Parent Newsletter Principal’s Message

Parent Newsletter
Issue 32
Published Weekly
27th October, 2014
Week 4B
Principal’s Message
Deputy Principal’s Message
While it was a real buzz sending last week’s newsletter from Japan it is
an even bigger buzz to be back at school enjoying another great week
in Menai. I know that Mr McCuaig, Mr Kelly and the families of Year 10
students Prudence Wilkins-Wheat, Aisha Aidara and Emily Lu were
thrilled to be in the audience at DRAMA14—State Drama Festival
where all three girls starred. This performance targets "the best of the
best" from across the state’s candidates in Drama. We are all very
proud of these students and their teacher and we are delighted in their
This is my first report for Term 4 so I would like to welcome everyone
to the new term. We have a number of new students and families
who have joined us at Menai High this term. I would like to welcome
you and know your time with us will be very rewarding both
academically and socially.
HSC exam supervisor Mrs Sneddon sought me out last week to
acknowledge Year 12 students for their cooperation and constructive
approach to their exams. She reports that they are simply wonderful
young people doing wonderfully well in a very challenging
circumstance. I am not surprised because that is exactly as we have
found them to be over many years. Well done Year 12.
Sarah Willetts has been chosen as a 2015 Youth Ambassador for
World Vision. This is a great honour and opportunity for Sarah. She
and her mentor teacher Ms Bessell have rallied amazing support for
this great organisation over many years. Sarah aspires to become
trained in the area of international aid work and I can't think of a better
opportunity to develop her skills than through an opportunity like this.
Congratulations Sarah.
The ESL parent Cafe continues to thrive
and has successfully applied for a
community grant to continue the great
work. We, in partnership with St Paul's
Anglican's trained,
volunteer ESL team
have created a very
opportunity for newly arrived parents. The target
is to develop language skills and cultural
awareness so that they can constructively support
their children through school. It is an advantage
for all students if home support is strong and all
students in a class thrive and progress well. I am
including a few photos to share the fantastic
atmosphere and productivity that has been
created via this new venture and partnership.
Last week’s assembly celebrated the amazing successes of students
from all years participating in the 2014 Maths competition. Zachary
Curtis achieved a high distinction, Alexander MacRitchie, Luke
Phillips (Distinction);
Lachie Jones, Marek Akrman, Mitchell
Brandt, Matthew Chandler, Tushan Chandra, Reece Dean, Olivia
Hennessy, Zuriah Krautz, Thomas Liogas, Andrew Rourke,
Maddison Stone, Victoria Wang, Max Sandilant, Gabi Grimson,
Crystal Li, Oshwald Khoo, Imani Codmani, Rebecca Collins,
Nicholas Eder, Cameron Gordon, Patrick Kotsaris, Natasha Lee,
Shaun McManus, Daniel Miletich, Kaitlyn Seretis, Mitchell Shipp,
Cody Gale, Wyatt Horbury, Kiki Li, James Walker, Hannah Banks,
Maddison Boyling, Aidan Brown, Benjamin Jorgenson, Claudia
Kabic, William Oberg, Neha Salah, Cameron Burgess, Matthew
Cantor, Jake Lee, Caitlin Brown and Jacqueline Nguyen (Credit);
and we congratulate everyone's achievements. Maths is seen as an
enabling subject in that it is used to support learning across the
curriculum. Success in Maths is a good predictor of potential in many
other areas.
The NSW government has sought our help to reach families with
dependant children who are eligible for the 2014-15 Family Energy
Rebate of up to $150. It takes just 2 minutes to complete the online
application on any internet enabled device including your mobile phone.
Just goggle "Family Energy" website or phone 137788 or email
Our on-line news letter has an
attachment. Feel free to donate the money to your school if it is not
significant to you.
E McNally
The HSC is still continuing for Year 12. We have had wonderful
reports about the students’ behaviour and maturity. Year 12 will be
required to attend a clearance day on the 21st November. At this day
students are required to complete any subject contribution and return
any school equipment. The school is also looking for donations.
These include DER laptops and school uniforms/school aprons. If
any Year 12 students have DER laptops or school uniforms or aprons
and wish to donate, please bring the items to clearance day. All
donations will be very much appreciated.
Year 11 have started their HSC courses this term. All students will be
remaining on 12 units until the conclusion of term 4. Students will
need to continue to participate in the learning of all their courses and
complete all assessment tasks set for term 4. In Week 9 Term 4,
Year 11 will be able to submit their application to drop a subject.
Each student planning to drop a subject will be interviewed in Week 8
by myself and the careers adviser and will bring home an application
to be signed by parents. Before the Week 9 meeting all Year 11
students need complete their subject contributions and have
purchased their HSC textbooks before the application to drop a
subject will be processed.
Students Online http:/
I have written previously about this important service in past
newsletters. Year 12, Year 11 and Year 10 need to be registered on
the site. This is the site where students will assess their RoSA grades
for both Year 11 and 10 and HSC results for Year 12. This site is the
communication method the BOSTE now uses for students. Please
ask your child if they have registered and if not, use the address
above and follow the information below.
Students Online is your source for information about your study from
Year 10 to the HSC. To access your enrolment details, results and
more, log in or activate your account now.
Activating your Students Online account.
Students Online
features a private account area where you can view your personal
details as held by the BOSTES. All NSW high school students in
Years 10, 11 and 12 are eligible for an account.. To be emailed an
account activation link, you will need to enter your:
 given name(s)
family name
date of birth.
The activation link will be sent to the email address your school has
supplied to the BOSTES. You must enter your given names
EXACTLY as you are formally known by your school and which they
have provided to the BOSTES. For example, if your full name is
'Maxwell Anthony Smith', your school may have supplied your 'Given
Name(s)' to the Board as 'Maxwell Anthony', 'Maxwell', or even,
possibly, 'Max'. If you have issues activating your account, contact
your school to check your email address has been provided, or how
your details, particularly your given name and email address, are
officially recorded.
R Allen, Deputy Principal
Monday 27/10
HSC Exams continue until 5th November;
Literacy & Numeracy Test Years 10,11,12
Tuesday 28/10
Literacy & Numeracy Test Years 10,11,12
Wednesday 29/10 Literacy & Numeracy Test Years 10,11,12
Tuesday 11/11
Remembrance Day Ceremony
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Welfare News!
A great week of student good news.
Ms Wearring would like to acknowledge Maddison Boyling, Leyton
Davies, Tayla Nisbett, Christina Tsafis, James Walker, Shannon
Jenkin, Hannah Banks, Cayle Ford, Cody Gale, Eloise Phillips,
Caitlin Sherwin, Isabella Miletich, Jonah Ngaronoa, Steven
Papadakis, Olivia Cooper, Julian Jones and Brittany Southern from
9H1 and Ryan Gardiner, Kieran Armson-Graham, Jemma Harlow,
Jake Coleman, Lauren Constantine and Michaela Fagnani in 9H4 for
excellent WWI Recruitment Campaigns. She would also like to
acknowledge Stephanie Hunt from 7S for her great Black Death Diary.
Mrs Frages would like to commend Lucas Cottell, Ziah Pereira,
Priyale Singh and Isabella Wells in Year 7 for very good work in
Textiles Technology.
Mrs Waugh would like to say well done her 9E2 class for excellent
Romeo and Juliet essays and to her 7M class for excellent Mandragosa
Well done to 7A from Mrs Raptis for excellent letters for the novel study
Camel Rider.
Ms Mason would like to congratulate Madison Hammell, Isabella
Wells, Jacob Byles, Taylani Ireland, Jared Sparke, Brandyn
Lucock, Jemae Attieh Andary, Bethany Cover, Chloe Hicks and
Daniel Towell for amazing fantasy portfolios.
Mr Bean, Miss Loh and Ms Hanna would like to thank the following
students for their contribution and help with the Robotics Fundraising
cake stall at school. Each of these students were hardworking, helpful
and a team player—Mitchell Irvine, Alexander MacRitchie,
Bernadette Wong, Xavier Rolton, Christine Li, Tilley Riley, James
Giffen, Rochelle Phan, Lachlan Fairall, Richard Li, Daniel Miletich
and Luke Phillips.
Mr Colella would like to congratulate the following students for claiming
first prize in their group presentation “Cows Create Careers”, Hope
Sestanovic, Marika Belsan, Amy Allsop-Guest, Genevieve Van
Yzendoorn and Isabella Wells.
Wellbeing and Wisdom
Risk Taking
Earlier in the term, Year 9 enjoyed a
performance by Brainstorm Productions on Risk Taking. It is an age appropriate topic especially for
teenage boys. During puberty, the brain chemical dopamine,
which is responsible for motivation and pleasure, declines
leaving boys feeling lethargic and grumpy. To get that lift in
dopamine, they will often start taking more risks. Dangerous risk taking behaviours include binge drinking, drug taking
and aggressive behaviour. The most vulnerable teenagers
are those who also have ADHD, depression, anxiety or
school related issues such as bullying or peer
Parenting teenagers through this time is about finding a balance between creating firm
boundaries in a supportive
environment whilst also providing them with opportunities to
broaden their life experiences and be safe risk takers.
For more information
L Ferraro and the Wellbeing Wisdom Team
Drama Excursion
On Wednesday 22nd October Miss Osborne and Mr McCuaig took
56 Year 8, 9 and 10 Drama students to see a production of the great
Tennessee Williams play 'The Glass Menagerie' at the Belvoir Theatre. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the performance and found it
to be an enriching educational experience. Visiting the theatre is an
incredible opportunity for all students. We were very impressed with
all of our students behaviour as they represented Menai High
E Osborne
Well done everyone.
Year 11 Health Survey
Menai High School has been selected by NSW Health to participate in
their Health survey. The aim of the survey is to get a picture of
behaviours in youth today dealing with things such as alcohol, drugs,
lifestyle, sport and use the information to target programs to deal with
areas of concern. The survey will take 60 minutes and is run by staff
from NSW health with myself supervising.
Year 11 is the year group NSW health is interested in and they have
been given a permission note and information last Friday outlining the
survey. Please fill in the permission note and have it returned to roll call
by Thursday 30th October. If you have any questions please contact me.
Ms Y Mazoudier, Head Teacher Welfare
Enrich your home with a WEP exchange student
arriving in January 2015!
World Education Program (WEP) is looking for caring
families who wish to experience another culture in
their own home by becoming a volunteer host family.
Browse through student profiles, and select a
student who you think
will fit best into your family and lifestyle!
Who are the students? Read over their profiles below:
Allessandro S (17) from Italy lives in a small town with only 11
students in his class. His favourite pastime is swimming and playing
water polo. He also enjoys playing tennis and soccer and became
referee two years ago. His hobbies include playing cards, going to
the cinema and collecting things such as coins. He is looking forward
to discovering a new country and making new friends in Australia. He
can't wait to hear about his host family!
Marika (17) from Italy enjoys dance, art, theatre and music. She
tells us that her real passion is cooking and that she loves to prepare
sweets, cakes and cookies & cream puffs! It is Marika's dream to
come to Australia to live as a high school student, and she can't wait
to meet her host family, who is making this dream possible.
Giulio (17) from Italy loves music, he plays both the electric and
acoustic guitar. He is extremely athletic and enjoys many sports and
previously played basketball, soccer and volleyball. He currently
enjoys going to the gym and also does acrobatic gymnastics. His
parent say the he is a warm and caring boy who has a great sense of
humour and loves to make people laugh. Giulio is very excited to
meet his Aussie host family.
For further information, please contact Sylvia Kelly (WEP
Inbound Manager) on 1300 884 733, by email on
Senior Seminar Program Schedule— 30th October, 2014
Period 2
English (Advanced), ESL, Maths (Ext 1),
Society & Culture
Period 3
English (Standard), Maths (General), Physics,
Society & Culture
Period 4
Biology, Society & Culture
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