Self-Discipline Citizenship November 2014 Leadership Volume 1, Issue 3 Patriotism The latest news from Grissom JROTC Program Upcoming Events: Picture Day 11/19 Thanksgiving 11/24-28 Christmas 12/19-1/2 Booster Club Mtg Military Ball 1/8 1/24 Self-Discipline Citizenship Leadership Patriotism Dedication Responsibility Teamwork Battalion News Message From the Cadre “First to fight for the right and to build the Nation’s might”… an excerpt from “The Army Song” - these words and many more just as proud easily flow through my mind when I see your young men and women participating in the many venues throughout this past month. The Military Skills Teams (Male Team 1 and the Coed Team) performed superbly and made not only themselves but Grissom High School proud as they gallantly competed against the best Military Skills Teams from across the Nation at the Raider Nationals Competition. Although, the outcome was not all that the cadets wanted it to be the First Sergeant and I could not be more proud of ALL the hard work they have done in preparing for and competing. They most definitely did not leave anything on the table as they fought with mind, body, and sole the entire day. Team One finished eleventh out of forty-four teams and the Coed Team finished nineth out of twenty-five teams. The Cadets represented themselves in fine fashion as they performed the Color Guard and student mentors during the Whitesburg Middle School Veteran’s Day Program attended by General Dennis Via, Commander of the Army Materiel Command (Redstone Arsenal) and Superintendent Wardynski. During the Grissom High School Veteran’s Day Program the Color Guard again proudly posted and retrieved the Colors to open and close the formal program. Additionally, the Battalion Commander, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Campbell recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Battalion Command Sergeant’s Major Cadet Jake Myers read the history of the National Anthem before the entire Grissom High School Student body and the forty plus Veteran guests of honor accompanied by their Grissom High School student escorts. We marched 140 strong during the Huntsville Veteran’s Day Parade. First Sergeant Vanzandt’s wife, Ruth, mentioned to him that our cadets looked like an Active-Duty unit while marching. This is a considerable compliment coming from the wife of a Soldier of 20 years and Drill Sergeant. All in all, a fantastic month chalked full of events and competitions that allowed the “Tiger” Battalion cadets to shine and display why they truly are the best. Battalion News Page 2 of 6 Message From the Cadre (cont.) We finally received - it was worth waiting for –the Life Touch SY 2013-2014 JROTC Composite Picture. Principle Kalange had requested a while back, that she was saving a place in front office for such. Whenever, you come by the school make sure to give it a look. Next up on the docket is JROTC Picture day – Wednesday 19 November starting at 7:45 Am with the Battalion, Company and Team photos done in the Main Gym followed by the individual pictures taken throughout the day. Please note that the Life Touch order form packets were handed out a couple of weeks ago – so please look for and ask your cadet about such. -- LTC (Retired) Ivan Evans Veterans’ Day Parade Battalion News Page 3 of 6 ** Important ** ** Important ** ** Important ** Wounded Warrior 5K Fundraiser Update Things are starting to come together for race day…21 February 2015!!! Sponsorship/Marketing Packets are in and available to everyone to hand out to anyone who might be a potential sponsor. Already we have two new sponsors this year: Redstone Federal Credit Union, and Alabama Southern Sports, otherwise known as The Alabama Hammers. Some of our previous years’ sponsors have come through for us again this year and we have already received some of their sponsorship checks. Getting sponsors relies on parents and cadets getting the packets in the hands of businesses that they frequent. It is critical that you make every effort to get these packets out and into the hands of potential sponsors. You don’t have to do anything because the packet speaks for itself. This is our biggest fundraiser, and we need your help to make it successful. The more sponsors we get, the more we can give to The Wounded Warrior Project, and the more we get to keep too support the Grissom JROTC Program Online signup through IMAthlete is active and we already have a few people signed up. We will have race pins again this year, and we have two options for our senior cadets to select from for our final design. Vets with Vettes and the Patriot Guard Riders have both committed for another year with us. Things are really starting to gel. Lindy will be in the classroom with all the cadets starting the week of November 17. They will learn all about the race, including the committees they will be working with, the Cadet Pledge Campaign, and the WWP Student Ambassador Initiative. ** We need your help!!! ** The WW5K requires a huge amount of support, both from the cadets and the parents. Several parents have signed up to help, either as Committee Chairs, or as committee members, but there are still some critical vacancies, especially for Committee Chairs. Lindy still needs parent Committee Chairs for the following committees: Team Competition, Music, Photography, and Awards. Most all of the committees have Senior Cadets and team of underclassmen assigned to them. The cadets will do a good portion of the work but we require an adult as chair and overseer of the different areas. In fact, the main intent is for the cadets to take the lead, develop the plans, and the parents to take on the support roles. Not all committees can function this way, but if possible, that is what we want. This is their project, after all. Anyone that is willing to help as a committee chair or just help out in some capacity on race day, we definitely need your help! Check out these links for the online sign-up and a description of each of the committees. Expect to hear something soon regarding an introductory committee meeting. WW5K Committees and Responsibilities WW5K Committee and Helper Signup Lindy Stuart: email - or call - 256.457.5067 Grissom JROTC WW5K website: Facebook: Battalion News Page 4 of 6 MST at JROTC Raider Nationals Team 1 and the Mixed Team competed at the Raider National Competition November 7-9 in Molena, Georgia. Team 1 placed 11th out of 44 teams and Mixed was 9th out of 25 teams. The teams did an excellent job representing GHS. A big thank you goes out to all those that came to support the team during the competition that included almost 40 parents, siblings and friends! The final results of the completion can be found at: Page 5 of 6 Battalion News Booster Club Notes “Spirit Night” coming! We are currently in the works of setting up a “spirit night” fundraiser for the JROTC program. More information will be coming soon. Also, we have several other businesses that have offered an incentive program where purchasing and using their products will result in donations for the program. Our next Booster Club meeting will be January 8th at 7:00 in the GHS A/V Room. The main focus of the meeting will be a summary on all the things the cadets have done and will be doing in 2015. Also, there will be a lot of emphasis on the WW5K planning and preparations. But please note, that a lot of work has to be completed from now until that meeting in regards to the race. Please, refer to the “Wounded Warrior 5K Race Update” section to see where you can help! Mary Kay Fundraiser for JROTC Program Lori Munson, a cadet parent, has provided us a great fundraiser opportunity. The offer is that anyone wanting any Mary Kay products can purchase them through Lori and all profits will be given to the Grissom JROTC program!!! There is no catch. If you order with Lori, mention you are part of Grissom JROTC and she will make sure we get credit for your purchase. Also, Lori will cover the shipping costs and delivery fees! Anyone interested in purchasing Mary Kay products for Grissom’s JROTC program may visit Lori’s website, email her or call. Lori Munson - Mary Kay 601-397-8947 MST Competes in Boxwell Raider Competition The Grissom High School Raider teams competed at the Boxwell Raider Competition on October 24-26 in Tennessee. We sent three teams, two all-male teams (“Team 1” and “Team 2”) and our “Mixed Team”. Team 1 finished second in the male division and the Mixed Team finished first in the mixed division. This competition was the final tune up prior to the National Competition in November. Battalion News Page 6 of 6 2014-15 Calendar of Events November 24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays December 19-31 Christmas Holidays January 1-2 8 19 24 New Year’s Holidays Booster Club Meeting MLK Holiday Military Ball February 8 21 Booster Club Meeting Wounded Warrior 5K (See full calendar of events on our website) Next Booster Meeting Grissom JROTC 7901 Bailey Cove Rd Huntsville, Alabama 35802 PHONE: (256) 428-8009 E-MAIL: Jan 8, 2015 @ 7:00pm in GHS A/V Room Recap of the last few months of 2014 and Lindy will have a lot of good info on WW5K and information on areas where you can help. Please, be sure to attend as WW5K requires everyone’s support. Info For Newsletters If you have any thoughts, ideas, or information for us to include in upcoming newsletters please send the information to: About Our Organization… 2014-15 JROTC Board We’re on the Web! See us at: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Christine Wozney Karen Dixon Eileen Bogardus Scott Bogardus Members-At-Large Erik Larson, Chrisi Hagan, Lindy Stuart (WW5K), Marquita Reed, Joe Paull
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