Photon 500SG User Guide

NSW Products for Plants
User Guide
PhotonTM 500 SG
for Mitigation of Heat Stress
Photon 500 SG, containing 500g/kg of a blend of dicarboxcylic acids, reduces the impact of environmental stressors, such
as excess light, heat, drought and other environmental conditions that negatively impact crop productivity. The active
ingredients in Photon 500 SG are natural compounds found in all plants, which control a specific enzyme system associated
with the stress response. Photon 500 SG effectively prepares the plant for the onset of environmental stress. Extensive trials
have been conducted in Australia and overseas and have proven it to be a highly effective product for mitigation of sun
damage verses current standards. Patents for this innovative product have now been granted in South Africa and the United
States and are pending in Australia.
Key features and benefits
Photon 500 SG:
• does not leave a residue so no postharvest removal is required,
• is a high quality, low dust, soluble granule formulation, applied at very low rates, which is highly cost effective,
• is compatible with conventional crop protection products such as fungicides and insecticides so no additional sprays are required,
• can be applied at any time during the growing season, from pre-plant to post-harvest, to protect foliage, flowers or fruit,
• is a systemic product which is rainfast in 4 hrs,
• has a nil WHP and re-entry period so can be used close to harvest.
Application timings
To maximize the benefit to the crop, Photon 500 SG should be applied as soon as temperatures start to exceed 30 degrees
celsius, as this is when plant productivity starts to be affected by heat stress. This could be anytime from September to April
but is generally between October and March depending on the regional area. Figure 1 below shows the maximum monthly
temperatures over the last 10 years at Swan Hill in Victoria. The yellow bars show the ideal application window for Photon 500 SG
Figure 1: PHOTON 500 SG application window
Maximum Monthly Temperatures Over 10 Years ult the full Maximum Monthly Temperatures Over 10 Years
Swan Hill, Victoria Swan Hill, VIC
°C bject to change
roducts and/or
sources. Agricrop
tion with the use
45 40 35 30 25 20 Page 4 15 10 5 0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source: Bureau of Meteorology Photon User Guide
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Photon applicaDon window Page 1
For the greatest protection against environmental stress damage, PHOTON 500 SG should be applied at the rates and specific
crop stages noted in the Directions for Use. Applications should be repeated at the intervals noted in the crop specific section.
Foliar applications should be made in sufficient water volume to provide adequate uniform coverage. A wetting agent should
be added to aid in spreading over the leaf surface. Preferred surfactants include non-ionic or organo-silicone adjuvants.
Photon 500 SG should be applied in sufficient spray volume to wet foliage. Applying to drip or beyond will be a waste of
product as Photon 500 SG is systemic.
A single application will provide minimal benefit. Maximum effective stress protection will be reached once the second
application is applied and best results are obtained from multiple applications. It must be applied to allow sufficient time for
the plant to develop a response as explained below.
Application Biochemical
For the greatest protection against environmental stress damage, PHOTON 500 SG should be applied at the rates and specific crop in the conditions,
Directions for plants
Use. Applications be repeated at tmanaging
he intervals enzymes
noted in the crop specific swithin
ection. 3 to 4 days
Under fair tostages goodnoted growing
will beginshould to produce
Foliar applications should be made in sufficient water volume to provide adequate uniform coverage. A wetting agent should be added after application
SG should
be oapplied
4 to 5 days
to aid iof
n sPhoton
preading 500
over tSG.
he leaf surface. PPhoton
referred 500
surfactants include non-­‐ionic r organo-­‐silicone adjuvants. a stress event.
Reapplication should be planned for 14 to 21 days after the last application was made using the shorter interval under severe
PHOTON 500 SG should be applied in sufficient spray volume to wet foliage. Applying to drip or beyond will be a waste of product as environmental
Photon 500 SG is systemic. Figure 2: Plant
of sPhoton
500 SG
A single application will response
provide minimal benefit. aximum effective tress protection will be reached once the second application is 2nd Application
applied and best results are obtained from multiple applications. It must be applied to allow sufficient time for the plant to develop a response as explained below. Axis
Biochemical response line
Effective stress management level
0 2 application window
Effective stress management level
Biochemical response time Under fair to good growing conditions, plants will begin to produce stress managing enzymes and proteins within 3 to 4 days after Bio chemical
application of Photon 500 SG. Therefore Photon 500 SG should ideally be applied 4 to 5 days before a stress event. Reapplication should Biochemical
be planned for 14 to 21 days after the last Response
application wline
as made using the shorter interval under severe environmental stress. ResponseFigure 2: Biochemical response curve for Photon 500 SG 5
5 10 Days
5 20 Mixing instructions
Days after application
The spray tank
be filled one-third to one-half full with water and agitation should be maintained while the appropriate
Mixing instructions surfactant and
to the
an appropriate
Photon 500
The spray tank should bare
e filled one-­‐third to o
ne-­‐half full wAdd
ith water and agitation amount
should be of
maintained while SG
the and
appropriate surfactant and o
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pray t
ank. A
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hoton 5
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aintain v
igorous agitation of the vigorous agitation of the spray solution containing Photon 500 SG.
spray solution containing Photon 500 SG. treated granny smith apple on LHS,
Photon treated granny smith apple on LHS, sun damaged untreated RHS
sun d amaged untreated on RHS Photon User Guide Photon User Guide
Photon treated lettuce Photon treated wine grapes
Page 2 Page 2
Label directions and restraints:
*When applying Photon 500 SG to crops at a per 100L rate, the rate per hectare SHOULD NOT
go below 20 g/ha or exceed 40 g/ha. Photon 500 SG must be applied 4 –5 days prior to a
stress event to achieve maximum performance.
** Environmental stress mitigation program refers to the general application directions required to reduce the impact of
environmental stressors such as excess light, heat, drought and other conditions that negatively impact crop productivity.
Crop Situation State Critical Comments All states Use Rate Per ha Per 100L 20 g/ha Fruiting vegetables including tomato, pepper, capsicum. Cucurbits including melon, squash, cucumber, gourds. Leafy vegetables including lettuce, chard, spinach. Brassicas including: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mustard. Root crops including beets, onions, garlic and EXCLUDING potato and sweet potato. Potato, sweet potato. **Environmental
Environmental stress mitigation
mitigation program
program Environmental stress mitigation program To reduce cold stress All states 20 g/ha Pineapples Environmental stress mitigation program To reduce transplant shock To reduce cold stress All states 40 g/ha Berries Environmental stress mitigation program All states 20 g/ha Pomefruit including apple, pear, quince Stonefruit including apricot, peach, nectarines, cherries, plums, prunes Nut crops including macadamias, almonds, pistachios, walnuts Tropical fruits including Mango, avocado Environmental stress mitigation program To reduce cold stress in frost sensitive crops All states *See Restraints 4g/100L* Apply 20 grams of PHOTON 500 SG per ha beginning immediately after transplant (Sweet Potato) or two leaf stage for seeded or tuber crops. Repeat applications at 14-­‐21 day intervals through to harvest. Early applications can be made as a band over the row. Apply prior to a cold event, ensuring adequate coverage of the foliage. Begin applications at flowering. Continue at 14-­‐21 day intervals through to harvest. Apply after watering in slips. Apply PHOTON 500 SG before the onset of a cold event and continue throughout the cold period. Apply PHOTON 500 SG at 100g/ha for the first 2 applications at 21 days apart and 50g/ha for the third and subsequent applications, at 21 day intervals. Apply to the foliage and fruit of the berry crop at 14 day intervals beginning at flowering. Use sufficient spray solution to provide complete coverage. For best results, begin applications when foliage is fully expanded. The addition of a wetting agent, such as a non-­‐ionic surfactant, is extremely important for berries that have a waxy surface, such as blueberries. Apply PHOTON 500 SG at a rate of 4g/100 L of water*. Begin applications within 7 days of petal fall. Continue to apply at 14-­‐21 day intervals until harvest. Begin applications prior to a cold event. Better results will be obtained with two to three applications applied at 14 day intervals prior to a cold event. Apply in sufficient water to provide thorough coverage. Citrus Environmental stress mitigation program All states *See Restraints 4g/100L* Wine grapes Table grapes Environmental stress mitigation program All states To reduce transplant shock To reduce flower abortion and increase fruit set To improve fruit size and quality *See Restraints 4g/100L* Apply 20 grams PHOTON 500 SG per ha beginning immediately after transplant or two leaf stage for seeded or tuber crops. Repeat applications at 14-­‐21 day intervals through to harvest. Early applications can be made as a band over the row. Apply after watering transplants. Apply 7-­‐14 days prior to flowering. Repeat at 14-­‐21 day intervals while flowering continues. Begin applications at flowering. Continue at 14-­‐21 day intervals through to harvest. Apply PHOTON 500 SG in sufficient spray solution to wet all foliage. For best results, begin applications one month prior to flowering. Alternatively, PHOTON 500 SG applications may begin at flowering and be repeated at 21 day intervals through to harvest. Begin applications between bloom and cap fall. Apply PHOTON 500 SG at 21 day intervals through just prior to harvest. For additional protection and better early season growth the following year, make 1 to 2 applications of Screen™ Duo beginning immediately after harvest. Photon User Guide
Page 3
Photon otatoes treated in field ptotatoes rial at in field trial at Photon treated p
Untreated Untreated at B
arooga, potatoes NSW at Barooga, N
treated potatoes in field trial at
potatoes patotatoes Barooga,
Barooga, NSW wBarooga, NaSW nd w
total ere clarger rop and total crop ere larger Barooga,
NSW were larger and total crop
as improved yield w
yield was improved yield was improved
Manufactured bManufactured y: b y: P .O Box 178 P .O Box 178 Manufactured
A pex, NC 27502, A pex, USA NC 27502, USA T el: +1-­‐919-­‐624-­‐
T el: 6182 +1-­‐919-­‐624-­‐6182 w w P.O Box 178
27502, USA
Apex, NC
Distributed by: Distributed by: AGRICROP AGRICROP PTY LTD PTY LTD ABN 84 100 473 ABN 309 84 100 473 309 3/57 Cambridge 3/57 Parade, Cambridge Parade, Distributed by:
Manly, QLD 4179 Manly, QLD 4179 Tel: 07 3348 4113 Tel: 07 3348 4113 ABN 84 100 473
309 3/57 Cambridge
Manly, QLD 4179
Tel: 07 3348 4113
Tel: +1-919-624-6182
00 SG is Photon a registered 500 StG rademark is a registered of Crop trademark Microclimate of Crop Management Microclimate Inc. Management Inc.
The information is The provided information in this is brochure provided to in atssist his birochure n understanding to assist hin ow understanding to correctly ahpply ow tPo hoton correctly 500 aSpply G. Always Photon consult 500 SG. the Always full consu
product label prior product to using label the pprior roduct. to using the product. Agricrop Pty Ltd. A.C.N.Agricrop
84 100 Pty
473 Ltd.
The information
84 100 473in309.
this InfoNote
The information
is basedinon
is based
by Agricrop
on data
to believed
be accurate
by Agricrop
at the time
to be
of publication
accurate at but
the is
of publication
to changebut is sub
without notice. It is given
in good
faith It
is no
in good
faith but
of no
is made
as toofitsimplied
is made
as to its accuracy,
of otherwise.
Every person
of otherwise.
dealing with
and/orwith the pr
materials referred to herein
does referred
so at their
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so at their
and must
make independent
of suitability
and completeness
of suitability
of information
and completeness
from all sources.
of information
from all s
shall not be liable for any
be liable
for any
or loss,
or death whether
or otherwise
of otherwise
through negligence
in connection
of otherwise
with the use
in connect
or application of the products
or application
and/or materials
of the products
to herein.
© Copyright
referred to
herein. © Copyright 2014
Photon 500 SG is a registered trademark of Crop Microclimate Management Inc.
The information is provided in this brochure to assist in understanding how to correctly apply Photon
500 SG. Always consult the full product label prior to using the product.
Agricrop Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 84 100 473 309. The information in this InfoNote is based on data believed by Agricrop to be accurate at the time of publication but is
subject to change without notice. It is given in good faith but no warranty express of implied is made as to its accuracy, completeness of otherwise. Every person
Photon User uide Photon and/or
User Guide dealing with
the G
to herein does so at their own risk absolutely and must make independent determination of suitabilityPage and 4 completeness of information
from all sources. Agricrop shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage or death whether consequential or otherwise howsoever
arising whether through negligence of otherwise in connection with the use or application of the products and/or materials referred to herein. © Copyright 2014
Photon User Guide
Page 4