CO – OPERATION: FOR FUTURE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Hope for Children works together with the Swedish Pentecostal Churches, their missionorganization PMU Interlife and Free Pentecostal Churches in Tanzania. MEMBERSHIP: Hope for Children welcomes membership from anywhere for good reasons all over the country. Membership allowance 5000 Tsh per year. Marie-Louise Andersson HFC Director P.O.Box: 10501 Arusha Tanzania Tel: +255 755 038427 Sävare Jutagården 6 531 91 Lidköping Sweden +46 510 50908 , +46 702334698 E-mail: (HFC) BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Yonah Sumary Goodluck Laizer Elisamia R. Nnko Lucas Mbila Asha Mohamed Jeremia Stephano Julius Molell Christohper Pallanyo Ingela Skarp Marie-L Andersson Morgan Andersson Chairman Secretary Elisamia R Nnko +255 755 842986 Hazze Sandström Bondstorp, Sörängsliden 32 57790 Månsarp +46 393 40010 Godluck Laizer +255 754823341 Evan Gustafsson Bokvägen 9 53158 Lidköping +46 510 68506 SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT: 1. Every child has an inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. 2. States parties to present charter shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the survival, protection and development of the child. 3. Death sentence shall not be pronounced for crimes committed by children. Janet Pendaeli Matron HFC +255 765 828824 MANAGEMENT: Treasure: Director: Marie-Louise Andersson Hazze Sandström Phone: +255 755 038427 Sweden Vice director: Advicer: Elisamia R Nnko Evan Gustafsson Phone: +255 755 842986 Sweden HOPE FOR CHILDREN (HFC) IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT OUR WORK: Name: Stiftelsen for Hope For Children SE-banken, Gothenburg Accountnumber: 5003 1002439 IBAN: SE 245000000005003 1002439 BIC/SWIFTcode: ESSESESS OFFICE LOCATION: Hope For Children Sakina area. The road up to White Rose restaurant. Arusha Tanzania P.O. Box: 10501 ARUSHA Tanzania Phone: + 255 755 294008 E-mail: ESTABLISHMENT ACTIVITIES: MISSION: INTRODUCTION: By conducting and implementing the above objectives Hope for Children focuses on the following activities: HOPE FOR CHILDREN is a non-profit making NGO (non governmental organization) established in 2006 and registered under the TZ Society of Home Affairs. Our registration no. is 14151. Hope for Children as an organization focuses on poverty eradication among orphans and vulnerable children by improving their life in providing Children at risk, either children who are in a process of becoming orphans or children who are unable to stay with their families, will be identified in the villages. Hope for Children operates in the Masai-land around Arusha town. A selection will be made of the children with the most urgent needs. They will be taken care of in our centre in Arusha until a permanent solution is found. Fosterfamilies will take care of the children after the stay in our centre. The children will be supported and follow-up visits will be made from our centre. The children are given basic education in our centre before they can join the primary school of the government. Courses will be given in the villages about IGA and HIV/Aids and environment skills like water cisterns for harvesting rainwater, water filters, keeping livestock and better farming skills. Rights to education Awareness of children’s rights Establish foster homes or a better home situation where they are. OUR DREAM AND VISION: A stable community at all levels; for education, physical and mental health. A good nation which is empowered by economic, political, governmental and family strength. The society can maintain their families and know their responsibility for the family structure. People who know well the Word of God through some teaching. MAIN OBJECTIVES: To facilitate that vulnerable children and orphans get an education and increase their livelihood options as they grow. To decrease the number of street-children in Arusha, especially girls. To establish income generating activities (IGA) among the widows who have a big burden of many children to take care of. Also to train about the environment in the villages such as harvesting rainwater, building water filters and latrine slabs. To increase the awareness about HIV/Aids in the villages by training a group of people who then can give the education individually to the villagers. The project will be a part of strengthening the relationship between the local church/FPCT, village government and the villagers. TARGET GROUPS: Children at risk in villages surrounding Arusha, mainly girls but not excluding boys, between 5-12 years old of age and their families. Choosing girls as the primary target group is relevant, considering that many NGOs in Arusha principally target boys because boys are easier to find. Another factor of relevance is to choose girls between five and twelve years, because the older they get, the bigger the risk that they could have involved themselves in prostitution, which would require a special type of capacity from the project’s side. The families of the children are also a target group to the project, either the foster families that will require support or the existing families that will require another kind of assistance.
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