Independent - Leader NEWS From Allthe Community imlrnt-Leader Carteret Press EDISON-FORDS BEACON (E. B.) - Carteret Press AVENEL - "For the Life of a Child," a film from the National Foundation was shown and narrated by Edward Wilson, chairman of the foundation's speakers' bureau, nt a meeting of tho Avenel Woman's Club, In his talk, Mr. Wilson stated that although the foundation's first goal isto help polio victims and encourage innovations, it is very concerned with arthritis ant! birth defects. Mr. Wilson noted lhat over 300,000 youngsters in the United States has arthritis and no cure has been found yet. He announced that help is availn!)lc in Middlesex County without charge, for children up to age 18 who suffer from arthritis or birth (Infects. Donations were made to the March of Dimes. Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, Mental Health, Cerebral Palsy, American Red Cross, Heart Foundation and the Woodbridge Chapter of the Cancer Society. Mrs. Joseph Wukovets, presigrade students in St. James School, The poster contest is part of thp^bscrvnnre of Catholic Press Month and prizes dent, apointed Mrs, Francis Clooney chate man of HehnusDay will be awarded atthe CDA tea Sunday afternoon. By The Start ,Hlv HI by another a big chunk of ., complete surprise tomost people in this Town '!\i.'nilicanf fact brought out by Mayor Waller Zir a debate on the Board of Education that- when Chief Ncls LnuriUen retires next chief of police In the department . . . (Mtl )[T(I n,;it this would save the taxpnyers some $0,000 •liter the complete control of the deportment would Dim-tor Joseph Galassi, Who receives $14,000 a rr sl n PAGE NINR Woman's Club Sees Dimes Film On Green Street • rrd carPet The reason? Communities We Serve. Thursday, February 13, 1964 WINDOW Lhat A Newspaper Dedicated tothe Bert Interests of the Residents off the In the Woodbridge Township school budget reached ,, ' hiKh and won comparable, or more so to last ,• iinltction. There was much bUteroen on both .s ,|,r Democratic party wa» split wide open with one " 'S along with Mayor Walter Zirpoto and a large of thr same party making an all-out effort to win l i nt The candidates took a back seat inthis record [j()ll ,nr a Hoard of Education election, • hoar ofPuree of St, Hubert soup? We had the trylim some ot the Liberty Sportsman^ Club WHICH WI1X UK TllK WINNER?: Donald Hutnirk, Joseph s • tirld m the LH*r<y Tavwn, Fords. And, Gadek^NfBry Crns\» and Nanry I-ogue aro seen abov« lookii - it was venison aoup. St, Hubert Is the ing over some of th(* posters in a contest sponsored by Court to he held March 5. Hi Mercedes, Catholic Daughters o f America for seventh and ,',[ the Mighty Hunter," It was altogether different Plans were made to attend and ,Mn. ue have ever lasted. Credit (or this concoction participate in the sixth district > hud chef of the affair, Geza Kiss, who Is also the ,u in the kitchen at the famous Old Hcidclburg in New £1' Ho ;iUo prtpnrcd special home-made sausage (simv home chairman, stated the club K I;IO made out of venison meat. will enter the sewing contest, Mrs. 4i enjoyed the delicious dinner, A keynote of the, Wukovets and Mrs. San Fillipo the. Mining of the Negro piano player, Harry Jones, \.l WOODBRIDGE The Woman's I accepted an invitation to attend ,n a hit with his singing of authentic Hungarian and WOODBRIDGE-Mary Varick, ning at 2:30 p. m., in the Knights!Club ofWoodbridge will partici- the History Club of Sewaren, ., aluiig with renditions in several other languages. pate in the community improve- April 15. author of "Not Without Tears' 1 , of Columbus auditorium. mem program sponsored by the conthe\p me The sixui sixth ^aisina district^ spring Spring Conwill bethe guest speaker at the Mrs. Varick will speak of the|ment c misralulations to "E4" and "Ted", proprietor* of Bud's annual book tea sponsored by experiences which led her to write " General Federation of W<ffl*n's|[«enMW^ ll( ()n the owning tomorrow, Valentine*! Day, of their new. Court Mercedes, Catholic Daugh- and the problems facing anjClubs in cooperation with The the Colonv Club of Cranford as "(lover Room". They w o w e d that there will Sears-Roebuck Foundation. Anhostess club. Deadline for reserters of America, Sunday, begin- author. every Friday and Saturday Bight tothe music of The program will also feature official entry card denoting thisjvations is MRrch 17. ^ yw Court Mercedes to Hold Women Planning ec a Annual Book Tea Sunday PP * l HI. ac ,. Hud's Hut trio. M MRS. FRANK M. 3MILANO fl^ftf T\ Tvr - | r\ • * WOVtll Kll€8 "6/TOr/IZC(J OH utttMluOV dramatic and humorous sketches tion was mailed to the General ". Harry DeLeo, civics char* " AVENEL - Saturday afternoon presented by Miss Frances Federation Headquarters i n man, urged members tovote at '1 of today's edition is worth $31.40 insavings to our ot the First Presbyterian Church, Crouch and Miss Susan Cerulo, Washington, D, C.( by the presi- the board of education election, liutid cleaners isoffering ten valuable coupons for dry A report on good cheer was given Woodbridge, Miss Janice Jeralyn ttlei students a t St, Mary's High dent, Mrs. Mabel Naylor. -met laundering services now through April 4th. Jtu, DeWorth, daughter of Mr.and School, Perth Amboy. The purpose offoeCommunity | » ul\ Ge?T& R y™. and take them to your nearby Bond Clcanw tin Gutowski announced a final n Mrs. Gerald PeWorth, 17 Chaso Prizes will be .^wanted to the Improvement Program is to proAVENEL — A new series of report has been sent to the Avenue, became the brido o( U'f. seventh and eighth grade students vide information, inspiration and sermons on 'The Way of the munity Imorovement Progrrram. Frank Michael Milano, son of Mr. 0 of St. James School who subincentive for every federated 1 VINCENT MAHTINO Cross" will begin February 16, atmitted the best posters depicting womanfs club to join with co* A spring hat sale is to be held I AVENEL - "Husbands Night" and Mrs. John D. Milano, 190 •U'owlbridge merchants planning apedftl bargains for 1 the First Presbyterian Church. the purpose of Catholic Press operative forces in the community February 29 at the Superior Artwas featured at the February Strawberry Hill, Woodbridqe, The i,hmt;t<m s Birthday, Sec next week's paper for complete i The Rev.'Dr. Charles S. MacKenCleaners. Avenel Street. Hats will meeting of Sisterhood B'nai Jacob, Rev. Charles S. MacKenzie officiletails. Incidontly, Spring Fashions are already being shown Month. to improve its economic, social zie will preach on "The Magnebe on disnlav from February 23, The Woodbridge Chapter of Ha-ated. it our Main Street stores. . . . It won't be long Mrs. Vincent Logue, chairman, and cultural condition*, tism of the Cross" atthe 8, 9, 10 dassah presenteddan ldh i original i l •can Given in marriage by her father announced Mrs. William has announced the tea will and 11 a.m. services. The Rev Mahon, co-chairmen, tata, "What is Torah?" The canDEATH TO THE No, 1 K i U E R the bride wore a full length ;H and guests. ^ere^ John M. Robertson will preach at - AL ^ . .u Tickets are still available for tata, written by Judas and Iragown of satin peau with appliques Tickets may w attained at the A> w»t people know, the month of February is nationally prize winners in the states then ft Anrjl 6b u gW nt oN e w York Eisensteto, w a s directed by Mrs. the 12:15 service. Th$ Westminat the haraline and designed wiih * "Heart Month." We know and remember that Heart door. ster Choir will ling1 '"lie Glory of compete for 10 national prizes.All in|Chester Willis, Woodbridge; ac- an empire bodice and a cha^l PO*T REAPING - Y t a * R, t t a e Forty Days' a M a.m. The if >d vessel diseases ™ won bythe clubs the cash companied by Mrs, HHmer Brown, length train. Her three-trercd h i d MaiUAo. candidate for Pire (km* •III.MJ more deaths in the United States each year than aS Choraleers under the direction of for the benefit of Albrecht, chairman. Carteret and staged by Emanuel. misstoner, District No. 2, has isof French UIIHT causes combined. Mrs. H. T. Smith will sirjg "Jesus the community, according to the 1 Goldfarb. Appointment of Mrs. George sued the following statement: was attached to a crown of pea •% They disable more Americans than any other disease or Stand Among Us" at 10 a.m. At **, rules. In conjunction with Brotherhood Mroz as chairman of the nominaand crystals, and she carried a "The $6,000.00 budget reduction 11 a.m. the Chancel (adult) Choir disorder. A scrapbook will be submitted tions committee was announced Month, Mrs. Ister. program vi«! hife New Testament. 3, They cause one out ofevery two death* between the ageclaim for the Port Beading Fire sing Moiart's "Jesu Joy of .(by the Woman's Club outlining bv Mrs. Wukovets. Mrs. Andrew president, gave a report on racial District No. 2 is the gross mis* Man's Desiring." Elder Fred Mc- MILLBURN - Liza Minnelli" three projects the club is sponol 46 - 64. Oalisin was named alternate and segregation Reports were sub- was maid of honor. Bridesmaids statement of the year. Simply by 4 "1 iicy cost the nation's industry 72 million man days of Colley will speak on "An Eye For community and Mrs. William mitted by Mrs. Irving Malina, were Miss Carol Greco, Avene!; comparing the budgets of 1963 An Eye" at the 8 p.m. Singspirpruductiim annually. ment. Thea , committee members. raffle chairman and Mrs. Stephen Miss Bemadette Urasz, Colonia, and 1964 one can readily see that ation service. In thy sfmch for new knowledge to combat this dreaded dLs Barron Public Library* An oro- Kaplan, p , Golden Book chairman, and Miss Roberta Shelly, Iselin, An international relations wo the operating budget of 1964 is Playhouse in Millbum. "Carniicntists hove done much through examinations and studies Citizens Club, and the S t u d e n t ] ^ ^ is b e d d e d for Wednes- Mrs. Joseph Herzfeld, religious The first in a series of special val," the musical which opened Loan Fund. William Alexander, Perth Amir tlu; past 30 years. Ninety millions of heart dollars contn increased by $177.80, not reduced day's meeting at 8:15 P.m. M r s . p t shop chairman, displayed new Lenten services began yesterday on Tuesday evening for a four by .$5,000 as is claimed. boy served as best man. Ushers led by the public for the Heart Fund have resulted infrsusMroz will have a display of forIsraeli pottery and many symfrom 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. in the week run at the Paper Mill is a "The operating budget for 1963 were John Corej and Joseph improvement in the mortality rate from Heart and bloot eipn dolls and will ta'k on life bolic Passover gifts. Sanctuary. The soloist will be whole circus on Sage. was $32,193.40 which included $3,Borbely, both of P»rth Amboy, uses. This is certainly u major change from tht Members were reminded that behind the Iron Curtain, Mrs. Henry T. Smith. Rev. JoFor the delectation of adult and 250 for a capital improvement and James Keating, Woodbridge. itiU'ly a heart attack when a personwho April 8 is the date of the Mctord child audiences there is a tramGerald M. DeWorth, South Amto ret,re from acUve life and ordered to Blow bingo at School 22 in Colonia, nitjr. He was an instructor at OgdertsburgiN . polette act, a dog act, a stiltboy, nephew of the bride, t:ikn rt Mrs. Sol Slotnick was announced the University of Tokyo Dental l w l wajfce* * #ife~£bo¥ of ring-bearer. As the President of 'Middlesex County Heart Associate, dress SchoolfornwiteBrs an$"a-Tri*m -Dr. l Including a fat lady and a bearded w^J be in The 9th ft tiWle wow a navy blue A* 1 club. >tm to help your Heart and others' tobe sustained an. lady and other'weirdos. There local dentist, will be the speaker ber of the Japanese Society - of charge of the Junior High h F Fellowl l line sheath with navy accessories ue by aiding this year to fight this "deadly killer" during Gam* night will be held Saturare areialists, jugglers, midgets, at Tuesday's parent-education Cultural and ArtOrganization 113 .20 and does not con-ship meting tomorrow at 7:30 for traveling to the Pocono Mounday with Joel Dlusash, chairman. \ l%4. Please call Middlesex County Heart Association puppets and Marco the Magnifi- meeting sponsored by School 23 which is presently headed by John tain any capital improvements or p.m. Trie study of Luke will be tains, Pa. February 23 is the date of the , and offer your services tohelp others. P.T.A. Mrs. Bernard W. Freed- D. Rockefeller, III. irt«#nh n p f W p r iincreases in Firemen's Annual continued with the topic "The Im- cen Mrs. Milano, a 1961 Graduate second of four entertainment serOn stage with al! the hoopla, man, 60 Cozy Corner, will be Mrs. Feiler, the former Yoshiko ies with "Three From Judea" of Woodbridge High- School, was josepn ^ w * ^ c o m pe n s a ti o n i By simply com- portance of Possessions," Rev. hostess at the affair which starts Ohnuki of Tokyo, is ateacher of paring and subtracting, the 1964 Robtrtson will bring the closing color and cotton candy of the graduated from Berkeley SecreLou Mason featured. OUR PEOPLE Japanese flower decoration and '^Carnival" of the title is Liza at 8:30 p. m. is being increased by message. terial School, East Orange, and budget was disholiday I've just been thinking all day long, arrangement in New York City. Minnelli as the waif who finds a "What Parents can do to SeThe first meeting of the newly is secretary to salesmen's ser$177. Ail interested parents who wish cused by Mrs. Philip Brand, And I just can't see "I can readily see whythere is formed personnel committee was world and love with th* carnival cure and Maintain Best Dental vices at Johnson & Johnson Inc., aism in the Home chairman. The Why 1 talk about you and Care for Their Chil-lto attend and have not made resa $6,000 smoke screen reduction held with Kenneth Hunt, chair- people. Scott Merrillr who ori-Health New Brunswick. 11 celebration of this nne-dav holiday And you talk about me. claim onthe budget, since the man, presiding. Other members ginated the role of ."Mack the dren will be Dr. Feiler's topic, ervations are requested to call starts The bridegroom, a I960 gradsunset February smoko is used to conceal the are Mrs. Joseph McClue, Mrs. Knife" in Threepenny Opera plays Born and raised in New Jersey, Mrs. Leo LaSalle, ME. 4-5649 or uate of St. Mary'3 High School, The biggest drawback to our people The Marco the Magnificent and David Dr. Feiler was graduated from Mrs. Freedman, ME, 4*9436. $177.80 budget increase which youJRobert Haxman, Mrs. Paul ChomPerth Amboy, is attending Seton And I know that you agree Book of Esther constitutes niversity of Maryland. He The executive board will meet meetF the taxpayer, will have to pay. iak, Mrs. Wm. Kubovetz, Mrs. Daniels isthe puppejfcer, who isthe University Hall University and is a superAre the things, 1 say about you the r i n d a feat re h e s at first bitter and thenfindshapwas a member of the Alpha today at 8p. m. with Mrs. John P P " '" , vnIt is most amazing that an InHartley Field, Ralph Maffeo and visor for Paul-Char Builders Inc., And Che things you say about me. agogue service. The festival repiness with LilL Omega National Dental Frater-lMcGuinn, 336 Prospect Avenue. cumbent fire commissioner could|ReV. MacKenzie. Woodbridge. calls the deliverance of the Jews If you see a person digging 1 make a claim such as this, and I of Persia through the intervention For a higher hope or stakes ask for your support so that a The recent Kinus, United Syft of Queen lEsthec and her Uncle Don't try to make it hard for him capable person can be elected on agogue Youth weekend conven Mordecai from a threatened masBy whispering around his mistakes. the Board of Fire Commissioners, sacre planned by Haman, thetion, was attended by apprpxira District No. 2. You make mistakes, you know; king's Prime Minister. Children ately 100 young people from sevei narticinate in this joyous cele- neighboring communities. Prayer I make them too,I find SCOUTS INVESTED bration by participating ih page- song, inquiry and dance helpe< 1 don't Intend to broadcast yours FORDS - Margaret PinQnics of ants, carnivals and parties. A maintain the theme, "Perpetua So p^ase don't broadcast mine. Keasbey and Janet Pado, Fords, Purim party will he held for thetion of Judaism in the Home" un were invested by Girl Scout Troop I think a.loljf .about our people. children Sunday, March 1, at the the advisorship of David Lem 1 180 last week, and were welcomed 1 wi« thjt it could be. temple. berg. to the troop by Mrs. Michael OnAn example for ( ^ r y person <%ko, kMd«v ttd MUft Lois Britton, co-leader. After the can8o let this, be our slogan, dlelight ceremony, refreshments Our world would grander be, ; were served. If I don't talk about you And you don't talk about me! Has A Wonderful Selection Of —Unknown. Sermon Series Begins Sunday Chapter Holds SIHusbands' Night Martino Hits Fire Budget Liza Minnelli At Paper Mfll PTA 23 to Hear Local Dentist :..i GOLDBLATT'S in Rahway UP WITH YOUR HOME TOWN NEWS Gifts ForYour Valentine reatest ! RASS BUCK YOUR CREDIT ISGOOD customers garuients 1! 'H» AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY J f ,f } , S IDaE and PUBLISHING CO Qlnrkta N HEON tlwl osed please flind $4.00 fora newsub'nptionto ($5.00 out of State) St IN DEPENDENT-LEADER t. ARTERET PRE83 o be sent to; Unity 11:30 t»*1:00 P.M • Bracelet* • Wrist Watches Cultured Pearls • Necklace ami Diamond Kings Marring Sets Hirtlitttone Kings • T i e Bar aptl (luff Leather Wallets jJnk SetN roHtuine Jnvelrj Hi-Fi Sets • Charm Bracelets PAY AS LITTLE AS $2 WEEKLY J.JU tu 11:00 P.M. t'rlday Noou 'TU 10 P.M. BUCKET AMU •*•*»»»•^*H 'OWN Charcoal Steakbouse s » & MAIN WOODBUIUUE (Include Zip Code) tVJ" GOLDBLATT'S JEWELERS "Railway's Oldest Established Jeweler" 8 1 E. (Jierry Street I'hunc I'll 8-lti67 Rahway
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