung Oh Hwang of Hwang’s Martial Arts. “They are our future.” The Hwang family (left to right): Sun S. Hwang; Grandmaster Jung Oh Hwang, a silver medalist in the 1984 Olympic Games; and Master Mimi Hwang Photo provided by Capt. Scott Marler Former patients and families reunite with caregivers at NICU reunions Soldiers from Ft. Knox walked to Kosair Children’s Hospital to visit children and deliver toys. One step at a time – just for kids! On May 19, 2012, Norton Suburban Hospital hosted an ice cream social and reunion for graduates of the Kosair Children’s NICU at Norton Suburban. Graduates, families, NICU staff and physicians spent a sunny afternoon on the front lawn of the hospital catching up and enjoying ice cream, music, games and face painting. Special thanks to Dippin’ Dots, All About Kids and The Hornet’s Nest Elite Art Studio for making the day a huge success. More than 1,200 NICU graduates and their families gathered at the Louisville Zoo on June 2, 2012, for the sixth annual Kosair Children’s Hospital NICU and 3N reunion. Graduates and families spent the day visiting with nurses, physicians and other caregivers who cared for them during their stay. Attendees enjoyed food, face painting, games and music. This year’s event boasted the largest attendance to date. Special thanks to White Castle, PepsiCo, Meijer, Gordon Food Service, The Hornet’s Nest Elite Art Studio, All About Kids and Incredible Dave’s. This past spring, soldiers from the Fort Knox Warrior Transition Battalion walked from their Army post to downtown Louisville to deliver stuffed animals, toys and games to the kids at Kosair Children’s Hospital. Children and their families were most appreciative of the visit, gifts and the effort it took to get there! The soldiers carried 40-pound rucksacks on their approximately 30-mile, two-day foot march. On May 4, 2012, celebrity chef and TV personality Guy Fieri made a special visit to Kosair Children’s Hospital after he hosted the Marriott Oaks Bourbon Brunch benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital. Fieri put on a spectacular show at the Louisville Marriott Downtown while more than 450 guests enjoyed a delicious meal prior to their Oaks day festivities. In typical form, after the show Fieri auctioned off everything from the bourbon barrels to the pans he used on stage to raise money for Kosair Children’s Hospital. Jamie Rhodes Photos Guy Fieri makes a special visit to Louisville and Kosair Children’s Hospital The Kosair Children’s Hospital NICU and 3N reunion featured a map showing the many hometowns of NICU/3N graduates. Guy Fieri meets Addison Miles while visiting the hospital. C A R T W H E E L S 13 Upcoming Ev nts CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair William J. Ehrig Civic Volunteer Retired Senior Director, Government Relations Yum! Brands Inc. For more information on events listed below, call (502) 629-KIDS or visit AUGUST Vice Chairs Cindi Shrader Financial Planner, MetLife Peter Tevebaugh Director of Finance, Mytex Polymers Hoyt Almond Community Bank President, BB&T Lee Ashton Vice President and Director International Human Resources & Global Talent Acquisition, Brown-Forman Corp. Now to Nov. 17 Terrian C. Barnes Retired Chief Diversity Officer Yum! Brands Inc. Ryan Bridgeman President and Owner, RJE LLC David Burianek Director of Medicare Service Operations Humana Inc. SEPTEMBER Jackie Cain President, TWIGS of Kosair Children’s Hospital Jose Neil Donis Publisher, Al Día en América Jonathan E. Dubins Pilot, UPS 14 Bruce Dudley Partner, Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP Robert D. Evans Project Manager, Actus Lend Lease Keith Johnson President and CEO, First Federal Savings Bank 22 Karen L. Keith Attorney, McMasters Keith Inc. Jim Lacy CFO and Counsel, ZirMed Inc. Dana Bynum Mayton Vice President, Government Relations University of Louisville OCTOBER Wayne Mortenson, DMD President and Owner, Mortenson Family Dental Nicole Moseley, APRN Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Associates PSC Purchase a chance to win a 2013 Sam Swope BMW plus $10,000 and a house in Norton Commons valued at approximately $300,000. Tickets are $100 each. Only 8,000 will be sold. Buy tickets at or by calling (502) 629-KIDS. Sponsored by Norton Commons, Sam Swope BMW, Burdorf’s Furnishings & Flooring, Main Line Broadcasting and Walmart. American Girl Fashion Show kickoff event, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Barnes & Noble at The Summit. Fun American Girl activities; meet author of the 2012 American Girl of the Year book, “McKenna”; win door prizes; and find out Today’s Girl winners. Bike to Beat Cancer, benefiting Amy Garlove, M.D. Pediatrician, Kosair Children’s Medical Associates – Dupont Connie Hayes-Badon Assistant Treasurer, Yum! Brands Inc. Win a house. Help a child. 7 Paul Oberst Civic Volunteer Norton Cancer Institute. Choose to ride 35, 65 or 100 miles, starting and ending at Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro. Sign up at Designate funds you raise to support cancer care at Kosair Children’s Hospital. Louisville Concours d’Elegance, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Churchill Downs infield. A showcase of rare historic and collector automobiles, featuring Cadillac and Porsche Racing. See page 6 for details. Tonii Rizzo Senior Vice President, Abel Construction American Girl Fashion Show®, G. Hunt Rounsavall Jr. Attorney, Rounsavall Title Group Eddie Smith Regional Vice President of Restaurant Operations White Castle 13 and 14 Debbie Waiz Civic Volunteer Marita Willis Vice President of Community Development PNC Bank Pamela Wilson President, Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Richard S. Wolf, M.D. Retired Medical Director, Kosair Children’s Hospital NOVEMBER 9 to 11 Thomas Kmetz President, Kosair Children’s Hospital The Rev. Ronald C. Oliver, Ph.D., BCC Vice President, Mission and Outreach Norton Healthcare Lynnie Meyer, MSN, R.N., CFRE Executive Director Children’s Hospital Foundation The Seelbach Hilton. Hosted by the Children’s Hospital Foundation to benefit Kosair Children’s Hospital. Tickets on sale now. Festival of Trees & Lights, presented by Republic Bank, at Louisville Slugger Field. Kosair Children’s Hospital Radiothon, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hosted 15 and 16 by Main Line Broadcasting stations B96.5, 99.7 WDJX, 102.3 The Max, Magic 101.3 and 105.1 FM Talk through the Children’s Miracle Network. C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l F o u n d a t i o n 2 0 1 1 Children’s Hospital Foundation 2011 financial information A n n u a l R e p o r t Creating a legacy ‘Just for Kids’ Ways to give There are numerous ways you can support the vital, lifesaving work provided by the caregivers at Kosair Children’s Hospital and Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro, such as through gifts of cash, appreciated stock or naming the Children’s Hospital Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or trust. 2011 A look back at 2011 JANUARY • Children’s Hospital Foundation awards a grant of $348,070 to fully fund the Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Net assets Unrestricted 26,763,333 Temporarily restricted* 28,347,626 Permanently restricted* 17,311,598 Total net assets 72,422,557 Hospital. • Children’s Hospital Foundation provides funding for pediatric pastoral care programs for psychiatry, bereavement, oncology and medical/surgical units. Revenue Contributions other than bequests 10,682,414 FEBRUARY Bequests 936,399 • A new outpatient center for lactation Total revenue 11,618,813 services opens at Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro. It offers lactation counseling and assistance to Expenses Hospital programs/services 5,374,018 Foundation expenses: breastfeeding mothers and nutritional services for their babies. The center is part of a citywide initiative to promote – Personnel and benefits 1,290,707 – Supplies and postage 317,791 – Occupancy 95,583 – Fees, special services, other 515,444 Total operating expenses 7,593,543 breastfeeding. • The Evans family of Simpsonville, Ky., commits $1 million to the Children’s Hospital Foundation to create the Hanna Catherine Evans Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program at Change in net assets 4,025,270 Net investment activity (850,425) Total increase/(decrease) in net assets 3,174,845 Other philanthropic support paid directly to 5,876,035 Kosair Children’s Hospital Total philanthropic support for Kosair Children’s Hospital 17,494,848 Kosair Children’s Hospital in memory of their daughter Hanna. MARCH • Annual University of Louisville Dance Marathon, sponsored by Chili’s Grill and Bar, raises more than $74,000. • Rockin’ for Kids annual kids’ concert raises funds to support the Kosair Children’s music therapy program. *Temporarily restricted net assets are limited by donors to a specific time period or purpose. Permanently restricted net assets have been restricted by donors to be maintained by the foundation in perpetuity. • More than 5,000 kindergarten students and 1,200 parents and teachers attend For more information about supporting Kosair Children’s Hospital or volunteering, contact the Children’s Hospital Foundation at (502) 629-8060 or, or visit Children and Hospitals Week, an event hosted by the Children’s Hospital Foundation Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital to help lessen children’s fears about hospitals. C A R T W H E E L S 15 C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l MARCH (continued) • Kosair Children’s Hospital is designated a Medal of Honor hospital by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for organ donation support and a bronze medal hospital for kidney transplant success. APRIL • Running for Kids team completes the Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon/ miniMarathon and raises funds for Kosair Children’s Hospital. • Thomas D. Kmetz, president of Kosair Children’s Hospital and Pediatric Services, is named one of 12 board members for a new organization, the Children’s Hospital Association, created by the merger of three national children’s hospital organizations: the Child Health Corporation of America, National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions and the National Association of Children’s Hospitals. • Annual Children’s Hospital Foundation MAY • Kosair Children’s Hospital ranks among the top children’s hospitals nationwide in cancer, cardiology and heart surgery, gastroenterology, neonatology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopaedics, pulmonology and urology in U.S. News & World Report’s 2011-12 Best Children’s Hospitals listing. • Eleven families give more than $3.45 million in irrevocable planned gifts to the Children’s Hospital Foundation and Norton Healthcare Foundation; these families are inducted into the Wade Mountz Heritage Society. • More than 3,000 people attend the Kosair Children’s Hospital NICU and 3N 16 2 0 1 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t Children’s Hospital Foundation 2011 donors *Denotes Norton Healthcare employee **Denotes 10-year consecutive donor, 2002 to 2011 †Deceased For a list of memorial and tribute donations, visit Red Wagon Hall of Fame, $1 million and above lifetime giving Established in August 2005, the Red Wagon Hall of Fame honors donors who have given a gift of $1 million or more to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Donors are recognized with a special red wagon panel on the Children’s Hospital Foundation Wall of Light and Life in the lobby of Kosair Children’s Hospital. The following donors are members of the Red Wagon Hall of Fame thanks to their generous lifetime giving. 2011 inductees Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Blair/Addison Jo Blair Foundation Children’s Miracle Network Rob & Jennifer Evans & Family/Hanna’s Day of Hope Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Nunn/Ellie Cat’s Crew Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Other members Leo & Edris B. Atkins Estate Robert E. Brennan Trust U.W. Crescent Hill Woman’s Club Bernadine Deis Estate Elizabeth Turner Campbell Foundation Festival of Trees & Lights Lewis & Margaret Herndon Trust Fund Highland & Associates Frances R. Jeffress Trust Fund Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Mr. & Mrs. William T. Mills & Family Claiborne Pirtle Trust Fund U.A. Republic Bank & Trust Co. Irvin S. Rider Jr. Estate The Robert W. Rounsavall Jr. Family Foundation Inc. Jeanne V. Spicker Estate Charlotte Silver Thompson & Margaret L. & Howard Thompson Estates TWIGS of Kosair Children’s Hospital WHAS Crusade for Children Inc. Wade Mountz Heritage Society Golf Outing raises $321,858. Reunion at the Louisville Zoo. F o u n d a t i o n Established in 2008, the Wade Mountz Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have made irrevocable planned gifts of $100,000 or more to support the mission and vision of Kosair Children’s Hospital through the Children’s Hospital Foundation and/or the adultservice hospitals and service lines of Norton Healthcare through the Norton Healthcare Foundation. The following donors are members of the Wade Mountz Heritage Society: Anonymous Mr. Max Baumgardner Ms. Dorothy Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Blair Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Cox Dr. Elizabeth P. Cressman Mr. Jonathan E. Dubins Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ehrig Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Eighmey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Evans Mrs. Glenda L. Ford Mrs. Shelley & Mr. Keith J. Gast Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gruebbel Mr. & Mrs. R.K. Guillaume Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harryman Mrs. Mary Hass & Mr. Ray Hass Mr. & Mrs. Albin B. Hayes Jr. Mrs. Charlotte Hemann Dr. & Mrs. Steven T. Hester Mr. & Mrs. Robin Ipsan & Mr. Ian Ipsan Ms. Debbie Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kmetz Ms. Mary Lynn Meyer & Family Mr. & Mrs. William T. Mills III & Family Mr. & Mrs. Wade Mountz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Gouverneur H. Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Nunn Mr. & Mrs. George O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. G. Hunt Rounsavall Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Schmiedeler Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shrader Mr. & Mrs. John L. Smart Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Stewart Mr. Samuel G. Swope Mrs. Charlotte S. and Mr. L.E. “Sonny” Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Wardell Mr. & Mrs. Scott Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Dr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Wright Col. Clancy B. York† Circle of Innovation, $500,000 - $999,999 Children’s Miracle Network Elizabeth Turner Campbell Foundation Mrs. Glenda L. Ford Speedway LLC Circle of Progress, $250,000 - $499,999 Mrs. Dorothy Beaulieu Davis Burrus Estate Mary Catherine Childers Trust Festival of Trees & Lights** Charlotte Silver Thompson Estate U.S. Department of Health & Human Services WHAS Crusade for Children Inc. Mary Lafon Circle, $100,000 - $249,999 Anonymous Drs. Suresh & Sudha Alankar Apprio Haiti Relief Fund Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Bond III Bourbon & BowtiesTM: A Taste of Corbett’s 2011 Robert E. Brennan Trust** BraveHearts Commission for Children With Special Health Care Needs FedEx Ground Package System Ms. Sandra Anne Frazier Dr. & Mrs. Steven T. Hester* Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kmetz* Kohl’s Cares for Kids Eleanor Jeannette Lawson Estate Lucille S. Mattingly Estate Evans McWilliams Estate Claiborne Pirtle Trust** Republic Bank & Trust Co. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Smart Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Scott Watkins* ** Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf** Dr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Wright* ** Circle of Life/Champions for Kids, $50,000 - $99,999 American Girl Fashion Show 2011 Butterflies for Maddie Chili’s Grill & Bar Circle K Midwest Commonwealth Bank & Trust Costco Wholesale Co. Lewis & Margaret Herndon Trust** Frances R. Jeffress Trust** Louisville Metro Government** Marriott Oaks Bourbon Brunch The McMahan Family Schmidt-Messmer Charitable Trust** Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Taylor The Robert W. Rounsavall Jr. Family Foundation Inc. University of Louisville Dance Marathon 2011 White Castle Ann McElroy Woodruff Estate President’s Circle, $25,000 - $49,999 Circle of Light, $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous** AT&T Kentucky Carol B. McFerran Memorial Fund** Community Health Charities of Kentucky Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Greathouse Shryock Traditional Elementary School Mr. & Mrs. J. David Grissom Dr. & Mrs. Diller B. Groff Hwang’s Martial Arts Lockton Companies LLC Mary Butler Longest Foundation Ms. Mary Catherine Louden** Love’s Travel Stops Newman’s Own Inc. Qdoba Mexican Grill River Road Asset Management Team Shaan Foundation Texas Roadhouse TWIGS of Kosair Children’s Hospital** Jewell S. White Estate Active Network AI International Mr. Hoyt Almond Ameresco Inc. AmerisourceBergen Corp. Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Arensman Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Barzun** BB&T Mr. Andrew & Dr. Maria M. Beck Bee Line Courier Service Inc. Blue & Co. H. F. Boehl Trust** Charlotte Bullock Trust** Cardinal Uniforms Inc. CB Richard Ellis/Louisville LLC Mildred Clark Estate Comstock Brothers Electric Co. The Courier-Journal Elonda Crafton Estate DaRob Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan M. Denham Dixie Properties Duke Realty Services Mr. & Mrs. William John Ehrig Alfred L. Elliott Sr. Estate Enterprise Rent-A-Car of Kentucky** Epic Epstein, Becker & Green P.C. Michael Gough* ** Cis Gruebbel* Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman PSC Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. Dr. Steve Heilman* HMS Host International Airport Hussung Mechanical Contractors Inc. Insight Midwest Holdings LLC Interlock Industries Inc. IQL Corp. O. H. Irvine Trust** Jefferson Community & Technical College Kentucky Fire Sprinkler Contractors Association Kids Konnect Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Kosair Children’s Hospital Medical Staff Lamkin Wealth Management Louisville Marriott Downtown The Maplewood Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Rick Maxwell Mrs. Esther B. McNerney Medline Industries Inc. Medtronic Inc. Meijer Inc. Messer Construction Co. Microsoft Corp. Middleton & Reutlinger Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mills Margaret Mitchell Estate Mortenson Family Dental OfficeMax Mr. & Mrs. Orson Oliver Corneille Overstreet Trust** Owen Funeral Homes Inc.** Mrs. J. Ann Owen Phillips, Parker, Orberson & Arnett PLC Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Pollard Pro Med Rehab Dr. Maria R. Puno Ms. Angela D. Rieger River City Radio Controllers Riverside Parking Inc. Mr. Clarence W. Robie Rockin’ for Kids 2011 Dr. John D. Rumisek Rumpke Securitas Security Services USA Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shircliff Mr. & Mrs. Chad F. Smith Stengel-Hill Architecture Inc. Tandem Public Relations Hannah Taylor Memorial Fund Team Braveheart Albert O. Thomas Trust Mr. & Mrs. Paul Torp Circle of Care, $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Abel Construction Co. Inc.** Alltech Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Erle H. Austin III** Mr. & Mrs. Greg Blakemore* ** Mr. & Mrs. Ivan E. Blankenship Jr. Bluegrass Family Health Boice Enterprises Opal Godfrey Brennan** Brown-Forman Corp.** Children’s Hospital Foundation Golf Outing Citi Cards Corbett Construction Co. Inc.** Tim & Patty Coury Dairy Queen Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Diebold Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Mr. & Mrs. James E. Dortch Ms. Virginia S. Frazier FTI Consulting Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gahm Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick Guillaume Mr. Kevin J. Hable Thomas H. Holman Trust Horizon Asset Management Horton Fruit Co. Humana Foundation Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Miss Hazel Jacob Kentucky Wireless Association Josephine Kruse Estate The Laurel Foundation Louisville Baseball Club Inc. Marriott International Meghan’s Mountain Charitable Foundation Morrison Management Specialists** Mr. Thomas D. Mueller Mr. Daniel C. Murphy Neonatal Associates PSC Mr. & Mrs. Norman V. Noltemeyer** L. Evelyn Norris Estate Northwestern Mutual Financial Network OfficeWare Omnicare Foundation Patrick Calhoun Jr. Charitable Trust** Pediatric Cardiology Associates PSC Sam & Bonnie Rechter Family Charitable Trust RE/MAX LLC Rite Aid Corp. Sherman Rostetter Trust Sam Swope BMW Scared & Cornfused Inc. Beatrice Shaffer Estate State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Tres Chic of Shelbyville Trilogy Health Services LLC United Graphics of Louisville United Parcel Service Foundation Inc. Valvoline Instant Oil Change Mr. Chad R. Watts Wings for Kids 2011 Yum! Brands Inc.** TRUiST Kathryn H. Trumbull Trust** Tyler Mob LLC United Fund Drive of Calvert City University Pediatrics Foundation Inc.** Mr. & Mrs. David A. Velander Mr. & Mrs. Doug Velander Juanita R. Wade Estate Dr. & Mrs. Gregory West Whittenburg Construction Co. The Wilbert Foundation Mr. Brian Wood Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP** ZirMed Inc. Circle of Miracles, $2,500 - $4,999 MAY (continued) • Students and faculty at Greathouse Shryock Traditional Elementary School raise $40,000 for Kosair Children’s Hospital during the school’s second “Kids for Kids” fundraising initiative. JUNE • Fourteen local chefs help raise $224,743 3M General Officer Ace Hardware Corp. Air Methods Corp. William C. Almstedt Foundation The American Bottling Co. Mr. Thad Barnes Bellarmine University Mr. & Mrs. David J. Burianek Carlon Roofing Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Casale Mr. Jay Charnes • Ms. Kim R. Charney Flora B. Cherry Trust Fund** CMTA Inc. CoventryCares of Kentucky Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Cox* ** Credit Unions for Kids Karl Danielson* Robert B. Diehl Fund Drake’s Restaurant Mr. Jonathan E. Dubins The Estopinal Group LLC Eye Research & Education Foundation Inc. Family Allergy & Asthma • Faulkner Real Estate Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Feller The Galt House & Suites Mr. Lee Garlove & Dr. Amy Garlove GE United Way Campaign Genentech Inc. Mr. Mark R. Gillming Mr. Neil Grunberg H & H Design-Build Henderson Services LLC • Michael A. Hendricks* Heritage Christian Academy I.N. Bloom Elementary School ICAP Energy LLC IHOP Restaurants Charlotte Ipsan* Mr. Eric L. Ison Eileen Jackson Estate Jim Beam Brands Co. Karlsberger Cos. Kentucky Hospital Association** Kindred Foundation Inc. Klosterman Baking Co. • Koch Filter Corp. KRONOS Laughlin Millea Hillman Architecture Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Levinsky Liter’s Inc. Carl A. Lochner Jr. Estate Logan’s Healthcare Linen Service Ms. Donna Logsdon • Lord & Taylor Lynnville Community Church Malco Theatres Inc. McMasters Keith Inc. Ms. Lynnie Meyer & Family* Mr. & Mrs. David E. Miller Morgan Stanley Foundation Mountjoy, Chilton & Medley LLP National Safe Kids Campaign** The Oliver Group Pediatric & Perinatal Pathology Associates PSC Pediatric Anesthesia Association PSC Pediatric Medical Education in honor of Laurel E. “Lala” Dortch at the second annual Bourbon & BowtiesTM: A Taste of Corbett’s. JULY Kohl’s Cares provides a grant of $197,976 to the Children’s Hospital Foundation to continue obesity prevention education as part of the Kohl’s “Just for Kids” C.A.R.E. (Child Advocacy Regional Education) Program at Kosair Children’s Hospital. WHAS Crusade for Children provides three grants totaling $680,805 to Kosair Children’s Hospital. AUGUST Foundation funds the continuation of Safety City, a child safety education program at Bates Elementary School for second- and third-grade children in Greater Louisville. SEPTEMBER The Bike to Beat Cancer raises $282,000 for Norton Cancer Institute, including pediatric cancer initiatives at Kosair Children’s Hospital. More than 300 pediatric cancer survivors and their families gather for a Carnival of Life hosted by physicians and staff from Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Specialists PSC, the Kosair Children’s Hospital Cancer Care and Renal Center, and the Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses. The event was sponsored by the Children’s Hospital Foundation, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Texas Roadhouse and California Pizza Kitchen. C A R T W H E E L S 17 C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l OCTOBER • Fifth annual American Girl Fashion Show raises more than $65,000 to support the NICU. The event was sponsored by Qdoba Mexican Grill. • Approximately 500 area elementary students participate in “Safe Kids Walk This Way,” a program led by the Children’s Hospital Foundation Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital and designed to point out dangerous traffic areas and teach children safe pedestrian habits. • Two Kosair Children’s Hospital volunteers, Barbara Bernard and Nick Hebert, are recognized with WLKY Bell Awards for their outstanding service. • Wes and Kelly Blair of Elizabethtown, Ky., make a $3 million gift in memory of their daughter, Addison Jo, to the pediatric oncology program at Kosair Children’s Hospital, renaming it the Addison Jo Blair Cancer Care Center. • The Children’s Hospital Foundation earns a top award from Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for having the highest percentage increase in funds given to Kosair Children’s Hospital in 2010. Donations were up 37 percent, the largest increase among similarly sized markets. NOVEMBER • Annual Festival of Trees & Lights, Snow Ball and Kosair Children’s Hospital Home and BMW Raffle raise $617,226 to support the trauma program and other needs at the hospital. • Third “Just for Kids” Radiothon on Main Line Broadcasting stations raises approximately $266,000, airing on 99.7 DJX, B96.5, Magic 101.3, 102.3 The Max and 105.1 FM Talk. • Wal-Mart commits $1 million in support of the trauma program. 18 F o u n d a t i o n Phi Mu Sorority Pine Tree Mechanical PNC Financial Services Group Pointer Management Co. Ponder & Co. Ready Electric Co. Inc. RecoverCare LLC Dr. Paige Hertweck Mr. G. Hunt Rounsavall Jr. S & J Lighting Lense Supply Inc. Dr. Christopher E. Smith Kristin Spalding Memorial Fund SpringHill & Fairfield Suites by Marriott Steel Technologies Inc. Stock Yards Bank & Trust Mr. & Mrs. Dick Swope Elizabeth C. Thomas Fund U.S. Foods UBS Americas PAC Charity Match Program UBS Financial Services Inc. United Mail Sorting Inc. University Cardiothoracic Surgical Associates PSC University Pediatric Surgery Associates PSC** Valley Creek Baptist Church W. W. Grainger Inc. Mary Ann & Rick Watkins* ** Whayne Supply Co.** Mrs. Cheri C. White Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Williams* ** Tracy Williams* Wilson W. Willis Estate Dr. Kenneth Wilson* Circle of Hope, $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (3) The Actus Community Fund Advanced Electrical Systems Inc. Akins Co. Inc. Dana Allen* AmStar Inc. Mr. Jack Antle Arco Aluminum Inc. Atrium Centers LLC Matthew Ayers* B. Braun Interventional Systems Inc. Mrs. Jeanne Baize Tina Emerson Ballard* ** Baron Capital Foundation Beach Mold & Tool Inc. Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation Inc. The Bellamy at Louisville Rich Benner* Biagi, Chance, Cummins, London & Titzer Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Blair Tony Bohn* David Boome* Mrs. Mollie R. Boyle BP Foundation Inc. Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings LLP Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bryant Ms. Miriam A. Burich Norma Bustin* Mr. Brian Butler Mr. Patrick Cairoli Calobrace Plastic Surgery Center PSC Cardinal Health Foundation Inc. CaridianBCT Inc. CCH/a Wolters Kluwer Business Chico’s FAS Inc. Citizens Union Bank Mr. & Mrs. R. Philip Clements Mrs. Mary K. Clift Compliant Healthcare Technologies CO-OP Financial Service Mary Michael Corbett* Mrs. Lois U. Davis DKH Inc. – Chicken King Dorma-Carolina Door Controls Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Dudley Ms. Laura Dunbar Mr. James A. Ellis Ginger Figg* ** 2 0 1 1 A n n u a l David Figge* Mr. Eric Fraley Franklin Templeton Institutional LLC Mr. & Mrs. Agostino Gabriele Mr. Edward Bennett & Ms. Carolyn Gatz General Electric Employees Community Fund The General Electric Foundation Golden Corral Corp. W. L. Gore & Associates Grant Line Elementary School Mr. Bob Gunnell Mrs. Ann S. Gustafson Basil & Harriet Hall** Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Hancock John Harryman* Mr. Prentice A. Harvey** Mrs. Barbara W. Hendricks George Hersch* ** Bryan Hildreth Rhonda Hoffman* Hosparus Mr. Gene W. Hovendon Leslie Hyslop* Interim Healthcare The Isaiah Alonso Foundation Inc. Dr. & Mrs. M. Brooks Jackson Ann M. Jirkovsky & William E. Fenton** Paul D. Jones & Andrea M. Rose Mr. David A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Brian Judd Evelyn S. Kiel Estate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kokai Jeff Lilly* Mr. Michael J. Logsdon Louisville Uncorked LLC Mr. John F. Marshall Jr. Mrs. Doris J. Martin Ms. Elisa K. Martin Mastiff Firestop LLC Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. McClain Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mehr & Alex Mercer (US) Inc. Michael Koch & Associates Miss America Organization Mr. Mark L. Morse Kevin Muench* Mr. Daniel C. Murphy Mr. Austin Musselman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed G. Nasief Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Neagli Jacinta Nelson* New Horizons Office Interiors Inc. Newcomb Oil Co. Newly Weds Foods Mr. & Mrs. Gouverneur Nixon Norton Commons LLC Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Nunn Justine O’Flynn* ** Okolona Pest Control Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James V. Oppel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Kip O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell L. Perry Anna Pfeil* Mr. Curtis Phillips Power Creative Presentation Academy Ms. Debbie Pullen Emmett Ramser* Mr. & Mrs. Willard T. Reese Mrs. Elizabeth M. Reutlinger** Mr. Stephen P. Rivette Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Sakulich SCB Realty Group Mabel Scherzer* Mr. & Mrs. Todd Schmiedeler Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Shapira Dr. Loretta T. Shearer** Single Point Solutions Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits of Kentucky Inc. Mr. Jerry J. Speck Mrs. Debbie M. Spinner Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Sponheimer Mr. & Mrs. L. Srinivasan Stoll, Keenon, Ogden PLLC Mr. & Mrs. James G. Straub Dr. Gerald F. Sturgeon Amy Sugg Elbert G. Sutcliffe III Memorial Trust Fund** R e p o r t Mrs. Ellen Teague Mr. Robert E. Thieman Tumbleweed Southwest Grill Ms. Ana Valencia Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Vaught** Deve Vetter* Mrs. Teresa Vincent Walmart Store #589 Mr. George H. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Westerman** Douglas Winkelhake* Brian Yarberry* Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Yates Mr. Patrick R. Yates Elizabeth Younger* Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Zegart Circle of Joy, $500 $999 Anonymous (2) 1860 Mellwood LLC 2 Chicks & A Nickel LLC Mr. Anthony Abang Mr. Shawn Adelsberger Adventure Club Mrs. Meredith Alexander Mr. Joseph D. Ammerman Carl Amorose* Mr. Scott Anderson Ascension Church Denise Ashby* Tamara Baer* Mrs. Laura Baird Mr. & Mrs. Terrian C. Barnes Mary Jo Bean* Mrs. Rebecca L. Becherer Mrs. Rebecca Ann Beld Ms. Sandra Bell Beth & I Trucking LLC Mr. & Mrs. Giampaolo Bianconcini Big Spring 9 Hole Golf Group Mr. & Mrs. John R. Blandford** Blue Lick Christian Church Blues Motorcycle Club Karen Bolin* Megan Boone* Mrs. Christine Borders Beverly Brangers* Mr. Donald K. Brown Jr. Lisbeth Brown* Dr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Brown Ms. Jennifer S. Buhl Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Burchett Mary Burns* Mr. Albert J. Burton Mr. Doug Butcher Susan Carey* Carman Industries Inc. Richard Carrico Mr. & Mrs. Terry D. Carter CartWheels Paper & Gifts Mr. Chris Casenhiser Mrs. Nancy Cassis Cedar Grove General Baptist Church Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Winston E. Church James Cicchiello* Colgate-Palmolive Co. Terrence Colley* Mr. & Mrs. John F. Colvin Combined Federal Campaign Jon Cooper* Corbett’s: An American Place Mr. Benjamin Cornett Heather Cote* Dr. Laurie B. Craycroft Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Darrah Mr. & Mrs. Jared E. Daugherty Mr. Richard T. Davis Robert Debski* Mr. Joseph Deegan Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dees Diageo Americas Supply Kathryn Doll* Richard L. Duffy & Debbie Scoppechio Tiffany Dunaway* Mr. & Mrs. Ron D. Dupree Mr. Randy E. Duvall Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ehret Sharon Elsesser* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Englehart** Mr. Leif W. Eriksen Michael Esposito* Mr. & Mrs. Bill Evans Robyn Evans* Stephanie Fares* The Fashion Post Inc. Lynna Fischer* Fishmarket Seafoods Inc. Stacy Flanders* Kimberly Flesch* Brian Flora Photography Florence Lions Club Charities Inc. Food Lion LLC Richard Forest* Frauenshuh Hospitality Group of Ky./Ind. LLC Laura Frazier & Harry Dennery Fred’s Inc. Mr. Robert E. Friend Jr. Gardner & Lose Co. Inc.** The Gardner Foundation Inc. Mrs. Marea B. Gardner & Family Mr. Richard A. Gardner Mr. Robert Gill Laura Alt Gipe* Deborah Givens* Mr. David W. Gnau Mr. Richard Grant Godsey Mr. James S. Goldberg Mrs. Cathy Gooch Mr. & Mrs. Larry N. Gough Mr. & Mrs. Randy Graehler Mrs. Dorothy Graham Jim Graham* Helen Grenough* Mrs. Bonnie B. Hall Mayor Tom Hardesty Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Harshaw Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Hawkins Heick Hester Smith Management Solutions Inc. Mr. Louis F. Hettinger** Mr. & Mrs. Sean R. Higgins Highland Middle School Mrs. Julie A. Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Owen K. Hitt Ms. Antoinette Hoehle Mr. Kyle Hoehn Melanie Hoehn* Mr. Jim Hogan Honeywell Hometown Solutions Gene Hornback* Mrs. Tabitha Hornback Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Howard** Mr. Raymond Hundley Imagine Nation Books Ltd. Ms. Dawn Jacob JD Becker Stores Mrs. JoAnn M. Jolgren Mrs. Helen S. Jones** Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Adam Kempf* Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities Mr. & Mrs. Herman Key** Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Klein Mr. & Mrs. George Koplos Ms. Joanne Kormylo The Kroger Co. Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kron Dr. & Mrs. Forrest S. Kuhn Jr. L & N Employees Giving Fund Ms. Julia Lamb Kathleen Lamb* Mr. Shawn Lane Mr. Michael E. Lauer Mrs. Bethany Laveck Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lechleiter Mr. & Mrs. Byron Riggs Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Harold J. Livera Anne Long* Louisville Stoneware Co. Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Loyd Steven MacLauchlan* The MacLean Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Danny J. Manning** Mr. Jeffrey Martin Mr. Todd C. Martin Mary Theresa Massey* Mrs. Gail C. Mattingly Judith Maxwell* Mr. & Mrs. Doyle P. Mayton Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred M. McCord Jr.** Mr. Todd McHugh Ms. Mary Porter McKee Ms. Deena McKinley Mrs. Charlene McMillen Mr. Christopher C. McNulty Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Melvin Steven Menaugh* Merrill Lynch & Co. Ms. Sandra J. Metts Lloyd Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moorehead Mr. & Mrs. James Morris Mr. & Mrs. Sean Muldoon Mr. & Mrs. Brent R. Myers Clark Neuman* New Brandenburg Baptist Church NICU Solutions Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Norris Ethel H. O’Brien Field of Interest Fund The Oertel-Nuetzel Memorial Fund Oldham County High School Ken O’Neil & Emily Johnson Dr. Ann O’Rourke O’Shea’s Traditional Irish Pub Painters Local Union #118 Pediatric Associates of Elizabethtown PLLC Ms. Lynn A. Pereira** Barbara Pittman* PNC Foundation Douglas Pollefeyt* PPG Industries – Porter Paints Jonathan Presser* Dawn Price* Pure Barre Mrs. Magnolia Quillen** Beth Quinn* Mr. Brian W. Ramsey Dr. & Mrs. George H. Raque Jr.* Ms. Sharon J. Rengers*** Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Richardson Mr. David Rickert Bill Ritchie* Mr. Doug Robinson Maggie Roetker* Dr. Stacey S. Roussell Dianne Rowan* Claire Rupert* Saint Gabriel School Mrs. Kate Rudd Sarfin Savoyard Baptist Church Marjorie Lee Bollinger Sax Estate Mr. Tom Schifano Dr. Thomas A. Schlindwein Paula Schmitt* Dr. Klint Schwenk Seim, Johnson, Sestak & Quist LLP Mrs. Hyemi Sevening Max & Ellen Shapira Russell Shatford* Shaub Construction Co. Inc. Ms. Jackie Shields Mr. Charles Shipley** Silver Creek High School Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sinclair** The Henry Laird Smith Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Smith South Oldham High School Mr. Adamantini S. Stavens Dr. & Mrs. Ishmael W. Stevens Mr. Jack Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Marc Stinson Mr. William A. Stone Strikes for Strokes Dr. James L. Sublett Dr. James Tavelli Ms. Amy Taylor Kim Tharp-Barrie* Mr. Douglas L. Thompson Throop Elementary School** Mr. Mike Tipton Lisa Tong Mr. William J. Tonini Unipak LLC United Way of the Ohio Valley Mr. & Mrs. Chris Utz ** Augusta C. Van Ruff Estate** Louise Vancelette* Mr. William C. Vessels Mrs. Betty Vinson Water Valley Baptist Church** Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Waterman Ms. Vicki Watts Ms. Andrea L. Weakland Kelly Webb* Weber & Rose PSC Mr. Harold E. Weick Mr. Scott Wesley Janice White* Lauren & Ryan Wigginton* William E. Barth Foundation Williams Gas Pipeline – Texas Gas Mr. James H. Wilson Mr. Todd Wilson DECEMBER • The annual Festival of Trees & Lights is named a Top 10 Winter/Holiday Festival and Event by the Kentucky Travel Industry Association for the second year in a row. 2011 WRAP-UP • Specialists at Kosair Children’s Hospital and Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro care for more than 140,000 children from throughout Kentucky and Southern Indiana. • Kentucky Regional Poison Control Center of Kosair Children’s Hospital advises nearly 72,000 concerned families from all 120 counties in Kentucky on how to correctly handle poison exposures. • Kosair Children’s Hospital child passenger safety technicians check more than 500 car seats and booster seats statewide. • Kosair Children’s Hospital and Safe Kids Louisville and Jefferson County conduct bike safety “rodeos” for 20,000 third- through fifth-graders throughout Kentucky. • Kosair Children’s Hospital “Just for Kids” Transport Team transports more than 1,600 sick babies and injured children from across the region to Kosair Children’s Hospital; the children are transported via four mobile intensive care ambulance units, a helicopter and an airplane. • Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary raises $89,043 for the hospital, The Children’s Hospital Foundation is the philanthropic entity of Kosair Children’s Hospital. To make a gift, return the envelope enclosed in this issue of Cart Wheels or visit You also may call the Children’s Hospital Foundation at (502) 629-8060. Efforts have been made to include all 2011 gifts of $500 and above. If a name was overlooked or printed incorrectly, please accept our apologies. You are encouraged to contact the Children’s Hospital Foundation at 234 E. Gray St., Suite 450, Louisville, KY 40202, (502) 629-8060 or primarily through gift shop proceeds. • TWIGS of Kosair Children’s Hospital raises $139,276 for the hospital through various initiatives, including gift shop sales at Norton Audubon and Norton Suburban hospitals. C A R T W H E E L S 19 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEBANON JCT., KY PERMIT NO. 677 Providing care that’s “Just for Kids” Kosair Children’s Hospital is Kentucky’s only full-service, free-standing pediatric Cart Wheels Norton Healthcare P.O. Box 35070 Louisville, KY 40232-5070 care facility dedicated exclusively to caring for children and is an advocate for the health, safety and well-being of all children. The 263-bed hospital, which also serves as the primary pediatric teaching facility for the University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, maintains an unwavering dedication to the children of this community and the region. To learn more about the programs and services offered through Kosair Children’s Hospital, visit The Children’s Hospital Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Kosair Children’s Hospital with a mission to raise awareness and funds to support lifesaving equipment, research, clinical care, education, advocacy and state-of-the-art facilities. For more information about charitable contributions that help children, call (502) 629-8060 or (800) 444-2523 or visit To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Kosair Children’s Hospital, call (502) 629-6122. CartWh ls Fall 2012 A quarterly publication of Kosair Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital Foundation Contact us at: Kosair Children’s Hospital information line (502) 629-KIDS • (855) KCH-KIDS Children’s Hospital Foundation (502) 629-8060 • (800) 444-2523 WE TAKE DOCTOR-PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY SERIOUSLY. Managing editors -Michelle Robey and Maggie Skibba Roetker Medical adviser - Stephen Wright, M.D. Creative director - David Miller Designer - Mary Lou Fitzer Copy editors - Jen Reynolds, Luisa Satterly This is Dr. Lucinda Thurman Wright, pediatric cardiologist, sharing a special moment with one of her patients, Mattox. Their relationship will continue long into the future because Dr. Wright not only provides a commitment to care, but also a commitment to her patients that lasts a lifetime. It’s what makes Kosair Children’s Hospital such a special place for specialty pediatric care. Cart Wheels is printed by Publisher’s Press. Visit us at
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