TOWNHILL COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7.00pm Thursday 20th November 2014 Townhill Community Centre In Attendance will be:Proposed Community Council Chair Ronnie Cowan, Vice Chair Raymond Pringle, Secretary Linda Cowan, Treasurer Maria Smeaton, Sarah Aitchison, Bill Hunter, Niall Reid, Arlene Watson, Mathew Colville Proposed Nominated Members of TCC Rosemary Walmsley – TAG Proposed Co-opted Members of TCC Mike Provan – Planning David Archbold – Parent Council Fife Councillors Cllr Helen Law Townhill Residents – All welcome!! Inaugural meeting of Community Council new term of Office Councillor Helen Law initially chaired the meeting. Councillor Law welcomed everyone to the meeting. Helen said that over the past three years the new Townhill community council had made an amazing and positive change to the village and was well thought of in Dunfermline Council circles and beyond. Helen wished the community council well for their next term of office and asked for nominations for the position of Chair. 1. Appoint Office Bearers for next term of office Chair: Ronnie Cowan proposed by Maria Smeaton, Seconded Sarah Aitchison Ronnie Cowan is the elected Chair of TCC. Councillor Helen Law congratulated Ronnie on his appointment and handed over the meeting to TCC Chair Ronnie Cowan. Ronnie thanked Helen for her kind words and said that we were very lucky to have the support of Helen and our other councillors, Willie Campbell and David Mogg and the various departments of Fife Council and that we had a good working relationship with all concerned. He also thanked everyone for their hard work over the past three years including our retiring members Henry Haldane and Mike Doran. Vice Chair: Raymond Pringle proposed by Ronnie Cowan, Seconded Niall Reid Raymond Pringle is the elected Vice-Chair of TCC. Treasurer: Maria Smeaton proposed by Ronnie Cowan, Seconded Raymond Pringle Maria Smeaton is the elected treasurer of TCC. Secretary: Linda Cowan proposed by Maria Smeaton & Seconded by Bill Hunter Linda Cowan is the elected secretary of TCC 1 2. Confirm nominated and co-opted members Nominated Members: Rosemary Walmsley – TAG Confirmed David Archbold – Parent Council Confirmed Co-opted Members: Mike Provan – Planning Confirmed 3. TCC introduced themselves to the hall and Ronnie welcomed new member Mathew Colville to the committee. 4. Apologies Cllr Willie Campbell, Councillor David Mogg 5. Agree October minutes Agreed: Niall Reid 6. Seconded: Arlene Watson Matters Arising from Previous Minutes a. Website – Update – Ronnie Cowan Ronnie advised that all reports, presentations etc. were available for download on our community website along with all community information. The website has now had over 20,000 hits. b. Facebook– Linda Cowan Linda advised that our Townhill facebook page has 707 friends, the TCC page for more official news had over 200 likes. The facebook presence allows for an immediate dispensation of information as the response to the posts on Fife Plan have shown c. Twitter – Sarah Aitchison Sarah advised that we now have 202 followers on twitter and are following 246. d. Suggestion Box - Maria Smeaton Maria had one suggestion in the box. A resident has requested a fenced off area in Townhill Park for dogs to run free. Maria advised that after researching this subject, she learned that this facility was popular in the States where they had enormous parks and plenty of room to allocate a separate area. However this was to meet a need due to all dogs having to be kept on the lead in their parks. There were positive aspects to the dogs being able to run free in a secure area however health risks to the dogs was much more likely due the possibility of the soil being contaminated in a such a concentrated area and they could be at risk of injury from more aggressive dogs. Fife Council’s Park byelaws state that a dog must be under the owner’s control at all times however the opinion of whether or not a dog was under the control of its owner could often be subjective. Neither do we have the room to fence off such an area in Townhill Park so at this time this would not be viable. ACTION: Maria will reply to the resident to explain the position. e. Dunfermline Press Community news – Ronnie Cowan update Ronnie Cowan advised that the weekly report for the Dunfermline Press and Courier is written and submitted first thing on a Sunday morning and reminded everyone that if anyone has any news item or significant event etc. that they would like included in the report to send it to Ronnie by Saturday evening. f. Councillor David Mogg updates g. Councillor Willie Campbell updates 2 h. Councillor Helen Law updates :i. Bikeability Cycle proficiency / Scooter area Funding for this project will be considered in the financial year beginning April 2015. This is to allow the creation of a cycling proficiency training area in the park, based on the idea of the old road safety tricycle area in Pittencrieff Park but with a modern twist and the pathways will include undulations suitable for skateboards, scooters and trick bikes too to utilise. It had previously been intimated that for the purpose of funding, the project may have to be led by the school however Councillor Law will meet with Phil Clarke, Fife Council’s lead officer for this initiative to discuss this as it was felt that Townhill Community Council would be more suitable to lead this project and push it forward. ACTION : Councillor Helen Law to meet with Phil Clarke & Helen and Karen C. Hunter of Fife Council to progress funding for April 2015 ii. Loch St buildings enhancement / Existing Car Park It was noted that the building renovations are progressing well, the lower level has all been painted and looks great. iii. Flooding at Wilson Street Helen had previously advised that FCCT (Fife Coast & Countryside Trust) had now received the funding of £4,950 from the Common Good Fund and that they were in the process of securing a contractor to carry out the work. It is hoped that this will be underway very soon. iv. Toilets in Park This is still an ongoing issue and Ronnie Cowan said it is one that they would like to have sorted out before next year’s summer season when the park is extremely busy. Fife Council had offered a chemical toilet in an open cabinet for the park however this was not considered appropriate, as it would be open all the time and would be a target for vandals. There would have been a maintenance fee of £25 per month for this and Fife Council had confirmed they would have covered this cost. This is a strange situation when we already have toilets in the park, we just need public access to them. Ronnie asked if the £25 per month offered for the chemical toilet could go towards paying for the pavilion toilets to be cared for if they were opened to the public. v. Putting Green/ Crazy Golf at Side of Community Centre The idea is to create a crazy golf pitch at the side of the community centre on a Healthy eating theme and include a community fruit and vegetable garden so that the players can not only learn about healthy eating, they can help plant and grow fruit and veg for the village. Ronnie advised that the funds to purchase putting sticks, balls etc was now in our account. A vote was taken to see if it was wished that we go ahead and purchase the equipment now pre-empting any price rises and the hall and the community council voted to go ahead with the purchase. Cllr Helen Law advised that Joe McGuiness is looking into the groundworks that will be needed for this initiative and advised that there will be no problem with this going ahead. Councillor Law also said that we need to organise a meeting for the Townhill Country Park Development Group to help to progress all park initiatives including Phase Two of the Mining Heritage Garden. ACTION : Linda Cowan to order the equipment Councillor Helen Law to progress this with Fife Council and to expedite a meeting for the Townhill Country Park Development Group. 7. Townhill Activity Reports a) Wildlife Committee Update – Raymond Pringle Representing TCC, Raymond attended a wildlife protection meeting with Alan Murray of Water-ski Scotland, Richard Smith and representatives of Fife Council. The following points were discussed. Fencing will need to be installed at both ends of the unofficial path round the western edge of the small loch (currently designated as the wildlife area) to discourage people walking in this area. FC to instigate and end grass cutting in this area. Unfortunately the western edge of the small loch cannot be screened off as this is 3 an overspill. To maximise the safety of breeding birds, platforms in this area would have to be located in the north eastern corner. A wave attenuation barrier would need to be installed in the north west corner of the main loch to provide protection for breeding wildfowl. Water-ski Scotland have developed a feasible system which is in use at other positions within the loch, this will be installed to have maximum effect. Bird Nesting Platforms can also be located in this protected area. FC will investigate the best options at minimal cost and get specifications for suitable platforms, for example using plastic fish boxes etc, possibly through consulting RSPB at Loch Leven. Once we have a specification they can be prepared for installation in the spring. Alan offered the expertise and manpower within WWS to make this happen. Agreed to leave the islands as they are as the swans are perfectly able to clear an area for nesting as required. In principle a proposal from anglers on how fishing could be developed and managed by them through some form of self-organised club and within agreed areas would be welcomed. Raymond is in discussion with a local angler on a draft proposal for coarse fishing which will be consulted on with the Community Council before being presented to this group for detailed consideration. The key is to develop a proposal that fits in harmoniously with current activities, is not to the detriment of either the water-skiing or the wildlife and leads to a recognised and managed sport, whilst recognising that no arrangement can guarantee an end to the abuse of the situation by a minority. The Straw bales, or equivalent which are placed in the loch as a combatant against Blue-Green Algae , will have to be pinned to prevent overturning and so dislodging any water bird nest. FC to investigate and liaise with Water-ski Scotland re the timing of installation Ronnie thanked Raymond for his report. ACTION : Cllr Helen Law to follow up the contract with John O’Niell which will give the rights over the fishing in Townhill Loch to Townhill Community Council b) Townhill Mining Heritage Garden – Update report Helen Law TMHG Helen Law and Linda Cowan reported that the final figures for Phase One had now been agreed and forwarded to FET who will raise a formal claim form. FET will pay TCC and TCC will pay Fife Council who managed this phase of the project. We will begin planning, designing and fundraising for Phase two in January. Phase Two will be a timeline path beginning at the Billy Liddell entrance to the park and joining the path to the West Entrance to Green Street where park users will be able to walk in the footsteps of the miners throughout the years. A strata wall will also be part of the design. An American couple, Karl and Joyce Anderson from Ohio contacted Ronnie through TCC’s website. Karl’s family the McKinlay’s were originally from Townhill and worked in the mines. Karl and Joyce came over to see where Karl’s ancestors had lived and Ronnie took them on a tour of the Fife area. They were so taken with the Townhill Mining Heritage Garden that they have pledged a donation for Phase two. c) Church Update – Dave McDonald Dave reported that the church was still trying to solve the slight problems with the height of the trees at the North of the church which a resident felt prevented their garden from receiving sunlight. The church was doing its best to deal with this. 4 d) Allotments - update report Rosemary Walmsley TAG Rosemary reported that Peter Duncan had advised that an eco-toilet (composting toilet) would be fitted next week in the allotment area and a poly tunnel for all allotment users would also be fitted. e) CLG / Wind Turbine Update – Raymond Pringle Raymond advised that there was no development yet on the four propose wind turbines for Lilliehill Farm nor for the proposed turbines at Blairadam. Councillor Helen Law advised that she would be discussing this with Fife Council’s John Wincott. f) Planning Update – Fife Plan Mike Provan Mike gave a summary presentation of the Fife Plan and how it would affect the Townhill Area. It was explained to the hall that if residents felt it necessary we would arrange a separate meeting to discuss this at length. Mike had a large map on display of the proposed plans for Townhill and used a laser pointer during his presentation to indicate the relevant area. FIFEPLAN IS OUT FOR CONSULTATION. DEADLINE FOR RESPONSES 8 DECEMBER 2014 SO TIME IS SHORT. OBJECTIVE TONIGHT IS TO TRY TO ENSURE PEOPLE ARE AWARE OF WHAT IS PROPOSED TO COME TO A VIEW OF THE RESPONSE TO BE MADE BY TCC ON YOUR BEHALF YOU CAN, OF COURSE, RESPOND DIRECTLY AS AN INDIVIDUAL AGAINST ITS POLICIES & HOUSING REQUIREMENTS FIFEPLAN PROPOSES. LAND AT KENT STREET WITH CAPACITY FOR 120 HOUSES LAND AT CHAMBERFIELD WITH CAPACITY FOR 50 HOUSES A NEW ENTRANCE ROAD TO THESE SITES ON TO TOWNHILL ROAD A CORNER OF THE SITE AT KENT STREET LEFT UNDEVELOPED TO MAINTAIN A GAP WITH TOWNHILL LANDSCAPING TO AVOID INTRUDING ON THE COUNTRY PARK/LOCH LAND AT COLTON WITH CAPACITY FOR 300 HOUSES. A NEW RELIEF ROAD RUNNING EAST/WEST FOLLOWS THE BRIDLE PATH AND ALONG THE OLD RAILWAY LINE CROSSING TOWNHILL ROAD AT THE OLD RAILWAY BRIDGE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE OF THE OLD POWER STATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE OLD CAR PARK AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE TOWN LOCH. THERE WILL BE A POTENTIAL IMPACT ON TOWNHILL AS SET OUT IN THE PAPER ON THE WEBSITE AND IN BRIEF IT INCLUDES: REDUCING OR ELIMINATING THE GAP BETWEEN TOWNHILL AND DUNFERMLINE SO THE VILLAGE IDENTITY COULD BE DILUTED/LOST LOSS OF AMENITY FOR RESIDENTS IN THE VILLAGE AFFECTED BY THE NEW ROAD LOSS OF WALKING AREAS AND CYCLE PATHS MORE TRAFFIC ON MAIN STREET AND TOWNHILL ROAD IMPACT ON THE PRIMARY SCHOOL WHERE THERE ARE LIMITED PLACES QUESTIONS ARE THERE ANY ISSUES WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE MORE CLARITY. NOT SEEKING TO BAN ALL NEW HOUSING BUT SUPPORT NOT UNCONDITIONAL AND NEED TO CONSIDER WHAT IMPACT ON TOWNHILL 5 RECOMMEND OBJECTING UNTIL MORE INFORMATION CAN BE SUPPLIED BY FIFE COUNCIL ON: THE NEW RELIEF ROAD, WILL IT COME BEFORE OR AFTER HOUSING, THE ROUTE, THE FINANCING ETC – THE ENGINEERING CHALLENGE IT PRESENTS. A FULL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON THE PRIMARY SCHOOL VIEWS ON COALESCENCE BETWEEN TOWNHILL AND DUNFERMLINE AN UPDATE TO THE TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ALREADY CARRIED OUT IN 2011. THE EFFECT OF THIS ACTION WILL BE TO PRESS THE COUNCIL TO RESPOND AND TO CONVEY ANY CONCERNS AND OBJECTIONS TO THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT WHO WILL APPOINT AN INDEPENDENT REPORTER TO EXAMINE ALL THE PLAN DURING 2015. HIS DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING ON THE COUNCIL THAT MAY MEAN NONE OF THE PROPOSAL GO AHEAD OR ALL OF THEM OR JUST SOME OF THEM – OUR AIM SHOULD BE TO GET THE BEST DEAL FOR TOWNHILL THE FINAL VERSION OF FIFEPLAN WILL BE ISSUED IN 2016 AND THEN DETAILED PLANNING APPLICATIONS WILL START TO BE LODGED WHERE SITES ARE STILL IN THE PLAN A discussion in the hall then followed with residents expressing their serious concerns about the proposed developments. The proposed ring road which would link Wellwood with Halbeath was a major concern. This would cut through Townhill Country Park along the bridle path and the old railway line along the back of Moncur Street, above the end of Loch Street and Stewart Street linking with the Main Road South out of Townhill at the blind summit at the bridge before cutting through the land at the rear of Muir Road. Mike explained that his would be an A road, therefore the council would be able to spur other roads off it at any time in the future. It was felt that this would destroy a major part of Townhill Country Park which is home to the many species of wildlife that we as a community are striving to protect. This road would also be detrimental to the amenity of village life. Mike explained that the chosen route would require major engineering works. The proposed housing developments also concerned residents. They felt that building in the area between south of Kent Street will in effect merge Townhill village with the Northern boundary of Dunfermline town, thus destroying our independent village identity and will be detrimental not only to the residents whose properties surround this area but to our entire community. It is felt that allocating this land for housing would be contrary to the plan’s objectives of protecting the countryside from unplanned development sprawl and this development would neither support the local rural economy nor provide new employment. Coalescence with Dunfermline would in effect turn our village into just another suburb of Dunfermline. A resident expressed concern that this area is turning into a suburb of Edinburgh and it is destroying our communities. He stressed that we do not want to be a suburb of Edinburgh. Mike Provan stated that SES plan (The South East Scotland Strategic Development Plan Authority) had already concluded that there was not enough land available for housing in the Edinburgh area and that therefore Fife was a viable alternative. With the new crossing imminent, commuting from Fife would now be an option for Edinburgh people. Concerns were expressed over the infrastructure of the village being unable to cope and that Townhill Primary School would absolutely not be able to accommodate an influx of children from the new developments. 6 A resident enquired as to whether the developers had researched the mine-workings in this area which may preclude any building. Mike stated that he was unaware if any research had been carried out in this area but could confirm that Taylor Wimpey had carried out no research at all into the mine-workings of the land at Halbeath. It is common knowledge in the village that many years ago it was proposed to build houses on the land North of Townhill however after works began it had to be cancelled due to the proliferation of mine-workings in this area, now there is only a path going nowhere. Councillor Helen Law sated that any developers would be responsible for grouting the ground themselves. Mike advised that the residents of Chamberfield Road and Kent Street, which are both just outwith our area, were objecting to the plans. The residents of Chamberfield Farm were told that there would be no developments in the area when he purchased the farm in February. A vote was taken in the hall as to whether the information given was thorough enough for a decision to be made or whether a separate meeting would be required. It was unanimously agreed that no further meeting was required and the hall then voted unanimously to support Mike’s recommendations and for Townhill Community Council to formally object to the proposals. Residents can also comment individually on Fife Council's interactive Fife Plan online, there are already hundreds of comments about the proposals for elsewhere in Fife but none from Townhill residents as yet. This is a consultation period which ends on the 8th December and all comments will be taken into account. This is the link to the Fife Plan proposals on Fife Council's website. As it is interactive, you can look at the maps and comment too. The relevant pages for Townhill Area Proposed Developments are : Page 53 Ref. Dun038 Kent Street, Housing, Estimated Capacity 120, Lead Agency Private Sector Page 53 Ref. Dun039 North Dunfermline (Colton), Housing, Estimated Capacity 300, Lead Agency Private Sector Page 56 Ref. DUN046 Chamberfield Road, Housing Estimated Capacity 50, Lead Agency Private Sector Page 60 Ref. Dun 067 Northern Link Road, Road Proposal, Lead Agency Fife Council Page 62 Ref. TWH001 Townhill Power Station Site, Leisure/Community Facility, Lead Agency Private Sector Page 62 Ref. TWH002 Townhill Loch Car Park, Employment. Lead Agency Private Sector Also for your information see Page 55 Ref. Dun044 - Land to the North of Wellwood Housing Estimated Capacity 100 Private Sector. The map and a copy of Mike’s full report will be on display in the library. Ronnie thanked Mike for g) his report. Mike’s full report is available for download at Community Police Update – Ronnie Cowan Ronnie advised that we now have a new community police officer, PC Lee Morris. Lee has a good knowledge of the local area and is very pro-active. h) Parent Council Update – David Archbold David reported that the school now had a new janitor, Mark, who is very keen to be involved and will be heling the children with the bus turning circle garden. The school will decide which class will be responsible for the garden. 7 i) th Events Update : Christmas Event Arrangements Friday 28 November – Linda Cowan All going to plan. Our MP Thomas Docherty and MSP Cara Hilton and Councillor Helen Law will be joining us for the evening along with our Provost Jim Leishman who will switch on the tree lights. Linda asked if the community councillors would be prepared to do the same as last year, donating raffle prizes or donating money to buy raffle prizes for the event. Children’s prizes would be good as this is a night for the children. TCC members unanimously agreed to do this. Linda and Maria will purchase tea, coffee, cookies etc and also sweeties for Santa to bring the children and th asked for volunteers to help pack the sweeties into bags for the children on Wednesday 26 November at 7pm in Townhill Community Centre. (Doors open at 6.30pm) Maq from Townhil’s Day Today Store is kindly donating a box of crisps. Tickets almost sold out. Status Hall Hire PA System Projector Provost Jim Leishman Santa Claus Loch Café - Stovies and Soup Townhill 1st Guide Unit - Cake & Candy Raffle Prizes Townhill Primary School - P1 Nativity Townhill 1st Brownie Unit - Entertainment Townhill 1stA Browni Unit Townhill Rainbows Townhill Toddler Group Drinks :Tea bags, coffee, sugar, milk, hot chocolate, orange & blackcurrant squash Sweets, crisps, crispy cakes etc Posters Tickets Sale of Tickets Children's goodie bags Confirmed with FC Confirmed - Ronnie Confirmed - TCC Confirmed for 7pm Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed To be requested & collected - Brownies and Guides collecting prizes To be confirmed with school for after light switch-on - approx 7.15pm Confirmed with Janette Irwin Linda Cowan to invite to take part Sarah Aitchison to invite to take part Sarah Aitchison to invite to take part To be purchased by TCC To be purchased by TCC on PC ready to print on PC ready to print School Office, Childrens' Groups, TCC members To be made up once sweeties purchased - volunteers requested ACTION: Maria and Linda to purchase the refreshments and sweeties and volunteers to meet 7pm th Wednesday 26 November in the small hall in the community centre to pack the sweeties. 8 8. Community Issues Reported prior since last meeting- Ronnie Cowan Remembrance Day th The Remembrance Service was held on 9 November and was attended by MP Thomas Docherty, MSP Cara Hilton, Councillor Helen Law, Councillor David Mogg, Councillor Willie Campbell, Community Police Inspector John Lawson, with representation from Townhill & Kingseat Church, the British Legion and Townhill Community Council. There was a great turnout from the village. Wreaths were laid, including a wreath laid by Ronnie on behalf of the people of Townhill. Ronnie has fitted a red & white cord to secure the wreaths. A family in Canada contacted TCC via Facebook to request that a poppy be laid for their great-greatgrandfather Private William Storm of the Royal Army Medical Corps who was killed in Action 6 December 1917 and laid to rest in Ribecourt British Cemetery in France. As a Townhill lad, William is named on our war memorial. TCC placed a card and a poppy at the memorial on behalf of William’s family. 9. New Business - Ronnie Cowan a) TCC had originally applied for a grant of £200 to put on the Christmas event. This was turned down as we do not keep the funds raised, rather we share them between the children’s groups taking part. After the intervention of Callum Farquhar of Fife Council, they have reconsidered our application and the grant has been approved. b) Community Centre contribution to floral enhancement – ideas ? c) We now have a great sponsor for the dog poo bags, a local veterinary practice, Albavet (previously known as Ryan & Calder). An Albavet sticker will be fixed to all the dispensers. There will be a press release next week. Raymond and Ronnie will be responsible for bag replenishing. d) The two singing bins we ordered for the children’s play area have arrived and will be hopefully be fitted next week. One is a penguin and one a baby chick. Townhill Primary have recorded a singing message which will sing to children when they put their litter in and ask for more. These bins are enclosed rather than open like the present bins, therefore the food, sweetie wrappers etc that are placed in the binds at this area will not be susceptible to the birds being attracted by the food and pulling out litter strewing it over the park. One of the existing open bins will be moved to the Loch Street entrance to the park and the other to beside the dog bag dispenser by the allotments. e) I. Village Enhancement Ronnie advised that we need to sort out next year's floral monetary contributions and invited ideas for raising funds from committee members and residents. The local businesses who donated last year have agreed to donate again this year. If anyone comes up with an idea, they must be prepared to get involved and help. II. Councillor Helen Law is looking into the possibility of having the Community Centre contribute towards the cost of their garden. III. The wildflower areas at the South entrance to the village and at the allotments will be strimmed now. IV. Empty railing baskets – Ronnie completed V. 2 tier planter – Rosemary completed 9 10. Any Other Business Hugh Doohan reported that the fence at the side of the gate at the entrance to the wood mid Forest Road was damaged as people were pushing it over rather than use the gate. ACTION: Ronnie to report this to Fife Council. 11. Correspondence - Linda Cowan a. Fife Council – Confirmation of Community Councillors b. Wild harvest pack of 105 saplings which will include 30 hazel, 30 blackthorn, 15 crab apple, 15 dog rose, 15 elder applied for from the Woodland trust –delivery March if successful These tree saplings will be used to create a new biodiversity area in conjunction with the edible nature trail at the North tree-line in Townhill Park. Linda asked Matthew ( who is a qualified arborist) if he would like to take on this project and Mathew kindly agreed. A community tree planting day will be arranged. c. Wildflower seeds applied for from Grow Wild d. Funding Applied for from Stagecoach From: Date: 20/11/2014 14:13:18 To: Cc: Subject: Re: Request form for Funding Dear Ms Cowan I refer to your recent letter requesting support for Townhill Community Council. Please be advised that your correspondence was passed to the Stagecoach Charitable Committee for consideration and I am now pleased to be able to confirm that the Charitable Committee will give a donation of £100.00. In order for this amount to be raised can you please provide details of the name which the cheque should be written out to as well as the best postal address for the cheque to be sent. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Kind regards Donna Galbraith PA to Directors e. Funding Applied for from Dobbies f. Funding Beautiful Scotland – grants of £250 now available for community clear up projects. th Applications have to be in for the 15 December. Suggestions invited. f. Message from From: Cllr William Campbell Hi Linda As I think I mentioned, I am in Edinburgh today on council business and unlikely to be back in time for the meeting this evening. Please give my apologies. As an AGM is a time for looking back as well as forward, can I put on record my congratulations to the Community Council for its creativity, resilience, responsiveness, doggedness and sheer hard work on behalf of the people of Townhill, and my good wishes to the office-bearers elected tonight for the year ahead. Yours Willie 10 12. Treasurer’s report –Maria Smeaton NOVEMBER REPORT 2013 DATE CHEQUE No TO WHOM PAID/SOLD EXPENDITURE DETAILS CHEQUES INCOME CASH BANK ACCOUNTPETTY CASH Balance brought Forward BANK BALANCE PETTY CASH BALANCE TMHG ACCOUNT £ 11,649.22 £ 57.48 £ 16.10.14 Fife Council October Hall Hire £ 8.60 £ 11,640.62 £ 57.48 15.11.14 Amberol Singing bins £ 1,004.40 £ 10,636.22 £ 57.48 15.11.14 Crazy Golf equipment £ 11,748.22 £ 57.48 09.11.12 Townhill Residents donations £ £ 20.00 £ 11,748.22 £ 77.48 31.10.14 Allotment user hire of rotovator £ 5.00 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 1,112.00 £ 11,748.22 £ 82.48 Less FC PC Funds -£ 1,500.00 Less FC Muga funds -£ 4,500.00 Less Edible Nature Trail -£ 1,680.00 Less Crazy Golf equip -£ 1,112.00 £ 2,956.22 TOTALS £ 1,013.00 £ - £ 1,112.00 £ 3,897.54 3,897.54 13. Any Further Councillors’ reports a. Re the District Heating – methane gas collection scheme discussed at last month’s meeting. Councillor Helen Law advised that funding may be available for Townhill Community Council to have a consulatation to see whether there is a possibility of Townhill being included in Fife Council’s scheme to collect the methane gas emitted by two of their landfill sites and use it to generate electricity and heat. The gas collection scheme captures methane from both the Lochhead and Lower Merville Wood landfill sites and the gas is then burnt to generate electricity. At the Lochhead site the waste heat from this process is captured and used to provide heating to homes and public buildings in Dunfermline. It is the first district heating scheme in the UK that harnesses the heat produced as a by-product of electricity generated from landfill gas. As this system does not rely on sunlight, it may be more suitable for Scotland all year round. ACTION: Councillor Helen Law to investigate. b. Helen reported that it is hoped that community councils can work together. c. There will be a budget consultation on 11 December in the City Chambers and Community Councils have been invited to attend. This will also include a Funding Fair. Ronnie Cowan, Maria Smeaton and Linda Cowan will represent TCC at this meeting. d. It is hoped that the community police will return to having a slot at community council meetings. e. Councillor Helen Law advised that the repair on Muir Road was only a junction repair, Fife Council are aware of the poor state of this street and it has been marked for future repair, as has Loch Street. f. Lamp posts are being replaced throughout the Townhill and Bellyeoman area. th 14. Date of next meeting: 15th January 2015 as no meeting in December however TCC will be working behind the scenes as usual between meetings. 15. Ronnie thanked everyone for coming and said he hoped they would all return to our next meeting in January and wished everyone a safe journey home. 16. Close of Meeting 11
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