Sweet science Does Australian manuka honey have medicinal potential? Tailor-made propaganda Fashion was more than a frivolity when Europe went to war in 1914. PAGE 6 PAGE 7 ISSUE 20, 18 NOVEMBER 2014 Journeys in suburbia A photographer’s 20-year project capturing life in south-west Sydney is part of a digital revolution keeping libraries relevant. Page 5 Rebel Grannies: Bruna Trimarchi, centre, Mika Klickovic and Roma Jakubec outside the Rebels clubhouse, Leppington, 2009. UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS 2 UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS | NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 | UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS 3 Contents 3 Page SPORT 4 Page SPORT A new coaching team is on the water as UTS Haberfield Rowing Club sets course for Rio 2016 5 Page ENVIRONMENT A young researcher gets up close with freshwater algae for the sake of river and reef health Page COVER STORY Two decades behind the lens produce an intimate and ground-breaking archive of Sydney life 6 7 Page SCIENCE Beekeepers and patients may benefit from new research into the medicinal powers of Australian honey DESIGN Ostrich feathers, propaganda and Parisian couture tell an economic back story to WWI Once upon a time: using space particles to tell the oldest story Physicists are finding new ways to explore the building blocks of the solar system, writes Leigh Dayton. Photo: Thinkstock Physicist Aiden Martin, at work in his UTS lab, is passionate about developing scientific hardware to explain our solar system. Photo by Fiona McGill. It’s difficult to imagine, but tiny specks of cosmic dust hold important clues to nothing less than the evolution of our solar system. There is a catch, though. The precious particles – collected during NASA’s 1999 Stardust mission to the comet Wild 2 – are trapped in a special silica aerogel. How to retrieve them safely? Enter Aiden Martin, a doctoral student in physics at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). “The problem is mostly the size of the particles. Some are a micron in size or even less,” Martin says. A micron is 100 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Until now, techniques for isolating and extracting the particles from their foam-like cocoon involved inserting fine glass needles into the silica aerogel, too often damaging the particles in the process. With a John Stocker scholarship from Australia’s Science and Industry Endowment Fund, Martin has been able to tackle the problem with fellow UTS physicists Dr Igor Aharonovich, Professor Milos Toth and Dr Charlene Lobo, and astrophysicist Dr Eric Silver from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (HSCA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It’s been a fruitful collaboration. Martin and his colleagues have used a newly developed, electron beam-induced etching process on a high-powered scanning electron microscope developed by the Oregon microscopy firm FEI Company. Martin explains that the procedure involves “etching” the aerogel material away from individual particles. Dr Aharonovich adds: “It’s like looking for jewellery in the sand.” Dr Aharonovich joined UTS in 2013 from Harvard University. “I met Martin when he was visiting Harvard,” he says. “We were having a drink and I was interested in the research here at UTS.” When Martin visited the HSCA they used their process with Dr Silver’s high-resolution X-ray detector to measure the structure and mineralogical composition of the particles. Their technology promises to enhance the continuing study of Comet Wild 2 samples which began after the arrival of Stardust’s return canister in 2006. Since then, more than 200 international scientists have analysed samples. They’ve found the particles are, as expected, ancient building blocks of the solar system. But the nature and origin of the particles was “quite remarkable”, says Stardust investigator Dr Don Brownlee of the University of Washington. He says the comet’s ice formed in cold regions beyond Neptune. But the rocky bulk of its mass formed much closer to the Sun, in regions hot enough to evaporate bricks. Then last August, at the University of California, Berkeley, physicist Andrew Westphal’s team reported it had identified seven particles from outside the solar system, perhaps created in a supernova explosion millions of years ago. Martin and company hope to use their extraction technique on these particles. This is a heady world for a young scientist. Martin hopes to complete his PhD this year, before moving to San Francisco to look for a postdoctoral position. “I’m passionate about developing new scientific hardware. I want to be at the cutting edge,” he says. Ready for a festival of self-control BY FIONA MCGILL On the eve of the summer festival season, new research reveals good news and bad news about crowd management at large events. Dr Rob Harris and Dr Deborah Edwards, of the business school at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), led a study with the Australian Institute of Criminology to gather data for a risk-management tool that could assess crowd control needs. Dr Harris and Dr Edwards interviewed police, liquor-licensing authorities, security firms, local councils, large venues and stadiums Managing Editor: Robert Button Editor: Fiona McGill Design and layout: Tui Prichard Printer: Blue Star Print NSW Editorial enquiries: 02 9514 2732, brink@uts.edu.au Brink is published by the University of Technology, Sydney through its Marketing and Communication Unit. The views expressed in Brink are not necessarily the views of the university or its editorial team. and found a pervasive drinking culture, abuse of drugs and general lack of personal accountability were overriding concerns. “People are not accepting responsibility for themselves. They want it to be everybody else’s problem,” says Dr Edwards. The findings echo the experience of security expert Jim Fidler, director of Secure Events and Assets in Sydney. The former London Metropolitan Police officer says too many people expect others to pick up the pieces when they behave badly. Brink is published on The Sydney Morning Herald iPad app on the third Tuesday of every month. SUBSCRIBE TO BRINK You can subscribe to the print version of Brink by emailing your name and postal address to brink@uts.edu.au “We have the pre-loading where people have a bottle of vodka, then an hour and two beers later they’re throwing up and causing us problems. Or the drugs – they take them from people they don’t know, and they don’t know what the drugs are,” says Fidler. “You don’t need to get that drunk that we have to carry you out on a stretcher … [and you could] potentially die.” A rule of thumb in event management calls for two crowd controllers for the first 100 patrons and one controller for every 100 patrons thereafter. Dr Edwards says their study, funded by the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, aimed to determine if those ratios were still appropriate. “Should it be adjusted up or down? What are the other parameters that affect that 1:100 ratio? And what we found is that the elements that impact the number of crowd controllers needed at an event is very broad,” she says. The “hype factor” of music is significant – is it thrash metal or Security staff remove a patron at a summer music festival. Photo by AAP/Jack Tran. folk? – as is the type of beer served – full strength or half strength – overcrowding, availability of food and water, and the age and gender of patrons. She says the calibre of crowdcontrol staff is also an issue. “Part of the problem in the crowd control industry is around wages and career progression,” says Dr Edwards. “Because the wages aren’t good, because there’s a lack of career progression, you’re always getting casual or unskilled people going through.” An unexpected finding was that women and university students were found to be good crowd controllers – patrons are less antagonistic to women, while students think outside the square to solve problems. Jim Fidler says maturity is a sound qualification; he favours staff with “a bit of life experience”. Dr Harris praised stadiums and major venues, the City of Sydney and some notable security companies for their good practices. And he made a plea to summer revellers: be considerate of the crowd controllers. They’re not the fun police, they’re there for your safety. Oarsome twosome back on stroke Ellen Randell, head women's coach at UTS Haberfield, and returning men's coach Tim McLaren greet the dawn at Iron Cove. Photo by Peter Morris. There's new momentum in the boatshed and ambition on the water as a coaching duo reunites, writes John Huxley. J can provide the environment – the Sydney and Athens, respectively. ust as she’s done almost “To lure Tim back took a pretty big physical and mental support – for every morning for 20 years success. But like the boatshed did, investment but it’s created a lot of or so, rain or shine, Ellen it will take some time rebuilding.” Randell stands on the deck of UTS interest. Having two world-class Despite their success with elite coaches at the club should mean Haberfield Rowing Club at Iron rowers, McLaren, Randell and we attract more talent.” Cove and greets the dawn. Welch are passionate advocates Anthony “Doc” Blower, chief A new era of rowing is dawning, of club-based programs that cater executive of Rowing NSW, says too, as Randell, women’s head for athletes of all ages and levels. “that’s good for rowing locally and coach, welcomes the return to “Not every athlete will make it nationally … there’s a number of Haberfield of men’s head coach to the Olympics, but they all add clubs, such as Sydney, Mosman Tim McLaren. “It’s great to have and Sydney University, which work to the depth and fabric of the club,” him back,” Randell says of the says McLaren, who won a silver with elite athletes, but they can other half of the club’s so-called always do with more competition.” medal in the quadruple sculls at the “dream team”. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Blower has a high opinion of They prepared no fewer than 38 “UTS has always tried to create the new “old” team and its ability athletes and coaches for Olympic to attract talent and support. “Ellen a culture built on principles of hard Games between 1992 and 2008, work, high standards and resilience who between them won 16 medals is a saint, held in high regard by athletes. And the thing I like about with a strongly supportive family– a remarkable achievement even like environment.” for a club that has “punched Welch agrees. “It’s not above its weight” for most of all about coaches and boats. its distinguished history. We strive to be diligent, It’s about creating the right “For a while back there ... we strive to we had the best squad in the hardworking, aspirational and atmosphere be diligent, hardworking, country,” says McLaren, who aspirational and cohesive.” has worked in China, Britain cohesive. And successful. And successful. and the United States, where “There’s bragging rights, he coached the 2012 Olympics pride and ego involved ... we’d like Tim is … he teaches the whole squad. For the past two years, he to be number one in NSW, number person, not just the rower.” has been head rowing coach at the one in Australia.” But how soon can the pair start NSW Institute of Sport. Beyond that, says Welch, the winning Olympic medals for a His reunion with Randell famous club that began life in 1925 club maintains links with NSW comes only a few months after schools, as well as international as Haberfield Rowing Club, and the opening of the redeveloped aspirations. “We aim each year amalgamated with UTS in 1992? University of Technology, Sydney McLaren, 58, warns recapturing to compete against other world(UTS) boatshed, and has been class rowing universities such as welcomed by rowing experts inside the glory days won’t be easy, that they might get a few athletes to the Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, and outside the club. Princeton and Berkeley.” 2016 Olympics in Brazil, but are “It’s a win for us at several Indeed, McLaren will be looking more to Japan in 2020. levels,” says Stuart Welch, club released for two weeks to prepare “We’re starting virtually from treasurer and its most successful the Cambridge crew for its annual scratch and … well, coaching’s not Olympian. He won silver and Boat Race against Oxford. bronze medals in the men’s VIII in an exact science. Hopefully, we Silver medal winner Laura Dunn has been part of the UTS rowing family since she began her leisure management degree. Photo by Peter Morris. All rows lead to Rio BY FIONA MCGILL In six minutes and 19 seconds, UTS rower Laura Dunn reached a new peak in the sport she has pursued since her mid-teens. The occasion was the 2014 World Rowing Championships, held in August at the Netherlands’ Bosbaan regatta course. Dunn, in her first regatta representing Australia, won a silver medal in the women's lightweight quadruple sculls. As soon as she could escape the post-race formalities, she greeted her long-time coach, Ellen Randell: “Ellen was ecstatic, all smiles and hugs. Obviously we would have loved gold – that’s what we trained for – but as a camp-based crew we only had a total of three weeks together before the race, so still a great result.” Dunn began rowing on Lake Macquarie 11 years ago, after hanging round at regattas watching her older sister in action. By the time she finished school, she was hooked. A move from the Hunter to Sydney to study leisure management brought her under Randell’s tutelage and into a new family, the rowing community of the University of Technology, Sydney. “I’d moved away from home and from my family … Ellen’s been there for the ups and the downs, the tears and the joy,” Dunn says. Dunn, now 27, says she lives much as she did when studying, modestly. Her boyfriend, a senior coach at another rowing club, understands the lifestyle – the unsocial hours, the challenges of holding down a full-time job, the lack of funding. “This sort of life is not easy but he gets it,” she says. Each day, Dunn is on the water before dawn at Iron Cove, in Sydney’s inner west, and in the gym each afternoon. There’s no time to lose if she’s to snag a spot in the lightweight double sculls crew at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. 4 UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS | NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 | UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS 5 ENVIRONMENT COVER STORY Sydney, this is your life From left: Kids own creation, Heckenberg 1996; Argentine drum group, Heckenberg 1996; Vietnamese migrant grows snake beans, Bringelly 2005. All photos courtesy of Therese Sweeney. The archive of a photographer’s 20-year journey through the suburbs of her childhood is part of the revolution transforming libraries, writes Fiona McGill. T When science gets under the skin A young researcher has spent three years up close with freshwater algae in a study to improve the health of tropical rivers and the Great Barrier Reef, writes Fiona McGill. F or three years, environmental scientist and doctoral student Rebecca Wood has devoted herself to benthic diatoms, or freshwater algae. She has travelled to rivers up and down the Queensland tropical coast, scrubbing the algae off rocks. She has exposed them to herbicides, and peered through her microscope to gauge their reaction. Finally, she is using her data to design a ground-breaking index of species at risk for scientists monitoring the health of waterways flowing onto the Great Barrier Reef. And, as if that hasn’t been enough to keep her busy, she has just competed in the national final of the Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, held earlier this month at the University of Western Australia. Those 180 seconds of high-pressure public speaking as the finalist from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) were the culmination of years of practice at the urging of her PhD supervisors, who promoted her to speak at conferences as far afield at Glasgow. Her 3MT topic was “Benthic diatoms as indicators of herbicide toxicity” and, as Wood, 29, admits: “My research is quite hard to explain. [Having to distil it for] the Three-Minute Thesis has made it so much easier to talk about what I’m doing.” She had no need of notes, having memorised her material and perfected her conversational style in the shower – where “you’re all relaxed Rebecca Wood uses a toothbrush to scrub benthic diatoms, inset, from rocks in a far north Queensland river. Photos supplied. Research (TropWATER) at the national park, looking for the and you’ve got good acoustics” – powerful owl, those sorts of things.” James Cook University, Townsville, and out walking her dog. says Wood’s work could be used Wood says benthic diatoms Wood is on the last leg of her to highlight shortcomings in are widely known as a good PhD, writing up papers – four the regulation of water quality. indicator of ecological health at last count – and preparing to The project took her to far because they are so responsive to submit her thesis. At the back of north Queensland where she changes in water quality. They are, her mind, though, is a particular took samples from 14 rivers – she says, “the dominant primary celebration – acquiring a new using a toothbrush to scrub the tattoo to mark such a life milestone. producers in rivers … they’re algae off rocks – for analysis in Her husband, Angus, a tattoo artist, really important at the base of the sensitivity experiments in the food chain as a source for other will add a “beautiful diatom” to organisms such as fish and insects”. lab. She is now writing up her Wood’s tattoo collection, which results and compiling a database They are also sensitive to includes a corroboree frog she got of herbicide-sensitive species pollution and could be used to after an alpine research project. for a bio-monitoring index. detect the impact of herbicides “I love the imagery [of tattoos] “Field work in the tropics is and I love thinking about what the in waterways that flow onto the certainly different,” says Wood, Great Barrier Reef. At present, next image will be. Diatoms are who skirted round so beautiful and I know venomous snakes they’d make a good to get to the water tattoo … I’ve just got to That was really my project … but managed to avoid decide where to put it.” to create a new species-at-risk index any close encounters Art was Wood’s with crocodiles. first career choice: her which can detect herbicide impacts “I could live up there favourite subjects at Cheltenham Girls in rivers before they flow into the reef. and go troppo … you just feel this High School were different mode of physics and art. After living. I really loved it, and it’s the HSC, she went to the National pollution monitoring is focused beautiful, like another country.” on the chemical, rather than Art School, where she met Dr Ben Kefford, assistant biological: “It only gets you so Angus. As a graduate, though, she professor in water science at the far to know how much chemicals realised her passion lay elsewhere. University of Canberra, says are in the environment without A year later, she was at UTS Wood’s bio-monitoring method, asking what effect it is having studying environmental science. which he hopes will be in use on the biota that lives there? The eldest of three children within a few years, would allow “That was really my project – her father is a banker who scientists to obtain a direct … to create a new species-atkeeps bees and loves cycling and measure of water toxicity. bushwalking; her mother is a nurse risk index which can detect “The federal and Queensland herbicide impacts in rivers who loves biology – Wood grew governments have goals pertaining before they flow into the reef.” up in North Epping with Lane to reef health and water quality,” Jon Brodie, chief research Cove National Park at her back says Dr Kefford. “The index scientist at the Centre for Tropical door. “I’ve always loved nature: could be used to indicate where exploring our secret spots down in Water & Aquatic Ecosystem there is toxicity in rivers and help to meet those goals.” Wood’s plans after her doctorate – beyond that diatom tattoo – are likely to include further research. “I’m so loving research. It’s like a job and I treat it as such. I take it seriously and I come in [to UTS] every day and work hard at it. It’s just that you don’t get paid as much.” Rebecca Wood had a corroboree frog tattooed on her foot after an earlier environmental research project. Photo by Simona Galimberti. herese Sweeney has thousands of photographs of the area in south-west Sydney where she grew up. Ask her to choose her favourites and she’s spoilt for choice. There are the shots of market gardeners and koi farmers, walking groups and bocce players, big noisy families celebrating weddings and birthdays, and solitary folk leading quiet, ordinary lives. Sweeney’s “photo album” is an intimate chronicle of social change in several suburbs around the Liverpool and Camden municipalities – images she has captured over 20 years and which are now in a ground-breaking, public archive developed by librarians at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). When personal circumstances drew her into this intense project – “on reflection, the journey I had to have” – she recognised she would always be tied to her community. “I grew up in Green Valley from its beginnings – six suburbs full of fibro housing and lots of kids,” says Sweeney. She was able to gain access to people’s lives because she “was one of them”. A favourite theme involved pictures of people at bus stops. One was taken outside the Rebels building unique collections – and motorcycle clubhouse. As a busload of Sydney’s south-west in Therese’s is a unique collection – the 1990s and beyond,” says of women watched, Sweeney and sharing it.” Professor Ashton. “It’s a relatively captured Austral market gardener The dilemma for the archivist, contemporary period and few have Bruna Trimarchi and two friends he says, is deciding when material recorded it – certainly not in this posing against the club gates. which some might call ephemera voluminous detail. “They’re called the ‘Rebel is worth collecting. “That’s the hard “On the one hand, it’s domestic Grannies’ now,” says Sweeney, decision to make … is [an item] and small scale – full of intimate “and the photograph is framed important or is it ephemeral?” scenes. On the other, Therese’s and hanging in their local UTS Library staff digitised work captures the massive changes community centre.” that have been wrought in a recent Sweeney’s selected negatives and Sweeney started her project transparencies and developed the passage of time as the suburbs in 1994, in the pre-digital era. metadata framework, Working with 35mm adding context – author, film, a second-hand titles and places, for Minolta X300 and The bigger picture is the example – to expose a strict budget, she each item to search would process the narrative of pioneering market engines and other lines negatives and print gardeners and residents forming of online inquiry. The her pictures. “My shot bigger picture is the ratio had to be tight – new suburbs from the early 1960s. narrative of Sweeney’s I allowed myself three Memory Bank project, shots to come up with recording the stories of pioneering undergo development of what a keeper.” migrant market gardeners and were spaces for agriculture and The next step, in 1995, was residents forming new suburbs horticulture.” beginning a communication from the early 1960s. Professor Ashton could see the degree (and her enduring The same team has recently potential of Sweeney’s archive as association with UTS) to hone published Conflicted Dispatches, a public resource, which brought the theory side – filmmaking, an archive of writings by Indian UTS Librarian Mal Booth into social history, politics. That brought journalist PRS Mani, who was the frame. her into the orbit of Professor an officer in the British army in “When we talk about libraries Paul Ashton, co-director of the Indonesia from 1945 to 1949. it’s less about building collections Australian Centre for Public The archive was edited by Professor and putting them on shelves or History, who recognised the Heather Goodall of UTS. making databases and making significance of Sweeney’s work. Booth says the benefits of people come and find you,” says “[It] documents in fine-grain collecting Sweeney’s photographs Booth. “It’s now more about detail the rapid development may not be revealed for years, “… when someone desperate for evidence – cultural material in an exhibition, in a book – goes ‘this is just gold’, combines it with some other knowledge, or data sets, and makes something else of it”. Sweeney is pleased UTS has made her collection public. “It’s what I wanted from the beginning. My purpose – apart from recording working-class culture – was to stimulate curiosity and research.” The project is multi-layered: some 1000-plus still photographs are the first phase, to be followed by sound and, finally, video. “Photography was never enough for me to honour the residents … which led to the oral history and the moving images.” Sweeney says in some ways it was a harsh landscape in which to grow up. However, it had a rich mix of people – from the home owners to those dependent on welfare – who looked after one another. “What’s mine is yours,” says Sweeney. “That’s how we got by.” See the full archive at sweeney.lib.uts.edu.au. The PRS Mani archive is at: http://hdl.handle.net/10453/28084. For more about Therese Sweeney's work, see memorybank.org.au. From far left: Therese Sweeney with Margaret and Gough Whitlam, Darling Point 1995 (Gough was the local MP during her childhood); Paul and Sharmaine, Penrith 1995. Camera photo: Thinkstock. 6 UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS | NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 | UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS 7 SCIENCE DESIGN Beekeepers eye the sweet spot Can any of Australia’s 83 species of manuka tree yield honey with the potency to fight infection? A new study aims to find out, writes Melinda Ham. Y much-needed boost to honey unable to become resistant ou may already like producers, says Ben Hooper, to honey, unlike antibiotics.” to spread Australian The study will also test the ability who represents the country’s honey on your toast 10,000 registered beekeepers with of bacteria to become resistant to or have a spoonful in your tea. Australian Leptospermum honeys. the Rural Industries Research However, if the outcome of and Development Corporation New Zealand has two species research led by microbiologist (RIRDC). The corporation is of Leptospermum trees, while Liz Harry is positive, it may funding the research project. Australia has 83 – the largest become a topical treatment for “This research is very exciting,” diversity of this plant. They’re chronic wounds – and boost says Hooper. “Australian table found in north-eastern NSW, the earnings of beekeepers. honey sells for about $4 a kilogram south-eastern Queensland and Professor Harry, the deputy but medicinal-grade honey sells for north-western Tasmania. director of the ithree institute about $30 a kilogram. In a good “There is enormous potential at the University of Technology, year, we produce about 30,000 for the Australian honey industry Sydney (UTS), and three cotonnes and if the price was high, investigators have begun a five-year to really capitalise on the growing we could easily double that. project to examine the Producing this additional medicinal properties of Medihoney dressings could honey would require only honey from manuka trees operational changes in Australia (known as help to prevent infection topically, minimal and few extra input costs.” Leptospermum honeys). The global medicinal They want to find out giving the body a greater chance honey market is already which honeys from which to fight disease. worth $75 million annually. areas have the highest As further research supports level of methylglyoxal, honey’s effectiveness, demand medicinal honey market, as we a nectar-derived chemical that for honey wound dressings is have more land and larger forests kills bacterial cells. Many studies increasing in Britain, Canada of these manuka trees,” says have documented the high level and the United States. It is Professor Harry. of this chemical in New Zealand estimated that in the US alone, “It will also have great manuka honeys, but no one has yet about 6.5 million people have examined the antibacterial potency environmental benefits, increase chronic wounds. biodiversity and encourage us to of Australian honey. At the same time, with a manage our forests better and really “The chemistry is very complex worldwide honey shortage caused value them.” and has evolved over millions of by colony collapse disorder (when If the research proves the years to be hostile to bacterial worker bees abruptly abandon a growth,” says Professor Harry. “This potency and effectiveness of hive) and the combined effects is the reason we believe bacteria are Australian honey, it will give a A beekeeper smokes his hives to remove the honey. Photo courtesy Capilano. of the Varroa and Acarapis mites in Europe and the Americas, Australia and New Zealand for the moment are uninfected. Nurse Heidi Darcy, clinical adviser to Comvita, New Zealand’s biggest medicinal honey manufacturer, says health professionals are exploring honeybased wound dressings because chronic wounds are becoming more common and more complex to treat. At the same time, bacteria are developing resistance to traditional antimicrobial treatments. Darcy says medicinal honey wound dressings could play a synergistic role in fighting wound infection. “Where antibiotics are fighting infection from within the bloodstream, Medihoney dressings could help to prevent infection topically, giving the body a greater chance to fight disease. “They can kick-start the healing. The honey draws out excess water, cellular debris and bacteria from the wound, reducing the risk of infection.” She says medicinal honey is already used by veterinarians. conducive to learning for the 80 to 100 children. Working with the community development organisation Sambhav Nepal, Dr Prescott is supported by the Rotary club of Wahroonga and a group who volunteer their services in Nepal. Dr Prescott will make her fourth trip to the Himalayan kingdom in January, when she hopes the rebuilding of Gandaki school can begin. Since she began training teachers at the school, Dr Prescott says the spoken English of pupils and teachers has improved enormously and they are now able to hold conversations rather than just exchange simple textbook phrases. “Teachers tend to think you can only learn from textbooks so we have been taking them outside and playing educational games to show there are alternatives.” Classroom management has been another issue to address. “I thought there was a lot of shouting in class – they teach the way they were taught – so we try to break some of those habits.” The cultural disconnect that can occur between fund-raising and local needs is evident in some wellmeaning but under-used initiatives. One charitable organisation had built a library that was hardly used. Dr Prescott discovered this was because teachers didn’t know how to incorporate books other than textbooks in their teaching. “So I read aloud to them just as I would to my own son. No one had ever done that before and they were enthralled,” she says. Another school has a science lab that lies dormant – again because teachers don’t know how to use it. “The internet is too expensive and not available to them so one of our big plans is to get them access to DVDs so they can watch experiments and learn how to conduct them.” Sanitation and sanctuary have to be uppermost, though, if girls are to have an equal stake in education, says Dr Prescott. “It’s very hard for the kids. They have to work on the farm as well as go to school. There’s some electricity but it’s intermittent and, in the winter, temperatures can drop to below zero.” Her pragmatic message to a society that prioritises boys’ education is simple: “If you want your sons to be educated, you have to educate their mothers.” EDUCATION High ambition for students in the mountain kingdom N epal entranced mathematician Anne Prescott in 1983 on her first visit to the lakeside city of Pokhara, and she promised herself she would go back one day to do some trekking. That return trip, in January 2011, ended up being a professional BY AMANDA WOODARD mission when Dr Prescott, a senior maths lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), led a teacher-training team to the western region of Nepal. Dr Prescott has always viewed education as a way for people to get out of poverty, but the visit opened her eyes to the problems Conditions inside the classroom at Gandaki school are basic, but sanitation facilities are worse, causing girls to leave education. Photo by Anne Prescott. faced by teachers and pupils. “Some teachers walked three or four hours each way to attend the professional development classes,” she says. But it was the dilapidated state of Gandaki school, near Arughat, and the lack of sanitation that really left an impression. Boys far outnumbered the girls and Dr Prescott soon realised girls stopped attending class because the toilets were terrible – little more than a concrete slab. Girls avoided drinking so they didn’t have to use the toilets or, if they had their periods, they wouldn’t attend school at all. “It was really unhealthy,” she says. “So when I returned to Australia, I set about trying to raise money to improve the toilets in Gandaki school.” Dr Prescott collected twice the amount of money needed, and her efforts have been recognised with a UTS Social Inclusion award. She is now raising funds to rebuild the Gandaki school and replace mud floors and broken desks with something more For more about community development in Nepal, see sambhavnepal.org. Frontline of fashion From far left: French dancer Gaby Deslys adorned with ostrich feathers; magazine illustrations contained anti-German propaganda. Images supplied. Ostrich feathers, propaganda and Parisian couture tell an economic back story to World War I, writes Fiona McGill. G abrielle Chanel opened her first boutique in 1910, on Rue Cambon in Paris; her second followed in 1913, in the French seaside town of Deauville. A year later, Europe was at war and munitions and uniforms suddenly seemed more significant than French couture gowns and prêt-àporter trends. With the centenary of World War I, historians have returned to the archives to document the significance of fashion and the fashion industry in those tumultuous times. In the process, they have unearthed gems of ingenuity, innovation and impeccably dressed propaganda. Next month in Paris, at a conference titled “Fashion, Dress and Society in Europe during WWI”, Emily Brayshaw, a PhD researcher at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), will deliver a paper on the social and economic importance of ostrich feathers in fashion during the war. It is a story of rationing, feather stockpiles and “ridiculous” prices – before the war, says Brayshaw, “a good plume could cost almost as much as a diamond” – and will put French actor and dancer Gaby Deslys in the spotlight. It is also part of the broader story of fashion’s impact on the French economy, social fabric and war effort, and the role of Parisian designers as style arbiters for women all over the world. Other papers at the conference will cover gender, dress, fashion producers, consumers and workers, and the wartime press. “Fashion was a key component of the French economy 100 years ago … the world looked to Paris to set the fashion,” says Brayshaw. “One of the key things Paris exported was intellectual property … the incredibly wealthy would travel from all over the world to get their clothes made in Paris. But the designers would also send designs and sketches to department stores or makers around the world and that Paris look would be adopted. “These looks did become mass-produced by 1914 and you could buy off the rack or from catalogues … That was important, given the geographical spread of many countries. You’re living in rural Canada but you can still feel in touch with the latest French fashions, buying from a catalogue; you’re part of this imagined community of fashion.” Brayshaw says before war broke out, merchants in Paris and London stockpiled ostrich feathers because they were so valuable. During the war, many fashion items, including fabrics, dyes and trimmings, became heavily rationed but ostrich feathers were exempt. “The ostrich feather market was gigantic before the war … there was so much money to be made … and then the market crashed in 1914. You’ve got all these stockpiled ostrich feathers hanging around worth nothing … By 1917, you have the fashion industry saying what can we use when we’re facing restrictions? Oh, look, we’ve got all these ostrich feathers lying around.” Suddenly, ostrich feathers were everywhere – trimming shoes, decorating hats – and their use seemed limited only by a designer’s imagination. Brayshaw says the feathers were also key to attempts to rescue French fashion from the pervasive misery of war time and reinvigorate the national economy. While Parisians were producing garments in dark hues that echoed the hardship – mounting casualties, striking workers, mutineering soldiers – the Americans, who didn’t enter the war until 1917, were grumbling because fashion was too sombre. The French fashion trade press took up the cause, Brayshaw says, “saying [to the couture industry], we’ve got to lift our game and get the view out there that we’re still ‘gay Paris’. Global consumers don’t want austerity from us.” And, notes Brayshaw, what better way to send a sartorial message of frivolity to people starved of luxury than clothes trimmed with soft, fluffy ostrich feathers? Professor Peter McNeil, dean of research at the UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, says work such as Brayshaw’s is significant for the detail it reveals about a cataclysmic period in history. “People dismiss fashion [in this context of commentary on war] as facile or trivial but it’s not at all. These are important discoveries, as well as being a strong argument for returning to the archive,” Professor McNeil says. Rebecca Barry, the producer and director of documentary I Am A Girl, little imagined the impact her film would have when it was released in Australia last year. It traces the lives of six girls between the ages of 17 and 19 in Cambodia, Afghanistan (Aziza is pictured left), Cameroon, Papua New Guinea, the United States and Australia, and has developed its own momentum, says Barry. Last month, the documentary had its US premiere as part of the annual UN-sponsored International Day of the Girl summit in New York City. Barry is working with US partners to develop accompanying educational guides, and is planning screenings in the UK and Europe for 2015. Amnesty International has used it with community groups as an educational tool, while a troupe of dance students choreographed a new work reflecting the messages on discrimination and domestic violence. Barry, who made the movie as part of her doctorate at the University of Technology, Sydney, says its greatest success is the way it has been embraced by mainstream education because “that’s where inter-generational change can happen”. At Q&A Brayshaw’s fascination with ostrich feathers is a happy offshoot of her own journey through the archives, researching Parisian showgirls and their costumes. “The first grand, feathered showgirl revue was staged in Paris on Christmas night, 1917. I got to thinking, where the hell did they get all those ostrich feathers from in the middle of a war zone?” Delving into archives in Australia, Europe and the US has yielded a rich narrative, of which ostrich feathers are only a part. Brayshaw has chronicled the use of fashion during the First World War to signify grief (dark colours) and a “defiant attitude in the face of terror (frilly undergarments, especially with lace made by Belgian refugees in France); and to lampoon the enemy (the fat German housewife) and bolster the home side (the elegant, slender French woman). “Fashion and clothing bring the human dimension to the war,” she says. “It may seem frivolous on the surface, but the clothes carried strong sartorial messages.” For more on the Paris conference, see wwifashion.com. DOCUMENTARY Leading by example BY AMANDA WOODARD sessions after screenings, Barry has been approached by teachers who want to use it in their classrooms. Barry has worked with the Documentary Australia Foundation to create the educational tools – including a DVD of the 88-minute movie, but also 10-minute vignettes of each girl’s story. Individual tales portray themes such as mental health, self-esteem or domestic violence. The DVD is augmented with five curriculum-specific study guides, free for teachers to download. See iamagirl.com.au for details, downloads or to organise a screening. 8 UTS: NEWS.VIEWS. BREAKTHROUGHS | NOVEMBER 2014 UTS Public Events Calendar NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 27 November EXHIBITION BUSINESS BREAKFAST Mindfulness expert Charlotte Thaarup-Owen and Dr Julia Connell, director, researcher development at UTS, will host a business breakfast to provide an introduction to mindfulness in the workplace. In the hour-long session, they will discuss the basic concepts of mindfulness, the history and science behind it, and the small investment of time required to put the theory to work. Participants will do a short mindfulness practice. ThaarupOwen says the essential part of mindfulness starts with a simple meditation called ABCD – attitude, body/breath, counting, distraction – for a minimum 10 minutes a day. Dr Connell says some of the world’s most progressive organisations and companies, including Google, Apple, Facebook, Carlsberg, Deutsche Bank and Harvard University, now use mindfulness training. She says contemporary business leaders are being asked to do more with less in a global environment that is moving faster and faster, and need to consider “new ways of leading”. n 7am for 7.30am start. Free; light breakfast and tea/coffee provided. Bookings essential: email Jacqueline.Jones@uts.edu.au; for more information, go to uts.edu. au/short-courses/1826/details. Q&A To mark the international 16 Days Campaign, the Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre at UTS will host Rethinking Empowerment, a public seminar and Q&A session on the theme of Women, Peace and Security. The 16 Days Campaign takes place annually and begins on 25 November, the International Day against Violence against Women. This year’s priorities are stateperpetrated violence, the use of guns in domestic violence, and sexual violence in times of war. Speakers include Maha Krayem Abdo of the United Muslim Women’s Association and torture and trauma counsellor Neeraja Sanmuhanathan. n 5.30pm registration for 6pm start. $35/$15/donation (proceeds to United Muslim Women's Refuge). Level 4, Room 4.13, UTS Building 2, Broadway, Ultimo. Bookings essential: go to eventbrite.com.au; search for “Rethinking Empowerment – UTS 16 Days Campaign”. In her first Australian show, Los Angeles artist Jill Daves will combine with Sydney artist and UTS lecturer Natalya Hughes to exhibit a range of works including painting and site-specific installation. Or catch the last days (until 22 November) of an exhibition of new work by fellow UTS lecturer David Burns and Sydney artists Todd McMillan and Michael Moran. n 6pm-8pm, opening night; noon-4pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Free. Carlton St Project Space, Carlton St, Chippendale. ngart.com.au. Until 13 December 1 December SUSTAINABILITY TOUR See why the new engineering and IT building at UTS was highly commended in the NSW government Green Globe Awards. Hear about the building’s “living labs”, rooftop renewable energy systems linked to electric car recharge points, and innovative plumbing in which urine is diverted for phosphorous collection. n 1pm-2pm, Building 11, Broadway, Ultimo (entry is at the corner of Broadway and Jones Street). Free. Bookings essential: email Seb.Crawford@uts.edu.au. Photo by Andrew Worssam UTSPEAKS: FREE PUBLIC LECTURES TAP INTO TOMORROW’S IDEAS TODAY In our changing and complex world, keeping up with the latest ideas, issues and breakthroughs can be a challenge. UTSpeaks public lectures have engaged and enlightened Sydney audiences for almost a decade. By becoming a subscriber you can attend these and other free UTS events. UTSpeaks subscribers receive personal email invitations to lectures, Q&A forums, hypotheticals and industry events featuring leading local and international experts. Tap into tomorrow’s ideas today. Register your details at: sendstudio.itd.uts.edu.au or scan the QR code. UTS: POST GRAD OWN THE KNOWLEDGE UTS:OWN YOUR FUTURE Postgraduate Info Sessions Register now: pg.uts.edu.au UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F 18731 / IMAGE: FELIX FOREST, THE KITCHEN
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