Newsletter # 19 20th November 2014 Email: Website: Phone: (08) 8270 3033 Dear Parents, Dates nd Saturday 22 November P & F Woolworths BBQ Year 7 Camp It was another year of challenge for our Year 7s, as they toured the South-East of SA. It was a wonderful week and the pictures really say much more than words. Monday 24th November Parents & Friends AGM 7.30pm Special Guests: Glenda Perrott & Lucy Collins Wednesday 26th November Bali Connections 3.30pm Sunday 30th November Campus Treasure Market Wednesday 3rd December 2015 Reception Students Transition Visit A special thank you to Mrs Wicks, supported by Mr Jenkin, Mrs Heath and for the firsttime Principal! Thursday 4th December Volunteers Thank You morning tea. Premier Effort – Pilgrim Hall of Famers and Mr Harris The Premier’s Reading Challenge was a big event on our calendar for our “Hall of Fame Readers for Life”: All three schools on Campus joined together in the Campus Gym to see the Premier, Hon, Jay Weatherill award the Hall of Fame certificates to students from Thiele, Nativity and Pilgrim. Thank you to Mr Andrew Harris for organising this special visit. This is the first time a Premier of South Australia has visited Aberfoyle Primary School Campus since it was opened in 1982. Hannah Ricks, Vasili Pantelidis, Russel Fritz and Nathan Heath all from Year 7 received their Certificates from the Premier, Hon. Jay Weatherill today. A great achievement! A Special Thanks: This week also sees the final Pilgrim Board Meeting for 2014. I would especially like to thank David Powell, Lindsay Francis and Jenni Forder who are finishing their service to our school. I am very grateful for the support, guidance and encouragement of each of these Board members. We are losing some experience but each one will still be available to help out where required. Yours in His service Nigel Bennett, Principal. Jesus said: “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.” John 10:10 Thank You Thank you to the Year 3 & 5 families who helped at the Working Bee Saturday 15th November. The following families helped out: Arbon, Forder, Hoff, Larcombe, Mayers, Sutton, Curson, Denholm, Dolman, Gardiner, Jackson, Milne, Mulders, Pantelidis, Sheppard and second Sutton family. Worship & Assembly Roster Worship and Assemblies are held on Tuesday and Thursdays at 9.00am. Parents and friends are warmly invited to share in these special times in the Performing Arts Centre. Come and join us! November December 25 27 2 4 9 11 Assembly - Year 4 & Year 6 Year 1 Worship Indonesian & LAP Worship Reception Worship Farewell Worship Staff Farewell Worship Students Invitation to Year 7 Graduation All parents and students are invited to the Year 7 Graduation Wednesday 10th December 7.00pm at Seeds UCA 42 Sunnymeade Road, Aberfoyle Park Supper to follow. Celebrate with the Year 7 students their joys and highlights of being at Pilgrim School. This is a wonderful, positive evening for parents, family, and the wider school community to enjoy. We are very proud of our graduating Year 7 students. Premier’s Reading Challenge Congratulations to four of our Year 7 students who have successfully completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 8 years. They have now entered the Hall of Fame – Reader for Life category and received certificates from the Premier, Jay Weatherill. Hall of Fame – Reader for Life Russel Fritz Nathan Heath Vasili Pantelidis Hannah Ricks 2014 Summary 4 Readers for Life (new award) 6 students completed certificates for the first time above Reception year level 8 Hall of Fame Medals 7 Legend Medals 11 Champion Medals 25 certificates issued 15 Gold Medals 45 Silver Medals 25 Bronze Medals Most of the 2013 Bronze winners went on to complete Silver All of the 2013 Silver winners went on to complete Gold Almost of all of the 2013 Gold winners went on to complete Champion All of the 2013 Legend winners went on to complete the Hall of Fame This indicates that students become more motivated to keep going with the Challenge the more they take part ,which is pretty amazing given that the upper year levels are reading novels to complete their challenge. Students are still continuing to do the Challenge for the first time, even through to Year 7. Carson Gardiner just pulled ahead of Lantz Gailis in Year 6 and Toni Mayers and Nicholas Forder in Year 3 for reading the greatest number of books during the Challenge (over 60 books!) 2014: 140 entries, 2013: 143 entries, 2012: 117 entries, 2011: 54 entries Andrew Harris – Premier’s Reading Challenge organiser at Pilgrim School. Indonesian Special Activities BALI Life Christmas Appeal A big THANKYOU for the response to the Bali Life Christmas Parcel Appeal. The money received so far is a third of the way to our goal so far! Don’t forget to enable your family to be a part of this Christmas gift – it’s a real blessing to many children! Due by 28th November. Pass donations to the front office. Indonesian Cooking and Feasting Tuesday 25th November between recess and lunch ‘Indonesian Cooking and Feasting’ with Years 5-6 and ‘Indonesian Food sampling ’ open to year 3 and up(at lunch). (Further information given to the classes involved). Please phone the school if you can help out with either class – your help will be appreciated! Bali Connections Event Wednesday 26th November – Bali Connections Event at 3.30pm in the Indonesian room for parents (children will be given something quiet to do or taken to the computer room with supervision). An invitation from Nigel and myself to join us for a cuppa and to share and hear stories of recent Bali adventures and hear about the work of Bali Life and Pilgrim’s evolving connection to this. Tuesday 2nd Dec – Indonesian assembly (as well as LAP assembly) featuring something from every class (not every student) of the recent language learning. Roz Oldfield – Indonesian Teacher Volunteers Thank you Morning Tea To our Wonderful Volunteers As a thank you for all the help you have given to Pilgrim School the staff invite you to Morning Tea in the Oasis building on Thursday 4th December 9.30am after Worship. For catering purposes please RSVP by 26 th November. Family Data Family Data Base Check and Medical Forms have been sent home this week to families who are continuing in 2015. Rather than key in all the data at the beginning of the year, we are updating family and medical information now ready for 2015. All Family data forms are required to be signed and returned to the school by Monday 24th November (even if no changes) with any changes/amendments marked clearly. Medical and medication updates please return as soon as possible. Bookroom Stationery Parents & Friends Prompt payment of Bookroom account for student stationery items is appreciated. Any queries to Mandy, our Bursar. Pastoral Care Thank you to Joy Tonkin for all her hard work organising the care of families at Pilgrim School. Her understanding and compassion in this role has been awesome and well appreciated by many families. Joy has undertaken the pastoral care role for many years, and will be finishing at the end of this year. Please contact Tonya on 0438 868249 or have a chat to Joy about what is involved if you are interested in doing this. Woolworth BBQ Saturday 22nd November Thank you Juliet Sheppard, Susanne Milne and all the families who have volunteered their time to help out this Saturday at the Woolworth BBQ. This is a great fundraiser for our school. Why don’t you come and see us and purchase a sausage – we cook a great sausage! P&F AGM This Monday 24th November is our AGM. We would like to have as many people as possible come along. 7:30pm in the Oasis Building. Don’t miss out on teachers Lucy Collins and Glenda Perrott sharing some thoughts as well as finding out what we have fundraised and donated. Supper provided. We would love to see you there! Term Dates 2014 Nov Dec 22 24 26 30 3 4 8 10 11 P & F BBQ at Woolworths Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting Bali Connections Event 3.30pm Campus Treasure Market 2015 Reception Students Visit Volunteers Thank you Morning Tea New Student and Transition Day Year 7 Dinner and Graduation Final Day of Term 4, Semester 2 Reports go home 2.00pm finish for students STUDENT TERM DATES FOR 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Wednesday 28th January Tuesday 28th April Wednesday 22nd July Monday 12th October Friday 10th April Friday 3th July Friday 25th September Thursday 10th December Public Holidays: Monday 26th January Monday 9th March Friday 3rd April Monday 6th April Monday 8th June Australia Day Adelaide Cup Good Friday Easter Monday Queen’s Birthday Student Free Days Tuesday 27th January Monday 27th April Monday 20th July & Tuesday 21st July Monday 7th September Royal Adelaide Show (*to be confirmed) Friday 11th December Reader Stocktake All readers for Year 4 – 7 students to be returned as soon as possible please! All Lexile coded books are undergoing a big stocktake. As we have changed our software program for tracking reading to Literacy Pro, all books are needed to be added to the library electronically. It will truly be appreciated if all books can be returned by end of Week 6 to undertake recording on our new school system. Would you like to volunteer to help with adding readers to the school library electronically? Please talk to our front office ladies. Information Sent Home Bali Life Christmas Parcels Campus Newsletter Faith Family Family Data Check – as required Medical forms due 24/11 Scholastic Book club brochures Volunteers needed for BBQ at Campus Treasure Market Woolworths BBQ Volunteers help needed (email) Year 2: Kytons Christmas Fundraiser Year 4: End of Year catch up at Marion Pool Year 5, 6 & 7: Seeds Impact Year 6: Catering for Year 7 Graduation Dinner and Supper Year 6: Invitation to attend Year 7 Graduation Year 7 Graduation Invitations for family and friends Class Liaisons for 2015 We are still in need of Class Liaisons. As you can see we have many positions vacant. Please take some time to think about whether you can give a small amount of time to help make Pilgrim the great community school that it is. Thanks in advance! My contact number is 0438 868 249. So far for 2015 the following people have offered to be liaisons: Reception Rachael Gomez & Anneliese Gehrig Year 1 Rachael Wheadon & ? Year 2 Year 3 Angela Zimmermann + ? Year 4 Jodie Hoff + ? Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Sue Raw & Christine Dunthorne Kytons Christmas Treats The last fundraiser for the year is being organised by the Year 2 class. Orders due by Wednesday 3rd December. Delivery day is Wednesday 10th December, pick up goodies from eldest child’s classroom. Tonya Bishop- P&F President Thank you from the Heading family Catherine Heading, mum of Reece (Year 2) and Riley (Year 4) sincerely wants to say thanks to all the Pilgrim families who have expressed their love and care after the passing of Philip. The generosity of people in providing meals for the family has been very much appreciated. Canteen Helpers This year we have had a wonderful group of volunteers helping Maggie in the canteen. Thursday is the day Pilgrim is allocated to fill the roster of helpers. Many thanks to this year’s Canteen volunteers Andrea Partridge, Tracy Friend, Lisa Perry, Kathryn McLennan, Marieke Botes, Tonya Bishop, Jenny Joy, Sandra Denholm, Angela Zimmermann, Kristen Heath, Megan Muller and Julie Maurer. We are asking for more help for next year as we have some of the year 7 parents are leaving. While Thursday is our allocated day, if that day is not suitable, help on any other day would be excellent. Remembrance Day th Shared on 11 November by Joshua Gomez (Year 6) The Victims of War Poem by Louis Francis – Year 6 The grey blur of ships and weapons, a futile attempt in a prolonged siege in which no side can win, or at least come out unscathed. The men leave in ships of dull green and steel, the women give sorry glances and try to comfort each other, but to no avail. The children cry and weep but the ships will still go, and the cold numbness washes over them, that none will come back the same as they left. Never the less they still hope. The soldiers have fear and hate in their hearts but they feed on it to continue and remain strong for the comfort of loved ones watching; watching from the shores, awaiting their time. But it is time that becomes your greatest enemy in war. You want to die, want it to end; you don’t want to go back to be celebrated for the terrible things you’ve done. But time says no. As the ships reach foreign shore, in a foreign land, with foreign soldiers and foreign weapons, you step onto the sand and, as the bullets hit your form, you find a light in the darkness and fall to the sand. For death is the only sanction for the victims of war. Today I want to share what Remembrance Day means to my Grandfather. He was in the Vietnam War, 45 years ago. His name is David Joseph Mancer. He is the President of the Kangaroo Island RSL, he is sorry to be unable to make it here today as he is running the Remembrance service over there. Remembrance Day actually comes from World War 1 but all wars are remembered today. Here are some numbers from World War 1. 332,000 Australians went to World War 1. In that, 152,000 were wounded and 61,000 killed. In the Vietnam War 49,000 Australians went. 520 died and 2,400 were wounded. In my Grandfather’s school class of twenty boys, 4 of them went in the Vietnam war. 2 volunteered and the other 2 were called. 2 of them died and the other one died later from serious wounds. In that war our Government had a system called conscription where they would randomly pull birthdays out of a hat and if your birthday was called you had to go to war. My Grandfather, who was a young policeman at the time, registered and volunteered himself and coincidently a few weeks later his birthday was called. He did 6 months of training and then left for Vietnam on an air-craft carrier (he calls it a cruise ship). He spent 3 years there and was made a Corporal in D th Company. On May 26 1968 during a terrible battle called the Tet offensive, Pops was acting Sargent and ran out under open fire and with a sandbag of grenades into enemy territory. He also had to climb up onto one of our tanks to direct it as communications were down and it didn’t know where to shoot. He didn’t tell me all that. I looked it up in the citation that came when he earned a Military Medal for bravery. He doesn’t tell anyone serious stories. He always just says he played a few games of football with the enemy. My pops was lucky that he was born with a great sense of humour. He was very good at keeping up morale in his platoon. He always tries to see the positive side and have a joke. Even now, when all his old digger mates get together for reunions, there is lots of stirring and joking. However, Pops is very serious and respectful of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day though. They are a time to remember the friends he lost and all the men and women who died in Wars protecting our country. Australia is so lucky to be free of the worry of war. We need to remember all the people who died protecting us. I’m very proud of my Grandfather and I’m proud to be a free Australian. SACSA Basketball Two teams were entered into SACSA Basketball this year. Congratulations to the following students who were selected to play. Year 4 & 5 SACSA Basketball Team: Daniel Forder, Josh Friend, Callum Hillier, Lucas Langley, Matthew Sutton, Caleb Tonkin, Elijah Bishop, Jonathan Raw and Jayden Wallis. Year 6 & 7 SACSA Basketball Team: Troydn Bristow, Nathan Heath, Seth Stockman, Lachlan Tillett, Jack Zimmermann, Patrick Raw and Hannah Newbury. Library Student borrowing ends tomorrow 21st November. All student resources are due back by the end of week 7, 28th November for stocktake. We appreciate prompt return of all Campus Library books. APHS Ignite Program Application 2015 Application forms for this program can be obtained by downloading from the Aberfoyle Park High School website<> or by Phoning: 8270 4455 Or by Emailing:<> The closing date for applications will be Friday the 6th of February 2015, the testing for a place in the Year 8 Ignite program for 2016 will be held at Aberfoyle Park High school on Saturday morning the 21st of February 2015. Campus Treasure Market The next Treasure Market will be h e l d o n Sunday 30th November from 10am, on the Campus Main Oval and COLA, Campus Drive, Aberfoyle Park. There will be a huge number of variety and craft stalls, hot food and BBQ, drinks and treats. Grab a great Christmas bargain CAMPUS SPONSORS The Campus Tornadoes Pedal Prix Team Invites you to our “Come and Try” evening Friday 21st November 2014 6.30pm to 7.30pm Nativity Carpark, London Rd Aberfoyle Park Open to all Campus students who will be in year 6 or 7 in 2015 Come along and have a ride in one of our trikes. Please wear comfortable sports clothes, sneakers and bring a bike helmet. Please also bring along at least one parent. You will be able to ask questions of members of our 2014 team, including our parents. An information sheet will be available on the night and an information night will be held in early term 1 2015. RSVP: UNIFORM SHOP The Campus uniform shop is situated between the Campus office and library, and is open at the following times. Monday Wednesday Friday 2.30pm -3.30pm 8.30am-9.30am 8.30am-9.30am If you are unable to get into the shop you may order via e-mail at or phone 8276 8449 or the front office has an order form. SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE The School Dental Service is a Child Dental Benefits Schedule provider. All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend. Dental care is FREE for most children. Children who do not qualify for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule can also attend – a small fee will apply for each course of general dental care provided. All dental care provided is FREE for preschool children. The nearest Clinic is Marion GP Plus Healthcare Centre Telephone: (08) 7425 8400 Location: Level 1, 10 Milham Street, Oaklands Park located adjacent to the Adelaide Aquatic Centre at Marion For more information about the “Child Dental Benefits Schedule”, visit . Community News “GOOD NEWS it’s Christmas!” Are you interested in volunteering your time to help take the Christmas message to the children in our local primary schools? This year’s program: “GOOD NEWS it’s Christmas!” is fun and well organised with lots of activities for the children. Team members are all ages and from many churches in our area. For more information contact Jacqui John 83837264 or Tenille Chambers Appleton Sports School Holiday Cricket Academy Scotch College- Carruth Rd, Torrens Park Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th & Friday 19th December 2014 Coaching Academy (Children aged 5-11 years) 9:00am–12:00pm $110.00 per child (Inc. GST) for 3 days Pathway Academy (Children aged 12-17 years) 1:00pm – 4:00pm - $140.00 per child (Inc. GST) for 3 days For further information please contact – Jeremy Appleton Mobile - 0408 490 079 or Email - Girl Guides ‘have lots of fun’ make new friends’ have a girls only space’ try adventurous activities’ go camping ‘are part of a global movement’ learn leadership skills ‘get involved in the community ‘learn life skills’ plus lots more!!!’ Girl Guides are having fun today, leading the world tomorrow. There are currently vacancies at Happy Valley Girl Guides. Contact Angela Higgins on 0408 977188 for meeting times. Hills Christian Family Centre Blackwood presents: Holiday Activities for 7-12 & 13-16 year olds!!! Join in great fun filled experience & make new friends at Active Ed’s ‘Summer Water Adventure' holiday camp to be held 21st-23rd of January (Adelaide Hills). Active Education offers campers a wide variety of age appropriate activities. Indoor and outdoor play, non-competitive sports activities, recreational kayaking and water play, arts and crafts, challenge course, night laser tag, dress-up night with costume parade and much more! Your child will meet new friends; have fun AND GO HOME WITH A SUMMER CAMP TSHIRT! For more information, application forms & discount offers check out or phone 8370 1500. Summer Reading Club – Hub library Keen to keep reading through the school holidays? Want to win some prizes too? Come to the Hub library Summer Reading Club launch for a “Time Traveling Quest through the Ages”. Discover Ancient Egypt, robots of the future, and journey all the way back to prehistoric times. Summer Reading Club launches on Monday 1 December 3.304.30pm at the Hub library. Book now on 8384 0100 or at What’s been happening in the Year 1 classroom… iUnit – on Healthy Eating and Being Active – here’s our ‘cute fruit’ Published authors Washing our Tennis handsClinic: helps where to everyone had a ball! keep us healthy Posters we made in computing about ‘being active’
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