HOME of the PIRATES Counselors Corner: https://sites.google.com/site/studentpirates/ LMS Website:http://bvsd.org/schools/louisvillemiddle/ December 15, 2014 NO SCHOOL 11/2411/28 WE ARE THE PIRATES! We have streamlined our calendar to make it easier for those who prefer to view it on mobile devices. All school events, clubs and athletics are in one place now; black for clubs, green for school events and blue for athletic practices and red for interscholastic contests or intramural culminating activities . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday December 1 December 2 December 3 December 4 December 5 Lego League 78:30 am Tag Cafe Writing Club Newspaper 7:308:30 AM Book Club 88:30 AM Lego League 78:30 am Brain Bowl 7:308:30am Science Club 3:304:40 PM Room 158 Peer Mentor Meeting room 149 88:30AM Jazz Band 7:308:30 am (Coach Carmalt & Hill) Watch Mtn. Team Game 4 PM Math Counts 7:308:30 Art Club Rotation 3 7:308:30am Teen Voices: 7:408:30 am boys only TSA 3:455 PM Jazz Band 3:304:30 pm Chess Club 3:304:40 PM Math Counts3:304:30p SNL Club 3:304:45 PM 8th grade boys basketball game 4PM @ Angevine (Team Auday) wear your PRIDE and Pirates gear! Yearbook 7:308:30 am 8th grade boys basketball practice (Coach Carmalt PM) (Coach Miscke PM ) (Coach Hill PM ) PIRATE FRIDAY E7 Bell Schedule 8th grade boys basketball (Coach Carmalt AM) (Coach Auday PM) (Mischke AM) 8th grade boys basketball game 4PM @ LMS (Team Hill) 8th Boys basketball game 4PM @ LMS (Coach Auday) 8th Boys basketball game 4PM @ LMS (Coach Mischke) Counselors in Math for Stress Management M24, M35, M25 Holiday Movie Night 4:00 PM6:30PM 8th Boys basketball game 4PM @ LMS (Teams Hill and Carmalt) 8th Boys basketball game 4 PM @ Monarch (Team Mischke) 8th grade boys basketball practice 7:158:30 AM (Coach Auday) Teen Voices 7:208:30 am Girls only 8th grade Boys basketball practice (Auday PM) (Carmalt PM) Mischke PM (HIll AM) Counselors in Math for Stress Management M05, M15, M45 PLANNING AHEAD FOR PARENTS Sunday, December 7- LMS Destination Imagination family community service day Tuesday, December 9 - Winterslam Basketball game 3:45pm Bring an unwrapped toy, new coat or a gift card! Wednesday, December 10, 5th Grade Welcome and Information Night -for neighborhood and OE kids and parents Thursday, December 11, 2014 Choir Concert @ LMS 8th grade girls basketball starts on Jan. 6th-- sign up now in Revtrack PLANNING AHEAD FOR STUDENTS December 15-19 - Finals 8th grade girls basketball starts on Jan. 6th-- sign up now in Revtrack 6th grade Jazz Band will begin in January. TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Louisville Middle School is open for business. Our annual Neighborhood and Open Enrollment Evening showcases the LMS experience and welcomes incoming 6th graders (current 5th graders!), letting them understand their choices for course selection and extracurriculars for the 2015-2016 school year. Parents will start in the Auditorium with an informative presentation by Principal Vidulich, Assistant Principal Crandall, and Counselors Auday & Ryan. The students will begin the in the Multi-Purpose Room where they will begin a tour of their elective, music and academic choices. Along the way they will meet their elective teachers, hear from our music program and discover the may co-and extra-curricular activities that make an LMS education complete. A big thank you to Alora Klatka and her family for the donation of candles to the staff as well. You all rock! The Winter Slam Toy Drive is right after school on Tuesday, December 9th in the LMS gym. The local police and fire departments, along with very talented and athletic Louisville Middle School staff play a heated basketball game against our very own 8th grade boys and girls basketball teams. A new unwrapped toy, gift card or new winter coat is all you need to bring for admission to the best contest of the year! These toys will bring a smile to many children right here in Louisville that may not otherwise receive a gift. Mark your calendar now, you won’t want to miss it! Please see the flyer below: A note from the Principal: A GIANT thank you to Becky Fase and Mia Lukac for organizing and running the LMS Staff pie appreciation giveaway. Those pies were works of art. I have to say “were” because my utterly delicious peach pie is now a glorious memory. My entire family thanks you. My 6’6” son declare in between bites, “I can’t believe your parents do this for everyone on your staff. What an awesome community”. He really did say that. And it’s true. The pie is wonderful; the love attached is even better. I know you’ve heard me say that “luck is enamoured with the well-prepared.” We are lucky to have the support of such a great community. I believe it comes from the care we take with your children. No, we’re not perfect all the time and sometimes we exhibit our human-ness when we really need a good night’s sleep, but overall we try to treat your children the way we hope someone else would treat ours. That’s a lot of gratitude:-) You all will be in my Thanksgiving thoughts as the Vidulich family goes around our multiple-table family feast, sharing the people and experiences and things we are grateful for. Our canned food drive is really groovn’ and our Winterslam plans are underway. Please share in our LMS organized giving opportunities if you can. The Louisville Community Food Share counts on our donations to feed hungry families- some of whom are our very own. Our National Junior Honor Society sponsored Winterslam basketball (December 9- right after school) collects, toys, gifts (for kids in their teens), new coats and gift cards. We will be working with Louisville Police Department (Thanks Officer Haymore and Chief Hayes!) this year to expand our support of families in need even more. Even if you can’t be at the game, you may still donate to this great cause- just bring your donation by the main office before the end of the day on the 10th. Enjoy your holiday! Link of the week! Forgot what is going on this week or month at LMS? Check out our activities calendar on the school website at the following link http://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/calendar.php?crd=librarycal&op=cal&month=11&year=2014 LMS THANKSGIVING FEAST/Festivities Athletic Registration for Sports Programs and Activities Participation: Please register in Rev Track can so Mr. Crandall can know how many coaches he needs to hire for upcoming sports! Only students registered in Rev Track may participate. The following sports require a current sports physical: 8 Basketball, 6/7/8 Coed Wrestling, and 6/7/8 Coed Track. A sports physical is good for a 12 month period. Your Physician’s office can fax a copy to: 720-561-7401 or a copy may be dropped off at the main office. Remember, every student at LMS should have access to extra and co-curricular programming. If the cost is an issue, please communicate with Mr. Crandall to request a fee waiver at zach.crandall@bvsd.org The LMS Canned Food Drive has begun. Be sure to bring in those cans to help families in need and win a trip to Winter Skate for your class or an ice cream party. All food goes to the Louisville Food Bank. Any questions should be directed to Mr. Shaw or Mr. Slade. The suggested donation link for ultimate frisbee is now up and live. Funds go towards equipment purchases and supply replacements! No fee is required, but a donation is greatly appreciated. https://louisvillemiddle.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=products&specific=jnlofpn4 Attendance Reminders: - - If your child is unable to attend school please call the attendance line at 720-561-7402. Leave a detailed message with the following; student name, your name/relation, the date and a brief reason for the absence. If your child is ill, please attempt to refrain from using broad terms such as, “sick” or “not feeling well”. Be as specific as possible. If your child is ill at school and feels as though they need to leave, they must first check into our health room and be examined by a health room staff member. Students are prohibited from texting or calling from cell phones to arrange pick-up. If your child has a prearranged appointment and needs to leave school during the day at any point, we request you send them in with a signed note detailing why and when they need to be released. We will then issue the student a pass out of class. They are to first check out with us at the main office before leaving, and check back in if they return. Parent Engagement Network presents: Thriving During the Teenage Years Family Communication By Dr. Jan Hittelman As children move into adolescence, many of our tried-and-true parenting techniques may begin to lose their effectiveness. Because of the developmental changes, adolescence is a parenting game-changer. One of the primary developmental tasks of adolescence is to individuate or move from being a dependent child to an independent adult. As parents our strategies need to shift as well. Specifically, parents need to move from control to advice. Remember that learning requires trial and error. Our children need to learn from their mistakes and as parents we need to let adolescents make mistakes and learn from them. This is the only way that children can develop effective problem solving and coping skills that will serve them throughout their adult life. A good place for parents to start is changing the way they communicate with their adolescent. Conversations now need to be mutually respectful, and children need to take a more active role. A good rule of thumb that is often impossible to achieve but important to strive for is learning to be a good listener and having your adolescent do most of the talking. The feedback and advice can always come later. To learn more about effective communication strategies that will reduce conflict and enhance the parentchild relationship, participate in the upcoming Pathways to Parenting Success presentations: Webinar: The Secrets to Effective Family Communication When: Wednesday, December 17, Noon-1:00pm Where: Available on the Internet Who: Jeremy Dion, LPC To Register: www. BoulderPsychologicalServices.com/free-webinars TV Show: How to Reduce Family Conflict When: Thursday, December 18, 12:30-1:00pm Moderator: Dan Fox, LPC Where: BVSD Ed Center, 6500 Arapahoe, Boulder and live on Channel 22! UPCOMING PEN EVENT: 2nd Annual PENtastic Fundraiser Thursday, December 4th, 5:008:00pm Morning Glory Restaurant (1377 Forest Park Circle #101, Lafayette) Dinner buffet, drinks, dessert, music, live and silent auction $30/person, $50/couple To register: penbv.org/PENtastic Learn more about PEN by visiting their website: www.parentengagementnetwork.org or by contacting Paula Nelson (pjn6225@yahoo.com, 3038806030) Dr. Jan Hittelman, a licensed psychologist, is Director of Boulder Psychological Services and the Founder of the Boulder Counseling Cooperative. Questions or comments for this monthly column can be sent via email to: jan.hittelman@gmail.com, or by phone: 7202173270
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