PATH TO CARE DIRECTORY CALGARY ZONE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Quick Reference Guide CONTENTS CANCER CARE Alberta Blood and Marrow Transplant Program - Adult���������������������������������������������������7 Alberta Cancer Line (ACL)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Alberta Thoracic Oncology Program - South�����������������������������������������������������������������7 TBCC Colposcopy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 TBCC Rehab & Lymphedema Management Program�����������������������������������������������������8 TBCC Tumour Groups��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 CARDIAC CARE Adult Congenital Heart Clinic���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Atrial Fibrillation Clinic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinic���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Cardiac Device Clinic (Pacemaker and ICD)��������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Cardiac Function Clinics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Cardiac Navigation Clinic (CNC)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Connective Tissue Clinic PCL������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic PLC�������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Total Cardiology Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC)������������������������������������������ 11 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic����������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Brain Injury (Rehabilitation) Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12 Cognitive Neurosciences Clinic (CNC)������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12 Updated 14 Aug 2014 i Quick Reference Guide General Neurology (GN)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Movement Disorders Clinic (MDC)������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Neuromuscular Clinic (NMC)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Seizure Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Stroke Prevention Clinic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Urgent Neurology Clinic (UNC)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE C3 Program: Comprehensive Community Care for the Frail Elderly������������������������������ 14 Home Care���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Long Term Care��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Supportive Living Level 3������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Supportive Living Level 4 / Level 4 Dementia�������������������������������������������������������������� 15 MEDICAL GENETICS, SOUTHERN ALBERTA Cancer Genetic Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Cardiovascular Genetics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Connective Tissue Disorders�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 General Genetics and Dysmorphology������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 Inherited Metabolic Disorder Clinic (IMDC)����������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Neurogenetics Clinic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Ophthamology (Ocular Genetics)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Prenatal Genetic Clinic���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Updated 14 Aug 2014 ii Quick Reference Guide MEDICAL SERVICES Access Mental Health: Addiction & Mental Health, Calgary Zone��������������������������������� 19 Calgary Ambulatory Lymphedema Service (CALS) ����������������������������������������������������� 19 Calgary Headache Assessment and Management Program (CHAMP)�������������������������� 19 Chronic Pain Centre (CPC)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Complex Chronic Disease Management Clinic – Peter Lougheed Centre���������������������� 20 Diabetes, Hypertension and Cholesterol Centre (DHCC)��������������������������������������������� 20 Endocrinology & Metabolism�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Gastroenterology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 General Internal Medicine������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21 Hematology��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Hepatology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Living Well with a Chronic Condition Program������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Nephrology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 PADIS Medical Toxicology Clinic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Respiratory Medicine������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Rheumatology Triage������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Senior’s Health & Geriatric Medicine�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Sleep Centre������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Southern Alberta HIV Clinic (SAC)������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24 Vascular Risk Reduction Program������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Updated 14 Aug 2014 iii Quick Reference Guide PALLIATIVE / END OF LIFE CARE Grief Support Program����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Residential Hospice��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Palliative Care Consult Service���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Urban Palliative Home Care Team������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25 PEDIATRICS Augmentative Communication and Educational Technology Service (ACETS)��������������� 26 Brachial Plexus Program�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Infant Cranial Remodeling Program/Head Shape Clinic����������������������������������������������� 26 Movement Assessment Centre����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Neurology Program���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Neuromotor Program������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Neuromuscular Program�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Neurosciences Adolescent Transition Program (NATP)����������������������������������������������� 27 Neuro Rehabilitation Program������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27 Orthotics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition����������������������������������������������������� 28 Seating Service �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 PEDIATRICS FAMILY & COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE Child Health Information Specialist����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Cultural Diversity Services����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Family Support Specialists����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Updated 14 Aug 2014 iv Quick Reference Guide SURGICAL SERVICES Hepatopancrea-ticobiliary (HPB)(Department of Surgery)�������������������������������������������� 30 FMC WOMEN’S HEALTH AMBULATORY CARE (WHAC) Calgary Breast Health Clinic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Colposcopy Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 Early Pregnancy Loss Clinic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Gynecology Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic (HRBCC)�������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Obstetrical Clinics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 Pelvic Floor Clinic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 32 Pregnancy and Infant Loss Program��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Updated 14 Aug 2014 v Quick Reference Guide Purpose The purpose of the Quick Reference Guide is to provide you with quick access to essential, up-todate information when completing a referral. The Quick Reference Guide will help you determine where to send your referral. This reference guide is consistently updated to ensure accurate contact information. For the most recent version of the Quick Reference Guide, go to http:// What you will find in the Quick Reference Guide The Quick Reference Guide contains: • A list of specialties • Corresponding locations, clinics, centres, groups, services and programs. • Description of the particular services provided, patient population served, referral requirements and processes • Current phone and fax numbers DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Introduction Updated 14 Aug 2014 vi Quick Reference Guide Cancer Care S pecialty Alberta Blood and Marrow Transplant Program - Adult The Alberta Blood and Marrow Transplant Program will receive the following referrals from within the province of Alberta for the adult population: • Family Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing C ontact P hone F ax TOM BAKER CANCER CENTRE BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANT CLINIC-WORKUP OFFICES 403-521-3528 403-270-0782 780-432-8677 780-989-4343 (Patients residing in Southern Alberta) • Allogeneic transplant • Autologous transplant • BM/PBSC Collection • Second opinion When a referral is made for family HLA typing or allogeneic transplant, the recipient (patient) has to complete all family HLA typing forms for nominal information related to: • Siblings CROSS CANCER INSTITUTE TRANSPLANT OFFICE (Patients residing in Northern Alberta) • Spouse • Children • Parents Alberta Cancer Line (ACL) The Alberta Cancer Line is a toll free single point of contact for physicians and health care providers. The professional Cancer Line staff assist with cancer related questions; the referral process; appointment bookings; or direct access to a medical or radiation oncologist, an expert oncology nurse, or other specialist in oncology. Alberta Thoracic Oncology Program South The Alberta Thoracic Oncology Program (ATOP) supports responsive diagnosis, staging and investigation of suspected lung malignancies. To accomplish this, a team of radiologists, respirologists, thoracic surgeons, nurse practitioners (NP) and clerks work together to evaluate this patient group. Referrals received are reviewed by a NP who initiates the intake of information and preliminary evaluation of patients. Patients are booked into clinic to see the NP, respirologist, or thoracic surgeon; typically within 5-10 working days from referral. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS PROVINCIAL NUMBER FOR INFORMATION OR CONSULTATION 1-888-432-8865 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE - UCMC OUTPATIENT CLINIC Cancer Care (403) 944-1774 (403) 944-8848 Updated 14 Aug 2014 7 Quick Reference Guide Cancer Care S pecialty TBCC Colposcopy Please fax demographics, history and physical and all histopathology reports to the Colposcopy clinic. Once received we will contact your office with an appointment date and time. TBCC Rehab & Lymphedema Management Program Specialized oncology rehabilitation services, including physiotherapy and occupational therapy, in an outpatient setting for issues related to cancer or cancer-treatment, including cancer-related lymphedema management. Attendance at the monthly Lymphedema education class and/or Cancer-related fatigue management class is strongly recommended prior to referring “Routine” clients for an individual assessment. Physician referral is required for assessment/treatment. TBCC Tumour Groups C ontact P hone F ax TBCC COLPOSCOPY CLINIC - CLERK 403-698-8031 403-228-1076 COLPOSCOPY NURSE 403-698-8025 RICHMOND ROAD DIAGNOSTIC & TREATMENT CENTRE (RRDTC) 403-476-2448 403-476-2457 TBCC CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE 403-521-3722 403-521-3245 All referrals to TBCC are triaged and booked through an intake process. All Tumour Group referrals should be faxed to TBCC Triage. Appointments with TBCC cannot be booked without the appropriate pathology report. Please ensure that the pathology report requirements for individual Tumour Groups are met prior to submitting the referral. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Cancer Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 8 Quick Reference Guide Cardiac Care S pecialty Adult Congenital Heart Clinic C ontact P hone F ax PETER LOUGHEED CENTRE (PLC) 403-943-4504 403-291-6814 FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE (FMC) 403-944-3339 403-944-3580 SOUTH HEALTH CAMPUS (SHC) 403-956-2604 403-956-2645 FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE (FMC) 403-944-4632 403-670-0365 SOUTH HEALTH CAMPUS (SHC) 403-956-2601 403-956-2645 The Adult Congenital Heart Clinic sees patients with structural defects of the heart and great vessels. Services include initial consultation as well as interval clinical and cardiac imaging follow up; management of cardiac medications; ongoing patient education and counseling regarding physicial activity and lifestyle; coordination of appropriate specialist referrals. Atrial Fibrillation Clinic Atrial fibrillation Clinic is focused on the management of patients with documented atrial fibrillation and /or atrial flutter. It offers relatively rapid access to cardiac arrhythmia specialists using a shared model for patient care. The nurses work under direct supervision of the clinic physicians, who are responsible for patient care within the AF clinic. The AF clinic is not a general cardiology clinic. All patients are offered the opportunity to attend a general information class to learn about AF. The patient will be discharged from the AF clinic when they are stable on their medications. Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinic Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinic deals with Symptomatic Heart Rhythm abnormalities, other than Atrial Fibrillation or rhythms requiring a pacemaker. This service also provides consultation and follow up care for patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD). DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Cardiac Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 9 Quick Reference Guide Cardiac Care S pecialty Cardiac Device Clinic (Pacemaker and ICD) The Cardiac Device Clinic provides centralized access to facilitate timely patient assessment and follow up care for patients requiring a cardiac device or those patients having an existing pacemaker or ICD. Cardiac Function Clinics The Cardiac Function Clinics (CFC) are RN/MD directed clinics dedicated to the management of established heart failure patients. Care offered includes ongoing physical assessment and management of heart failure symptoms, management of medical and non-medical treatments, as well as ongoing patient teaching regarding diet, lifestyle and medication management.` NOTE: If the patient does not have a cardiologist, please refer to Cardiac Navigation Cardiac Navigation Clinic (CNC) C ontact P hone F ax FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE (FMC) 403-944-1188 403-270-0718 SATELLITES AT PETER LOUGHEED CENTRE (PLC) 430-943-4525 403-250-9539 ROCKYVIEW GENERAL HOSPITAL (RGH) 403-943-3203 403-212-1232 SOUTH HEALTH CAMPUS (SHC) 403-956-2611 403-956-2645 FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE (FMC) 403-944-5900 403-283-7061 PETER LOUGHEED CENTRE (PLC) 403-943-5579 403-943-6566 ROCKYVIEW GENERAL HOSPITAL (RGH) 403-943-8623 403-943-8619 SOUTH HEALTH CAMPUS (SHC) 403-956-2603 403-956-2695 CARDIAC NAVIGATION 403-944-3278 403-944-3200 TOTAL CARDIOLOGY RAPID ACCESS CHEST PAIN CLINIC 403-781-4731 403-571-6990 or 403-944-1248 Entry point for all referrals on patients deemed urgent or semiurgent requireng a general cardiologist appointment. The Cardiac Navigator Nurse works closely with the Total Cardiology Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. Chest Pain assessment and work up referrals can be faxed directly to the Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Cardiac Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 10 Quick Reference Guide Cardiac Care S pecialty Connective Tissue Clinic PCL C ontact P hone F ax PETER LOUGHEED CENTRE (PLC) 403-943-4959 403-291-6814 PETER LOUGHEED CENTRE (PLC) 403-943-4959 403-291-6814 RAPID ACCESS CHEST PAIN CLINIC 403-571-8641 403-571-6990 ective Tissue Clinic (CTC) is an MD directed clinic with RN and social work support that is dedicated to the management of patients with suspected or confirmed diagnosis of genetic disorders of the connective tissues (Marfan syndrome, EhlersDanlos syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome). Care offered includes interval clinical follow up for physical assessment and cardiac imaging; management of prescription medications; ongoing patient teaching and support regarding activity and lifestyle; family screening; and coordination of necessary related specialist referrals. *Patients with suspected or confirmed diagnosis of Mixed Connective Tissue disease and other related autoimmune disorders (Lupus, Scleroderma, Polymyostis, Raynaud’s syndrome) may require assessment by cardiology, but are not seen in the CTC clinic which deals primarily with genetic disorders of the connective tissues. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic PLC The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic (HCM) is an MD directed clinic with nursing and social work support that is dedicated to the management of patients with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy. Care offered includes interval clinical follow up for physical assessment and cardiac imaging; management of prescription medications; ongoing patient teaching and support regarding activity, lifestyle and family screening; as well as coordination of necessary specialist referrals. *Patents with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) may require assessment by cardiology, but are not seen in the HCM clinic. Total Cardiology Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC) Total Cardiology Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC) is a specialty clinic for rapid evaluation of patients with chest pain syndromes who do not require hospitalization but would benefit from early outpatient evaluation. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Cardiac Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 11 Quick Reference Guide Clinical Neurosciences S pecialty C ontact P hone F ax 403-944-4323 403-944-4355 403-944-8571 403-944-8578 403-944-4406 403-944-8228 403-956-3461 403-476-8771 MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINIC 403-944-4364 403-944-4063 PEDIATRIC TOURETTE SYNDROME CLINIC 403-955-5912 403-955-5990 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic The clinic functions as a resource of expertise in the diagnosis and management of ALS. Family physicians must contact a clinic physician to ensure timely triage. Brain Injury (Rehabilitation) Clinic Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic to assess and provide treatment for individuals with sequelae of moderate to severe acquired brain injury, including trauma, encephalitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and other conditions. Typical concerns include memory and cognitive changes, speech complaints, emotional changes, and physical sequelae. SPECIAL SERVICES BUILDING, FOOTHILLS HOSPITAL Acute injuries or concerns regarding neurologic status should be directed to neurology or neurosurgery. Cognitive Neurosciences Clinic (CNC) The Cognitive Neurosciences Clinic (CNC) provides consultative advice on the diagnosis and management of neurological diseases that cause cognitive impairment or dementia. General Neurology (GN) Neurologists see patients presenting with non-urgent, undifferentiated neurological problems. Patients with known neurological diagnoses may be seen in this clinic but are often more appropriate for a sub-speciality clinic in neurology. Movement Disorders Clinic (MDC) The clinic functions as a resource of expertise in the medical diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Clinical Neurosciences or 403-955-5982 Updated 14 Aug 2014 12 Quick Reference Guide Clinical Neurosciences S pecialty C ontact P hone F ax 403-944-4253 403-270-7162 FMC 403-944-4415 403-476-9634 SHC 403-956-3454 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinic The MS clinic is a resource of expertise in the diagnosis and management of MS and related demyelinating diseases. If it is unclear whether the problem is due to MS the referral should be to general neurology or urgent neurology instead. Neuromuscular Clinic (NMC) The Neuromuscular Clinic is involved in the care of patients who have disorders which affect the peripheral nervous system. As such the patients referred should clearly have a disorder of the peripheral nervous system (nerve roots, brachial, lumbosacral plexus, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction or muscle). If it is unclear whether the problem involves the peripheral or central nervous system the referral should be to general neurology or urgent neurology instead. This clinic does not manage neuropathic pain except in those patients who require ongoing management through the Neuromuscular Clinic. Seizure Clinic 403-944-4242 403-476-9630 403-944-1447 403-944-1154 403-944-2372 403-270-1848 The seizure clinic functions as a resource of expertise in the management of epilepsy. Stroke Prevention Clinic Referrals to the Stroke Prevention Clinic (SPC) should be sent by fax to SPC Central Access & Triage. Urgent Neurology Clinic (UNC) The UNC provides a neurological assessment service for patients with acute neurological problems, who require assessment that is non-emergent but who need to be seen within 72 hours. All referrals to the UNC will be triaged. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Clinical Neurosciences Updated 14 Aug 2014 13 Quick Reference Guide Home and Community Care S pecialty P hone C3 Program: Comprehensive Community Care for the Frail Elderly Community program for the long term maintenance and support for frail elderly that includes a focus on professional health services, a collaborative interdisciplinary approach, and 24-hour responsibility for client needs until death or until care centre placement. Services target medically complex individuals who are at risk of losing their ability to manage independently in the community and who have a history of increased utilization of the health care system. F ax CAREWEST SARCEE (403) 686-8140 (403) 686-8127 CAREWEST BEDDINGTON (403) 520-3350 (403) 520-3359 NOTE: ALL POTENTIAL C3 PROGRAM CLIENTS NEED TO BE REGISTERED WITH HOME CARE PRIOR TO REFERRAL TO C3 PROGRAM. Home Care CALGARY RESIDENTS HOME CARE supports individual wellness and independence by helping the client remain safe and independent in their own home setting for as long as possible. Alberta’s Home Care Program supports Albertans of all ages and includes an array of services including health promotion and teaching, treatments, care at end of life, rehabilitation, home support and maintenance, assistance to maintain social connections, and support for the client’s family or others who help the client out. The Home Care Program organizes health care service delivery with other health services that are available in their community. Long Term Care 403-943-1920 TOLL FREE 1-888-943-1920 CALGARY RESIDENTS Long Term Care is a residential living option that provides services for people with complex unpredictable medical needs requiring 24-hour on-site Registered Nurse assessment and / or treatment. On-site services include: • case management / registered nurse and rehabilitation therapy 403-943-1920 TOLL FREE 1-888-943-1920 • licensed practical nurses • 24-hour personal care and support provided by health care aides • consultative services such as, but not limited to, geriatric / psychogeriatric outreach teams, palliative care, etc. provided through AHS Long Term Care facilities may have secured long-term care or dementia care units. Where there are sufficient numbers, special programs may be established for long term care clients with similar complex clinical or complex functional care requirements (e.g. brain injured, ventilator-dependent). If insufficient numbers, clients requiring these services will receive them as part of a general long term care unit or program, subject to individual assessment. Access criteria serve as general guidelines. Each client will be individually assessed. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Home and Community Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 14 Quick Reference Guide Home and Community Care S pecialty P hone Supportive Living Level 3 F ax CALGARY RESIDENTS Supportive living level 3 is a residential living option that provides 24-hour on-site scheduled and unscheduled personal care and support services provided by health care aides. Some settings may have a secured environment. Professional health services include 24-hour on-call registered nurse services. Alberta Health Services provides case management / registered nurse and other consultative services such as, but not limited to, geriatric / psychogeriatric outreach teams, palliative care, etc. 403-943-1920 TOLL FREE 1-888-943-1920 Key access criteria serve as general guidelines. Each client will be individually assessed. Supportive Living Level 4 / Level 4 Dementia Supportive living level 4 is a residential living option that provides 24-hour, on-site, scheduled and unscheduled professional and personal care and support services provided by licensed practical nurses and health care aides. Services include 24-hour on-call registered nurse services. Alberta Health Services provides case management / registered nurse and other consultative services such as, but not limited to, geriatric / psychogeriatric outreach teams, palliative care, etc. CALGARY RESIDENTS 403-943-1920 TOLL FREE 1-888-943-1920 Key access criteria serve as general guidelines. Each client will be individually assessed. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Home and Community Care Updated 14 Aug 2014 15 Quick Reference Guide medical genetics, southern alberta S pecialty C ontact Cancer Genetic Clinic • Services aim to assess the likelihood of an inherited predisposition to cancer in a family, based on patient and family history. The option of genetic testing is offered when appropriate, to help determine cancer risks. Patients are provided with screening and/or risk reduction guidelines aimed at minimizing their cancer risk. This service also provides referrals to appropriate medical and support resources. • Common indications for physician referrals include: • Cancer presenting at an unusually young age • Multiple primary cancers in an individual • Multiple family members with the same or associated cancer (e.g. breast and ovarian cancer) • Members of a family with a known inherited cancer syndrome, for the option of predictive genetic testing Cardiovascular Genetics Provides diagnosis, genetic counselling, and appropriate referrals for families with suspected or proven inherited cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and long QT syndrome). Connective Tissue Disorders Genetic diagnosis and counselling services for children and adults suspected of having or at risk for a genetic connective tissue disorder such as Marfan syndrome, Ehlers Danlos syndrome DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS P hone F ax 403-955-7373 403-955-2701 LETHBRIDGE 403-388-6652 403-328-5934 MEDICINE HAT 403-502-8210 403-528-2250 RED DEER 403-314-5228 403-314-5226 403-346-8830 ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 403-955-7373 403-955-2701 403-955-7373 403-955-2701 ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Telehealth consultation available Outreach clinic services with genetic outreach provider available in: Telehealth consultation available ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Telehealth consultation available medical genetics, southern alberta Updated 14 Aug 2014 16 Quick Reference Guide medical genetics, southern alberta S pecialty C ontact General Genetics and Dysmorphology Genetic diagnosis and counselling services for: • newborns, children and adults with a suspected P hone F ax 403-943-8375 403-943-8376 LETHBRIDGE 403-388-6652 403-328-5934 MEDICINE HAT 403-502-8210 403-528-2250 RED DEER 403-314-5228 403-314-5226 403-346-8830 ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 403-955-7696 403-955-3091 TRW BUILDING, FMC Telehealth consultation available • or confirmed genetic condition. • 24/7 ward consults for infants born with a • suspected or confirmed genetic condition. • individuals/families with a confirmed diagnosis including hemochromatosis, hemoglobinopathies, single gene disorders (Fragile X syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular dystrophies) Inherited Metabolic Disorder Clinic (IMDC) The IMDC is a multidisciplinary diagnostic, assessment and treatment clinic for Albertans across the lifespan with a suspected or confirmed inherited metabolic disease. Physician referrals received from within Alberta and southeastern Saskatchewan and southwester British Columbia catchment areas for: • Individuals/families affected with an inherited metabolic disorder, • Individuals, regardless of age at risk with an inherited metabolic disorder based on family history or other presenting indications • Newborns at risk for an inherited metabolic disorder based on a positive newborn metabolic screen Outreach clinic services with genetic outreach provider available in: Telehealth consultation available SUBSPECIALTY IMDC CLINICS INCLUDE: • Lysosomal Storage Diseases Clinic • Mitochondrial Diseases Clinic • Phenylketonuria Clinic • Metabolic and Genetic Bone Disease Clinic SUBSPECIALTY PROCEDURES (ONLY FOR PATIENTS BEING INVESTIGATED FOR METABOLIC DISEASES): • skin biopsy • lumbar puncture • needle muscle biopsy DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS medical genetics, southern alberta Updated 14 Aug 2014 17 Quick Reference Guide medical genetics, southern alberta S pecialty Neurogenetics Clinic Diagnosis and genetic counselling services for: • Children and adults presenting with symptoms of or a family history of inherited neurological/ neuromuscular conditions such as: Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, cerebellar ataxias, muscular dystrophies etc. C ontact P hone F ax ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 403-955-7373 403-955-2701 403-955-7373 403-955-2701 403-943-8375 403-943-8376 LETHBRIDGE 403-388-6652 403-328-5934 MEDICINE HAT 403-502-8210 403-528-2250 RED DEER 403-314-5228 403-346-8830 Telehealth consultation available • Provides predictive testing protocol for Huntington disease, familial ALS, and other neurocognitive disorders. The predictive testing protocol involves a four visit process. Ophthamology (Ocular Genetics) Diagnosis and genetic counselling services for: • children and adults presenting with symptoms of or a confirmed family history of inherited eye conditions, such as Retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt disease, Best disease etc. Prenatal Genetic Clinic ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Telehealth consultation available TRW BUILDING, FMC Physician /self referrals within Southern Alberta for pregnant women and women contemplating pregnancy requiring genetic consultation regarding: • A confirmed or family history of a genetic condition of concern whereby risk and options for prenatal testing can be explored. • At risk for a genetic diagnosis based on a positive prenatal screen, including ultrasound. • A confirmed abnormal genetic condition following prenatal diagnosis, including ultrasound. • Concern relating to a potential teratogen exposure. • Preconception counselling for maternal or paternal health history (eg. epilepsy, diabetes, radiation exposure) Telehealth consultation available Outreach clinic services with genetic outreach provider available in: 403-314-5226 DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS medical genetics, southern alberta Updated 14 Aug 2014 18 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty C ontact P hone F ax 403-943-1500 403-943-9044 SHELDON M. CHUMIR HEALTH CENTRE 403-955-6052 403-955-6910 Calgary Headache Assessment and Management Program (CHAMP) 403-956-3414 403-956-3497 403-943-9900 403-209-2954 Access Mental Health: Addiction & Mental Health, Calgary Zone Access Mental Health is a central point of access to addiction and mental health information, options, consultation and referrals in the Calgary zone. Mental Health clinicians are available by telephone to assess an individual’s current clinical need and will recommend the most appropriate location to get that need met most effectively and efficiently. The service is available to individuals across the lifespan and across levels of need. Calgary Ambulatory Lymphedema Service (CALS) The Calgary Ambulatory Lymphedema Service is a physicianled specialized Ambulatory Community Rehabilitation service providing assessment and treatment for patients with PRIMARY and NON-CANCER related lymphedema. The service is available to Albertans in Calgary and Southern Alberta. CHAMP is designed to assist family physicians in the diagnosis and management of patients (ages 18 and over) with difficult headache and facial pain problems. Patients will be triaged to the various parts of the program and physician consultation will be expedited as necessary based upon information from the referring physician. Please note CHAMP does NOT accept out of province referrals. Chronic Pain Centre (CPC) The Chronic Pain Centre is a Consult Service. Referrals will initially be triaged to one of two care pathways: • A Self-Management approach to pain. Patients are required to attend an orientation presentation where they will receive a Pre-Assessment Questionnaire which must be completed and returned prior to continuing the program. • A Medical Management focus. These patients will be sent a Pre-Assessment Questionnaire which needs to be completed and returned prior to being given an initial assessment appointment. Our aim is to support the Family Practitioner in the long term management of chronic pain through a collaborative approach. the family practitioner will be asked to continue prescribing medications and follow through on suggestions provided by the Chronic Pain Centre. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 19 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty Complex Chronic Disease Management Clinic – Peter Lougheed Centre The purpose of the CCDMC is to provide intensive management of complex patients thereby decreasing exacerbations of chronic conditions and hospital presentations. The criteria for admission are 2 or more chronic conditions and at least 1 Emergency or inpatient visit in the past year. C ontact P hone F ax COMPLEX CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT CLINIC AT PLC 403-943-4131 403-943-4133 403-955-8118 403-955-8634 403-955-8633 403-955-8634 GI CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE 403-944-6535 403-944-6540 DR PRICE 403-283-6613 403-270-7722 DR MA 403-568-9789 403-590-8616 DR BASS 403-270-9555 403-270-7479 Chronic disease include, but are not limited to, CHF, COPD, Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Dyslipidemia, renal disease, issues requiring anticoagulation, etc. We do not specifically manage chronic pain or patients on dialysis. The patients are seen by nurses, pharmacy, and physician at each visit. Diabetes, Hypertension and Cholesterol Centre (DHCC) The DHCC provides services through community nurses in physician offices, community classes, and individual counseling at Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (RRDTC), Foothills Medical Centre, Rockyview General Hospital, South Calgary Health Centre, and Peter Lougheed Centre. Endocrinology & Metabolism All referrals to an endocrinologist will be triaged through Central Access & Triage. If the referral indicates a specific consultant then Central Access & Triage will direct it to that office, unless it is known that the consultation cannot be provided within the specified time requirements for urgency.. Gastroenterology All referrals to a gastroenterologist should be made through Central Access & Triage service, except in the case of the specialists at the Rockyview for whom existing contact details should be used, and for the PLC and FMC physicians listed whose offices should be contacted directly. Please do not send referrals for routine colon cancer screening to GI Central Access & Triage. This program has a separate referral form and process that can be accessed at : DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS ENDOCRINOLOGY CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 20 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty General Internal Medicine All referrals to an internist will be triaged through Central Access & Triage, except in the case of referrals to internists at the PLC. These referrals should be sent directly to the doctors’ private offices. Hematology The Division of Hematology and Hematologic Malignancies provides full service care for patients with malignant and nonmalignant hematological disorders. This includes inpatient and outpatient chemotherapy and procedures at the PLC, FMC and TBCC sites. Referrals for Hematologic Disease Consultation may be made in two ways. Referrals to Drs Blahey, and Lategan should be made through their office contact numbers. Referral to all other Hematologists is through the Hematology Central Access & Triage contact number. Hepatology Hepatology is the branch of medicine that involves the management of diseases of the liver and biliary tree. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS C ontact P hone F ax GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE Receptionist: 403-955-8657 403-270-8453 HEMATOLOGY CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE Receptionist 403-944-1582 DR BLAHEY 403-266-1246 403-233-9278 DR LATEGAN 403-943-5423 403-943-5520 FOOTHILLS MEDICAL CENTRE (FMC) 403-944-6555 403-944-6559 Medical Services Triage nurse: 403-955-8655 403-944-3001 Triage Nurse 403-944-8050 Updated 14 Aug 2014 21 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty C ontact Living Well with a Chronic Condition Program The Living Well program consists of 3 complimentary pillars: P hone F ax 403-943-2584 (9HEALTH) 403-955-6868 • Education Classes • Better Choices, Better Health™ Self Management Program • Exercise Program Participation in all 3 pillars is recommended to best manage a chronic condition. Additional Services: • Dietitian counselling • Some programming is offered in Chinese and Punjabi For whom? Adults with a chronic condition able to function in a group setting. Chronic condition not required to participate in education classes See complete program information for all inclusion and exclusion criteria. How? In a group setting. Patients can take any part or all parts of the program in any order. Where? The program is offered at various locations and times of the day, in the city of Calgary and in rural areas. Nephrology Nephrology is the branch of medicine that involves diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases and their complications. Referral location to be selected by referring physician. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS CALGARY (403) 955-6389 (403) 955-6776 EDMONTON, GREY NUNS HOSPITAL (780) 468-3377 (780) 468-9353 EDMONTON, ROYAL ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL (780) 496-9350 (780) 425-8475 EDMONTON, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA HOSPITAL (780) 407-7779 (780) 407-7771 LETHBRIDGE (403) 320-0633 (403) 320-0353 MEDICINE HAT (403) 528-2911 (403) 526-5818 RED DEER (403) 314-1435 (403) 314-1437 Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 22 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty PADIS Medical Toxicology Clinic C ontact P hone F ax ROCKYVIEW HOSPITAL 403-944-6950 403-944-6987 RESPIRATORY CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE 403-943-4718 403-944-1250 RHEUMATOLOGY TRIAGE 403-955-8735 403-955-8199 DR. ARBILLAGA 403-265-7117 403-351-1756 SENIOR’S HEALTH ONELINE REFERRAL 403-955-1525 403-955-1514 The Medical Toxicology clinic is a monthly clinic designed to provide evaluation, diagnosis, and management of adult (18 years of age and older) patients in Alberta with any of the following: • Exposures (both occupational and environmental) to potentially toxic substances such as metals (e.g. lead, arsenic, mercury, cobalt, chromium), pesticides, gases (e.g. carbon monoxide), vapors, fumes, particulate matter, and other hazardous materials. • Adverse events resulting from exposures to pharmaceuticals, herbal preparations, and complementary/alternative medicine therapies • Follow up care after hospitalizations for toxic effects from pharmaceuticals, drugs of abuse, occupational and environmental toxins, and natural exposures (e.g. rattlesnake envenomations) • Those requiring interpretation of toxicologic tests already performed (e.g. trace element screens) or opinions regarding therapy (e.g. chelation) For more information please visit Respiratory Medicine All referrals to a Respirologist will be triaged through Respiratory Medicine Central Access & Triage. Rheumatology Triage All referrals to a Rheumatologist will be triaged through Central Access and Triage, except in the case of Dr.Hector Arbillaga who should be sent referrals directly Senior’s Health & Geriatric Medicine All referrals to Specialized Geriatric Services will be triaged through a One-Line Referral service DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 23 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services S pecialty C ontact Sleep Centre P hone F ax 403-944-2404 403-270-2718 403-955-6399 403-955-6355 403-955-8032 403-955-8634 Referrals to the Sleep Centre should be sent to the Sleep Centre Central Access & Triage. Southern Alberta HIV Clinic (SAC) All referrals to the Southern Alberta HIV Clinic should be made through the main clinic phone/fax number. Clinic staff will triage referrals and book appointments with patients. Please note: All patients must have a documented positive HIV test result prior to referral. Vascular Risk Reduction Program This program helps patients with known atherosclerotic disease (CAD, CVA, carotid disease or PAD) manage their risk factors related to atherosclerosis (DM, HTN, Dyslipidemia and smoking) with the aim of preventing further disease. Patients receive evaluation, education and management of their arterial health. They are followed for a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 2 years. It is noted that within the Department of Medicine specialties, Dermatology and Infectious Diseases will be maintaining their existing referral processes and forms. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 24 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 25 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 26 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 27 Quick Reference Guide Medical Services DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Medical Services Updated 14 Aug 2014 28 Quick Reference Guide Palliative / End of life care S pecialty C ontact Grief Support Program P hone F ax 403-955-8011 403-955-8022 The Grief Support Program offers grief counselling to adults 18 years and older that have faced the death of a loved one. The Program offers individual and group services – up to 8 individual counselling sessions are available and grief support groups are held weekly for 6 consecutive weeks. The Grief Support Program also offers grief and bereavement education to the public, community agencies, and Alberta Health Services staff. Residential Hospice 403-944-1614 Residential hospice is available to adult palliative patients in their last days to weeks of life whose care needs can no longer be met in their current care settings. Patients admitted to hospice have a life limiting illness where cure is no longer possible and whose goals of care are focused on quality of life and comfort care. Palliative Care Consult Service 403-944-2304 The Palliative Care Consult Service supports adult patients, families, and attending teams with concerns regarding the management of complex palliative symptoms and or issues related to the patient’s life threatening disease; such as palliative pain and symptom management, psychosocial and spiritual concerns, education regarding disease progression and the end of life, prognosis and goals of care, accessing community resources and transitioning patients to hospice. The service is comprised of palliative care physicians, palliative clinical nurse specialists, nurse clinicians, and a clinical specialist in end stage pulmonary disease. The Palliative Consult Service does NOT assume care. Urban Palliative Home Care Team 403-955-6288 403-955-6299 Within the city limits of Calgary, the Urban Palliative Home Care Team provides care to home-living clients 18 years and older in the last phases of life, and to their families, with interdisciplinary care directed at minimizing physical, psychosocial, and spiritual distress. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Palliative / End of life care Updated 14 Aug 2014 29 Quick Reference Guide Pediatrics S pecialty C ontact Augmentative Communication and Educational Technology Service (ACETS) P hone F ax Receptionist: 403-955-7501 403-955-7912 ACETS provides assessment and consultation services to children and adults across Southern Alberta who are unable to meet daily communication needs through verbal speech. Program Co-coordinator: Email: 403-955-2893 Brachial Plexus Program 403-955-2576 403-955-7045 403-955-5437 403-955-7609 403-955-2617 403-955-7501 The Brachial Plexus Program offers diagnosis, assessment, treatment, care coordination and counseling from birth to 18 years of age with a congenital/ obstetrical and/or traumatic injury to the brachial plexus. Infant Cranial Remodeling Program/Head Shape Clinic The Infant Cranial Remodeling Program/Head Shape Clinic offers assessment and treatment of plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, dolichocephaly, and craniosynostosis for infants newborn to twelve months of age. Movement Assessment Centre The Movement Assessment Centre provides video motion capture technology (video, force plates, surface electromyography) for quantitative assessment of movement abnormalities in children and adults to assist in clinical decision making or to assist in quantifying effects of interventions (e.g. surgery, drugs, Botox). or Mail: MOVEMENT ASSESSMENT CENTRE, NEUROSCIENCE DEPARTMENT, 2888 SHAGANAPPI TRAIL NW, CALGARY, AB., T3B 6A8 Neurology Program 403-955-5437 403-955-7609 The Neurology Program provides assessment, diagnosis, treatment and transition planning for children from birth to 18 years of age who have neurological disorders in collaboration with the community physicians. These include seizures, epilepsy, debilitating headache disorders including migraines, neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, brain injury and stroke. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Pediatrics Updated 14 Aug 2014 30 Quick Reference Guide Pediatrics S pecialty C ontact Neuromotor Program The Neuromotor Program is a consultative service that offers assessment, treatment, care co-ordination and counseling for children from birth to 18 years of age with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (CP). P hone F ax 403-955-5437 403-955-7609 Mail:: NEUROMOTOR PROGRAM, NEUROSCIENCE DEPARTMENT, 2888 SHAGANAPPI TRAIL NW, CALGARY, AB., T3B 6A8 Neuromuscular Program 403-955-7603 403-955-7609 403-955-7645 403-955-7045 The Neuromuscular Program offers diagnosis, assessment, treatment, care co-ordination, and counseling for children from birth to 18 years of age with a neuromuscular diagnosis such as muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Professional services available within the program include Neurology/Pediatrics, Orthopedic Surgery, Pulmonology, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, and Social Work. Consultations can be made to Cardiology, Sleep Lab, Speech-Language Pathology, and Clinical Nutrition as required. Neurosciences Adolescent Transition Program (NATP) The Neurosciences Adolescent Transition Program (NATP) provides information and support to assist with preparing youth (aged 12 – 18 years) and parents in the transition from child to adult services. The goal of this program is to discuss the youth’s and family’s transition concerns and link them to appropriate community based programs to address their ongoing needs. Neuro Rehabilitation Program The Neuro Rehabilitation Program provides assessment, treatment, care co-ordination, and counseling for children from birth to 18 years of age who have experienced an acute change in functioning due to illness, surgery, or injury (e.g. brain injury). Professional services available through the program include Neurology, Physiatry, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Child Life/Recreation Therapy, Psychology, Education Consultation and Social Work NEURO REHABILITATION PROGRAM CO-COORDINATOR 403-955-2603 403-955-2620 (for children registered in school) 403-955-7063 (for preschool-aged children) BRAIN INJURY CLINIC DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS E-mail: ns.transtion@ Pediatrics 403-955-7900 403-955-2620 Updated 14 Aug 2014 31 Quick Reference Guide Pediatrics S pecialty Orthotics The Orthotics Service provides design, fabrication and fitting of orthoses (braces or splints) to children from birth to 18 years of age. C ontact P hone F ax 2888 SHAGANAPPI TRAIL NW, CALGARY, AB. T3B 6A8 403- 955-7918 403-955-7501 403-955-7747 403-955-7639 403-955-2914 403-955-7501 Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition The Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition service provides comprehensive inpatient, ambulatory and emergency care for children between birth and 18 years of age with intestinal, liver and complex nutritional disorders. Seating Service The seating service provides assessment and provision of new custom made and commercial seating systems and wheelchairs, modifications to existing seating and mobility systems for children under 18 years of age. The service will also provide consultation to community based therapists with respect to a child’s seating and wheelchair needs. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Pediatrics Updated 14 Aug 2014 32 Quick Reference Guide pediatrics family & community resource centre S pecialty Child Health Information Specialist Health Information: • Specific Child Health information resources and consultation C ontact P hone F ax FAMILY COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 403-955-7745 FAMILY COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 403-955-7742 FAMILY COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 403-955-3272 • On site and web-based family resource library services • Reader friendly health information ‘prescriptions’ on health conditions (eg. asthma, mental health) Cultural Diversity Services ACH Cultural diversity consultation services for physicians and health professionals (eg. culturally sensitive grief support) • Written cultural diversity health documents • Training modules for AHS child health professionals to increase their cultural competency Family Support Specialists • Hospital navigation, information and resources for ACH paediatric patients and families. • Support for ‘out of town families’ re: basic needs ( e.g. accommodation). • Community and financial resource referrals and supports for families. • Family support during hospitalization or about the health care experience. • Family Centred Care. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS pediatrics family & community resource centre Updated 14 Aug 2014 33 Quick Reference Guide surgical services S pecialty C ontact Hepatopancrea-ticobiliary (HPB) (Department of Surgery) F ax CENTRAL ACCESS & TRIAGE HEPATOPANCREATI-COBILIARY (HPB) All referrals involving neoplastic tumors and/or complex benign conditions of the liver, pancreas and biliary system which may require surgical intervention should be made through Central Access & Triage Clinic. Staff will triage referrals in consultation with the surgeon. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS P hone DR. BATHE DR. DIXON DR. SUTHERLAND surgical services 403-521-3179 403-944-3045 403-944-1233 403-476-8798 403-476-8798 403-476-8798 Updated 14 Aug 2014 34 Quick Reference Guide FMC women's health ambulatory care (whac) S pecialty C ontact Calgary Breast Health Clinic The Calgary Breast Health Program provides excellence in breast health care to individuals with a breast health concern through the Breast Health Clinic, nurse navigation, education classes and psychosocial support services. The team is committed to ensuring that coordinated, timely and integrated breast health services are readily accessible. Colposcopy Clinic Location: F ax 403-944-2240 403-944-2250 403-944-2205 403-944-3125 403-944-3192 403-944-1111 403-944-1680 403-944-5094 Location: Clinic RN 403-944-2250 FMC WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTRE ROOM 185 403-944-2547 Location: 403-944-1680 FMC WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTRE ROOM 187 Location: The Colposcopy Clinic provides colposcopic exam, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormalities of the cervix, vulva, and vaginal walls. Referral is indicated by abnormal pap test results, or by a visibly abnormal cervix. P hone FMCWOMEN’S HEALTH CENTRE ROOM 187 Health education and support for women with abnormal cytology are also provided. Early Pregnancy Loss Clinic The Early Pregnancy Loss Clinic provides education, options, and treatment for non-viable pregnancies. Gynecology Clinic FMC WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTRE ROOM 187 Location: Ambulatory gynecology clinic(s) providing consultation service for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological issues. High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic (HRBCC) The HRBCC is a part of the Calgary Breast Health Program providing medical consultation, risk assessment, education, counseling and referral services for those at higher risk for developing breast cancer or ovarian cancer. The HRBCC does not offer yearly surveillance of high risk patients or order genetic testing. Obstetrical Clinics Ambulatory obstetrical clinic(s) providing consultation service for fetal assessment and antenatal care of pregnant women. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS Location: 2ND FLOOR NORTH TOWER FMC 403-944-5094 2ND FLOOR NORTH TOWER FMC FMC women's health ambulatory care (whac) Updated 14 Aug 2014 35 Quick Reference Guide FMC women's health ambulatory care (whac) S pecialty C ontact Pelvic Floor Clinic Location: The Pelvic Floor Clinic accepts referrals for women with urinary incontinence, lower bowel evacuation disorders and/or pelvic organ prolapse. Services provided include assessment, pessary fitting, medical and/or surgical intervention, sacral nerve stimulation, behavioral modification, physical therapy and diagnostic testing (urodynamics and cystoscopy). Pregnancy and Infant Loss Program Pregnancy and Infant loss Program provides grief support to parents and other family members who have experienced a pregnancy loss (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, still birth, neonatal death or termination) through individual, couple and group counseling. DEPARTMENTOFMEDICINE.COM/MAS P hone F ax 403-944-4000 403-944-2154 403-944-2274 403-283-4703 FMC BASEMENT NORTH TOWER, 1441 – 29TH ST. NW Location: FMC ROOM 159 WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTRE FMC women's health ambulatory care (whac) Updated 14 Aug 2014 36
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