Manchester Times, Wednesday, December 3, 2014 —5B All residential real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and applicable state and local laws. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for residential real estate that appears to or violate federal and/or state and local law. CLASSIFIED ERROR RESPONSIBILITY We take great care to avoid typographical errors. However, in the event of an error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. We do not assume any responsibility, for any reason, for an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself. Management reserves the right to reject, revise & properly classify all advertisements. Ad position has no bearing on the results you receive and cannot be guaranteed. For of Sale 1969 Blue Dodge Pick up truck at Busy Corner Self Storage 107 Woodard Stacy Ln. Manchester, TN. 10am Saturday Dec. 13th 2014. To satisfy owners lein. For Your Convenience We Accept for ALL PURCHASES including: Classified, Advertising, Book Sales, Printing & Subscriptions. I Jeffrey Mark Pinegar will not be responsible for any debts other than my own. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by a certain Deed of Trust executed October 10, 2005 by Benji Baker & Tiffany Baker, husband and wife to Craig R. Allen, as Trustee, as same appears of record in the office of the Register of Coffee County, Tennessee, in Book T673, Page 2 revised in Book T681, Page 715, and the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in the said Register’s Office, and the owner of the debt secured, Green Tree Servicing LLC, having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness having matured by default in the payment of a par t thereof, at the option of the owner, this is to give notice that the undersigned will, on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 commencing at 01:00 PM, at the Main Door of the Courthouse, Manc h e s t e r, C o f fe e County, Tennessee proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: redemption, homestead and dower waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. ARNOLD M. WEISS, Substitute Trustee Weiss Spicer Cash PLLC 208 Adams Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38l03 90l-526-8296 File # 7134-117339-FC Published: November 19 November 26 Situated in County of December 3 Coffee, State of Ten- Green Tree Servicnessee. ing LLC/Benji Baker Being a tract of land lying in the 4th Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee, generally bounded on the south, west, and north by the remaining Te m p l e property (129-649), and on the east by M.G. England Road (45-ft. R/W), and being more particularly described in a survey by Max Northcutt, dated 11-01-2005, as follows: BEGINNING at a corner post at the intersection of the nor th margin of Wards Chapel Road and the west margin of M.G. England Road, said post being the southeast corner of the Temple property; thence with the west margin of M.G. England Road, the following calls: N 34-52-30 E, 166.09 ft.; N 12-41-30 E, 400.92 ft.; N 30-49-00 E, 159.92 ft.; N 24-20-00 E, 140.00 ft. to an iron pin set, said pin being the southeast corner of the property herein described and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving the margin of said road, N 70-03-23 W, 318.45 ft. to an iron pin set; thence N 23-26-02 E, 284.42 ft. to an iron pin set; thence S 66-56-05 E, 295.28 ft. to an iron pin set in the west margin of M.G. England Road; thence with the margin of said road, S 05-58-30 W, 17.99 ft. to an iron pipe found; thence S 05-58-30 W, 67.00 ft. to an iron pin set; thence S 24-20-00 W, 185.88 ft. to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.00 acres and being a portion of the property described in WDB 129, pg. 649, ROCCTn. Tax Parcel 074-025.02 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Sale at public auction will be on January 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM local time, at the north door, Coffee County Courthouse, 300 Hillsboro Blvd., Manchester, Tennessee, pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Patricia Duke a single person, to Sonya Robinson, Trustee, on May 11, 2007 at Book T722, Page 353; all of record in the Coffee County Register’s Office. Party entitled to enforce security interest: CitiFinancial Servicing LLC, its successors and assigns The following real estate located in Coffee County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: A certain tract or parcel of land in the First (formerly Sixth) Civil District of Coffee County, State of Tennessee, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Being all of Lots Numbers Twenty-Five (25), Twenty-Six (26), Twenty-Seven (27), and Twenty-Eight (28); and the westerly 25 feet of Lots Numbers Sixteen (16), Eighteen (18), Tw e n t y (20), Twenty-Two (22), and Twenty-Four (24); and a portion of Lots Numbers Twenty-Nine (29), and Thirty (30), in Block A of the H.M. Fetzer Subdivision according to Plat Cabinet Envelope 8A in the Registers Office of Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more parID: ticularly described as follows: Beginning Property Address: 589 Wards Chapel Road, Manchester, TN. Other Interested Parties: LVNV Funding LLC as Assignee of CitiFinancial, Inc. All right and equity of ATTENTION CONTRACTORS, ENGINEERS, DEVELOPERS AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES THE MANCHESTER CODES DEPARTMENT WILL BE PROVIDING AN INFORMATIVE MEETING REGUARDING THE NEW TDEC MS4 REQUIREMENTS/PERMITS, NEW CODE ADOPTIONS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING PERMITS/FEES. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 9TH, 2014 AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL BOARD ROOM. at a stake in the north margin of a public road or street, said place of beginning being 25 feet eastwardly along the north margin of said street from the southwest corner of Lot No. 24 in Block A of the aforesaid H.M. Fetzer Subdivision; thence, in a northerly direction 125 feet to a stake in the north line of Lot No. 16 in Block A of said subdivision; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said Lot No. 16 a distance of 25 feet to a stake at the northwest corner of said Lot No. 16; thence in a northerly direction 175 feet to a stake at the northeast corner of Lot No. 26 in Block A of said subdivision; thence in a westerly direction 70 feet to a stake in the north line of Lot No. 30 in Block A of said subdivision; thence in a southerly direction 300 feet to a stake in the north margin of the aforesaid public road or street, said point being Four (4) feet westwardly from the southwest corner of Lot No. 27 in Block A of said subdivision; thence is an easterly direction along the north margin of said road or street 79 feet to the place of beginning, but subject to the right of way of the aforesaid road or s t r e e t . Being the same fee simple property conveyed by deed from Barney Johnson and Juanita Johnson husband and wife to Patricia Duke dated 04/07/1987 recorded on 06/29/1988 in Book 206, Page 958 in Coffee County Records, State of TN. Pa r c e l Number: 067P-C-013.00 Current Owner(s) of Proper ty: Patricia Duke Street Address: 108 Ewell Street, Manchester, Tennessee 37355 Any property address provided is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. Subject to Boundary Line Deed of record in Book W299, Page 1010, Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and PUBLIC NOTICE The Manchester Planning Commission & Board of Zoning Appeals will meet December 15, 2014 @ 5:30 P. M., to hear the following request: • VARIANCE: 69 EXPRESSWAY DRIVE, ZONED C-2 • SITE PLAN: 69 EXPRESSWAY DRIVE, ZONED C-2 • SITE PLAN: 1300 McARTHUR ST. ZONED C-3 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The annual meeƟng of UNITED UTILITIES GROUP will be held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. EST, 10:30 a.m. CDT, at 800 South Gay Street, Plaza Tower 27th Ňoor, Knoxville, TN 37929. This meeƟng shall be open to the public and is scheduled for the purpose of conducƟng United UƟliƟes Groups’ regular business, together with any other maƩers that shall be properly presented. This noƟce is published pursuant to the provisions of Tenn. Code Annotated, Sec. 8-44-101, et seq. homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. If you purchase a property at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase price is due and payable at the conclusion of the auction in the form of a certified/bank check made payable to or endorsed to S h a p i ro & Kirsch, LLP. No personal checks will be accepted. To this end, you must bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be accepted. Amounts received in excess of the winning bid will be refunded to the successful purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed is delivered. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. 555 Perkins Road Extended, Second F l o o r Memphis, TN 38117 P h o n e (901)767-5566 Fax (901)761-5690 www.kirschattorneys. com File No. 14-058813 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated February 23, 2009, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded March 3, 2009, at Book T775, Page 816 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Coffee County, Tennessee, executed by Fae A. Francis, conveying cer tain proper ty therein described to Robert Wilson as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Shore Mortgage, its successors and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., Shapiro & Kirsch, having been apLLP Substitute Trus- pointed Successor tee Trustee. Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP N O W, THERE- FORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on January 16, 2015 on or about 10:00 A.M., at the Coffee County Administrative Plaza, Manchester, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by the successor trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Tract 1: Map Parcel No. 39 64.01: Property located at 102 North Ford Road, City of Manchester, County of Coffee, State of Tennessee, and land lying and being in the 1st Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more par ticularly described in a Survey by Max Northcutt dated September 17, 1998 as follows: Beginning at an iron pin set in the Southwest corner of Tract 16 in B oy n t o n Va l l ey Subdivision Number 3, in the North margin of North Fork Boynton Valley Road, said pin also being the Southeast corner of the property herein described; thence continuing with said margin, North 82 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds West, 92.90 feet to an iron pin set; thence leaving said margin North 04 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds East, 184.41 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 85 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds East, 91.76 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 03 degrees 54 minutes 51 seconds West, 189.45 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.40 acres and being a portion of Tract 15 in B oy n t o n Va l l ey Subdivision Number 3, a Plat which is Recorded in the Register’s Office. 6B—Manchester Times, Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Tract 2: Map Parcel No. 39 65.02: A certain tract or Parcel of land in the 1st Civil District of Coffee County, State of Tennessee, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at an iron pin set in the South line of Lot 2, Boynton Valley Number 6, said pin being 342.68 feet from the West margin of Geneva Boynton Road, and also being the Northeast corner of the property herein described; thence South 04 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West, 200.40 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 85 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West, 71.10 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 04 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds East, 200.48 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 85 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East, 71.10 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.33 acres and being a portion of Lot 1 in Boynton Valley Number 6, a Plat which is Recorded in Trust Deed Book 157, Page 428, Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee. Tract 3: Map Parcel 39 65.01: And beginning at an iron pin in the South line of Lot 2, B oy n t o n Va l l ey Number 6, said pin being 413.78 feet from the West margin of Geneva Boynton Road, and also being the Northeast corner of the property herein described; thence South 04 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West, 200.48 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 85 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds 00 West, 100.00 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 04 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds East, 200.60 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 85 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East, 100.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.46 acres and being a portion of Lot 1 in the B oy n t o n Va l l ey Number 6, a plat of which is Recorded in Trust Deed Book 157, Page 428, Register’s Office for C o f fe e C o u n t y, Tennessee. 122 FOR SALE INFORM AT I O N , VISIT WWW.MYFIR.COM a n d W W W . REALTYTRAC.COM APPOINTED TRUSTEE’S SALE ALSO KNOWN AS: 102 North Fork Road, Manchester, Sale at public auction will be on JanuTennessee 37355 ary 6, 2015 at This sale is subject 10:00AM local time, to all matters shown at the north door, County on any applicable re- C o f f e e 300 corded plat; any un- Cour thouse, Hillsboro Blvd., Manpaid taxes; any rechester, Tennessee, strictive covenants, pursuant to Deed of easements, o r Trust executed by setback lines that Jon E. Holland and may be applicable; Jessica R. Holland any statutory rights on November 4, of redemption of any 2004 at Book T629, g o v e r n m e n t a l Page 56; all of recagency, state or fed- ord in the Coffee eral; any prior liens County Register’s or encumbrances as Office. well as any priority Party entitled to encreated by a fixture force security interJPMorgan filing; and to any e s t : matter that an accu- Chase Bank, Narate survey of the tional Association, its premises might dis- successors and asclose. In addition, signs the following parties The following real estate located in may claim an inter- Coffee County, Tenest in t h e nessee, will be sold a b o v e - r e fe r e n c e d to the highest call property: Fae A. bidder subject to all Francis; Coffee unpaid taxes, prior County Bank; Cas- liens and encumtle Credit Corpora- brances of record: tion Being a parcel of land lying and being The sale held pursu- in the First (1st) Civil ant to this Notice District of Coffee may be rescinded at County, Tennessee the Successor Trus- and being more partee’s option at any ticularly described as time. The right is re- Lot 1 on the plat of served to adjourn the record in Plat Cabiday of the sale to an- net Envelope 578B, other day, time, and Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tenplace certain without nessee, to which reffurther publication, erence is hereby upon announcement made for a more at the time and place complete and acfor the sale set forth curate description. above. W&A No. Being the same 846-243099 property conveyed by Edward S. HolDATED November land to Jon E. Holland and wife, Jes14, 2014 sica R. Holland, by WILSON & ASSO- Warranty Deed of record in Deed Book CIATES, P.L.L.C., 300, page 507, Successor Trustee Register’s Office of INSERTION DATES: Coffee County, Tennessee and by QuitNovember 19, 2014 claim Deed of record November 26, 2014 in Deed Book 304, December 3, 2014 page 624, Register’s Office of Coffee FHA N o . County, Tennessee. 4834096986703 Parcel Number: 077 029.08 D S a l e N o t i c e T N - Current Owner(s) of S h e l l i e _ Property: Jon E. Holawoodard_141114_1 land and wife, Jes- TRUSTEE’S SALE sica R. Holland Other interested parhaving been made ties: Edward S. Hol- Default in the terms, conditions and land payments provided for in a Street Address: 1757 Deed of Trust executed by New Bushy Branch Janie Claudette Ingram to Road, Manchester, Claus Thormaehlen, Tennessee, Trustee for First Tennessee 37355 National Bank of ManchesAny property ad- ter, Tennessee, dated Audress provided is not gust 6, 2008 and of record part of the legal de- in Trust Deed Book 763, 48, Register’s Office scription of the prop- page of Coffee County, Tenneserty sold herein and see, to secure the indebtin the event of any edness therein described, discrepancy, the le- and gal description referholder of said indebtenced herein shall The edness having demanded control. payment, which is past due SALE IS SUBJECT and unpaid and said payTO T E N A N T ( S ) ment not having been RIGHTS IN POS- made; and holder having giving required notices purSESSION. suant to T.C.A. 35-5-101 All right of equity of and redemption, statutory and otherwise, and Now, therefore, I, Claus maehlen, Trustee, homestead are ex- Thor having been directed to do pressly waived in so by the owner of said insaid Deed of Trust, debtedness and by virtue of and the title is be- the power and authority lieved to be good, vested in the Trustee in Deed of Trust will on but the undersigned said the 29th day of December, will sell and convey 2014, at 10:00 A.M. at the only as Appointed south door of the Courthouse in Manchester, CofTrustee. If you purchase a fee County, Tennessee, to the highest bidder for property at the sell cash, free from the equity foreclosure sale, and statutory rights of rethe entire purchase demption and subject to all price is due and matters shown on any replan; any unpaid payable at the con- corded taxes; any restrictive coveclusion of the auc- nants, easements or tion in the form of a set-back lines that may be c e r t i f i e d / b a n k applicable; any prior liens check made paya- or encumbrances as well any priority created by a ble to or endorsed as fixture filing; and any matter to S h a p i ro & that an accurate survey Kirsch, LLP. No might disclose, the followpersonal checks ing described property loin the Fifth Civil Diswill be accepted. cated trict of Coffee County, TenTo this end, you nessee: must bring suffi- Lying and being in the 5th cient funds to out- (formerly 14th) Civil District bid the lender and of Coffee County, Tennesand being more particany other bidders. see, ularly described as follows: Insufficient funds will not be ac- BEGINNING at a point in cepted. Amounts the center of the Sparta received in excess Branch Railroad about four miles south of the City of the winning bid (4) of Manchester, Tennessee, will be refunded to said point of beginning bethe successful pur- ing located in the old chaser at the time Eckel’s north line, and as Joe Campbells the foreclosure known southeast corner, there bedeed is delivered. ing old fence corners on eiThis property is be- ther side of the railroad and ing sold with the ex- an old Camp Forrest press reservation marker on the west side of railroad; this being Joe that the sale is sub- the Campbell’s east line north ject to confirmation 24 deg. 15 min. east by the lender or trus- 1505.5 ft. to an old property tee. This sale may line; thence south 54 deg. be rescinded at any 45 min. east passing over an iron pipe 25 ft. from the time. center of the railroad a total Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Appointed Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 555 Perkins Road Extended, Second F l o o r Memphis, TN 38117 P h o n e (901)767-5566 Fax (901)761-5690 www.kirschattorneys. com File No. 14-062022 ft. to an iron pipe at the east margin of old State Highway No. 55; thence along the east margin of old State Highway No. 55 north 25 deg. 45 min. east 419 ft. to an iron pipe; thence along on old fence, this being Campbell’s south line, south 65 deg. east 53 ft. to the place of beginning, and containing all of tract Number Fifty-Nine (59) of the Eckel’s Heirs Belmont Farm, and also a parcel of land lying between new State Highway No. 55 and the Sparta Branch Railroad, as surveyed by Claude Ingram, Coffee County Surveyor, on the 4th day of August, 1972. This description in taken from Warranty Deed Book 139, Page 121, in the Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee. According to the records in the office of the Coffee County Tax Assessor this property is shown on Map 093, Parcel 082.00. And being the same property conveyed to Janie Claudette Ingram by Deed from Sara Catherine (Cathy) Ingram Williams and Janie Claudette Ingram, Successor Trustees of the W.C. Ingram Revocable Living Trust, for and on behalf of W.C. Ingram, dated October 29, 2002, and recorded October 29, 2002 in Warranty Deed Book 290, page 573, Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee. This property is 4.5 acres located New Tullahoma Hwy, Tullahoma, Tennessee, and shown as Map 093, Parcel 082.00 in the Property Assessor’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee. Notice is also given to Midland Funding, LLC, as assignee of Washington Mutual Bank c/o Shon Leverett, Attorney for Plaintiff, 204 East Market Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, which filed a subsequent Judgment Line in Lien Book 29, page 781, Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain without further publication and in accordance with the law upon announcement on the day and time and place of sale as set forth above. Dated this the 25th day of June, 2014. ______________________ Claus Thormaehlen, Trusdistance of 102.7 ft. to an tee iron pipe in the west margin of new State Highway No. ______________________ 55; thence along the west Greg B. Perry [xxxxxx] margin of new State Highway No. 55south 24 deg. Attorney for First National 15 min. west passing over Bank of Manchester, Tenan iron pipe at 1489 ft. and nessee on in all 1603 ft. to an iron 401 Murfreesboro Highway pipe in the center of the old Manchester, Tennessee Manchester to Tullahoma 37355 dirt road; thence along the center of said old dirt road south 39 deg. 50 min. west 170 ft.; south 30 deg. 30 min. west 90 ft., and south 24 deg. 30 min. west 50 ft. to an iron pipe; thence north 65 deg. 30 min. west crossing the railroad 97.3 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated August 7, 2008, recorded in Book/Page T762/709 of the Deed of Trust Records of Coffee County, Tennessee, Bambi L. Kennedy, an unmarried person conveyed to Tim Williams, as Trustee, the property situated in Coffee County, Tennessee, to wit: For More Information, Please call 728-2800 OR Jimmy Jernigan 409-7653 Craig Brady 235-2205 Eric Fruehauf 273-8596 Don Burt 273-7794 Manchester Firm# 1988 Tullahoma Firm# 4983 The right is reserved to adjourn the date of the sale to another date or time, and place certain without further publication, upon the announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth Property includes a above. manufactured home: 2008 Hampton Bay Gregory T. Pratt, Serial N u m b e r : Substitute Trustee ALFRH32813799A & 705 Gate Lane, B. Suite 202 Knoxville, TN 37909 WHEREAS, the un- 865-622-7531 dersigned is the Substitute Trustee as appointed in the IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR THE aforesaid Deed of FOURTEENTH Trust by a substituJUDICIAL DISTRICT tion, said appoint- MANCHESTER, COFFEE ment being in the COUNTY, TENNESSEE manner authorized Ronald Scott Byrd by the Deed of Trust; Case 08-396 and WHEREAS, default has occurred under the terms of the Note secured by the Deed of Trust, and the indebtedness evidenced therein is now wholly due, the owner and holder of said indebtedness, 21st Mortgage Corporation, has requested the undersigned Substitute Trustee to sell the Property to satisfy same. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that on December 19, 2014, the substitute trustee will sell the property to the highest bidder for cash. The Trustee’s sale will occur on or about 10:00a.m. at the main entrance of the Coffee County Administrative Plaza located at 1341 McAr thur Street, M a n c h e s t e r, TN 37355. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter than an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at any time. If the U.S. Department of Tr e a s u r y / I n t e r n a l Revenue Service, the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, or the State of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development are listed as interested parties in the advertisement, then the Notice of this foreclosure is being given to them and the sale will be subject to the applicable governmental entities’ right to redeem the property as required by 26 U.S.C §7425 and T.C.A §67-1-1433. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at any time. In addition, the following party may claim an interest in the a b o v e - r e fe r e n c e d property: Bambi L. Kennedy; Heirs of Bambi L. Kennedy, Inter nal Revenue Service; State of Tennessee. VS Elizabeth Brooke Roberts Defentant NON-RESIDENT NOTICE In this cause, it appearing to my satisfaction from the Petitioners Petition, which is sworn to by affidavit that Elizabeth Brooke Roberts is a nonresident of Coffee County, Tennessee or that the residence are unknown and cannot be ascertained upon diligent inquiry so that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him/her, it is therefore ordered that, Elizabeth Brooke Roberts enter appearance before the Chancery Court of Coffee County, Tennessee, on or before January 02, 2015, and plead answer to the Petitioner’s Petition , or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte. It is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in The Manchester Times, a newspaper published in Coffee County, TN This 5th day of November, 2014 Ruthie Frassrand Deputy Clerk Approved for entry: Robert A. Croy Attorney for Petitioner 105 South Spring Street Manchester, TN 37355 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Sale at public auction will be on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 01:00 PM prevailing time at the Main Door of the Courthouse, Manc h e s t e r, C o f fe e County, Tennessee. L o a n #20-20-6-0566406. The owner of the debt is Flagstar Bank, FSB By: Selene Finance LP, as Attorney in Fact for Flagstar Bank, FSB. Realty to be sold under the provisions of a Deed of Trust executed by Michael C. Smith, Grantors, is located in Coffee County, Tennessee and designated as: A certain tract or parcel of land in Coffee County, in the State of Tennessee, described as follows: Tract 1: Being a portion of Tract Number Fourteen (14) of the subdivision of the Ralston property, a plat of which subdivision is on file in Plat Cabinet Envelope 246B in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the East margin of the southerly extenBeing the same sion of Hillcrest property conveyed to Street at Bartlett’s nor thwest corner; thence South 28 Char-El Powers deg. 34 min. 49 sec. East along Bartlett’s Apartments Storage West line 124.92 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms feet to a stake at Convenient Location Duplexes & Condos Bartlett’s southwest 24 Hr. Camera Security Available w/ 1 & 2 Baths corner; thence North • On-Site Office • Central Heating & Air 62 deg. 15 min. East • Standard, Car, RV, 192.32 feet to a • Carports & 1 Car stake at Bartlett’s Garage Units & Warehouse Units southeast corner; • Laundry Facilities Available thence South 28 • Lawn Care Provided • Climate Control Units deg. 17 min. 14 sec. • Well Lit Streets • Well Lighted East 993.92 feet to a • On-site Of¿ce stake; thence North • Low Monthly Rental • Plus Much More 86 deg. 35 min. 18 WE RENT WE SELL MOVING & sec. West 370 feet COMMERCIAL SPACES to a stake; thence PACKING MATERIALS North 28 deg. 45 607 Woodbury Hwy. 607 Woodbury Hwy. min. 35 sec. West Manchester Manchester 825.96 feet to a 931-728-7181 931-728-7181 stake in the South margin of the southA tract of land lying and being in the 3rd Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee, and being generally bounded on the North by Brindley, South and East by Anderson, and on the West by Cole Ridge Road, and being more particularly described in a survey by Max Northcutt dated 3-5-98 and being the proper ty commonly known as 2520 Cole Ridge Rd, Beechgrove, TN 37018. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: SALE RAIN OR SHINE! Prime commercial property adjoins the Industrial Park. Perfect location with approx. 457 feet of road frontage on Highway 41! Don’t miss this! TERMS: : 10% Down Day of Sale, Closing in 30 days on real property. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over all written material. All plats will be provided day of sale. Taxes will be pro-rated. Bambi L. Kennedy by Warranty Deed dated April 24, 2008, recorded April 30, 2008, of record in Book W328 at page 81, in the Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee. Manchester Times, Wednesday, December 3, 2014 —7B erly extension of Hillcrest Street; thence North 62 deg. 09 min. 58 sec. East along the South margin of said street 27.86 feet, and continuing in a northerly direction along the curve of the southerly margin of said street 158.39 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 6.66 acres as surveyed by Alton C. Morris, RLS TN No. 1064, Manchester, TN 37355 in July, 1995. Exclusion from Tract 1: Included in the above description, but excluded from this conveyance, is the following property conveyed to Matthew D. Bartlett by Warranty Deed from Jerry Vickers and wife, Connie Vickers, dated September 8, 1995 and recorded September 27, 2000, of record in Book W277, page 808, Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee; Being a portion of Tract Number Fourteen (14) of the subdivision of the Ralston property, a plat of which subdivision is on file in Plat Cabinet Envelope 246B in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the east margin of the southerly extension of Hillcrest Street at Bartlett’s northwest corner; thence south 28 deg. 34 min. 49 sec. east along Bartlett’s west line 45 feet to a stake; thence south 53 deg. 31 min. 29 sec. west 11.63 feet to a stake in the east margin of said street; thence in a northerly direction along the curve of the east margin of said street 48.47 feet to the place of beginning as surveyed by Alton C. Morris, RLS TN No. 1064, Manchester, TN 37355 in July, 1995. Also excluded is the following Tract of Land conveyed to Michael Baker and Angela Baker by Warranty Deed from Jerry Vickers, dated April 30, 2004 and recorded May 3, 2004 of record in Book W300, Page 630, Register’s Office for Coffee County, Tennessee; Tract 2: Beginning at an iron pin in the south margin of the south leg of Hillcrest Drive at the most westerly northwest corner of the property of Jerry B. V i cke r s ; thence south 28 deg. 18 min. 22 sec. east along the Vickers west line 826.04 feet to steel stake in Powell’s north line; thence north 86 deg. 07 min. 50 sec. west 370.22 feet to an iron pin in Ham’s north line; thence north 28 deg. 08 min. 17 sec. west along the east line of the property of Hammon and Rome 633.92 feet to an iron pin in the south margin of the south leg of Hillcrest Drive 311.54 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 5.23 acres, as surveyed by S & T Surveying Co. in October, 2000, and being a por tion of Tract Number Fourteen 14 of the property of Alfred J. Ralston, a plat of which subdivision is recorded in Trust Deed Book 125, page 299, Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee. The above described property is conveyed subject to the following restrictions which are h e r e by imposed against said property and which shall run with the land for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of the aforesaid deed: 1. No mobile homes or house trailers shall be allowed on said premises. 2. There shall be no alcoholic beverages of any kind sold either retail or wholesale on said premises, there shall be no junkyards. 3. Said property shall be used for residential purposes consisting of single family dwellings. 4. No outbuilding which produces any nauseous or offensive odor shall be constructed nearer than 100 feet from the front or side street property lines of said property. Tax Parcel 047-076.06 ID: Improved and known as 247 Hillcrest Villa Road, Manchester, TN. Deed of Trust recorded in Book T802, Page 286, in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee. Other Party: pers Interested Laura Nip- Terms of sale will be public auction, for cash, free and clear of the rights of homestead, redemption and dower, and the rights of Michael C. Smith, and those claiming through them, subject to any accrued taxes and restrictions which may be of record in the said Register’s Office. ARNOLD M. WEISS, Substitute Trustee pursuant to Appointment of Substitute Trustee of record in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee ARNOLD M. WEISS, Attorney at Law Weiss Spicer Cash PLLC 208 Adams Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38103 (901) 526-8296 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated January 16, 1998, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded January 21, 1998, at Book T415, Page 497 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Coffee County, Tennessee, executed by Janice F. Thomas and Charles Pe r r y Thomas, conveying cer tain proper ty therein described to Rance Tillman as Trustee for Associates Financial Services of America, Inc.; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee. N O W, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on January 2, 2015 on or about 10:00 A.M., at the Coffee County Administrative Plaza, Manchester, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by the successor trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Coffee County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Situates in the 9th (formerly 13th Civil District) Civil District of Coffee County, Tennessee. All that piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in Coffee County, Tennessee and known and designated as Lot Number Eight (8), Block I, Hubert A. Crouch SubdiviFile # sion, recorded in 1779-117526-FC Trust Deed Book 56, Page 73, of the Published: Coffee County RegDecember 3 ister of Deeds OfDecember 10 fice, reference to December 17 which is hereby F l a g s t a r made for a more Bank/Michael Smith particular description. The Te n n e s s e e Duck River Develop- ALSO KNOWN AS: ment Agency will 509 South Roosehold a special-called v e l t Street, board m e e t i n g Tullahoma, TenThursday, Dec. 11, 4 nessee 37388 p.m. at Henry Horton State Park in Chapel This sale is subject Hill. to all matters shown PRESS ROOM The Tullahoma News is accepting applications for an entry level Press Room position. We are looking for a person that is dependable, has a solid work ethic and has a positive attitude. This full-time position has health insurance, dental insurance and life insurance, paid vacation and 401k plan. Apply in person at The Tullahoma News 505 Lakeway Place Tullahoma, TN 37388 on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the a b o v e - r e fe r e n c e d property: Janice F. Thomas; Charles Perry Thomas; Internal Revenue Service; Branch Banking and Trust Company; CitiFinancial, Inc On or about April 6, 2009, the United States of America, Inter nal Revenue Service, filed a federal tax lien against the D e fe n d a n t , Charles and Janice Thomas, recorded in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee, at Book L27, Page 44. The United States of America, Internal Revenue Service, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §7425 and 28 U.S.C. §2410(c), shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of the sale within which to redeem the property by virtue of its tax lien(s) herein by payment of the actual amount paid by the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, plus any amount in excess of the expenses necessarily incurred in connection with such property, less the income from such property, plus a reasonable rental value of such property. As required by 26 U.S.C. §7425(b), the United States of America, Inter nal Revenue Service has been given timely notice of this action. On or about August 5, 2011, the United States of America, Inter nal Revenue Service, filed a federal tax lien against the D e fe n d a n t , Charles and Janice Thomas, recorded in the Register’s Office of Coffee County, Tennessee, at Book L30, Page 439. The United States of America, Internal Revenue Service, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §7425 and 28 U.S.C. §2410(c), shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of the sale within which to redeem the property by virtue of its tax lien(s) herein by payment of the actual amount paid by the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, plus any amount in excess of the expenses necessarily incurred in connec- tion with such property, less the income from such property, plus a reasonable rental value of such property. As required by 26 U.S.C. §7425(b), the United States of America, Inter nal Revenue Service has been given timely notice of this action. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 883-250388 DATED November 17, 2014 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee INSERTION DATES: November 26, 2014 December 3, 2014 December 10, 2014 DSaleNoticeTNS h e l l i e _ slucas_141117_1110 FOR SALE INFORM AT I O N , VISIT WWW.MYFIR.COM a n d W W W . REALTYTRAC.COM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Michael Christopher Elkins Late of Coffee County, Tenn. Notice is hereby given that on the 25th day of November, 2014. Letters of Testamentary (or of Administration as the case may be) in respect of the estate of Michael Christopher Elkins, who died on October 11, 2014, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Coffee County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against the estate are required to file the same with the Clerk of the above-named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2) otherwise their claims will be forever barred: (1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before date that is (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the creditor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting) as described in (1)(A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent’s date of death. This 25th day of November, 2014 (Signed) Melinda Jeanine Elkins Personal Representative Gregory M. O’Neal Attorney for the Estate Charlotte V. Broyles Clerk & Master NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James Leonard Lowe Late of Coffee County, Tenn. Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day of November, 2014. Letters of Testamentary (or of Administration as the case may be) in respect of the estate of Ja m e s Leonard Lowe, who died on November 09, 2014, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Coffee County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against the estate are required to file the same with the Clerk of the above-named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2) otherwise their claims will be forever barred: (1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before date that is (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the creditor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting) as described in (1)(A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent’s date of death. This 25th day of November, 2014 (Signed) April L. Melson Personal Representative J. Stanley Rogers Attorney for the Estate Charlotte V. Broyles Clerk & Master NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Full time and part time position in our Mailroom. Various hours, Monday thru Saturday, days and nights. If you are a mature hard working, flexible individual, we need you for our team. Apply in Person 505 Lakeway Place Mon. - Fri. 8 am til 5 pm or Email: TULLAHOMA NEWS 3 BR, 2 BA, Manchester. 16X80, lg lot. CHA, stove, refrigerator, W/D hookups, HW floors. No Pets. $495 month plus d e p. 931-580-2364 1 Bedroom Apt. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 5 AC. hardwood floors, appliances, 4BR, 3 BA, utility room with pantry, move in ready. Building 12x36, has elec and fenced in for animals. 2nd building 12x20, basement 17x26 $135,000 MLS#1591410 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 Manchester. $300 month, $300 deposit, References B E AU T I F U L LARGE required. 931-247-0935. HOME! 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath home with office on 2 Bedroom Apt. 2.29 acres. Hallway is wide $375 month, $300 deposit. enough to accommodate Manchester. References wheelchair. Custom cabirequired. 931-247-0935. netry in kitchen. Lower 2 Bedroom Duplex cabinets have slide out $300,000 W/D hook-up, stove, refrig- s h e l v e s . Coffee erator, heat and air. $395 MLS#1498509 Realty month, dep. No pets. C o u n t y 931-728-2800 & 931-580-2364. 931-455-3000 Clean unfurnished 1 and 2 BR apts. appliances, CHA, BEAUTIFUL MINI FARM! laundry facility on premises. 3,080 +/- sq ft home sits on 1 BR, $365. 2 BR, $400. almost 12 acres. Living Pet friendly. Tullahoma room features vaulted ceilArea, Forrest Park Apts. ing, dining room and mas931-455-2018. ter bedroom have double w w w . trey ceilings. Hardwood, carpet, tile, and vinyl flooring. Double gas fireplace! Large deck and patio. $399,900 MLS# 1589563 Coffee County Realty & Executive Home 9 3 1 - 7 2 8 - 2 8 0 0 2000 sq ft, 3 BRs, 2 BAs, 931-455-3000 large bonus room. Large BRICK HOME With nice kitchen with all appliances detached garage. Lovely furnished; 2 car garage in 1.320 acres with apple orHillsboro, close to AEDC chard.$110,000 MLS# exit & interstate. No pets, 1589336 Coffee County $1100 mo. 931-580-5355. Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 2 BR Duplex CHA, appliances provided, W/D connections. No pets. No smoking. Manchester. 931-841-7738 or 931-723-1323 CHARMING HOME IN TULLAHOMA! 3BR/2BA. The home has been remodeled and has lots of charm. Many mature trees. New: Paint, carpet, vinyl, tile countertops, and the bathrooms renovated. New refrigerator and dishwasher. Newer Storm wind ow s. MLS#1538883 $79,900 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 3BR/2BA home with fire place and hardwood, New High Efficiency Heat and Air. New stove, dishwasher, refrig with ice maker, a locked out building. convenient to grade school and new middle school. $950 mth, Pets considered. C a l l CONDO LIVING AT ITS 931-808-5708 o r BEST! This condo has all 931-728-5706 upgrades and is basically For rent, 3 Bedroom, 2 brand new. Custom cherry bath home in Hillsboro. cabinets and granite CHA, W/D hookups, $650 throughout, hardwood, tile, appliances, month. lease, $750 deposit. stainless bronzed oil fixtures, gas 931-581-3663. logs and trim package. You House for Rent won’t be disappointed!! In a great location! $189,900 MLS#1552287 2 bedrooms and 2 baths Coffee County Realty with an office and den. 9 3 1 - 7 2 8 - 2 8 0 0 & CHA, newly renovated 931-455-3000 brick home, fenced in back yard. In a good neighborhood. $800 plus deposit EXECUTIVE HOME WITH TONS OF FEATURES, 615-307-4154 this home has everything!!! In Manchester! 3 BRs2.5 baths, Bonus Quiet country living, room over garage, bar & 2 BR, 1 BA duplex in the grill in the sun room for encountry, water & lawn care tertaining, home theater provided. $500 month, room, approx. 4,220sqft, $400 deposit, references AND SO MUCH MORE!!! req. 615-653-8674. $279,900 MLS# 1454800 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 Commercial Spaces FOR LEASE Prime Retail Location in central part of Hillsboro. Approx. 1500 sq. ft. $1680 per month or 3000 sq. ft $3200 per month. LEASE NOW! 931-619-8989 ATTENTION INVESTORS: Needs TLC, nice ranch style home in great neighborhood. Located in middle of town close to everything. gas log fireplace, 2 car garage. $69,000 MLS#1591029 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME on 1.4 acres. Has eat-in kitchen, den w/ fireplace and gas logs, hardwood in kitchen. Huge master bedroom downstairs, concrete drive. $195,000 MLS# 1527089 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 GORGEOUS CUSTOM BUILT brick home in Heritage Place Subdivision 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sunroom, bonus room, two fireplaces, hardwood flooring, formal dining room, breakfast nook, granite counter tops, covered porch, and sits on two lots. MLS#1483343 $539,900 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 NO CITY TAXES! 3BR, 2 BA, new roof, new windows, new hardwood flooring and more! Seller will pay up to $4,000 towards buyers closing costs. $114,900 MLS#1591512 Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 NORMANDY Beautiful secluded location. Custom built home on 2 acres, 2BR/1BA in approx. 1324 SF. Near Normandy lake with great views! MLS#1591542 $81,000. Coffee County Realty 931-728-2800 & 931-455-3000 Now Hiring Full-Time Critical Care Unit Registered Nurses for new CCU Experience Required $4,000 Sign On Bonus 1801 N. Jackson St. Tullahoma, TN 37388 To apply, contact Human Resources Harton Regional Medical Center 931-393-7847 Immediate Opening Of¿ce Clerk Must have good customer service skills as well as knowledge of Word and Excel. A strong work ethic is essential. This full-time position includes Vacation, Insurance, Dental & 401K. Send Resume to: Drawer J c/o Tullahoma News PO Box 400 Tullahoma, TN 37388 EOE •Drug Free Workplace This hospital is partially owned by physicians. Allied Health Careers Institute REDUCED TUITION COSTS! 100% FINANCING Free Scrubs & Stethoscope! ALL MEDICAL ASSISTING Day & Night Classes Starting in October BILLING & CODING Night Classes Starting in October 615-396-8733
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