AITP-LI Newsletter 3rd Quarter 2014 Association of Information Technology Professionals—Long Island / New York City Chapter S P E C I A L 6 0 T H A N NI V E R SA RY E D I T I O N INSIDE THIS ISSUE LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT | 2 | AITP-LI EXECUTIVE BOARD |3| AITP MEMBERSHIP & MEMBER DISCOUNTS THE IBM LINUXLINE |4| | 12 | CELEBRATING AITP-LI 60TH ANNIVERSARY — “THE PICTURES TELL THE STORY — WELL, SOME OF IT!” | 13 | THE PAST 60 YEARS—”OUR STORY—PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE” TECHNOLOGY GALLERY—60 YEARS OF MEMORIES | 14 | | 15 | TESTIMONIALS | 17 | BROADWAY HOSTS THE AITP October 2014 | 18 | ANNUAL TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE | 19 | 4TH QUARTER CALENDAR OF EVENTS | 20 | Page 1 L E T T E R F RO M A IT P - L O N G I S L A N D P R E S I D E N T Hi Everyone! The Third quarter of 2014 was a particularly busy time for our AITP Long Island Chapter. In July we held our Annual Old Westbury Gardens Picnic Pops social on Wednesday July 30 th to hear the jazz group, “Baby Soda”. Many of us brought our families and friends to enjoy the wine, soda and appetizers. We provided wine and cheese and various hors d’oeuvres for our members and their guests. It was a terrific evening and our members enjoyed both the music and the chance to network with one another. Many thanks to Larry O’Rourke for putting together this great social for us, with help from Don Boyle and Ed Friel. August 15th, we held the very popular Annual AITP evening at the LI Ducks with our traditional pre-game cocktail and hors d’ oeuvre networking at the Irish Coffee Pub, put together by our Activities Chair, Ed Friel. We had over 100 members and guests attending this event. Also in August, we were very proud to host our Long Island Chapter 60th Anniversary meeting with a celebratory cocktail party at the Northport Yacht Club. With the club festivelydecorated with balloons, banners and a brightly colored summer theme, we welcomed many members and dignitaries who came to offer congratulations to our chapter. It was proclaimed “AITP Day” in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties and representatives from both counties, including Ed Eisenstein, the CIO of Nassau county, were present these historic proclamations. LIFT, LISTNET, and other Long Island Associations were present to offer their congratulations. Bob Barone put together a rolling video that played in the bar area of the Yacht Club that showed historical photos from our chapter’s past, pictures from our many events over the years, as well as many congratulatory notes that we received from other associations and from our member companies. Additionally, we set up a table that showcased various computer memorabilia that our board and members brought to the event to share; e.g., old card readers, punch cards, one of the first portable computers and other fascinating items that existed in 1954 when our chapter was started. Joe DeCarlo and Bob Barone even brought in their vintage corvettes to greet our guests as they entered the party. Special thanks to the committee that helped with decorations and helped to make this anniversary party truly special for our chapter – John Impagliazzo, Doug Munch, Dawari LongJohn and Bob Barone. We were even able to get AITP membership pins delivered just in time to give to all our members as a special remembrance of the event! Our third quarter ended with a special site visit to the corporate headquarters of Viacom in New York City. This members-only event allowed 30 of our members to go on a special behind-the-scenes tour at Viacom. We visited the global support center, the Cisco Telepresence Conferencing center, a working Viacom TV studio, and the employee photo lab. Our host Jose Milan wanted to show us one of the company’s employee perks – employees are able to print up to $100/month of photos, posters, canvas photos etc. at the lab. Our group was able to print from their iphones or flashdrives. Many attendees printed reprints of photos, posters, and some beautiful canvas prints. On the same floor as the photo lab was a yoga and exercise studio where employees are able to take classes before, during and after the work day. It was our first visit to this world-class IT center, and we hope to be able to return to this site in the future. Looking forward to our many great events planned in November – including our Saturday, November 8th winery tour to the Northfork, our Annual Planning and Meeting of the Members on Wednesday, November 5, 5:30—7:30 p.m., and our very popular 11/20 Annual Technology Showcase and Economic analysis luncheon. We have been very fortunate to confirm Gary Kaminsky of Morgan Stanley and Squawk Box as our keynote speaker, as well as Gary Bixler, CompTIA faculty, presenting “CompTIA IT Industry Outlook and Trends to Watch”. If you haven’t already, please visit our AITP headquarters site at to get details about how you can win a $25 amazon gift card for each new member that you bring into our chapter! Best, Barbara Viola President, AITP-LI / NYC Chapter Want to help us on a committee? Please email me at It’s a great way to meet our members and to become more active We have become the largest and most active Chapter in the country because of the efforts of our members. Please consider volunteering! Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 2 (THE LONG ISLAND AND NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER) CHAPTER OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President: BARBARA VIOLA Past President: MARIO PANZARELLA Secretary: LORRAINE RIZZUTO Co-Treasurer: DONALD BOYLE Co-Treasurer: WALTER EBE National & Region Liaison: W. PAUL ZIEMS Membership Co-Chair: KENNETH M. MOLE Membership Co-Chair: MIKE MORTENSEN Programs Chair: JIM LOCHRIE Registration Co-Chair: CAROL A. HOLMES Registration Co-Chair: JERRY SCHWARTZ Newsletter Chair: CHARLENE SMALLWOOD BROWN Webmaster: DOUG MUNCH Activities Co-Chair: DONALD BOYLE Activities Co-Chair: EDWARD FRIEL Audit/Finance/By-Laws Chair: JOSEPH DECARLO Public Relations Chair: JIM GARVEY Awards Chair: JOHN SENA Education Co-Chair: DEBRA WAKEFIELD Education Co-Chair: YING LU Members at Large: ROBERT BARONE, SERGIO DIAZ, JOHN IMPAGLIAZZO, RON KERTYZAK, LARRY O’ROURKE, LORNA PAINE, DWIGHT PELTZER, RICHARD SCORCE, JEFF CALLAHAN, KEN NEWMAN THE AITP-LI MISSION The Long Island / New York City Chapter of AITP continues to serve as the premier organization of choice among information technology professionals. It serves as a resource for professional development and growth. The mission of the Chapter is to provide its members professional development, education, and exposure to technological trends and leadership within the Long Island and New York City business community. The Chapter also provides opportunities for networking with experienced I.T. professionals in industry, academia, and local government. Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 3 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Author and Contributor: Ken Mole , AITP-LI Executive Board Member & Chair - Membership Committee AITP-LI The industry association for information technology professionals on Long Island Largest AITP Chapter in the Nation! Our Chapter currently has more than 200 members, and we remain one of the largest Chapters in the AITP national organization. We also have 10 Corporate and Institutional Members, and our general membership represents well over 100 international, national and local companies and colleges. We firmly believe our success has come about by working to serve the needs of our membership for education and networking opportunities. TOP REASONS TO JOIN AN AITP STUDENT CHAPTER Today, Technology Is Critical To All Industries/Majors Network With Business And Technology Professionals Learn From Industry Experts Access To Internships With AITP-LI Companies Access To Member Field Trips And Social Events Be Eligible For AITP Scholarships Opportunity To Compete At The AITP National Collegiate Conference Gain Skills And Experience To Help You STAND OUT From The Crowd (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 4 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued from page 3) We extend a “Hearty Welcome” to our new and renewing members! AITP-LI Welcomes New 2nd Quarter 2014 Members First Name Last Name Company Professional Title Bryan Beine Midatlantic Professional IT President Evan Brathwaite Currently Unemployed N/A Lyz Charter Lexmark Senior Account Manager Yao Chu FileStream, Inc. CEO Demarley Holder KPMG LLP IT Auditor Tim Hunter Telco Experts Channel Manager Ying Liu St. John's University Assistant Professor Matthew Matza M2 Low Voltage Wiring Contractor Owner Kevin O'Rourke Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. IT Technician Richard Parla Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. Business System Manager Janine Seker Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. Recruiting Manager Lee Shuett Center for Wealth Preservation Financial Advisor (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 5 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued from page 4) 2014 Corporate/Institutional Members AITP-LI COMPANY NAME TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP Hofstra University New York Institute of Technology St. John's University Gold Institutional Gold Institutional Gold Institutional Adelphi University Suffolk County Community College Silver Institutional Silver Institutional Astoria Bank Custom Computer Specialists Long Island Rail Road mindSHIFT Technologies Henry Schein Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 6 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued (continued from from page page xx) 5) MEMBER COMPANIES Accelerated Information Systems DJJ Technologies ACS Dominican College Acupath Laboratories, Inc. Eby Electro Adecco Edelman Business Systems Adelphi University EmblemHealth Advannced Technical Systems Group EMQUE CONSULTANTS, INC. AIG ENT Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. Air Techniques Expense Reduction Analysts AITP-LI.ORG Experis IT Alliance Enterprise Systems, LLC. FileStream, Inc. Allscripts at NS-LIJ Frequency Electronics, Inc. American Eagle Systems, Inc. Galaxy eClinical LLC Applied DNA Sciences Game Builders Academy Applied Visions, Inc. Girl Scouts of Nassau County ASR International Corporation Globally Secure IT, LLC Astoria Bank GlobeNet Training Automobile Club of New York GLOIT inc Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. G-Net Solutions, Inc. Bottomline Technologies Gold Coast IT Services, LLC Briarcliffe College Goldberg Segalla LLP Bright Green Concepts, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co Broadview Grange Technology Management Corporation Brookhaven National Laboratory Haver Analytics C.D.I. Hofstra University Catamaran IAC/InterActiveCorp Center for Wealth Preservation Integrated Coverage Group Cherwell Software Intelecom Solutions CHSLI IT Megatrends Inc Computer Design & Integration JASConsulting, Inc. Comview Corporation KPMG LLP Cooley LLP Lean Agile Innovation LLC Core BTS Inc Lexmark Cumulus Dynamics Lincoln Computer Services Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. Long Island Rail Road DataVail Corporation M2 Low Voltage Wiring Contractor David Lieberman Mass Mutual Delta Computer Group Medical Action Industries (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 7 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued (continued from from page page xx) 6) MEMBER COMPANIES Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP SysDirections, Inc. MetLife Telco Experts Midatlantic Professional IT The First National Bank of Long Island MindSHIFT Technologies The Summit School Morgan Stanley Smith Barney ThomsonReuters Motorola, Inc. Total Telecom Solutions, LLC NBC Solutions Corp. U Need 2 Travel Inc NBTY, Inc. Vanguard Funding Neat Communications Vicom Infinity, Inc New York Institute of Technology Vinci Consulting Corp. Newsday Media Group Viotech Solutions, Inc. North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System Williams Lea NY GreenTech Windstream Communications (formerly PAETEC) NYU-Poly workstream automation Oasys IT Consulting, LLC Your Troubleshooter for Troublemakers ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES Pace University Phoenix House Foundation PSEG Queensborough Community College Rapid Access Communication Enterprises, Inc. Robert Marston And Associates, Inc. Sandata Technologies Scicom Secure Decisions Seventh Wave Consulting SGC Software, LLC Sheehan & Company, CPA PC Slomins Inc. St. John's University Stony Brook University Suffolk County Community College Suffolk County National Bank Sulzer Metco (US) Inc. SUNY Farmingdale State College SVAM October 2014 (Membership continued on next page) Page 8 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued from page 6) MEMBER PROMOTIONS / APPOINTMENTS / MILESTONES CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS TO AITP-LI MEMBERS WHO CELEBRATED MEMBERSHIP ANNIVERSARIES June 2014 Kenneth Mole — 15 years Thomas Schmidt - 5 years August 2014 Leo Klopsis — 10 years September 2014 Vincent Luciani — 10 years Charles Tabone — 5 years (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 9 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued from page 7) We value your membership with us. That is why we are continuously seeking ways to enhance the value of your AITP-LI membership. One of the ways we try to add value to your membership is by securing significant discounts on business services and educational programs that promote personal and professional growth. These benefits are not available to the general public. To take advantage of these great offers, please contact Ken Mole (, Membership Committee Co-Chair. Ken will put you in touch with the appropriate contact person at each organization. As always, we encourage our members who are interested in offering discounted programs and/or services to the AITP-LI chapter members to contact Ken. Once again, we appreciate your support and look forward to another productive year! National Discount Programs: Our national organization has arranged discounts from several major companies in the IT world, including Microsoft, Dell and others. Please see and then click on “Partners and Affiliates”, on the left side of the screen, then “Partners” for further information. Local Discount Programs Offered by our Chapter: Business and Financial Services: MassMutual Financial Group offers Long Term Care insurance from a number of providers. As a member you are eligible to receive an additional 10% discount on plan premiums for the life of the policy. Vanguard Funding is a full service mortgage bank offering expertise in every area of mortgage lending - from purchase to refinance to construction lending – is offering free property appraisals, to a maximum of $500 off closing costs, for AITP-LI member mortgage loans that they close. Computer Hardware and Software: Hewlett-Packard has offered our members a “friends and family” discount on computer equipment. FileStream, Inc., founded in 1988 on Long Island in New York, is an established global leader in backup, compression, and photo editing PC software. FileStream offers our members 40% discount on FileStream® TurboBackup® (Reg. $50) and 100 FREE licenses of FileStream TurboZIP® (Reg. $50). (Membership continued on next page) October 2014 Page 10 MEMBERSHIP REPORT (continued from page 8) Education and Training: Hofstra University Continuing Education (Hofstra CE) is pleased to extend a 15% discount to our members. Hofstra CE provides a broad range of courses, certificates, lectures, and events to the Long Island and surrounding communities. Programs are designed for diverse audiences: adult and youth, professional and novice. NETCOM Learning provides authorized IT and Soft Skills training and certification to corporations, government agencies and individuals. NETCOM has offered to pay for a yearly membership to ATIP-LI plus a number of meeting attendances for members who take NETCOM courses through their companies. New Horizons Computer Learning Centers delivers a full range of IT training and business skills training from basic application and desktop productivity tools to complex and IT systems. AITP members receive a 15% discount on their training programs. New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) is a global private institution of higher education provides career-oriented professional education and supports applications-oriented research that benefits the larger world. NYIT is offering discounts to our members on some of their events scheduled throughout the year. Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) proudly advances thought, research and careers in technology, engineering and science. NYU-Poly offers our members a 15% discount on graduate level courses. Note, there may be conditions associated with these offers and some offers may become discontinued by the organization offering the discount. Please take a minute to help us keep you informed by reviewing your contact information on our website. It is the only mechanism we have to keep you updated on news and events throughout the year. If you need assistance with your log-in, please contact Ken Mole. Ken Mole, (, AITP-LI Executive Board Member & Membership Committee Chair “Members working together make a better membership!” Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 11 T h e IB M L I N U X L I N E Author and Contributor: Leonard J. Santalucia, AITP-LI Member & CTO—Viacom Infinity The IBM LinuxLine: Published by IBM, The IBM LinuxLine provides a concise monthly report of news and insight of interest to IT managers responsible for Linux deployments and the hands-on Linux community.. The IBM LinuxLine issues on alternating weeks and keeps the IS professional in touch with the world of Linux in the enterprise. To subscribe, click here. IBM Linux Line - September 24, 2014 A concise monthly report of news and insight of interest to IT managers responsible for Linux deployments and the hands-on Linux community. L i n ux N ew s Linux Foundation Launches New “Vault” Conference to Address Demand for Linux-Based Storage and Filesystems The Linux Foundation is launching a new conference to bring together the world's leading developers in filesystems and storage in the Linux kernel with related projects to collaborate on continued innovation and education in this important space. "Vault" will take place March 11-12, 2015, at the Revere Hotel in Boston, MA Linux is Everywhere – Keep Your Options Open A new IBM blog by Adam Jollans, Program Director, Cross-IBM Linux Strategy, IBM explains how new workload demands and greater hardware heterogeneity are placing Linux at the heart of IT innovation. Linux used to be the commodity play, doing the same for less to help improve the bottom line, Jollans notes. But today, more than ever, Linux not only offers a price advantage but is a major force fueling innovation. That is why IBM continues to vigorously support Linux. Mayo Clinic and IBM Use Watson to Improve Clinical Trial Research Mayo Clinic and IBM are planning to use a specially designed version of Watson, the IBM's Linux-powered cognitive computer, to match patients more quickly with appropriate clinical trials. A proof-of-concept phase is currently underway, with the intent to introduce it into clinical use in early 2015. New IBM Research Paper Looks at Performance of VMs vs. Containers A new IBM research report provides a performance comparison of virtual machines, specifically KVM, and Linux containers, specifically Docker. As expected, Linux containers offer less overhead than full virtualization with KVM, but the difference is surprisingly small in many cases especially for CPU and memory-intensive workloads. Red Hat Announces General Availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11, the final minor release of the mature Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Platform, is now available. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 reiterates Red Hat's commitment to a 10-year product lifecycle for all major Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases and offers a secure, stable, and reliable platform for critical enterprise applications. [complete newsletter] Leonard J. Santalucia CTO | Business Development Manager | Certified Specialist Vicom Infinity, Inc. IBM Premier Business Partner One Penn Plaza - Suite 2010 New York, New York 10119 Office............................212-799-9375 Cell…….........................917-856-4493 Fax……………………..212-799-9375 My Blog Vicom Infinity Infinity Systems Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 12 CELEBRATING OUR AITP-LI 60TH THE PICTURES TELL THE STORY… WELL SOME OF IT! uthor and Contributor: Bob Barone, AITP-LI Board Member & Assoc. Dean / Director Planning & Budget–St. John’s University—College of Professional Studies The Northport YachtClub Northport, NY Where? AITP-LI Celebrates 60th Anniversary (1954— 2014) What? August 21, 2014 When? Welcome Timeless Beauty THANK YOU! To Joe DeCarlo and Bob Barone For The Autos, Welcoming At The AND Front Door To Sergio Diaz For The Photography Who? How? Members, Friends and Family — Lots Of Them! Celebrating 60 Years of Success! Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 13 AITP-LI OUR STORY - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Since its creation in 1954, the AITP Long Island Chapter has grown to be the largest chapter of the AITP in the United States, with more than 200 members. The AITP LI Chapter has won numerous awards through the years, recently named the national “Association Outstanding Chapter” in 2007 and receiving a “Chapter Outstanding Performance Award” for 2013. Originally called the National Machine Accountants Association (NMAA), the nationwide organization was subsequently renamed the Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) in 1962. And, to keep pace with the quickly changing IT industry and the dynamic needs of members, the name was changed in 1996 to the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). TECHNOLOGY MILESTONE TIDBITS: Year 1—10 - Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States, the Boeing 707 commercial airliner took its maiden flight, and the last episode of The Lone Ranger was aired on radio. The First Generation of computers were in full swing. Vacuum tubes were their main logic elements. Punch cards were used to input and externally store data. Magnetic tapes and hard disks replaced punch cards as external storage devices. Magnetic drums were used for internal storage of data and programs. Programs were written in machine language and assembly language, and required a compiler. Flat files were common. The Soviets launched Sputnik. First computer game invented. Second Generation of computers evolved. IBM announced System 360. Vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors. High-level programming languages (e.g., FORTRAN and COBOL) were introduced. Years 11 - 26 - Operating systems were created. The ARPAnet—the world’s first multiple-site computer network was created in 1969. DEC introduced the PDP-8 minicomputer. BASIC programming language was developed. Database systems and relational databases emerged. The mouse, the first microprocessor, and the 8” and 5 1/4 “Floppy Disks” were developed. Ethernet computer networking was born. C programming language was invented. First e-mail programs written in 1972. Microsoft came on the scene in 1975. Apple Computer founded in 1976. Home computing was born. Years 27 - 59 - Microprocessors with entire CPU’s were developed. IBM PC with MS-DOS introduced in 1981. Commodore 64 was introduced. Apple MAC released in 1984. Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, Microsoft Word, etc. and Graphical User Interfaces for PCs came on the scene. The WWW was created. CD’s, optical discs, flash drives, DVD’s, zip drives, and memory cards emerged. Linux was introduced. Yahoo was founded. Apple introduced MacBook Pro. C++ used to develop applications. Microsoft launched Windows 7 & 8. iPod mini was introduced. was launched. Apple unveiled the iPad. Tablets and eReaders flood the market. Cloud computing became the rage. Gadgets, gadgets everywhere! Year 60 (2014) - The AITP Long Island Chapter celebrated its 60th Anniversary at a networking party on Thursday, August 21, from 5:30 to 8:30 PM at the Northport Yacht Club. “With the fast pace of change in the information technology industry, one thing is constant,” said Barbara Viola, president, AITP Long Island Chapter, “it still takes people to get the job done. For 60 years, the AITP LI Chapter has helped our members to keep current with the trends and new technologies in the IT industry, while simultaneously building a network of colleagues for professional growth and career development. On the occasion of our 60th anniversary, we thank our loyal membership, and we look forward to serving the Long Island information technology and business community for a long time to come.” The focus on member needs is a driving force behind the growth and longevity of the chapter. Always looking toward the future, the AITP LI chapter is a sponsor of two local AITP student chapters, at St. John’s University and Hofstra University. In addition, the chapter sponsors an annual student scholarship program to assist college-bound high school students with their education. Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 14 TECHNOLOGY GALLERY— 60 YEARS OF MEMORIES Continued on next page October 2014 Page 15 TECHNOLOGY GALLERY— 60 YEARS OF MEMORIES (continued) Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 16 TESTIMONIALS “Be proud of your great, longstanding and successful organization. Remember, it is because of you and so many of your colleagues and predecessors over the years that AITP-LI became, is and will remain such a great organization. “ “The AITP LI chapter has provided me with a network of professional contacts that was very helpful in my career, also provided me with a network of friends and acquaintances that I socialize with as well. The AITP is more than a technology trade association – it’s more like an extended family.” “AITP-LI is a dynamic organization that delivers ongoing support to its members by providing valuable opportunities and resources to cultivate and advance their IT careers . Thanks for your ongoing support.” “AITP Long Island has been an outstanding resource for me as an IT professional. Members benefit from the numerous information-filled local chapter meetings, and various social and networking events held in and around Long Island throughout the year, all with the support of a solid national organization behind it. The true energy of AITP LI, however, comes from its passionate members who are dedicated to the advancement of the information technology profession and have been doing so for the past 60 years.” “I’ve enjoyed being a member of AITP for the last six years, because it has given me the opportunity to learn how information technology is leveraged across many industries, and to participate in field trips, from a visit to Blue Gene at Brookhaven National Laboratory to a chapter tour of the East End vineyards of Long Island. All that, plus I made contact with a group of smart, friendly people along the way.” Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 17 BROADWAY HOSTS THE AITP-LI Author and Contributor: Bob Barone, AITP-LI Board Member & Assoc. Dean / Director Planning & Budget–St. John’s University—College of Professional Studies VIACOM hosted a group of 30 AITP-LI enthusiasts at their global VIACOM headquarters on the gay white way, at 1515 Broadway and 45th Street, in the heart of Times Square in New York City, on Tuesday September 23. An iconic tower, 1515 Broadway is the international corporate headquarters of Viacom, Inc. A $60 million renovation was completed in 2010. The new sleek design includes a stainless steel storefront and canopy, with new grey Pietra di Bedonia stone paving. The sweeping ceiling heights in the elevator lobby are complemented by Lens Limestone and bamboo accents. In 2011, two state of the art LED super signs were erected on the facade of the building, providing unprecedented advertising opportunities. Home to such popular media brands as MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures, BET and CBS, we were accorded a light dinner followed by a tour of the company's state of the art IT support center - view the company's employee-centric gaming lounges and understand why VIACOM is such a well-regarded employer. Among the benefits of employment was a Help Desk (AKA a Genius Desk in some circles.) Still under development, it is planned that employees bring their digital devices, laptops, desktop, tablets, cell phones etc. for trouble shooting and limited repair. Attendees were also given a tour of the print center where they were provided full access hi-tech printers enabling photos, posters and canvasses to be produced of their favorite photos. It was interesting to note that each VIACOM employee is awarded $100 per month in photo production, and that the unused monthly amounts are cumulative. Nice perk! Another highlight of the tour was a visit to a “yet to be aired” TV show set. Another tour highlight was a Telepresence demonstration where life-sized video displays of distant meeting participants were projected in a conference room containing a conference table replicated at a distant site in such a way that it appeared the distant participants were in the same room. Sound quality, video quality, and room configurations were such that you thought you were sitting across the table from the distant participants. It was astonishing when a distant participant reached out his hand so as to shake ours. Most reacted automatically and raised their hands to complete the handshake. All broke out in smiles. One member was overheard saying that “VIACOM is an example of a world that has gone fully digital.” Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 18 Annual Technology Showcase & Economic Forecast Thursday, November 20, 2014 Showcase (11am), Luncheon and Panel (Noon - 2 PM) Pre-register today - save $10 per seat. Keynote Speakers: Gary Kaminsky - Morgan Stanley; Vice Chairman, Wealth Management—Frequent panelist on CNBC’s “Squawk Box”, author of Smarter Than the Street: Invest and Make Money in Any Market Gary Bixler - CompTIA Faculty, presenting “CompTIA IT Industry Outlook and Trends to Watch” Pre-register today - save $10 per seat. At this meeting: Long Island economic and employment forecasts for 2015 Networking with your peers in technology See the latest from vendors in the Technology Showcase Agenda: Technology Showcase (exhibits open from 11 am - noon, and again from 2-3 pm) The Technology Showcase will feature leading Long Island technology companies. Network, visit the company exhibits, and support your local Long Island economy. Join us for wine and hors d’oeuvres at 11a.m., and finish with coffee, desserts and raffles from 2-3 p.m. Exhibit space available - sign up today! Register Now! Exhibit table registration includes one free luncheon for table attendee, plus an ad in our annual Technology Showcase guide. Exhibit space is limited and available on a "first-come, first-served basis." Sign up for yours today! Event Details: Thursday, November 20, 2014, 11:00 AM to 3 PM Location: The Hilton Long Island/Huntington. 598 Broad Hollow Road (Route 110), Melville, New York 11747-5002. Fee (includes lunch): o Pre-registration: Members - $35, Non-members - $45 o At the door: Members - $45, Non-members - $55 o Full-time Students - $25 o Sponsor This Event: Includes Table and Advertisement. Cut-off Date for Journal 11/14/2014. Members - $250 Non-members $350. o Members bring one guest at the member price. Contact Ken Mole,, to do so. Want to attend a meeting for free? RENEWAL & NEW MEMBER INCENTIVE PROGRAM: Join or renew your AITP-LI professional membership before April 30, 2015 to receive a $35 meeting credit. Unemployed Special: If you are a member of AITP-LI and are currently unemployed please contact Barbara Viola, President of AITP-LI, (631-630-4640) to receive special pricing for this event of only $25. This must be done before registering for the event. If an unemployed member has already registered at the $35 price, please contact Barbara to receive a partial refund or credit. The same rules apply to non-members, except that the price will be $35 per unemployed non-member. Please contact Barbara before registering for the event Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 19 AITP-LI CALENDAR & EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS A I T P Lo ng I sl and C ha p t er S ch e d ul e o f E v en t s 2014 Date Event Type Event Title Time Location November 5 Annual Meeting of Members—2015 Planning & Voting 5:30p – 7:30p TBD November 8 Annual Winery Tour 9:00a—6:30p (See Announcement) November 20 Annual Technology Showcase 11:00a – 3:00p Huntington Hilton December 6 Annual Holiday Social 7:00p - ? TBD AITP-LI 2014 Board Calendar (Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) November 4 December 2 Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 20 MANY THANKS TO OUR LOYAL AITP-LI MEMBERS FOR 60 SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, NETWORKING AND LEADERSHIP Happy Holidays Happy New Year NEXT ISSUE—JANUARY 2015 Back to Table of Contents October 2014 Page 21
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