PAGE TWO CASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1975 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Cass City Social andPersonal Items Mrs. Reva Little Randy Brown, ministerial student at Midwestern Bible College in Pontiac, was guest speaker at the Sunday evening service at First Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craig attended Mrs. Craig's graduating class reunion Saturday evening at Caro. Of the 72 members of the class, 25 were present with a total attendance of 48. 1 Miss Lessel Crawford of Pontiac was a" "Saturday afternoon visitor at the Glenn McClorey home. Susan Damm was an overnight guest Saturday night. Members of the Baptist youth group spent Saturday canoeing on the Chippewa River, The 22 young people were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hillaker, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ewald and Mrs. Harold Rayl. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Damm held open house Saturday evening for their son, Rick, in honor of his high school graduation. The party was held at the White Creek Club. Mrs. Joseph E. Mark Phone 872-3698 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Root visited Henry McLellan at Huron County Health Center at Bad Axe Sunday. He was moved there Friday from Hills and Dales General Hospital. They also visited Olin Thompson at Port Austin. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. William Profit and Mrs. Lucile Miller attended a retirement party at the courthouse in Caro Friday afternoon for Mrs. -Glara-&hriberwho-has~ been" employed in the Register of Deeds office and is retiring. Mr. Marshall presented Mrs. Schriber with a gift from the courthouse employees. Mrs. Sarah Chaffee of Ferndale and her daughter, Mrs. Hubert Park of Sterling Heights, visited Mrs. Chaffee's niece, Mrs. Lloyd Finkbeiner, and Mrs. Chaffee's sisters-in-law, Mrs. Helen Little and Mrs. Arthur Little, Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Little and her sister, Mrs. Paul Craig,traveled to Center Line Sunday to the Don Roberts home where an open house for Craig A. Roberts, a high school graduate, was held. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Roberts of Snover and Mrs. Fern Robinson of Argyle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lorentzen visited cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steinmann at Peck, Saturday. Daily Vacation Bible School is in session mornings this week at the Fraser Presbyterian church. The school will be climaxed with a program at 11.-15 a.m. Sunday, June 29, at the church. There will be no regular Sunday school hour. Mrs. Robert Graham is directing the school and Monday for the opening session with more expected as the week progresses. Assisting with the materials and planning was Mrs. Murdoch Leitch. Other workers include Mrs. Harrison Stine in charge of music, Rev. and Mrs. Robert VonOeyen, Mrs. Henry McLellan, Mrs. Lynn Spencer, Mrs. Jim Brown, Mrs. Roy Hull, Mrs. Roger Root and Mrs. Diane Battel. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lorentzen returned home Thursday from St. Charles, 111., where they had spent a week with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lorentzen and daughters. Anne Marie Lorentzen of Saginaw accompanied her parents to St. Charles and returned to Saginaw, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Haire attended their 35-year class reunion at Heppner Villa in Pinconning Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Luana were Sunday dinner guests of the Stan Guinther family. Mrs. Basil Wotton is in Port Huron because of the illness of her sister, Mrs. William Barringer. _.. _MjL-an.cLM.r&._Eeter_Rieiu stra and grandchildren, Dwight, Dwayne and Dawn Rienstra of North Branch, arrived home Sunday evening from a ten-day trip to Worthington, * Minnesota, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Harold Evans of Clawson was a week-end guest of friends here and Sunday, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Nellie Willson of Caro and Mrs. Eliza Morse were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lounsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hobart and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beardsley spent from Monday until Wednesday last week at the Hobart cabin at Glennie. Salem United Methodist long fitted sleeves. They church was the setting for the carried colonial bouquets of wedding of Elizabeth A. apricot and white carnations, Hillaker and Joseph E. Mark, stephanotis and blue star The Jack Esau family Mr. and Mrs. William J. Phillips Saturday, June 7. Rev. Eld- flowers. entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rienred Kelley performed the 2:00 for the birthdays of Mrs. Best man was Gregory St. Agatha Catholic church included Ron Austin of Bad stra have as guests this week, of Gagetown was the setting Axe, brother of the bride, and p.m. ceremony. Esau, June 16, Mary Beth Mark, brother of the groom, Mrs. Eldred Kelley and her brother and family, Mr. for the wedding ceremony of The bride is the daughter of of Cass City. Other groomsEsau, June 17, and Mrs. Fred Robert Wolschlager of Cass Mrs. David Loomis are co- and Mrs. Clare Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Hillaker of men were Archie Falor, Maier, June 19. Miss Muriel Jean M. Austin and William City, brother-in-law of the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Loomchairmen of the Vacation sons, Gary and Eric, of 6646 M St., Cass City. The friend of the groom, of Fen ton Addison, Leonard Striffler is visited their daughter J. Phillips, Saturday, June 7. bride. Bible School that got under- Papaaloa, Hawaii. bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Philip Nichols, brotherand Miss Laura Maier were Becky at East Lansing, Rev. Fr. Norman Van PopUshers and drivers were way Monday in Salem UM and Mrs. James Mark of in-law of the groom, of also guests. pelen officiated at the 1:00 Harold Polega of Cass City, Sunday where she is attendchurch and are being assisted Eighteen members of the p.m. ceremony. Wilsie Road, Cass City. Kalamazoo. ing summer school. brother-in-law of the bride, by the pastor, Rev. Kelley, Up and Atom Farm Bureau The bride wore an ivory Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacThe bride is the daughter of and Wayne Cummings of and 25 others including teach- group traveled to the Big Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Austin Ushers were Joe Hillaker, Tavish entertained at dinner gown featuring princess styCass City, friend of the Mrs. Howard Loomis acers, recreation leaders, those Mansion on Thunder Bay ling, exquisitely enhanced brother of the bride, of Cass Thursday, June 19, Mrs. Fred companied Mr. and Mrs. couple. in charge of crafts and those June 14-16 where they met of Bad Axe. The bridegroom with pearl beaded imported City and John Wencley, Maier and Miss Laura Maier Clare Hanes and J.C. Hanes is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Special drivers were Berwho help with refreshments. with Mr. and Mrs. William Morton Edgerton of Caro. French lace. The gown fea- friend of the groom, of Hazel in honor of Mrs. Maier's of Caro to Cincinnati, Ohio, to nard Wolschlager and Tom The school will be in session Ritter, managers of the tured a raised neckline, Park. birthday. The bride wore an A-line Wolschlager Jr., both of Bad attend a wedding Saturday. each day this week from Mansion and former resiThe bride's mother chose a bibbed bodice and long gown of sheer organza over Axe, and Rodney Forsyth of They returned home Sunday. 9-11:30 a.m. and any child or dents here. Also guests there taffeta with a chapel train, Caro. sleeves featuring ruffled long, misty ice blue gown with Mrs. John Haire accompanyouth will be welcomed. for the meeting Monday were modified ,cuffs. Lace motifs enhanced a fitted self cummerbund, ied her sisters and mother to Empire waist, The church was decorated Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morrison, Fifty-two reported for the 18 members of a Farm edged with a single row of •the skirt that was _ also mandarin collar and full Port Huron Sunday where daughter Kim and grandson with vases of gladioluses with opening session Monday. Bureau group near Alpena. accented with a deep' lace accordion pleated sleeves. they attended a family re- Troy Parent of Saginaw, stephanotis lace flowers. rainbow ribbons. hemline that extended to a union at the home of Mrs, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clusters of stephanotis lace A wedding dinner and The groom's mother chose Nearly 60 persons from About 40 enjoyed a coopera- flowers adorned the high reception for 275 families was long cathedral train at the a floor-length gown of ivory Pearl Cowper. The Robert Morrison, Sunday. Salem UM church attended tive supper Saturday evening neck, bodice, bishop sleeves held at 4:00 p.m. at the VFW •back. Gurdon family of Washingknit featuring wrist-length all or part of the activities at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and the high point accent on Hall in Pigeon. " A pearl studded Juliet lace sleeves, a belted waist and an ton, Mi., were also present. Mr. and Mrs. John Bliss over the week end where Floyd Wiles. The group in- the front of the wide full fluff headdress secured the finger- accordion pleated skirt which Both bride and groom are attended the reunion of her families camped out at the cluded the "Sunshine Gals" ruffle. Single stephanotis lace employed at Active Industip veil of silk mist, ivory was accented with gold-toned There will be a special graduating class, the Caro Pigeon River camp ground, club members and their illusion, graced with lace buttons. meeting of Echo Chapter OES High School class of 1930. The tries of Elkton. flowers spotted the skirt. northeast of Cass City. The families and former memmotifs. She carried a colonial Sunday afternoon, June 29, at reunion was held Saturday The tiered illusion veil was The couple will reside in week end of fellowship in- bers of the Sunshine Method- held by a Juliet bonnet of Bad Axe following a wedding A reception for 185 persons bouquet of apricot and white 4p.m. in the Masonic Temple. evening at the Indianfields cluded worship service Sun- ist church. carnations, baby's breath and was held at the White Creek This is an open meeting to Country Club. connecting stephanotis lace trip in southern Michigan. day morning under the direcClub, Deford, at 4:00 p.m. stephanotis. which families and friends of flowers with pearl centers tion of Mrs. Harvey Walter. Relatives and friends sur- and raised accents. Mr. and Mrs. Theo O'Dell Maid of honor was Miss members are invited to ,; The bridegroom is a credit The trek to the camp grounds prised Clayton Hartwick Sun-» Terri Beets, friend of the and administrative manager attend. The Chapter is honor- and family of Milan spent The colonial bouquet was started Friday when ten day when; they came to bride of Saginaw. Brides- for Wickes Lumber Co. of ing the life members and five from Friday evening until made up of white carnations, children, third through sixth celebrate his birthday. A stephanotis, baby's breath jnaids were Mrs. Barbara •Bradenton, Fla. He is a 1973 more members will be pre- Sunday at the Ivan Tracy grades, rode their bikes the dinner was served by his Delbert AlvinEnglehart,20, Bonner, friend of the bride, of graduate of Central Michigan sented with life member- home. Karen O'Dell, who had and streaming ribbons of of Cass City and Donna Jean immediate family. WV> miles to the camp spent three weeks in Milan, Wheeler and Mrs. Kathy University, and holds a bachships. white. Kill, 17, of Vassar. ground, chaperoned by Mrs. returned to her home with Nichols, sister of the groom, elor of science degree in Matron of honor was Mrs. Frank Anthony Kupiec, 44, Dale Buehrly and Mrs. David Mrs. Eva Watson had as Robert Wolschlager, sister of Around 35 teens attended an them. Other Saturday and of Kalamazoo. business administration. of Deford and Joan Rowinski, Loomis. visitors last week, Mrs. Ralph ' Attendants wore apricot the bride, of Cass City. The bride is a 1975 graduate afterglow at the Elwyn Hel- Sunday guests in the Tracy Chapman and her mother, Bridesmaids included Norma 40, of Warren. jersey floor-length gowns fea- of CMU with a B.S. in wig home after the Sunday home were Ray O'Dell and Danny Lynn Callahan, 19, The afternoon Circle of the Mrs. Celia Johnson, Wednes- McKay, sister of the bride, of evening service at First son Dave of Carleton. turing cameo yoked necklines secondary education. of Vassar and Christine LouPresbyterian church Wo- day evening; Mrs. William Sterling Heights, Alice Tinsey Baptist church. Randy Brown trimmed with ivory reThe couple will reside in ise Carlisle, 18, of Vassar. men's Society met Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craig Woodward, Thursday afterpresented devotions. The embroidery and featuring Bradenton, Fla. and Rhea Bailey, both of Bad Mark Steven Johnson, 18, at the home of Mrs. Gaylord noon and Mr. and Mrs. Axe and friends of the couple. group enjoyed swimming, and daughter Barbara left of Caro and Rita Jane DunSunday for Mt. Pleasant. LaPeer. Mrs. James Milligan Charles Turner Jr. and son of followed by refreshments. They chose gowns of poly- ham, 19, of Caro. They will live there for the was in charge of the Bible Caro, Saturday afternoon. ester sheer over taffeta with Gregory Knight, 18, of study for the day. next six weeks while Mrs. Kingston and Margaret Ann square ruffle bib front and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright Craig is taking classes at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig back with a ruffle around the May, 20, of Caro. 15' - 28' Round of Caro were Sunday evening CMU. Miss Gertrude McWebb, had as guests from Saturday bottom and featuring lace Mark Allen Rawley, 18, of visitors of Mrs. Eva Watson who was to leave Wednesday until Monday morning, Mr. edging ruffles, along with Birch Run and Cindy Lou RodOvals to 16' x 32' and son Bill. of this week for Ann Arbor and Mrs. Robert Welch of sheer bishop sleeves with lace Mrs. Ron Brookens of abaugh, 18, of Millington. Depths to 7' where she will be making her Great Falls, Montana. Midland brought her mother, Rock Eugene Campbell, 19, on the cuffs. home, was guest of honor at a Mrs. James McMahon, back Their colonial bouquets of Caro and Carol Ann Thomptea Tuesday afternoon, June A Daily Vacation Bible were made up of a collage of son, 18, of Mayville. Twelve couples and around to Cass City Sunday after 350 N. M-15 . 17, at the home of Mrs. K.I. School for all ages will be held multi-colored mums, daisies, Lon Fredrick Brinkman, 21, 20 children were guests of Mr. Mrs. McMahon had spent ten Just South of 22nd Street MacRae. for one week at the Novesta and statis with ribbon stream- of Caro and Nanci Leigh Duand Mrs. Ferris Ware Sunday days with her. Bay City 892-7212 Russell, 23, of Caro. Church of Christ starting ers to match their gowns. night after church. The group Tue-Wed-Thur. 9 - 5:30; Friday to 7; Saturday 9 - 2 Gregory Allan Mellon, 24, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aug. 18. In order that director Mr. and Mrs. Jack Esau played volleyball and Mrs. Flower girls were Susan Sunday 10-2; Closed Monday. Evenings by Appointment. of Caro and Marleen E} New, Auten, Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Harold Prong can know Polega, niece of the bride, of and daughters Mary Beth and Ware served refreshments. 22, of Caro. Gross and Mrs. Ernest Croft how many to plan for and how Cass City, LuAnn Phillips of Anne were afternoon and James Patrick Bradsher n, many workers will be needed, Deford, daughter of the supper guests Thursday of •went to Chesaning Sunday 19, of Little Rock, Ark., and afternoon to attend an open it is important that those groom, Gail Kosal of Palms Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Reagh Gerri Lou Loy, 18, of Millinghouse for Bob Bell, a high planning to attend let Mrs. and Kay Cook of Cass City, in Saginaw. ton. school graduate, at the home Prong know by telephoning both friends of the couple. Hugh Herbert Fisher, 20, 872-3658. of his mother, Mrs. E.G. Bell. Mrs, Ray J. Tower and son of Vassar and Devra Elaine They wore gowns featuring Douglas of Greenville were Gould, 18, of Vassar. white embroidered lace on guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Alfred Wallace and sheer organza with ruffles Mr. and Mrs. James KetchThomas Frank Csernyik, Ketchum and Kathryn from 24, of Caro and Judy Lyn um and Kathryn were Satur- infant son Darren, born June around the bottom and neckThursday through Saturday. Trudeau. 27, of Caro. 12, w.ere guests of honor at a lines. They wore a single gold ay dinner guests of Mr. and 3\±=>L Mrs. Ray Speigl of Fairgrove. cradle shower Saturday after- cross, a present from the Secrets, like money, are nil noon at the home of Mrs. bride, and carried multiLeonard Ziemba. Co-host- colored nosegays with hair- unless placed in circulation. esses were Mrs. Arnold Erla, pieces to match. Experts sometimes prove Mrs. David Asher, Mrs. Best man was Dale MidPLAYSETS Sizes 2-6X 20% tO Harvey Francis and Mrs. daugh of Caro, friend of the their point by making the BIRTHS: Harold McAJpme of Snov- Dave Schember. groom. Other groomsmen facts agree with their theorer; ies. Sizes June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gludovatz and Peter Wood of Unionville; Frank Tordai of Cass City, a girl, Jodi Lynn. Mrs. Ella Beutler and Clyde June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. .Hyatt of Flint; Guadalupe Garza of FairClark Jackson of Ubly; TODDLER grove, a boy. Mrs. Oscar Hendrick of Kinde; PATIENTS LISTED MONBertram Partlo of Akron; DAY, JUNE 23, WERE: Mrs. Shirley Shaltonis of Bad Axe; Mrs. Gertrude FalkenLisa Dorsch and Mrs. Carol hagen, Cari Pettinger, JefDondineau of Owendale; SPECIAL fery Crandell, Mrs. GeneMrs. Sylvester Abraham of vieve Erla, Mrs. Vernon Pigeon; 9:30 A.M.-4:oo PM. McConnell and Mrs. Kenneth Martin of Cass City; Herbert Gekeler of Sagiand under naw; Otto Dorland of Decker; Karen Hall of Deford; Lenny Adamczyk of Kingston; Marriage Licenses )oughboyAbove Ground Pools Leisure Living If Hills and Dales General Hospital COORDINATES ^ 25% OFF CHILDREN'S CRUSADE 20% to 45% OFF CLEARANCE RACK Church of God SATURDAY JUNE 28 $5.00 SALE RACK Robersons visit Guam BOYS' SLACKS and COORDINATING SHIRTS THE PIED PIPER Erla Shopping Center 6261 Church Cass City Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberson of Kingston recently returned from a month's visit with their son and family, Staff Sgt. and Mrs. David M. Roberson and son on Guam at Anderson Air Force Base. During World War II, Roberson spent a year on Guam with a B-29 group under the 20th Air Force. They toured a Japanese destroyer and submarine and toured the island extensively. Mrs. Ida Nixon, John Miklovich and Claude King of Gagetown. GET RESULTS BIBLE TRUTHS FOR TRANSPORTATION 872-2597
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