Tithe Farm Primary School Newsletter – 13th June 2014 Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, LU5 5JB, Telephone: (01582) 865047 tithefarm@cbc.beds.sch.uk, www.tithefarmprimary.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S J Surgey, Chair of Governors: Mrs Susan Goodchild Tidy Class – Magpies Lunchtime Behaviour – Herons Class Attendance – Woodpeckers 98.9% Because of the FANTASTIC efforts of Woodpeckers with their attendance this week, they have earned the reward of a mufti day next Friday! Children in Woodpeckers may come to school on Friday 20th June in their own clothes. WELL DONE! PUPILS OF THE WEEK Joshua Kpatakpa Georgina Quinn Remek Luczka Ben Dooley Oliwer Szatkowski Mira Rashid Sahar Zemzam ACHIEVEMENT STARS Tia Owen Billy Abrehart Jadie Ellingham Kyle Richards Caden Charge Joshua Williams Lara McEwan SAY CHEESE! Get practising your poses and smiles because the school photographer will be in school on Tuesday morning. She will be taking class photos. Please make sure the children are looking smart. We will make sure Blackbirds have their photos before their swimming lesson never fear. If your child is in afternoon nursery (Sparrows) & you want them to be in the nursery photo please bring them to main reception for 9am. We will take their group shots first whilst you wait in reception & then you can take them straight home. WORK OF THE WEEK Aimee Parkhill Ryan Jean-Baptiste Kasim Mohammed Samantha Ngwane Alix Walker Isaac Frayne Aaryan Rashid DRESS UP & DANCE! After the success of the recent film nights the school council will be hosting another fund raising event. Thursday 19th June will be “Dress Up & Dance” day. We’re asking for a £1 donation to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Children can come to school in their wackiest outfits and enjoy a school disco. SUPER SWIMMERS SPORTS DAY Special “Super Swimmer” certificates were awarded in celebration assembly to Abbyrose Shine Callum Smith Kyle Richards Aya Zemzam Rayn Rashid For having the confidence to attempt something new and uncertain. WELL DONE! Weather permitting sports day will be next Friday. Morning Nursery (Wagtails) & Woodpeckers will be running at 10am. The pedestrian gate by Nursery will be open just before 10am for you to come into school. Sports day for the rest of the school will be at 1:30pm. The pedestrian gate on the main playground will be open for you to access the field. Please make sure all children have their PE kits & trainers in school all next week as practices will be taking place before the big event! Children taking place in the afternoon session may be taken home directly after the event finishes. Please pick up from the normal places. DIARY DATES Tuesday 17th June – Group Photos Friday 20th June – Sports Day Tuesday 24th June – Year 4 to Whipsnade Zoo Wednesday 25th June – Concert at the Grove Theatre Tuesday 1st July – Robotics Team to Legoland Thursday 3rd July – Year 3 to Rushmere Park Friday 4th July – Year 2 to British Schools Museum, Hitchin Monday 14th July to Friday 18th July – Year 5 to Little Canada Monday 21st July – Year 5 to Kempston Outdoor Centre TERM DATES May half term: Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May Last day of summer term: Wednesday 23rd July WOBURN TRIP Year 1 had a fantastic day at Woburn Safari Park on Tuesday. The weather was gorgeous and the children enjoyed seeing the bear play in the water. They thought it was very funny when a cheeky monkey hitched a ride on the coach wing mirror! There were some extras who joined the picnic. The chickens thought there might be some leftovers for them. Everyone had a great time and the children were all well behaved and a credit to Tithe Farm. Scroll down to see photos of the day. WOBURN TRIP MEAD OPEN FARM On Wednesday Woodpeckers spent the day at Mead Open Farm. It was very exciting as they were the first class to use the school’s shiny new minibus! Another warm sunny day gave the children the chance to enjoying playing on the outdoor play area. They also got to hold and stroke rabbits in the “Bunny hop” petting session. Then the children each picked a sheep which was running in the “Lamb National”. After much cheering and flag waving the race was won by a particularly speedy sheep called “Flying Fleece”. The children also got to enjoy a tractor ride around the farm. A fun day was had by everyone. Scroll down for photos of the day. MEAD OPEN FARM
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