Mortlake with East Sheen Team Ministry All Saints, East Sheen Follow us on Twitter @allsaints_sheen Team Vicar: Fr Stuart Lee t 0208 287 0090 30th November 2014 e TODAY ADVENT SUNDAY 8.00am SAID EUCHARIST 10.00am SUNG EUCHARIST 12 noon THE LATE SERVICE 6.30pm The Advent Carol Service MONDAY 9.15am 6.00pm Morning Prayer Evensong TUESDAY 8.00am 6.00pm 6.00pm Said Eucharist Evensong Julian meeting (silent prayer group) at St Mary’s WEDNESDAY 10.00am 11.00am 3.00pm Songs & Stories at All Saints Home Communion at Alexander House Mothers’ Union Communion and tea at St Mary’s THURSDAY 9.15am 10.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.00pm Morning Prayer Said Eucharist Songs & Stories at Christ Church Memorial Service for Doris Cordwell at All Saints Evensong FRIDAY 6.00pm Evensong SATURDAY 10.00am 6.30pm Open Café at All Saints Charity Carol Concert SUNDAY THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8.00am SAID EUCHARIST 10.00am SUNG EUCHARIST 12 noon THE LATE SERVICE Normally, the Eucharist is also celebrated at St. Mary's on Tues, 10am & Sat, 9.30am and Christ Church on Wed, 10.30am Morning Prayer is said in the parish on Mon (AS), Tues (SM), Wed (CC), Thurs (AS) and Fri(CC) at 9.15am. Evensong is sung according to the BCP Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6pm in All Saints. There is Evening Prayer Monday to Thursday at 5pm at Christ Church. Prayers Mission and Community Concern: Us (formerly USPG: Anglicans in World Mission), working with churches around the world to combat violence against women – with a particular focus on Zambia. Parish/Church Concern: For our three churches as they finalise and implement Mission Action Plans. World/UK Concern: For progress in the talks between the United Nations and Iran over the scaling back of its nuclear programme. Community: For shops and businesses in the parish at this busy time of year. The sick and those in need: Nigel Knight, Ivan Lyashko, Ted Garnett, Penny Smith, Clive Oxley, Val Brooker, Veronica Jolly Those who have died: Jillian Richards, Doris Cordwell, Whimbrel Burdett-Coutts, Dilys Thomas Notices. Please send parish notices for all three churches' notice sheets to Anne Reeves by Wednesday lunch. Notices for All Saints only to Leslie Spatt by Wednesday lunchtime. TONIGHT - 6.30pm: Advent Sunday Carol Service, one of the most beautiful services in our liturgical year with some of the lesser-known carols and choir anthems from the Anglican tradition. Followed by refreshments. Doris Cordwell’s Memorial Service will take place at All Saints Church on Thursday, 4th December at 11.30am. All welcome to this celebration of her many years in the Mortlake, East Sheen and Barnes community. The funeral of Jillian Richards who was widely known all around the Parish, will be at Mortlake Crematorium on Friday 5th December at 12 noon. Christmas Angels: We are now collecting gifts of £10 and/or presents for our three charities: Refuge helps those suffering from domestic violence. Richmond Resettlement supports young people who are no longer able to live with their families and Crossroads Club for young carers. Please give your contributions to Sue Urquhart. Last year’s gifts were really appreciated and so we very much hope you can support this local appeal this year. Thank you! Come and join us for a Charity Carol Concert at All Saints' on Saturday 6th December at 6.30 pm with Howells Singers conducted by Richard Lyne, James Cryer (organ), Skyline Brass. Carols for all, carols for choir and seasonal readings. £10 at the door. Wine and mince pies after the concert. Supporting the work of The Mulberry Centre - for anyone affected by cancer. The All Saints Christmas Carol Service is on Sunday, 21st December at 6.30pm, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. We need several volunteers to gather supplies, prepare, serve and clear up afterwards. Please let one of the wardens know if you are able to help. The more the merrier! The Nativity, Sunday 21st December, 10am Service: Rehearsals and casting for this year's Nativity will begin today during the Sunday school sessions. Further rehearsals take place on Sunday 7th, 14th and Saturday 20th (Dress rehearsal in church from 09:30 11:30am) with the final performance on Sunday 21st December. All children (and grown-ups) are welcome to participate and all children MUST be accompanied by an adult on Saturday 20th The Beavers at Alder Road are looking for leaders to help run the group. If you are interested please email Keith Wincott at Suzy Lamplugh Carol Concert, Thursday 11th December at 6.30pm at All Saints. Come and join us for an evening of music and festive cheer and help raise funds towards their Reach Appeal – helping them to reach out to more victims of stalking. There’ll be singing, mince pies, a good oldfashioned tombola… and much more! Tickets £10 available from their website Planned Giving: Have you returned your response form yet? Please don’t leave it on your ‘guilt pile’ but reply today online or using the reply form. If you’ve mislaid your pack, spares are available. New - Julian Meeting (silent prayer group): Tuesday 2nd December, 6 - 7pm at St Mary's (in St Mary's Room). Info: Mel 020 8878 2298. Christmas Day Lunch & Tea at St. Mary’s: If you wish to attend please let Penny Cowell know by 8th December - tel: 8878 2434. Volunteers to provide transport on Christmas Day – contact Penny Cowell Volunteers to cook and deliver veg to St. Mary’s – contact Anita Larsen Volunteers for serving, welcoming, washing up etc – contact Olwen Williamson - 8876 7183.
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