NLSS Fall 2014 Newsletter - North Lambton Secondary School

North Lambton Secondary School
November 2014 Newsletter
Upcoming Events @ NLSS
Nov 21
Nov 24
Nov 27
Nov 27
Dec 3-5
Dec 4-5
Dec 11
Dec 16
Jan 5
Jan 19-21
Jan 22
Jan 22
Jan 23
Jan 26
Jan 27
Jan 28
P.D. Day
Full Disclosure
School Council Meeting
Athletic Auction
Grad Photos
Sr. Drama Production
Music Night
Progress Reports
Classes Resume
School Council Meeting
Grade 8 Parents’ Info Night
Period A Exams 8:30am
Period B Exams 8:30am
Period C Exams 8:30am
Period D Exams 8:30am
Student Art Show Opportunities
Calling all Artists! There will be a Student
Art Show at the Forest Library.
Forest Library is holding an Art Gallery
Exhibit of NLSS Artworks. Entries can be in
any medium (drawing, painting, mixed
media, photography or sculpture) and no
larger than 50cm by 50cm. This is a
showcase of your “Best Work” and does not
need to be work completed at school.
Artwork is due Friday December 19th to
Mrs. O’Brien in the Art room. Artwork will
be displayed at the Forest Library from
January 5th to 25th, where the community
will vote on their favourite work throughout
the month. A Meet the Artist: Gallery
Open House is scheduled for Saturday
January 10th. Artists are asked to be
present to talk about their work, but it is
not compulsory. Any inquiries can be made
to Mrs. O’Brien. Bring out your creative
thinking caps!
Lost and Found Items
Follow us on Twitter
There is a growing collection of lost and
found items in the main office. If you have
lost items, check the main office lost and
found to retrieve them.
Stay up to date with events and activities at
NLSS by following us on Twitter.
From the Drama Department
NLSS Drama proudly presents a Medieval dinner-theatre performance of A Danger Lurks on
Thursday December 4th and Friday December 5th at 7pm.
The King is dead and the grieving Queen is seeking suitable suitors to marry the princess
Victoria. Meanwhile, the King's evil sister is plotting to overthrow the royal family and take
control. Find out if dark magic is strong enough to cloud the Queen's judgment, or will true love
and honour prevail?
Tickets must be purchased on or before December 1st. $12 for children ages 4-12; $15 for ages
13-18; and $20 for adults. Call 519-786-2166 (ext. 40732).
Music Department News
Congratulations to all members of Senior Band who performed for the NLSS Commencement
ceremonies on Saturday, November 8th! Not every high school has live music for this
important event! Senior band members also participated in both Remembrance Day
assemblies and performed at the cenotaph in Forest.
We are thrilled to have over 30 of our students participating in The NLSS Jazz Band! This is a
dedicated group of musicians who volunteer their time and talents once a week at lunch time.
We look forward to hearing them at the "Sounds of Christmas" concert.
The NLSS Vocals ensemble is 24 members strong! They meet once a week at lunch and sing,
sing, sing! What a great group of students!
Our Junior class is practicing hard in preparation for this concert also. The newly formed "Junior
Band," will wow you with what they have learned in a few short months.
Be sure to mark "Sounds of Christmas" on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 7pm in the caf. on your
calendars. All our music students will be selling tickets for this event. Hope to see you there!
Mrs. Williams
NLSS Music Teacher
Austria, Germany and Switzerland
June 30 – July 11, 2016
The cultures of Austria, Germany and Switzerland are deeply intertwined, but each retains its
own distinct character. Feel the grandeur of Vienna’s Schönbrunn Palace and the charm of the
Marienplatz in Munich. In the Alpine hills, along the Black Forest roads, and at the turreted
Neuschwanstein Castle, the imagery forges a connection to the region’s rich literary heritage.
We invite you to join your fellow students on this once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Austria,
Germany and Switzerland. Get to know others from around the world. You do not want to miss
this opportunity. Contact Mr Gordon ( or Mrs Reynen
( for information about this EF Educational Tours opportunity.
Message from Student Services
Full Disclosure Date
A Grade 11 or 12 course removed from a
student’s timetable by November 24th will not
appear on the student’s transcript. A course
dropped after this date will appear on the
transcript with the current mark achieved on
the date of the course removal and a “W”
withdrawal indicator. Remember that a student
must have a minimum of 23 credits before a
course can be removed from his/her timetable.
College & University Information
Student Services has held College and University
application sessions with interested students.
The post-secondary application process was
discussed as well as important dates and
financial assistance information. A Parent’s
Information Night was held on Oct. 22nd. There
are still a few college and university liaison visits
in the next few weeks, but more schools have
already made their rounds.
University and College applications are done online province wide, the deadline for applications
(including receipt of payment) is January 14th,
2015 for University and February 1st, 2015 for
College. Students are encouraged to enter their
selections prior to Christmas Break.
Additional application dates can be found on
the “Application Cycle“ page in the postsecondary information booklet. Information
can also be found on the “Graduating Year
Calendar” distributed in grade twelve classes.
Community Service Hours
Student Services has visited every grade nine
class to discuss the Community Involvement
requirement for graduation and to distribute an
Information Manual and Tracking Form.
Students in grades nine to twelve are to record
the hours completed on their Tracking Form
and bring it to Student Services when they have
completed the forty hours. Remember,
completing the forty hours of Community
Involvement is a requirement for graduation.
Students planning to graduate this year should
submit their completed forms to Student
Services by April 1st.
Grade 11 Planning
Student Services visited all grade eleven classes
to distribute, “Resources for Post-Secondary”.
This sheet highlighted the main internet sites
used for post-secondary research including
university, college, apprenticeship and
workplace destinations. Additional copies are
available in Student Services. The Specialist
High Skills Majors (SHSM) program was also
discussed. If students are interested in a SHSM
in Health and Wellness, Agriculture or
Construction, please visit Student Services for
information and forms.
Rebound & GPS
Any interested student is welcome to attend an
info session to learn about Rebound Forest’s
“Getting Possibilities Started” on November
20th, lunch will be provided. We are looking for
students willing to share their views and
opinions about issues important to them and
the North Lambton Community. See student
services if this is something you would like to be
a part of and we will add you to our list!
Mental Health Update
The North Lambton Mental Health Team, currently made up of teachers and administration, will be
posting a monthly Mental Health tip on the NLSS website. Currently there is a link to the in-school
resources available to students. Parents can refer their child by contacting Student Services. This year’s
focus is on teacher education and planning for next year to include more student involvement and
To meet the needs of some of our students we have invited Equity and Inclusion Speaker Chris D’Souza.
He will be speaking to our entire school population on Nov. 17th to kick off Anti-Bullying Awareness Week.
Chris will also be running a small focus group to work with students who want to promote his message in
the school. Call student services if your child would like to be included in the focus group.
Nov. 17th
Chris D’Souza
Wear Pink to
School in
support of
Anti Bullying
Wear Yellow
in support of
Wear School
Colours to
school spirit
colours in
support of
Equity and
PD. Day
News from the Co-op Department
North Lambton Secondary School Co-op Department would like to thank the following
businesses for taking students into their places of employment.
North Lambton Lodge
Strands Hair Salon
Strathroy Middlesex Hospital
Van Riel Farms
Rogers Barber Shop
Canadian Tire
Burgin Farms
Inn of the Good Shepherd
Bluewater Ford
North Lambton Childcare Center
Kettle Point Day Care
Forest Veterinary Clinic
Delta Power Equipment Forest
Delta Power Equipment Watford
VanGorp Construction
Van Engelen Dairy Farms
Kinnwood Elementary School
We are always looking for new employment placements for our students to help them in their
future career or educational decisions. If you feel that you could provide such an opportunity
for North Lambton Students please contact Mr.Schalk at the high school. 519-786-2166
Specialist High Skills Major
North Lambton also has Specialist Highs Skills Major in Health and Wellness, Construction and
Agriculture. The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) encourages you to focus your secondary
school education toward a career area of your choice. In schools across Ontario, students are
building brighter futures through SHSM programs in many varied and exciting high-demand
professions. These innovative programs are an important part of Ontario's commitment to
providing all students with learning choices and opportunities that genuinely meet their needs,
interests, and aspirations, ensuring that Ontario's education system helps every student
achieve his or her highest potential.
No matter whether you plan to go to work, apprenticeship, or college/university you can earn a
SHSM. The SHSM red seal on your diploma lets employers and post secondary institutions know
that you have knowledge, skills, and industry-recognized training related to a particular career
For more information visit the Board website or contact student
News from the Math Department
Way to go, NLSS Eagles! The results are in for EQAO last spring and there are some amazing
results to mention: Grade 9 Academic EQAO scores in mathematics show that 86% of students
are performing at or above the provincial level (13% increase from previous school year), and the
Grade 9 Applied scores in mathematics show that 42% of students are performing at or above
the provincial level (5% increase from previous school year). We congratulate the students for
all of their hard work and dedication to their studies here at NLSS.
Various mathematic contests will be held in 2013-2014. Some of these contests include:
 Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests
o November 20, 2014
 Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contests
o February 24, 2015
 Euclid Contest
o April 15, 2015
 Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Contests
o April 16, 2015
On a final note, as always, mathematics help or practice is available daily in rooms 143, 145,
149, and 245. We encourage students to attend these sessions for extra help or extra practice
to challenge their mathematic skills.
The Mathematics Department