Children’s Hospital Foundation – Benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital CartWh Spring 2012 SURVIVING CANCER STOPPING CHILD ABUSE VOICING CONCERNS EARLY IMPORTANT LIFE LESSONS REMEMBERING ADDISON COMPLETE OUR SURVEY Win a family membership to the Louisville Science Center and Louisville Zoo. See page 12. ls Future of children’s health care Kosair Children’s Hospital and the National Association of Children’s Hospitals recently hosted a round-table meeting with U.S. Rep. Jamie Rhodes Photo John Yarmuth (pictured in center) to discuss the future of children’s health care. The meeting included a panel of hospital leaders, physicians, government relations experts and other elected officials. In this issu ... A bright new year full of possibilities 3 Ending child abuse S 4 Skull condition is caught early 6 Ovarian cancer strikes teen 8 A cancer survivor’s story 9 Bringing tiny babies home 10 Planned Giving 11 Caregiver Spotlight 12 News and Notes 14 Tribute Gifts 15 Upcoming Events On the cover: Claire Feller See page 8 pringtime is a season of renewal and new beginnings. For Kosair Children’s Hospital, it also represents a time of new opportunities. Each and every day we are given opportunities to continue to meet the medical needs of children, increase access to pediatric care throughout Kentucky and our entire region, continually improve our facilities and services, and enhance our vision of becoming one of the top children’s hospitals in the country. In the past year, we concluded our “Just for Kids” Campaign, a major growth initiative to fund facilities, equipment, education and research programs. Now we look forward to expanding our facilities in the Louisville Metro area with the opening of a new women’s and children’s hospital in what is currently Norton Suburban Hospital. This new hospital will offer comprehensive health care for women, along with expanded pediatric services from Kosair Children’s. The women’s services component of the new hospital, opening this fall, has been named Norton Women’s Hospital and the pediatric services component will be referred to as Kosair Children’s Hospital – St. Matthews. With extended services available at Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro and soon on the new St. Matthews campus, we can better utilize our existing space on the downtown campus by enhancing our neonatal intensive care unit, expanding our pediatric intensive care unit, creating a pediatric coronary care unit and improving existing space in the Emergency Department. We continue to expand pediatric specialty services throughout Kentucky. We work closely with our academic partners at the University of Louisville Department of Pediatrics and many hospital partners in areas such as Ashland, Bowling Green, Frankfort, Owensboro and Paducah to ensure enhanced pediatric services are available statewide. These priorities require hard work, focus and commitment to be realized. But just as important, they require your support and involvement. Your financial contributions and gifts of time and resources are truly the bricks and mortar that allow us to continually grow and improve. On behalf of everyone at Kosair Children’s Hospital and Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro, we thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we can turn opportunities and possibilities into realities. Thomas D. Kmetz President Kosair Children’s Hospital and Pediatric Services Lynnie Meyer, MSN, R.N., CFRE Executive Director Children’s Hospital Foundation MAKING PROGRESS IN ENDING CHILD ABUSE entucky is among the worst states in the country for frequency of child abuse and child deaths related to abusive head trauma, formerly called shaken baby syndrome. Child abuse is something that happens regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender or religion. Of the children suffering from abuse, hundreds are seen at Kosair Children’s Hospital every year. Deeply saddened and frustrated by these statistics, Kosair Children’s Hospital started its own Child Abuse Task Force in 2001. Since its inception, the Child Abuse Task Force continues to make prevention, intervention and education top priorities in stopping child abuse, a subject Ebony Carson knows all too well. On Oct. 14, 2011, Ebony received a phone call from Kosair Children’s Hospital requesting permission to treat her 15-month-old son, Cornell. She assumed his hospitalization was the result of one of his severe food allergies. She was devastated to learn Cornell was in critical condition, suffering from a broken rib, lacerated liver and fractured skull. He had been in the care of Ebony’s then boyfriend, who admitted to shaking Cornell for about two minutes, throwing him in his crib and holding him down. When the toddler stopped breathing, the boyfriend called 911, and Cornell was taken by ambulance to Kosair Children’s Hospital. The abuse left Cornell with severe brain damage. He is undergoing physical and cognitive rehabilitation therapy and making progress every day, but he will face life-long challenges. “If you are caring for a child and begin to lose patience, it is perfectly fine to put a child in a safe place – ideally, alone on his or her back and in a crib. Step back from the situation,” said Therese Sirles, R.N., director of the Children’s Hospital Foundation Office of Child Advocacy of Kosair Children’s Hospital. “Sometimes situations with children can become frustrating, but resorting to violence is never an option.” Sirles advises if you are considering leaving your children in someone else’s care, make sure you know and trust the person implicitly, because your child’s life depends on it. Instruct anyone supervising your child that if they think they’re close to reaching their boiling point, call you immediately so you can get your child. –Lyndsay Mountz Dean Lavenson Photo K Ebony and Cornell Carson Kosair Children’s Hospital works to better identify abuse In 2005, critical care and Emergency Department nurses and physicians at Kosair Children’s Hospital researched abuse of children they cared for in the hospital, identifying bruising patterns indicative of abuse. These specific bruising patterns were the subject of research published in “Pediatrics” in January 2010. Their findings are now considered a gold standard in evidence-based practice of skin assessments in children age 4 and younger who come to the hospital with bruising. The bruising patterns can help with early identification of abuse as well as prosecution of the abuser. In 2008, news reports substantiated that Kentucky was ranked No. 1 in the nation in deaths related to child abuse and maltreatment, all the more reason for the hospital’s efforts to establish state legislation in 2010 that aimed to educate new parents on the dangers of shaking a baby as well as increase awareness throughout the state on those dangers. Now one year old, the program has educated approximately 16,000 new parents and created public service announcements now airing on television to teach parents that it’s OK to place a baby in a safe place and walk away for a moment to give yourself a “timeout.” 3 s g n i s s e l b e l t t i L New mom’s instinct catches baby’s skull condition Dean Lavenson Photo Dean Lavenson Photo Like most first-time parents, Andy and Tracey Roberts worried about and examined and over-thought every inch of their new baby boy, Bradley. If they weren’t sure about something, they were sure they’d find out. Though Tracey says she may have pored over her baby to a fault, that vigilance turned out to be a blessing when she caught what potentially could be two physically altering conditions, torticollis and plagiocephaly. 4 Tracey had an easy pregnancy and delivered Bradley in February 2011. He appeared to be healthy and growing normally, but when he was about 3 weeks old Tracey noticed he always leaned toward the left when lying down. “Everyone told me it was just the way he liked to sleep, that it was his comfort position,” Tracey said. “I also noticed he was getting a flat spot on the back of his head.” Tracey’s maternal instinct told her something just wasn’t right, so at Bradley’s 2-month checkup, she shared her concerns with his pediatrician. The physician referred Bradley to specialists at Kosair Children’s Hospital, who confirmed he had torticollis and plagiocephaly. “Torticollis is a shortening of the neck muscles, which can be caused from positioning in the womb, from an inherited condition or for no known reason,” said Annette Stambaugh, physical therapist and clinical manager of Rehabilitation Services at Kosair Children’s. “The shortened muscles will cause the head to tilt to one side and turn to the opposite side.” Plagiocephaly is a condition that many times goes handin-hand with torticollis. It is the medical term for a flattening of one side of the head. Because babies’ heads are soft to allow for brain growth, if the head favors one side naturally that side will be more prone to become flattened. Most people can’t tell Bradley is in physical therapy for anything. He truly is a blessing. He makes every day of my life better.” –Tracey Roberts “There’s a cause and effect relationship with torticollis and plagiocephaly,” said Thomas Moriarty, M.D., Ph.D., chief of pediatric neurosurgery, Kosair Children’s Hospital. “Many infants are born with torticollis and subsequently develop plagiocephaly after birth.” “When we got the diagnosis, I’m sure I did what a lot of moms do – I blamed myself,” Tracey said. “What could I have done to prevent it? What did I do while I was pregnant to cause this? He seemed to be developing just fine, which was a relief, but I was worried about the road ahead not having a clue what was going on.” Tracey’s worries were relieved when she learned the plagiocephaly was caught early and Bradley would likely not need a helmet, which is a common therapy for babies with a more severe case of this condition. A custom-molded helmet works by applying gentle, constant pressure on the skull to redirect growth. “It is important to treat positional plagiocephaly early. Conservative care, such as very attentive repositioning and/or Bradley Roberts with Crissy Merideth, physical therapist, Rehabilitation Services at Kosair Children’s Hospital treating associated conditions like torticollis, before 6 months of age usually will correct the skull deformity,” Dr. Moriarty said. “From 6 to 10 months, cranial molding helmets are used to treat positional skull deformities. After 10 months, surgery might be considered for persistent, disfiguring deformity. Fortunately, most positional plagiocephaly is recognized and treated before surgery ever becomes a consideration.” Bradley sees a physical therapist at Kosair Children’s Hospital every two weeks. He receives about 45 minutes of therapy that involves stretching his neck muscles and developmental activities, as well as doing stretches and positioning at home. “Bradley’s head has rounded out beautifully and no helmet was needed,” Tracey said. “He has started walking and moving about, which has really helped him strengthen his neck muscles.” Though Tracey may have worried over Bradley more than she needed to, she has no regrets about it. “As a parent, it just goes to show how important it is to listen to your gut,” she said. “If you feel like something is just not right, ask the doctor. It’s better to over-think something than to let it go and be detrimental later in life.” Other causes of plagiocephaly Babies also can get plagiocephaly from lying on their backs too much or spending too much time in a position where their head is resting against something flat, such as a stroller or playpen. Premature babies also are more susceptible, since their skulls are softer and they generally spend more time on their backs due to their fragile medical condition. Some babies even develop plagiocephaly before birth if they are positioned against the mother’s pelvic bone or when space is limited due to being a twin or multiple. “The good news is plagiocephaly does not affect a child’s brain development or cause brain damage,” Stambaugh said. “When therapy is started as early as possible, the prognosis is excellent.” Parents should remember that babies always need to be placed on their backs to sleep to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome. To prevent the baby from getting a flat spot on the back of the head, be sure baby gets lots of time outside of the crib and stimulation to strengthen muscles, especially tummy time, according to Stambaugh. –Jennifer Reynolds 5 L When ovarian cancer strikes too young E ven at age 17, Mary Clay was wise beyond her years. When girls her age were struggling to understand their changing bodies, hers was telling her something just wasn’t right. And she listened. “I missed my period for about three months over the summer of 2005,” Clay said. “I was at camp and didn’t think much of it at first.” She also noticed she was urinating more frequently and was tired a lot. Then she passed out while playing field hockey. Even though her symptoms could be explained away, things just weren’t adding up. Deep down Clay knew something was wrong. She urged her mom to take her to the doctor. Clay’s pediatrician felt a mass in her abdomen and sent her for tests that showed something abnormal with her left ovary. Becoming worried, the Clays reached out to a longtime family friend who happened to be a pediatric gynecologist. That physician was Paige Hertweck, M.D., with Kosair Children’s Pediatric Gynecologists, a specialty practice that cares for children and teens with conditions affecting their reproductive organs. “Dr. Hertweck told me to stop playing field hockey,” Clay said. “She also told me I needed surgery. I was devastated … about the field hockey! At that time, I was being recruited for a Division 1 college team.” Clay underwent a six-hour surgery to remove her left ovary, fallopian tube and attached tumor, which tested positive for cancer, meaning some of Clay’s lymph nodes and tissue surrounding the tumor also had to be removed. “Mary had a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, Grade A – a very rare form of ovarian cancer that had grown very fast,” Dr. Hertweck said. “Typically, the tumors we see in teens are benign. Benign tumors are not cancerous, but they tend to grow large and can twist the ovary and cut off blood supply.” “I was lucky the cancer was caught early and hadn’t spread anywhere else,” Clay said. “If the tumor had ruptured, such as from physical exertion playing field hockey, the outcome may have been a lot different.” Today, at age 23, Clay has passed the five-year cancer-free milestone and could teach a lot about life thanks to what she has learned along her journey. Some of those lessons she passes on to students she teaches at Kentucky Country Day, the school she attended when she was diagnosed. “I credit cancer with ‘loosening me up,’” she said. “I used to be a type A student – I had to get straight A’s, make my parents happy, make my teachers happy. After cancer, I realized there is no point in being perfect all the time. When I went to college, 6 I made a conscious effort to get to know as many people as possible; I spent time having conversations rather than obsessing about my GPA. I’m not sure I would have done that had I not had cancer.” Clay says there isn’t a day that goes by when she doesn’t think about cancer. “It is part of my story, and it helped me realize everyone has a story,” she said. “Realizing that each person’s story is unique, and often uncontrollable, helped me to appreciate each person in my life. This realization also prompted me to become an English teacher; I love stories!” When should teens see a gynecologist? Dr. Hertweck says while Clay’s tumor was a rare case, there’s an important message in her story: paying attention to menstrual changes. “Women of any age should use their menstrual cycle as a vital sign,” Dr. Hertweck said. “If there is a change in it, it can be an indicator that something else is going on – and not necessarily with the reproductive organs.” Menstrual changes can be a sign of reproductive issues as well as diabetes, thyroid conditions, blood disorders, extreme stress and more. “Girls should have a period at least every 90 days even during their first year of menstruating,” Dr. Hertweck said. “The period shouldn’t last more than seven days, and hygiene products shouldn’t need to be changed more often than every couple hours. If they need to be changed more often, something may be wrong.” The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a “well girl reproductive visit” with a pediatric gynecologist some time between age 13 and 15, and annually after that. “This is a good time to ensure teens are healthy from a holistic standpoint,” Dr. Hertweck said. “It’s common for teens to experience abdominal pain, painful periods and bleeding problems, so these can be addressed early on; but we also screen for things like mental health issues, sexuality, substance abuse and sleep habits at this time.” –Jennifer Reynolds Dean Lavenson Photo LESSONS IN LIFE Mary Clay teaches her eighth-grade English class at Kentucky Country Day School. About Kosair Children’s Gynecology Specialists Paige Hertweck, M.D., Meredith Loveless, M.D., Jennie L. Yoost, M.D., and Carole R. Boudreau, APRN, make up the specially trained pediatric gynecology team with Kosair Children’s Gynecology Specialists. Caring for children and teens in our community for more than 20 years, they are another great reason why Kosair Children’s Hospital is such a special place for specialty pediatric care. The Kosair Children’s Gynecology Specialists office is located a block away from Kosair Children’s Hospital in downtown Louisville, in the Gray Street Medical Building, Suite 600, 210 E. Gray St. The office phone number is (502) 629-3730. 7 Dean Lavenson Photo I survived cancer I was 5 years old when my parents were told I had cancer. They got the news at 2 a.m. in the emergency department at Kosair Children’s Hospital. It was a double whammy – learning about my tumor and being told it was most likely cancer. The next day a pediatric oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating kids with cancer, confirmed that the kind of tumor I had was most likely malignant. I’m glad I didn’t know what that meant at the time. The biopsy results showed that my tumor was “not typical.” Ten days later, my parents were told that I had desmoplastic small round cell cancer, a very rare and usually fatal condition. I started chemotherapy right away. Each treatment meant I’d be staying at Kosair Children’s Hospital for a few days. Mom and Dad remember how special the staff made me feel. Mom remembers how much I loved the play room and my visits from the child life therapists. I had six rounds of high-dose chemotherapy, one round every three weeks, which made my hair fall out. After the chemotherapy, I had surgery to remove my tumor and found out it was not desmoplastic small round cell cancer. It was atypical Wilms’ tumor, a rare type of cancer that can affect one or both kidneys. In my case, my cancer was stage 3, which meant it had not spread beyond one kidney. After my surgery I had radiation therapy to make sure all the cancer was gone. I am now an active 13-year-old eighth-grader who is thankful to be in remission from cancer. I enjoy jazz, ballet, tap dancing, ice skating and playing the piano. These days my mom, my dad and my younger brother, Alex, like to join me in helping other kids at Kosair Children’s Hospital. Mom and I help with the American Girl Fashion Show fundraisers to support the hospital, and my Girl Scout troop also has donated toys to Jarrett’s Joy Cart several times. I’m not grateful for the cancer, but I am grateful for the many lessons my cancer and remission have taught me. –Claire Feller Caring for kids with cancer Claire Feller of Louisville, Ky. 8 AS TOLD THROUGH THE EYES OF A SURVIVOR More than 80 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in the Addison Jo Blair Cancer Care Center at Kosair Children’s Hospital (see page 10). A member of the Children’s Oncology Group, the National Cancer Institute and the American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer, Kosair Children’s has access to highly advanced cancer research and treatment during the earliest stages of the disease. “Claire’s cancer was a type that is highly treatable,” said Alexandra Cheerva, pediatric oncologist. “A multidisciplinary approach to her treatment helped her enter remission and grow into the remarkable young lady she is today.” In conjunction with Norton Cancer Institute, pediatric specialists also have access to the latest radiation technologies in a new radiation center in downtown Louisville, just a block away from Kosair Children’s Hospital. The pediatric section of the facility was designed “Just for Kids” and modeled after other highly successful cancer radiation centers. To support cancer treatment at Kosair Children’s Hospital, visit or call the Children’s Hospital Foundation at (502) 629-8060. hen Nicole and Harold Thompson of Louisville, Ky., found out they were expecting their first child, they were overjoyed. What they were not expecting, though, was their baby coming 3½ months early. Due to a preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM), Nicole delivered tiny 1 pound, 14 ounce Harold Lee Thompson III, nicknamed Trey, at just 26 weeks. Preterm PROM occurs when the amniotic sac breaks before the 37th week of pregnancy. PROM only happens in about 2 percent of all pregnancies, after which the baby usually is born within a week. The chance of survival for these babies is very low, and for Nicole, there were no prior warning signs or symptoms – just what she describes as excruciating stomach pains almost immediately before the early onset of labor. “Babies born before 25 weeks are at high risk of facing a lifetime of potential health conditions,” said Jonathan Cohen, M.D., neonatologist, Kosair Children’s Neonatal Specialists. “Obviously, the closer to term a baby can stay in the womb, the higher the chance of survival.” Trey’s premature arrival meant that he would have a long stay in the NICU as he fought an array of health complications. Trey’s lungs had not yet matured, so he was unable to breathe on his own, nor could he feed on his own. He was on a ventilator for two days and had three blood transfusions. He wasn’t able to regulate his body temperature, and his heart and brain needed continuous monitoring to ensure they were functioning properly. But Trey proved he was a fighter. The NICU’s team of neonatal specialists and nurses has been by his side since his birth. Trey is just one of the many babies who have been cared for at the NICU, and he is one of the many babies who soon will be healthy enough to go home. tiniest babies home “Our goal is to help get babies to at least 4 pounds and ensure they can maintain a normal temperature, breathe on their own and take a bottle. Once they reach those milestones, they are generally ready to go home,” said Dan Stewart, M.D., neonatologist and director of nurseries at Kosair Children’s Hospital and professor of pediatrics at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Nicole and Harold couldn’t be more grateful for this expert care they are receiving. “Everyone in the NICU is great,” Nicole said. “I’m here everyday, and I get to be involved in Trey’s care and hold him all the time.” While Trey is still in the NICU as of this printing, he is making remarkable progress. He is feeding, growing and gaining weight – now up to 4 pounds, 11 ounces. He is still on steroids to help his lung development, but he has already taken his first bottle. Thanks to the advanced care available and the dedicated NICU staff, Trey is on his way to a full recovery. –Sara Rashid You can help bring more babies home To learn more about the NICU at Kosair Children’s, visit If you’d like to help support the NICU and related initiatives to help premature and medically fragile babies grow healthy and strong, visit the Children’s Hospital Foundation website at Annette Cable Illustration Helping bring the W 9 Plann d Giving Family’s $3 million estate gift will touch thousands Jonathan Roberts Photo Addison Jo Blair was 2½ years old when she was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma on Dec. 28, 2010. Neuroblastoma is a deadly pediatric cancer that produces tumors within the body and tumor cells within the bone marrow. Addison’s tumor stretched from her neck to her abdomen on both sides of her spine. Oncologists at Kosair Children’s Hospital indicated that Addison had the largest neuroblastoma tumor they had ever seen. Over the next five months, Addison underwent chemotherapy treatments, surgery and stem cell transplants at Kosair Children’s Hospital. She died in the hospital, in her parents’ arms, on May 27, 2011. “Addison loved Kosair Children’s Hospital and called it ‘her hospital,’” said Wes Blair, Addison’s dad. “The entire staff became our extended family during those five months Addison battled this horrible cancer. They laughed with us on good days, cried with us on bad days and cheered with us when we would get good results.” “We feel that because Addison loved Kosair Children’s Hospital so much and was so proud of ‘her floor,’ which was the pediatric cancer unit, we wanted to give back all we can to this wonderful place,” said Kelly Blair, Addison’s mom. Wes teaches history and is the assistant football coach at Central Hardin High School in Cecilia, Ky. Kelly teaches third grade at Lakewood Elementary School in Cecilia. With a $3 million gift the Addison Jo Blair Foundation, combined with an irrevocable estate intention from Wes and Kelly, the cancer care areas at Kosair Children’s will see some changes. The first is its renaming as the Addison Jo Blair Cancer Care Center. The second is a $500,000 renovation that will include new finishes and furnishings incorporating the Louisville skyline and the theme of flight. These symbols are important to the Blair family, as Addison loved to watch the city skyline and planes flying in and out of Louisville International Airport on her many trips to Kosair Children’s Hospital. 10 Photo provided by the Blair family Addison Jo Blair’s parents, Wes and Kelly Blair Addison Jo Blair How you can help For information on making an estate gift to support the work at Kosair Children’s Hospital for years to come, contact Eric Seto, director of major gifts and planned giving, at (502) 629-8060 or, or visit Car giv r Spotlight Nurse improves care for kids and colleagues Jaime Walker, R.N., has been described as a “true nurse.” “A patient advocate.” “Nursing is in her heart and soul.” You might say that describes many nurses at Kosair Children’s Hospital. But Walker’s passion for caring for kids and caring for other nurses makes her stand out. I felt the call to work in pediatrics when I first interviewed at Kosair Children’s for an ancillary staff position. I was so impressed that I knew this is where I needed to be.” –Jaime Walker, R.N. Walker has worked at Kosair Children’s Hospital for eight years, four as a registered nurse on the medical/surgical unit. She was drawn to pediatric nursing because she wanted to work in an area where patients needed a strong advocate. “To me, that included children and senior adults,” Walker said. “I felt the call to work in pediatrics when I first interviewed at Kosair Children’s for an ancillary staff position. I was so impressed that I knew this is where I needed to be.” Not only is Walker an advocate for her small patients, but for her co-workers as well. As a member of the hospital’s Patient Care Council, Practice Council and Unit-based Council, Walker works to perfect the way care is provided and to create solutions to common nursing challenges. “The councils allow the opportunity to share opinions and expertise. It’s an opportunity to share nursing care experiences and learn new ways to provide care with excellence,” Walker said. “Committee work is much like putting together pieces of a puzzle – nurses from different units come together to make changes and build strong initiatives. It allows you to see different perspectives to common problems.” In addition, Walker is doing important research work on PEWS, or Pediatric Early Warning Score, a tool to help detect early on when a child’s medical condition is deteriorating. “PEWS can allow medical staff to detect signs of deterioration up to 11 hours prior to a life-threatening event,” Walker said. “By having an early warning system, we can take steps to keep a child stable and potentially avoid a life-threatening event.” Walker relates her passion for research to her interest in history. “My love of research is derived from my love of history, which is fact-based,” Walker said. “When you are looking at the facts, you are often able to see how each fact relates to the next and may relate to practices and trends.” As if Walker weren’t busy enough, she’s also furthering her nursing education at the University of Louisville. Although she says the best part of her job is the amazing patients and families she has the privilege of caring for every day, she aspires to become an educator within Kosair Children’s Hospital in the future. “I would love to educate with nurses, although I am afraid I would miss my interactions with the patients and their families – we will just have to see what is in store!” –Jennifer Reynolds Jaime Walker, R.N., with tiny patient Jacob Leslie 11 N ws and Not s Andrew Holland tells 99.7 WDJX disc jockey Sarah Jordan and radiothon listeners about his experiences at Kosair Children’s Hospital as he battles cancer. Radiothon listeners help kids Ariane Smith gets a closer look at one of the many trees for sale at the 2011 Festival of Trees & Lights held in November at Louisville Slugger Field. Festival of Trees & Lights raises funds for trauma program Now in its 22nd year, the Festival of Trees & Lights has become a tradition for many who want to get in the holiday spirit while helping the hospital. Thanks to countless hours donated by volunteers, tree designers, sponsors and supporters, the 2011 Festival of Trees & Lights raised a total of $394,000 for the Kosair Children’s Hospital trauma program. The event was presented by Republic Bank and included the Snow Ball, presented by OfficeWare, as well as the Home and BMW Raffle, sponsored by Norton Commons and Sam Swope BMW. Jamie Rhodes Photos For the past three years, Main Line Broadcasting radio stations have held a multi-day radiothon to benefit Kosair Children’s Hospital. In November 2011, listeners of 99.7 WDJX, B96.5, Magic 101.3, 102.3 The Max and 105.1 FM Talk contributed $266,000 to Kosair Children’s Hospital. The radiothon has raised more than $750,000 since 2009 and is a Children’s Hospital Foundation program in partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network. Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank and Trust, the radiothon was transmitted from the Kosair Children’s Hospital lobby. Home raffle winners Mechele and Martin Skaggs (front), and sons James and Matthew (back), take a tour of their new house in Norton Commons with Lynnie Meyer, executive director, Children’s Hospital Foundation. Winners announced for Home and BMW Raffle Congratulations to the winners of the 2011 Kosair Children’s Hospital Home and BMW Raffle. Winners were drawn at the Snow Ball on Nov. 19. Mechele Skaggs of Louisville and her family will soon move into a beautiful home in Norton Commons valued at more than $400,000. Karen Sutton, also a Louisville native, won a 2012 Sam Swope BMW 1 Series plus $10,000 cash. T.J. Shaw of Jeffersonville, Ind., entered the free bonus drawing while visiting a home open house and won a $10,000 shopping spree from Burdorf’s Furnishings & Flooring. 12 Kristy Haggett, D.O., pediatric chief resident, University of Louisville School of Medicine, and her husband, Tim, are just one of the many couples who enjoyed great music by Burning Las Vegas at the Snow Ball in November. Tell us what you think! We want to know what you think about Cart Wheels magazine. Visit and complete a survey by May 1, 2012, and you’ll be entered to win a family membership to the Louisville Science Center and Louisville Zoo. Hospital receives new “Just for Kids” transport vehicle Jamie Rhodes Photos Thanks to a $500,000 donation from Speedway through the Children’s Miracle Network, the “Just for Kids” Transport Team now has a new mobile intensive care unit. The transport team logs more than 3,000 miles in approximately 120 trips a month per ambulance – a 35 percent increase from last year. The new, state-of-the-art vehicle features a smooth, quiet ride, the ability to store important gasses safely inside the vehicle, a 19-inch drop-down TV with DVD player and bright colors to make the ride as comfortable as possible for small patients. Guests at “Haunted Halls” at Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro in October take a tour of the new state-of-the-art transport vehicle generously donated by Speedway. Meijer raises funds for Kosair Children’s Hospital Meijer has been a partner with Kosair Children’s Hospital since 1998 and has raised $116,754 to date for the Norton Healthcare Foundation and the Children’s Hospital Foundation, including a sponsorship of the 2011 American Girl Fashion Show and the “Just for Kids” Service Learning Project. This year’s donation supported the 2011 Bike to Beat Cancer and American Girl Fashion Show. Representatives from Meijer present a $20,000 check to Kosair Children’s Hospital in support of the 2011 Bike to Beat Cancer and American Girl Fashion Show. Walmart announces $1 million gift Walmart has committed $1 million in support of the Children’s Hospital Foundation’s efforts to raise funds for an expansion of the Kosair Children’s Hospital trauma program. The trauma center offers state-of-the-art, specialized care and surgical expertise to more than 1,000 children a year who arrive at the hospital with complex injuries, such as accidental and nonaccidental blunt trauma; penetrating injuries, like gunshot wounds, crush injuries and musculoskeletal and spine injuries; and closed head and traumatic brain injuries. The hospital’s trauma specialists also care for victims of child abuse. 13 Tribut Gifts Children’s Hospital Foundation Gifts to the Children’s Hospital Foundation benefit Kosair Children’s Hospital The following individuals were recognized through tribute gifts to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, June 16 to Dec. 31, 2011 R.J. Adams Gayla Adams Bailey & Emily Allen Wanda Dorman Alexis Almond Jennifer S. Buhl Harper Brealynn Anthony Heather Benham Elaine Childress Cynthia Helmburg Linda Henderson Crystal Houchens Savanna Huff Amy Moore Tami Russell Emma Southee Audrey Arnett Rondal C. & Patty Wilson Emily Bach Rodney A. & Sue Rodgers Nancy S. Baker Home Services Lending Kelly Byrne Lee Joseph Bergamini JoAnn Santos Lauren Blakemore Greg T. & Karen S. Blakemore Ethan Mathew Braun David L. & Susan J. Ricke Abby & Logan Brock E.C. Logsdon Katie Calvert Theresa A. Morris Rebecca Carney Adath Jeshurun Congregation Anonymous Jay M. & Mona B. Brodsky Thomas P. & Ellen S. Burnet David M. Carney Marilyn Beth Carney Mitchell A. & Barbara Charney Barry J. Christensen William Miles & Dora B. Esakov Stuart S. Goldberg Noah, Alanna & Jonah Grossman Miss Emma Hill Gregory & Jan Jay Craig & Abby Kamen Robert A. & Marjorie B. Kohn Michael D. & Margie M. Kommor Sylvia M. Kozlove Lois Marcus Michael S. & Julie Sabes Sheldon & Linda Schak Frank J. Schwartz Robert B. & Deborah K. Slosberg Rosalyn Slyn Gregory E. & Julie W. Strull Sue Caswell Joe & Frankie Saltsman All of the Children Laymon Logsdon Eleanor C. Wilkerson Debbi Cissell Norman & Anna J. Risen Edwin L. Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Mary Copeland Mary Joanne & Raymond L. Pfeiffer Jr. Erin Hope Hill Robert L. Schultz Alfonso Cornish & Tom Farley EIGL Consulting LLC Nick & Preston Hill Catherine T. Hill Jody Cotter Catherine Jo & J. Anthony Cotter Jr. Elmer & Donna Hinkle Brenda J. & Max V. Froelich Jr. Russ & Kathy Cox Susan Ward Keith & Susan Horne Rob & Robin Lapsley Tony Cox Richard N. Penick Owen Robert Horton Robert L. & Melissa G. Horton Brendon Daunhauer Melissa & William J. Daunhauer Sr. Erin Howard William D. & Mary S. Mahoney Joshua Davis Ward G. & Susan K. Davis Billy Hultz Robert H. Adams Harold Dennis Sr. Radcliff Middle School Herbert Hunter Mary Ann Hunter George & Luke Digenis Marilyn C. Sexton A. Keith Inman Jackie R. Keating Laurel Dortch Charles E. & Frances M. Scholtz Onnika Johnson Gerald L. & Marilyn Bott Justin Grant Drexler Anne E. & Thomas M. Drexler Sr. Otis Austen Johnson Kim & John M. Shaver III Jon & Adrienne Dubins Larry, Vanessa & Lucas Jones Kaitlyn, Caleb, Cassie & David Ishmael W. & Sharon K. Stevens Thomas E. Dunbar Laura J. Dunbar John M. Karibo William J. & Barbara J. Meany Ann Edwards Mary Joanne & Raymond L. Pfeiffer Jr. Logan Keating Frances E. Marks Gary England Leslie L. Erena Shelley Kidder Ivan J. Schell Elise Essig Sidney A. Winer Michelle & Jenny Lee King Alvin W. & Etha M. King Mary E. Fallat, M.D. Mary Marlene Wolf Bill & Susie Kirtland Edward Anthony & Myrna Craver Claire Feller Steven & Suzanne D. Feller Larry & Judy Klein Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf William J. Fenton Ann M. Jirkovsky & William E. Fenton Wyatt Lesher Amanda Lesher Dustin Gast John L. Frankrone Ashley Long John W. & Marie A. Carnes Penny Gold John B. & Bonnie Roth Louisville Metro Fire Department Engine 20 Amelia Johanna Mudd Barbara Good Lisa Good Bob & Judy Goodwin Paul & Julie Morgan Emaleigh Elizabeth Rebekah Gowen Donald & Joyce Caudill Great Grandchildren Mary Louise Adams Ross Taylor Hall Lucy B. Geoghegan Nya Hammons Shirley Henshaw Bruce & Sue Hayes Andrea Morrison Lindsey Marie Hayes David Earl & Beverly Hayes Joshua Davis Haynes Barbara J. Miller Joelle Herndon Kevani Nelson Hickory House BBQ & Catering Amy Johnson Frederick A. Higdon Connie T. Mattingly Tributes make wonderful gifts for special occasions, such as: • In recognition of someone’s anniversary or marriage • In honor of a birthday, promotion or other event • In recognition of the birth of a baby 14 Stan & Trish Lounsbury Allan E. & Naomi Handmaker Sean Maguire, M.D. Marilyn C. Sexton Adlee Faith Manion Adlee D. VanMeter Son of Leigh Marshall Big Spring 9 Hole Golf Group Elizabeth Sanders Martin Betsy M. Sanders Tyler Robert Mason Bruce R. & Ruth V. Cline Gary R. & Susan G. Pyles Thomas David Moore & Serena Joy Ferraro Joseph P. & Peggy S. Ferraro Thomas M. Moriarty, M.D., Ph.D. The Robert W. Rounsavall Jr. Family Foundation Inc. Breanna Rose Morris Dennis & Frances Morris Camron R. Morrissey Jill E. & Thomas V. Morrissey III Hirikati Nagaraj, M.D. Loretta T. Shearer, M.D. Dave Osborne Nitro Securities Jack & Margaret Ostwalt Rita C. Ostwalt-Whitfield Partners at Surgical Specialists Stephen K. & Denise Vaught Pediatric Anaesthesia Associates Tamara G. Crews Pediatric Critical Care Doctors Mary Lu Schooler Kristin Stewart Frank R. & Patricia A. Stewart Macie Layne Stone Lynnville Community Church Jan Sullivan, M.D. Howard & Shane Shaps Joey Sullivan Barbara Ann Carrillo Terry W. Summers Connie R. Summers Maxine Switow Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Virginia L. “Ginny” Taber Lewis S. Taber Gabriel & Baylee Tucker Thomas R. & Phyllis A. Tucker Kelly Varvitsiotis, M.D. John D. Rumisek The Veatch Family Robbie & Karen V. Jury Publishers Printing Marvin Joshua “M.J.” Wafford Charline Akins Mark L. & Anna Akins Roger & Becki Benfield Tom & Christy Bennett Margaret W. Bridgers Richard G. & Sylvia G. Eubank Stephen Pollard & Family Cathrine L. & Frank R. Fain III Duncan & Darcy Morel Kent & Gwendolyn L. Fowler Eric C. & Tammy R. Fraley Gary A. Powell Sharron L. Johnson Jeremy A. Powell Paul C. & Shirley Strader Lawson Ricky Paul & Cynthia R. Linder Lynne Priest Ivan L. & Angeleta L. Miller Jenny Oyler Scott & Kim Muncy Kristin Pullen Daniel R. & Ricki M. Nelson Robert L. & Valerie B. Pullen Timothy L. & Sandra J. Nobles James R. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. William Roof Mary E. Sumner Mary Joanne & Raymond L. Pfeiffer Jr. Jeff & Carrie Wafford Stanley E. & Rosemary F. Wafford Griffin Rose Michael I. & Mary Ann Warren Paul D. Jones & Andrea M. Rose Stephen E. & Carla Wiedmar Hunt Rounsavall Elroy & Kathy Willis J. David & Marlene Grissom Elizabeth D. Wilson James B. & Julie Griffin Zoeller Sean Rowe Cheryl Plain Roberta Moberley Dickson John C. & Lee Hancock Mary Julia & Forrest S. Kuhn Jr. Kathryn M. Stewart Marilyn K. Bientz Owen Ruscoe Connie L. Kemple Carly Jo Ryan William F. & Mildred L. Schaftlein Joe Saltsman Jr. Joe & Frankie Saltsman Joe & Gina Saltsman Joe & Frankie Saltsman Logan Welby Shearer Austin & Molly Tyler Valerie Carol Shields Jackie Shields Michael C. Shipley Charles Shipley Jacob McDonald Michael R. & Teresa Loughmiller Clay Skinner Raymond & Sharon Johnson Maureen E. Meany William J. & Barbara J. Meany Joshua Smith Faye Webster Lynnie Meyer Helena J. Mink Patrick Addison Sponheimer Jackie & Dennis Cain Matt Miller Karen Ricketts Robert Spragens Jr. Anonymous Matthew Miller & Dani’s Wedding William P. & Janice T. Snell Jody T. Walters Elizabeth A. Stephens Jerome B. & Betty L. Rash Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Walther Mary Joanne & Raymond L. Pfeiffer Jr. Anita & Shelly Weber Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Conor H. Wellman Lois J. Wellman Eleanor Elizabeth Wells Earl & Julia Devine Ashlyn Whalen Todd Schmiedeler Lee Wilburn & Julie Tinnell Leslie H. Smart Titus Williams Brittney Carl Audrey Wilson Mary E. Brown Ty Graham Wilson Dorothy Graham Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Allan E. & Naomi Handmaker Seanna Woods Ben F. & Karen Pennington Jaycee Young Joey & Martha Hodge Samuel J. & Barbara E. Roubik Herman D. & Virginia W. Tolbert To make a tribute gift, return the envelope enclosed in this issue of Cart Wheels or visit You also may contact the Children’s Hospital Foundation at (502) 629-8060. The Children’s Hospital Foundation is the philanthropic entity of Kosair Children’s Hospital. The Children’s Hospital Foundation also receives many memorial gifts. For a list, visit and type “memorial” in the search box. Efforts have been made to include all tribute gifts. If a name was overlooked or printed incorrectly, please accept our apologies. You are invited to contact us to correct the error: Children’s Hospital Foundation, 234 E. Gray St., Suite 450, Louisville, KY 40202, (502) 629-8060 or Upcoming Ev nts For more information on events listed below, call (502) 629-KIDS or visit MARCH Now through April 28 2 to 3 24 APRIL 30 MAY 4 & Sign up to run or walk for kids in the April 28 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon/miniMarathon. Join the Kosair Children’s Hospital “Just for Kids” team and get training assistance and other perks while you raise money for Kosair Children’s Hospital. Chair William J. Ehrig Civic Volunteer Retired Senior Director, Government Relations Yum! Brands Inc. University of Louisville Dance Marathon, sponsored by Chili’s Grill Terrian C. Barnes Civic Volunteer Retired Chief Diversity Officer Yum! Brands Inc. & Bar, at the Frazier History Museum. Free children’s activities March 3, 10 a.m. to noon. Hwang’s Martial Arts Spring Charity Expo, benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital, 2 to 5 p.m., Kentucky International Convention Center. Features martial arts demonstrations, children’s activities and giveaways as well as the year’s only public demonstration by Master Hwang. Tickets: $5 for adults; $3 for children in advance; or $7 and $5 at the door. Children’s Hospital Foundation Golf Outing, Lake Forest Country Club and Persimmon Ridge Golf Club. Team spaces and sponsorships available. Marriott Oaks Bourbon Brunch, 8 to 10:30 a.m., Louisville Marriott Downtown, featuring bourbon-infused and traditional Kentucky dishes prepared by a celebrity chef. Tickets: $150 per person; $1,500 for a table of 10; $2,000 for a VIP table. You’re invited … Bourbon Bowties TM A Taste of Corbett’s Benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital ophisticated LIVING 10 e Beck Family KY 40202 4/11 FDN-4439 4/14/11 3:39 PM CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tickets go on sale for Bourbon & Bowties, June 14 at Corbett’s: An American Place, an event featuring an evening of gourmet hors d’oeuvres from Louisville’s top chefs, music and a silent auction. Tickets are $125 per person or $300 for a special “back of the house” tour package. Vice Chair Doug York, CPA President, Rodefer Moss & Co. PLLC Hoyt Almond Community Bank President, BB&T Shana Bailey Director of Operations, Indiana & Northern Kentucky, Walmart Sarah Barker Brown Civic Volunteer David Burianek Director of Medicare Service Operations, Humana Inc. Jackie Cain President, TWIGS of Kosair Children’s Hospital Jonathan E. Dubins Pilot, UPS Bruce Dudley Partner, Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs LLP Robert D. Evans Project Manager, Actus Lend Lease Amy Garlove, M.D. Pediatrician, Children’s Health PLLC Heather Hart Civic Volunteer Keith Johnson President & CEO, First Federal Savings Bank Karen L. Keith Attorney, McMasters Keith Inc. Jim Lacy Chief Financial Officer & Counsel, ZirMed Dana Bynum Mayton Vice President, Government Relations University of Louisville Wayne Mortenson, DMD President & Owner, Mortenson Family Dental Nicole Moseley, APRN Civic Volunteer Paul Oberst Vice President, Fifth Third Bank Tonii Rizzo Senior Vice President, Abel Construction Linda Roberts President, Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary G. Hunt Rounsavall Jr. Attorney, Rounsavall Title Group Cindi Shrader Financial Planner, MET Financial Eddie Smith Regional Vice President of Restaurant Operations White Castle Peter Tevebaugh Director of Finance, Mytex Polymers Debbie Ward Team Leader, Serve Ministry Southeast Christian Church Marita Willis Vice President of Community Development, PNC Bank Richard S. Wolf, M.D. Retired Medical Director, Kosair Children’s Hospital Thomas D. Kmetz President, Kosair Children’s Hospital The Rev. Ronald C. Oliver, Ph.D., BCC System Vice President, Mission and Outreach Norton Healthcare Lynnie Meyer, MSN, R.N., CFRE Executive Director Children’s Hospital Foundation 15 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEBANON JCT., KY PERMIT NO. 677 Providing care that’s “Just for Kids” Kosair Children’s Hospital is Kentucky’s only full-service, free-standing pediatric Cart Wheels Norton Healthcare P.O. Box 35070 Louisville, KY 40232-5070 care facility dedicated exclusively to caring for children and is an advocate for the health, safety and well-being of all children. The 263-bed hospital, which also serves as the primary pediatric teaching facility for the University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, maintains an unwavering dedication to the children of this community and the region. To learn more about the programs and services offered through Kosair Children’s Hospital, visit The Children’s Hospital Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Kosair Children’s Hospital with a mission to raise awareness and funds to support lifesaving equipment, research, clinical care, education, advocacy and state-of-the-art facilities. For more information about charitable contributions that help children, call (502) 629-8060 or (800) 444-2523 or visit To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Kosair Children’s Hospital, call (502) 629-6122. CartWh ls Spring 2012 A quarterly publication of Kosair Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital Foundation Contact us at: Kosair Children’s Hospital information line (502) 629-KIDS • (855) KCH-KIDS Children’s Hospital Foundation (502) 629-8060 • (800) 444-2523 WE TAKE DOCTOR-PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY SERIOUSLY. Managing editors -Michelle Robey and Maggie Skibba Roetker Medical adviser - Stephen Wright, M.D. Creative director - David Miller Designer - Mary Lou Fitzer Copy editor - Jen Reynolds This is Dr. Lucinda Thurman Wright, pediatric cardiologist, sharing a special moment with one of her patients, Mattox. Their relationship will continue long into the future because Dr. Wright not only provides a commitment to care, but also a commitment to her patients that lasts a lifetime. It’s what makes Kosair Children’s Hospital such a special place for specialty pediatric care. Cart Wheels is printed by Publisher’s Press. Visit us at
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