ELIZABETH WOODVILLE PRIMARY SCHOOL Behaviour Policy Reviewed September 2012 Policy Name: Behaviour Policy Status: Recommended Designated Committee: Health and Safety / Curriculum Date Approved by Governing Body: Date of Next Review: Sept 2013 Related Policies: See Safeguarding File and associated policies Signed: _____________________ Date:___________ Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy Behaviour Policy 1 1.1 Aims and objectives It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school's behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure. 1.2 The school has a number of rules, but our behaviour policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. 1.3 The school expects every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others. 1.4 We treat all children fairly and apply this behaviour policy in a consistent way. 1.5 This policy aims to help children grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community. 2 Rules Children and adults at Elizabeth Woodville have worked hard to create a set of rules for our school. The rules and sanctions were drafted and then approved by the whole school. These are the important rules that have been created: Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Our Golden Rules We always show good manners and politeness. We are never rude to others. We are kind and thoughtful towards others. We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings. We listen carefully to each other. We don’t interrupt. We follow instructions from adults the first time. We don’t ignore others. We are honest. We don’t cover up the truth. We work hard and are always ready to learn. We don’t waste time. We look after everyone’s property. We don’t waste or damage things. 2 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy The rules are of equal importance; we would like children to follow them in the community as well as in the school. The rules are the basis of the policy. They are displayed prominently throughout the school. It is important that children know the rules and understand them. They have all made an agreement to follow them. Following best practice guidance our rules have a positive statement followed by a negative statement. This ensures all children clearly understand the behaviour expectations. 3 3.1 Rewards We praise and reward children for good behaviour in a variety of ways: Verbal praise Stickers Stamps Each week, we nominate two children from each class to receive a 'Gold Award' in our Celebration Assembly. Junior children are awarded house points. We acknowledge, praise and reward children who keep the rules. To help, each class has developed a reward system following our guiding principles. Once a reward has been earned it cannot be removed All adults in the school should be involved in rewarding children who are setting a good example in following the rules. To encourage children to behave well for the reward of ‘being good’ and ‘doing the right thing to help others.’ 3.2 Our Class Reward Systems Foundation Star, sun and cloud system. Individual Sticker Charts. Class 1 Star, sun and cloud system. Individual Sticker Charts. Class 2 Star, sun and cloud system. Individual Sticker Charts. Class 3 House Points, Stickers for good work, Individual Achievement Charts, Certificates (Bronze, Silver, Gold). Class 4 House Points, Stickers for good work, Individual Achievement Charts, Certificates (Bronze, Silver, Gold). Class 5 House Points, Stickers for good work, Individual Achievement Charts, Certificates (Bronze, Silver, Gold). Class 6 House Points, Stickers for good work, Individual Achievement Charts, Certificates (Bronze, Silver, Gold). 3.3 Lunchtime Rewards During lunchtime our Supervisors award stickers to children following the school rules. During the week they will also choose children who repeatedly demonstrate excellent behaviour and support for others to receive a Gold Card which the children can take home to show parents and carers. (See Appendix 1) Each week one child from every class who has shown exemplary behaviour at lunchtime will also be chosen to sit at a Golden Table and enjoy a first sitting dinner with the Headteacher or member of SLT. 3 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy 3. The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school, showing certificates and awards. 4 Sanctions 4.1 The school employs a number of sanctions to enforce the school rules, and to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. We employ each sanction appropriately to each individual situation. We expect children to listen carefully to instructions in lessons. If they do not do so, we ask them either to move to a place nearer the teacher, or to sit on their own. We expect children to try their best in all activities. If they do not do so, we may ask them to redo a task. If a child is disruptive in class, the teacher reprimands him or her. If a child misbehaves repeatedly, they are moved away from the rest of the class until s/he calms down, and is able to work sensibly again with others. The safety of the children is paramount in all situations. If a child's behaviour endangers the safety of others, the class teacher stops the activity and prevents the child from taking part for the rest of that session. If a child threatens, hurts or bullies another child, the class teacher records the incident and the child is punished. If a child repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, the school contacts the child's parents and seeks an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the child. 4.2 Step 1, 2, 3 Procedures To ensure that the system is clear it is the same for all children across the school and is called Step 1, 2, 3. We have summarised this in a flow chart for all members of staff to refer to. (See Appendix 2) A reminder of the rules is given first If behaviour continues the child moves onto the steps below: Step 1 – The child’s name goes on the board If behaviour continues: Step 2 – The child has a second line next to their name and loses 5 minutes of playtime (Class Teacher to supervise) If behaviour continues: Step 3 – The child loses 10 minutes playtime and reports to a member of SLT Teachers record incidents of Step 2 behaviour in their Class Behaviour Book. Once a child receives a step 3 they miss some playtime and have to stand outside the staffroom. A member of Senior Staff will discuss their behaviour with them, usually a Key Stage Leader in the first instance. The sanction applies for the rest of that half-day. A step is relative to the child’s general behaviour and is cumulative, therefore different kinds of negative behaviour could result in a move to a further step. The focus on all sanctions is not on the consequences for the child, but to support them in learning from 4 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy their mistakes and in making amends for their actions. Therefore children will always say sorry and at times will conduct a task to reflect on their behaviour. 4.3 Playtime and Lunchtime Sanctions In the playground the same Step 1, 2, 3 system is in place and any recorded steps are transferred to the classroom. At Step 3 a Red Card is given and the child is removed from the playground to see the Headteacher or Deputy Head. 4.4 The following are responses to serious misbehaviour: Parents informed Meeting between parents and the Headteacher Behaviour Report Lunchtime / After School Detention Exclusion from school at lunchtime Exclusion from school for a fixed period Permanent exclusion 4.5 Behaviour Report is a three week programme which monitors a child’s behaviour through each session in a day (including playtime and lunchtime). The child meets with their Parents, Class Teacher and the Headteacher to set no more than two targets. They are then rewarded for the smiley faces they achieve, with a special sticker being awarded for a full day, then a full week of smiley faces. The report is monitored every day by the Class Teacher and Parents. At the end of the week the Headteacher meets with the child to look at their progress. Parents also sign the report each week to show they have discussed it with their child at home. (See Appendix 3) 4.6 The school does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. 4.7 All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding the use of force by adults in school. Staff only intervene physically to restrain children to prevent injury to a child, or if a child is in danger of hurting him/herself. The actions that we take are in line with government guidelines on the restraint of children. 5 5.1 The role of the Class Teacher It is the responsibility of Class Teachers to ensure that the school rules are enforced in their classes, and that their classes behave in a responsible manner during lesson time. 5.2 The Class Teachers in our school have high expectations of the children with regard to behaviour, and they strive to ensure that all children work to the best of their ability. 5.3 The Class Teacher treats each child fairly, and enforces the school rules consistently. The teachers treat all children in their classes with respect and understanding. 5 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy 5.4 If a child misbehaves repeatedly in class, the Class Teacher keeps a record of all such incidents. In the first instance, the Class Teacher deals with incidents him/herself in the normal manner. However, if misbehaviour continues, the Class Teacher seeks help and advice from the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. 5.5 The Class Teacher liaises with external agencies, as necessary, to support and guide the progress of each child. The Class Teacher may, for example, discuss the needs of a child with the LA's Behaviour Support Service. 5.6 The Class Teacher reports to parents about the progress of each child in their class, in line with the whole-school policy. The class teacher may also contact a Parent if there are concerns about the behaviour or welfare of a child. 6 6.1 The role of the Headteacher It is the responsibility of the Headteacher, to implement the school behaviour policy consistently throughout the school, and to report to Governors, when requested, on the effectiveness of the policy. It is also the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all children in the school. 6.2 The Headteacher supports the staff by implementing the policy, by setting the standards of behaviour, and by supporting staff in their implementation of the policy. 6.3 The Headteacher keeps records of all reported serious incidents of misbehaviour. 6.4 The Headteacher has the responsibility for giving lunchtime and after school detentions (with the approval of parents), or fixed-term exclusions to individual children for serious acts of misbehaviour. For repeated or very serious acts of anti-social behaviour, the Headteacher may permanently exclude a child. These actions are taken only after the school governors have been notified. 7 7.1 The role of Parents The school collaborates actively with Parents, so that children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school. 7.2 We explain the school rules in the school prospectus, and we expect Parents to read them and support them. 7.3 We expect Parents to support their child's learning, and to cooperate with the school, as set out in the home–school agreement. This document is completed as children enter school and again in Year 3. We try to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and we inform Parents immediately if we have concerns about their child's welfare or behaviour. 7.4 If the school has to use reasonable sanctions to punish a child, we expect parents to support the actions of the school. If Parents have any concerns about the way that their child has been treated, they should initially contact the Class Teacher. If the concern remains, they should contact the Headteacher. If these discussions cannot resolve the problem the Chair of Governors should be informed. (To contact the Chair of Governors a sealed letter should be sent to the School Office). If a resolution is still not reached a formal grievance or appeal process can be implemented by the Governing Body. 6 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy 8 8.1 The role of Governors The Governing Body has the responsibility of setting down these general guidelines on standards of discipline and behaviour, and of reviewing their effectiveness. The Governors support the Headteacher in adhering to these guidelines. 8.2 The Headteacher has the day-to-day authority to implement the school's policy on behaviour and discipline, but Governors may give advice to the Headteacher about particular disciplinary issues. The Headteacher must take this into account when making decisions about matters of behaviour. 9 9.1 Fixed-term and permanent exclusions We do not wish to exclude any child from school, but sometimes this may be necessary. The school has therefore adopted the DfE guidance on exclusions from schools (Sept 2012). We refer to this guidance in any decision to exclude a child from school. 9.2 Only the Headteacher (or the acting Headteacher) has the power to exclude a child from school. The Headteacher may exclude a child for one or more fixed periods, (for up to 45 days in any single academic year), or permanently. A fixed period exclusion does not have to be for a continuous period. In exceptional cases, usually where further evidence has come to light, a fixed period exclusion may be extended or converted to a permanent exclusion. 9.3 Whenever a headteacher excludes a pupil they must, without delay, notify parents of the period of the exclusion and the reasons for it. They must also, without delay, provide parents with the following information in writing: The reasons for the exclusion; The period of a fixed term exclusion or, for a permanent exclusion, the fact that it is permanent; Parents’ right to make representations about the exclusion to the governing body and how the pupil may be involved in this; How any representations should be made; and Where there is a legal requirement for the governing body to consider the exclusion, that parents have a right to attend a meeting, be represented at this meeting (at their own expense) and to bring a friend. 9.4 The headteacher must also notify parents without delay, and by the end of the afternoon session: That for the first five school days of an exclusion (or until the start date of any alternative provision where this is earlier) parents are legally required to ensure that their child is not present in a public place during the school hours without reasonable justification, and that parents may be given a fixed penalty notice or prosecuted if they fail to do so. 7 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School 9.5 Behaviour Policy The head teacher must, without delay, notify the governing body and the local authority of: a permanent exclusion (including where a fixed period exclusion is made permanent); exclusions which would result in the pupil being excluded for more than five school days (or more than ten lunchtimes) in a term; exclusions which would result in the pupil missing a public examination or national curriculum test. For all other exclusions the head teacher must notify the local authority and governing body once a term. 9.6 The requirements on a governing body to consider an exclusion The governing body has a duty to consider parents’ representations about an exclusion. The governing body may delegate their functions with respect to the consideration of an exclusion decision to a designated sub-committee consisting of at least three governors. 10 10.1 Monitoring and review The Headteacher monitors the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis. He also reports to the governing body on the effectiveness of the policy and, if necessary, makes recommendations for further improvements. 10.2 The school keeps a variety of records concerning incidents of misbehaviour. The class teacher records minor classroom incidents in a class behaviour book (Step 2). The Headteacher records those incidents in which a child is sent to him/her on account of bad behaviour. We also keep a record of any incidents that occur at break or lunchtimes: lunchtime supervisors give written details of any incident (Step 2 or above) in the Lunchtime Behaviour Book. 10.3 The Headteacher keeps a record of any child who is suspended for a fixed-term, or who is permanently excluded. 10.4 It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to monitor the rate of exclusions, and to ensure that the school policy is administered fairly and consistently. The governing body will pay particular attention to matters of equality; it will seek to ensure that no child is treated unfairly because of race or ethnic background. 10.5 The Governing Body reviews this policy every two years. The Governors may, however, review the policy earlier than this if the government introduces new regulations, or if the Governing Body receives recommendations on how the policy might be improved. Signed: Date: 8 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy Appendix 1 – Lunchtime Reward Card 9 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy Appendix 2 CLASSROOM WARNING CHILD REMINDED OF THE RULE STEP 1 SANCTIONS SYSTEM GROUP LUNCHTIME/PLAYTIME WARNING WARNING CHILD REMINDED CHILD REMINDED OF THE OF THE RULE RULE STEP 1 2 MINS ON WALL – FED BACK TO CLASS TEACHER FOR STEP 1 STEP 2 (5 MINUTES PLAYTIME MISSED – LOGGED IN CLASS BEHAVIOUR BOOK) STEP 2 (5 MINUTES PLAYTIME MISSED) STAND WITH LS 5 MINS (NAME IN BEHAVIOUR BOOK) – FED BACK TO CLASS TEACHER FOR STEP 2 STEP 3 (10 MINUTES PLAYTIME MISSED – CHILD REPORTS TO SENIOR STAFF MEMBER) CHILD SENT BACK TO CLASS RED CARD ISSUED TO CHILD AND FED BACK TO CLASS TEACHER FOR STEP 3 CHILD SENT STRAIGHT TO HEAD/DEPUTY CHILD LOSES 10 MINUTES PLAY IF CHILD LOSES PLAY TWICE IN WEEK LIGHT TOUCH WARNING FROM HEAD/DEPUTY LUNCHTIME DETENTION BEHAVIOUR REPORT AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION EXCLUSION AT LUNCHTIME/WHOLE DAY 10 Elizabeth Woodville Primary School Behaviour Policy Appendix 3 Elizabeth Woodville Report Card Name Class Write no more than two behaviour targets in the box below Please grade their behaviour at the end of each session with a tick for each target achieved Send a copy home to parents Behaviour targets: W/b Session 1 Session 2 Playtime Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Lunchtime Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Teacher comment Signed Date Teacher Headteacher Parent 11
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