APPOINTMENT OF HEAD OF SCHOOL FOR SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Contents 1 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Vice-Chancellor’s Overview 2 The University of Technology, Sydney 3 Own the Future 4 The Faculty of Science (UTS Science) 5 The School of Life Sciences 6 The Campus of the Future 8 Thomas Street Building 9 Position Description – Head of School, Life Sciences 10 – Organisation Chart 14 – Key Selection Criteria 15 Conditions of Employment 16 Application Process 17 Websites and Further Information 18 Vice-Chancellor’s Overview The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is located in the heart of the nation’s most vibrant, multicultural city. Like Sydney, UTS is young and dynamic. We are renowned for our practiceoriented education programs, focus on high impact research, and strong, enduring partnerships with industry and the professions. UTS is a member of the Australian Technology Network of universities. Vice-Chancellor Professor Attila Brungs At just 25 years old, UTS is already one of Australia’s leading research intensive universities and amongst the top few hundred universities in the world. Over the next 10 years, UTS aims to become a world-leading university of technology. Our staff play a key role in achieving this aim. UTS has some 37,400 students including more than 11,000 postgraduate coursework students and over 1,500 research students. We attract students from more than 115 countries around the world. UTS was one of only two Australian universities to be ranked in Band A1 for all categories in the Federal Government Learning and Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF). We place strong emphasis on workplace experience and partnerships with industry and the professions. We have a high rate of employment for graduates. UTS is also recognised internationally for its teaching and research programs. UTS offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in seven faculties. The University also works with partners in China, Singapore and Hong Kong and has exchange programs with over 120 universities worldwide. 2 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES We are a partner of choice to agencies such as the World Health Organisation and CSIRO, Australia’s national science research body. UTS is also a member of nationally funded Centres of Excellence and Collaborative Research Centres. It should come as no surprise that UTS is at the forefront in a number of research areas and responsible for some of the most innovative research projects. With an outstanding reputation for Indigenous education, UTS places significant emphasis on providing a supportive culture for staff and students alike. We also make a major contribution to the community in which we create and share knowledge, not only as an employer but also as a participant in the life of the city. UTS is injecting over $1 billion into our city campus. By 2015, UTS will offer learning and discovery experiences like no other university in Australia. UTS has set a powerful vision for the next decade which describes UTS as a leader in collaborative research and a provider of professionally oriented education with a vibrant learning community. Importantly, UTS recognises the challenges inherent in the vision and understands what it needs to do to achieve it. We are proud of our achievements to date and confident that our talented and committed staff will create a bright future. Professor Attila Brungs Vice-Chancellor THE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY UTS operates in a dynamic environment. Higher education has become increasingly competitive, both nationally and internationally. All universities are faced with financial challenges resulting from decreases in government funding and the need to generate new sources of income. Educational services are being radically transformed by new competitors and new technologies. UTS ranked 21st in the world and second in Australia in the QS Top 50 under 50 in the QS GLOBAL index of newer universities. The rankings are based on research, teaching, employability and internationalisation. RESEARCH AT UTS Dimensions Total University staff 2014: over 7000 staff which is 3100 full-time equivalent (FTE) In this context, UTS continues to strive to be highly successful and distinctive in terms of our academic profile, our diversity and our international flavour. Student population 2014: 37,670; of those 10,040 are international students To ensure UTS meets the changing demands of the professions, industry and business, it must ensure that it builds appropriate strategic partnerships and continues to offer quality, highly relevant programs of learning and research. University Assets: $2,111,185,000 University Budget: $697,690,000 UTS SNAP SHOT:2014 5 Stars rating for excellence in higher education by QS 24 on the most international universities list from THE 5 in Australia THE top 100 universities under 50 100% of UTS research in the broad fields of research rated at world standard or above by the Australian Government’s second Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation 21 in QS global index of world’s Top 50 under 50 47 globally in the THE Top 100 universities under 50 264 Top 250 Top 400 world ranking QS World University Rankings 2014/15 world universities ranking by THE 2014/15 world universities ranking by ARWU THE: Times Higher Education QS: Quacquarelli Symonds ARWU: Academic Ranking of World Universities 3 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Own the Future Our vision is to be a world-leading university of technology. Our purpose is to advance knowledge and learning to progress the professions, industry and communities of the world. The values that guide our performance and our interactions with each other, with students, our partners and the wider community are: >> Discover and share new knowledge and new ways to lead through our research, teaching, intellectual debate and use of technology; >> Engage and collaborate with each other, our students, alumni, partners, professions and communities, locally and internationally; >> Empower each other and our students to grow, contribute, challenge and make a difference; >> Deliver on our obligations to each other, our students, our partners and communities while maintaining high standards and ethical behaviour; and >> Sustain our local and global environment, organisational health and our ability to create a positive, viable future. To build our reputation during the second half of our current strategic planning cycle (2014–2018) we are: >> leveraging our environment to connect students, staff, alumni, industry and the community to create sustained opportunities for collaborative learning, innovative research and enduring relationships. Increasing the scale, quality and impact of research in our discipline fields; and >> engaging our students in creative and inspiring learning that enables them to build strong professional identities, future-focussed graduate capabilities and global citizenship. Leading UTS into a sustainable future, fostering creativity, agility and resilience in our people, processes and systems. UTS has come a long way in just 25 years, achieving as much (or more) than institutions twice our age. >> UTS is ranked 2nd in Australia and 21st in the QS Top 50 under 50 global index of newer universities and is five star rated in the QS Stars™ rating system, recognising UTS internationally for its high performance in research, graduate employability, teaching quality and infrastructure. >> UTS is ranked 5th in Australia and 47th globally in the Times Higher Education top 100 universities under 50 years of age rankings. >> UTS is ranked 24th in the Times Higher Education list of “100 most international universities in the world”. One of the keys to our success is our future-focus and our determination to own the future. 4 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES 4 The Faculty of Science UTS Science’s vision is to deliver practice-oriented, globally relevant and research-focused courses, producing graduates for the global workplace. Our mission is supported by high impact research in a vibrant and inclusive environment strengthened by world-class facilities and constant interaction with the scientific professions and its community. UTS Science is a key faculty at the University of Technology, Sydney. It has over 3,500 coursework students and 300 higher degree research students. It specialises in a number of disciplines namely biomedical and medical sciences, biotechnology, forensic biology, traditional Chinese medicine, applied physics, nanotechnology, biomedical physics, applied chemistry, medicinal chemistry, forensic science, environmental sciences, marine biology, environmental biotechnology, immunity and infection, advanced materials, mathematics and statistics UTS Science has over 300 academic and professional staff. Many of the academic staff have international and national research and teaching reputations. We also have a cohort of world-renowned Distinguished Professors who are eminent experts in their disciplines and making distinct contributions and enrichments to the Faculty’s teaching, research and leadership activities. UTS Science is research-driven, relevant, innovative and practical. Our teaching provides students with high quality technical and professional understanding in practice-oriented, globally relevant and research-focused courses. These courses provide high impact, improving outcomes in both local and global communities and allow graduates to become outstanding contributors to innovation and problem solving. Research is important to us because it ensures we teach, and students learn, current science and technology that is relevant. UTS Science contributes approximately 40 percent of UTS total research activities. We are a world-class research-intensive faculty with a growing reputation for our research quality. We pursue high impact research that advances innovation, technology and solutions to the most significant issues facing our world. We have the highest number of research centres within UTS, including six that are recognised as UTS Research Strengths. These are in the areas of infectious diseases, environmental sciences, forensics, medical biotechnology, materials science and quantitative finance. UTS Science achieved excellent results in the 2012 ‘Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)’ report, which are: >> ranked ‘well above world standard’ for its Environmental Science and Infectious Diseases research programs >> ranked ‘above world standard’ for its Applied Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Forensic Science, Materials Science and Microbiology research programs >> ranked ‘at world standard’ for all of its other research programs. UTS Science was awarded top ERA rating in the 2010 and 2012 reports. This outstanding achievement is a testament of our talented and dedicated academics and our research ethos of research with impact. UTS Science has Australia’s first multidisciplinary Super Lab. In 2015, UTS Science will add another state-of-the-art facility to its current facilities as part of the UTS Campus Master Plan, a $1 billion campus transformation. This will include specialised advanced laboratories, collaborative and common spaces for students, and Australia’s first multidisciplinary Super Laboratory. Future of UTS Science. A recent review of UTS Science has resulted in the restructuring of the Faculty. UTS Science now offers a large range of courses and research programs from its two new schools, which are: >> School of Life Sciences >> School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ENGAGE The School of Life Sciences The School of Life Sciences brings together a vibrant research and teaching culture with a diversity of interests in areas such as environmental, plant and marine biology, environmental and medical microbiology, infectious diseases, parasitology, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes, metabolic biochemistry and bionanotechnology. Academic staff conduct nationally competitive research in the above areas, with many belonging to a University Research Strength or Faculty Research Centre including: > Plant Functional Biology & Climate Change Cluster (C3) research focuses on some of the most fragile and vulnerable ecosystems on earth, and addresses the relationships between plant functional biology and climate change at a regional scale. C3 carries out research into coral bleaching and the vulnerability of Antarctic ecosystems to climate change, invasive plant species ecology, climatic influences on biodiversity, measuring and modelling carbon and water fluxes between plant and atmosphere, observing land surface processes from space and the ecohydrology and ecophysiology of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. > ithree Institute carries out research in the fields of microbial and parasitic diseases. ithree use a systems biology approach to develop a greater insight into basic biology and its application to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Research focuses on parasitic infections, drug resistance, bacterial cell division for potential targets of novel antibiotics, bioinformatics, integron and biofilm research. > Centre for Health Technologies (CHT) is a cross-Faculty interdisciplinary research strength that focuses on the development of biomedical devices and biotechnology science. Its focus is on health and disease processes, the development of new devices, and advanced methods for the early detection, diagnosis and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and cancer. Its research has already produced several new device technologies which are at the cutting edge of biomedical engineering and science. > Centre for Environmental Sustainability (CEnS) has a broad mix of interdisciplinary researchers that address environmental problems by adopting a unique multiple scale approach. Experts work on projects ranging from molecular biology to landscape level ecological, geomorphic and hydrological investigations, on subjects as diverse as climate change effects on marine fish ranges, sustainable seafood, the ecology of seagrass in estuarine systems, human impacts on threatened frog populations, and environmental water allocations to semi-arid wetlands, marine conservation and artificial reefs. > Centre for Compassionate Conservation (CFCC) supports the advancement and unification of animal welfare and conservation by providing leadership in the area of compassionate conservation to address the critical challenges facing conservation practitioners and policy makers. Research focuses on challenges such as species conservation, human-wildlife conflict, wildlife trade, animal law, development futures, and the welfare of wild and captive animals. 6 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES The School of Life Sciences (continued) The School’s research and teaching programs are supported by a range of core facilities that bring together leading technologies including: >> Proteomics Core Facility for sample preparation, fractionation, 2D gel electrophoresis, multi-dimensional chromatography and mass spectrometry for protein and peptide characterisation. >> Environmental Research Facility including on-site and off-campus facilities to support a range of aquatic, marine and terrestrial environmental research. >> Microbial Imaging Facility that carries out high-resolution imaging using sophisticated and state-ofthe-art optical microscopes for epifluorescence, deconvolution, confocal and live-cell imaging microscopy including a Superresolution Deltavision OMX Blaze imaging system. The School teaches practical, relevant and innovative courses in the life sciences. UTS students are exposed to laboratory and clinical work from day one of their study. Practical learning is facilitated with modern and up-to-date facilities, similar to those used in commercial laboratories. These world-class facilities include a new 220-seat multi-disciplinary Super Lab, one of only two in Australia. Excursions and field trips are common in our environmental and marine programs, access to rivers, reefs, flora and fauna are essential to teaching and research in our environment-related courses. The School also has several off-campus learning sites to support these activities. 7 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES The School currently offers the following undergraduate courses: >> Bachelor of Biomedical Science >> Bachelor of Biotechnology >> Bachelor of Environmental Biology >> Bachelor of Forensic Biology in Biomedical Science >> Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine >> Bachelor of Marine Biology >> Bachelor of Medical Science >> Bachelor of Science (with majors in Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Biomedical Science or Medical Science) Combined courses: >> Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business >> Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business >> Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Arts in International Studies >> Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies >> Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies >> Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation Honours courses: >> Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) >> Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science >> Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science >> Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) In 2015, the School will introduce the new Bachelor of Advanced Science with majors in: Environmental Biotechnology, Pre-Medicine and Infection & Immunity. At the postgraduate level, the School also offers the following majors within its Master by Coursework programs: >> Biomedical Engineering >> Marine Science and Management >> Medical Biotechnology >> The UTS Campus Master Plan is a once-in-a-generation vision to deliver a vibrant and engaging education precinct. >> Through the Master Plan, UTS is investing more than $1 billion to fundamentally change the way we deliver teaching, learning and research. >> The Master Plan will create a series of new buildings, major upgrades and improved pedestrian connections, right in the heart of Sydney’s southern CBD. It will become one of Australia’s most recognised university campuses, with teaching, research and industry engagement spaces. These spaces will support the delivery of UTS’s collaboration-and technology-based model of teaching, and our industry focussed research. 8 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES >> The City Campus of the Future will become a destination for staff, students and visitors alike. >> Our vision has already garnered wide support with government, industry and private donors. This support is evidenced by the $50 million Education Infrastructure Fund grant from the Federal Government for the recently opened Broadway Building and the $20 million gift by Australian-Chinese business leader Dr Chau Chak Wing, the largest private donation for a university building in Australia. DELIVER The Campus of the Future Thomas Street Building Located on the corner of Thomas and Jones streets in the heart of the City Campus, the new Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Health Building (Building 7) connects seamlessly to the other Faculty of Science facility (Building 4) to create a new science and health teaching, learning and research precinct. It has been future-proofed to accommodate more than 1200 staff and students over eight occupied levels, three of them underground, and is notable for its state-of-the-art facilities. The design feature of the building is remarkable with its organic, flowing lines and a structure that dares to be different, and its interior is equally note-worthy. Green Star Design Rating: Appropriate for a building that houses Science and the Environment, Building 7 is green at heart. The building has achieved a five-star Green Star Design rating, and its sustainability features include a roof garden, a 27,000-litre rainwater tank and a façade comprising mainly of recycled material. 9 9 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Super Lab: Houses a state-of-theart multi-disciplinary open laboratory with space for over 200 students (52 metres from end to end). Twenty six workbenches each seat eight students and are fitted with touchscreen monitors and microphones. Every second bench features a demonstration station to enable lecturers to work closely with their students. It also allows for multiple classes to work concurrently. Student commons: Informal learning spaces are located adjacent to the café and provide a relaxed environment for lecturers and students to meet, as well as for students to study – either individually or in collaborative groups – and socialise between classes. EMPOWER UTS Position Description 10 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES POSITION TITLE:Head of School, Life Sciences DIVISION: Faculty of Science POSITION PURPOSE The primary purpose of the Head of School is to ensure that disciplines within the School thrive; the Faculty’s curriculum is relevant from both discipline and graduate employment perspectives; and the School contributes to increased research effort and impact over time. This position leads the School of Life Sciences. The Head of School is accountable to the Dean of the Faculty for providing strategic leadership and operational management of a School’s teaching and learning, research and external engagement programs and activities for which the School has stewardship to ensure their quality and viability. The Head of School will have budgetary control over the academic staffing within the School and associated non-salary items. DIMENSIONS The Faculty of Science comprises of two Schools and two Research Institutes: >> The School of Life Sciences >> The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences >> C3 – Plant Functional Biology & Climate Change Cluster >> ithree Institute – Infection, Immunity, Innovation The Faculty is the fifth largest in terms of student enrolments and the largest in terms of research revenue of the seven faculties at UTS. It is also the second largest in terms of total academic and support staff. The School of Life Sciences represents approximately half the Faculty’s staff and students. 2014 Budget Staff FTE Total Faculty expense budget $49.7 million Research income $11.3 million Non-research income $38 million Full-time & fractional academic staff 98 Casual academic staff 15 Non-academic staff 78 Students FTE Undergraduate Courses 3245 Postgraduate (coursework) 248 Postgraduate (research) 307 Undergraduate 14× Bachelor; 12× Honours; 15× combined Postgraduate (coursework) 3× Master; 2× Grad. Certificate Postgraduate (research) 2× PhD; 2× Master Other 7× bridging and short courses The Faculty also has technical and administrative service units to support the teaching and research endeavours of academic staff. RELATIONSHIPS Supervision The Head of School is one of the executive roles that reports directly to the Dean of the Faculty. The Head of School is responsible for the supervision of full-time, part-time and casual academic staff of the School, including a number of key academic roles: >> Associate Head of School Teaching & Learning >> Associate Head of School Research >> Associate Head of School Strategic Development >> Team Leaders of research teams Collaboration and Communication Internal The Head of School manages the academic staff of the School and liaises with the Dean, Associate Deans, fellow Head of School, Associate Heads of School, Team Leaders, Faculty General Manager, General Manager Technical Services and administrative staff within the Faculty in relation to teaching and research, the senior management team of the University, managers of central administrative divisions and units, Deans and Heads of School from other faculties, staff from Insearch Limited, accessUTS Pty Ltd and the University’s associated research and technology centres. External The Head of School oversees strategic relationships with representatives of student associations, industry, government, professions and the community, at local, state, federal and international levels and academics and academic colleagues and administrators from other local and international tertiary institutions. Membership of Faculty Committees The Head of School is a member of the Faculty Senior Management Group, an ex officio member of the Science Faculty Board and the Faculty Resources and Infrastructure Management Sub-Committee. The Head of School is Chair of the School Board and Chair of the School Executive Team and a member of a range of internal School committees. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES The Head of School is responsible for: >> Effectively and efficiently managing staff and resources within the allocated budget to achieve high quality outcomes in line with University and School strategic and operational plans, policies, legislation and other relevant parameters. >> Advising and assisting the Dean and Associate Deans in the development and implementation of the Faculty strategic plans and performance goals. >> Overseeing the strategic and academic planning functions of the School, including the setting of goals and targets. 11 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES UTS Position Description continued >> In conjunction with the Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning), the development of curriculum and the delivery, evaluation and continuous improvement of all school related subjects and programs. This includes: -leadership and management of teaching and learning and the student experience; -achievement of high standards of quality in teaching and learning as indicated by student evaluations, retention rates and graduate outcomes; and -leadership of curriculum renewal by offering a curriculum for students that is relevant from both discipline and graduate employment perspectives. >> In conjunction with the Associate Dean (Research & Development), the development and implementation of the School’s research profile and output including: - leadership and management of research and research training; -increasing the School’s research effort and impact over time to build a high quality research culture; and -ensuring the School’s postgraduate supervisory processes facilitate research student progression. >> In conjunction with the Associate Dean (International & External Engagement), fostering external partnerships and developing a successful engagement program, including: - leadership and management of engagement and international activities; and -working with external communities including government departments, professional bodies, international and local communities, local and international education providers, external business and industry relevant to the School. >> Ensuring that the teaching, research and external engagement activities of all the disciplines within the School thrive. >> Leading and developing the School’s academic staff, in particular the supervision and mentoring of Team Leaders and Associate Heads of School. >> Ensuring the effective operation of School governance structures and committees, and their interaction with Faculty and University committees, policies and procedures. >> Providing leadership in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) to develop a strong EHS culture amongst staff supporting a safe working environment for all staff and stakeholders. 12 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES UTS Position Description continued ENVIRONMENT AND POSITION CHALLENGES Major challenges for this position include: >> Creating a cohesive School structure and environment that can achieve the objectives of the School, Faculty and University. >> Promoting effective working relationships and mutual trust and understanding between the staff of the School and other staff of the Faculty, and with academic and administrative staff in the University at large. >> Providing effective, relevant and high quality teaching, research and consultancy services to industry and the community, within resource constraints. >> Identifying and developing new sources of income for the Faculty through innovative teaching programs, research and consultancy. >> Embedding a culture of continuous improvement in the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching & learning, research and postgraduate supervision. AUTHORITY TO ACT Within the parameters laid down in University and Faculty policies, the Head of School has wide discretion in the development and implementation of practices within the School. The Head of School may approve budget expenditure from the School’s accounts consistent with the role’s delegated financial authority. The Head of School is a full-time role, and it is therefore expected that the primary focus for the incumbent will be on fulfilling the requirements of the Head of School’s position. Where other University and/or Faculty roles have a significant workload impact, the Dean’s consent will be required. SAFETY & WELLBEING RESPONSIBILITIES All staff must: >> take reasonable care of, and cooperate with actions taken to protect, the health and safety of both themselves and others; and >> report all accidents, incidents and hazards to their supervisor as soon as is practicable. Supervisors and managers of staff and facilities must do whatever is reasonably practical to ensure that both the workplace and the work itself are safe, in consultation with staff affected. 13 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Organisation Chart: School of Life Sciences 14 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Key Selection Criteria Skills and Attributes >> Excellent leadership and academic management skills with proven ability to operate strategically, effectively manage and develop academic and professional staff, operate within set budget parameters and deliver identified performance outcomes. >> Evidence of well-developed interpersonal, communications and team building skills. Knowledge >> Knowledge and experience in course development, management, teaching and quality assurance in the higher education sector and international accreditation bodies. >> Knowledge and experience in development, management and conduct of research. Qualifications >> Be appointable at either Associate Professor or Professorial level. >> Hold a PhD in a cognate discipline relevant to the School or experience managing one of the disciplines of the School. Experience >> An interest in and ability to initiate, shape and manage innovative projects focused on enhancing the academic, operational and economic effectiveness of the School and Faculty. >> Experience with one of the academic disciplines of the School and familiarity with the areas of study within the School and related industries and professions. >> Evidence of capacity to develop and implement a process of strategic planning and management in a School and Faculty context. >> Experience in development of multi-disciplinary teaching and research development projects in partnership with industry, government or professional organisations. >> Experience in dealing with local, national and international research, education and development agencies and funding sources. Leadership Capabilities For Role PIPELINE 15 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Category Leading Strategically Collaborating and Engaging Leading Teams Presence and Awareness Leading Performance Capabilities Thinks strategically Encourages collaboration Manages vision and purpose Leads with ethics and integrity Solves problems Leads innovation Deals with ambiguity Builds teams Influences others Informs others SUSTAIN Conditions of Employment Term of Appointment The initial term of the appointment as Heads of Schools will be four years. The role will be a fixed-term full-time senior appointment with an appropriate continuing academic position beyond the fixed-term. Position Title Head of School Salary An attractive and competitive salary package will be negotiated with the appointee. Salary packaging is also available. Superannuation Membership of UniSuper is compulsory unless you are currently a member of the State Superannuation Scheme (SSS) or the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme (SASS) in which case you may retain your membership of the relevant scheme providing the scheme approves transfer of membership. The University will make its employer contribution to UniSuper at the full rate, which is currently 14% of annual salary. In addition, the University will contribute 3% of annual salary to the UniSuper Award Plus Plan. Your own contributions to UniSuper will be at the full rate which is currently 7% of your annual salary; however, you may choose to reduce your member contributions in accordance with provisions set out by UniSuper. Leave Annual, long service and other leave is provided in line with the University policies. Performance and Development The appointment will be subject to the annual planning and review cycle in accordance with the UTS performance and development framework. Relocation In the case of an interstate or overseas appointee, the University will assist with reasonable expenses incurred in relocating to Sydney at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor. The University will assist with immigration needs for international appointments. Governance and Employment The salaries and conditions of employment of the academic staff of the University are regulated by the Academic Staff Collective Agreement 2014. The salaries and conditions of employment of the senior staff of the University are regulated by the Senior Staff Group Collective Agreement 2013. Reference Checks Relevant employment background checks will be conducted. Benefits of Working at UTS Committed to supporting lifestyle balance, UTS offers access to an array of services including two fitness centres, a health service and childcare centres. 16 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Application Process Merit Based Selection Appointments to positions within UTS are on the basis of the applicant’s merit in relation to the Selection Criteria. Merit consists of ‘the abilities, qualifications, experience, standards of work performance and personal abilities that are relevant to performance’ of the duties of the position. Equal Employment Opportunity It is the policy of UTS to provide equal opportunity for all persons regardless of sex, race, marital status, physical ability, sexual preference, age, political conviction or religious belief. The Process The appointment will be made subject to satisfactory reference, probity and security checks. Enquiries For specific enquiries about the role please contact: Benjamin Kerr Recruiter UTS Human Resources Tel: +61 2 9514 1161 E-mail: Method of application Applications should include the following: >> A covering letter or statement addressing the selection criteria and the requirements of the position; >> A full curriculum vitae providing personal details, qualifications and work history; and >> The names and contact details of three referees. Please note referees will not be contacted without the prior knowledge and approval of the candidate. Interviews Interviews for this position will be held the week commencing of 9 March 2015. 17 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Websites and Further Information General information about UTS Information about the UTS Science Information about UTS Science research strengths and centres Information about UTS Science facilities University’s Annual Report University’s Strategic Plan Information about UniSuper Information about employment at UTS Information about UTS Campus Master Plan overview 18 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Benjamin Kerr Recruiter UTS Human Resources Tel: +61 2 9514 1161 E-mail: UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 00099F UTS:MCU / JOB 19112 / JANUARY 2015 / IMAGES: ANNA ZHU, JESSE TAYLOR, SHAHNAM ROSHAN, TERRY CLINTON, ANDREW WORSSAM 19 SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES
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