Document 63411

Newsletter 29
2nd May 2013
In the Immortal Words of George Harrison:…
…..Here comes the sun!... and about jolly time too I must say.
It looks like the southern half of the UK will have a really warm and pleasant few days including the Bank
Holiday Monday on 6th May and I hope you have a terrific long weekend. I know that there is a great deal
going on locally (The Larkhall Festival etc) and I look forward to hearing lots of exciting stories on Tuesday
7th May when we return to school.
Mufti Day – Friday 3rd May
You should have received a letter regarding our fund raising day for Atse Bekafa. As well as dressing in
the colours of your year group’s assigned flag, please encourage your child to enter the competition. If you
have not received a letter, please call into Reception for a copy.
School Council Book and Cake Sale - Friday 10th May 3.20pm in the school hall.
Please come along and support the school council in raising money for new classroom books.
We still need your second hand books – please put them in the boxes provided in each classroom.
Donations of cakes on the day would also be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks, School Council
New Oriel Hall poetry competition
Congratulations to Bea Goodliffe (F12) who won first prize in the competition. We understand that the
standard was very high so well done to Bea and to everyone else who entered.
Hands on Music
Please find at the bottom of this newsletter a flyer advertising an opportunity which is being run at St
Stephen’s Church. Dr. Douglas Simper is a member of St Stephen’s congregation and a passionate music
educator and has asked me to draw to your attention this opportunity to learn music in a different way that
Douglas has devised and which over many years has enjoyed a great deal of success both in the UK and
Message from our Parent Support Advisor
Hello everyone. I hope that the following workshops may be of interest.
Top Tips for Managing Bothersome BehaviourI am repeating this workshop at St Saviour’s Juniors on
Wednesday 22 May - it looks at a few tried and tested techniques for dealing with bothersome behaviours
in children (whinging or not doing as they are asked spring to mind and I’m sure you can think of a few
more!). I’ll be looking at when and how to apply the techniques and allow time for discussion and idea
sharing, which parents tell me is very helpful.
Rewards and Incentives – how to use them effectively to improve behaviourSome of you may be
interested in coming along to another workshop, specifically looking at rewards and incentives, to be held at
St Saviour’s Infants School on Thursday 16 May. There will be time built in to allow parents to start
designing a reward scheme and chart for their children.
Both workshops start at 9.15 and should last for about an hour and a half. Tea, coffee and biscuits are
If you would like more information or wish to book a place please get in touch.
Debbie Youngs, Parent Support Adviser
Tel: 07530 263 289
Club Timetable
Please find attached Club Timetable for next week.
Nappy Sack warning
We have received advise from BANES Council about the potential dangers of nappy sacks. Nappy sacks
can pose a risk of suffocation if left near babies or young children and therefore extra care should be taken
with their use.
It appears that this risk is not well known to parents and therefore we have been asked to raise awareness
of this potential danger. The advice given is to always keep nappy sacks well out of reach of babies and
never put them in a cot, pram or buggy.
For further advice about child safety, please visit the Child Accident Prevention Trust website at]
Holiday Clubs and Out of School Activities
From time to time we notify you of ‘out of school’ events, activities and clubs which are run by outside
agencies. Please note, that we are not recommending or endorsing these in any way and are just bringing
them to your attention.
PTA News
Children's Art cards
The beautiful cards designed by the children last month, have now returned from the printers and should
have already come home in their book bags. This personalised sample card is yours to keep. If you want to
order more cards follow the on-line instructions included with the sample card before midnight Friday 10th
May 2013. Order 3 packs and only pay for 2, sibling orders count towards the 3 for 2 offer. The PTA will
earn commission on all orders placed before this date.
No access to the internet? No worries. Use the paper order form and hand in to the school office before
3.30pm on Friday 10th May 2013, with cheques made payable to ecoArtcards.
Many thanks
St Stephen's Family Treasure Hunt Sunday 19th May 2-4 pm
Don't miss this lovely afternoon of outdoor fun and adventure for the whole family. Start point Primrose
woods followed by a downhill walk with surprises along the way. Ending with a reward of tea and biscuits!
Tickets will be on sale from Monday 13th in the reception playground at £5 per family.
If you can help on the day we'd love to hear from you. Contact Kate
Lashings of old school fun at Stephen's Summer Fair! Saturday 15th June 12-3pm. Save the date!
Come and enjoy all the fun of the fair whatever the British weather. You never know, it may be sunny by
June. ..
Roll up, roll up, helpers and retro stall holders - your fair needs you!
Contact Siobhan or Annie
Many thanks
Annie and Mandy PTA Chair
Notes from the Sports Locker
Yet again another really busy week for the children of St Stephen’s on the sporting front!
Last Sunday saw the final competitions of the season with the Team Bath Buccaneers Cup. St Stephen’s
had entered 4 teams. The event was held at the University astro pitches. For the Yr6 children this was to be
their final appearance in the ‘Green shirt’ of St Stephen’s. They did not disappoint. Playing some beautiful
and fluid hockey the ‘A’ team eventually came runners up! Coupled with winning the Sunday league this is
really quite an achievement. The Yr6 ‘B’ team also played some wonderful hockey and did not lose a game.
They eventually came 2nd having scored one goal less than the winners Team Bath Buccaneers. The ‘B’s
should be really proud of themselves coming so close. Great effort!
The Yr5 ‘A’ team were also in action and after some fast and furious matches they came out on top,
winning the Cup. In the Plate competition the Yr5 ‘B’ team faced some stiff competition and really made the
other teams work hard. I’ve heard that Jack Foster in goal was quite the superstar and made some
absolutely amazing saves from goal bound shots. The Plate was eventually won by Team Bath Buccaneers
with St Michael’s taking the runners up slot!
A HUGE’ thank you’ to all the parents and ‘coaches’ who supported the St Stephen’s children on Sunday,
your support is invaluable and ensures that the children are in the correct place at the correct time. Finally,
congratulations to Mrs Potter and her fine ‘crew’ of coaches who have ensured yet again that children from
St Stephen’s have had a wonderful opportunity.
St Stephen’s ‘A’ team receiving the League trophy!
St Stephen’s ‘B’ team (Runners up) and the winners of the Cup competition Team Bath Buccaneers
St Stephen’s Yr5 ‘A’ team receiving the Cup after winning all their matches!
Tuesday was also an opportunity for the Yr6 footballers to represent the school for the last time. The whole
of the Yr5/6 football club ‘decamped’ from their normal ground and went to Newbridge Primary School to
play a number of ‘friendly’ games. The results were really encouraging for the St Stephen’s children. The
Yr6 won 1-0 whilst the Yr5 won 3-0. The combined Yr5/6 team were losing 1-0 when unfortunately a
Newbridge pupil badly injured himself in a ‘fair’ tackle and had to be taken to hospital! However, a great
time was had by all. I am informed that a date for a return fixture is being set up for September when the
new season starts.
Yr5/6 children from Newbridge and St Stephen’s
celebrate the opportunity to play some
competitive football on Tuesday of this week
Finally…It is the season of sporting festivals. Congratulations to Xavi Vaudin and Seb Chester-Phillips who
played for Bath Mini Rugby recently and between them scored 11 tries! Congratulations to all those
involved. If you are participating in any sport this weekend I hope you really enjoy yourselves and make the
most of the opportunities presented to you.
Diary Dates – new additions in bold type!
2nd – Roman Bath trip – Yr 3
2nd – F13 First Aid Training p.m.
3rd – F14 First Aid Training p.m.
3rd – Mufti Day for Atse Bekafa
6th – May Day holiday
10th – School Council Sale 3.20pm
13th – 17th – SATs week KS2
15th - Year 2 trip to SS Great Britain
15th – Reception visits to Swainswick Farm
15th – PTA Meeting
24th – End of term 5
3rd June - Return to school, beginning of term
15th – Summer Fair 12 – 3pm (PTA)
17th – 21st Yr1 Phonics check week
20th – Yr 1 trip to Bristol Aquarium
25th – Y6 to Wells for ‘Spirit of Wells’ service
Pete Mountstephen
Head Teacher
4th – Yr 6 invasion day to secondary schools
4th,5th& 6th – Musical 7pm
8th – 12th – Sports Week
8th – YR Sports 1.45pm
9th – Y1/Y2 Sports 1.45pm
11th – Y3/Y4 Sports 1.45pm
12th – Y5/Y6 Sports 1.45pm
10th – Open Evening – 4 - 5.30pm
16th – Y6 Tea Party 1.45pm
17th – Y6 Disco 6.30-8.00pm
18th – Last day of term for pupils
Leaver’s Service St Stephen’s Church 9.45am
19th - Inset Day
22nd – Inset Day
Hands on Music
Centres Ltd
Hands on Music Centre, St Stephens Church,
Lansdown Road, Bath BA1 5SX
Piano: Ms Linda Chuter BEd(Hons) - Music
Flute: Mr Simon Hall BMus(Hons)
The ‘H ands O n M usic’ approach:
is student centred,
em braces all styles, all ages,
is easy and fun
unlock your creativity
realise your potential
Enquiries: Dr Douglas Simper
01761 568 166 mobile: 07876 384297