CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG SCHOOLS JROTC DEPARTMENT 4301 SANDY PORTER ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 MEMORANDUM FOR CMS JROTC Units January 7, 2015 SUBJECT: 2015 Military Balls 1. GENERAL. The following information is provided to expedite planning and conduct of the 2015 CMS JROTC Military Ball. 2. DATE/SITE. The Military Balls will be held 21 & 28February 2015 at the OASIS SHRINE AUDITORIUM grand ballroom commencing at 1900 and ending at 2300 hours. The breakout of school attendance is as posted. The facility will accommodate over 500 people to include seating, refreshments and dance floor. The photographer will be located in a separate room adjacent to the ballroom. 3. UNIFORM. All male cadets are required to wear a Class “A”/Dress uniform with a white shirt and bow tie (fore-in-hand tie for Air Force cadets). Female cadets are expected to wear appropriate civilian attire, e.g. evening dress, gown or class “A”/Dress uniform. Army cadets without a blue jacket will wear the gray shirt with bow tie and all awards and decorations. Cadets without uniforms will come in appropriate civilian attire with a tie. Males not in JROTC must wear a suit/tuxedo with tie. ALL MALES with JACKETS WILL KEEP THE JACKET ON DURING THE BALL. 4. GUESTS. The Instructor Staffs are encouraged to invite school officials, parents and Service representatives. Parents may attend and observe the activities during the evening. Cadets are NOT permitted to bring additional guests---only their dates. 5. COST FUNDING. The total cost is estimated at $14-15K per military ball which includes the Oasis Auditorium, food/beverages, decorations, school resource officers, DJ, invitations and materials. To meet this cost requires invitations to be sold at $30.00 per invitation. Additional revenue comes from the photo commission. (Schools may determine individually what they will charge cadets for invitations, more or less than $30.00, and or compensate accordingly from school accounts). Units are to bring a check or funds to pay their share the night of the Ball. All units must CONFIRM the headcount of your Unit by 1200 hours the day prior to their respective ball dates to CMS JROTC Department telephonically (704-504-9854) or by email. 6. INVITATIONS. Invitations will be collected at the door and filed by schools for security purposes and returned as memorabilia that night. Cadets are to move out of the lobby and into the adjacent waiting area after presenting their invitation. The name of the SCHOOL and CADET must be written on the back of the invitation. If the male cadet doesn’t have a uniform for reasons listed above print “NO UNIFORM” on the back of the invitation. A verification roster of students attending WITHOUT A UNIFORM will be provided the Military Instructors controlling the entrance to the Ball area. This will assist in control AND security, preventing the need to call school instructors to verify and the possible embarrassment of a cadet and date. Each school is issued invitations based on appropriate percentage of enrollment and prior attendance record for sale. Any school that does not sellout 1 must contact the CMS JROTC Department for redistribution as soon as possible. Please do not sit on the tickets---establish a deadline. No invitations will be sold at the door if 500 invitations have been sold by the JROTC Units. Schools will be notified NLT FIVE (5) days before the ball on door sales. Each school needs to establish and announce the policy they will follow on ticket distribution. DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF TICKETS! 7. TRANSPORTATION. Cadets needing transportation home are to be reminded their rides are to be there by 2300 hours. An instructor from each Unit is required to remain until ALL their cadets have departed the facility and parking area. CMS School Resource Officers will be on site until 2400 hours. A copy of the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT is provided (ENCL 1) and is to be given each cadet purchasing an invitation. 8. PHOTOGRAPHER. A photographer will be set-up in the waiting room adjacent to the lobby and ballroom until 2230 hours. ENCOURAGE the cadets to get pictures taken---THIS IS THE ONLY INCOME WE GET FROM THE BALL TO HELP DEFRAY THE COST. Prestige Digital Imaging from Georgia is the agency taking the photos this year. They will print and provide the photo packages on site to include buttons and key chains. They will be set-up by 1830 hours to take pictures. PUT YOUR PHOTO DISPLAYS UP AND PROMOTE SALES---PUT A MILITARY BALL PHOTO IN YOUR YEAR BOOK. 9. GRAND MARCH LINE-UP. The Grand March will start sharply at 1930 hours with or without Queens and Cadet Leaders. The school line-up order will be done alphabetically commencing at 1915 hours. The Grand March consists of the Queen plus a maximum of three other couples from each school. NO EXCEPTIONS---additional cadets will be removed from the grand march! A couple for the Grand March is one male and female. No males will be identified as Military Ball Kings. Please prepare a legible (printed or typed) 5” x 7” card listing the couples in the Grand March (format below). 5 x 7 Card Format Cadet LTC John Doe, Battalion Commander escorting Ms. Jane Jones or Cadet Major Sandra Smith, Operations Officer escorted by Mr. Sam House NOTE: Picture takers may move to the front rail when their Unit marches and move back to their seats when the next school marches. 10. OPENING CEREMONY/GRAND MARCH/HONORS SALUTE. HONORS TO THE NATION—Color Guards will present the colors on the stage for playing of the National Anthem. Colors will be retired immediately following the National Anthem. GRAND MARCH—The Units will be lined-up on both sides of the dance floor and will enter alternating from each side. The respective Corps Commanders lead their Unit through the grand march followed by the Queen if not their date. The cadets will pause as they leave the Honor Guard of Sabers so the photographer can take a picture. HONORS SALUTE—Unit Commanders will return to the dance floor immediately following the grand march and conduct an HONORS SALUTE as outlined (ENCL 2). The audience will remain standing during the Honors Salute HAVE YOUR CADET LEADER REHEARSE!! 2 11. TASKINGS: A. CMS JROTC DEPT - CONTRACT-OASIS-DJ-SECURITY-FOOD PHOTOGRAPHER-INVITATIONS-DECORATIONS B. Per Date: 21 FEB 15 28 FEB 15 Task MP/PBAT HUHS/G WC SM B/I /MC/V EM/RR O/MGLA P AK HGH/WM/NM/HH COLLECT INVITATIONS GRAND MARCH LINE-UP COLOR GUARD HONOR GUARD ENTRANCE/UNIFORM DANCE FLOOR MONITOR: 2000-2100- MP/PBAT/HUHS/G 2100-2200- V/SM/B 2200-2300- I/MC/WC 2000-2100- EM/RR/AK/MGLA 2100-2200- O/P/HGH 2200-2300- WM/NM/HH 12. MILITARY INSTRUCTORS. ALL INSTRUCTORS must assist in cadet control in the Ball Room, hallways, lobby, and keep cadets inside and out of the parking lot. No exiting and returning to facility. Instructors need to periodically circulate around the dance floor to monitor conduct and prevent inappropriate behavior which occurs late in the evening. Should intervention and counseling be required, be sure to involve an instructor from the cadet’s school. Each unit’s military staff is expected to be present at the military ball and one member remains afterwards until all their cadets have departed. By splitting into two balls, we have fewer instructors available. The dress for all JROTC instructors is the appropriate Service Dress/Mess uniform. Should an instructor not have a Dress/Mess uniform they will wear the same duty uniform style as their Service authorizes. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR A SAFE AND ORDERLY ENVIRONMENT! 13. RESERVED SEATING. We will have two reserved seating areas for the Military Instructors, School Officials and personal guest ONLY. Cadets are not to use the reserved seating areas. Parents are encouraged to visit the Military Ball and use the main ballroom facilities. Instructors will EDUCATE cadets about the purpose and conduct of a Military Ball and MOTIVATE cadets for an enjoyable evening. It takes "ALL OF US" working together to ensure a successful, orderly and safe Military Ball. 2 Encl as 3 JROTC MILITARY BALL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT DATE: TIME: 21/28 February 2015 (SATURDAY) 7:00 PM START 7:30 PM GRAND MARCH (CDR/QUEEN/ STAFF) 11:00 PM ENDS PLACE: Oasis Shrine Auditorium 604 Doug Mayes Place TEL. # (704) 548-8208 UNIFORM: MALE CADETS: CLASS “A” UNIFORM WHITE LONG SLEEVE SHIRT BLACK BOW TIE (REGULAR/ SMALL SIZE) (MODIFIED CLASS “A” UNIFORM – TBD BY SERVICE ISSUE) As discussed in paragraph #3 above. FEMALE CADETS: NICE EVENING DRESS OR GOWN MALE ESCORTS: COAT AND TIE OR TUXEDO RULES: 1. INSTRUCTORS WILL SCHOOL THEIR CADETS IN PROPER CONDUCT AND RESPECT TOWARDS THEIR PEERS, GUESTS, ADULTS AND ALL INSTRUCTORS EVEN THOUGH FROM A DIFFERENT SCHOOL. 2 CADETS ARE TO BE SCHOOLED ON PROPER CONDUCT, ESPECIALLY ON THE DANCE FLOOR, AND TO RESPOND IMMEDIATELY TO GUIDANCE FROM AN INSTRUCTOR. 3. ALL MUST BE IN THE PROPER CADET UNIFORM/ CIVILIAN DRESS OR THEY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER THE BALL. 4. MALE CADETS MUST HAVE AN APPROPRIATE HAIRCUT. NO PONY TAILS, HAIR OVER COLLAR/ EARS OR A STYLE THAT WOULD NOT NORMALLY FIT UNDER YOUR JROTC HEADGEAR. 5. MALES WILL KEEP THEIR JACKETS ON WHILE AT THE BALL. 6. CADET TRANSPORTATION HOME SHOULD BE THERE NO LATER THAN 11:00 PM. THE DANCE ENDS SHARPLY AT 11:00 PM. DON’T WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE DANCE TO CALL FOR TRANSPORTATION. THE BALLROOM WILL BE CLOSED FOR CLEAN-UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DANCE. 7. TWO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS WILL BE ON HAND TO ASSIST ANYONE IF THEY HAVE A PROBLEM AND TO PROVIDE SECURITY FOR THE CADETS/ GUESTS. 8. ONLY CADETS, DATES, AND INVITED GUESTS ARE PERMITTED AT THE BALL. 9. THE SANDS RESTAURANT AND ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IS OFF LIMITS. 10. THE AUDITORIUM AND PARKING LOT MUST BE CLEARED BY 2400 HOURS OR WE WILL BE BILLED AN ADDITIONAL $500.00. 11. ANY CADET OR DATE LEAVING THE OASIS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO RE- ENTER. Enclosure 1 4 CMS JROTC MILITARY BALL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS 1900 - CADETS ENTER BALL ROOM PREPARE for the GRAND MARCH 1930 - GRAND MARCH, HONORS and RESPECT Commanders will return to the dance floor after the grand march to conduct salutes. HONOR & RESPECT PROCEDURES: AUDIENCE WILL REMAIN STANDING DURING HONORS HONORS will be conducted by Unit Commanders as indicated. (PBAT/HH) - LADIES and GENTLEMEN, PLEASE STAND for HONORS and RESPECT Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the NATION Audience Response: TO the NATION (MP/RR) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES Audience Response: TO the PRESIDENT (B/HGH) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the ARMY Audience Response: TO the ARMY (V/AK) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the MARINE CORPS Audience Response: TO the CORPS (SM/P) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the NAVY Audience Response: TO the NAVY (I/NM) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the AIR FORCE Audience Response: TO the AIR FORCE (G/MGLA) - Ladies & Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG SCHOOLS Audience Response: TO CMS (WC/O) - GENTLEMEN, SEAT YOUR LADIES Gentlemen: HONORS and RESPECT to the LADIES Audience Response: TO LADIES (WC/O) - ENJOY CEREMONIES/DANCE 2300 DEPARTURE FROM DANCE Enclosure 2 5
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