Diagnosis and therapy of Kawasaki disease in children. A S Dajani, K A Taubert, M A Gerber, S T Shulman, P Ferrieri, M Freed, M Takahashi, F Z Bierman, A W Karchmer and W Wilson Circulation. 1993;87:1776-1780 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.87.5.1776 Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1993 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/87/5/1776.citation Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: http://www.lww.com/reprints Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation is online at: http://circ.ahajournals.org//subscriptions/ Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014 1776 AHA Medical/Scientific Statement Special Report Diagnosis and Therapy of Kawasaki Disease in Children Adnan S. Dajani, MD, Chairman; Kathryn A. Taubert, PhD; Michael A. Gerber, MD; Stanford T. Shulman, MD; Patricia Ferrieri, MD; Michael Freed, MD; Masato Takahashi, MD; Fredrick Z. Bierman, MD; Adolf W. Karchmer, MD; Walter Wilson, MD; Shahbudin H. Rahimtoola, MD; David T. Durack, MD, DPhil, (Liaison, Infectious Diseases Society of America); Georges Peter, MD (Liaison, American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Infectious Diseases), Members, Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, American Heart Association awasaki disease, a generalized vasculitis of unknown etiology, is a leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in the United States. It occurs more often in boys than in girls, with a ratio of about 1.5:1. Eighty percent of cases occur in children less than 5 years of age, and most are in children under 2. The onset of the disease is rare after 8 years of age. Less than 2% of patients have recurrences.' Within the United States, children of all racial backgrounds are affected, although the highest incidence is in children of Asian ancestry. Kawasaki disease has been reported worldwide. Kawasaki disease was initially described by Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki2 in 1967 in Japan and was found to be an important cause of cardiac disease in children shortly thereafter. More than 115,000 cases were reported in Japan from that time through 1991 (T. Kawasaki, written communication, 1992). Annual attack rates in Japan have been as high as 67 per 100,000 children under 5 years of age.3 In the United States annual attack rates vary between 6-9 per 100,000 children less than 5 years of age.4-6 This is reflected in an estimate of at least 2,000 cases per year in the United K States.6 In the United States Kawasaki disease occurs yearround, with a greater number of cases observed in winter and spring. Reports from Japan, where the most complete epidemiological surveillance data have been collected, show that epidemics occurred in 1979, 1982, and 1985. Epidemics have also been reported in the United States and other countries. The epidemiology of Kawasaki disease suggests that a microbial agent is the cause of this disease. The clinical presentation is also highly suggestive of an infectious etiology; rickettsiae, viruses (primarily Epstein-Barr virus and retroviruses), several bacteria (e.g., group A streptococci, other streptococci, and propionibacteria), Address for reprints: Kathryn A. Taubert, PhD, American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4596. "Diagnosis and Therapy of Kawasaki Disease in Children" was approved by the AHA's Steering Committee on February 18, 1993. and candidae have been suggested as etiologic agents. To date, however, an etiologic agent has not been documented. Epidemiological observations suggest that Kawasaki disease may be associated with living near bodies of water or exposure to house dust mites or recently shampooed carpets. Critical data to substantiate these possible associations are lacking. Although an infectious etiology has been suggested, person-to-person transmission has not been documented, even in day-care centers, a common source for outbreaks has not been defined, and cases among siblings are very rare. This statement discusses the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease and its treatment during the acute phase. Longterm follow-up of patients with cardiac involvement will be addressed in a subsequent publication by this committee. Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease In the absence of a specific diagnostic test for Kawasaki disease, clinical criteria have been established to assist the physician in making the diagnosis.7 Other clinical and laboratory findings observed in patients with this disease are frequently helpful. Table 1 describes the clinical and laboratory features of Kawasaki disease. Principal Clinical Findings Fever and at least four of the fiveprincipal clinicalfeatures should be present to establish the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease. Patients with fever and fewer than four principal features can be diagnosed as having Kawasaki disease when coronary artery disease is detected by two-dimensional echocardiography or coronary angiography. The fever is generally high and spiking, and persists in the untreated patient for 1-2 weeks or longer. With appropriate treatment the fever usually resolves in a short period of time. Kawasaki disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a young child with unexplained fever. Changes in the extremities are distinctive. Erythema of the palms and soles and/or firm, sometimes painful Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014 Kawasaki Disease in Children AHA Scientific Council 1777 TABLE 1. Clinical and Laboratory Features of Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic criteria (principal clinical findings*) Fever of at least 5 days' durationt Presence of four of the following principal features: Changes in extremities Polymorphous exanthem Bilateral conjunctival injection Changes in the lips and oral cavity Cervical lymphadenopathy Exclusion of other diseases with similar findings (Table 2) Other clinical and laboratory findings Cardiac findings Pancarditis, in early stages of disease Coronary artery abnormalities, usually beyond 10 days of onset of illness Noncardiac findings Respiratory tract Musculoskeletal system Preceding respiratory illness Arthritis, arthralgia Otitis media Pulmonary infiltrates Gastrointestinal tract Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain Other findings Hepatic dysfunction Erythema and induration at Hydrops of the gallbladder Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) inoculation site Auditory abnormalities Central nervous system Testicular swelling Extreme irritability Peripheral gangrene Aseptic meningitis Aneurysms of medium-sized noncoronary arteries Laboratory findings Neutrophilia with immature forms Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate Positive C-reactive protein Elevated serum a-1-antitrypsin Anemia Hypoalbuminemia Elevated serum immunoglobulin E Thrombocytosis Proteinuria Sterile pyuria Elevated serum transaminases *Patients with fever and fewer than four principal clinical features can be diagnosed as having Kawasaki disease when coronary artery disease is detected by two-dimensional echocardiography or coronary angiography. tMany experts believe that, in the presence of classic features, the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease can be made by experienced practitioners before the fifth day of fever. induration of the hands or feet often occurs in the early phase of the disease. Desquamation of the fingers and toes usually begins 1-3 weeks after onset of fever in the periungual region and may extend to include the palms and soles. Approximately 1-2 months after the onset of fever, deep transverse grooves across the nails (Beau's lines) may appear. A polymorphous exanthema usually appears within 5 days of the onset of fever. The rash may take various forms, including an urticarial exanthema, a maculopapular morbilliform eruption, a scarlatiniform erythroderma, an erythema-multiforme-like rash, or, rarely, a fine micropustular eruption. Bullous eruptions have not been described. The rash is usually extensive with involvement of the trunk and extremities and accentuation in the perineal region. Bilateral conjunctival injection usually begins shortly after the onset of fever. It typically involves the bulbar conjunctivae much more than the palpebral or tarsal conjunctivae, is not associated with an exudate, and is usually painless. Changes of the lips and oral cavity include erythema and cracking of the lips, strawberry tongue, and erythema of the orophyaryngeal mucosa. Oral or lingual ulcerations are not seen. Cervical lymphadenopathy is considered a principal finding when at least one lymph node is more than 1.5 cm in diameter. The lymphadenopathy is generally unilateral and the nodes are usually firm and slightly tender. There may be some overlying erythema but the nodes are nonfluctuant. Among the five principal clinical features, cervical lymphadenopathy is the least common. Because the principal clinical findings to fulfill the diagnostic criteria are not specific, other diseases with similar clinical features should be excluded (Table 2). Consideration of measles as a possible diagnosis is particularly important because cases have been misdiagnosed as Kawasaki disease and appropriate control measures have not been taken promptly. Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014 1778 Circulation Vol 87, No S May 1993 TABLE 2. Differential Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease: Diseases and Disorders With Similar Clinical Findings Measles Scarlet fever Drug reactions Stevens-Johnson syndrome Other febrile viral exanthemas Rocky Mountain spotted fever Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Toxic shock syndrome Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Leptospirosis Mercury poisoning Other Clinical and Laboratory Findings Cardiac Findings. Cardiovascular manifestations can be prominent in the acute phase of the illness and are the leading cause of long-term morbidity and mortality. In this phase the pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, and coronary arteries may all be involved. Pericardial effusion is detected by echocardiography in approximately 30% of patients with Kawasaki disease. It rarely progresses to tamponade and usually resolves spontaneously without specific therapy. Clinically recognizable myocarditis is common. Signs include tachycardia out of proportion to the degree of fever. A gallop rhythm may be heard. The electrocardiogram is abnormal in one third of children with Kawasaki disease, showing decreased R wave voltage, ST segment depression, and T wave flattening or inversion. Myocardial inflammation may cause slowed conduction, resulting in prolonged PR or QT intervals or both. Local areas of ischemia may occur and predispose to atrial or, more commonly, ventricular arrhythmias. Congestive cardiac failure can also occur. Coronary arterial abnormalities develop in approximately 20% of children with untreated Kawasaki disease and are the most common cause of both short- and long-term morbidity and mortality. Aneurysms have been detected within 3 days of onset of illness but more commonly occur from 10 days to 4 weeks after the onset of symptoms. The appearance of aneurysms more than 6 weeks after the onset of illness is uncommon. Factors associated with an increased risk of developing coronary arterial aneurysms include male gender; age less than 1 year; other signs or symptoms of pericardial, myocardial, or endocardial involvement, including arrhythmias; prolonged period of inflammation, including fever for more than 10 days; and recurrence of fever after an afebrile period of at least 24 hours. Abnormalities of the coronary arteries include ectasia (coronary size larger than normal for age, [normal artery size ranges from 1-2 mm in newborns and infants to 4.5-5.0 mm in teenagers8'9], or aneurysms that may be fusiform or saccular (near-equal axial and lateral diameters). Patients with giant aneurysms (internal diameter of at least 8 mm) have the worst prognosis and are at the greatest risk of developing coronary thrombosis, stenosis, or myocardial infarction. Giant aneurysms generally do not resolve. Coronary abnormalities are usually detected by high-resolution cardiac ultrasound. Angiography is sometimes used for diagno- coronary sis, particularly in patients with suspected or definite echocardiographic changes or ischemia. Expertise is needed for a complete coronary artery evaluation and usually requires a qualified pediatric cardiologist because of considerable normal variations in the coronary arteries. Myocardial infarction is the principal cause of death in Kawasaki disease. It may occur during the acute illness but happens more commonly within a year and may occur even later in patients who have giant aneurysms. Symptoms of myocardial infarction include unconsolable crying, vomiting, dyspnea, cardiovascular collapse, and shock. Chest pain has been described by children who can communicate the symptom. The majority of documented cases of infarction occur during sleep or while at rest.10 Mortality from infarction has been reported to be approximately 25%.10 In patients with coronary arterial abnormalities, aneurysms of other medium-sized muscular arteries, including the renal, brachial, and femoral arteries, can occur during the acute phase of the illness but more commonly are detected more than a year after the acute illness. Children with giant coronary aneurysms more likely have other arterial involvement. Valvar involvement, primarily mitral regurgitation, has been described in about 1% of children with Kawasaki disease."1 Very rarely, regurgitation is severe enough to require valve replacement.12'13 Noncardiac Findings. Multiple noncardiac clinical findings may be observed in patients with Kawasaki disease. Arthritis or arthralgia can occur in the first week of the illness and is usually polyarticular, involving the knees, ankles, and hands. Commonly a pauciarticular arthritis involving the knees, ankles, or hips appears during the second or third week of illness. Arthritis is more common in older girls. Infants with Kawasaki disease are often more irritable than infants with other febrile illnesses. Signs and symptoms suggestive of aseptic meningitis may be present in some patients. A mononuclear pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid is found in at least one fourth of the patients who undergo lumbar puncture. Diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are common features. Mild to moderate elevations of serum transaminases with mild obstructive jaundice are occasionally noted. Acute acalculous distention of the gallbladder (hydrops) commonly occurs during the first 2 weeks of illness and can be identified by abdominal ultrasound. Preceding or concurrent respiratory symptoms such as cough, rhinorrhea, otitis media, or pulmonary infiltrates are often observed. Other less common findings include erythema and induration at the site of a recent vaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Auditory abnormalities, testicular swelling, and peripheral gangrene have also been reported. Laboratory Findings. During the acute phase of the illness, patients with Kawasaki disease typically have neutrophilia, often including immature forms, increased acute phase reactants, mild anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and elevated serum immunoglobulin E levels. Thrombocytosis is frequently seen after the first week of the illness and may be marked. Proteinuria, probably secondary to fever, and sterile pyuria, probably a reflection of urethral involvement, are common. Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014 Kawasaki Disease in Children AHA Scientific Council TABLE 3. Recommended Therapy During the Acute Stage of Kawasaki Disease Intravenous gamma globulin 2 glkg as single infusion over 12 hours (preferred) or 400 mg/kg per day for 4 days; each dose infused over 2 hours (alternate) plus Aspirin 80-100 mg/kg per day orally in four equally divided doses until patient is afebrile* then 3-5 mg/kg orally once daily for up to 6-8 weekst *Some clinicians recommend high-dose aspirin until the 14th day of illness. tDiscontinue aspirin 6-8 weeks after onset of illness if no coronary arterial abnormalities are observed on echocardiogram. Continue indefinitely if there are coronary arterial abnormalities. Some patients who do not fulfill the criteria outlined in Table 1 have been diagnosed subsequently as having "atypical" or "incomplete" Kawasaki disease. Patients with fever and fewer than four principal clinical findings can be diagnosed as having Kawasaki disease when coronary artery disease is detected. Some children with prolonged unexplained febrile illnesses, especially when associated with subsequent peripheral desquamation, may indeed have had atypical Kawasaki disease and should be reevaluated carefully for possible development of coronary artery disease. Therapy During Acute Stage Initial therapy for Kawasaki disease is currently directed at reducing inflammation, particularly in the coronary arterial wall and myocardium. Later, therapy is directed toward preventing coronary thrombosis by inhibiting platelet aggregation. Specific therapy awaits discovery of the etiologic agent. When possible, patients with Kawasaki disease should be treated within the first 10 days of onset of illness with intravenous gamma globulin and high-dose aspirin (Table 3). The beneficial effect of intravenous gamma globulin on coronary abnormalities was first reported in Japan.14 A multicenter randomized controlled trial in the United States demonstrated that defervescence and resolution of inflammation were more pronounced and coronary arterial abnormalities were significantly less frequent in patients treated with intravenous gamma globulin plus aspirin than in patients treated with aspirin alone.15 A subsequent US trial compared a single 2 g/kg dose of intravenous gamma globulin to the dosage of 400 mg/kg per day for 4 days; both groups also received 100 mg/kg of aspirin per day. Children treated with the single-infusion regimen had significantly fewer coronary arterial abnormalities 2 weeks after enrollment than children treated with the 4-day infusion. By the seventh week after enrollment, the difference between the two groups was not significant. Children treated with the single-infusion regimen also had a more rapid defervescence and return of acute phase reactants to normal.16 Intravenous gamma globulin has been reported to reduce the likelihood of development of giant coronary artery aneu- 1779 rysms17 and appears to have a direct beneficial effect on abnormalities in cardiac function associated with the acute phase of Kawasaki disease.18 High-dose aspirin alone hastens the resolution of acute manifestations of Kawasaki disease, particularly fever. The combination of aspirin at 80-100 mg/kg per day and intravenous gamma globulin has a more rapid anti-inflammatory effect than aspirin alone and appears to decrease the rate of development of coronary abnormalities. In children with Kawasaki disease, absorption of aspirin may be impaired and monitoring serum concentrations can be helpful in apparent nonresponders or in certain other circumstances. After the child has become afebrile, aspirin should be reduced to 3-5 mg/kg given as a single daily dose for its antithrombotic effect. Low-dose aspirin is continued for approximately 6-8 weeks and then discontinued if no coronary arterial abnormalities have been detected by echocardiography. To reduce the risk of Reye's syndrome, aspirin therapy should be interrupted if the patient develops varicella or influenza, although the magnitude of such a risk is unknown. The use of dipyridamole to alter platelet activity should be considered during this interval if the patient is at high risk for myocardial infarction, that is, has developed significant coronary arterial abnormalities. If coronary arterial abnormalities are detected, lowdose aspirin therapy should be continued indefinitely and the patient referred to a pediatric cardiologist for longterm follow-up. Some Japanese and American investigators have attempted to target intravenous gamma globulin therapy only to those patients thought to be at highest risk of developing coronary arterial abnormalities by constructing risk scoring systems. None of these scoring systems is sensitive or specific enough to enable early prediction of which patients will develop coronary abnormalities. Therefore, the current recommendation is that all children diagnosed with Kawasaki disease within 10 days of onset of fever should receive intravenous gamma globulin and high-dose aspirin as early as possible. Administration of parenteral live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella) should be delayed for at least 5 months after intravenous gamma globulin treatment because passively acquired antibodies may interfere with effective immunization.19 During a measles outbreak, however, it may be prudent to administer measles vaccine earlier to a previously unimmunized child and repeat the vaccination at a later time. Schedules for administration of other routine childhood vaccinations should not be interrupted. To reduce the risk of Reye's syndrome in patients on long-term aspirin therapy, administration of influenza vaccine is recommended. Unresolved therapeutic issues. The mechanism of action of intravenous gamma globulin in Kawasaki disease is unknown. Gamma globulin may act by blockade or modulation of Fc receptors, by providing a specific antibody against an etiologic agent or toxin, by an anti-idiotypic mechanism resulting in suppression of antibody function, synthesis, or both, or by downregulation of cytokine production. Because the mechanism of action of intravenous gamma globulin is unknown, standardization of intravenous gamma globulin preparations is not possible. It is unclear whether all commercially available intravenous Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014 1780 Circulation Vol 87, No S May 1993 References 3. Yanagawa H: Results of nationwide surveys of Kawasaki disease, in Shigematsu I, Yanagawa H, Kawasaki T (eds): Kawasaki Disease Epidemiological Data Book. Tokyo, Soft Science-sha Publications, 1986, pp 37-51 4. Shulman ST, McAuley JB, Pachman LM, Miller ML, Ruschhaupt DG: Risk of coronary abnormalities due to Kawasaki disease in urban area with small Asian population. Am J Dis Child 1987;141:420-425 5. Rauch AM, Kaplan SL, Nihill MR, Pappas PG, Hurwitz ES, Schonberger LB: Kawasaki syndrome clusters in Harris County, Texas, and eastern North Carolina: A high endemic rate and a new environmental risk factor. Am J Dis Child 1988;142:441-444 6. Taubert KA, Rowley AH, Shulman ST: A nationwide survey of Kawasaki disease and acute rheumatic fever. J Pediatr 1991;119: 279-282 7. Dajani AS, Bisno AL, Chung KJ, Durack DT, Gerber MA, Kaplan EL, Millard D, Randolph MF, Shulman ST, Taubert KA, Watanakunakorn C: Diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki disease. Am J Dis Child 1990;144:1218-1219 8. Oberhoffer R, Lang D, Feilen K: The diameter of coronary arteries in infants and children without heart disease. Eur J Pediatr 1989;149:144-145 9. Arjunan K, Daniels SR, Meyer RA, Schwartz DC, Barran H, Kaplan S: Coronary artery caliber in normal children and patients with Kawasaki disease but without aneurysms: An echocardiographic and angiocardiographic study. J Am Coll Cardiol 1986;8: 1119-1124 10. Kato H, Ichinose E, Kawasaki T: Myocardial infarction in Kawasaki disease: Clinical analyses in 195 cases. J Pediatr 1986; 108:923-927 11. Akagi T, Kato H, Inoue 0, Sato N, Imamura K: Valvular heart disease in Kawasaki syndrome: Incidence and natural history. Am Heart J 1990;120:366-372 12. Gidding SS, Shulman ST, Ilbawi M, Crussi F, Duffy CE: Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (Kawasaki disease): Delayed aortic and mitral insufficiency secondary to active valvulitis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1986;7:894-897 13. Kitamura S, Kawashima Y, Kawachi K, Harima R, Ihara K, Nakano S, Shimazaki Y, Mori T: Severe mitral regurgitation due to coronary arteritis of mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome: A new surgical entity. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1980;80:629-636 14. Furusho K, Kamiya T, Kaano H, et al: High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for Kawasaki disease. Lancet 1984;2:1055-1058 15. Newberger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, et al: The treatment of Kawasaki syndrome with intravenous gammaglobulin. N Engl J Med 1986;315:341-347 16. Newberger JW, Takahashi M, Beiser AS, et al: A single infusion of intravenous gammaglobulin compared to four daily doses in the treatment of acute Kawasaki syndrome. N Engl J Med 1991;324: 1633-1639 17. Rowley AH, Duffy CE, Shulman ST: Prevention of giant coronary artery aneurysms in Kawasaki disease by intravenous gammaglobulin therapy. J Pediatr 1988;113:290-294 18. Newberger JW, Sanders SP, Burns JC, et al: Left ventricular contractility and function in Kawasaki syndrome. Circulation 1989;79: 1237-1246 19. Mason WH, Schneider TL, Takahashi M: Duration of passively acquired measles antibody and response to live virus vaccination following gamma globulin therapy for Kawasaki disease. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Kawasaki Disease. Dallas, Tex, American Heart Association (in press) 20. Engle MA, Fatica NS, Bussel JB, et al: Clinical trial of single-dose intravenous gamma globulin in acute Kawasaki disease. Am J Dis Child 1989;143:1300-1304 21. Barron KS, Murphy DJ, Silverman ED, et al: Treatment of Kawasaki syndrome: A comparison of two dosage regimens of intravenously administered immune globulin. J Pediatr 1990;117: 638-644 1. Mason WH, Takahashi M, Schneider TL: Recurrences of Kawasaki syndrome in a large urban cohort in the United States. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Kawasaki Disease. Dallas, Tex, American Heart Association (in press) 2. Kawasaki T: Acute febrile mucocutaneous syndrome with lymphoid involvement with specific desquamation of the fingers and toes in children (in Japanese). Jpn JAllergy 1967;16:178-222 1. Shulman ST (ed): Kawasaki Disease. New York, Alan R. Liss, Inc, 1987 2. Takahashi M (ed): Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Kawasaki Disease. Dallas, Tex, American Heart Association (in press) gamma globulin preparations or various lots of the same preparation are equally effective. The optimal dose of intravenous gamma globulin for treatment of acute Kawasaki disease remains undetermined. Two US studies using a single dose of 1 g/kg intravenous gamma globulin have been reported. One study was uncontrolled,20 and the other comparing doses of 1 g/kg to 400 mg/kg per day for 4 days involved a small number of patients.21 No trials comparing single doses of 1 g/kg and 2 g/kg have been reported. Intravenous gamma globulin therapy should be considered for patients in whom the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease is made after the tenth day of illness if they have signs of ongoing inflammation or evolving coronary artery disease. Prolonged fever is associated with increased risk of coronary arterial abnormalities, including giant aneurysms. However, there are no available data from controlled studies on the benefit of intravenous gamma globulin in this circumstance. Some patients who present within 10 days of onset of illness already have coronary arterial abnormalities. These patients should receive aspirin and intravenous gamma globulin, although there are no data available on the acute or long-term benefits of such therapy. Intravenous gamma globulin therapy may not always result in a prompt anti-inflammatory response. Some patients have persistent fever 24 hours after completion of the infusion. Other patients have an initial defervescence for at least 24 hours and then a recurrence of the fever. In both circumstances, retreatment with intravenous gamma globulin should be considered, although the benefit of retreatment to decrease the risk of coronary arterial sequelae has not been determined. Treatment of atypical or incomplete Kawasaki disease with intravenous gamma globulin is based on clinical judgment. To identify such patients with certainty will not be possible until the etiology of the illness is discovered and a specific diagnostic test developed. Infants, particularly those under 6 months of age, frequently lack full diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease, and a high index of suspicion is necessary to make the diagnosis in these patients. Because these young infants are at an extremely high risk of developing coronary arterial abnormalities, early diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapy is particularly important. Overuse of intravenous gamma globulin should be discouraged because this treatment is expensive and has potential side-effects. When possible, patients with questionable diagnoses should be referred to a pediatric facility with established expertise in the diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease before therapy is initiated. Additional Reading Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on August 22, 2014
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