2014 Newsletter Vol 4.6

VOLUME 4.6 | 19 November 2014
Please click on the Table of Contents
to navigate through the newsletter
Acting Principal1
Upcoming events/term dates
Acting Head of Senior Schooling
Head of Junior Schooling
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
Drama Department6
Music Department6
Director of Activities
Parents & Friends Association
College Shop9
College Tuckshop10
Acting Principal
On Monday, I had the privilege of attending the G20 International
Dialogue on Women in Leadership with four of our senior student
leaders. With the release of the G20 Brisbane Summit Leaders’
Communique and aspirations to bring 100 million additional
women into the workforce, we were privy to much discussion
and debate on how this target will be achieved. In an effort to
act together to lift growth and create jobs, the G20 Leaders
agreed to this goal of reducing the gap in participation rates
between men and women by 25 percent by 2025. The end goal
is to significantly increase global growth and reduce poverty and
inequality. The Honourable Leneen Forde AC stressed that we
cannot talk about economic implications for the world without
addressing gender equality. Our girls were asked to respond to a
variety of questions and when the microphone was put before them, in a room full of some of the
world’s most influential women, their responses were articulate, considered and intelligent. Our
future is in good hands.
Congratulations to two of our Clayfield music students who have been recognised and honoured
by the Australian Girls’ Choir:
• Jacquie B has been awarded the leadership role of Soprano 2 leader for the Brisbane Chapter
of the Australian Girls’ Choir for 2015.
• Charlotte B has been named the 2015 June Bronhill Scholar for Queensland. This award is
bestowed on one girl from each state, who in their opinion, has the most vocal prowess that
she could have a career in the performing arts should she choose to do so.
Mrs Price and her Sports Department hosted a very successful Sportswomen’s Dinner recently. The
event was well attended by parents and students. Guest speaker, Clare Polkinghorne, Matildas
co-captain and captain of the Brisbane Roar in the Australian W-League delivered an inspirational
address to our students. She outlined her recipe for success which included hard work and
intelligent decision-making to enable her dreams to come to reality. It was a wonderful celebration
of sport at Clayfield College.
Finally, congratulations to Georgia T who has been named as a finalist in the 2014 Search for the
Next Tech Girl Superhero sponsored by the University of Queensland. Winners will be announced
early in December and we wish Georgia well as we await the final results.
College Notices11
Community Classifieds & Notices
Contact Us
23 Gregory Street
Clayfield Qld 4011 Australia
PO Box 387
Clayfield Qld 4011
P: (07) 3262 0262
F: (07) 3262 0225
E: info@clayfield.qld.edu.au
School Hours
8:30am - 3:05pm
Administration Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm
Provider Code
Report an Absentee
Please notify us of your child’s absence early
in the morning of the day of the absence. We
will telephone the parents of all children whose
absences are not accounted for.
Years 1-5: Phone 3262 0274
Years 6-12: Phone 3262 0256
A School of the Presbyterian and
Methodist Schools Association
Best wishes
Ms Paulina Skerman
Acting Principal
Upcoming Events
Semester 2 / Term 4
i n v i tat i o n
Carols by Twilight
Thursday 20 November
Tu e s d a y 2 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4
Friday 21 November
Clayfield College invites families to celebrate the festive season at our annual
Carols by Twilight.
Bring a picnic rug or chairs and join in the fun.
6pm arrival for 6.30pm start
Leopard Terrace, Junior Schooling Precinct
Yr12 Activities Week
8:40am Junior Schooling Assembly
9:00am - 10:30am Volunteers Thank You
Morning Tea (Boarding House)
10:30am Yr12 Farewell Assembly (PE Centre)
1:30pm - 2:30pm Boys’ Soccer Roar
If you wish to support those in need this Christmas please bring along a gift for a child your age to put under our
Givit Kids Christmas tree. Presents do not need to be wrapped and will be distributed to children who are at risk
or homeless.
6:00pm Yr12 Thanksgiving Service & Valedictory
Monday 24 November - Tuesday 25 November
BLOCK EXAMS Yrs10 & 11
Save the Date
Wednesday 26 November
BLOCK EXAMS Yr s10 & 11
Public Speaking Competition Yr7 (Chapel)
We are thrilled to be able to share with you
the date for our Clayfield College Foundation
- Audi Centre Brisbane Dinner Dance, Friday
27 March 2015.
This evening will be a wonderful opportunity
for our community to enjoy a night with friends
whilst supporting the College. The event will be
held at one of Brisbane’s most unique venues,
Cloudland in the stunning Rainbow Room.
Stay tuned for updates early in Term 1 2015, in
the meantime mark the date in your diary and
start organising your table of 10.
Clayfield College Foundation - Audi Centre Brisbane
Dinner Dance
Join us for a night of fine food, music and company
Friday, 27 March 2015
Thursday 27 November
BLOCK EXAMS Yr s10 & 11
Public Speaking Competition Yr6 (Chapel)
Friday 28 November
BLOCK EXAMS Yrs10 & 11
8:40am Junior Schooling Assembly
Interhouse Softball Carnival Yrs 6 & 7 - Shaw
Tuesday 2 December
9:00am 2015 Prep - Year 12 New Students
You will surely wear yourself out, both you and these people with
you. For the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.
(Exodus 18:18)
This is the warning that Moses’ father-in-law Jethro gives to
Moses. Maybe the older man has experienced more of life and
has learnt from his mistakes. Perhaps Jethro’s daughter has been
confiding in her dad and sharing her concern that Moses is
working too hard and has no time or energy left for his family.
However it transpired, we know that Jethro had the wisdom
to recognise that Moses was overdoing it and was taking on a
workload that was unsustainable. He was an elder statesman
who was respected and in a position to counsel Moses and history shows that Moses listened
and shared his workload.
If we have a responsible job or have family members relying on us we may carry an expectation
which makes us think we are indispensible. We may feel that if we don’t do the job then no-one
As God spoke to Moses through the wise words of Jethro, God also speaks to us reminding us
that we are not meant to go it alone when the task gets too heavy.
Rev Paul Yarrow
Information Morning
12:30pm - 3:30pm Second Hand Book Sales
(Assembly Hall)
6:30pm Clayfield College Carols by Twilight
(Leopard Terrace)
Wednesday 3 December
Final Middle and Senior Schooling Assembly
Thursday 4 December
Junior Schooling Celebration Christmas
Middle and Senior Students House Activities
12:00pm School Finishes
2015 Term Dates
Term 1: 27 January - 1 April
Term 2: 20 April - 19 June
Term 3: 13 July - 18 September
Term 4: 6 October - 4 December
Acting Head of Senior Schooling
As we prepare to farewell our Year 12 students this week I thought
it would be timely to highlight the skills of a “self-reliant graduate”
and how these skills are fostered and nurtured at Clayfield College.
I have personally met with each and every Year 12 student in this
past semester and I am confident that each of them is well and
truly ready to embark on their chosen journey with gusto and
determination. They have all had the opportunity throughout
their schooling here at Clayfield College to identify their own
skills, values, interests, strengths and differentiating factors.
Through subject area experiences and wider school involvement
these young women have explored and created opportunities
to innovate, investigate, research, identify and support others in
need. Action planning and organising schedules has become
the norm for our young scholars, who have become skilled at incorporating goal setting and the
necessary contingency plans when things do not go quite to plan.
Women Industry Network breakfasts, guest speakers and other forums and experiences have
allowed for the development and nurturing of a network of people for advice and information.
The struggle of assessment demands and other commitments has developed the ability to
understand and acknowledge personal priorities and constraints both within and outside of
one’s control. Our young women have also been afforded opportunities to make informed
decisions and work as part of a team to negotiate and appreciate the power of reaching “win/
win” agreements.
Inspirational speeches by Ms Skerman on Assembly has shed light on current global issues
and allowed for students to begin to understand the complex tensions and power struggles
within and between global organisations. This creates a growing awareness of the location of
power and influence and the need for young people to adapt goals in the light of changing
circumstances and take myriads of tiny risks in order to reach their dreams.
Through a rich and engaging program here at the College we hope that a life-long love of
learning has been fostered and that the engaging lessons designed by teachers have provided
opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and how it relates to the real world. The
overarching building of self-confidence in our young women has promoted the need for a
personal sense of self-worth, not dependent on performance.
lunch.indd 1
Please click image to view fulll size invitation
in College Notices
24/10/2014 4:53:27 PM
All in all, your daughters are provided and encouraged on a daily basis to engage with their
learning and develop and nurture the skills and dispositions necessary to be a ‘self-reliant
graduate’ in the 21st Century.
Farewell Year 12 2014 and on behalf of the Clayfield College Senior Schooling Community we
take this opportunity to wish you well and hold you in our prayers, for a life full of good health
and happiness.
Please Note: Speech Night Photo Ordering Online Now Available, please click here to be
directed to details in College Notices.
Ms Amber Shaw
Acting Head of Senior Schooling
Head of Careers and Vocational Education
Head of Junior Schooling
• Hats must be worn by boys (boater) and girls (Panama hat) to and from school regardless of the form of transport used.
• Hats must always be clean and in a good state of repair.
• The sun safe bucket style hats or the legionnaire’s hats must be worn by all students whilst in the playground at morning tea and lunch. A ‘no hat - no play, no fun today’ policy is enforced.
• Only those students who participate in Andrews Cup may wear the Clayfield College sports cap and it can only be worn during Andrews Cup events. The students are not to wear the Clayfield College sports cap in the school yard.
• All hats are available from the College Shop.
China Study Tour 2015: After such a successful trip to China earlier this term, we are again
considering the possibility of having a group of Year 6 and 7 students participate in a study
tour to China in October 2015. Provided there is sufficient interest, we would again like to make
this study tour a reality. Expression of interest letters were emailed home to all Year 5 and 6
students last week. Please return the forms at your earliest convenience so that the appropriate
arrangements can start to be made. More information on this year’s tour can be found on www.
On Thursday 4 December, we have our final Assembly of the year - the Junior Schooling
Celebration Christmas Assembly in the Assembly Hall at 8:40am. Not only will we be handing
out the final certificates for the year, we will be celebrating the festive season. We will also be
thanking the hard working mums from the Junior Support Group as well as the Parent Class
Coordinators. The Years 1 & 5 classes and a number of students from various music groups will
be performing items. All parents are invited to attend this Christmas Assembly. Afterwards we
will be having morning tea on the verandahs for P-4 and the Year 5 classes will meet in the
Amphitheatre. The coffee and snow cone vans will again be available in the Business Office car
park. Parents are then welcome to take their children home for a well-deserved and relaxing
holiday break.
Junior Schooling Upcoming Events
Wednesday 19
3:30pm Andrews Cup Sports Awards
Friday 21
8:40am Junior Schooling Assembly
9:00am - 10:30am Volunteers Thank You
Morning Tea (Boarding House)
1:30pm - 2:30pm Boys Soccer - Roar
Friday 28
8:40am Junior Schooling Assembly
Tuesday 2
9:00am 2015 Prep - Year 12 New Students
Information Morning
12:30pm - 3:00pm Second Hand Book Sales
(Assembly Hall)
6:30pm Clayfield College Carols by Twilight
(Leopard Terrace)
Thursday 4
8:40am Junior Schooling Celebration and
Christmas Assembly (Assembly Hall)
REMINDER: Clayfield College Carols Night on Tuesday 2 December at 6:30pm on Leopard
Terrace. Don’t miss this festive event.
All student report cards and other information for 2014 will be able to be accessed on Parent
Lounge during the first week of the school holidays. Please ensure that the College has your
current email address so that you receive these important documents.
All remaining lost property will be displayed in the last week of school outside Junior Schooling
Please Note: Speech Night Photo Ordering Online Now Available, please click here to be
directed to details in College Notices.
Year 3 student Padraic T who has had the following achievements recently.
He achieved an A+ in his Voice and Communication AMEB (Preliminary) exam.
He also was a semi finalist in the Nudgee Junior Development Tennis Tournament in the
10U and a semi finalist in the Shaw Park Tournament 10U. Well done!
Mrs Sue Hendriks
Head of Junior Schooling
Tuckshop Volunteers for 2015 - can you Help?
i n f o r m at i o n m o r n i n g
A Flying Start for Clayfield Students
9.00am-10.00am, Tuesday 2 December
Chapel, Clayfield College
As part of A Flying Start for Clayfield Students and our
Information Morning activities, we invite our 2015 Year
6 parents and students to join us for an information
session to explain how this year level will look and feel
next year.
We look forward to sharing our vision with you.
Clayfield College Tuckshop operates from Monday – Thursday each week.
Maybe you can gather a group of Mums/Dads to be rostered together.
This is a lovely way to make friends of parents in your child’s grade. We
have many groups who love their Tuckshop day for this very reason.
Please click image to view fulll size invitation
in College Notices
Click here to be directed to “College Tuckshop” for more information!
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
G20 Experience
Two Clayfield College students had the opportunity of a
lifetime last weekend when they saw President Obama speak
at the University of Queensland. The three-hour wait, half of it
queueing outside the UQ Centre, was forgotten the moment
the charismatic US President stepped into the crowded hall.
President Obama did not need to woo the crowd, but started
anyway with some winning banter about Bris Vegas, “giving it a
burl” and the natural warmth of the Australian people. Apparently
without notes or prompts, the President spoke for about 40
minutes about his administration’s role as a Pacific power.
While Obama talked about the importance of global financial
security, strengthening alliances and modernising defence strategies, our Community Service
Captains elect, Eloise Hay and Grace Shaw, were particularly impressed by his statement that a
nation could be measured by the way in which it values the rights and talents of its women. He
also stressed the need to act according to core values, to protect human rights and to champion
the individual. His climate change policy statements earned cheers from the young audience.
Two former Clayfield College students of note were also part of the invited audience. Kate Row
who recently spoke at the Women’s Industry Network Breakfast, and Ellen Stay, who has spent the
last year working at a consulate in Sydney before beginning a Master’s Degree in International
Relations, were also thrilled to see the President.
Service Trip to India
In less than two weeks, thirteen students and two members of staff head to southern India to
work in Amar Seva Sangam, a school for disabled children. Last year, the College donated $6000
to the Sangam which was used to build a verandah on their dining hall. Given that the Sangam
is providing accommodation and meals during our stay, we would like to make a substantial
donation again this year. If you can donate even a small amount we would be grateful for your
support: students are paying all their own expenses. Please go to “Pay online” on the website.
Senior Jerseys
Year 11 students should have tried on and ordered Senior Jerseys for 2015 at the College Shop last
week. Payment is online through the website (Pay Online / make a payment / College excursions
etc / Select an event / Snr jerseys), and must be made by 21 November to secure the $100 price
and arrival in February 2015. Later payments will attract an additional fee and arrive later in the
year. Names on jerseys must be surname or usual first name (not nickname), and jerseys can be
worn with the sports uniform.
Senior Formal 2015
Year 11s are currently making plans for their Formal 21 February 2015 with the help of student
coordinator Emily Green and staff liaison Mrs Samantha Knott. The Formal will be held at Moda
Events, Portside.
Second Hand Books
Books may be handed into the College Shop anytime up to 2pm Friday 28 November. Please
ensure you have finished all assessment prior to handing books in. Forms must be completed
accurately and in full prior to handing in. Please have books in a plastic bag and allow enough
time for the checking of books against forms. Forms are available on both Parent Lounge and
the College website under the P & F.
End of Year Arrangements
Monday 1 December: Tuesday 2 December: Tuesday 2 December: Wednesday 3 December: Thursday 4 December: Debating Workshop for all existing and potential debaters. See Mrs Gibbs or Mrs Black for details.
Information Morning for all 2015 Prep to Year 12 new students
All Year 11s complete the RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) program at Chandler
Final Middle and Senior Schooling Assembly
Junior Schooling Christmas Celebration Assembly, Middle and Senior Schooling students House activities. All students to be collected by 12 noon.
Ms Jane Elliott
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
Drama Department
Year 9 Drama students have been entertaining our Junior Schooling students with new works
of Children’s Theatre written as whole class collaborative projects. Work on the plays began late
in Term 3, where each class chose age-appropriate morals to underpin the stories, and to help
to form original characters.
9A presented ‘The Farmer Wants a Life’, a story that promotes healthy eating where a group of
characters try to resist the charms of sweet treats. Class 9B performed ‘Lost in the Museum’, a
story about the importance of friendship, which followed the journey of a group of children who
go in search of a friend who is lost amongst strange exhibits at the museum. 9C’s show, titled
‘Spland’, was an adventure involving a boy conquering his fears as he travels to a mysterious new
land, full of superheroes.
The process of developing these plays was challenging because of the balance needed when
creating a work that is meaningful and entertaining. Added to this challenge was the creativity
needed to make a performance that is original and surprising. All of our Drama students have
enjoyed exploring the style of Theatre for Young People, learning along the way that working
in Drama is immensely satisfying, particularly when your audience is having a great time!
Aurora W and Georgina C playing sweet treats.
Kara H and Soraya M surprised by the Octopus.
The cast of 9C in action.
Ms Cathy Perry
Head of Drama
Music Department
As 2014 begins to draw to a close for our Middle and Senior ensembles and choirs, auditions
for placement in instrumental groups for 2015 will begin to take place. Auditions for all Concert
Bands (woodwind, brass and percussion) and strings will take place from Tuesday 25 November
and Thursday 27 November for Years 6-9 and all Senior Schooling students on Monday and
Tuesday 1-2 December. Sign on sheets are now in the Chalet for strings and Music Annex for
Bands. Please ensure you sign on as soon as possible. Please remember that auditions are not
meant to be stressful for students. They are an opportunity for the staff to hear how the students
are travelling in their instrumental studies and ensure they are placed in the appropriate group
for their ability. There is a group for everyone at Clayfield College!
2015 Music Tour
We are very excited to announce that planning for the 2015 Music Tour to Venice, Milan, Geneva
and Paris is well underway!
We will be holding an information evening in the Chapel on Tuesday 18 November at 7.00pm for
all parents and students. The itinerary, flight details and due dates for important documentation
to be received will be discussed.
If you cannot attend on Tuesday evening please email Mrs Nerida Atkinson on natkinson@
clayfield.qld.edu.au so we can ensure all of the relevant information is received.
A reminder that Tour Band rehearsals have commenced on Tuesday mornings at 7.15am. All tour
band girls are required to attend. Please ensure you collect your music from the Music Annex.
On Tuesday 2 December the annual Carols service will be held at 6.30pm in Lepoard Terrace.
Our Year 11 Music students together with Mezzo Choir, Brio String Quartet and the combined
Flute/Clarinet Choir will present items at this special event. Details will be emailed home to all
students and parents involved next week.
Our Junior Schooling musicians performed at the Proms concert last Thursday morning to a
very appreciative audience. It has been a wonderful year for our budding musicians in Junior
Schooling. We look forward to hearing Mezzo Choir at the Carols Service and Piccolo Choir at the
Christmas Celebration Assembly.
Sophia B (Year 5) who completed her Grade 2 trumpet exam and gained an A+ (High Distinction)
Isabelle P (Year 7) who gained an A (Honours) in her Grade 3 trumpet exam.
Isabelle J (Year 7) who gained an A (Honours) in her Grade 3 trumpet exam.
Mrs Angela Lockyer
Head of Music
Director of Activities
• Clayfield Gymnasts (Delta) performed very well at the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics National
Clubs competition in Geelong last week. This competition is a team event for Level 4 - 8 and
a team and individual all round event for Level 10. Well done to the following girls on these
outstanding results :
Level 6 Team
Isabelle M (Year 8) and Zoe H (Year 9)
Silver medal Vault and Bars
Bronze medal Floor
Fifth Place Beam
Fourth Place Overall
Level 7 Team
Nicola L (Year 8)
Gold medal Bars
Silver medal Beam
Fourth Place Floor and Vault
First Place Overall
Level 10 Team
Madison T (Year 8) and Amber F (Year 10)
Gold medal Vault
Silver medal Beam and Floor
Bronze medal Bars
Second Place Overall
Level 10 Individual All Around Competition
Madison T - 3rd Overall
Amber F - 17th Overall
Roopa B heads to the US for Tennis
We wish Roopa all the best for success as she heads overseas to compete in the two major
tennis events. She has qualified for the main draw of the Eddie Herr and the Orange Bowl
for her respective age group. She will be competing against other 12 under girls from all
over the world. There are over 108 other girls trying to get into the main draw and 46 direct
entries of which Roopa is 9th. Congratulations Roopa, we are all behind you.
Sportswomen’s Dinner
Many thanks to all those who attended the Sportswomen’s Dinner on Monday night to celebrate
the year of QGSSSA Sport and to recognise the achievements of our talented sportswomen. We
were very privileged to hear from outstanding guest speakers Claire Polkinghorne, captain of
the Matilda’s Australian Ladies Soccer team and Noel McBride, author and inspirational Clayfield
College coach for Athletics and Cross Country. Congratulations to all prizewinners on the
evening, particularly to the following girls who came away with the following awards:
Kath Walker Spirit of Sport Awards
Year 8 Prudence W
Year 9 Morgan A
Year 10 Milli B
Year 11 Darcie O’B
Year 12 Lauren S
Noel McBride Special Achievement Award : Sophie French
Sportswoman of the Year Awards
Year 8 Julianne G
Year 9 Zoe H
Year 10 Victoria L
Year 11 Clare O’
Year 12 Dana C
Many thanks go to the Sport Support Group for their tireless contribution to sport at Clayfield
and to the Sportswomen’s Dinner. In particular we thank the outgoing Executive for their
energy, enthusiasm and support, you will be very much missed : President Louisa Forrester; VicePresident Nikki Gannon; Secretary Susan Prince and Treasurer Brad Carmichael. We must also
congratulate the 2014 Sports Executive for putting on such a wonderful evening, lead superbly
by Sport Captains Claire Smith and Catherine Prince. Well done to you all!
Mrs Nardine Price
Director of Activities
Parents & Friends Association
Clayfield College Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting
On Tuesday 11 November, the P&F held its AGM for 2014. The following Executive members
were elected for 2015.
President – Erin Heath
Vice Presidents – Elle Ackland and Brigid Tomazic
Secretary – Linda White
Treasurer – Kim Lyons
Elected Committee Members – Kellie Haeusler and Brigid Tomazic
I would like to congratulate the new Executive and wish them all the very best for next year.
Parents also had the opportunity to thank and farewell our Principal, Mr Brian Savins, on Tuesday
night. We thank Brian for his tireless and inspired work in leading the Clayfield community over
the last 8 years. Due to the generosity of parents and with a contribution from the P&F, Brian and
Bronwyn will attend the Australia v England One Day International Cricket match in Sydney in
January, the gift also including flights, accommodation and spending money.
On behalf of the P&F I would like to sincerely thank all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching,
for your support of the P&F this year. I would also like to thank all those parents who have given
time to volunteer in some way in the College in 2014. Your efforts, big or small, are always greatly
appreciated and I have enjoyed meeting and working with many of you. I wish everyone a
wonderful Christmas and a safe, enjoyable holiday.
Kathy Henry
Outgoing P&F President
Second Hand Book Sale 2014
The Clayfield College Shop organise the collection and sale of used books both as a service to
the College community and as a fundraising event for the P & F. Sale day is very busy and popular, so please allow ample time as queues are normal.
This year the sale will be held in the Assembly Hall.
Books may be handed into the College Shop anytime up to 2 pm Friday 28th November,
2014. Please ensure that you have finished all assessment prior to handing books in
and the particular texts do not carry into the following year. Forms must be completed,
accurately and in full prior to handing in. Please have books in a plastic bag and allow
enough time for the checking of books against forms.
From 12:30 to 3:30pm
Cash, cheque, Mastercard, Visa and EFTPOS accepted
This year we are again offering a pre-order service for purchasing second hand text books.
If you wish to take up this offer, complete the pre-order form which is available on either
the Parent Lounge or the College Website.
Second Hand Book Stall 2014 - Volunteers
The Second Hand Book Stall is in need of volunteers to assist with
the set up and sale of second hand books on:Monday 1st December 9:00am – 2:00pm (Collating, setting up
and pre-orders)
Tuesday 2nd December 10:00am to 4:00pm (Selling)
This once a year event provides a valuable service to the College
community but is dependent on the efforts of our volunteers.
Your help on either or both days would be greatly appreciated and
the P & F will provide morning tea and lunch.
Please contact the College Shop – collegeshop@clayfield.qld.edu.au or 3262 0251 if you are
able to assist.
College Shop
Volunteer Thank You
As we approach the end of another year we would like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers
for giving up their time to assist us in the shop. The P&F Association are hosting a thank you
morning tea on Friday 21st November from 9.00am to 10.30am at the Boarding House. We
would love to see you there if you can make it.
Shop Closure
The College Shop will be closed on Friday 21st November between 9.00am and 10.30am. We
apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Boys Short Socks 2015
As mentioned in the Junior Schooling article, from 2015 the boys will wear short grey ankle socks
in Terms 1 and 4. The shop is fully stocked with the new socks, so pop in to beat the end of year rush.
Boys Formal Shirt
A reminder, from the start of 2015, boys will be required to wear the new green formal shirt (BBC
colour). The previous green shirt will no longer be a part of the College uniform.
College Shop Roster
Friday 24 November
25 November
26 November
27 November
28 November
Michelle Tavoularis
Kathy Gaskin-Harris
Robyn Jacobson
Debbie Melville
Jennie Beikoff
Mrs Kylie Conway
College Tuckshop
Tuckshop Roster Semester 2: Term 4 / Week 8
Monday 24 November
Team 4 T Pickett, A Rentoul, M Wilden, J Wright, J Stone
Tuesday 25 November
Team 4 C Warnock, F Liang, N Yan, G Chen
Wednesday 26 November
Team 4 A Mansfield, J Ringrose, E Harman, C Rawlinson
Thursday27 November
Team 1 S Combe, T Giles, N Meintjes, R Robinson, T Caldwell
2015 is creeping up on us! Would you like to volunteer at the
Tuckshop next year?
Clayfield College Tuckshop operates from Monday – Thursday each
week. Maybe you can gather a group of Mums to be rostered together.
This is a lovely way to make friends of parents in your childs grade. We
have many groups who love their Tuckshop day for this very reason.
Volunteers can be flexible with the hours they help. The roster rotates
every 4 weeks.If you are unable to do a full day (8.30am - 2.00pm)
in Tuckshop, we appreciate those who come in to help us in the
mornings (8.30am - 10.30am) or the lunch hour (12.30pm - 2.00pm).
You can contact the Tuckshop via email or phone.
Email: cctuckshopvolunteers@outlook.com.au Phone: 3262-0226
Sue Boughen
Tuckshop Roster Coordinator
Telephone: 0412 425 592
College Notices
i n v i tat i o n
Carols by Twilight
Tu e s d a y 2 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4
Clayfield College invites families to celebrate the festive season at our annual
Carols by Twilight.
Bring a picnic rug or chairs and join in the fun.
6pm arrival for 6.30pm start
Leopard Terrace, Junior Schooling Precinct
If you wish to support those in need this Christmas please bring along a gift for a child your age to put under our
Givit Kids Christmas tree. Presents do not need to be wrapped and will be distributed to children who are at risk
or homeless.
Save the Date
We are thrilled to be able to share with you
the date for our Clayfield College Foundation
- Audi Centre Brisbane Dinner Dance, Friday
27 March 2015.
This evening will be a wonderful opportunity
for our community to enjoy a night with friends
whilst supporting the College. The event will be
held at one of Brisbane’s most unique venues,
Cloudland in the stunning Rainbow Room.
Stay tuned for updates early in Term 1 2015, in
the meantime mark the date in your diary and
start organising your table of 10.
Clayfield College Foundation - Audi Centre Brisbane
Dinner Dance
Join us for a night of fine food, music and company
Friday, 27 March 2015
College Notices
Speech Night Photo Ordering Online Now Available
Please go to the following website: http://www.my-wedding.com.au/
The website requests login details which are as follows:
User name: clay14
Password: speech14
College Notices
#1 in road safety education
Road Safety Education Limited is the preeminent
provider of road safety education for youth in
Australasia. The flagship RYDA Program is delivered
to approximately 50,000 17-18 year old high school
students, at 80 venues across Australia and New
Zealand, every year.
Getting behind the wheel of a car as a young driver is
said to be the most dangerous thing that a person will
do in their entire life.
By participating in RYDA your school furthers their
committment to educating the ‘whole student’, providing
an opportunity to learn essential life skills. Students are
encouraged to take greater responsibility for themselves
and their friends before they face the challenges of
driving solo or as passenger of a new driver.
RYDA is a one day Program, conducted at an out
of school venue, chosen to highlight the road safety
Now is the time to equip young people with the tools
and knowledge they need to stay safe on the road.
RYDA’s learning is for life!
For further information,
contact 1300 127 642,
visit our website or contact
your school coordinator
During the RYDA Program, students take
part in six interactive sessions.
• StoppingDistances
the distance it takes to stop a vehicle
travelling at different speeds, highlighting
the huge impact an extra 10km/h can
have. Students have the opportunity to
participate, as passengers, in a vehicle
driven by a licensed driving instructor.
• HazardS,Distractions&Risks
A high energy session familiarising
students with common crash types and
how to avoid or minimise their impact.
• PlanB:Alcohol,DrugsandFatigue
An interactive workshop focusing on the
impact that alcohol, drugs and fatigue
have on driving ability.
• RoadChoicesA discussion, routinely
led by a Police Officer on consequences
of poor choices on the road, from the
tragic human toll to financial and legal
• CrashSurvivorA powerful
presentation by a person who has a brain
or spinal injury as a result of a vehicle
• MyWheelsStudents learn about
vehicle safety, covering such topics
as ABS brakes, car maintenance and
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The RYDA Program is supported through a comprehensive website,
loaded with resources for teachers, students and parents (rse.org.au/ryda)
as well as our growing Facebook community (facebook.com/roadchoices).
Sign up to Facebook and become part of the conversation.
College Notices
i n f o r m at i o n m o r n i n g
A Flying Start for Clayfield Students
9.00am-10.00am, Tuesday 2 December
Chapel, Clayfield College
As part of A Flying Start for Clayfield Students and our
Information Morning activities, we invite our 2015 Year
6 parents and students to join us for an information
session to explain how this year level will look and feel
next year.
We look forward to sharing our vision with you.
College Notices
Community Classifieds & Notices
Please Support our Clayfield College Supporters
Community Classifieds & Notices
Sunshine Coast line
Gympie North
Please pardon our progress
Track closure
Glasshouse Mountains
Roma Street to Corinda,
Murarrie and Yeerongpilly
Caboolture line
Sat 22 – 23 Sun November 2014
Bray Park
Shorncliffe line
The network is being upgraded to improve reliability.
Bald Hills
North Boondall
Do ati
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Fortitude Valley
Dutton Park
Springfield Central
Springfield line
Ebbw Vale
East Ipswich
Ipswich line
Thomas Street
•Points replacement
Wynnum North
Wynnum Central
Wellington Point
Coopers Plains
Trinder Park
Edens Landing
•Rerailing Roma Street to Corinda
Customers attending Schoolies week please take this track
closure into consideration. Be sure to plan your journey in
advance and allow for up to 60 minutes extra travel time.
If you require assistance with station access call 13 16 17 or text only 0428 774 636
Visit translink.com.au
or call 13 12 30 anytime for more information and updates Beenleigh line
Rosewood line
Queensland Rail Limited ABN 71 132 181 090 QR November track closures_A3_1114
•Track maintenance
Works include:
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Bowen Hills
Airport line
Ferny Grove
Oxford Park
Buses will replace trains between Roma Street to Corinda,
Murarrie and Yeerongpilly stations from the first train on
Saturday 22 until the last train Sunday 23 November.
Ferny Grove line
Cleveland line
Varsity Lakes
Gold Coast line