Volume 2 Number 4 A Publication of Mahoning County Children Services In this issue: - 2010 Community Cup - From the Director’s Desk - Board Member Spotlight - Career of Gail Waters pg 2 pg 3 - It Matters to Meghan - Department News from the Family Service Department pg 4 Parenting Classes - Department News Continued pg 5 - Mahoning County Foster Parent Association - English Corner - Did You Know? pg 6 - Community Resources - Health Matters - Quotes pg 7 - Upcoming Community Events - Newsletter Committee August 2010 Mahoning County Children Services Selected for State Pilot Program using Alternative Response We are proud to announce that Mahoning County Children Services has been selected as one of ten counties in Ohio to participate in the innovative Ohio Alternative Response Project. As a result of a grant application submitted in May, our agency was selected along with nine other counties to be a part of a two-year pilot program. As part of the pilot project the agency will receive grant funding of $20,000 each year. The other counties participating in this project are : Ashtabula, Athens, Coshocton, Erie, Hamilton, Hocking, Huron, Medina, and Washington counties. Alternative Response is a form of assessment that allows more than one method of response to accepted reports of child abuse and/or neglect. This approach bases the response to the report on an assessment of the needs of the family--in a nonthreatening , non-adversarial manner--and then by offering services to meet those needs. Traditional child protective services focus on investigations of possible maltreatment to determine if children have been or are at risk of being harmed. Alternative Response allows child welfare agencies to intervene with families in supportive ways, focusing on assessing families' strengths and providing services. In addition, the pilot program will include continuous quality improvement activities aimed at measuring system performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. Evaluation will provide feedback on efforts to improve youth and family outcomes in the areas of safety , permanency, and well-being. The pilot project will be housed in the Family Services Department. Following staff training and a community orientation presentation in collaboration with the American Humane Association, we look forward to beginning the Pilot Project in October 2010. Denise Stewart - Executive Director 2010 Community Cup – Going the Distance by Marisa Litch It's been five years since Children Services last competed in the Community Cup. We came alive in 2005...now we're back again in 2010. For those of you who don't know, the Community Cup is basically the Olympics for agencies within the community to get together and compete for " the Cup". Participation in Community Cup events helps to promote fitness as well as a sense of togetherness for the community. Teams of people within the Children Services Agency have been practicing the sports of bowling, volleyball, swimming, biking, etc. I truly believe that we, as an agency...as a team...as a family, will 'Go the Distance' to defeat other agencies in the community and bring the cup back to where it belongs. The banner competition was held on August 6th at the YMCA. The voting for the best banner will continue throughout the weekend of August 27 and every vote counts! Please join us to vote for the CSB banner! 2010 Community Cup Banner Shaunté Rogers – Banner Designer The opening ceremony takes place on Friday, August 27 at the YMCA downtown with the basketball and swimming competitions following. The morning of Saturday, August 28th holds the golf scramble and the afternoon has the bowling competition. On Sunday, August 29th our volleyball team will be bumpin', settin' and spikin' it up. Then on Saturday, September 11th the walking, biking, and running teams will start off the days events followed by the obstacle course and the tug of war. Our courtesy tent will be available from the morning and throughout the day with refreshments and fun! Please join us whenever you can to cheer on the team and celebrate! 2010 MCCSB Community Cup Logo – Drawn by Shaunté Rogers August 2010 Page 2 Board Member Spotlight – Calvin Jones How long have you been on the Mahoning County Children Services Board? I have served on the CSB board since 2004. What committees or special projects have you served on? I am a member of the Finance Committee, current chair of the Nominating Committee and was previously chair of the Personnel Committee. What do you find most rewarding about serving on the Board? The chance to give back to a community that I care about. It is rewarding to see the positive outcomes of the board's decisions in the lives of the CSB staff and the families served by them. What would you like the community to know about Mahoning County Children Services? The agency employs people from the community that are caring. They not only care about the families but about the people that live in Mahoning County and continue to support the agency. A special thank you to Calvin Jones for his dedication and years of service on the Mahoning County Children Services Board! Mahoning County Children Services Celebrates the Career of Gail Waters by Theresa Pancoe A celebration for Gail was held on July 23, 2010 in honor of her retirement. Family, friends and co-workers gathered on this special occasion to wish her well. Gail Water is an exceptional person and has spent her career helping others. She began her career in 1974 as a Probation Officer for girls at the Mahoning County Juvenile Justice Center. She began working for Mahoning County Children Services on July 26, 1976. She worked in the agency’s Intake Department for a year before moving to the Single Parent Unit. For eight years, Gail worked with pregnant teens and minor mothers with babies to monitor the safety of their children and teach them how to care for and parent their children. She stated that the primary goal of the Single Parent Unit was to provide support, education and mentoring so that these mothers could keep their children with them. Joining Gail at her retirement celebration are her niece Alanna, and her nephew, Ryan. Gail found her passion in the Child Welfare System when she went to the Resource Department in 1985. She worked licensing foster parents for a short period of time and then began working with adoption where she continued her work until July 30, 2010. Gail has demonstrated caring, compassionate work for the children and families that she was assigned and stated that it is very fulfilling that some still contact her today to let her know how they are doing or to thank her for being part of creating their family through adoption! Gail said her favorite memories are the relationships that she has made with the children, foster/adoptive parents and her coworkers. She said what she will miss the most is the supportive, caring relationships that she has made with her CSB family. Gail said she plans to enjoy her freedom by getting her house in order, relaxing and traveling to visit family…”now that she will have time”. However, true to Gail’s character, her next statement was how she would like to volunteer for the Youngstown Public School System and spend more time with her Church family! Mahoning County Children Services would like to congratulate Gail Waters on her years of dedicated services to the children and families in Mahoning County and to let her know that we will miss her! Enjoy your FREEDOM, Gail! August 2010 Page 3 Department News This month we are featuring the Family Service Department Parenting Classes By Dorothy Staaf, trainer and Ruth Parker, assistant Parenting Classes for families involved with the agency are held at Mahoning County Children Services every Wednesday morning. There is a series of eight classes that consist of: (1) Self-Esteem; (2) Child Health and Development; (3) Home Management I – Budgeting; (4) Home Management II – food and nutrition, meal planning and housekeeping; (5) Discipline I – 10 Discipline techniques; (6) Discipline II – 1,2,3 Magic; (7) Enjoying Your Children and; (8) Fire and Poison Safety. Each week parents in attendance receive a good meal and a small gift which pertains to the topic of the week. At the conclusion of successfully completing the series, participants receive a certificate and a detailed evaluation. Our program’s goal is to help parents enhance their parenting skills by providing a positive, supportive environment in which to learn, by introducing parenting information and techniques which re-establish the parents as head of the family and ensure the safety and well-being of children. Our parents may be found cooking in the agency kitchen, taking part in family sculpturing activities, sharing ideas to help others in the class, helping each other with their children or just putting their time into the class. Whatever the attitude that they bring to the class, we are determined to identify and build on their strengths. Dorothy Staaf, trainer and Ruther Parker, assistant We have between 8 and 18 in attendance every week. We had 7 graduates in our last group and 5 of them never missed a class! How awesome! PARENT PROJECT OF MAHONING COUNTY – CHANGING DESTRUCTIVE ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR The Parent Project is a program administered through Mahoning County Juvenile Court which is designed for parents of youth between the ages of 11 to 17. These children are strong-willed, out of control or delinquent. Parents and youth that participate in the program can be court ordered, referred by a counselor or caseworker or self referred. The Program is an eleven week course. There are separate groups for parents and youth that meet one time per week on either Saturday morning at Hope House Visitation Center or Thursday evenings at Forum Health. Referrals may be made by contacting Janet Tarpley, Parent Project Director at 330-740-2244 ext. 6494 or Dorothy Staaf at 330-941-8888 ext. 2824. The Parent Project will begin a new series of classes in September so this is a perfect time to refer parents who are struggling to parent challenging teens. Parent Project® is in partnership with Mahoning County Children Services Board, Forum Health and Hope House Visitation Center. PARENT POWER presents: A FREE workshop every month at the Mahoning County Educational Service Center located at 100 DeBartolo Place in Boardman, Ohio. This two hour training features a different topic each month. It is hosted by the Mahoning County Family and Children First Council with generous support form Humility of Mary Health Partners Resource Mothers Teen Program. Contact Rachilla at 330-965-7828 for information about upcoming trainings. August 2010 Page 4 Once upon a time, the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” was taken more literally than it is today. However, I believe that this adage still holds true. None of us are able to parent well without some help from those in our families and in our surrounding communities. I focus a lot on the needs of parents, but what is in our community to help parents who may need some extra support or services? Well, let me share just some of these services that exist in “our villages”: General: Mahoning County Help Hotline 330 747-2696 Parent Counseling Services: Help Me grow Weathering the Storms 330-965-7912 330-394-9090 Parenting skills: D&E Counseling Center 330-793-2487 Early Head Start330-747-7921 Family Birth Place877-700-4647 Help me Grow330-965-7912 Parent Education program 330-746-7641 Parent Focus- (Parent Support) 330-743-5149 Valley Counseling Services 330-394-6244 Autism Services: Potential Development Autism Society of Ohio Easter Seals Rich center for Autism Speech Pathology Associates 330-746-7641 330-720-2066 330-743-1168 330-941-1927 330-717 3659 Special Needs Children Services: Children’s Rehabilitation Center 330-856-2107 Mahoning County Board of DD – Children’s program 330 797-2847 PD’S Place 330-746-7641 Preschool Disability Program 330-965-7828 Trumbull County Board of DD 330-652-5811 Speech and Hearing/OT Services: Youngstown Hearing & Speech 330-726-8855 Hillside Rehab Hospital 330-841-3700 Gold’s Therapy 330-505-1606 Schools- Special Needs: Fairhaven School Leonard Kirtz Robert Bycroft Mahoning County Foster Parent Association 330-652-9800 330-797-2847 330-424-7787 By Peggy Messer Christmas in July was the idea behind the annual Foster Parent Association’s Garage Sale which was held on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at the Mahoning County Children’s Services Garage. All proceeds from this sale go toward the annual Christmas Party for Mahoning County foster families and their children. Jeanette Humbert, president of the Foster Parent Association would like to thank everyone who donated and participated in the sale. A big thank you goes to Girl Scout Troop (GSNEO) 80507, who handled the bake sale. The troop donated their time and all the items for the bake sale. The girls working the tables were working on their merit badges. Cassidy Ross was working towards her Silver badge and Taijah Fosnaught for her Bronze badge. We wish them the best of luck. A big thank you goes to the Poland Police Dept. who donated bikes for the sale. All year long the Foster Parent Association works very hard to earn money for the Christmas party. The party gives foster families a chance to mingle, catch up on what’s new and break bread with their fellow foster families. It also gives the children an opportunity to see that they are not alone, it may also give them a chance to celebrate Christmas with siblings. But most importantly it gives them joy after so much heartache and tears. The foster parent Association is having a Mary Kay Satin Hands fundraiser, for more information please contact LeighAnn at (330) 788-1490. Also contact LeighAnn if you are interested in purchasing space in the Christmas program. The F.P.A. will also be having their annual pie sale beginning in Oct. 2010. We would like to thank Melainie Carfolo from the State Support Team Region 5 for the Training for Surrogate Parents, presented at the last two F.P.A. meetings. This will help foster parents become strong advocates for their foster children in the educational arena. We are always looking for trainers to come to our meetings. If you are interested in providing training about your organization, please contact Margaret (Peggy) Messer at 330-941-8888. August 2010 Page 5 Did You Know? Because published written works, films, and music exist in perpetuity, they should always be generically referred to in the present tense (unless the expression includes additional, time-specific context). For example, to say “Tom Hanks starred in Forrest Gump” is incorrect. Rather, “Tom Hanks stars in Forrest Gump.” Saying “Grease was a film in which Travolta and Newton-John sang duets” is wrong. Rather, one should say “Grease is a film in which Travolta and Newton-John sing duets.” When an expression speaking of such works includes additional, timespecific context, use of the past tense is allowable. For example, it is all right to say or write “Roots was a best-selling novel by Alex Haley in the late 70’s” because reference to specific years and the book’s best-seller status lend contextual specificity to the expression that only use of the past tense can satisfy. Still, remember that Kunta Kinte is the protagonist in Roots even though the book was released over thirty years ago. By the way… it’s “prerogative” NOT “perogative”! The word prerogative describes the exclusive right to choose or pass judgment. There is no such word as perogative. Correct usage example: Though the decision disappoints many, leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat is LeBron James’ prerogative. Correct spelling: Beeghly NOT Beeghley or Beegley Correct name: St. Elizabeth Health Center NOT St. Elizabeth’s Health Center E-mail me your English questions at pkm32mpf@aol.com and I’ll give you my words. That… www.mahoningkids.com is a valuable source of information about Mahoning County Children Services and provides information on Upcoming Events and Mahoning County Services Board! That… in the 1500s, Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach into the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Floree Stubbs That… It has been calculated that in the last 3,500 years, there have been only 230 years of peace throughout the civilized world. The Book of Useless Information That… In 2009, Mahoning County Children Services finalized 30 adoptions of waiting children. MCCSB That… The most difficult tongue-twister is “The sixth sick Sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick”. The Book of Useless Information That…The American opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just twelve to thirteen days after conception! Theresa Pancoe Community Resources Mahoning County Children Services Offers FREE Informational Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Presentations throughout the community and to children in Mahoning County School Systems. For more information contact Theresa Pancoe at 330-941-8888. Akron Children’s Hospital - Child Advocacy Center Offers FREE Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training. To learn more please contact Andrea Mistovich at 330-743-2539. Help Hotline 2–1–1 Providing Information and Referral Services. Get connected. Get answers. CASA – A child’s voice in court. Mahoning County Court Appointed Special Advocate Program “Speak up for a child.” CASA is a volunteer organization – for more information contact: Renee Battafarano, Executive Director at 330-740-2239. August 2010 Page 6 With the summer months we tend to be more active which sometimes means sore feet and muscles. Two inexpensive “ home spa” treatments are: For tired, sore feet fill a basin with warm water and Epsom salts or sea salt. Add a few drops of essential oil such as lavender, rosemary or peppermint. Empty a bag of marbles into the basin and enjoy. Rolling your feet on the marbles not only feels good but applies a home-style reflexology treatment according to Valerie Gennari Cooksley, RN. For sore muscles, Chami Jotisalikorn, author of Thai Spa Book recommends: In a small bowl mix 4 TB of uncooked rice with 4 TB powdered ginger. Add enough water to make it into a paste like consistency. Rub in circular motions onto clean, wet skin. Rinse with warm water and cover with a rich body lotion. "In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." Albert Einstein Changing your favorite recipes a little can make them healthier without giving them up. The following recipe adds vegetable protein and fiber but still taste like brownies! “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou Black Bean Brownies 1 box Betty Crocker low-fat brownie mix (dry) 1 can black beans (15 oz) drained/rinsed 1 cup water “Never be afraid to try, remember…Amateurs built the ark, Professionals built the Titanic.” Unknown Puree beans and water; add to dry brownie mix. Pour in sprayed cake pan (13 x 9 inch). Bake at 350° for 22-27 minutes until toothpick 2 inches from side comes out clean. Cool, cut into 20 pieces and serve. Weight Watchers – 2 points per brownie! Upcoming Community Events Boardman Township Park Canfield Fair September 1 – September 6, 2010 Saturday, August 14, 2010 8:45pm – 10:45pm Movie in the Park – West Side Story at the Maag Outdoor Theatre. Remember to bring you lawn chairs and/or blankets for a night of fun with the family! FREE! Austintown Township Park FREE Concerts th 2010 marks the 164 year for the Canfield Fair. It also marks the 60th consecutive combined medical-health exhibit. Mahoning County Children Services believes every child deserves a family! This year you can give a child in our community "something to crow about"! Tuesdays at 7:00pm Lawn seating. Learn more about becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent! Staff will be available to answer all your questions. August 10, 2010 – Frank Gallo Band (Italian Conte Music) Please come and visit us at the FAIR! August 17, 2010 – Sound Bite (Classic Rock Band) Located in the Medical Building - 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM We are looking for agency staff to be an active part in the Newsletter. Would YOU consider contributing to the Newsletter? If the answer is Yes, please contact a member of the Newsletter Committee. Theresa Pancoe, Editor Floree Stubbs, Supervisor Philip Murphy, Abuse Supervisor Melinda Lackner, Receptionist August 2010 Glenna Ress, Supervisor Shawn King, Technical Support Peggy Messer, Casework Specialist/Resource Department Megan Tarantino, Casework Specialist/Resource Department Page 7
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