Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 The week ahead EUROPE WEEK B MONDAY 27 APRIL TUESDAY 28 APRIL U/13 & U/15 Rugby League KO Anzac Assembly Pd 3 Year 12 Ace Your Exams – Elevate (Mr White Pd 1) WEDNSDAY 29 APRIL Year 10 A, B & O Geography test Year 10 L,M,N & T History test Period 1 Year 7 2016 Orientation Day Anzac Day Drama Presentation 7am to 12 noon - Civic Theatre (Ms. Grivas) Bill Turner Cup Boys KO 8am to 3pm (Mr Bozinovski) THURSDAY 30 APRIL Year 10 A,B & O Geography test pt.2 Year 10 L,M,N & T History test pt.2 p.5 Year 7 CAPA auditions for 2016 Year 7 A,L & N English Short Story Assessment due City Zone Cross Country SCIL Workshop (FitzSimons, Cohen, M Davies, Glabus, Ling & Nolan) FRIDAY 1 MAY Year 10 Marine Studies task due Year 10 FT-X Prac assessment p.3,4 Year 7 CAPA auditions for 2016 Year 7 M,B,T & O English Short Story assessment due SCIL Workshop (FitzSimons, Cohen, M Davies, Glabus, Ling & Nolan) From the Principal’s Desk WELCOME I would like to extend a special welcome to Mr Jeff Ware who will join the school as Head Teacher Science. We look forward to his contributions to quality teaching and learning in the school. While Mr Rosser is on leave for the first few weeks the following arrangements have been made: • Mr Riley (Relieving Principal) • Mrs FitzSimons (Relieving Deputy Principal) • Mrs Farley (Relieving HT Teaching & Learning) Mrs Davies will also relieve for Mr Higginbottom as Head Teacher Secondary Studies. What a wonderful learning opportunity for our senior Ancient and Modern History students to experience travelling to France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Italy over the school holidays. Tour leader, Mrs Ivory wrote “it has truly been a wonderful experience to lead such supporting staff and excellent examples of the calibre of Lambton students. We have been complimented along the way for such well-behaved students that have been a credit to us and their families.” I would like to congratulate Mrs Ivory, Mr Smythe, Mrs Sandland, Mrs Leman, Mrs Bertram, Mr Bland, Mr Higginbottom and Mr Donaghey for their outstanding contributions to this significant student learning experience. STAGE 6 REPORT INTERVIEWS We have scheduled meetings to distribute the School Reports for Preliminary and HSC students. The purpose of the interviews is to ensure support for our students in their academic studies, as well as to monitor how they are coping in their senior years. The interviews will be held between 8 and 15 May 2015. YEAR 11 & 12 PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parents and carers of students in Years 11 and 12 are invited to Lambton High School to discuss their student’s learning at the Parent-Teacher evening to be held on Monday 18 May 2015 in the MPC. Access for bookings will be available through the parent portal starting week 3. Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 SENTRAL – PARENT PORTAL STATE DIVING : There has been a great response to the introduction of the student parent portal with a significant amount of parents already registered in the system. At the end of last term, our divers competed in the NSW CHS championships as part of the Hunter Region team. All of our divers performed creditably, the following achieved placing’s : Letters were posted late last week to every household to enable parents to create their account for this initiative. It is a convenient way to keep up to date with what is going on for your student. Please make sure you register as soon as possible once you receive your letter with your student/s access key. 12 Years girls springboard 13 years boys springboard 14 years girls springboard 15 years girls springboard 15 years boys springboard 16 years girls springboard School based organization can now be coordinated through this channel with parents and carers now having direct access to the school calendar and daily notices. Important changes include the addition of parent teacher night interviews organization. Considering the year 11/12 parent night is scheduled in coming weeks, it is essential that parents/carers ensure they register their account to have access to this resource and consequently, the parent teacher organization. Access to Parent teacher interview organization will appear in the portal for your student for a period of time preceding the night. You will be made aware of this through Lambton short takes and the portal itself issues notifications via email. NATIONAL ASSSESSMENT PROGRAM- LITERACY AND NUMERACY (NAPLAN) The NAPLAN tests will be conducted across Australia for all students from 12-14 May 2015. Tuesday 12 May- Language Conventions & Writing Wednesday 13 May- Reading Thursday 14 May- Numeracy Friday 15 May- Catch-Up Day Please note students need to bring their own calculator for the Numeracy exam. NAPLAN tests fundamental skills rather than specific content, and as such is not a test for which students can study or drill. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that NAPLAN is just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day. The use of services by coaching providers is not recommended. The results of the tests will provide important information to the school about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the national minimum standard. Letters containing information on organisation, timing and requirements will be posted home this week. Copies of this information will also be available on the schools Moodle site in Mathematics. ND 2 Dayna Garside ST 1 Harry Pinkerton TH 5 Rani Ruse RD 3 Eliza Carey ND 2 Aiden Goodbun ND 2 Jacinta Pinkerton RD 3 Hannah Murphy STORM DAMAGE: Our school was extremely lucky in terms of lack of damage and disruption during last week’s storm. Whilst we maintained limited supervision on the Tuesday during the worst of the weather, we were able to be fully operational on all other days. Some trees fell or were damaged around the school, these will be removed by Department employees as soon as possible. These areas have been taped or barricaded off for student safety, I would remind students to stay out of these areas. GENERAL NOTICES Soccer trials for the year 7/8 soccer Gala day will be held on Tuesday on the back oval, subject to weather. The trial is for both Boys and Girls soccer teams. The week after This calendar lists school events planned at the time of writing the Short-Takes e-newsletter and may be subject to change. WEEK A MONDAY 4 MAY HSSSA Trials : Squash Year 12 English Speeches Year 11 Physics excursion Uni & Buckley Shield Rugby League TUESDAY 5 MAY HSSSA Trials : Lawn Bowls Cover Your Tracks Music Concert Year 12 English Speeches p.3,4 Year 7 Maths test StarStruck Drama WEDNSDAY 6 MAY Year 7 Technology exam THURSDAY 7 MAY Year 10 Food Tech prac test Year 8 Maths test FRIDAY 8 MAY HSSSA Regional Cross Country Year 8 Science test Year 10 Maths test Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 P&C ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Meetings are held at 7.00pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Library. Term 2 meetings will be held on: • 12 May 2015 • 9 June 2015 Mr Martin Rosser- Principal To view previous Short-Takes e-newsletters go to the Lambton High School website at Facebook: The Lambton Short-Takes e-newsletter provides a snapshot of some of the programs and event occurring at the school and it is not intended to address student participation in every school activity or sporting event. THANK YOU TO OUR 2015 SPONSORS Thank you to the following local businesses for supporting Lambton High School with funding, products or services. LAMBTON ELECTRICAL Domestic & Commercial Since 1976 Small job specialists 0417468675
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