TOWNHILL COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7.00pm Thursday 15th January 2015 Townhill Community Centre In Attendance:Community Council Chair Ronnie Cowan, Vice Chair Raymond Pringle, Secretary Linda Cowan, Treasurer Maria Smeaton, Sarah Aitchison, Bill Hunter, Niall Reid, Arlene Watson, Mathew Colville Nominated Members of TCC Proposed Co-opted Members of TCC Rosemary Walmsley – TAG Mike Provan – Planning David Archbold – Parent Council Fife Councillors Cllr Helen Law Townhill Residents – All welcome!! Chair Ronnie Cowan welcomed everyone to the meeting - TCC members and Cllr. Law introduced themselves to the hall 2. Apologies Cllr Willie Campbell, Councillor David Mogg, David Archbold 1. 3. Agree November minutes Agreed: Maria Smeaton 4. Seconded: Raymond Pringle Matters Arising from Previous Minutes a. Website – Update – Ronnie Cowan Ronnie advised that all reports, presentations etc. were available for download on our community website along with all community information. The achievements for 2013 and 2014 now have their own separate pages and a new section has been started for 2015. b. Facebook– Linda Cowan Linda advised that our Townhill facebook page has 733 friends, the TCC page for more official news had over 200 likes. The facebook presence allows for an immediate dispensation of information as the response to the posts on Fife Plan have shown. Residents are also posting on the page and using it as a means of immediate communication re appeals for lost pets, traffic and weather warnings etc. c. Twitter – Sarah Aitchison Sarah advised that we now have 205 followers on twitter and are following 253. d. Suggestion Box - Maria Smeaton No suggestions in box this month. e. Dunfermline Press Community news – Ronnie Cowan update Ronnie Cowan advised that the weekly report for the Dunfermline Press and Courier is written and submitted first thing on a Sunday morning and reminded everyone that if anyone has any news item or significant event etc. that they would like included in the report to send it to Ronnie by Saturday evening. 1 f. Councillor David Mogg updates - none g. Councillor Willie Campbell updates – none h. Councillor Helen Law updates :- Helen has a meeting on Monday 19th January where she will discuss and try to progress the following topics with FC. i. Bikeability Cycle proficiency / Scooter area Funding for this project will be considered in the financial year beginning April 2015. This is to allow the creation of a cycling proficiency training area in the park, based on the idea of the old road safety tricycle area in Pittencrieff Park but with a modern twist. A meeting is being arranged between Ronnie Cowan our Councillors and Susan Keenlyside from Bikeability in the next week or so to discuss this. Helen explained that the Bikeability initiative was moving forward and that Bicycles had already been supplied to schools in order that children could all have the opportunity to learn to ride a bike. The proposed cycling proficiency area in the park would be an excellent facility towards the goal of all children being able to ride bikes and appreciating the long term health benefits of exercise. ACTION : Councillor Helen Law to arrange and confirm meeting and to progress funding for April 2015 ii. Putting Green/ Crazy Golf at Side of Community Centre The idea is to create a crazy golf pitch at the side of the community centre on a Healthy eating theme and include a community fruit and vegetable garden so that the players can not only learn about healthy eating, they can help plant and grow fruit and veg for the village. Ronnie had met with Davy McQueen, Fife Council’s Area Officer for Parks, Streets and Open Spaces, and Davy had agreed to supply soil for the area to level the ground. ACTION : Councillor Helen Law to progress this with Fife Council and to expedite a meeting for the Townhill Country Park Development Group. iii. Toilets in Park This is still an ongoing issue and Ronnie Cowan said it is one that they would like to have sorted out before next year’s summer season when the park is extremely busy. Helen said that Fife Council are having to make cuts but she will stick with this as she understood the urgent need for toilets in the park. Previously: Fife Council had offered a chemical toilet in an open cabinet for the park however this was not considered appropriate, as it would be open all the time and would be a target for vandals. There would have been a maintenance fee of £25 per month for this and Fife Council had confirmed they would have covered this cost. This is a strange situation when we already have toilets in the park, we just need public access to them. Ronnie asked that if the building could be partitioned so access could be limited to the toilets, would be possible for Fife Council’s parks worker James to open the toilets when he arrived around 8am and locked them again late afternoon when he leaves? Ronnie asked if the £25 per month offered for the chemical toilet could go towards paying for the pavilion toilets to be cared for if they were opened to the public, as Fife Council already employ a cleaner for the toilets at the loch, would it be possible for the pavilion toilets to be included in their employment? ACTION : Councillor Helen Law to report back after meeting. 5. Parks department/ FC updates – Ronnie Cowan i. Fife Council’s Parks Dept had provided their usual great service over Christmas. Ronnie had reported the dog poo bin overflowing at the Green Street entrance to the park and also rubbish strewn over Loch Street due to torn bin bags. Within an hour this had all been cleared up and sorted out. 2 ii. iii. The two bins removed from the children’s play area (which were replaced by the penguin and chicken singing bins) have now been resited at the Loch Street entrance to the Park and the entrance by the allotments. Now every park entrance has a dog bag dispenser and a bin. In discussion with Davy McQueen Ronnie asked for the bushes to be removed at the Park Car Park entrance (to North) to improve visibility for drivers. 6. Townhill Activity Reports a) Wildlife Committee Update – Raymond Pringle Wildlife Plan The Wildlife Group has not met again since our last meeting. A further meeting is due soon to review progress on a number of agreed initiatives. That is: • Waterski and Wakeboard Scotland have wave attenuation barriers readyfor installation in the north west corner of the main loch. • Fife Council have been investigating the best low cost options for suitable nesting platforms. • Fife Council have also undertaken to install fencing at both ends of the unofficial path round the western edge of the small loch designated as a wildlife area. • Townhill Community Council have had a Proposal for Angling on Town Loch drawn up on their behalf by Jason Walls. This was circulated to Community Council members in December and subsequently approved. In summary it proposes: • For angling rights to be managed in such a way as to be beneficial to the loch as a whole and to determine where anglers can and cannot fish. • Explore the possibility of running a coarse angling club where the water can bepoliced voluntarily and looked after. This in turn would encourage youngsters to take up this widely growing sport. • Determine which areas can be fished and in which areas fishing should be prohibited, both to protect wildlife and to fit harmoniously with current water-ski activities. This would require clear, appropriate signage at all potential fishing locations, including who to contact for further information or to report incidents. • In the longer term, look at the possibility of running the loch as a coarse fishery to generate money for the local area and economy. This proposal has yet to be considered by the Wildlife Group. In addition, there are proposals from Townhill Community Council for additional screening and fencing on the small loch to further protect it as a wildlife site. Ronnie thanked Raymond for his report which is available online at www.townhillcommunity as is the complete proposal for fishing in Townhill Loch. ACTION : Cllr Helen Law to follow up the contract with John O’Niell which will give the rights over the fishing in Townhill Loch to Townhill Community Council b) Townhill Mining Heritage Garden – Update report Helen Law Chair of TMHG Helen Law reported that the The figures have now been agreed between TMHG, TCC, Fife Council and FEt for Phase one and are with the treasurer at FET for Payment to TCC. Fife Council will then Invoice TCC who will then pay Fife Council. We will now begin planning, designing and fundraising for Phase two.Phase Two will be a timeline path beginning at the Billy Liddell entrance to the park and joining the path to the West Entrance to Green Street where park users will be able to walk in the footsteps of the miners throughout the years. A strata wall will also be part of the design. Helen said that phase one of the Townhill Mining Heritage Garden was unique with its wooden sculptures and we would work hard towards creating an equally special and unique addition to this with phase two. 3 An American couple, Karl and Joyce Anderson from Ohio have donated £320 for Phase two. Karl’s family the McKinlay’s were originally from Townhill and worked in the mines. Karl and Joyce visited Townhill in October. Helen thanked Karl and Joyce for their very generous donation. c) Church Update – Dave McDonald Dave reported that he had spoken to the church board members and that they were happy to offer the use of the church hall to TCC to hold a fundraising coffee morning. Ronnie thanked Dave for this very generous offer and asked if, as TCC is such a small group, the church groups would be able to help us with this? Dave will ask the church groups if this will be possible. d) Allotments - update report Rosemary Walmsley TAG Rosemary reported that the poly tunnel for all allotment users was up and useable although it was too cold as yet. The poly tunnel had withstood the gale force winds over the past few weeks. e) CLG / Wind Turbine Update – Raymond Pringle Blairadam Forest The planning application for 11 wind turbines is still pending consideration. The planning application was lodged on 6thJanuary 2014; the Standard Consultation Expiry date was the 29thMay 2014; the latest Expiry Date was the 30thOctober 2014. We await a decision. Lilliehill Farm East & West Larger parcels of Fife Council owned land were looked at to see if they were suitable for turbines up to 90 metres in height to blade tip. There are currently 9 sites that are still being assessed and over a 100 others that have been decided not to pursue. The two Lilliehill Farm sites are in the list of 9 sites that are still being assessed. If the Executive Committee agrees, it is hoped that planning applications can be made in the spring 2015. f) Planning Update – Fife Plan Mike Provan Firstly, a big thank you to the members of the Community Council and those residents of Townhill and beyond, who took the trouble to submit comments to Fife Council on the FifePlan proposals that relate to the village. TCC’s submission is posted on the website so everyone can see what was said and we were supported by a number of people from outside the village as they shared an interest in some of our issues. WHAT DO THE SUBMISSIONS TELL US ? FifePlan proposals attracted over 3600 comments, the majority coming from private individuals as well as many from, e.g. public bodies, companies, developers, their agents, landowners and their agents, heritage groups, housing associations and so on. A number of individuals copied a script prepared by the group to which they belong - this swelled the number of submissions considerably. TCC was one of 24 Community Councils to submit responses along with 7 Residents and Tenants Associations. It was clear that most submissions were objecting to some element of the plan, be that policy or specific site proposals but perhaps a little worryingly, there was strong criticism from planning professionals about the process by which Fife Council had produced the Plan, of lack of democratic process in consultation and consequently, lack of confidence in it. Predictably, the owners of land and the developers involved in building on that land, submitted evidence which they claim supports the case for development while most of the other comments were in the form of objections either to specific sites or areas or to the policies laid out by Fife Council. WHAT ABOUT THE ISSUES THAT TCC HIGHLIGHTED ? Taking all the comments made on the issues that affect Townhill, a summary of these is as follows : DUNFERMLINE AREA STRATEGY: 25 comments made: Roughly 50 : 50 for and against. Objections were to specific sites and the scale of development proposed with the switch away from the Eastern expansion to the North of Dunfermline. “Why should we become a housing suburb of Edinburgh where residents will spend most of their income there and not here?” 4 Support was mainly from interested developers and some individuals who see a benefit to the local economy from this expansion. Some support was for the continued omission of some sites where there has been previous controversy. NORTH DUNFERMLINE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT AREA : 5 comments made : All five were objections to some aspect of the strategy with the main concerns being : The scale of development represents a new small town Transport, The Northern Relief Road and its ill thought out route through Townhill Coalescence of settlements such as Townhill and Dunfermline, Pressure on schools – no proper assessment across the area. A challenge was made to the validity of the process used to allow consultation and was described as undemocratic – especially the removal of 8 sites for 800 houses by the full Council at a late point without any valid reasons given. It was pointed out that although healthcare is a concern, it is not an issue for the Council, rather NHS Scotland. TOWNHILL ISSUES : 4 comments made: There was support for the continued exclusion of the Muir Road site from the Plan as it had previously been rejected by both the Council and the Reporter. There was a further submission to have this site put back in the Plan by Alastair Adams on behalf of the Wilkins Family unchanged as 4 small holdings with access from both Main Street and Muir Road. The key issues for the village were listed as: Avoiding coalescence with Dunfermline Protecting the Country Park and wildlife Protecting the Primary School from accommodating more pupils than it can take Ensuring that transport in and around the village is accessible and safe Ensuring the village infrastructure is commensurate with the size and profile of the village TWH 001 – FORMER POWER STATION: 3 comments made: All 3 were supportive in principle of developing this site but with careful design to avoid adverse impact on the Country Park and wildlife. TWH 002 – TOWNHILL LOCH CAR PARK: 2 comments made: Difficult to see what employment opportunities this site would provide. Supportive in principle of development but care needed if developed alongside Kent Street when coalescence would be almost total. DUN 067 – NORTHERN RELIEF ROAD: 27 comments made: Note : these were the direct comments made re this proposal but many more were entered as part of other submissions on specific sites or areas. The total above could easily be doubled if all mentions were included. Among the issues listed were: Does not accord with Fife Health and Wellbeing Plan 2011 – 14 Commercial developer unhappy with indicative line of road at Halbeath Route through Townhill is ill thought out and unwelcome Adverse impact on the Country Park and wildlife Loss of paths for walkers, dog owners, cyclists and horses Loss of agricultural land At odds with Fife Bikeability initiative Will not ease congestion, rather add to it Takes traffic east/west but does nothing to address problem in arterial roads like Townhill Rd, A823, Whitefield Rd & Halbeath Rd. No Neighbour Notifications were issues to affected residents Is contrary to Scottish Planning Policy No mention of site assessments with mine workings etc. Alternative suggested routes were put forward. This issue generated the most “heat” and comments like “someone drew a line on a map to take the line of least resistance and easy option” were common. DUN 038 KENT STREET & DUN 046 CHAMBERFIELD : 5 29 comments on Kent Street - 26 on Chamberfield: Although these two sites were listed separately and many responses were entered for each site, the issues raised overlap to a great extent so they are taken together for this purpose. The main issues raised were: Coalescence between Townhill and Dunfermline Access difficulties Congestion on Townhill Road – already busy Pressure on Townhill Primary School Previous rejection by the Reporter Impact on wildlife and Townhill Country Park Removal of a peaceful area Site assessment is suspect as no mention of mine workings, water table or gas pipelines Loss of agricultural land Partly dependent on the Northern Relief Road which may never get built, or be re-routed Would increase Townhill’s housing area (technically not in Townhill) Fife Council has not followed a democratic process in consultation. Lack of plans for other aspects of infrastructure, e.g. care homes, healthcare points etc.. There were two supportive submissions as: Kent Street – Alastair Adams on behalf of the Wilkins Family to counter the arguments put forward and support housing development, Chamberfield – Logie and Pittencrieff Estate to counter the arguments put forward and support housing development. It is worth noting that both these parties are working together since the independent transport assessment carried out for Chamberfield concludes that the only viable access to that site is through the Kent Street site . Their more detailed plans suggest building 90 houses on Kent Street and 50 on Chamberfield, a total of c 140 Plans can be viewed online using this link: DUN 039 COLTON: 5 comments made: Relatively little was submitted for this site and was mainly against the development on the grounds of impact on the Country Park wildlife, coalescence with Dunfermline/Townhill and the need for the Northern Relief Road to service it. In another section, the owners, I & H Brown put forward reasons why this site should be developed. OTHERS: Although not part of TCC’s submission, there were 221 submissions about DUN 043 Halbeath but most of them were the same piece copied by many people. (Perhaps TCC needs to consider if this is a tactic worth using in the future) WHAT HAPPENS NOW ? Fife Council will consider the submissions and prepare a report for the Council Executive. This will take several months from now. Any unresolved issues will be referred to Scottish Ministers who will appoint an independent Reporter to examine the Plan. This examination process will take most of the second half of 2015 and will be carried out either by holding a formal hearing or more likely, by considering the documentation submitted. TCC may be asked to give evidence or add to what has been said in our submissions. The Reporter will reach a decision on the issues considered and his decision will be final, binding on both Fife Council and anyone affected by the issues. Any challenge to his decision needs to be by an action in the Court of Session. The final version of FifePlan, which is then a material consideration and the base point for all future planning applications, is expected in 2016. Put simply, a planning application for e.g. a housing development, is most unlikely to be approved unless the site has been included in FifePlan and a number of conditions can be met. As per the planning legislation, the whole process will start again as the Plan must be reviewed every five years so in effect, any decision reached in the Plan, is only as good as the next five years. It is up for review again and could potentially be different the next time. It also means that owners of land that has not been included in FifePlan in 2016, can apply to have it considered again in the next round of the process and would probably have to show that any concerns had been addressed. HOW WILL WE KNOW IF WE HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL OR NOT ? The Reporter’s findings will be made known to all those whose objections he examined and the ultimate test of our efforts will be whether we have succeeded in persuading him to our point of view on the issues we raised. FUTURE REPORTS: 6 There is likely to be very little to report on FifePlan for some time now as the process continues so the opportunity will be taken to carry out a review of the effectiveness of the strategy followed by TCC regarding FifePlan and any changes put forward for the future. This will include looking at how other groups put forward their views. This is not the end…………… It is not even the beginning of the end……. Nor is it the end of the beginning……. It is the Planning cycle and it never ends……… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mike had spoken to many people re the FifePlan consultations and explained that a large proportion of them couldn’t face trying to get into the consultation process even by following the links given as Fife Direct site is slow and tests patience. It is most certainly not user friendly and the rigmarole that users had to go through to comment on the Fifeplan proposals was confusing and time consuming. Perhaps for the next round, TCC should find a way of making it easier for residents, possibly providing a scripted response that could be copied and submitted by individuals in agreement with TCC’s position on this. Raymond Pringle asked if a mass submission of a scripted response would have as much influence as the TCC objections and Mike explained that numbers do matter. Cllr Law confirmed that if there are any more than six objections then the proposal has to go to committee. It is important to initially get information out to residents, engage them in discussions about the way forward and then help them to do something about it. Ronnie Cowan said we have excellent vehicles to highlight information in place, the Townhill website, Facebook, Twitter, Noticeboards and our weekly Press report. Mike agreed and stressed that we must continue to make use of them to promulgate information. Ronnie thanked Mike for g) his report. Mike’s full report is available for download at Community Police Update – Ronnie Cowan Ronnie advised that Townhill’s new proactive community police officers are PC Lee Morris and PC Louise Miller and Police Sergeant Hilary McInlay. Lee has great ideas for Townhill and we look forward to working with the new team. Rather than the previously separate quarterly Police Community Engagement meetings, our community police officers will now attend and discuss local issues at Community Council meetings on a quarterly basis. This was welcomed by TCC. th h) Events Update : Christmas Event Friday 28 November – Ronnie Cowan The Christmas event went well and donations had been given to the children groups taking part, Townhill st st st Primary School, 1 Townhill Rainbows, 1 Townhill Brownies and 1 Townhill Guides. All the children were amazing and Ronnie thanked them all for taking part. Thanks also to Provost Jim Leishman for getting the night off to a roaring start. 7. Community Issues Reported prior since last meeting- Ronnie Cowan a) Entrance to woods from Forest Place (fence repair) Sarah Aitchison confirmed that the entrance has now been repaired. b) Flashing Speed sign (hole in pavement) Ronnie confirmed that the hole in the pavement had been repaired and that the sign had been removed. It will be resited shortly at the bridge. 7 c) Road Lining around bollards at South entrance Ronnie confirmed that the road lining was now complete here although quite a few cars has caught their wheels on the kerb around the bollard prior to the lines being painted. It had been understood that the kerb would be flush similar to those in Halbeath however it was a raised kerb more like that at Kingseat hill which has been the subject of so much controversy in the past. d) Lighting at MUGA Ronnie confirmed that this had been completed just this afternoon. The lighting is now on a timer which can be switched on from a control box. The box will be kept locked and for the time being, if any group wishes to use the MUGAs in the evenings, they are invited to contact Ronnie Cowan to arrange to borrow the key. e) Flooding at Wilson Street – progress – Bill Hunter FCCT (Fife Coast & Countryside Trust) received the funding of £4,950 from the Common Good Fund and that they were in the process of securing a contractor to carry out the work. It is hoped that this will be underway very soon. Bill confirmed that this is in progress, most of the ditches have been cleared and trees down, the main ditch has still to be cleared and a small digger will be hired for this purpose. Ronnie asked if this has made any difference so far to the flooding and drainage problems f) Dog Poo Bags Ronnie reported that he and Raymond are replenishing the dog poo bags in the dispensers as required. It is averaging out at 500 bags per week being used over all, the dispenser at the allotment entrance to the park using the most bags. Ronnie has discussed this with Graham Dodds of ALBAVET, our local Dunfermline veterinary practice in St. Margaret Street, who sponsor the bags, and ALBAVET are happy that the bags are being used responsibly and that it is making such a difference to the cleanliness of the park, when dog fouling is not only antisocial but a major health concern. Park users have commented about how clean our park is compared to other areas and how much they enjoy their visits. 8. New Business - Ronnie Cowan i. Christmas Lights Ronnie advised that we will need to purchase a new set of LED flashing Christmas lights for next Christmas as one of the sets was no longer working. Sarah asked if it would be possible to have Christmas lights in Main Street next year. Helen advised that a company hired lights to Dunfermline and they also fitted them and took them down. The lapm post decorations were powered off the lamp posts. The firm occasionally had some reconditioned unites for sale but if we went down the route of purchasing them, health and safety factors, legalities of connecting into FC’s power and also whose responsibility it would be to fit and to store the lights would have to be taken into consideration. It was agreed to purchase the tree lights and to look into costing for hiring the lamp post lighting. ACTION: Councillor Helen Law to enquire about costings for hiring equipment from the company who hires to Dunfermline. ii. Singing Bins The singing bins have been fitted in Townhill Park in the children’s play area and have been a great success as the lack of litter in the park confirms. This was featured in both the Dunfermline Press and the Sunday Post. iii. Village Enhancement a. Do we wish to compete or not in Beautiful Fife and Beautiful Scotland? A vote was taken to decide the above. 8 It was voted unanimously to enter Townhill for Beautiful Fife again and also unanimously voted not to enter for Beautiful Scotland. It was felt that the Beautiful Scotland campaign had different criteria to Beautiful Fife and there was also a fee to enter (which was paid by Fife Council for us last year.) We are not solely a floral gardening group but have many diverse community issues to deal with as well as improving the aesthetics and amenities of the village. We will as always strive to make Townhill a beautiful village to live in. b. Floral cash contributions – ideas? We will need to have more fundraising events in the community this year, our coffee morning will be a great start to this. All ideas welcome. c. Business contributions – as last year? It was agreed to keep business contributions towards the floral enhancement of Townhill at £100 per business. st Many businesses had already confirmed that they wished to participate again. Mandy Johnston of 1 Townhill Guides has confirmed that the Brownies will plant out and care for the tubs outside Serpentus Exotics and the Village Inn again this year. d. Plants It was voted and agreed unanimously to go with two suppliers for our village plants this year. Ronnie phoned FC about the Floral Grant to be told that it was running about a month late and we should hear at the beginning of February as to whether we have been successful or not. We will also make an application to the Area Budget. 9. Any Other Business Easter Event th Linda Cowan advised that our annual Easter Event will take place on Saturday 4 April, the day before Easter Sunday. It was discussed and agreed that it might be a lovely idea to speak to Chris Ingram Chair of Wellwood Community Council to see if Wellwood CC and Townhill CC could work together to organise a joint Easter event at the Loch for both communities. ACTION : Maria Smeaton to contact Chris Ingram to invite Wellwood CC to work with us on a joint Easter event 10. Correspondence - Linda Cowan a) Dobbies – re funding application “Hiya Linda Many thanks for your email - sorry for the late reply. I have recently taking over as Dobbies Community Champion and as you can imagine its a very busy time and I have a limited budget. What I have done however is save your application in my pending application for future consideration. Kind regards Sam Sam Smeaton Community Champion Dobbies (Dunfermline)” b) Community Grow Rescource Pack publication to download – (looks like online magazine) c) One Planet Picnic What is a One Planet Picnic? 9 It is just what it sounds like, sustainable picnics to celebrate harvests and enjoy learning about food. It is a picnic that is good for you and good for the planet. Create some fabulous food experiences and memories through One Planet Picnic, and help to build a sustainable good food nation. One Planet Picnic aims to empower people to be the change a sustainable world needs by engaging them in a fun, active experience getting to know the good foods, people and places local to you. It is a picnic where you: •Include sustainable ingredients e.g. seasonal, local, organic, or ethical produce •Reduce packaging and food waste Who can hold a One Planet Picnic? Actually, anyone can hold one if they want to. We will be promoting One Planet Picnic mostly to: •Schools including nursery, primary, secondary and ASN schools •Youth groups including uniformed groups e.g. scouts and brownies •Businesses and Organisations •Community Groups Your picnic can be for a few people, or many e.g. a class or whole school. You can invite people from your wider community, local schools or organisations to join you. Across the whole summer in June, July, August and September. d) RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Bird populations are a great indicator of the health of the countryside. That's why it's so important to take part in surveys like Big Garden Birdwatch to keep an eye on the ups and downs of the wildlife where we live.All you need to do is spend an hour over the weekend of 24-25 January counting the birds in your garden. It's that simple! The more people involved, the more we can learn. So, grab a cuppa and together we can all help to give nature a home. e) Treasurer’s report –Maria Smeaton BANK BALANCE DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 REPORT DATE CHEQUE No EXPENDITURE TO WHOM PAID/SOLD DETAILS CHEQUES INCOME BANK ACCOUNT CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH BALANCE TMHG TMHG No 2 Acc ACCOUNT expenses £ 11,748.22 £ 80.45 £ 3,897.54 £ 11,748.22 £ 80.45 £ 3,897.54 £ 11,739.62 £ 80.45 £ 3,897.54 £ 11,658.91 £ 74.45 £ 3,897.54 6.00 £ 11,658.91 £ 31.95 £ 3,897.54 £ 42.50 £ 11,658.91 -£ 33.99 £ 3,897.54 RAFFLE PRIZES FOR KIDS - XMAS EVENT £ 65.94 £ 11,658.91 -£ 35.98 £ 3,897.54 XMAS TREE DEC - STAR FOR TREE TOP £ 1.99 £ 11,658.91 -£ 59.68 £ 3,897.54 ASDA BISCUITS COFFEE, TEABAGS ETC XMAS EVENT £ 23.70 £ 11,658.91 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 FARMFOODS JUICE FOR XMAS EVENT £ 5.80 £ 11,658.91 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 Balance brought Forward 20.11.2014 183 Fife Council Hall Hire November meeting £ 8.60 24.11.2014 184 Maria Smeaton Bookers - Sweets & B&Q - xmas decs £ 80.71 24.11.2014 EBAY ANDY F41 STRIMMER CORD (floral grant) £ 24.11.2014 EBAY - Samstevensbrighton CT1 SEALANT & ADHESIVE (materials?) 26.11.2014 B&M'S 26.11.2014 HOMEBASE 26.11.2014 28.11.2014 29.11.2014 179 FIFE COUNCIL HALL HIRE FOR XMAS EVENT £ 15.80 £ 11,643.11 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 01.12.2014 177 TOWNHILL PRIMARY SCHOOL DONATION TO SCHOOL FROM XMAS EVENT TICKETS £ 50.00 £ 11,593.11 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 01.12.2014 187 MANDY JOHNSTONE & ANNMARIE KAY DONATION TO FROM XMAS EVENT TICKET SALES £ 50.00 £ 11,543.11 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 01.12.2014 188 1ST TOWNHILL RAINBOWS DONATION FROM XMAS EVENT TICKET SALES £ 50.00 £ 11,493.11 -£ 65.48 £ 3,897.54 01.12.2014 189 1ST TOWNHILL BROWNIE PACK DONATION FROM XMAS EVENT TICKET SALES £ 50.00 £ 11,443.11 -£ 71.48 £ 3,897.54 B&M STORES FRAMES FOR DONATIONS TO TCC GROUPS £ 11,443.11 -£ 71.48 £ 3,897.54 COUNTRYVIEW REPLACEMENT LECTERN TMHG £ 11,443.11 -£ 11.48 £ 3,447.54 £ 26.11.2014 VARIOUS DONATIONS FOR RAFFLE PRIZES 60.00 £ 11,443.11 -£ 11.48 £ 3,447.54 28.11.2014 FIFE COUNCIL GRANT FOR FOR XMAS EVENT £ 11,643.11 £ 148.52 £ 3,447.54 28.11.2014 RAFFLE PRIZE MONEY RAFFLE PRIZE MONEY COLLECTER 160.00 £ 11,643.11 £ 148.52 £ 3,447.54 03.12.2014 STAGECOACH DONATION £ 11,743.11 £ 148.52 £ 3,447.54 09.12.2014 KARL & JOYCE ANDERSON DONATION TO TMHG FOR PHASE 2 £ 11,743.11 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 08.12.2014 CASH FROM TICKET SALES XMAS EVENT TICKET SALES £ 200.00 £ 11,943.11 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 16.12.2014 RBS INTEREST BANK INTEREST PAID £ 1.14 £ 11,944.25 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 £ 11,944.25 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 £ 11,944.25 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 £ 11,944.25 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 £ 11,944.25 £ 216.59 £ 3,767.54 01.12.2014 03.12.2014 TMHG 7 £ 6.00 £ £ 200.00 £ 100.00 £ TOTALS £ 305.11 £ 151.93 £ 220.00 £ 11,944.25 Less FC PC Funds 501.14 £ -£ 1,500.00 Less FC Muga funds -£ 4,500.00 Less Edible Nature Trail funds -£ 1,680.00 Less Crazy Golf equip funds -£ 1,112.00 Less Scooter Funds -£ 442.67 £ 2,709.58 £ 148.52 £ 3,767.54 £ TMHG No 2 Acc deposits 450.00 £ 320.00 450.00 £ 320.00 10 f) Any Further Councillors’ reports Councillor Helen Law advised that Fife Council already work closely with Community Councils and FC’s engagement with community councils will increase in the future with a proposal to devolve some budgets to Community Councils. It is hoped to form a community council forum with one representative from each community council being part of this. There has already been evidence of community council’s working together; the North Dunfermline CC’s working together over FifePlan proposals. Events had been held in 2014 for community councillors to meet planners face to face and to learn about FC Budget proposals and funding etc. and this will continue. 11. Date of next meeting: 19th February 2015 12. Ronnie thanked everyone for coming and and wished everyone a safe journey home. 13. Close of Meeting 11
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