With the support of John & Jenny Paulson ART SCHOOLS: A FRENCH– AMERICAN EXCHANGE PROGRAM 2011–2012 INTRO DUCTION For almost two years now, thanks to the contribution of John & Jenny Paulson, the Foundation Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has been facilitating access for highly motivated and talented people to the best art, fashion and craft schools, and especially to exchange programs with the United States. Each top art school on both sides suggested a shortlist of three to five candidates. A dedicated commission with a board including well-known art school directors and professionals selected the beneficiaries. They were chosen on their merit, potential, and English Skills. For the 2011 Fall semester, nineteen students benefitted from the exchange program. The exchanges between the partnering schools took part as follows: – University of Paris la Sorbonne with New York University of Steinhardt * Eight students (five French, three American) – National Higher School for Music and Dance with Juilliard School of Music * Four students (two French, two American) – National Higher School for photography with International Center for Photography * Two students (two French) – National Higher School of Decorative Arts with School of Visual Arts * Five students (four French, one American) – National Higher School for Industrial Design with Fashion Institute of Technology * One student (one American) FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 3 PARTNER SCHOOLS FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 4 SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS Andy Slemenda Antoine Lefebvre Aurélie Arqué Axelle Hajduk Carlos Reyes Elodie Lombarde Etienne Laurent Ferdinand Dervieux Jeannie Abert Jo-Ey Tang Julie Corsin Julie-Sevilla Fraysse Kristen Wojcik Lisa Zordan Lucie Rocher Mohammed Megdoul Olivier Sola Sujin Lee Vassilena Serafimova FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 5 « YOUNG TALENT » EVENT, 12 SEPTEMBER 2011 On 12 September 2011, the Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Foundation brought together the first classes of scholarship students at the Nikki Diana Marquardt Gallery in Paris the occasion being an exhibition of the work of the students in the French American exchange program. The event was attended by Mrs. Bruni-Sarkozy and also by the members of the Foundation’s executive committee, Marie-Thérèse Geffroy, Patrice Corre, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Jean‑Paul Scarpitta, as well as all the Foundation’s cultural and institutional partners. The « Young Talent » exhibition was a tribute to the eclecticism and creativity of the work of these nineteen French and American artists, after the exchange semester between prestigious art colleges on both sides of the Atlantic. The meeting also featured a piano recital by Nathanaël Gouin (Paris Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique et de Danse / Juilliard School) who gave a magnificent performance of Gavotte Variée in A minor by Rameau and Scherzo N°4 in E major, Op.54 by Chopin. Participants at the event at the Nikki Diana Marquardt Gallery Scholarship students in the French American exchange program FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 6 Students who exchanged with the NYU Steinhardt college, with Yann Toma (La Sorbonne, centre) and Caroline Montel (NYU, centre). Carla Bruni-Sarkozy surrounded by some of the Foundation’s scholarship students. Overview of the Nikki Diana Marquardt Gallery FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 7 Andy Slemenda 2005-2007 Gallery Assistant Bowman, Megahan, & Penelec Galleries, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA - Allegheny art department and gallery receptionist responsible for sorting faculty mail, hosting special event, running departmental errands, answering phone calls, filing slides, and handing inquiries about the art program - Installing and deinstalling gallery lectures, performances, and exhibitions - Assisting the gallery director in recataloguing Allegheny’s permanent collection: transporting works, repackaging/refraiming of damaged pieces, and reassessing each work’s archival record Exhibition Experience Dec. 2007 Apr. 2007 & Apr. 2008 Aug. 2008 Oct. 2008 Dec. 2008 Nov. 2009 Jan. 2010 March 2010 Sept. 2010 Oct. 2010 Action in Action, VAV Gallery, Montreal, QC, Performance Group Show Allegheny College Juried Student Show, Bowman, Megahan, and Penelec Gallery, Meadville, PA, 2008 Recipient of Purchase Award Emerging Photographers of Pennsylvania & Maryland, Art House Lounge, Harrisburg, PA, Recipient of Best in Show Award Council of the Arts Annual Juried Show, Meadville Council of the Arts, Meadville, PA Allegheny College Thesis Exhibition, Bowman, Megahan, and Penelec Gallery, Meadville, PA NYU Open Studios, 34 Stuyvesant St. New, NY NeveroddoreveN, Commons Gallery, NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY, MFA Group Show Mother, Commons Gallery, NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY, Collaborative Installation with Jessica Gispert Our Kind, Rosenberg Gallery, NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY, MFA Solo Project Eden, Commons Gallery, NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY, Co-curated with Jessica Gispert Praxis Group Show Kimmerich Gallery, 50 White St. New York, NY - Orchestrated by Carol Bove and Paul Pfeiffer FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 8 « Within my work, I intertwine religion and psychoanalysis to invoke the human attraction to order and categorization. By overwhelming such systems of logic, I strive toward a dialogue of chaos, where nothing is limited by its definition. My intension to continue studies at the Sorbonne and Paris was to further incorporate French literature and Esotericism into my practice. During my year here, I hope to develop my work with the texts of Joris-Karl Huysmans and Eliphas Levi to gain new insights into the binary of good and evil, both the typified and the atypical. « File thesis 2 : With Her One Hundred Locks and One Hundred Ears, gouache, graphite, medium, oil pastel, abalone veneer, gesso, snake sheddings, and shower cap on handmade paper, 51 46 cm File thesis1: Mrs. Snookes of Tufmutton, blue foam, spray-paint, molasses, plastic, fondant, finger sponges, gourds, corn cob, metal, antique plaster statue of Joan of Arc, glue, marzipan, acrylic, glitter, light gels, clip lamps, wax, raffia, kitty litter, crow wings, sun palms, back scratcher, paper towel roll, snake eggs, planters, dimensions variable FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 9 Antoine Lefebvre Education/Qualifications 2008-2011 2006-2008 2005-2006 2002-2005 2002 Doctorate in plastic arts from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Master’s degree summa cum laude in plastic arts research from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Preparatory year at Esag penninghen, Julian academy Degree cum laude in plastic arts from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne French Baccalaureate cum laude with Science specialty Professional experience 2007-2008 2007-2008 2006-2007 SUMMER 2003 Sales person in the Black Block store in the Palais de Tokyo Receptionist at the Opéra Garnier. Waiter at the Tokyo restaurant in the Palais de Tokyo phone operator/receptionist for Janvier (digital photo retouching laboratory) Languages English: good skills Spanish: average Some Japanese spoken Other activities Member of the Reading Committee for the Réel Virtuel magazine In charge of communications on the research line Art&Flux for Cerap Exhibition steward in the Black Block store in the Palais de Tokyo 2010 Les mots et les choses Palais de tokyo FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 10 Born 14/12/1984 20 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris 01 45 87 88 94 « The very first class I had when I arrived at the Sorbonne University was an initiation in creating artist’s books, and I haven’t stopped since. My final project for my undergraduate diploma was an installation, which plunged the viewer inside of a room-sized book. The objective of my research for my PhD is to show how my artistic expression is being a publisher. I have found that being a publisher is the best way to make copious amounts of books while simultaneously exploring publishing as a medium. The project I initiated two years ago to do this is called La Bibliothèque Fantastique (LBF). LBF is a virtual publishing structure for artist’s books. All the books are free and downloadable from the website www.labibliothequefantastique.net, so they can be printed anywhere. Most of our books are unique productions. La Bibliothèque Fantastique is a minimalist publisher in the sense that all the superfluous have been removed. Indeed, the books of LBF have no predetermined physical existence, they exist in a state of potentiality on the web, waiting to become. They cost nothing. They have no ISBN either, because they are works of art. They have no colours, so that they can be printed in any printer. The idea is to show various poetic singularities as opposed to the flashy commodities that our society feeds us. What the LBF books do have is above all a great freedom of content, revealing a very large and global conception of art. They contain all forms of expression usually found in print, i.e., drawing and photographs, as well as essays, novels, journalistic investigations etc. LBF shows in both the art and editorial worlds, more specifically internet, art exhibition and book fairs throughout Europe. My goal is to bring quality art to everyone for free, because to me, art shouldn’t be a luxury but a right. « 2007-2011 (7 numéros) Journal Le carré entre 250 et 2000 exemplaires FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 11 Aurélie Arqué ARTISTIC PRACTICES Dabber (The Flies and Made in France) Photography (series “I am on a sports team” and “Faceless Intimacy”) Video (“Forbidden to under 18’s” and director of the short film “Les Fatals Frétard”) Screen printing; engraving Sound and visual installations Drawing (an animated film is currently in progress) UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 2010-2011 2007-2008 2003-2005 Master’s 2 degree in plastic arts research (summa cum lade); Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne Degree in plastic arts (cum laude); Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne Degree in Art esthetics; Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts (art option); CEAP Toulon PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2009-2011 2007-2008 2006-2007 Service in a Cafe-expo Sésame (Paris 10th) Service for a caterer (Stade de France) Jewelry Salesperson (Paris 14th) OTHER SKILLS Linguistics English (advanced) Spanish (fluent) 8 month trip travelling around South America (2008 - 2009) Software skills Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Première, Illustrator, InDesign), Office suite. Analyse statistique de données pornographiques, 2011, impression couleur sur papier, 19 28 cm. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 12 Born 31/01/1985 27 rue Eugène Varlin 75010 Paris, France aurelie.arque@hotmail.fr 06 28 02 18 64 Inspired by reading Louis Marin, Michel Foucault, Marie-José Mondzain and Jacques Rancière, I reflect on the diverse representations of the power of imagery. Contrary to the majority of students that I met during my university career, I don’t have a predefined medium before I start to research a subject. I reverse the process. Readings, meetings, news items and current events attract my attention to a certain subject. I analyze and reveal its particularity then translate this creatively. In general, it’s the subject that leads me decide the way in which I create my work, be it by photo, painting or an installation, and not the other way round. My political opinions are not at the centre of my oeuvres. It’s not so much the subject that’s important, but the way in which we are used to seeing it portrayed in society. Taking the subject out of its habitual context, I attempt to give it a certain neutrality. Several of my creations exacerbate with irony the functioning of an excessive media. However when the image gains its autonomy, it can become a power against authority. The subversive character of pornographic imagery has the capacity to trouble public order. The different visual codes used make us consider our own sexual practices. Because pornography touches the intimate domain it escapes public authority. By wishing to control pornography, authority persecutes pornographic imagery, and through this censoring penetrates into each individuals intimacy. Fearing the consequences of a sexually emancipated society, the authorities ban pornographic institutions as well as certain artistic works. Using the terms obscene and outrage against public morality (notions that are vague and evolve based on the sensibility of each individual and the time in which it is set) authority has taken control of these powerful images and has immersed itself, without our knowing, into our private lives. By playing with the norms by which pornography is portrayed, I try to reveal through my artwork the inherent artistic power of the pornographic image. My approach consists of restoring, in the same creation, sexual and aesthetic pleasure whilst ensuring that the art work does not fall into the category of obscene. « « Je pratique-Je ne pratique pas (série), 2011, impression couleur, 40 50 cm. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 13 Axelle Hajduk Born 12/08/1990 8 rue Rollin 75005 Paris, France French nationality Studies Currently October 2009 June 2008 Sept.2005– June 2008 senior at ENSAD and exchange student in Parsons New York, NY10024 sophomore at ENSAD, illustration freshman at the National School of Applied Arts (ENSAD), 75005 Paris High school Charles Augustin Coulomb 16000 Angoulême Degree June 2008 Baccalauréat STI (applied arts) Experience Sept. 2007 August 2008 March 2010 March 2010 April 2010 flyer and poster for the association : Contes au jardin (France) Land art exibition (organization), 17240 St Dizant du Gua (France) collective exhibition in Bologna (theme of the fire) poster for the conference of Jean Claude Carrière in Paris collective exibition in Tel Aviv (theme of the portrait) Interests Sewing and construction classes, toy design, screen-printing, music, child book illustration Languages French (native), English, Spanish Gravure FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 14 « I’m a third year student in the illustration department at ENSAD (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), in Paris. I started studying applied arts and design in high school, then when I was 17, I passed the ENSAD first year entrance examination and moved from the provinces to Paris. I have always been inspired by images and more recently by childhood illustration. This is why I wish to be part of the fall semester class of Parsons, the New School for Design. I am also really interested in the toy concept development course offered by this program. I think that it would be a very good way to develop my work giving me the occasion to broaden my approach to design. The ever changing dynamism of New-York is also a major draw, as there are few places with such cosmopolitan riches and intense history. My artistic sensibilities could only be awakened by such overwhelming stimulus. I believe that studying abroad is a very rewarding experience and to my mind I couldn’t learn from a better place than New York City. « Bouches FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 15 Carlos Reyes Born Chicago, Lives and works in Paris and New York. mr.carlosreyes@gmail.com EDUCATION 2011 Master of Fine Arts, Visual Arts NYU, Steinhardt, New York EXHIBITIONS/PERFORMANCES/SCREENINGS 2011. July June May May March February 2011. December October September September June May Yin Yang Music Non-Objectif Sud, Group Show, Tulette, France (Curated by Amy Granat) Entanglement Regina Rex, Group Show, New York, NY Hakka, Transitive Artist Projects The Notary Public, Group Show, New York, New York (Curated by Paul Pescador & Jo-ey Tang) Communities of Sense Denniston Hill, Group Show, Woodridge, New York NYU MFA Thesis Exhibition 80 WSE Gallery, Group Show, New York, NY St. Lawrence Ice Wolfe Island, Group Show, Kingston Ontario (Curated by Ben Schumacher) I Like to Relate… But Not to Everyone 50 White, Group Show, New York, NY Hallowing Infernoesque, Berlin, Germany, Group Show, Lefty’s The Commons Gallery, Group Show, New York, NY About Me Bronx River Arts Center, Bronx, NY (Curated by Nora Lawrence) S(l)umm(er)ing on Madison Ave. The Notary Public, New York, NY (Curated by Jo-ey Tang) Whatever You Want to Call It Barney Building, Group Show/Performance, New York, NY CURATORIAL PROJECTS 2011. Sept. Trout Spots John Andrew, Colby Bird, Shane Campbell, Sonja Engelhardy, Joe Graham Felsen, Amy Granat, Ethan Greenbaum, Jennie C. Jones, G.William Webb, Jo-ey Tang, Elaine Cameron Weir 2010. Sept. Lefty’s, Co-organized (w/ Ben Schumacher) Jennie, Bringaker, Mike Caputo, Lauren Christiansen, Joe Graham Felsen, Dominic Nurre, Carlos Reyes, Ben Schumacher, Brad Troemel FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS, RESIDENCIES 2012-2011 2011-2010 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Foundation Sorbonne Fellow Denniston Hill Artist In Residence FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 16 As part of my thesis exhibition, at NYU, I considered the exhibition as a decentralized event that takes place in multiple spaces (physical, temporal, etc) over the course of an indeterminate amount of time. This challenges the idea an exhibition as an apotheosis and distributes the event and it’s receptivity. How do art objects shift in meaning through the changing context of their conditions? With this in mind, I hope to transition into life in Paris with the production of new work and new curatorial engagements. Paris and my studies at the Sorbonne would be an ideal situation to test and play with the ideas that have gathered momentum during my studies at NYU as it is saturated with a certain pedagogical history and beauty which informs the way I make work. This presents many opportunities to play with these constructs. Different methods of accessing meaning are important to the way I situate my objects. In some instances the objects themselves are secondary to the subject. In other instances the object is the subject. I think of grammar and the construction of a sentence here. The work created in France would investigate the physical and cultural spaces of contemporary consciousness, as a site of fluidity and resistance. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 17 Elodie Lombarde Born 06/09/1983 39 avenue Mathurin Moreau 75019 PARIS 06 99 36 78 94 elodie.lombarde@gmail.com Training and Qualifications 2007-2011 2005-2007 2003-2004 Doctorate student in Plastic arts, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Master’s degree in Plastic arts Research, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Double degree in Plastic Arts and Esthetics, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Baccalaureate in literature English: read, spoken, written. Artistic experience Personal plastic practice, exhibition in various events and places: Here and Tomorrow Festival, Crous Gallery Pont des arts, Dialogos Gallery, House of Student Initiatives. Member of the Curry Vavart association (Artists Group): organization and management of exhibitions, cinema and theatre events (cabaret, street arts, dance). Professional experience Aug. 2010/Oct. 2010 Feb. 2010/Aug. 2010 Nov. 2004/Jan. 2010 Jul./Aug./Sept. 2005 June/Jul. 2003 Feb./May 2002 Aug./Sept. 2003-2002 Since 2005 Managing and updating the database of La Maison Rouge, the Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Reception and ticket booth at La Maison Rouge, the Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Administrative Agent at the Retirement Fund for Paris National Opera staff, Surveillance Officer at the Louvre Museum, Temporary working missions at the Flammarion bookstore (Beaubourg centre), Cash desk hostess, Summer job at the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital Paris, Occasional replacements for a plastic arts teacher. IT skills Windows and Mac OS X environment, Pack Office, Publisher, Photoshop, Acrobat Reader, Filezilla, Joomla, 4D Organon. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 18 « As a fine arts PhD, the exchange student course offered by the Fondation de France at NYU motivate me into starting new researches and developing older ones. I’ve been indeed working on both an artistic work and a theoretical study. These past years, I had the occasion to lead deeper conceptual studies and set the main lines to my researches. My art work deals with a range of plastic elements that lead me to considering the role of embroidery and craftworks considered as feminine in contemporary art. By assembling objects and sewing, the string ties up to the definition of drawing whereas the materials sculpt spaces of transition and memory. It is capital for my researches to have a dialogue with another culture. An academic term in a New York university is a step forward for me and being confronted to new teaching methods would allow me to set the basis to further steps in my research. That’s why I choose a sculpture class and book making. Moreover, I focused on many artists established in New York City like Louise Bourgeois. This scholarship gives me the opportunity to grow my knowledge close to the source. During my high school years, I’ve always felt the need to confront theory and practice. Working under your authority on your side of the ocean will improve my perception and my experience abroad. « Hommage 1, 2009 fils de coton et motif en crochet tendus dans une structure faite à partir d’un cadre. (crédit photographique : Pierre-Alain Marassé) Nid, 2010 Assemblage d’épingles, 5 8 cm FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 19 Etienne Laurent Born 10/01/1980 1A rue de la Valleuse, Rétival 76490 Caudebec-En-Caux 06 33 16 43 46 etienne.laurent@rocketmail.com TRAINING Since Nov. 2010 2008-2010 2007-2008 1999-2002 1998 Doctorate student in Arts and Art Sciences, UMR CERAP, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Master’s degree in Plastic Arts Research, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Degree in Plastic Arts, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne National Diploma in Plastic Arts, Ecole Supérieure d’Arts et Médias in Caen Scientific Baccalaureate with Biology major and Plastic arts option PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE July-Aug. 2010 Sept. 2006 - June 2008 April 2008 - June 2009 Aug.- Sept. 2008 Photographer “The impact of climate change on the Parang and Fagaras pastoral communities in Rumania”, UNESCO Teacher of Applied Arts, Professional Lycée Formapro Alternance, Clichy School support at home, Cours Plus, Paris Recruiter of donors for the Charities Action Contre la Faim and ONG Conseil EXHIBITIONS 2010-2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2003 2002 2002 “Dispersion”, Iulius Mall Shopping Centre, Timisoara, Rumania “Juste Avant”, Michel Journiac Gallery, Paris “No Future ?”, Bierman-Lapôtre Foundation, Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris Salon des Créations, Hénouville “Patchwork” day, Manéga Association, Caudebec-en-Caux “L’Impératif Extraterrestre”, Art’s Café, Cherbourg “Base Materials, Lino-cuts & Clay Sculptures”, with Mary Stewart, Polish Cultural Institute, London “Le Chien Léopard” Le Vert Galant Gallery, with Thomas Hanff, Quillebeuf “Le Traité de la Saucisse”, with Joël Hubaut, Museum of Modern Art, Strasbourg CONCERTS Roland Hayes Duo: Telethon, Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Duclair, 2010; Eight concerts in Seine-Maritime, October-November 2010; Concert in The residence for the Elderly Korian Champ-de-Mars, Paris, 2010; The Music Festival, Bichat Hospital, Paris, 2009; Zorba, Paris, 2008; Au Chat Noir, Paris, 2008; Youmbi, Paris, 2008; Vendanges Café, Clichy, 2008; Café Lapon, Paris, 2008 APTITUDES AND SKILLS since 2006 2006-2007 since 2008 since 1992 Languages French: mother tongue English: fluent German: notions Artistic skills Singing classes, Conservatoire Léo Delibes, Clichy, Theatre classes, Conservatoire Léo Delibes, Clichy, Work “Proliferating Installations, under and beyond placing a work in situation” Master 2 Thesis, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne IT skills Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop Member of Action Contre la Faim Member of the Caudebecquais Sailing Club FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 20 Within the framework of my doctoral thesis, entitled “Proliferative Installations, the Individual and Collective Existence of an Art Work”, I wish to deepen the study of art object metamorphosis by means of its installation in what I call Proliferative Installations. The Proliferative Installations are assemblies of various works of art such as paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures. Can a nondescript object of art, when installed amidst others, acquire a form of individual and collective existence? My doctoral research and in particular my work on the concepts of growth, ownership and existence of the individual work of art leads me naturally to achieve a period of study at NYU Steinhardt to take advantage of the education provided here and of the various creative workshops offered by this institution. I also want to deepen my knowledge on the work of American artists, notably New York artists, such as Sarah Sze, Mark Dion, Allan McCollum, Barry McGee and Jim Shaw, artists and researchers with whom I would be in direct contact. I’ve chosen to take the following courses at New York University: Advanced Projects Printmaking. Projects selected by students to reflect their artistic preoccupations or to provide research in particular skills, subjects, or trends in contemporary printmaking. Graduate Studio Critique. M.F.A. Graduate Studio Critique is an intensely focused forum for critical dialogue & group discussion around each student’s work & ideas. Historical precedents & research into conceptual practices & working methods contextualize discussion. The number of students enrolled in each team-taught section is limited to 10 to ensure adequate time for the exploration of each student’s ideas, as well as faculty presentations. Critique and Review. Students meet each week by advance appointment with faculty, visiting artists, & critics for individual critique & in-depth discussion of their work & the visual, technical, & theoretical issues that inform their practice. Students must present a body of work, or work in progress, to studio faculty for assessment at the end of each semester. Vocal Training (Private Lessons). Open to department graduate students majoring in music. Private voice lessons covering repertoire from all styles and forms, supplemented by extra assingnements. Attendance at recitals and master classes required. « « La Réalité en face, 2010, 5 7 1 m Installation n°7, 2010, 500 850 cm FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 21 Ferdinand Dervieux 15 rue des petits hotels 75010, Paris, France 06 32 06 81 75 dervieuxferdinand@gmail.com Studies 2004-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2011 Lycée Hélène Boucher, Literature, Plastic Art and History of Arts section Prep’art. First preparatory year at ENSAD. Printed image section in ENSAD Diplomas and awards 2007 Feb. 2010 Baccalaureate L Plastic Arts and History of Arts. Honours of the jury for the DA Silva award at ENSAD for the Magnetic Landscape project. Professional experience 2009-2010 June 2009 June 2009 Oct. 2010 2010-2011 June 2011 June 2011 External leader of a plastic arts and multimedia workshop at the Gabriel Fauré college. 2 hours a week for one year. installation and dismantling of the EMMAUS Show. Hired by the Ministry of Culture to help in running the competitive examinations for teachers wishing to teach Fine Arts. installation and dismantling of stands for fashion week. Course as assistant to the artist Jeanne Susplugas. installation and dismantling of EMMAUS Show. Production of t-shirts for the Italian brand NICO Exhibitions May 2009 March 2010 March 2010 Street graphics in Fontenay Sous Bois. Exhibition of an installation, series of photos and sound show on the night of the opening. Coming soon, Exhibition in Bologne. Coming soon, Exhibition in Paris and Tel Aviv in the framework of the exchange project with Iran. Publications October 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Jan. 2011 April 2011 June 2011 Illustrations for two editions of the Amphitamine journal for University Paris 1. Presentation of the Magnetic Landscape project in an international conference in Australia. Visual identity of the Bellastock festival (Annual architecture festival bringing together 1,000 students from 10 art and architecture colleges for a temporary city project). Production of a series of books for and with the painter Jean-François Maurige. Production of a screen printed poster for Paul Ardenne’s conference at ENSAD. Production of a screen printed poster for Hervé Perdriolle’s conference at ENSAD. Collective project for publication of a review of illustrated texts. It is planned to present the finished work to publishers. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 22 I am currently in fourth year at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD-National School of Decorative Arts) studying in the image department. During my fourth year, I obtained for my first semester to participate in the international exchange program proposed by the school. Since my first year, I’ve always been very invested in my work and the school. I know that my studies will be determinative for my career and future life. That’s why it’s important for me to make my degree course interesting and complete. The international Exchange Program is an opportunity to take and I was particularly interested in attending the SVA of New York during the next semester. The New York SVA has a department of Graphic Design whose specific programme and teaching methods are of particular interest for me. Even if I chose the Image department at ENSAD, graphic design is everywhere in my projects: my drawings and the way I present them. Indeed, this department offers a good formation to the software and new medias thatis really enriching my artistic practices. I’m also increasingly very motivated by learning page setting and typography, two essential skills for our future work in books and images. The school is an open laboratory where I can experiment with different techniques and acquire new skills to improve my work. I believe that studying abroad is a very rewarding experience that can give me more maturity, autonomy, and the ability to be confronted with new pedagogical ideas in a different language. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 23 Jeannie Abert 4 rue de l’Hôtel de ville, 13200 Arles, France 06 74 67 19 35 jeannie.abert@orange.fr Formation Sept-Dec 2011: 2010-13 2009 2005 International Center of Photography, New York MASTER II photography; National Superior School of Photography, Arles BACHELOR of Art; School of Art and Design, St Etienne with distinction(www.esadse.fr/sites/Actualites/) LITERARY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, College Lumière, Lyon with distinction Workshops 2011 2011 2011 2010 PICTORING STORIES, managed by ROBERT BLAKE, ICP New York EVIDENCE OF THINGS PARTIALLY TRUE, managed by MARK ALICE DURANT, ICP New York ARC Writing, Letter to Robert Kramer, with EMMANUEL FAVRE VOLUME/SPACE, managed by BORIS ACHOUR Participations April 2011 Theater of Arles, The SYSIPHES Training course of dance followed by a Performance The Sysiphes Choreography de JULIE NIOCHE 2009 ART-O-RAMA, International Show of Contemporary Art, Marseille Participation of implementation of the exhibition, reception and guided tours, surveillance of rooms. 2008 International Biennal event of Design, St-Étienne (www.biennale2010.citedudesign.com/) Participation of implementation of the exhibition: collision of the works, signalling system Exhibitions July 2011 Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Church St-Julien, Arles, Collective exhibition «RIP» managed by OLIVIER BARDIN April 2011 Gallery LA VITRINE, Arles Collective exhibition, April 2011 Febuary 2011 The small biennal event of the possible, Lyon (www.petitebiennale.com/) Spring of the poets Skills ARGENTIC and DIGITAL recording any sizes POST PRODUCTION Photoshop, InDesign, LightRoom, OpenOffice, Word - argentic Laboratory DAMAGED MEDIUMS Drawing, painting, collage, photomontage LANGUAGES Spanish English / read, spoken and written FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 24 International Center of Photography is a pole of study and research dedicated to the photography recognized all over the world. It presents a real interest of movement and investment and establishes a direct continuation of the education dispensed in the ENSP of Arles. I chose to attend class in the suggestive name such as Picturing stories, Postcards from real world, Evidence of things partially true or still Transcending the gaze for example. A lot of energy, dialogue and discussions are brought by fascinating teachers who ask us to experiment our own limits.I have the project to register this New York experience by realizing a daily newspaper made of immediate images and words while continuing my work of collage undertook for several years. The ICP brings me another glance and helps me to investigate various directions while specifying my approach. This experience is a real luck. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 25 Jo-ey Tang Born in Hong Kong. mrjoeytang@gmail.com EDUCATION 2011 2001 MFA, Studio Art, New York University Steinhardt School BFA, Interdisciplinary Major (photo, video, critical theory), San Francisco Art Institute EXILE EXHIBITIONS 2011 Like An Intruder, Exile, Berlin, Germany (solo) SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS AND PROJECTS 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Mel, How’ Bout Doing A Show At Suburban?, organized by The Suburban, Yale University School of Art Gallery, New Heaven, CT View of Outer Space from an Aquarium, curated by Billy Miller, Famous Accountants, Brooklyn, NY Trout Spots, curated by Carlos Reyes, Denniston Hill, Woodridge, NY Perfectly Damaged, organized by Isaac Lyles, Derek Eller Gallery, NY Two Fold, curated by Colleen Asper and Ethan Greenbaum, The Suburban, Oak Park, IL MFA Thesis Exhibition, 80WSE Gallery, New York University, NY Saint Lawrence Ice, curated by Ben Schumacher, Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada UCLA New Wight Biennial: Another Romance, curated by Laeh Glenn, Sanya Kantarovsky, and Rebecca Kolsrud, New Wight Gallery, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (cat.) Anti Horror Vacui, Rosenberg Gallery, New York University, NY (solo) One and Three Quarters of an Inch, curated by Peter Clough, The Former Convent of St. Cecilia’s Parish, Brooklyn, NY Parts and Labor, Soloway, Brooklyn, NY The Atlas of Gifted Ideas, curated by Shaw Osha and Heide Hinrichs, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle Young Curators, New Ideas: Graphics Interchange Format, curated by Laurel Ptak, Bond Street Gallery, Brooklyn, NY The Dulcet Clime of the Bedchamber, curated by Nicholas Weist, Goff+Rosenthal, Berlin, Germany The Rainbow Goblins, curated by Darin Klein, Advocate & Gochis Galleries, Los Angeles, CA The Beginnings, Why+Wherefore, curated by Summer Guthery, Lumi Tan and Nicholas Weist, whyandwherefore.com (online) Artist’s Project, The Highlights, Sept 07 edition, curated by Lumi Tan, thehightlights.org (online) CURATORIAL PROJECTS 2011 2010 2009 Leverage, a two-part exhibition, The Notary Public, New York and Workspace, Los Angeles Hakka, The Notary Public, NY The Potential of Twist Ties Remains Elusive, Paper Monument Web Project, Culturehall, Featured Issue 61, Windblown Jackie Anniversary Central Park Stroll, with reading by Wayne Koestenbaum, The Notary Public and Central Park, New York, NY S(l)umm(er)ing on Madison Avenue, The Notary Public, NY present, Picture Editor, n+1 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 26 AWARDS / RESIDENCIES 2011-12 2010 2010-11 2000 1998-2000 Université Paris 1, Panthéon – Sorbonne Fellowship, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Foundation Edward F. Albee Foundation Fellowship / Residency May and Samuel Rudin Foundation Multimedia Technology Scholarship, New York University Osher Scholar Summer Study/Travel Grant to Hong Kong, San Francisco Art Institute Osher Memorial Scholarship, San Francisco Art Institute BIBLIOGRAPHY 2010 « Jo-ey Tang, Le Précipice, Je Suis Une Bande Des Jeunes BlueZines series “Ghosts in the Lens”, Art Asia Pacific Magazine, July/Aug 2011, p.49-50 «The Tangible Delivering the Intangible», curated by Matt Olson, Culturehall, Feature Issue 63, www.culturehall.org «Young Curators To Watch», by T.J. Carlin, Time Out New York, Sept 30-Oct 6, 2010, p.45 Bruit de fond / Background Noise, publication by Je Suis Une Bande Des Jeunes As an emerging artist who just had a first solo gallery exhibition in Berlin, Germany, in September 2011, I hope to use both the cultural and physical positions of Paris as a base to connect with both the French and European contemporary art scenes. French literature and philosophy, such as Jacques Diderot, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Georges Bataille, and Alain Robbe-Grillet, among others, figure largely in my work. In my year in Paris, I hope to continue my curatorial project The Notary Public, as well as develop a project around Nicephore Nièpece and one of the first photographs ever made. « 2011 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 27 Julie Corsin born 04/26/88 37 rue des cascades 75020 Paris, France 06 73 27 63 75 julie.lasourie@hotmail.fr Studies July 2006 2006-2007 2007-2009 2009-2012 Fall 2011 Science A Level, Option Biology and Plastic Arts. Received with a distinction - « Bien » (overall mark higher than 14/20) at the High School Claude Monet 75013 PARIS Foundation Course in Applied Arts at Duperré 75003 PARIS Higher National Diploma in Fashion Design and Environment, Option Textile and Surface Design at Duperré 75003 PARIS Master of Textile Design at the ENSCI Les Ateliers (National Superior School of Industrial Creation), also known as the ANAT (National Workshop of Textile Craft), 75011 PARIS Exchange with the FIT (Fashio Institute of Technology) in New York City, for one semester Foreign Languages English: very good comprehension, written and spoken fluently Spanish: good comprehension, written and spoken Work Experience Aug. 2005-2006 2007-2011 05/19/08 to 07/25/08 October 2008 March to April 2009 July to Sept. 2009 Dec. to Feb.2011-10-24 Sept. 2011-10-24 Saleswoman in a decoration shop in Greece. Contact with the foreign clientele. Numerous punctual missions as temporary worker at the post of saleswoman in stores Zara, H&M and Bershka. Trainee Assistant Stylist at John Galliano. Participation in the design of collections and particularly in the creation of the embroideries and the textile samples. Design and realization of embrodried clothes for Ikones for the Wedding Trade Show in Paris. Participation in the competition Dim Arty, design and realisation of a mini collection of tights inspired by the multimedia artist John Maeda Artistic Director of a collection of lamps and pillows for Neo-Design, on the occasion of the Trade Show Maison et Objet in Paris Display of a project on the theme of the Wonderful Architecture in the Museum of Architecture and Heritage of Chaillot, in Paris, during the exhibition Minimaousse 4 Display of 48h bag project, in partnership with the brand Aridza Bross, at the Trade Show Première Classe/Who’s Next, in Paris FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 28 I’m a textile design student in my school in Paris, and I would like in my future to work for a fashion company as a textile designer. When I learnt that an exchange was possible for one semester between my school and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York, I instantly knew that this was what I wanted to do. Actually, two years ago I went to New York for one week with my other school, and I visited the FIT museum with a friend. When I saw the campus, the students,… I told her that I would like to come back one day and study here, for some time. And now here I am ! I also chose New York because I have already visited the City as a tourist but I wanted to know how it would be to live here, in the city that never sleep. The FIT is, according to me, a perfect way to complete my studies. I wanted to learn more about fashion, to be able in my future to discuss and understand better the fashion designers, I am going to work with. But also because I want to work on a fashion textile design project for my final exam in Paris, and in my school I don’t have any fashion classes to help me with this project. So I took different classes here both in textile design (Painting on fabrics, Screen printing) and fashion design (Draping, Sewing techniques, Accessorizes design). I am very pleased with my life here,and the school is amazing. If I can, I would like to come back after my exam and continue to study at the FIT which offers so many different and interesting classes. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 29 Julie SEVILLAFRAYSSE Musical studies 2011 Since 2007 2006 1995-2005 2003-2005 1995-2003 exchange program with Carla Bruni’s foundation in Juilliard School in New York the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris (Roland Pidoux’s and Xavier Philips’s class) Academy Rainier III of Monaco: Prix de perfectionnement Nice Conservatory DEM-High school musical (Frédéric Audibert’s and Guillermo Lefever’s class) Roland Audibert’s class Master-classes 2011 2010 2009 2008 Marc Drobinsky (Monaco Rainier III Academy) Natalia Gutmann (Academy of Santander) Peter Wispelwey and Marc Coppey (Printemps des Arts, Monaco) Truls Mork (Academy Rainier III, Monaco) Competition and prizes 2011 2010 2009 2007 2004 2003 2002 Press price in Trio competition in Lyon with trio Werther Gets a Scholarship Fund Kriegelstein 4Th prize in Brahms competition in Austria Best Actor of the trio of Mantovani with his trio at Werther Charles Hennen Competition Medal Concours Maria Canals (Barcelona) (with Trio Werther) Award of Excellence in the contest of the founding Leopold Bellan Young Talent Award and grant from the General Council of the City of Nice Muses Award Revelations of the Opera de Nice and stock First prize in the Mouans Sartoux (Middle Class 2) First prize at the Vatelot Rampal (Middle Class 1) Musical experience 2012 2011 2010 Orchestre de Paris’s Academy (august) play during “Rencontre de violoncelles de Belaye” festival (june) ECMA Chamber Music Session in Paris (february) Tour in Israel with the trio Werther with the association «Friends of the concert» and its program «Music for Israel» (august) participates in the festival «Music in the cloister» of Nimes parainnée by Pasquier Regis and plays Chopin’s trio along with him and pianist Abdel Rahman El Bacha (august) International Festival of La Roque d’Antheron with Trio Werther (july) is involved in the Academy of Santander (Spain) with a professor Natalia Gutmann (april) wins the prize for interpretation of the trio of Mantovani with his trio Werther at Charles Hennen Competition (february) plays the Brahms Double Concerto with the orchestra of the OCUP, direction Carlos Dourthe in the amphitheater of the Sorbonne in Paris Being in residence at the Juilliard School represent the most appropriate opportunity for me to add new vistas to my training: a new perspective to my musical research, the discovery of new approaches as regards work and technique, meeting other cultures in the field of art and music. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 30 23 years 3 rue de l’Eglise 16600 Touvre 06 42 44 81 59 Being in residence at the Juilliard School represent the most appropriate opportunity for me to add new vistas to my training: a new perspective to my musical research, the discovery of new approaches as regards work and technique, meeting other cultures in the field of art and music. The Juilliard School is a prestigious institution that either as students or pedagogues has welcomed renowned artists such as Yo-Yo MA, Itzhak PERLMAN, Gil SHAHAM… Because of the world-famous influence of this institution studying at the Juilliard School represents a key and even crucial stage in the progression of a performer in search of contacts with internationally famous music personalities and teachers. In my opinion open-mindedness ( which for me is an essential human and artistic notion) fully defines the Juilliard School since it attracts artists from all over the world and is equipped with material aids of an exceptional quality that provide performers with infinite possibilities for their practice. So it is in this best place that I prepare a cello competition . I get the teaching of Darrett Adkins and I participate each week to class organized that can play in front of other students; In addition I have already booked a date for a concert in the Juilliard. I also recorded chamber music, the orchestra, as well as courses in English composition. Also In my view, New York City is one of the most culturally attractive places in the world. I am keen and eager to discover NYC culture and to meet music people there. I am convinced that a few months spent at the Juilliard School have a determining influence on the course of my life as a cello player. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 31 Kristen Wojcik 160 Claremont Avenue New York, NY 10027 Phone: 413-687-3932 E-Mail: kaw2@juilliard.edu kriswojcik@gmail.com EDUCATION 2012 2010 The Juilliard School, Master of Music, 2012 (anticipated) The Juilliard School, Bachelor of Music, 2010 PRINCIPAL TEACHERS Private Instructors: Darrett Adkins and Joel Krosnick (Previous Instructors include Fred Sherry, Carol or Pam Devenport, Roman Placek) Chamber Coaches: Lewis Kaplan, Seymour Lipkin, Curtis Macomber, Toby Appel Masterclasses: Godfried Hoogeveen, William Christie, Norman Fischer, Tanya Remenikova, Jordi Savall, Joel Krosnick PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE, violoncello ORCHESTRAL The Juilliard School, Principal Pool 2008 & Tour to China (2008) – worked with renowned conductors such as James Conlon, Xian Zhang, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Alan Gilbert, William Christie and Nicholas McGegan Fundraiser, Collaborated with members of the New York Philharmonic in a performance of Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Aspen Music Festival and School, Aspen, CO SOLO ORCHESTRA Holyoke Civic Symphony, Tchaikovsky Variations on a Rococo Theme SOLO RECITAL Solo Recital at The Juilliard School, New York (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) CHAMBER MUSIC The Juilliard School (2006 to present); Chamberfest, The Juilliard School, 2007/2008; Taos School of Music, Taos, NM; Kneisel Hall Chamber Music School and Festival, Blue Hill, ME; Aspen Music Festival and School, Aspen, CO; Beethoven Institute at Mannes College RADIO BROADCASTS & RECORDINGS Featured on MPBN radio program «Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival», 2009 COMPETITIONS First Prize, Holyoke Civic Symphony Concerto Competition Semi-finalist, 2006 Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition (Junior Division) First Prize, 2006 New England Chamber Music Competition SUMMER FESTIVALS Kneisel Hall Chamber Music School and Festival Taos School of Music Aspen Music Festival and School Coaches/Private Instructors: Matt Haimovitz, Richard Aaron, Robert McDonald, Bonnie Hampton, Joel Krosnick, Mark Sokol, Laurie Smukler, Brentano Quartet, St. Lawrence Quartet, Borromeo Quartet, Ron Copes SPECIAL SKILLS Piano, Baroque Cello FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 32 It is my intent to better understand the European music scene by studying with a French cellist in Paris this semester. In terms of my future career, I am extremely interested in pursuing orchestral career options more specifically in France and Germany. By studying at the Paris Conservatoire I hope to gain a more intimate knowledge of the European style of playing thereby facilitating this goal. By studying at the Conservatoire, I will also hopefully gain the connections and experience needed to get my foothold in the European music scene. My assigned teacher, Mr. Roland Pidoux, is an ideal mentor in this pursuit. He has limitless experience as both a chamber and orchestral musician in some of the most prestigious ensembles in France and his guidance has so far been invaluable to my education. I have also never had a chance to be in Europe for any extended period of time and am excited to be experiencing life in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe and the world during these three months. Although I do not speak French fluently, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to fully immerse myself in the language and complement my study with French lessons. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 33 Lisa Zordan Training 2008-2011 2007-2008 2005-2007 2003-2005 student at the Decorative Arts college of Paris in the Printed Image section. Lycée Corvisart, Illustration Section after the baccalaureate. Professional Baccalaureate section “Execution Designer in graphic communication, with honours.” CAP Professional experience June 2011 Feb.-March 2007 May-June 2006 Aug. 2005/2006 March-April 2005 Nov.-Dec. 2005 June 2004 MORET Workshop copper-plate engraving > Printing and engraving with a variety of techniques and tools. Meura Agency > Computer graphics, logotype Lycée Corvisart with Mr. Corvaisier > Illustration Sub-prefecture of Saint-Germain-en-Laye > Classification, archives, official documents MDB > Webdesign / Photo retouching Maryne > Photo retouching Art’mony Graphique > Desktop publishing Software skills Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign. Qualities Imagination, discipline and perseverance. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 34 Born 01/05/87 6, rue Cannebière 75012 Paris I chose to go on exchange in New York because it seemed relevant to my job to turn to areas that would give me more versatility. I think New York is a rich place and a source of inspiration in many domains, it is a city on top in the fields of graphic design and illustration. In graphic design, in photography, in drawing and in architecture, the School of VISUAL ARTS will bring me a lot in my work, in terms of variety and graphic inspiration. I have chosen different classes to help my work mature. A class of pop-up which began last year, opened the opportunity for me to work with a new medium. Pop-up books for children are starting to be recognized as books and part of graphic design. I sincerely hope to use the knowledge I’m gaining here to create plastic creative books and innovate. A class of drawing a naked model will reinforce my knowledge in realistic drawing. I also chose a class of screen-printed book, which will teach me to manage my time, be independent, find ideas quickly. The creativity matters more and more in the field of publishing. About my project I would really enjoy to be here to strengthen my painting skills, and being inspired inspire by naturalist painters and the American melancholy movement, as Peter Doig and Edward Hopper. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 35 Lucie ROCHER 71/73 Avenue d’Italie 75013, Paris, France 06 23 26 55 49 rocher.lucie@free.fr Training 2010-2011 2006-2009 2005-2006 Master 2 in Plastic arts and Art Sciences Specialty Image of the living - image of the body Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne – Centre Saint-Charles Degree in Plastic arts and Art Sciences, (Option: Plastic arts photography) Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne – Centre Saint-Charles Scientific Baccalaureate; Lycée Claude Monet – Paris 13th Additional Training Sept.-June 2011 Feb.-June 2010 2009-10 Student at the City of Paris’ Fine Art workshops, engraving workshop Live model classes, private workshop, Paris 14th Attended classes of Jean-François Chevrier as an auditor. The body in photography and the cinema, ENSBA of Paris Professional Achievements Nov.-March 2011 Since Sept. 2010 Aug. 2005/2006 Feb.-June 2008 June 2009 Nov.-Dec 2009 Feb. 2010 Sept. 2010 March 2008 Feb.-Sept. 2007 Intervention as an artist in the elementary schools of Chilly-Mazarin (95) (photography / painting workshops) - Student manager at the Michel Journiac Gallery, Paris 15th - Leader of workshops for the youth in the Centre Georges Pompidou - Exhibition L’oeil sur l’Echelle by Edouard Sautai - FI’ART International Festival of Art in the Family: Collective Performance with the artist Speedy Graphito, Centre Pompidou Piazza - CNIT Centre of New Industries and Technologies: exhibition Quel Cirque! with Alexander Calder, Paris La défense - Vélizy 2: Quel cirque ! with Alexander Calder - Parly 2: Quel cirque ! with Alexander Calder - Installation and surveillance of the exhibition by Marc Dion, Michel Journiac Gallery, Paris 15th - Leader of plastic expression workshops for children from 6 to 12, Beaux B’arts workshop; Paris 14th Languages and Computer skills Languages: English and Spanish: intermediate level IT skills: Word, Excel, OpenOffice, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Adobe Première, Outlook and Internet Centres of interest Cultural activities: museums, exhibitions, photography, engraving, reading, cinema, travel Sports: table tennis, swimming, basketball FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 36 I am currently attending New York University’s Steinhardt as a part of a one-year exchange between the Sorbonne University in Paris where I am regularly enrolled and have begun my first year of doctoral study. I chose to take advantage of this opportunity abroad because it is an exceptional occasion for me not only to advance my personal practice in an academic setting rich with international diversity that only New York can offer and top-rate courses, but also I was interested in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to be apart of the American art scene. My course schedule for this semester is structured around four courses which include: video art, digital printing, art criticism and a course that matches students with visiting artists well-known in their work. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 37 Mohammed Megdoul Born 09/23/1985 2 allée Réjane 92000 Nanterre 06 17 99 66 55 mohamedmegdoul@gmail.com PHOTOGRAPHY May 2011 April 2011 Nov 2010 June 2010 Jean-Michel, Report in the intimacy of a French policeman, documentary Jerusalem is a beautiful city… she said, Work on the topography of the city of Jerusalem, documentary Mourad et Ouali, Architectural evolution of a Parisian suburb (Nanterre), documentary Where are they ?, « I looked for Indians », 4 weeks in the deserts of western and central United States, documentary VIDEO ARTS (Fiction et documentary) May 2011 April 2011 Dec. 2010 May 2010 Geek, fiction, Runtime: 18 minutes Directing: For the love of Go, documentary; Runtime: 12 minutes Writing, directing, editing and post production: The door and the way, fiction; Runtime: 45 minutes Writing, directing, editing and post production: Trap, fiction; Runtime: 22 minutes EDUCATION The School of Visual Arts – SVA, NEW YORK Currently in 4th year – photography section Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs – Ensad, PARIS Currently in 4th year – Photography/Video section, Preparatory school Prep’Art, PARIS LANGUAGE French: Native. English: Fluent. Amazigh: Fluent. Arabic: Medium. FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 38 When the opportunity to participate to the exchange program came to me I did not need to think very long about the destination. Since the first time I set foot in New York, 6 years ago now, I always wanted to return. But not just as a tourist, I wanted to enjoy the dynamism of the city from the inside. By learning about the proposed school, it turned out that only the School of Visual Arts offered courses that would increase my skills acquired at Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Décoratifs: advanced lightning studio, photography in an editorial context, contemporary history of photography... My works are oriented mostly around the concept of territory, geographical areas inhabited by human populations. As well as issues related to immigration, exile. Therefore New York is for me, because of its history, the ideal place to continue my work. I am currently conducting two separate projects. One about the Muslim community in New York and more precisely on what the media called the “Ground Zero Mosque” - the cultural center Park51-. And another on mutations of urban spaces within the context of the ongoing financial crisis. « « Navajo FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 39 Olivier Sola STUDIES 2 years of paramedical studies at CHU Rennes 3 years of Biologic studies at University Rennes1 2 years of fine arts studies at University Rennes2 Currently studying at the French National School of Photography PROFESSIONNAL EXPERIENCE 2007 2007, August 2008 2009 July-Aug. 2009 2009 2009 2009 Aug. 2007 July 2008 Paramedic Housing Homes Surgery Adaptation and recovery care Home hospitalization Long term care Adaptation and recovery care Retirement homes Temporary work Handling Removal Internship Commercial photography (Entreprise de Vues - Acigné ) Saint-Julien, 2010 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 40 Born 04/04/1985 1, rue Danton 22000 - Saint Brieuc, France oliv.sola@gmail.com Why did I choose to participate to that exchange program with SVA ? Why New York ? There are many answers to those questions. First of all I wanted do widen my artistic and photographic horizon by being in contact with a culture, with peoples, with a knowledge, with pedagogical methods, with contexts very different from what I know in France. I wanted to go in the United States and in New York in particular because a lot of artists and photographers whom I admire and whom inspire me are American and I wanted to experience that physical and sensible space in which they built themselves, that space which they both criticized and glorified. I wanted to go to SVA because it’s a school in which many discipline are taught (design, fine arts, illustration, ...) and according to me being in contact with many people using different art medium is very rewarding for my own use of photography. New York and the United States are also interesting for me because for now my work and my projects are essentially focused on urban concerns (What are the entity which composed a city ? how do those entity interact with themselves ? ...) and on the question of time ( effects of time on how does urban landscape evolve, difference of temporality according to the different urban spaces and their function, ... ). So to develop my thoughts and my theoretical approach to those concerns i choose three different classes in SVA, one is about the future of documentary, one is about art in the first half (and a little bit after) of the twentieth century, and one about the relation between the past and the present in art. « « Arles, 2011 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 41 Sujin Lee Education Fall 2009 Spring 2011 Fall 2010 Spring 2010 Fall 2009 1996-2009 2002-2009 1996-2003 Juilliard School Cello studies with Joel Krosnick Chamber music Piano trio with coach Sylvia Rosenberg String quartet with coach Earl Carlyss Piano trio with coach Martin Canon Columbia University Majors: English and Psychology New England Conservatory Preparatory Division Studies with Paul Katz Studies with Laura Blustein Recitals Feb.-Mar. 2011 Oct. 2010 Apr.2008-Oct. 2011 Oct. 2007 Mozart Divertimento K. 563 with Itzhak Perlman at Princeton University, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Debut recital at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France Kodaly Duo, Ravel Sonata for Violin and Cello, Handel-Halverson Passacaglia with SuYeon Lee Neue Galerie in New York, NY Corcoran Art Gallery in Washington D.C. Performances with Orchestra Jan. 2011 Apr. 2010 Jan.-Feb. 2008 Boca Symphonia Philharmonic Haydn Concerto in D Major at St. Andrews School in Boca Raton, FL Haffner Sinfonietta Dvorak Cello Concerto at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante at Jordan Hall and Mechanics Hall in Boston, MA Competitions 2007 2007 2006 2005 2000 1998 2007-2010 Youngest participant at the International Paulo Cello Competition Winner of the Boston Trio Competition 3rd prize winner at Johansen International String Competition Winner of the New England Conservatory Senior Competition Winner of the New England String Ensemble Competition Winner of New England Conservatory Junior Division Competition Summer/Winter Programs Perlman Music Program Studies with Ronald Leonard, Merry Peckham, and Itzhak Perlman Sarasota Winter Residency-Perlman Music Program Studies with Paul Katz, Merry Peckham, and Itzhak Perlman FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 42 2005 2000-2003 2007-2010 2005-2009 2007-2009 2006 2003 « Encore School for Strings Studies with Richard Aaron and Zvi Plesser Heifetz Institute of Music Studies with Uri Vardi and Timothy Eddy Aspen Music Festival & School Studies with Richard Aaron, William Grubb, and Darrett Adkins Orchestral Experience String orchestra at Perlman Music Program under Itzhak Perlman Youth Philharmonic Orchestra under Benjamin Zander Cello principal of YPO Tour to Caracas, Venezuela and seven cities in Brazil Concerts with Gustavo Dudamel’s Simon Bolivar Orchestra Tour with the Starling Chamber Orchestra under Kurt Sassmannshaus To Austria, Germany, and Russia as soloist and orchestra member To study at Paris Conservatoire for a semester is the opportunity of a lifetime for me. I have always been interested in pursuing my musical studies in Europe, particularly in France, as I have studied and been intrigued by French language and culture since I was in junior high school. Last year, I gave my debut recital at the Louvre with my sister and was incredibly inspired by all that Paris had to offer. For my artistic development, I have always tried to expose myself to myriad influences, styles, and approaches to the arts, and I knew that studying in Paris would give me a rare opportunity to garner new perspectives. Specifically, I was very interested in studying with Philippe Muller and playing chamber music with new friends and colleagues at the Conservatoire. This exchange program has provided with a golden period for me to fully immerse myself in my musical studies. « 2006 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 43 Vassilena Serafimova Born 09/09/1985 8, rue d’Aumale 75009 Paris, France 06 23 32 53 46 vasilenas@yahoo.com www.vassilenaserafimova.com International qualifications 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2003 First Prize, the Paul Neu Prize for the best interpretation of the contemporary work imposed, as well as the Pierre Salvi Prize at the Autumn Festival of Young Musicians Young Musician of the Year in Bulgaria, organized by National Bulgarian Radio Musical Critics Prize at the XIX Central European Music Festival, Zilina, Slovakia First Prize at the “Musiques d’Ensemble” competition, organized by FNAPEC with the Argillos Percussion ensemble First Prize at the 5th World International Marimba Competition, Stuttgart Second Prize at the ARD International Competition, Munich Selected by the Group Banque Populaire Enterprise Foundation Second Prize as well as the special prize at the SPEDIDAM in the International Marimba Competition, Paris Grand Prix at the “Music and Earth” International Competition, Sofia Professional experience Additional Musician for: Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra; Ile de France National Orchestra; Lauréats du Conservatoire Orchestra; Pasdeloup Orchestra; OstinatO Orchestra; National Orchestra of Sofia for international tours with Harlem Théâtre Production (USA) Solo Concerts “Classique au vert” Festival at the Parc floral, Paris; “Young Talent” European Festival, Paris; Festival “Generations... Young Musicians” at Radio France; “Polignac” Festival, Guidel – Morbihan; Festival of Contemporary Music “TransArt”, Sofia; Autumn Music Festival of young musicians; Music Festival of Central Europe, Zilina, Slovakia; “Pianoscope” Festival, Beauvais; “Encounter the Bulgarian Soul” Concert in Salle Gaveau, Paris. Training 2007-2011 2004 1992-2004 Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (Michel Cerutti’s class) Diploma from the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Bulgarian Republic End of studies Diploma from the “Panayot Pipkov” Arts School, Pleven (Siméon Serafimov’s class). Languages French, English, Bulgarian Master - classes 2008 2007 2005 2004 2002 International Nebojsa Zivkovic Marimba Academy - Allemagne International Academy of Marimba avec Keiko Abe et Ludwig Albert - Belgique International Academy of Marimba avec Momoko Kamiya (Japon), Bogdan Bacanu (Autriche), Katarzyna Mycka (Allemagne - Pologne) - Pologne International Festival “March Musical Days” avec Ron Kolbers (Hollande) et Tatiana Koleva (Bulgarie - Hollande) International Festival “March Musical Days” avec Wim Vos et Ensemble de Percussion Anumadutchi (Hollande) FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 44 The possibilities that the International exchange gives to young people are very useful for their development. It gives us the great experience to study in different country, meet new people, live in multinational environment and work with internationally recognized teachers. I have applied for this International exchange in The Juilliard School in New York City because this university is one of the best all over the world and its long history and incredible faculty members are impressive. During my exchange program, I am taking several classes including Percussions instruments in the class of Mr. Gordon Gottlieb, Percussion ensemble with Mr. Daniel Druckman, Performer’s Problems of 20 & 21 Century with Mr. Joe Sachs, The Modernist Era with Mr. Joe Sachs and English and Composition II with Mr. Solarz. I would like to realise several different projects to improve my artistic skills like taking part of the concert of The Juilliard Percussion Ensemble on November 30th, performing in a special project between the music and dance department on December 5th, realising a solo recital in January 28th, performing in the second concert of The Juilliard Percussion Ensemble during the John Cage Festival. « « FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 45 FONDATION CARLA BRUNI—SARKOZY_ page 46
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