Clinics Serving Children and Adults who have OI: 2013 People who have OI sometimes receive some of their medical care through a special clinic at a large medical center. These clinics go by many names, including “bone dysplasia center,” or “medical genetics clinic.” A clinic offers the benefit of a medical team experienced with OI and able to coordinate care. OI Clinics offer a wide range of services to children and adults. Regular appointments include time with a primary care doctor, orthopedist and members of the rehabilitation team. Additional appointments with other specialists are available as needed. Upon request, the clinic will send reports to hometown doctors if the family lives in a different city. Children and adults who must travel to an OI Clinic also need a local primary care provider who will handle their routine and emergency needs. This Clinic Directory is one step in the process of locating good medical care. It is the responsibility of parents and adults with OI to verify whether a particular medical team meets their needs. Only by asking questions can you determine if a particular place is a good fit for you. This list is offered as a service. Being listed does not imply endorsement by the OI Foundation. More information about developing a good working relationship with your primary care doctor or orthopedist is available in the OI Foundation fact sheets, Talking with your Primary Care Physician and Talking with Your Orthopedist, available under the Resources tab of this website. For more information about individual clinics in this directory send an email to City State Hospital Name Clinic Name Clinic Director Birmingham Tucson Los Angeles Los Angeles Madera Oakland Sacramento Washington Wilmington Tampa Honolulu Chicago Indianapolis Lexington Shreveport Baltimore Bethesda Boston St. Paul Minneapolis AL AZ CA CA CA CA CA DC DE FL HI IL IN KY LA MD MD MA MN MN University of Alabama Hospital Shriners Hospital for Children- Los Angeles UCLA School of Medicine Children's Hospital Central California Kaiser Permanente Shriners Hospital for Children- Northern CA Children's National Medical Center A.I. duPont Hospital for Children Shriners Hospital for Children- Tampa Shriners Hospital for Children- Honolulu Shriners Hospital for Children- Chicago Riley Hospital/Indiana University Shriners Hospital for Children- Lexington Shriners Hospital for Children- Shreveport The Kennedy Krieger Institute National Institutes of Health Children's Hospital Boston Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare Shriners Hospital for Children- Twin Cities Bone Dysplasia and Connective Tissue Disorders Clinic Maria Descartes, M.D. Children's Clinic for Rehabilitative Services (CCRS) Sydney Rice, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Gayle Tyerman, M.D. Pediatric Bone and Mineral Clinic Isidro Salusky, M.D. & William Oppenheim, M.D. Medical Genetics/Metabolism Program Susan Winter, M.D. Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic Katherine Dawson, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Jennette Boakes, M.D. Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic/Department of Genetics Kenneth N. Rosenbaum, M.D. & Dina J. Zand, M.D. Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic Richard Kruse, D.O. & Michael Bober, M.D., Ph.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Dennis Grogan, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Craig Ono, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Peter Smith, M.D. Division of Clinical Genetics & Metabolism/Bone Dysplasia Clinic Bryan E. Hainline, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Philip Gates, M.D. Bone Center and OI Department Jay Shapiro, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Program Joan Marini, M.D., Ph.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Team Samantha A. Spencer, M.D. Center for Orthopedics Stephen Sundberg, M.D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Team Ken Guidera, M.D. Rochester MN Mayo Clinic- Rochester Mayo Clinic OI Team Peter Tebben, M.D. Kansas City St. Louis St. Louis Columbia Omaha New York New York Rochester MO MO MO MO NE NY NY NY Children's Mercy Hospital and Clinics Shriners Hospital for Children- St. Louis Barnes-Jewish Hospital- St. Louis University of Missouri- Columbia Children's Hospital & Medical Center Hospital for Joint Diseases Hospital for Special Surgery University of Rochester Medical Center OI Services through Children's Mercy Kidney Center Research Clinic Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic OI Clinic- The Tiny Bones Program Pediatric Initiative for Bone Health Center for Skeletal Dysplasias and OI Clinic University Orthopedics Tarak Srivastava, M.D. Michael Whyte, M.D. Michael Whyte, M.D. Daniel Hoernschemeyer, M.D. Richard Lutz, M.D. Patricia Poitevien, M.D. Cathleen Raggio, M.D. & Daniel Green, M.D. James Sanders, M.D. & Susan Bukata, M.D. Phone Number (205) 934-9527 (520) 324-3247 (213) 368-3300 (310) 206-0799 (559) 353-6400 (916) 614-5177 (916) 453-2000 ext. 5010 (202) 476-4167 (302) 651-5916 (813) 972-2250 ext 7530 (888) 888-6314 (773) 385-5579 (317) 274-3966 (859) 268-5740 (318) 222-4296 (443) 923-2707 (301) 496-0741 (617) 355-6808 (651) 290-8707 (612) 596-6105 (507) 284-3300 for children (507) 538-3270 for adults (816) 234-3312 (314) 432-3600 ext. 1119 (314) 454-7775 option #1 (573) 884-2522 (402) 955-4157 (212) 598-6412 (212) 606-1631 (585) 275-5321 Services OI Patients seen last year (children, adults, genetics) 50 Genetics 29 Children to age 21 200 Children to age 18 30 Children & Adults 28 Children to age 18 9 Children & Adults 42 Children to age 18 40 Children & Adults 75 Children to age 21 99 Children to age 18 30 Children to age 21 150 Children to age 21 60 Children & Adults 30 Children to age 18 35 Children to age 18 250 Children & Adults 60 Children to age 18 100 Children to age 21 45 Children to age 18 25 Children to age 17 45 Children & Adults 76 Children to age 18 50 Children to age 21 Adults 5 Children to age 18 110 Children to 18 55 Children to age 18 60 Children & Adults 35 Children & Adults Charlotte Cincinnati Columbus Portland Portland Philadelphia Philadelphia Erie Greenville Houston Houston Salt Lake City Seattle Seattle Spokane Madison Montreal NC OH OH OR OR PA PA PA SC TX TX UT WA WA WA WI Canada Carolinas Medical Center Children's Specialty Center Charles P. McKay, M.D. Skeletal Dysplasia & Connective Tissue Clinic Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Nationwide Children's Hospital Metabolic Bone Disease Clinic John D. Mahan, M.D. Oregon Health & Science University Bone and Mineral Clinic Robert F. Klein, M.D. Legacy Children's Hospital Pediatric Genetics Program & Pediatric Development & Rehabilitation George Anadiotis, D.O. Children's Hospital of Philadephia (CHOP) Connective Tissue Disorder Clinic Paige Kaplan, M.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Philadelphia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Max Santiago, RN, BSN, MPH, PhD Shriners Hospital for Children- Erie Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic William Schrantz, M.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Greenville Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Whitney Gibson, D.O. Baylor College of Medicine at Texas Children's Hospital Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic Brendan Lee, M.D. Ph.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Houston Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Lynnette Mazur, M.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Salt Lake City Osteogenesis Imperfecta Multidisciplinary Clinic Angela Bytheway, RN Seattle Children's Hospital Medical Genetics Clinic & Skeletal Health Program Ian Glass, M.D. & Michael Goldberg, M.D. University of Washington Medical Center Medical Genetics Clinic Peter Byers, M.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Spokane Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Paul Caskey, M.D. University of Wisconsin Midwest Regional Bone Dysplasia Clinic Richard Pauli, M.D., Ph.D. Shriners Hospital for Children- Canada Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic Francis Glorieux, OC, M.D., Ph.D. (704) 381-8800 (513) 803-2663 (614) 722-4363 (503) 494-5630 (503) 413-4505 (215) 590-3376 (800) 281-4050 ext. 4073 (800) 873-5437 (864) 240-3137 (832) 822-4298 (713) 793-3731 (801) 536-3565 (206) 987-2109 (206) 598-4030 (888) 895-5951 (608) 262-6228 (514) 282-6999 38 20 80 60 unknown 25 unknown 30 26 60 80 50 15 8 25 7 150 Children to age 21 Children & Adults Children & Adults Adults Children to age 18 Children to age 18 Children to age 18 Children to age 21 Children to age 18 Children & Adults Children to age 18 Children to age 18 Children & Adults Children & Adults Children to age 25 Children & Adults Children to age 21
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