Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 The week ahead WEEK A MONDAY 4 MAY Year 12 English Speech Year 11 Physics Excursion (M Glabus) Year 9 History Task Paper 1 – Pd 6 Year 9 Marine Science Assess. Task HSSSA Trials – Squash Physical Activity Workshop (E McKinnon) The members of the Lambton- New Lambton RSL Sub-Branch were moved by the remembrance of those who served our country during times of conflict and crisis, and by the drama performance which paid tribute to members of the Australian Defence Force, those lost in training, on operations, the wounded, injured and ill. I would greatly like to recognise the Student Body for the reverence and respect they showed towards our past and present service men and women throughout the assembly. TUESDAY 5 MAY Year 12 English Speech Pds 3&4 Years 8,9 & 10 Cover Your Tracks – Music Concert Year 7 M,O & T Maths Test (non-calculator)Pd 4 Year 7 N Maths test (non-calculator) Pd 5 HSSSA Trials – Lawn Bowls Bill Turner Cup: Girls KO day (Mr Donaghey) Year 8 StarStruck Drama Rehearsals N’cle Uni Forum (Mr Taylor) WEDNSDAY 6 MAY Yrs 7-9 Buckley Shield Rugby League games 9am – 12 noon (Mr Keath) Year 7 L Maths test (non-calculator) Pd 6 Year 7 T Maths test (calculator) Pd 3 ANZAC DAY Drama presentation 7am – 12 noon at Civic Theatre Local AECG meeting 9.30 am THURSDAY 7 MAY Year 7T1 Exam – Pd 3 (Newbold & Foster) Year 7T2 Exam – Pd 3 (Newbold & Foster) Year 7T6 Exam – Pd 5 (Newbold & Foster) Year 7T7 Exam – Pd 5 (Newbold & Foster) Flu Vaccinations for staff 11am to 1pm Local AECG meeting 9.30 am FRIDAY 8 MAY HSSSA Regional Cross Country Year 11 PLP interviews Year 10 Maths test Pd 4 Year 8 Science task Pd 5 Year 7 L & B: Maths test (calculator) Pd 1 Year 7 A, M & O: Maths test (calculator) Pd 6 Quality Training Program – Wetlands From the Principal’s Desk ANZAC ASSEMBLY I would like to thank Ms Grivas and Mrs Corliss for their organisation of the School ANZAC Assembly held on 28 April 2015. I would also like to acknowledge the following students for their role in the assembly: Molly Jordan, Beatrice Fraser, Siobhan Pickard, Courtney Uradov, Oliver Macfadyen, Lisa Rondbjerg, Tyler Chapman, Riley King, Rachael Lee, Tiegan Mannweiler, Isaac McKinnon, Kirra O’Neil, Aneesha Sadien, Kallie Sans-James, Thomas Wilton, Rachael Barr, Sophie Carson, Jenna Hall, Alex Long, Annaliese Stojkovski, Memphis Bourne Blue (Capt.) Thomas Ellis (Capt.) and Grace Riley (SRC) School Captains Memphis Bourne Blue and Thomas Ellis attended Lambton/New Lambton RSL Anzac Ceremony. They presented a speech from a newspaper article entitled “The History Digger” which was written about war correspondent Charles Bean’s return to Gallipoli three years after leaving with the Anzacs in 1915. Memphis and Thomas were excellent ambassadors for the school in the local community. Lambton High School continued their relationship with the Lambton-New Lambton RSL by inviting veterans Warwick Budden, Peter Kearns, Karl Menzies and Alan Proud back to the school Anzac Day Ceremony. HSC TIMETABLE The 2015 HSC Examination Timetable has been released for students to access via the NSW BOSTES Students Online Portal. Students are reminded to: activate their Students Online account using their student email address check their personalised HSC Examination Timetable Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 - check their personal details, including their pattern of study NSW Championships to win the tournament. Joseph Parente went on to gain selection in the NSW team, with Dominic named as a shadow for the squad. It is strongly recommended that students enter a mobile phone number if available to receive SMS notifications from the BOSTES including their HSC results. If any students have difficulties with this process or believe there are inaccuracies in their records please contact Mr Higginbottom for assistance. NAPLAN TESTS The NAPLAN tests will be conducted from 12-14 May 2015. Please ensure your student makes arrangements to bring the required equipment. Pencil sharpener and eraser One piece of blank paper for planning the Writing test, which will be collected separately by the Test Administrator at the end of the test Blank paper for working in each Numeracy test Calculators for the Numeracy Calculator Allowed tests (student should use the calculator that they currently use at school) A book or material for some other quiet activity it they finish the test early In the Numeracy tests students do not require any measuring tools such as rulers or protractors. Parents have been mailed information regarding the tests. These details are also available on the Mathematics Moodle site. COVER YOUR TRACKS Our first major event of the year for the Music Departments' concert series is coming up next week. COVER YOUR TRACKS, a re-branding of the what was known as Unplugged. It is going to be a themed concert each year presented by the Elective Music students. This year the theme is, Australian Music. Come along and enjoy some great tunes performed by our great students. Tuesday 5th May, 7pm in the Tiered Learning Theatre. $5 at the door with all proceeds going towards the Music Department. STATE AWARD FOR VOLUNTEER LITERACY & NUMERACY TESTS FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS Students in Years 10, 11 or 12 that intend to leave school can take optional online literacy and numeracy tests. They are for students who intend to leave school before completing their HSC and are designed to show an overview of a student’s level of achievement in these areas. The tests focus on the literacy and numeracy skills required by school leavers for employment and further education. Congratulations to Year 12 student Shaun Farmer, having been chosen as the recipient of the NSW State Emergency Service “Young Volunteer of the Year 2015” Award. This was in recognition of Shaun’s commitment and diligent service to the City of Newcastle SES unit. Shaun was part of school group that received Cadet training in an extra-curricular school course conducted approximately 18 months ago. CHS SWIMMING There will be one test for literacy and one test for numeracy, with concepts drawn from the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) developed and endorsed by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Each test consists of 60 questions and is 60 minutes long. The test results are reported separately from the RoSA and are not a requirement for award of the credential. Students wishing to sit the tests must see Mr Higginbottom. Tests will be schedules for week 6 this term. Any student interested should see Mr. Higginbottom. At the end of last term, our students competed in the NSW CHS championships at Homebush, as part of the Hunter Region team. All of our swimmers performed creditably. Swimmers were : Liam Farmer, Dayna Garside, Kate Hughes, Harrison Little, Llewellyn New, Alexandra Rees, Eduardo Sanchez-Gonzalez, Jayden Young, Shaun Farmer, Lana Stavropoulos, Felissa Fairuz Riza, Amber Kidd, Rose Schmieden, Eliza Rees, Megan MacClure, Kate Lintott, Cayley Young, Georgia Seymour, Hannah Murphy, Molly Watkins, Milly Hughes, Belle Humby, Amelia Bland, Jacob Honnery and Isaac Cocking. YEAR 11 & 12 PARENT TEACHER NIGHT CHS BOYS BASKETBALL Congratulations to Dominic and Joseph Parente on their performance in the Hunter Region Open Boys Basketball team. The team defeated all comers at the th On Monday 18 May we will host a parent teacher night for all year 11 & 12 students. I encourage parents to attend to gain a clear understanding of how your child is performing at their given stage of the HSC course. Please note that to book an Lambton Short-Takes A welcoming school leading in excellence, innovation and opportunity Lambton High School T(02)49523977 F(02)49562429 appointment you are required to use our SENTRAL Parent Portal, please note the following: Instructions to book parent interviews via the parent portal 1. Ensure you have registered your account in the portal using the activation key for your student contained in a letter sent out to your household recently. 2. When you log in to your portal, you will see many active links that will allow you to keep up to date with what's on at LHS. 3. Parent teacher interviews for years 11 and 12 will become visible and accessible via your portal (only if you have a senior student) from 9 am on Monday 4th May. 4. Once you hover over the green interview link, the current interview setup title will appear, select it. There are instructions to follow on this screen. 5. You are now are in the booking section, scroll down to see the subjects your student is enrolled in. 6. On the right you will see a button that when clicked will display available time slots for your students teacher. 7. Once all selected, ensure you click on confirm appointments button at the bottom. Confirmation emails regarding your appointments will be sent to the email address you used to set up your parent portal. STUDENTS SELECTED FOR ART EXHIBITION The following students' work have been selected for exhibition at Maitland Regional Art Gallery's "Showcase 3". Jacob Bramble and Elaine Wang's work is featured in the attached poster along with an outline of the exhibition. Annie-Rose Hayward 11 Elaine Wang 10 Iris Ma 9 Jacob Hansen 10 Jake Bramble 11 Liana Lee 9 Betsie Shaw 9 Lily Blakemore 9 Matthew Dryden 7 NAPLAN 7 & 9 P & C meeting 7pm Library City Zone Football Gala Day Open Rugby League WEDNSDAY 13 MAY Year 12 PLP interviews NAPLAN 7 & 9 THURSDAY 14 MAY Year 12 PLP interviews NAPLAN 7 & 9 FRIDAY 15 MAY Year 12 PLP interviews P&C ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Meetings are held at 7.00pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Library. Term 2 meetings will be held on: 12 May 2015 9 June 2015 Mr Martin Rosser- Principal To view previous Short-Takes e-newsletters go to the Lambton High School website at Facebook: The Lambton Short-Takes e-newsletter provides a snapshot of some of the programs and event occurring at the school and it is not intended to address student participation in every school activity or sporting event. THANK YOU TO OUR 2015 SPONSORS Thank you to the following local businesses for supporting Lambton High School with funding, products or services. GENERAL NOTICES Reminder to students to return excursion notes for Football Gala day and Rugby League game. The week after This calendar lists school events planned at the time of writing the Short-Takes e-newsletter and may be subject to change. WEEK B MONDAY 11 MAY Year 11 PLP interviews 11 Modern History – Jewish Museum excursion TUESDAY 12 MAY Year 11 PLP interviews 12 EES – Summerhill excursion LAMBTON ELECTRICAL Domestic & Commercial Since 1976 Small job specialists 0417468675
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