S 26NOV08 B5 COVER SHEET FOR SENATE MAIN AGENDA PAPERS Title of Paper Schools Liaison Policy Author of Paper Dr Allan Howells (Director of Academic Services) Type of Paper: A: Substantive Discussion Item A: Preliminary Discussion Item B: Formal Approval Item C: Formal Recommendation to Council X D: Item for Report Dates Previously Discussed: Committee of Senate Vice Chancellor’s Committee 10 Nov 08 Faculty Other Senate Oct 08 Summary: This policy has been developed following the positive discussion at Senate in October on opportunities for greater development and coordination of Schools Liaison work at Keele. The proposed policy establishes the principle of this activity being academic-led, managed by Schools and with oversight by Faculty Deans. The Directorate of Academic Services will take a coordinating role in this activity, and PVC (Learning and Teaching) will be the “external public face”. . This policy paper recognises that implementation will require academic time for this work to be included in the Workload Allocation Model . Key risks to be managed: University reputation / external profile Student recruitment Action Required of Senate: To approve the Policy S 26NOV08 B5 Senate: Checklist of Issues to be Considered in Respect of all Proposals Procedural Issues 1. Is further discussion required through the Committee system? Yes No Council X n/a Other 2. Will staff and / or students be consulted further before taking forward? Yes No X n/a Standards Issues 3. Could there be an impact on academic standards? Yes No X n/a Staff / Student Issues 4. Could there be an impact on employee or student relations? Yes No n/a X 5. Are there any equal opportunity issues? Yes No n/a X Yes No Risk / Opportunity Issues 6. Do existing commitments place any constraints on the proposal? X n/a 7. Could there be an impact on student recruitment? Positive X Negative n/a 8. Could there be an external or internal PR impact? Positive X Negative n/a 9. Are there any legal implications? Yes No X n/a S 26NOV08 B5 KEELE UNIVERSITY Directorate of Academic Services Schools Liaison Policy Senate November 2008 1. Aims of Keele’s Schools Liaison Policy 1.1 The Keele University Schools Liaison policy supports the promotion of a coordinated approach to Schools Liaison and encourages the development of contacts with secondary schools and colleges, by academic and other staff and, where appropriate, Keele students. 1.2 • • • • • The aims of this liaison activity are: To support learning and teaching and provide information advice and guidance (IAG) within the school sector by drawing on the rich academic resources which the University possesses, recognising that public policies increasingly encourage and expect Universities to do this To ensure that Keele’s standing, ethos and distinctive academic programme are well understood amongst a wide range of schools and colleges, including those who have many able pupils likely to apply to University, whether in the state or the independent sector. To work with the secondary schools sector, in particular, to increase the progression to higher education of young people who come from lowparticipation backgrounds To facilitate and support curriculum development in schools, particularly in STEM subjects, and professional development for teachers. To ensure appropriate central coordination of the University’s interface with secondary schools and colleges, leaving maximum flexibility for academic staff to shape the nature of the activity whilst making it simple for schools to establish and maintain contact with the University. 2. Leadership and Management of Schools Liaison 2.1 It is intended that Schools Liaison at Keele should, primarily, be academic-led. Each Faculty should identify ways, suited to its own circumstances, of providing strategic leadership for schools liaison. Deans are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the policy within their Faculties. Every academic School in the University should have a member of academic and /or support staff who are responsible for this activity (whose duties might also include admissions and/or learning and teaching). Schools Liaison work by academic staff generally is recognised as part of academic citizenship activity under the terms of the Workload Allocation Model. Suggested Terms of Reference for those with Schools Liaison responsibilities are given at Annex A. 2.2 Schools Liaison activity will be funded centrally where it relates closely to recruitment and can include discipline- specific work where it is closely related to recruitment. Schools Liaison work that relates more closely to the promotion and profile raising of a particular discipline will normally require individual academic Schools to accept budgetary responsibility. 1 S 26NOV08 B5 2.3 At central University level, an experienced academic member of staff is nominated to support schools liaison activity, to be an external ‘public face’ and maintain a strategic overview of activity within Faculties. In the first instance this is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching). 3. Central administrative support 3.1 Co-ordination of activities is necessary in order to avoid multiple, strategically uncoordinated and unplanned contact with schools. It is not intended that Schools Liaison be centrally driven or controlled but central coordination is needed to support the work being done in academic Schools. The Schools Liaison coordinating function is located in Academic Services, and its role is to: (a) be a single, central point of contact for both schools and colleges and academic staff who wish to develop liaison activity; (b) develop appropriate website material to reflect the Schools and Colleges Liaison arrangements; (c) work with: Academic schools Recruitment staff, including those who assist from other directorates Widening Participation staff KUSU- staff and volunteers West Midlands Science Learning Centre The Alumni Office to co-ordinate and maximise the benefit of their work with Schools and Colleges; (d) identify and work proactively with a Core Group of secondary Schools and Colleges, particularly those with pupils in the 16-18 age group, with whom Keele can build strong, mutually beneficial relationships; (e) develop appropriate contact with other Schools and Colleges to maintain a Keele ‘presence’ within the school that can be built upon by either party if circumstances suggest it would be beneficial: a ‘second tier’ of Liaison activity; (f) build and maintain a contact database for use by all those working with Schools and Colleges; (g) ensure consistency and coherence of marketing material; (h) prepare and disseminate detailed protocols for all those undertaking Schools Liaison work. 4. Target and focus 4.1 Because of the very large number of Schools and Colleges that could potentially be targeted for liaison work it is necessary to prioritise in order to maximise the impact of Keele’s involvement. Although any level of contact with 2 S 26NOV08 B5 any school needs to be handled professionally and supported, for internal management of the system only, activity is focussed in priority categories as follows: (i) A Core Group. In order to be effective as well as affordable, the policy will be targeted at a Core Group of secondary schools and colleges, with whom regular contact is maintained. The aim for Schools Liaison work within the Core Group will be to build a strong working relationship that encompasses activity across a wide range of disciplines and for a number of purposes. This Core Group will be limited in number and should include both independent and state schools. It may include KeeleLink and other Schools with a Widening Participation agenda but is not exclusive to that group. Additionally the Core group schools: - Should normally be schools or colleges within approximately a sixtymile radius but not necessarily those most local to Keele. Should teach the 16-18 cohort, send a range of students to Universities, and have a subject mix which fits Keele. Should want to work with Keele on a regular basis. (ii) Limited contact schools. These are schools that are not in the core group, but with whom there is regular contact across a limited range of disciplines. This could be a school in which there is simply a PGCE partnership and nothing else; or it could be a school with specialised status (in maths, or music, etc) where there is a single-discipline link with Keele. This group might include schools that only teach up to age 16. (iii) Other schools where only general profile-raising is attempted e.g. because there happens to be a Keele member of staff who is a governor. 4.2 The aim with secondary schools and colleges that fall into either b or c above is profile raising: to maintain awareness of the opportunities offered by the University that can be developed if circumstances suggest it would be beneficial. 4.3 The allocation of schools or colleges to each of these categories is reviewed on a regular basis. 5. Monitoring of Schools Liaison activity 5.1 Academic Services will maintain a database of contacts and activities. A report will be made annually to the University Learning and Teaching Committee. 3 S 26NOV08 B5 Annex A Academic Schools- Schools Liaison (SL) responsibilities. Those with responsibility for Schools Liaison within academic schools will be expected to promote the aims of the Keele Schools Liaison Policy. Specifically to: Work closely with the SL co-ordinator to promote the work of the School with Secondary Schools and Colleges. Work with School colleagues to identify ways in which SL responsibilities can be fulfilled. Assist colleagues in the preparation and delivery of SL activity in collaboration with the SL co-ordinator. Champion SL activity internally on behalf of the School Keep records of SL activity within the School Share records of activity with the SL office. Please note: Schools liaison, as defined by the Keele Schools Liaison policy, includes activity undertaken in collaboration with the Widening Participation/ LLN division, as part of professional placement programmes, and with alumni, student ambassadors, volunteers and staff. 4
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