THINGS KIDS NEED TO KNOW! Word on the Street

Word on the Street
Pancakes and Pajamas
Baby Dedication
Sunday, January 12, All 3 Worship Services
The Scoop– Lunch for New Attenders
Sunday, January 12, Noon, Family Center
Nursery - Preschool Kids & Parents
Sunday, February 2, 2014
9:00 - 10:15
Faith Street Commons
Kids wear their pajamas to church and
bring a pair of new pajamas to donate
to the Wabash County Life Center.
Yummy Pancakes,
Music & Games for the Kids,
Time for Moms & Dads to Fellowship
American Heritage Girls
Tuesday, January 13 & 27, 6:15pm, Family Center
113 Moms
Monday, January 13 & 27, 9am, Family Center
Pancakes & Pajamas
Sunday, February 2, 9:00-10:15am, Family Center
Sunday, February 2 to Kathy Jaderholm
Since our January theme for K-6th Graders is KNOWLEDGE, I thought I would google
“Things Kids Need to Know” so we could really narrow the subject down to the basics.
Here are just a few of the results I found..
SuperStart Registration Forms Due
10 Things You Need to Know if You Slip and Fall in New York (Just in case!)
Caring for Your Pet Rabbit, 8 Things You Need to Know (Sounds simple!)
4 Things Kids Need to Know About the Government Shutdown (I have no words.)
71 Things Kids Need to Know Before Kindergarten (71? Really??)
Visit the Wabash Friends
Booth at the
Thank goodness our family only went to New York once and none of us fell down!
What would be on your Top 10 Things Kids Need to Know List? How can God’s Word
help us set those priorities? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tell us that “all scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of
God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” God is the ultimate source of
knowledge, so we need to know what the Bible has to say. As a 12-year old boy Jesus
stayed behind in the temple to study the Scriptures. The scriptures must have been even
more than just a source of knowledge for Jesus, but a connection to His Father!
I want our kids to love God’s Word. They should know that the Bible is the place where
they can go to find out who God is, to seek answers to life’s hard questions, and to discover how God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways. They should know the Bible is the place to learn how to worship and pray, and to discover God’s amazing love
for us. They should know the Bible is life-changing, and it’s true! This year let’s make
a commitment to prioritize our kids’ spiritual growth to an even greater extent than we
focus on their physical, social and academic growth. Let’s make a Top Ten List using
God’s word as the source of the most important things kids need to know.
Use these questions and discussion starters during meal
time, drive time or bed time with your K-6 kids this month.
Question for kids: What is something that you’re naturally
good at? Do you think you have more to learn?
Parents share: What are things you use to increase your
knowledge of something that’s important to you?
Question for kids: Is owning a Bible enough to help you make
wise choices? Why or why not?
Parents share: Why is it important to know what God’s Word
says before we face the unknown?
Question for kids: What is your favorite activity… a sport,
cooking reading, singing? What other subjects might help you
excel in your favorite activity?
Parents share: What school subject from your childhood do
you find yourself using as an adult now?
Question for kids: What are some of the ways that you learn
from others?
Parents share: Why is it important to share the things we’ve
learned in life, especially about God?
Each week at the check-in desks parents can pick up God Time for
K-6, Small Talk for preschoolers, and Parent Talk for infants and
toddlers. These take home devotional activities go along with the
weekly lessons and are designed for kids and parents to do together.
Kathy Jaderholm, Children’s Pastor : Office, 260-563-8452 Cell, 630-881-8795 Email, Website:
Wabash Friends Church
3563 S. State Road 13
Wabash, IN 46992
Gather… Grow… Go…
My First Look: January
113 MOMS
Infant - 2 Yrs
by Phyllis Downey
If you are a mother of young pre-schoolers and need a break with good fellowship and loving
care for your children, 113 Moms is just what you’re looking for. This group of gals meets at the
church twice monthly, the second and fourth Monday, from 9-11 am. Your children will be well
cared for by dedicated church ladies, while you enjoy conversation with other young mothers, a
light breakfast, and a meaningful program. Hopefully, you will leave refreshed! The name of the
group is taken from Psalm 113—”He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of
It’s Baby Dedication time again! On
January 12th our church and a special
group of parents are making an important
commitment to eleven little children - to
lead and encourage them in their spiritual
journey. Please join the families of these
children as together we have the opportunity to help them walk with Jesus.
Most recently the Moms group enjoyed making ornaments and jewelry with Sue Scamihorn.
Upcoming programs include sharing hobbies, felting with Lisa Ford, and a cooking class with
Angie Baer. Emily Haarer commented, “I enjoy the creative outlet and talking with other mothers as we relax together. The child care is wonderful, the best.”
Kalaina Cussen, Carson McClure,
Ayden Eberle, Alexis Eberle,
RaeLynn Howard, Anchor Eaton,
Kennedy Ogan, Addilyn Jones,
Kannon Strickler, Kinley Strickler,
and Keaton Lane.
The program is under the direction of Barb Lochner and Mary Davis. The scheduled dates in the
upcoming year include: Jan. 13 and 27, Feb 10 and 24, March 10 and 24, April 29, and May 12.
Young mothers, we would love to have you join in the group, focusing on being the loving and
happy mothers God intended us to be.
Rachel and Haley Hurst
Our next Baby Dedication will be May
11, Mothers’ Day.
3 Yrs - Pre K
Preschoolers… Pajamas… Parents…
Pancakes… put them all together and you
have the makings of a PARTY!
Every family with children in the nursery
and preschool age group are invited to join
us on Sunday, February 2nd during the
Sunday School hour, 9:00 - 10:15 in the
Faith Street Commons.
Families will get to enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast prepared just for them, a few
games and activities with the children, and
great fellowship with other parents. We
also have an opportunity to share in a special project together. We ask that each child
come to church wearing their pajamas and
also bring a new pair of pajamas to donate
to the Wabash County Life Center.
Parents & Volunteer Ministry Leaders
252 Basics: January
...learning something new so you can be better at
whatever you do.
K - 3rd Grade
Coming February 28
“God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is
useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for
correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our
lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do
what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16 NIrV
Boy Jesus at the Temple, Luke 2:41-52
Since God knows everything, it’s important to
discover what God says.
Jesus’ Baptism, John 1:19-42
Discovering what God says helps me know Jesus.
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness, Luke 4:1-13
Discovering what God says helps me make the
wise choice.
Wise and Foolish Builders, Matthew 7:24-29
Knowing and doing what God says makes me
4th - 6th Grade
It may be cold outside, but that won’t
stop us from going camping… inside the
Family Center Atrium! Kindergarten,
first, second and third graders are invited
to bring their parents for a fun night of
camping inside! The fun starts at 7pm
on Friday, February 28th and ends at
7am on March 1st. Bring a pop-up tent
or blankets to make your own fort. There
will be games, movies, snacks, stories
and songs around the “campfire”. Try
out different activity stations for creative
family devotions.
Super Start is coming to Indianapolis
and we’re going! This is a high energy
weekend event for fourth, fifth and
sixth graders to grow in their relationships with friends, leaders and most
importantly God!
Through worship, interactive teaching
and small groups students will hear
all about the idea that they are treasured by God. While the world teaches
us to look in the mirror to see who we
are, God sees something different. He
looks beyond the exterior and sees the
true worth of each of us!
Circle March 14th and 15th on your
calendar. Check out the flyer in this
newsletter for all the fun details. Pick
up registration forms at church, invite
a friend, and get ready for a great
weekend! Registration is due February
2nd, so don’t delay.
It’s a new year and time for new commitments, new ideas, new perspectives! As we
experience growth in Children’s Ministries, we have to look at new ways to handle that
growth so we can best carry out our mission of making growing followers of Christ.
Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever
“With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Catching Fish, Luke 5:1-11
Jesus can do things we can’t.
Feeding 5,000, Mark 6:30-44
Nothing is too hard for Jesus
Walking on Water, Mark 6:45-51
Jesus can do what is impossible.
Calming the Storm, Matthew 8:23-27
Jesus has power over everything.
Day Care & Preschool
There are many ways to get involved in Children’s Ministries, everything from leading
kids on Sunday morning to organizing and gathering supplies behind the scenes. These
are the ongoing places where we always need help. This year we’re looking specifically
for people who want to take a leadership role on a team to plan and coordinate some of
the key Family Experiences that we have through out the year. Check out the opportunities below and call Kathy if any of these are places you could use your gifts to serve
our children and families. Some opportunities are specific to things already planned
that need leadership; others are wide open for your ideas and creativity.
Emily Buzzard and Jodi Getz circa 1986?
Tree House Camp-In: February 28-March 1
Journey to the Cross: April 13
Summer Kick-Off: May
Baby Dedication in May
Vacation Bible School: June
Family Mission Trip: July
All-Church Picnic: August
Fall Family Experiences: Dates TBA
Creating Family Take Home Resources for Easter and Christmas
Children’s Christmas Program
Service and Mission Projects for Kids: Anytime
Special Music and Programs: Anytime
Quaker Haven Camp Coordinator
This picture popped up on facebook
recently and it’s brought smiles to
many faces! Emily Buzzard and Jodi
Getz have been friends for a very long
time. Who knew all those years ago
that they would end up working together at Little Friends? It’s just a
reminder that God is doing BIG things
in the lives of little people! He shapes
their hearts through the influence of
his Holy Spirit and godly people who
help them get to know Jesus. We love
that Emily and Jodi have made their
life work shining God’s love and light
into the lives of kids!