First Press a monthly newsletter publication of First Presbyterian Church A Trio of Organists Three Organs, Three Organists, Three Churches Sunday, May 5 — 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Returning by popular demand, organists J. Patrick Murphy, David Ratchford, and Laurie Ryan will present recitals at: 3:00 - First Presbyterian Church 4:00 - Front Street Methodist Church the 5:00 - Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter A reception will be held following the final program. backyard bbq B ring the family and join us for a old fashioned Backyard BBQ on Thursday, May 30, from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (Meal served at 6:00 p.m.). Resident FPC BBQ connoisseur, Phil Langley, will prepare the meat (chopped pork barbecue). You are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. There will be lots of fun games such as: corn hole, water balloon toss, sack race, etc. Feel free to bring your own game and/or lawn chair if you like. Please RSVP by calling the church office. First Press | May 2013 1 VBS 2013 C okesbury’s Everywhere Fun Fair takes children to a global celebration with the look and feel of a world’s fair. Children will make friends with neighbors around the world and discover that God’s love can be found everywhere, including their own neighborhoods. Children will be introduced to special places from all over the world and discover that we are all neighbors and all children of God. Everywhere Fun Fair features exciting pentecost offering attractions such as interactive Bible storytelling, global games, rockin’ music, super science, cool crafts, and more! ( Priority registration is now open for all church members and will continue through Sunday, May 5. On May 6, general registration begins and will be open to the community and available on a first-come, first-served basis until classroom spaces are filled. An onlineregistration form is required for each This month we will participate with churches across supporting our youth through the Pentecost Offering. child. Children must be at least 3 years old (by August 31, 2012) through 5th grade (grade completed). Parents may register their children online at If you are interested in serving with us on our leadership team, please contact one of our co-directors Jill Fisher ( or Elizabeth Gould ( or Mary Parker ( children & youth summer sunday school A ll children’s classes (Pre-K through 5th grade) will combine for the summer from June 2 – September 1, for Summer at the Movies in Bible Max (first floor under the sanctuary) at 9:00 a.m. T his offering provides and help spreads the renewing and redemptive love of God to the children and youth of the church. Ministries that benefit from the offering include child advocacy ministries, the Young Adult Volunteer program, and spiritual enrichment opportunities for youth. Please consider giving a gift on May 19, Pentecost Sunday, and send God’s love into the life of another. Jr. and Sr. High youth are invited to assist the adult leader each week. Summer at the Movies will feature a variety of Old and New Testament movies each week. Showing for June: June 2: Abe and the Amazing Promise June 9: Joseph in Egypt June 16: Heroes of the Bible (Moses, Miriam and Joseph) June 23: Moses June 30: Ruth 2 First Press | May 2013 explore fpc I furniture ministry news T f you have recently joined or are visiting with us, we want you to have the opportunity to explore what becoming a part of this faith community might look like for you. On Sunday, May19th the staff will host an “Explore FPC” class to give you the chance to get to know us and learn more about our church. Meet us in room 122 following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Lunch will be provided. To register contact the church office at 228-1703. The next workday is Saturday, May 11 at 9:00 a.m. he Furniture Ministry's prayers for young, strong volunteers were certainly answered when five members of Elon University Kappa Sigma fraternity and one of our own Troop 17 Scout members came ready to work on the April 13 workday. Kappa Sigs Trey Swaim, Lawrence Brayman, Curtis Loughran, Yale Hoffberg and Kevin Burpee and Scout John Coble helped us make lighter, quicker work of delivering loads of furniture to nine families, deliveries that included 10 beds for children who previously had none. Also greatly appreciated were Bob and Racine Rice, Bob and Ann Carter, Reid Dusenberry, John and Barbara Rasch, Libby Lasley, Gary Garrison, Nathan Gruver, Dan and Leslie Hardie, Ed and Nan Perkins, and Katie Lee—and the valuable use of the Patty truck! The Furniture Ministry committee also extends a great, big thank you to Reid and Cathy Dusenberry who located, purchased and donated a huge number of dining tables and chairs. These sets are always in great demand and are already flying out of the warehouse to grateful families. We are also exceedingly grateful to all of you who have made monetary donations in recent months, giving us much needed resources to purchase mattresses, bed frames, and bedding to supplement our supply of donated items. You are truly our partners in this ministry. Mark your Calendar for an FPC Calendar! This fall we will have our very own calendar featuring photos from the life of our church. They will be available for purchase. All proceeds will go towards the Furniture Ministry. W e are excited to have the chance to build our 7th Habitat House this summer! FPC is partnering with two other Presbyterian churches to provide a home for a local family. Construction will kick-off on May 21. Sign-up slots and the construction schedule can be found on the mission bulletin board outside of Katie’s office. We want you to have the chance to take part in this build, so get your hammer and nails and sign up today. But if hammer and nails is not your thing, you can still take part! And here’s how: • Meet the family during our Moment for Mission on May 5. • Give to the special offering on May 5. • Get your Sunday school class or PW Circle to pack a lunch for the volunteers. • Provide snacks for a afternoon work break. A brief orientation/information meeting will be held on May 19 for all those interested in volunteering. The meeting will be in room 227 following the 11:00 a.m. service. All dates, details, and contact information may be found in the church office or on the mission bulletin board. Many thanks to Phil Langley and Dan Hardie for volunteering to be Construction Coordinators for First Presbyterian Church. First Press | May 2013 3 {youth ministries} yo u t h s u n d a y h a s m o ve d d a t e s Our annual Youth Sunday Worship Services will now be held on Mother’s Day, May 12. Please plan to join us for these wonderful worship experiences at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and visit our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast in Calvin Hall from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The worship services are designed, written, and planned by the High School Youth of FPC. Sermons are shared from some of our graduating seniors and other parts of the worship service are led by the 2013 confirmation class. It is sure to be a great worship experience. from high school to college... FPC will host a seminar, led by Tommy Brown (Presbyterian Campus Minister at Appalachian State and author of Unscripted), for all junior and senior high school students and their parents on Wednesday, May 1. The transition from high school to college is a big one!! It is not just about the excitement of being on your own and not being forced to 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. school days. Time in college is about exploration, discovery, and growth; times to learn more about who you are. This can be a scary thing at times. Tommy Brown lives on the campus of App State and witnesses this period of transition in the lives of hundreds of students each year. He comes to bring us a college perspective and a helpful word on how you can better prepare for this transition. Parents are encouraged to come as well as students. summer trips Dominican Republic, Massanetta, and Montreat Participants: We are receiving payments for all summer trips. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payments for any of these trips, please contact Peter ( or 228-1703). We thank you for your prompt payments and would like to remind you that full payments for all trips are due no later than May 1, 2013. mark your calendar s Sr. High End of Year Celebration Jr. High End of Year Celebration Where: Charlotte Eden’s Lake House (HYCO) When: Saturday, May 4 at 2:00 p.m. through Sunday, May 5 at 2:00 p.m. Where: Durham Bulls Stadium When: Sunday, May 19 Meet: at 2:00 p.m. (FPC) Return: TBD ALL ABOARD! For more info on youth activities please download our monthly newsletter at 4 First Press | May 2013 Congratulations to Peter & Barrett upon the birth of Elizabeth “Ella” Grace Thompson born April 15, 2013 6 pounds, 3 ounces, 18.5 inches long Grandparents: Dr. Reid and Beth Patty Rev. T.J. and Melody Thompson c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o t h e c o n f i r m a t i o n c l a s s o f 2 013 T his wonderful class of seventeen 8th graders have been making the journey through confirmation with one another since January and now they are preparing to make their public professions of faith in order to become members of First Presbyterian Church. Many thanks to Barrett Thompson for shepherding them through the journey and Ron Shive, David Vaughan, Beth Patty, Ann Bradey Lewis, and all the elder partners as well. Confirmation Sunday will be May 19. We look forward to welcoming the Confirmands into the membership of this wonderful church family. The following is a list of the students and their elder partners: Hanna Williams, Mary Parker Rebecca Hunnicut, Becky Wagoner Ashley Swanson, Ami Hill Jacob Stewart, Wayne Abernathy Walker Beck, Greg Lunsford McKenna Downs, Nan Wooten Lucy Harden, Cindy Cothran Ginny Mehring, Scotty Grant, Jeff Parsons Cooper Hicks, Willy Fisher Bennett Sapp, Leanna Giles Madeleine McHugh, Mary Erwin Kenzie Milligan, Barrett Thompson Nick Williams, Reid Patty Evan Saurage, Bob Lewis Ingle Wagoner, Gail McGowen Cameron Clark, Gayle Gunn ~college ministries~ Upcoming Events Breakfast at the Thompson’s End of Year Gathering Wednesday, May 8 TBA Habitat Build Get your summer started off right this May 21st through 23rd by joining FPC and Habitat for Humanity for a home build. Each of these three days, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., all college-age students are invited to join us in making a difference in our home community. Student Opportunity Scholarship Deadline - June 1, 2013 Eligibility Requirements: Student must... *Be a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) *Be seeking a bachelor degree *Demonstrate financial need *Have completed first year of college *Be in good academic standing (2.5 GPA or greater) *Be enrolled full time at an accredited college or university in the United States First Press | May 2013 5 church finances march 2013 financial statement I f you should have any questions regarding the financial statement, please contact Chan Chandler, III, Church Treasurer, or LaRae Bolick, Church Business Administrator, in the church office. Mar 2013 Revenues Pledges Pre-Paid Pledges (Pro-rated) Prior Year Pledge Prior Year Surplus Misc. Income Total Expenditures Net Total may 5-26 Dr. Richard Cox Ten Rules for Growing Older with Dignity: A Christian Perspective 9:45 a.m. John Knox Room 6 Monthly Budget YTD Budget 2013 Budget $258,723.75 $1,034,895.00 1,250.01 1,270.26 8,775.03 $270,019.05 5,000.00 5,081.00 35,100.00 $1,080,076.00 $270,018.99 $0.06 $1,080,076.00 $133,751.36 3,646.05 13,000.00 423.42 7,176.55 $157,997.38 416.67 423.42 2,925.01 $90,006.35 $285,762.54 10,938.15 15,036.00 1,270.26 15,004.90 $328,011.85 $98,590.91 $59,406.47 $90,006.33 $0.02 $277,499.88 $50,511.97 R $86,241.25 YTD Actual ichard H. Cox (MD, PhD, DMin) is an ordained Presbyterian (USA) minister (honorably retired), an Adj. Prof. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science at Duke University Medical School, Senior Scholar at Georgetown Univ. Medical School, Center for Clinical bioethics, and President Emeritus of Forest Institute of Professional Psychology. He has authored more than 15 books in the fields of theology, medicine, psychology and music and more than 26 chapters in professional texts, as well as over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles. Dr. Cox lectures widely in the fields of medicine, theology, psychology and music. He is an artist for the Conn-Selmer-Steinway Instrument Company and teaches in the summer at the prestigious Interlochen Center for the Arts. Among his writings, he is the author of "The Sacrament of Psychology", "Issues of Soul", "Rewiring Your Preaching", and "Managing Your Head and Body so You can Become a Good Musician". He and his wife, Betty, of more than 64 years, reside in Burlington, NC. First Press | May 2013 april 2013 session digest A t its stated meeting in April, the Session: • Was led in devotions by Jo Grimley, who conveyed a compelling story about an individual who befriended the Grimley family in Mississippi – and who, in her quiet but steadfast way, exhibited a model life of Christian servanthood. Mrs. Grimley related this witness to Paul’s writings in his letters to the Galatians and the Colossians. The meeting was constituted in prayer. • Heard the Clerk read a letter of thanks from Elon University faculty members whose “Music in the Village” initiative has been developed in Calvin Hall this year. This program is an effort to enhance literacy through music, and has been rewarding to the participants (youth and their parents in this community). It was noted that this series has been led by Elon faculty member Dr. Gerald Knight, a member of our church choir; • Received the March 2013 financial reports from Church Treasurer Chan Chandler. Mr. Chandler observed that, due to the generosity of the congregation and the good work of the staff, the church was in a very favorable financial position at the close of March. He further observed the same trends in the Playschool and CDC. Mr. Chandler announced that the church’s capital debt had been reduced to $268,000; • Heard Nan Wooten, CDC Board Chair, report that CDC was expected to continue to operate at capacity enrollment for the balance of 2013; • Received a report from Tom Harper on current activities of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, including the drainage solutions to the rear of the church property thanks to Rett Davis, sanctuary floor repair and improvements, and the implementation of a new contract for provision of basic services and supplies in the church facilities; • Was updated on the plans to build a Habitat for Humanity House. Dave Bender reported that church members Dan Hardie and Phil Langley will lead the effort as project coordinators, that the kickoff for the house would be in early May, and that the family that will occupy the house (including six children, reportedly all boys!) would have a four bedroom, two bath house in which to live. Mr. Bender reminded the Session that this is a collaborative project with the Graham and Bethany churches; • Received George Bason’s report on the activities of the Residential Treatment Services of Alamance County (RTS), which this church supports (and where our Norman Whitney chairs the board of directors) – and heard of RTS’s planned fundraiser for May 8 at Alamance Country Club; • • Heard Trip Durham (as chair of Long Range Planning) describe the process for surveying the congregation in early summer – with the results of the survey helping to shape the cornerstone for Session’s subsequent discussions on developing a long-term plan and vision for how this church might respond in the future to God’s goodness, grace, and generosity; • Approved minutes of previous meetings, reviewed the cares and concerns of our household of faith, and received reports of upcoming programming opportunities from the staff; • Was dismissed in prayer by Associate Pastor Lee. —David Vaughan, Clerk of Session let us talents and tongues employ D o you have a talent or interest in serving your church in a way that would deepen your commitment to Christ and this church? If so, please connect with the officers or staff that are listed. As the text in our hymnal reads: "Let us talents and tongues employ, reaching out with a shout of joy .... Christ is able to make us one .... teaching people to live and bless, love in word and in deed express." Please prayerfully consider offering your talents to one or more of these committees! Located on page 8, is a roster of our church's committees for 2013. Endorsed the Partners in Mission committee’s plan to undertake a mission trip to Peru in mid-July; First Press | May 2013 7 2013 church officers & committees The Session Ron Shive, Moderator David Vaughan, Clerk of Session Jennings (“Chan”) Chandler, Church Treasurer Associate Pastors: Kathryn Lee, Peter Thompson Parish Associate: Norman Whitney Assistant Clerks of Session: Bob Hill, Cathy Wall Assistant Treasurers: Chris Baker (Ms.) and Cathy Wall 2013: Dave Bender, Cindy Chandler, Cindy Cothran, Reid Dusenberry, Leanna Giles, Tara Hackman, Charlie Harris, Jeff Parsons, Reid Patty, Russell Wilson, Nan Wooten 2014: Wayne Abernathy, John Erwin, Mary Gowan, Tom Harper, Ellen Harrison, Ray Kestler, Julie Monroe, Bill Moser, Mary Parker, Barbara Roberts, Charlie Scott, David Vaughan 2015: George Bason, Patti Bates, Martha Bradberry, Bob Carter, Jan Davis, Trip Durham, Jo Grimley, Cheryl Holt, Penny Lewis, Bruce Shields, Jim Stanfill, Stephanie Williams Standing Committees Adult Ministries – Patti Bates, Chairperson Mary Beth Adams, Peggy Harrelson, Paul Reeves, Pat Scheible (Sarah Christie, Staff Liaison) Budget and Finance – Chan Chandler, Chairperson ex officio Chris Baker (Ms.), Reid Dusenberry, Mary Gowan, Tom Harper, Charlie Harris, Ami Hill (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Buildings and Grounds – Tom Harper, Chairperson George Bason, Jan Davis, Don DeSarro, Cathy Dusenberry, Bob Harkey, Sylvia Harris, Bob Lewis, Jeff Parsons (Boyce Bishop and Ron Shive, Staff Liaisons) Chancel Guild – Martha Bradberry, Chairperson George Bason, Patti Bates, Dick Cannon, Cindy Cothran, Linda Fisher, Jane Gaither, Bill Gardner, Cindy Gilliam, Bob Harkey, Joyce Harkey, Candy McCall, Keith Phillips, Paul Scheible, Bruce Shields (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Children’s Ministries – Mary Parker, Chairperson Mary Beth Adams, Elizabeth Gould, Jill Fisher, Willy Fisher, Tara Hackman, Cindy Gilliam (Sarah Christie, Staff Liaison) College Ministries – Reid Patty, Chairperson Barry Bradberry, Mary Erwin, Phyllis Ford, Bob Hill (Peter Thompson, Staff Liaison) Faith and the Arts – Willy Fisher, Chairperson Jan Davis, Julie Monroe, Helen Hickey, Pat Scheible, Holt Skinner (Sarah Christie, Staff Liaison) Fellowship Committee – Leanna Giles, Chairperson Wayne Abernathy, Jane Beck, Rett Davis, Phil Langley, Avery Wagoner (Katie Lee, Staff Liaison) Financial Advisory – David Vaughan, Chairperson ex officio Chris Baker (Ms.), Ami Hill, Ray Kestler, Tom McGowen, Scott Moffitt, Russell Wilson (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Funeral Guild – Sylvia Harris, Chairperson Chris Baker (Mr.), Pat Bell (sound), Barbara Byers, Dick Cannon (sound), Cindy Cothran (sound), Ann Flagg, Ray Flagg, Bob Harkey, Wanda Jordan, Lou Knight, John Knight, Daphine Williams, John Williams (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) History and Archives – Cindy Cothran, Chairperson Faye Alexander, William Cothran, Catherine Green (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Library Committee – Helen Hickey, Chairperson Lavane Herman, Jane Studstill (Sarah Christie, Staff Liaison) 8 First Press | May 2013 Local Missions – Dave Bender, Chairperson Nathan Adams, George Bason, Dick Cannon, Don DeSarro, John Knight, Bruce Shields, Vivian Splawn (Katie Lee, Staff Liaison) Long Range Planning – Trip Durham, Chairperson (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) New Members – Ellen Harrison, Chairperson Margaret Beatty, Bob Carter, Linda Fisher, Ann Flagg, Peggy Harrelson, John Keegan (Katie Lee, Staff Liaison) Nursery – Tara Hackman, Chairperson Mary Beth Adams, Karen Henderly, Mary Parker, Kathleen Seagroves, Edith Vann (Sarah Christie, Staff Liaison) Partners in Mission – Reid Dusenberry, Chairperson Trina Holt, Bill Moser, Doris Mottinger, Raye Sapp (Katie Lee, Staff Liaison) Personnel – Mary Gowan, Chairperson Charlie Harris, Jim Stanfill (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Playschool – Cindy Chandler, Chairperson Vanessa Garrison, Candy McCall, Julie Monroe, Betsy Reeves, Andrea Thomas (Lindy Halverson, Staff Liaison) Sacraments – Cindy Cothran, Chairperson Jo Grimley, chair-elect (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Sound – Pat Bell, Chairperson John Brockwell, Dick Cannon, Cindy Cothran, Jay Pringle, Corbin Sapp, Richard Schiller, Gregg Southard (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Stewardship – Stephanie Williams, Chairperson Diane Barnwell, Reid Dusenberry, Bob Hill, Candy West (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Ushers Guild – Barbara Roberts, Chairperson (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Faye Alexander, Trip Durham (Some 50 members of the congregation are actively serving on the Ushers Guild.) Wedding Guild – Cathy Dusenberry, Chairperson Doris DeSarro, Ami Hill, David Vaughan, Jane Walters, Virginia Wilburn (Ron Shive, Staff Liaison) Worship and Music – Ray Kestler, Chairperson, Cheryl Holt, Co-Chairperson Sandy Bason, Phyllis Ford, Tara Hackman, Jay Lindley, John Steelman (Ron Shive and Patrick Murphy, Staff Liaisons) Youth Ministries – John Erwin and Penny Lewis, Co-Chairpersons Kathy Beck, Charlotte Edens, Happy Kerns, Bobby Mize, Beth Patty, Jeff Parsons, Karyn Parsons, Paul Reeves, Catherine Stewart, Stephanie Swanson, Avery Wagoner, Becky Wagoner (Peter Thompson, Staff Liaison) Ad-Hoc Committee Capital Projects Committee – Reid Dusenberry, Chairperson George Bason, Tom Harper, Bob Lewis (Boyce Bishop and Ron Shive, Staff Liaisons) Congregational Bodies (Membership is elected by the Congregation) Board of Deacons – Angie Chilton and Karen Garrison, Co-Moderators (Katie Lee, Staff Liaison) 2013: Doris DeSarro, Jane Gaither, Karen Garrison, Bill Massey, Paul Reeves, Barbara Rinker, Candy West, Stephanie Williams 2014: Barbara Byers, Angie Chilton, Trevor Downs, Nathan Gruver, Ron Joyce, Sue (Continued on page 11) First Press | May 2013 9 commemorative brick pavers C elebrate Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Memorial Day... First Presbyterian Playschool is offering brick pavers for purchase as a wonderful way to honor and memorialize loved ones and special people in your life. The bricks are engraved with your choice of words and then placed in the church patio. Monies raised from the sale of the pavers goes to the Church Playground Fund. Pricing is as follows: 1 paver----------$75.00 2 pavers---------$100.00 3 pavers---------$150.00 4 pavers---------$200.00 A paver lettering worksheet is available in the church office. Please fill it out as instructed, include payment and turn into the Church or Playschool office. Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Playschool. Please contact Lindy Halverson, Playschool Director at 226-0080 with any questions. Thank you for your support! pw southern salad supper Bring your favorite salad and join us in Calvin Hall on Monday, May 6 at 6:00 p.m. for a presentation by Nan Perkins from our FPC Furniture Ministry, including a question and answer session. P lease bring new bed pillows and/or cleaning supplies to support our Furniture Ministry. Suggested products include laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets, liquid dish detergent, dish towels, dish cloths, household cleanser (spray or liquid), Brillo pads or scrubbies, bathroom cleanser, toilet cleanser, toilet paper, paper towels, light bulbs, and/or a laundry basket or pail. Our Slate of Officers for 2013-2014 will be presented for your vote at this dinner meeting, followed by their Installation. The slate of new officers to be installed includes: Moderator-elect-Jo Grimley, Vice Moderator- Susan Parsons, TreasurerCameron Weston, Justice and PeaceKathryn Jessup, Missions Co-coordinatorWanda Jordan The 2013 BIRTHDAY OFFERING of Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA) will be collected at our Southern Salad Supper, as well as at Circle meetings in May. Presbyterian Women have never faltered in our concern for neighbors in need, heeding the call of Jesus, who reminds us that loving God includes loving our neighbor. In his letter to the faithful in Rome, the Apostle Paul reminds James: “Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor … so that together [we] may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 15: 2, 6). The recipient of this year’s offering will be WESTMINISTER NEIGHBORHOOD MINISTRIES in Indianapolis, Indiana which serves the basic needs of neighborhood families living below the poverty level. (More information will be provided at the Salad Supper.) baptism S acrament of Baptism for Ruby Mae Gruver Sunday, March 31, 2013 Parents: Nathan and Tracey Gruver Big Sister: Olive Gruver 10 First Press | May 2013 (Continued from page 9) McCrone, Susan Parsons, Corbin Sapp 2015: Gayle Gunn, Wendy Lunsford, Candy McCall, Gail McGowen, Jim Seagroves, Shirley Waynick, Lee Whitaker, Virginia Wilburn, Rosella Wilson Nominating – Dave Bender (appointed by Session), Chair (Ron Shive, ex-officio Staff Liaison) Rett Davis, Jill Fisher, Tom Harper (appointed by the Session), Bob Hill, Bill Massey (appointed by Diaconate), Avery Wagoner Affiliated Bodies (Membership is elected by the Session) Burlington First Presbyterian Church Child Development Center, Inc. Ron Shive, President ex officio; Nan Wooten, Chair of Board of Directors Directors: Margaret Bartlett, Jennings Chandler, Cindy Gilliam, Penny Lewis, Candy McCall, Betsy Reeves, Charlie Scott, Ron Shive, Nan Wooten (Nikki Michaels, Staff Liaison) First Presbyterian Church of Burlington Foundation, Inc. – Tom McGowen, President 2013: Charlie Harris, Tom McGowen, Barbara Roberts, Russell Wilson 2014: Jim Barnwell, Lisa Keegan, Elizabeth Stanfill, Phil Stuart 2015: Nathan Adams, Martha Bradberry, Reid Dusenberry, Ami Hill Members ex-officio: LaRae Bolick, Chan Chandler, Ron Shive, David Vaughan The Presbyterian Home of Hawfields, Inc. George Bason serves as the representative director from First Presbyterian Church of Burlington. the year of the bible H ow’s your reading going? Our May reading takes us through 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, Psalm 49-63, Mark 15-16 and 1-2 Corinthians. Remember to write down your questions as you read. You may comment, ask questions or share your insights anytime on the FPC Year of the Bible Blog. You may find the blog address on our website ( May’s guided questions include: • Late in his life, a desperate Saul visits a medium at Endor to try to speak with someone who has died. Who? • For what reason, according to Paul, has God given different gifts to different people within the congregation? • Paul often has colleagues working with him in his ministry. Who seems to be working with him when he writes 1 Corinthians? • What was contained in the Ark of the Covenant, according to 1 Kings? • • What prophet is sent by God to confront David about his sin with Bathsheba? Paul tells us that when Jesus rose, he appeared specifically to two individuals. Peter (Cephas) is one; who is the other? • What does Paul think of lawsuits begun by Christians against other Christians? • Who is the foreign woman married to Ahab, the king of Israel? First Press | May 2013 11 First Presbyterian Church 508 West Davis Street Burlington, North Carolina 27215 NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID BURLINGTON, N.C. PERMIT NO. 166 Church phone: 228-1703 Church fax: 228-1705 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED celebrate mother’s day! P lease remember to bring items to the Loaves and Fishes closet located in the Welcome Center. The designated item for May is oatmeal. J oin us for our annual Mother’s Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast & unique gift opportunity to honor/ remember mothers... congregational hymnal. This new Day Breakfast in Calvin Hall, on Sunday, May 12 from 9:30 - 10: 30 Presbyterian Hymnal, "Glory to God", was approved unanimously by the a.m. There is no charge for this event. General Assembly in 2012, and will For a special Mother's Day gift, consider purchasing a new arrive in the fall. Hymnals are $20 each, and order forms are currently available in the church office. friendship group C ome to Friendship group on Thursday, May 16 for entertainment and fellowship! We are excited to have Jeff Blazer come speak about his mission experiences in Haiti. Our program begins at 11:00 a.m. in the John Knox Room with lunch following in Calvin Hall. Please call the church office (228-1703) if you need transportation. 12 First Press | May 2013
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