7th Annual City Development Singapore The future is not in the hands of fate but in ours. 19 – 21 November 2014 th st Jules Jusserand Building a vibrant and sustainable city to draw more investments and enhance your city’s liveability for a higher quality of urban living Featuring Government, Regulatory Authorities & Statutory Bodies: Siu Yow Wee Director, Passenger Service SMRT Corporation, Singapore Stephen Ashford Executive Director 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia Mohd Azharuddin Mat Sah Director Performance Management Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia Dr. Bastary Pandji Indra Director, PPP Development National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Indonesia Joris van Etten Deputy Program Coordinator City Development Initiatives Asia (CDIA), Philippines Gabriele Pasquini Head of PPP & Public Utilities Regulation Unit Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy Marion Fulker CEO Committee for Perth, Australia Chair Heritage Council of Western Australia Yuyang Liu Advisory Architect Shanghai Municipality — Qingpu District Government, China Frven Lim Deputy Managing Director & Director, Design Surbana, Singapore Mardiana Rahayu M. Afran SVP, Planning & Development 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia Paromita Roy Deputy Director, Architecture Delhi Development Authority (DDA) — Ministry of Urban Development, India Emma Martini President Director PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Indonesia Senior Representative Indah Water Konsortium, Malaysia Kent Munro Assistant Director of Planning City of Vancouver, Canada David Singleton Chair Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia Director Arup, Australia Senior Representative Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand Featuring International Expert Presentations & Case Studies: Lau Hui Lay William President Singapore Institute of Planners Joao Pereira Teixeira President European Council of Spatial Planners, Portugal Sujata Govada Vice President Hong Kong Institute of Design Amy Leung Director, Urban Development & Water Division Asian Development Bank, Philippines Stefan Krummeck Principal Director TFP Farrells, Hong Kong Sonia Chand Sandhu Senior Environmental Specialist Asian Development Bank, Philippines Anuj Malhotra Executive Director Centre for Green Mobility, India Scott Dunn VP & Director of Architecture AECOM, Malaysia Madhav Pai Director EMBARQ – The WRI Centre for Sustainable Transport, India Jordan Schwartz Manager, Infrastructure Policy & Head,Global Expert Team on Trade Facilities & Logistics World Bank, Singapore Wahyu Mulyana Managing Director Urban and Regional Development Institute (URDI), Indonesia Ilkwon Chae Chief Researcher, Transportation Studies Group Seoul National University, Korea Your Distinguished Advisory Panel: Ken Ong City Councilor City of Melbourne, Australia Dan Epstein Director of Sustainability Useful Simple Trust, UK Lau Hui Lay William President Singapore Institute of Planners, Singapore Sujata Govada Vice President Hong Kong Institute of Design, Hong Kong Vasudevan Suresh Vice Chairman National Building Code of India Director, HIRCO Project Companies, India Advisor, Good Governance India Foundation Gurjit Singh Chief Development Officer Aldar Properties, UAE large scale events Join the marcus evans AIPD & Prop Infrastructure Group on Linked In today. Click here Day One Booking Line: Stefanie Gee Tel.: + 603 2723 6721 Fax: + 603 2723 6699 Email: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com Wednesday 19th November 2014 0830 Registration and Morning Coffee 0900 Opening and Welcome Remarks from the Chairperson 0910 Plenary One: Catalysing Placemaking Strategies to Revitalise and Rejuvenate your City as well as Establish Vibrant Destinations Lau Hui Lay William President Singapore Institute of Planners 0950 Plenary Two: Spearheading Urban Transformation through a Sustainable City Planning Strategy towards Greener, More Resource and Energy Efficient Cities Kent Munro Assistant Director of Planning City of Vancouver, Canada 1030 Morning Refreshments 1100 Plenary Three: Delving into the Ideas of Demography, Density, Design, Diversity and the Digital Economy as Drivers of a Successful City David Singleton Chair Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia Director Arup, Australia 1140 Plenary Four: Building Smart Cities to Improve Global Competitiveness, Enhance Sustainability and Make them Better Places to Live and Work Stephen Ashford Executive Director 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia 1220 Plenary Five: Devising an Inclusionary National Urban Development Policy through Collaborative Efforts of the Government and Private Sector and to Alleviate Barriers to Growth and Scale of Urbanisation Amy Leung Director — Urban Development & Water Division Asian Development Bank, Philippines 1300 Networking Lunch STREAM ONE: CITY REGENERATION AND URBAN PLANNING 1400 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1410 Masterplanning Mixed—Used Developments that Provide a Mix of Uses for Greater Sustainability • Formulating mixed—use urban communities to achieve a diverse combination of uses for livelier environments • Encouraging various economic activities to enhance the city as a place to work, live and visit • Combining the right elements for sustainable lifestyles and increased property values Frven Lim Deputy MD & Director, Design Surbana, Singapore 1450 ransforming your City through T Placemaking and Public Spaces to Foster Community Engagement • Designing meaningful venues for strengthening bonds of social capital to support the city’s growth • Creating comfortable streetscapes and integrating attractive amenities to emphasise the sense of place • Designing the public realm with connected parks and civic spaces to cultivate greater liveability Sujata Govada Vice President Hong Kong Institute of Design 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 stablishing Land Use Policies to E Protect Natural Resources and Promote Environmental Sustainability • Protecting areas of tranquility to minimise the city’s ecological footprint • Preventing new and existing developments from pollution to enhance the city’s air, soil and water quality • Promoting landscaping that conserves water to enhance natural heritage systems and ecological process Yuyang Liu Advisory Architect Shanghai Municipality — Qingpu District Government, China 1640 aximising Tourism Value and M Maintaining a City’s Culture through Conservation Planning • Emphasising the importance of cultural heritage attract and increase tourism revenue • Promoting the maintenance of historical sites with recognised heritage legislations to promote conservation • Adopting heritage conservation plans to maintain community pride and local culture Scott Dunn VP & Director of Architecture AECOM, Malaysia 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day One STREAM TWO: INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCING STREAM THREE: SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY 1400 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1400 1410 elving into the Role of Local Authorities D in Urban Management to Provide and Maintain Infrastructure • Facilitating effective coordination of development plans to support city’s future growth • Expanding capacity to manage complex building projects and federal investment to increase effectiveness • Incorporating city’s infrastructure systems with robust operational maintenance to ensure fiscal sustainability Gabriele Pasquini Head of PPP & Public Utilities Regulation Unit Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy 1410 Encouraging Citizens to Utilise Public Transportation as an Affordable and Sustainable Alternative • Incorporating a comprehensive transport network to encourage public transit as the preferred transportation choice • Designing fare policies to facilitate intermodal fare transfers between bus and rail services for greater flexibility • Improving the reliability and efficiency of transit services for more competitive mode of travel Siu Yow Wee Director, Passenger Service SMRT Corporation, Singapore 1450 inancing Viable Infrastructure Projects: F Exposure of Limitations for Financial Institutions and Strategies to Address them • Developing a financial plan to increase the vitality of infrastructure projects • Incoporating financial management strategies to engage in long—term capital planning • Strengthening the financial and institutional framework to increase provision of private infrastructure in the city Jordan Schwartz Manager, Infrastructure Policy & Head, Global Expert Team on Trade Facilities & Logistics World Bank, Singapore 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 ffectively Utilising PPP in Urban E Infrastructure Projects to Encourage Viability of Projects in the Long Run • Achieving a better management of public services for heightened managerial expertise • Improving operating efficiency with a large scale injection of capital to better respond to consumer needs and satisfaction • Establishing effective structures for public policies for higher commitment in longer term Dr. Bastary Pandji Indra Director — Public Private Partnership Development Ministry of Planning, Indonesia 1640 ormulating Successful Frameworks on F Road Expansion to Reduce Maintenance and Reconstruction Needs • Increasing roadway capacity to improve the efficiency of transit movements • Catalysing demand management strategies to manage roadway congestion for improved road access • Planning road networks to prolong lifecycle for an enhanced operational efficiency Speaker to be Advised 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day One Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1450 Masterplanning a Transit—Oriented City Using Mass Transportation for Effective Mobility Options • Establishing a transport network to create a vibrant city with effective transportation infrastructure • Designing efficient and environmentally friendly means to move people to encourage sustainable urban communities • Integrating land use around transit stations to reduce traffic congestion Paromita Roy Deputy Director, Architecture Delhi Development Authority (DDA) — Ministry of Urban Development, India 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 Implementing Advanced Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to Facilitate Maximum Connectivity Within a City • Reducing delays and variability of travel time to provide a viable mobility option for citizens • Increasing the efficiency of transport networks with better operational standards for greater cost savings • Integrating monitoring and traffic surveillance technologies to improve traffic operations Speaker to be Advised 1640 Promoting Sustainable Transportation Solutions to Match the Rapid Pace of Development in Asian Cities • Utilising different policies to maximise sustainable transport solutions in urban areas • Adopting comprehensive strategies to guide the development of sustainable metropolitan transport networks • Using intelligent network systems to lower travel time and promote sustainability Anuj Malhotra Executive Director Centre For Green Mobility, India 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day One Day Two Booking Line: Stefanie Gee Tel.: + 603 2723 6721 Fax: + 603 2723 6699 Email: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com Thursday 20th November 2014 0830 Registration and Morning Coffee 0900 Opening and Welcome Remarks from the Chairperson 0915 Plenary One: Creating Special Economic Zones to Attract Foreign Direct Investment and Generate Employment Opportunities Joao Pereira Teixeira President European Council of Spatial Planners, Portugal 1000 Plenary Two: Leveraging on the Relationship between Urbanisation and the Urban Transport Network as a Catalyst for Creating Thriving Communities in and Around the City Mohd Azharuddin Mat Sah Director — NKRA,NKEA, SRI Performance Management Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) — Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia 1045 Morning Refreshments 1115 Plenary Three: Going Green: Integrating Environmental and Socio—Economic Elements in Sustainable City Development Strategies Wahyu Mulyana Managing Director Urban and Regional Development Institute (URDI), Indonesia 1200 Plenary Four: Catalysing Powerful Alliances between the Public and Private Sectors to Take Advantage of the Opportunities in City Development Joris van Etten Deputy Program Coordinator City Development Initiatives Asia (CDIA), Philippines 1245 Networking Lunch STREAM ONE: CITY REGENERATION AND URBAN PLANNING STREAM TWO: INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCING STREAM THREE: SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY 1400 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1400 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1400 1410 atalysing Regeneration and C Refurbishment of Brownfield Areas to Create Sustainable Urban Communities • Promoting efficient developments to sustain the productivity of the city and municipalities • Organising new developments to fit existing districts to frame adjacent public spaces and improve city’s liveability • Inspiring new uses for the land and existing neighbourhoods to obtain positive economic outcomes Mardiana Rahayu M. Afran SVP — Planning & Development 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia 1410 I ncreasing the Capability of Local Bodies to Raise Funds to Support Development Projects through Alternative Financing Strategies • Encouraging private sector to develop an existing infrastructure for higher operational efficiency • Awarding contracts of constructing infrastructure to a private entity for a greater financial capacity • Collaborating with the private sector to develop infrastructure to leverage on alternative funding options 1410 Integrating Extensive Pedestrian Connectivity and Cycling Amenities to Foster Walkability in High Density Cities • Creating safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians • Providing transit centres with pedestrian and cycling connections for enhanced walkability • Implementing strategies for sidewalk infrastructure to prioritise pedestrian networks Madhav Pai Director EMBARQ – The WRI Centre for Sustainable Transport, India 1450 uccessfully Planning and Managing an S Integrated Township Development to Bring Urbanisation to Rural Areas • Encouraging economic growth in rural areas to create employment through sustainable developments • Leveraging additional resources from international sources to encourage rural investments • Strengthening linkages between rural and urban areas towards a cohesive economic growth Stefan Krummeck Principal Director TFP Farrells, Hong Kong 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 etrofitting Existing Buildings to Achieve R Green Standards and Optimise Energy Efficiency • Promoting energy conservation using alternative and renewable energy systems to reduce operational cost • Applying green principles to indoor environment conditions to improve efficiency • Utilising the current technology advancement into the development’s energy conservation scheme Sonia Chand Sandhu Senior Environmental Specialist Asian Development Bank, Philippines 1640 nabling Collaborative Partnerships E between the Government and the Private Sector to Contribute to City—Wide Slum Upgrading • Enhancing conditions of the urban poor through community—based upgrading programs to increase livelihood • Improving governance and management of cities to strengthen capacity and responsiveness to urban poor • Revising regulatory policies between key stakeholders to prevent the existence of slums Speaker to be Advised 1450 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 I mproving Accessibility and Local Capacity for Water Delivery and Sanitation Infrastructure • Incorporating sustainable approaches in water services to ensure better accessibility • Transforming informal service providers into formal operators to improve water and sanitation services • Strengthening the ability of your city to develop and manage water programs to meet future capacity needs Senior Representative Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand 1640 Speaker to be Advised 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day Two eveloping a Long—Term Strategic D Framework which Maintains Consistency between Local Transport Plans and National Development Plans • Assessing projected land uses in the region to identify major growth corridors to promote economic development • Incorporating transportation improvement strategies to reflect the national development agenda • Estimating the impact of recommended improvements to future transportation systems to maximise cost savings Emma Martini President Director PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), Government Republic of the Indonesia uilding Innovative Drainage Systems B to Enhance Flood Risk Management and Mitigate the Impact of City Flooding • Adopting drainage managements with interventions to manage flood risks more effectively • Improving drainage in flood prone areas to increase capacity for better storm—water management • Implementing higher drainage standards to improve preparedness for floods Senior Representative Indah Water Konsortium, Malaysia 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day Two Chairperson’s Opening Remarks 1450 Conducting Traffic Impact Assessment Analysis to Mitigate Heavy Traffic in Busy Metropolitans • Forecasting additional traffic associated with new developments to improve traffic flow • Providing a transportation system with safe traffic conditions to enable residents to move more efficiently • Identifying roadway improvements and changes from new developments to minimize traffic impact Speaker to be Advised 1530 Afternoon Refreshments 1600 Exploring Innovative Traffic Congestion Reduction Strategies to Promote Smoother Traffic Flow in City Centres • Implementing road pricing strategies to reduce traffic congestion in city centres • Encourages the use of alternative modes of transport with financial incentives to reduce traffic congestion • Reducing automobile travel with parking management to reduce personal vehicle use and promote smoother traffic flow Speaker to be Advised 1640 Establishing Urban Rail Transit Networks to Improve Regional Connectivity and Enhance your City’s Transportation Efficiency • Encouraging development of compact urban communities with reliable transit services for effective connectivity • Procuring smaller scale stops closer together to enhance connectivity to a greater number of destinations • Improving pedestrian and cycling connections between transit centers for better accessibility Ilkwon Chae Chief Researcher, Transportation Studies Group Seoul National University, Korea 1720 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks 1730 End of Day Two Day Three Friday 21st November 2014 0800 Registration and Morning Coffee 0830 Opening and Welcome Remarks from the Chairperson 0840 Plenary One: Improving The Liveability of your City to Enhance Living Standards and Elevate the Quality of Life and Well—Being of Citizens Marion Fulker CEO Committee for Perth, Australia Chair Herritage Council of Western Australia 0920 Plenary Two: Panel Discussion Discussing the Role of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) In Expediting City Development Initiatives Speakers to be Advised 1000 Plenary Three: Panel Discussion Gaining a Competitive Advantage by Appraising the Major Factors that Make your City the Destination of Choice Speakers to be Advised 1040 Morning Refreshments WORKSHOP: 1100 About the Course: This workshop aims to contribute to the promotion of sustainable and equitable urban development, leading to improved environmental and living conditions for all in Asian cities. To achieve this, the workshop bridges the gap between strategic city development planning and urban policies, services, and infrastructure project preparation. The operational objectives of this workshop are to improve urban infrastructure and services management. You will focus on developing investments in urban infrastructure and services through bridging the gap between city—level urban strategies and implementation of specific infrastructure projects with domestic, international, public, or private financing. This workshop will also help to exchange perspectives from key factor on the topic together with presentations of specific case studies from Asia and other parts of the world. The course offered would also cater to identify and remove these bottlenecks as cities seek sources for financing their urban infrastructure investments. The sessions would also take a broad perspective on private financing that goes beyond PPP arrangements. At the end of this course, participants would be able to assess the range of infrastructure alternatives by development objectives and financing constraints. The participants will also leave with skills of programming and prioritising the list of development projects currently identified within their strategic plans according to clearly identified criteria and values. These skills are combined with a deep understanding of alternate infrastructure financing option and the ability to delineate clearly between operational and strategic development issues and projects Linking Cities to Financing Overcoming Bottlenecks to Financing Strategic Urban Infrastructure Investments Session One: Policy Achieving Sustainable Cities through Investments in your Urban Future • Addressing infrastructure blockages and urbanisation challenges in Asian cities • Emphasising the need for action by exploring the institutional aspects with key dimensions of urban poverty, environment, climate change and governance • Solving resource constraints to maintain infrastructure and economic competitiveness • Conceptualising plans to establish city infrastructure and overcoming development constraints 1230 Networking Lunch 1330 Session Two: Technical Moving from your Development Plans to Infrastructure Investments • Formulating a framework to address the infrastructure gap by defining the planning process • Delineating operational and strategic issues as well as projects involved to overcome the infrastructure gap Using Processes and Tools to Support City Level Action • Assessing projects and flexibility in design to meet a rapidly growing urban population and changing nature of demand for services • Assessing short, mid and long—term project objectives and scenarios based on examples from different sectors of transport, water, sanitation and wastewater • Applying the CDIA Toolkit on Project Programming and Prioritisation to analyse financial capacity, prioritise projects and define your priority investment package Financing your Infrastructure Investments • Capitalising on prefeasibility studies and building confidence to move forward • Reviewing the strategic planning process cycle with emphasis on strategy assessment, plan implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review aspects Reviewing Lessons Learned from the Singaporean Experience • Learning how Singapore moved from Plans to Projects (1980’s experience) • Adapting the Singapore experience to other cities in Asia to assess alternatives with an integrated approach 1500 Afternoon Refreshments 1530 Session Three: Next Steps Drafting your City’s Action Plan based on Project Programming and Prioritisation • Analysing financing alternatives with potential sources of funding major investment infrastructure and PPP • Programming and prioritising the list of development projects currently identified within their strategic plans according to clearly identified criteria and values Workshop facilitator: Joris van Etten Deputy Program Coordinator City Development Initiatives Asia (CDIA), Philippines 1700 Booking Line: Stefanie Gee Tel.: + 603 2723 6721 Fax: + 603 2723 6699 Email: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com End of Day Three By Attending this Course you will Gain Insights into: • Providing technical assistance in structuring priority infrastructure projects to a stage where they can be financed • Helping your city to structure their projects to attract market—based international private investment • Strengthening local institutional prerequisites for development of capital investment infrastructure projects and urban services • Promoting regional dialogue and cooperation on urban management in Asia to enhance cross—learning from good local practices • Undertaking the necessary steps to close the gap between their development plans and access to those financial resources in order to implement their infrastructure projects About the Course Facilitator: Joris van Etten Deputy Program Coordinator City Development Initiatives Asia (CDIA), Philippines Joris van Etten is an Urban Management specialist who has been involved in improving urban infrastructure planning and service delivery in countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. Through his participation in a wide variety of programmes and projects for (supra) national, provincial and local governments, he has developed a solid understanding of the challenges which cities in developing and transitional countries are facing and the need to address (local) government capacity constraints and create conducive policy environments. Mr. Van Etten has over 15 years of experience in closely working with urban stakeholders and strengthening urban planning and service delivery. He has extensive experience in developing and implementing capacity development strategies, workshops, and conferences and has provided substantive inputs for the development of urban strategies and policies as well as donor coordination. He has held management positions for a variety of projects and programmes and has extensive experience to plan, implement and monitor development activities. He was previously attached with UN—Habitat in Kenya, European Commission (EC) supported Urban Environmental Planning Programme in Vietnam (UEPP—VN) and Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in Netherlands and Jakarta. CDIA is an international partnership initiative, established in 2007, by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Germany, with additional core funding support from the governments of Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and the Shanghai Municipal Government. The Initiative provides assistance to medium—sized Asian cities to bridge the gap between their development plans and the implementation of their infrastructure investments. CDIA supports the identification and development of urban investment projects and links them with potential financiers. CDIA is also gaining synergies by cooperating with existing city—focused networks in fostering urban management capabilities. In addition to city governments and their national government counterpart from across Asia, the CDIA network also includes international infrastructure advisors, financiers, suppliers, and operators. As part of this network, city members have a unique resource for accessing the most suitable development partners, and private—sector members such as banks, institutional investors, developers, suppliers, and operators have access to a new range of projects. More About the Event Why you Cannot Miss this Event: Who Should Attend: marcus evans takes great pride in organising our 7th Annual City Development large scale event scheduled from the 19th – 21st November, 2014 in Singapore. This large—scale conference is designed to attract all those who are involved in city development and property development Every nation is striving to resolve the major challenge of rapid urbanisation and at the same time, develop their cities to stay ahead in the global competition. Local Government, Ministries, City councils, Municipalities, Government Departments, Agencies & Authorities Ministries, Director Generals, Secretary Generals, City Managers, Commissioners, Heads. Officers of: • Urban Planning & Development • Town Planning • Project Management • City Management • Construction & Public Works • Economic Planning Development • Housing & Human Settlements • Urban Redevelopment • Transportation • Green Technology • Environment & Natural Resources • Infrastructure Development (Roads, • Investment Rails, Tunnels, Bridges, Dams, Water • Tourism Treatment Plants) • Land Policy & Regulations • Risk Management • Statutory Planning • Financing & PPPs Governments are heavily investing in various initiatives to counter the high urban migration in their major cities by upgrading their infrastructure and improving city centres to establish their city as the city of choice. So, it is essential to understand how other cities of exemplary examples have secured and structured their financing to attract and cultivate additional investment opportunities. Also, cities that are properly planned would provide a better standard of living for their inhabitants; attract talent and investment opportunities for a greater economic growth. This conference provides the perfect platform to explore ways of integrating your development with sustainable city planning strategies, more effective transportation systems, low—carbon networks and efficient and scalable social infrastructure. Attend this event to enhance the living standards and establish a vibrant economic climate to address the rapid urbanisation and improve the liveability of your city. Tailor-make your own programme by selecting from any of these streams over Day One and Day Two: Days One & Two Stream I: Urban Planning & Regeneration This stream focuses on elements of masterplanning and designing town and cities toward a more holistic sustainable development. It would include strategies to create public spaces to promote better community interactions. It would also discuss on utilising mixed—use development approaches to integrate new city projects within an existing development to enhance the economic benefits. This stream would also expand on utilising green designs to conserve historical sites and create a sustainable city with enhanced energy efficiency. Stream II: Infrastructure Development & Financing This stream will deepen your understanding and discuss innovative ways to improve your city’s infrastructure and acquire the right financing options to fund these projects. The stream would also address the collaboration between public and private sectors to further infrastructure developments. Also, uncover ways to improve water, drainage, power, roads and urban transport infrastructure. Stream III: Urban Mobility This stream would elaborate on sustainable urban mobility through the use of public transportation and pedestrian—friendly designs. This would include creating a transit— oriented city with the incorporation of mass transportation to reduce traffic congestion in crowded urban areas. This stream will benefit you in terms of devising Traffic Impact Assessment strategies, as well as, government—driven incentives and policies to improve urban transportation within your city. Day 3 — Making Cities Work Successful Case Studies of City Developments & an Exclusive Workshop on ‘Linking Cities to Finance’ Day 3 is an exclusive day with plenary sessions discussing international cases studies of successful city initiatives and covering a range of debatable issues in city development. It also features an interactive workshop on ‘Linking Cities to Finance’ facilitated by City Development Initiatives for Asia (CDIA). This workshop serves as a platform to exchange views on the key factors impacting city development and remove bottlenecks for cities seeking to access alternative sources of urban infrastructure financing. The City Development Initiatives for Asia (CDIA) is a regional partnership program supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the governments of Germany, Sweden and Spain marcus evans would like to thank all the world—leading visionaries, solution providers, associations, operators, end—users and delegates who have contributed to and supported the marcus evans 7th Annual City Development Large Scale Event. We would particularly like to mention our speakers for their help in the research behind the event and also our sponsors for their continued support and commitment. On behalf of marcus evans we hope you have a rewarding, enjoyable and productive time. We personally look forward to meeting you all and working with you at our future Large Scale Events planned in 2014. See you in November! Business Development Opportunities: Does your company have services, solutions or technologies that the conference delegates would benefit from knowing about? If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting, networking and branding opportunities available by contacting: Stefanie Gee, Media & PR Coordinator, marcus evans Malaysia Tel: +603 2723 6721, E-Mail: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com Top level decision makers such as CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Heads, President, VP, SVPs, Directors, GMs and senior personnel of: • Town & Regional Planners • Infrastructure Development • Engineering Consultants • Real Estate Portfolio Managers • Architects and Designers • Environmental Consultants • Banks and Financial Institutions • Waste Management, Water, • Commercial and Residential Sewerage Property Developers • Residential Developments • Construction Companies Engineers, Consultants, Project Managers, Contractors & Builders Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs, MDs, VPs, Directors, GMs, Principals, Partners & Heads of: • Environment • Public works, drainage, irrigation • Structural and sanitation • Building materials • Roads and Railways • Construction • Cabling and Power Generation Architecture and Design Firms MDs, Principals, Directors, Designers, Chiefs, Heads of: • Urban Planning & Development • Real Estate • Business Development • Sustainability / Environment • Energy Efficiency • Land Surveying • Engineering • Projects Banks and Financial Institutions • Head of Project Finance • Head of Corporate Finance • Treasurer • Project Manager • Financial / Industry Analyst • Chief Credit Officer • Chief Investment Officer / Investment Manager • Economist Benefits of Attending this marcus evans Conference Include: • Embracing livelihood by promoting the diversity through place making, public spaces and inclusive developments to establish a liveable city and foster cross—community ties • Conserving historical urban fabrics with preservation of old buildings and regeneration efforts to maintain city identity and cultural heritage • Exploring viable opportunities for private institutions to engage in city development initiatives with governmental collaborations • Drawing more investment driven—opportunities through innovative financing strategies and efficient public services for a positive economic shift • Improving built water supplies and sewerage systems to establish sustainable water management for better quality and renewability of water resources • Incorporating effective frameworks on road systems in congested urban areas to reduce maintenance and reconstruction needs • Integrating transit—oriented projects within high—density cities to enhance the accessibility of urban areas, as well as, reduce costs and travel times • Mitigating traffic congestion reduction strategies to promote smoother traffic flow in city centres • Expanding local industries in your city for greater economic diversification to achieve better performance Geographical Market: • APAC 70% • India and Middle East 20% • Others10% Our Business Partners Endorser: The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is a global association of professional planners. The ISOCARP network brings together members from over 80 countries. The 50th ISOCARP Congress will be in Gdynia, Poland, 23—26 September 2014. The theme is “Urban Transformations — Cities and Water”. More information: www. isocarp.org Media Partner: Property Report Magazine gives readers the best of luxury property, luxury lifestyle Southeast Asia is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and dynamic luxury property markets in the world. As wealth has risen in the East, there’s been fast growth, innovative projects and an influx of unparalleled talent and opportunities emerging from countries like the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. For further information, please visit: www.property—report.com Eco—Business.com is the leading online platform for Asia Pacific’s cleantech & sustainable business community. Eco—Business.com provides news & opinion, plus these free services: company & product directories, project listing, case study showcase, green jobs board, events calendar, partner & investor linking, research library, press release marketing & social media promotion. Green. Environment. Economy. EcoSeed is a leading source for global green news, finance, and other resources in delivering renewable energy to mainstream business. Either in keeping up with the latest specific information and resources on Green and Renewable Energy, EcoSeed.org is the premier website for all your information needs. 7th Annual City Development Booking Line: Stefanie Gee Tel.: + 603 2723 6721 Fax: + 603 2723 6699 Email: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com REGISTRATION FORM Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS EVENT CODE: AS-IF3825 LOGIN ID: CODE: E PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND FAX BACK TO: CONFERENCE: CITY DEVELOPMENT STEFANIE GEE FAX NO: DATES, VENUE: 19th – 21st November 2014, SINGAPORE +603 2723 6699 Confirmation Details: REGISTRATION DETAILS After receiving payment a receipt will be issued. If you do not receive a letter outlining joining details two weeks prior to the event, please contact the Conference Coordinator at marcus evans conferences. 1.) Name Position E-Mail 2.) Name Position Business Development Opportunities: E-Mail Does your company have services, solutions or technologies that the conference delegates would benefit from knowing about? If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting, networking and branding opportunities available by contacting: Stefanie Gee, Media & PR Coordinator, marcus evans Malaysia Tel: +603 2723 6721, E-Mail: StefanieG@marcusevanskl.com 3.) Name Position E-Mail Organisation Address Town State Country Postcode Tel. Fax Nature of Business. Company Size: 1-9 10-24 25-49 100-249 250-499 500-999 50-99 1000+ AUTHORISATION Payment is required within five working days on receipt of invoice Indemnity: Should for any reason outside the control of marcus evans conferences, the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled due to an act of terrorism, extreme weather conditions or industrial action, marcus evans conferences shall endeavour to reschedule but the client hereby indemnifies and holds marcus evans conferences harmless from and against any and all costs, damages and expenses, including attorneys fees, which are incurred by the client. The construction, validity and performance of this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Malaysia to the exclusive jurisdiction of whose Courts the Parties hereby agree to submit. SignatureDate Name Position This booking is invalid without a signature. AUTHORISATION Signatory must be authorised to sign on behalf of contracting organisation REGISTRATION FEES FEES Days Conference Fee @ USD 2,295 + VAT / GST (if applicable) per delegate Two Days Conference Fee @ USD 2,995 + VAT / GST (if applicable) per delegate Three CONSULTANTS AND SOLUTION PROVIDERS FEES Two Days Conference Fee @ USD 2,795 + GST / VAT (if applicable) per delegate Days Conference Fee @ USD3,595 + GST / VAT (if applicable) per delegate Three Documentation @ USD795. You will be provided a username and password toaccess the Online documentation online Premier Plus Discount* Bring three or more delegates to this event and benefit from a 10% saving. (Applies to full conference event only). PLEASE SELECT CONFERENCE STREAMS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND: Day 1: Day 2: Stream One Stream One Stream Two Stream Two Stream Three Stream Three All options include luncheon, refreshments & service charge. In accordance with delegate requests and our positioning as one of Asia’s foremost business intelligence providers, marcus evans will now make its conference documentation available online. A website and password will be provided to you approximately two weeks before the event. PAYMENT METHOD Terms & Conditions: marcus evans: Marcus Evans (Singapore) Ltd 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms: Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within 5 days from receipt of invoice. PLEASE NOTE: payment must be received prior to the conference date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference space, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. A 50% cancellation fee will be charged under the terms outlined below. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Cancellation/Substitution: Provided the total fee has been paid, substitutions at no extra charge up to 14 days before the event are allowed. Substitutions between 14 days and the date of the event will be allowed subject to an administration fee of equal to 10% of the total fee that is to be transferred. Otherwise all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by marcus evans (as defined above). Cancellations must be received in writing by mail or fax six (6) weeks before the conference is to be held in order to obtain a full credit for any future marcus evans conference. Thereafter, the full conference fee is payable and is nonrefundable. The service charge is completely non—refundable and non—creditable. Payment terms are five days and payment must be made prior to the start of the conference. Nonpayment or non—attendance does not constitute cancellation. By signing this contract, the client agrees that in case of dispute or cancellation of this contract that marcus evans will not be able to mitigate its losses for any less than 50% of the total contract value. If, for any reason, marcus evans decides to cancel or postpone this conference, marcus evans is not responsible for covering airfare, hotel, or other travel costs incurred by clients. The conference fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to a future conference. Event program content is subject to change without notice. 4. Copyright etc: All intellectual property rights in all materials produced or distributed by marcus evans in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited. 5. Data Protection: Client confirms that it has requested and consented to marcus evans retaining client information on marcus evans group companies database to be used by marcus evans groups companies and passed to selected third parties, to assist in communicating products and services which may be of interest to the client. If the client wishes to stop receiving such information please inform marcus evans local office or email unsubconf@marcusevansuk.com. For training and security purposes telephone calls may be recorded. 6. Important note. While every reasonable effort will be made to adhere to the advertised package, marcus evans reserves the right to change event dates, sites or location or omit event features, or merge the event with another event, as it deems necessary without penalty and in such situations no refunds, part refunds or alternative offers shall be made. In the event that marcus evans permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the Client shall receive a credit note for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event, valid for up to six months to be used at another marcus evans event. No refunds, part refunds or alternative offers shall be made. 7. Governing law: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the law of Malaysia and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Kuala Lumpur. However, marcus evans only is entitled to waive this right and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in which the Client’s office is located. 8. Client hereby acknowledges that he/she specifically authorizes that marcus evans charge the credit card listed above for the amount provided herein; that this Contract is valid, binding and enforceable; and that he/she has no basis to claim that any payments required under this Contract at any time are improper, disputed or unauthorized in any way. Client acknowledges that they have read and understood all terms of this contract, including, without limitation, the provisions relating to cancellation. FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE: CREDIT CARD Please note that all Credit Cards will be charged in SGD. All exchange rates are calculated by your cards bankers. Payment is required within five working days on receipt of invoice (Credit Card payments attract a 2% surcharge) Please charge my: MasterCard VISA AmEx Card Holder’s Name Diners Club Security Code APPROVALS (HEAD OF DEPARTMENT): Card Number Expiry Date Signature marcus evans Suite A—20—1, Level 20, Hampshire Place Office, 157 Hampshire 1, Jalan Mayang Sari, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia large scale events
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