‘IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS’ The new Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Pediatric Clinic serves northern Michigan’s most vulnerable patient population. For years, northern Michigan families have sacrificed to get their children subspecialty care, scraping up enough gas money and time off work for the trip to the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids. Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Pediatric Clinics in Traverse City Thanks to decades of physician efforts and recent hospital collaboration, those long-distance trips are no more. 1105 Sixth Street •Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology The Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Pediatric Clinic on W. Front St., a joint effort between the children’s hospital, Spectrum Health Medical Group, and Munson Medical Center, is now open with the following pediatric services: • Pediatric Orthopedics • Pediatric Gastroenterology Robert Sprunk, MD • Pediatric Nephrology 5024 N. Royal Drive •Pediatric Endocrinology • Pediatric Neurosurgery Championed by pediatrician Robert Sprunk, MD, and pediatric orthopedic surgeon Michael Forness, DO, the clinic not only puts the services under one roof for more days a month, but also augments subspecialty care that is already available, such as hematology/oncology, endocrinology, and cardiology. 3537 W. Front Street, Ste. H •Pediatric Gastroenterology •Pediatric Nephrology •Pediatric Neurosurgery •Pediatric Orthopedics The clinic is the fruition of many years’ worth of hard work, said Dr. Sprunk, whose office is one of four pediatric practices in Traverse City. “This has been a culmination of relationship building and many conversations through the years,” said Dr. Sprunk, who opened his practice in 1979. “We are echoing an idea started in the 1930s by Dr. Mark Osterlin, who envisioned Traverse City as a regional center providing for the needs of children.” 1200 Sixth Street •Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Future Clinics: •Pediatric Neurology •Pediatric Urology Michael Forness, DO As the first specialist at Munson, Osterlin – also a pediatric physician – founded the predecessors to Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services and Child & Family Services of Northwestern Michigan. “So we’re building on that,” Dr. Sprunk said. “It’s a pretty cool legacy.” Dr. Mike Forness, who practiced in Traverse City for 14 years before leaving in 2004 to set up pediatric orthopedic services at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, is expanding the current orthopaedic clinic Insurances accepted: Most but call to confirm. How to Make a Referral: Call Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital to schedule. For more details, including schedules and phone numbers, see enclosed flyer. Continued on page 2 Pediatric Specialty Clinics Available in Northern Michigan Several pediatric specialty clinics are available in Northern Michigan. A listing of the Helen DeVos Traverse City clinics and calendar, as well as a complete listing of all Northern Michigan pediatric clinics, are inserted in this issue of Practice Pro. The listing of all pediatric specialty clinics in the region, is also available online at munsonhealthcare.org/pediatricclinics. munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians Page 1 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 PHYSICIAN APPOINTMENT, REAPPOINTMENT PROCESS GOES ONLINE With the new process, physicians will receive an email invitation to the Physician Home Page. A second email “New physician appointments will contain a password to “Our centralized process and physician reappointallow access to the home page. includes several Munson ments will all be done online McKinley said the ultimate electronically starting in July,” Healthcare facilities who goal is to have a physician said Kim McKinley, manager participate at various levels,” of Medical Staff Services. “We McKinley said. Those facilities apply for reappointment one hope to process the first group include Munson Medical Cen- time, every two years, for all ter, Kalkaska Memorial Health Munson Healthcare facilities. of reappointments and new Center, Mercy Hospital Cadil- “They will just have to go into appointments then.” lac, Mercy Hospital Grayling, one website, one time, and Reappointment is required Paul Oliver Memorial Hospi- complete the information for by regulatory agencies such as the Joint Commission and tal, West Shore Medical Cen- each facility,” McKinley said. ter, the Grand Traverse Band, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and occurs and the Northwest Michigan Surgery Center. appointment and reappointment process for physician membership and privileges. Kim McKinley, Manager of Medical Staff Services Medical Staff Services is transitioning to an all online every two years. Munson Healthcare hospitals process their reappointments by section/specialty. GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT CLINIC TO CLOSE Munson Medical Center’s Geriatric Assessment Clinic will be closing at the end of September. This multidisciplinary clinic has assisted primary care providers in managing complex elderly patients. While it has been beneficial to providers, patients, and families to have one place to call for assistance, hospitals are reevaluating their services to ensure they align with long-term needs and sustainability in our changing health care environment. Many patients seen at the Geriatric Assessment Clinic already have a primary care provider. Patients can continue to see their existing primary care provider, who will oversee their care and refer them to appropriate resources available through Munson Medical Center or in the community. A list of available services will be posted online at munsonhealthcare.org/ seniorresources by July 31. These will include how best to refer to a variety of resources, such as a social worker, neurologist, and neuropsych testing. Those who do not have a primary care provider can contact Munson HealthLink at 1-800-533-5520. We are working to ensure all patients know what is happening and have a smooth transition back to their primary care provider or find an available provider. All current patients and those on the waiting list will receive a letter explaining the closure. If your patients have questions about this change, please have them call Munson’s Patient Liaison at (231) 935-5051. The last day the clinic will be seeing patients is Sept. 24, 2014. ‘IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS’ Continued from page 1 hours and moving into the new facility. He is one of numerous providers who will be serving patients from Traverse City and all counties north into the Upper Peninsula. Having the additional clinics here makes the pediatric care “more seamless,” Dr. Forness said. “We’ve had a lot of kids who have had to wait until the paycheck came on the first of the month before they could come down [to DeVos,]” said Dr. Forness, who would sometimes have to see kids once a week for casting. “In reality, the clinic is not about the doctors or the hospitals. It’s about the kids in northern Michigan.” To make a referral into the clinic, Dr. Forness said, “The simplest way is to do it through Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital; same with patients who call in. They just need to say they want to be seen in the Traverse City clinic.” Page 2 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians NEW CT SCANNERS OFFER LOWER DOSES OF RADIATION Munson Medical Center now offers three low-dose CT scan machines that provide a safer experience for patients and more succinct images for radiologists. The Toshiba Aquilion® ONE devices combine software and technology advances to ensure an individualized dose of radiation is applied based on the need of the patient. “The primary benefit for patients is a significant reduction of radiation dose. This is achieved primarily by advancements in post processing computer algorithms, but also by some hardware upgrades,” said C. Paul Williams, MD, a radiologist at the hospital. “For some of the higher dose procedures, like abdomen and pelvic CT, dose reduction up to 60 percent is possible. For the truly high dose procedure of cardiac CTA, dose reductions of greater than 90 percent are possible. The increase in detector rows allows studies to be completed much more rapidly, reducing breath hold requirements and minimizing actual scan times.” The machines offer head-to-toe dynamic imaging that can capture an entire organ in a single moment of time. Machine capabilities also can provide physicians with a three-dimensional depiction of an organ and how blood flow is occurring within and without the organ. The CTs can offer comprehensive exams useful in the treatment of patients with heart conditions, stroke, and cancer. The Munson Medical Center Radiology Department has both a 320-slice machine and a 40-slice machine, while the Emergency Department has an 80-slice machine. All sites throughout Munson Healthcare now have new Toshiba equipment allowing for consistent protocols among the hospitals. Munson Outpatient Services in Elk Rapids Updating Practice Information Munson Outpatient Services has expanded to meet the needs of Elk Rapids residents with new lab space and x-ray capabilities. The outpatient services is located at 119 Bridge St., Elk Rapids. The Lab phone number is (231) 264-0024. The Radiology phone number is (231) 264-0025. The HealthLink team will be contacting your practice this summer to update your providers’ information – including insurances, status of accepting new patients, average wait times, etc. The information you provide is important to ensure the most appropriate referrals are provided to patients and referring providers. The Elk Rapids Lab is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Services include blood draws and other specimen collections. X-ray services are available without an appointment. Munson Outpatient Services also can be found in Benzonia, Empire, Frankfort, Kingsley, Interlochen, and Traverse City. All Munson Outpatient Services are staffed by Munson Medical Center or Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital employees. For questions and to update your practice’s information year-round, you can contact the HealthLink team at (231) 935-5886, 1-800-533-5520, or healthlink@mhc.net. For a complete list of Munson Outpatient Services locations and hours, go to munsonhealthcare.org/outpatient. MEANINGFUL USE WEBINARS At the request of practices, Munson is providing a series of noon webinars on Meaningful Use. Physicians, practice managers, and staff are invited to attend topics of interest. Past webinars will also be available online to view at your convenience. Look for more Meaningful Use topics this summer to help practices prepare for Meaningful Use. For upcoming topics, registration links, and recordings of past webinars, go to munsonhealthcare.org/muwebinars. If you have any Meaningful Use questions, please contact Randi Terry at rterry@mhc.net or 935-5199. munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians Page 3 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 SCHEDULING NEWS Where to Send Patients for STAT Lab Requests When ordering STAT lab testing, please send your patient to a hospital outpatient lab for specimen collection. Going directly to the hospital outpatient lab facilitates a faster response time for reporting results. Locations for STAT lab testing are: •Kalkaska Memorial Health Center 419 South Coral Street, Kalkaska Hours: Mon. - Sun., 6:30 am - 11 pm Phone: (231) 258-7508 •Mercy Hospital Cadillac 400 Hobart Street, Cadillac Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 5 pm; Sat., 7 am - 3 pm Phone: (231) 876-7295 •Mercy Hospital Grayling 1100 East Michigan Avenue, Grayling Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 5 pm; Sat. 7 am - 3 pm Phone: (989) 348-0352 •Munson Medical Center, Main Lobby 1105 Sixth Street, Traverse City Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 5:30 pm; Sat., 8 am - 12 pm Phone: (231) 935-7263 •West Shore Medical Center 1465 East Parkdale Avenue, Manistee Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 6 pm; Sat., 8 am - 12 pm Phone: (231) 398-1153 •Munson Professional Building (behind Munson Medical Center) 1221 Sixth Street, Traverse City Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 5:30 pm Phone: (231) 935-6105 •Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital 224 Park Avenue, Frankfort Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7 am - 9 pm; Sat. 9 am - 1 pm Phone: (231) 352-2204 Maps and a complete listing of all lab locations for non-urgent testing can be found online at munsonhealthcare.org/lablocations. Outpatient Orders Policy At the start of 2014, an outpatient orders policy went into effect for Munson Healthcare hospitals. The policy was developed to meet CMS guidelines, improve communication among health care providers, and to protect reimbursement for services performed. OUTPATIENT ORDERS: WHAT TO INCLUDE Thank you for all your hard work in complying with the order policy. Working together helps improve reimbursement for both the hospital and your practice, and most important of all, ensures that the patient receives the best care possible. • Patient’s legal name (must be legible) After six months of implementing the outpatient orders policy, there are two areas for improvement: • Ordering provider’s name (must be legible) •Diagnoses – We have been receiving orders with no diagnoses/symptoms/reason for exam noted. If there is no diagnosis present, we need to call your office for the information before we can provide services to the patient. •Legibility – We are implementing systems to help us read illegible ordering provider signatures. You can help by printing or stamping the ordering provider’s name near the signature. A reminder that a stamp cannot be used for the signature itself. Both missing diagnoses and illegible signatures can impact the processing of your patients testing. We appreciate your attentiveness to assuring we have the most accurate information possible as it allows us to deliver a positive customer experience for your patient. • Patient’s date of birth • Patient’s gender • Ordering provider’s signature (unless it’s an outpatient laboratory order) • Date ordered • Medically necessary diagnosis/symptom as defined by insurance company • Prior authorization number (if required) • Test/exam indicated • Signs, symptoms, history, and other clinical indications For more information on the outpatient orders policy, please contact Karen Popa, Director of Patient Financial Services for Munson Medical Center, at (231) 935-7493 or kpopa1@mhc.net. Page 4 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians SCHEDULING NEWS CTA Test Name Change When ordering a CTA CHEST PE PROTOCOL, this now needs to be ordered as a CT CHEST PE PROTOCOL, i.e. drop the A from CTA. The CT CHEST FOR PE PROTOCOL looks at the arteries and veins. Although clinical staff refers to it as a CTA, it does not meet billing requirements to be a CTA. In the CPT world, it is a CT. CTA CHEST PE PROTOCOL CT CHEST PE PROTOCOL For offices with an EMR, it is important that this test is updated in your EMR so that they match the new exam name. This is necessary for interfacing reports electronically. If you have any questions regarding Munson Radiology Services, please contact Dan Fly at (231) 935-7941. Prior Authorization Update: Blue Care Network Radiology Services Blue Care Network (BCN) has contracted with CareCore National, LLC, for prior authorization and medical necessity reviews for outpatient radiology services including MRI, CT, and Nuclear Scans. BCN will require prior authorization for these services performed on or after July 1, 2014, from CareCore National online at carecorenational.com or by phone at 1-855-774-1317. If a treating physician does not receive a Medical Necessity Determination and Authorization number from CareCore National prior to performing radiology procedures, claims may not be reimbursed. All Other Services Although Radiology prior authorizations will now be processed by CareCore, all other services continue to be handled by BCN Care Management at 1-800-392-2512 and ereferrals.bcbsm.com. If you have not be using E-Referral (via Webdenis), we highly recommend that you sign up as we’ve heard from offices who have been kept on hold for more than 40 minutes, get frustrated, and then hang up. There is a Prior Authorization Requirements guide, which can be found at munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians > Resources > Prior Authorizations. The Prior Authorization Requirements guide is a handy reference when scheduling if you’re not sure if a test requires a prior auth. Schedulers may want to create a shortcut to this resource on their computer desktop. PWS Passwords To Change July 29 To comply with HIPAA security requirements, Physician Web Scheduler (PWS) users will be prompted to change their password as of Tuesday, July 29. PWS passwords will now expire every 90 days. PWS users can now change their password at any time on the PWS Home screen (see graphic below). If you have any PWS questions, please contact Deb Kimball, Physician Liaison, at (231) 935-3388 or dkimball@mhc.net. Click here to change password munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians Page 5 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 Please share with your physicians Cardiovascular Update for Primary Care Providers Saturday, October 4 | Registration and Breakfast: 7:30; Program: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm | Grand Traverse Resort The 2nd Annual Cardiovascular Update for Primary Care Providers will provide practical tools and resources for primary care, emergency medicine, hospital medicine physicians, PA/NPs, and nurses, including the most current developments in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cardiovascular disease. There is no cost to attend. Lunch will be provided. Seminar details will be posted online at: munsonhealthcare.org/cardiovascularupdate2014. To register, go to munsonhealthcare.org/cardiovascularupdate2014 or call Munson HealthLink at (231) 935-5886 or 1-800-533-5520. MUNSON OUTPATIENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINIC CLOSED TO NEW PSYCHIATRY PATIENTS Munson Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic is not currently accepting any new outpatient psychiatry referrals. We will continue to review our capacity and hope to re-open to new referrals in November. The Munson Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic also has master’s level therapists available to provide comprehensive assessments and treatment for substance use disorders and mental illness. Please continue to refer your patients for those services. We will continue to coordinate that component of behavioral health care with you. PHYSICIAN NEWS Craig T. Kuesel, DO Craig T. Kuesel, DO, has joined the staff of Munson Medical Center as a specialist in neurology. Dr. Kuesel is accepting new patients. Craig Kuesel, DO 3537 W. Front St. Traverse City (231) 935-9700 phone (231) 935-9706 fax Long Term Care Services Practice Expanding Dr. Mark Jackson has renamed his practice Northwest Michigan Long Term Care Specialists as he is expanding the practice to provide geriatric care to additional nursing homes and assisted living centers in the Traverse City area. In addition to several nurse practitioners and a physician assistant currently practicing with Dr. Jackson, Dr. Peter Viall and Dr. Sara Roth will join the practice this fall. Northwest Michigan Long Term Care Specialists 1000 Pavilions Circle, Traverse City (231) 932-3800 office phone (231) 645-9112 Dr. Jackson’s cell (use for clinical calls only) (231) 932-3801 office fax William F. Lange, MD, Practicing at iNDIGO Health Partners Dr. William Lange, hospital medicine, has relocated to iNDIGO Health Partners. iNDIGO Health Partners 1105 Sixth St., Traverse City, MI (231) 935-5000 phone (231) 922-9271 fax Providers Who Are No Longer Practicing The following providers have retired or left the area recently: • Drew Collins, MD; Traverse City • Benjamin Gielda; Traverse Bay Radiation Oncologists, Traverse City • Robert Green, DO; Elk Rapids Also, a reminder that the following physicians have retired or are no longer practicing: • Clifford Alan, DO • Thomas Auer, MD • Thomas Bannow, DO • Thomas Doerr, MD • Annelle Kaspor, FNP; West Front • Sally Miller, DO Primary Care, Traverse City • Robert Schwert, DO (still practices • Luis Oxholm, DO; Traverse City in Cadillac) • Judith Ramsdell, MD; Traverse City •William Smith, MD • David Riddle, DO; Northern Lakes CMH, Traverse City • Douglas Wigton, DO • Maria Ruiz, MD; Great Lakes Spine, Sports & Pain, Cadillac • Lorah Wright, DO • Tina Smith, MD; Kids Creek Children’s Clinic, Traverse City • Steven Young, MD For those practices with an EMR, please update your records. For additional information, call HealthLink at (231) 935-5886 or 1-800-533-5520. Page 6 | Practice Pro | June/July 2014 munsonhealthcare.org/ForPhysicians
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