Sat 21/2 Fro m Rev Canon Maree Election: We have been notified that the parish hall will be used for an election on Saturday, 21 February 2015. This will be a fundraising opportunity for our parish. If you could cook or bring items to sell, this would be very much appreciated. Items can be brought in on either the Friday or on the Saturday morning. The stall will be open at 8.00 am on the day. I will advise you of any help that will be needed, closer to the event. Lenten Film Festival: Bishop Greg Thompson will be hosting a Lenten Film Festival on Thursday evenings, commencing Thursday, 19 February 2015 from 7.00-9.30 pm. Programme 19 February The Dark Horse 5 March True Grit 12 March Philomena 19 March Jindabyne See noticeboard for more information Lenton Reflections: These will take place after morning prayer on Wednesdays during Lent. Morning prayer commences at 9.00 am and the Lenton Reflections will follow at 9.30 am. I have written some reflection notes and questions for the Lenton Reflection. If you wish to participate in the reflections, please take a folder. Blessings Rev Canon Maree Holy Communion: Home communion will be given today. Please pray for our extended faith community. Also this Week: Sun 15/2 Mon 16/2 Wed 18/2 Thur 19/2 10.30 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 12 Noon 6.00 pm Resource Committee meeting in Lambton Church Supervision – Rev Maree Morning Prayer Playgroup Ash Wednesday – Service at Lambton ‘Imposition of Ashes’ and communion SRE in our schools 8.00 am Market Day in our Lambton grounds – cooking only thanks. St John’s Lollypops: Our playgroup is held every Wednesday from 10.00 am-12.00 pm during the school term. All are welcome to come along and join in. Gina Parslow will lead this group. Parents and carers are supported in this ministry as well. Mission for the Month of February – Anglican Aid Abroad: Anglican Aid Abroad is a voluntary, non-profit society made up of people in Australia and overseas who share a common concern for those in need. Members include bishops, housewives, schoolboys, and pensioners, all united in a common cause - the relief of need in the Name of Christ. Be it in the Dominican Republic in the West Indies or the Highlands of Tanzania in East Africa, education is a high priority for AAA. Poverty alleviation, drinking water improvements and medical assistance are of equal importance. More information about this wonderful outreach can be found on 100% of donations are used for aid abroad. Please donate generously and pray for this outreach. Readings for next week Genesis 9: 8-17 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Psalm 25: 1-10 Mark 1: 9-15 PRAYER LIST Eadie Ian Yvonne Ann Lynn FOCUS Many adults have had what they might call ‘mountain top experiences’. These moments are when one senses or catches a glimpse of God’s glory, however fleeting the moment may be. These moments can be times of transformation or transfiguration. These experiences are sometimes referred to as ‘thin places’ in Celtic spirituality, where the line between real and mystical becomes blurred, and earth and heaven seem to meet. We can also be transformed/transfigured through more seemingly ‘mundane’ yet no less significant encounters, such as a relationship with a mentor or other significant person. This time marks the completion of seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. In these days to come we look to Ash Wednesday and Lent and may even ‘feel’ an internal shift starting to happen. Lent calls us to come down from the mountain and face Jerusalem. Our model is of course, Jesus, who knew that going to Jerusalem meant facing the powers of empire head on. Before you go too far in that direction, remember what we have learned during this ‘mountain top’ time. What A’ha moments we have witnessed in our lives, together and privately. I pray that we will continue to grow in discipleship and in the knowledge of God’s transforming power. Amen MOUNTAIN TOPS In biblical times mountaintops were places of revelation. Clouds, bright lights, and voices from heaven were signs of divine presence. Dazzling was the same word used to describe the gleam of polished brass or gold in the sunlight. Pure light Jesus transfiguration. PARISH OF LAMBTON St John the Baptist Lambton St Margaret Jesmond 15 February 2015 SOUL QUEST A reflection by Paul Hawker from his book Soul/Quest. Paul took a solitary journey into the wilderness, a mountain in New Zealand. ‘‘This spiritual journey ranks as the most worthwhile journey I have ever done, for my soul has been reinstated to its rightful owner. God’s claim and love for me goes on. I still hear the songs placed on my heart, and am constantly challenged to be open and receive what is sent my way. I do, though, stray into doing things in my own strength, and now know I am not so afraid of making mistakes. Not everyone needs a wilderness experience, but I believe that to really experience God, we do need to clear the decks! To let God get at us and us to get to God. How we do this is an individual as each one of us. Many people were intrigued to know if the experience changed me. Through this mountain wilderness solitary time with God, I was completely and irrevocably transformed or was this just one of those mountaintop experiences that’s all but lost? Well yes, and No! Everything is the same but everything is different! Quote for the week: “Life is not meant to be perfect – it is meant to be perfectly capable of challenging us to be everything we are meant to be.” Priest: Rev Canon Maree Armstrong Pastoral Care Deacon: Rev Daphne Turnbull Phone: 4955 8284 Phone: 4957 1073 Rector’s Warden: Gina Parslow Email: Phone: 0448 308 637 Address: 18 Morehead Street, LAMBTON NSW 2299 Website: BSB 032-507 - Account No 560302 Today’s Scripture Readings – Last Sunday after Epiphany 2 Kings 2: 1-12 2 Corinthians 4: 3-12 Psalm 50: 1-6 Mark 9: 2-9 PASS IT ON Here, just before the turning of the Church Year, we pause for a divine encounter and a response of human devotion and rededication. Our sense of our mission, courage and of our love and gratitude to God and to those people who have preceded us in life and faith, some famous some known only to those who loved them, is renewed. The continuing energy of our justice efforts are nourished by glimpses of God we see in Christ and in faithful people. As you discover and respond to God revealed in them what action are you moved to undertake? Prayer Open our hearts to behold your glory, O God shining in Christ in prophets, and saints who inspire, and perhaps even in us refresh our commitment to face injustice and oppression courageously, as we face Jerusalem and the Lenten journey to come. Amen
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