The Cobbs Newsletter Spring Term 2015 On behalf of everyone at The Cobbs, a Happy New Year to you all and a particularly warm welcome to all our new parents and children. Primary Arts Project (PAN) Network Our school is a founder member of PAN. Each year a number of Warrington schools collaborate in a joint project based on an agreed theme and the children’s work is shared through an exhibition and a performance. This enables us to participate in exciting cross-curricular work and show case work within the arts. The theme for this year’s Primary Arts Network is ‘One Touch of Nature.’ We are already thinking about our contribution which will be based around the children’s knowledge of the seasons and nature’s changing colours. Our children will contribute to an exhibition at the Gateway Centre as well as performing at the Parr Hall in March. and the rainforest?’ First the children will research what a rainforest is like, including differences in climate. The environmental issues threatening the rainforests will also be considered to make strong scientific and geographical links in their learning. Art work will involve drawing, painting and using multimedia to create Rainforest pictures. Year Two will explore mixing different colours and shades and also look at and respond to Rousseau's jungle paintings. In Design and Technology the children will be designing and making rainforest animal glove puppets. Opportunities will be taken to read and write non-fiction texts linked to the theme. The children will learn about animals and plant growth in Science and relate this to the life in the rainforests. Curriculum Year Two This half term in Year 2 the main theme is ‘Our World’. Focusing on two localities, the children will learn about their features and climates. They will begin with the key question of ‘What are the differences between Appleton The second key question will begin the next locality study, of Hong Kong. Through pictures, video clips, non-fiction and fiction texts, Year Two will investigate this contrasting place and also be involved in emailing someone who lives 1 there to seek answers to their questions. During Literacy lessons the focus will be on information texts, instructions and poetry as well as looking at stories set in the rainforests and in Hong Kong. The RE focus will be on Judaism. The children will learn about the figure of Moses and reflect on the celebration of Passover. Chinese New Year takes place in February and we will be learning about this event linked to our work on Hong Kong. In the second half of the term, the topic will be Heroes and Heroines and history will be the main subject focus. The starting question will be ‘Why were Christopher Columbus and Grace Darling very brave people?’ The children will focus on a selection of famous people from the past and have a workshop planned to find out about why Grace Darling, the Victorian heroine, is famous. Year Two’s art focus will be learning about the life and work of some famous artists. People and events will be added to our external time line to further develop a sense of chronology. In Science, the children will be learning about forces starting with the key question ‘How can wheels help us to move?’ Cross curricular learning will involve designing and making suitable vehicles for Grace Darling. During literacy lessons the children will look at information texts, character descriptions and an extended story by a significant author – ‘The Minpins’ by Roald Dahl. In RE the focus will be on Christianity. The children will reflect on the significance of the Easter story. Computing work this term will start by using the internet and selected websites to help to research our topic of the Rainforest before moving on to messaging and email. Children will look at communication and the use of appropriate language. They will learn how information can be sent and retrieved digitally and will have the opportunity to explore our new VLE as it is being developed. Year One The topic for our Year One children is ‘Storyworlds” and the children are looking at many traditional fairy tales. Next half term, our topic is called, ‘I Spy Around Us’. The children will be looking at our local area and using local resources to study geography and history. In science, we will be looking at growing plants and using our grounds to watch for changes in plants and keep a weather watch. For our art work, we will be looking at seasonal art for the PAN display. World Book Day will be used as a focus for literacy work; the children will be discussing their favourite books and dressing up as story characters. In RE, the children will be remembering Saints days – St George, St David and St Patrick. Reception Year One will be making towers in design technology. In science, they will be sorting different materials investigating their properties and Adrian Bowden, a science specialist, will be delivering a workshop looking at different materials and their properties. In RE, the children will be celebrating Chinese New Year and Geography work will focus on Hot and Cold Climates. For their art work, the children are looking forward to drawing their favourite fairy tale characters. Towards the end of the half term Year One are holding a “ball” for the children where they will create their own healthy banquet. You may like to start organising a costume for the ball. The girls will need princess costumes or similar and the boys could dress as princes or knights. The Reception topic this term is ‘Once Upon a Time,’ and the children will be learning about traditional and fairy tales. They will be focussing on Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs. The role play area will become Grandma’s Cottage from the Red Riding Hood story and Grandma will be visiting the children to talk about her experience with the wolf! This will link to the work the children will be doing about Stranger Danger and the Community Police will be visiting the Reception classes to talk about this. In science the children are learning about materials, which also links well with the story of the Three Little Pigs. As part of this work the children will be visiting the Wild Garden for some Forest Schools work including making stick houses and stick people. At the end of this half term, the children are looking forward to celebrating 2 Chinese New Year and are excited about trying some dragon dancing and origami. They will also have the opportunity to taste traditional Chinese food and read fortune cookies. In the second part of the spring term, the topic will be “What Would You Finds at the Farm?” and a farm will be coming to visit our school. Literacy work will be centred around the author Martin Wadell as the children read Farmer Duck and Pig in the Pond. Tesco have kindly invited the children to visit to help them learn about what happens to food after it leaves the farm. In the outdoor area, the children are hoping to start growing some food of their own. They will also be learning about lifecycles and looking out for frogspawn in our pond. Nursery To start this half term in Nursery, the children have been talking about their Christmas experiences which will link to their topic about toys. They will be designing their own toy models and using them in our role play toy shop. There will be a maths focus on 2D and 3D shapes. In February, the children will be using the theme of “A Touch of Nature” to produce work for the Primary Arts Network Exhibition in Warrington. We will be celebrating Chinese New Year with lots of fun activities including Dragon Dancing and tasting Chinese food. Later in the term, we will be outdoors looking for signs of spring. The children will be practicing songs for their end of term nursery concert and they will also be looking at Easter celebrations. Keeping healthy and safe will link with finding out about the emergency services. to talk about nocturnal animals as part of the children’s science work and they Year Two children will have the opportunity to visit Grappenhall Keys Walled Garden to go pond dipping and look at pond habitats. School Visits Assemblies We have some exciting school visits and visitors planned this half term. Adrian Bowden will be running a science workshop on materials for the Year One th children on 16 January and this will give them practical science experience. On 21st January, Travelling by Tuba are visiting to work with all the children on instruments from around the world, their history, how they are played and also looking at rhythm and control. There will be a concert for parents of Year One children 2.15pm which will involve the children performing some of the things they have learnt. Tempus Fugit will be visiting Year Two on 3rd March and will perform a theatrical event based on Grace Darling to help develop the children’s knowledge of history. Key Strings will create a music workshop for all the children in school based on 4th March. For the Year Two children, Adrian Bowden from Travelling Science will be working with Year Two to develop their interest and understanding in science by looking at “forces”. The Reception children are very excited to be having a Mobile Farm visit them on 31st March where they will meet the animals that live on a farm and learn all about them. After half term, Blakmere Falconry will be visiting Year Two with their birds of prey Following on from our work on Friendship, we have begun the term by considering how unkind behaviour can lead to bullying. This topic is one that the children are expected to know about but we try to make it appropriate for their age. However, we stress that it is important for children to know what to do if they feel unhappy or if another child is doing something that they do not like or feel comfortable with. We will then move on to thinking about setting personal goals and challenges. This will encourage the children to set themselves a target and work consistently to achieve it. School Closure Although we are not aware at the moment of the possibility of snow, we wish to make you aware of the procedure in the event of bad weather. Our school has rarely closed, however, the safety of our children is our paramount concern and if staff are unable to get to school or the roads around school are inaccessible, we may have to close or have a partial closure. If this is the case, the information stating school is to be closed will be displayed on our website from 8.00am. All parents using our email system for their correspondence will be 3 sent an email at approximately 8.00am and a recorded message will be put on our answerphone. Please visit for the latest information. Parents Survey Thank you to all who completed our most recent survey. Information about all our surveys will soon be put on our website so there will be further information to follow Events Parents’ Evenings These are scheduled to take place for school on 3rd February at 3.30pm to 6.00pm and 12th February from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Lists will be displayed outside classrooms from 3pm on 21st January for you to choose your appointment times. If you do not come in to school, then friends, childminders or Link Club staff can do this on your behalf. They will be held in school for Nursery children who are due to start school in September 2015 only and their appointments will commence from 4.00pm/5.30pm on 12th February. The times for 3rd February remain the same. The parents of younger children will shortly be informed of dates for them to meet their child’s teachers. Book Fair We will be having a Book Fair in school from 9th February for one week. The event will also be open during Parent’s Evening. School receives a generous percentage of free books based on the number sold through school. H.S.A Cake Sale and Pre-Loved Uniform, School Parties On Friday 6th February, our H.S.A have very kindly organised a Cake Sale. This is to raise money for school funds and parents are invited to bring their home made, or bought, cakes in to school on the morning of 6th. They will then be sold, at exceptionally reasonable prices, at 11.30am in nursery and at 3.00pm in the school playground. This is a lovely treat to organise for the end of this half term. To run alongside this event, there will also be a pre-loved school uniform sale at the same times. If you have any uniform items at home that your child may no longer wear, we would be grateful to receive them in the school office. There will be a th Year Two party on 27 January, a Year One party had been planned for 27th March but this date has now been changed. Further details will follow nearer the time. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all H.S.A members for their very valuable support. It is greatly appreciated. National Book Week This year, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 6th March. We will be asking children to dress up as their favourite character and be prepared to share their favourite book with other children in their class. We will have a special focus on authors. Information Evenings We have planned our SATs Evening for the parents of Year 2 children for Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm. This will explain and answer any queries for the forthcoming end of Key Stage Assessments. Housekeeping Safeguarding and The following items may appear very trivial but in effect contribute greatly to the smooth running of the school and the safety and welfare of the children. We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to read the following section and adhere to these guidelines. If you have any suggestions as to how these procedures may be improved, we would be delighted to hear from you. After School Clubs Many children enjoy our after school clubs organised by outside providers. These currently include Drama, Gymnastics, Dance and Sport. Membership application or membership renewal forms for these clubs are sent home at the end of each half term. If we do not have these forms returned before the end of half term, we are not aware that your child wishes to remain in this club. Our Teaching Assistants have a register of children attending each club, given to them by the provider at the start of term so 4 they know which children they are collecting from each class. If you have not re-registered your child, it is very possible that their place will be given to another child, or that the Teaching Assistants will not collect them to take them to the club and there may not be an adult to meet them. In future, all we ask is that you complete the renewal form for the club and return it to school by the last day of term or half term. If this is not done, your child will not be collected from their classroom by our Teaching Assistants and taken to their activity. School Dinners The majority of children now have a free school meal, however, if you wish to change this arrangement, please inform the office. If we do not provide the kitchen with notice, then there is a charge for the meal. so keeping us informed will save unnecessary cost. Absence If your child is unable attend school due to a tummy upset, then we ask that you do not under any circumstances send your child back in to school within 24 hours of the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea. In addition to the 24 hour timescale, we would ask that you use your judgement to ensure they are feeling well and are eating normally again. If children return to school too soon after a sickness bug, then this simply gives the bug time to manifest and spread throughout the school. If your child is absent for any reason, simply contact school by phone or email on the first day of absence only, to inform staff they will be absent due to illness. Thank you for your support in ensuring our children remain healthy and minimising the spread of germs and viruses. Useful information can be found on the NHS Choices website which contains some very valuable information about guidance for absence from school, if you are interested, go to and follow the “Live Well” link and click on “all live well topics”. At the bottom of the page under “Y” you will find “your child at school” where lots of useful information and advice can be found. Headlice There have been a few cases of headlice reported in school. Children in infant schools work very close to each other and therefore the lice can spread quickly. To support us in managing the situation, we ask that parents ensure long hair is tied back and most importantly, parents check their child’s hair regularly. Modern treatments are very effective, but only when the instructions are followed correctly. It is important that all traces lo lice or eggs are removed from the hair. As a general rule, anything found further than a centimetre away from the scalp has died but we still advise that they are removed. This can be done with a nit comb which can be purchased very cheaply from the chemist. For further information as to how to spot them, please look at our website. Traffic This is a regular item on our Newsletters. Please be careful when driving in the locality of the school. Conditions are worsened with the current dark mornings and excessive rain we have been experiencing. Please observe the voluntary one way system from Bridge Lane downwards. Many children enjoy coming into school through our Wild Garden. You could try parking around Farm Lane and coming to school through the rear gate, thus avoiding Wood Lane altogether. We ask for your utmost support in this matter to ensure that none of our children are injured on our roads. We also have permission to park at St Mary Magdalene’s and Bethesda Churches and there are some parking spaces accessed via Hilton Crescent. We do hope the above outlines some of our procedures to enable you to support us with the smooth running of the school. This is just a polite note to remind you of the systems we have and why we have them. Website Our school website is All children in school have been provided with a username and password to enable them to use our V.L.E through our website. This can be accessed on most home computers, iPads or tablets and means the children can use software at home that they use in school therefore greatly enhancing their learning opportunities. The site also contains a wealth of other information. All recent Newsletters are available in addition to a calendar of events throughout the year. Photographs are regularly updated of the children and their work together with information 5 about which topics they are currently studying. Our weekly What’s On is also displayed and information on any assessments we are required to carry out in school. The school dinner menus are displayed in addition to a section from the H.S.A detailing ways in which you may wish to help. We also have a Health section with further information about Headlice! In the section, "Parents Information,” we have recently added two leaflets about the end of year expectations for Year One and Two children that relate to the demands of the new national Curriculum for Reading, writing and maths. Our current Year Two children are following the old curriculum for this year only as they are still required to complete the current SAT tests and tasks. However this information will show you the expectations for entering into Year Three. Parents Information also contains a section called, “Helping Your Child at Home,” which provides lots of useful information on how to support your child in literacy and numeracy together with an especially dedicated Phonics section. The information from our recent Phonics Evening is displayed here. This is a very useful tool as the children in Year One prepare to undertake their phonics test in the summer term and the Year Two children take their SATs. We would be delighted to receive any feedback, positive or negative to continue to help us support you and your children further. Wanted in School Our Gardening Club would be most grateful for any small baskets you have and no longer need in which they could plant spring bulbs. We sold baskets of hyacinths at our Christmas Tea Afternoon for example. Please send them to the school office. Recycling As you know, we are constantly looking at ways to support in improving our environment so as well as recycling stamps, shoes, and used printer cartridges, we are now collecting used pens. Collection boxes are situated in each classroom. Thank you for your support. Term Dates School closes for half term on Friday February 13th and reopens on Monday 23rd February. We will close for nd Easter on Thursday 2 April and th re-open on Monday 20 April. In addition, our nursery are always grateful to receive empty small boxes, ribbons, small lids etc and any items they could use for model making. Items can be taken directly to nursery or to the school office. Reception would like to change their construction areas this term and would love to challenge the children by introducing Lego in to the areas. If you have any Lego that you would like to donate we would be most grateful. Thank you for your donations. We are always looking to improve our communication so if you would like to make any comments or suggestions about it, please contact the school office. Finally, we do thank you for your continuing help and support. If you have any further comments or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We also have a shortage of underwear, particularly for the older children, both girls and boys. If you have spare clothes or underwear that we could have in school, we would be most grateful to receive it. 6
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