First Sunday of Advent Yr B 30th November 2014 Weekly bulletin for the parish of St Agatha, Pennant Hills OUR MASS Mon-Fri: 6.30am, 9.30am Saturday: 8am, 6pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Redfield College Sunday 8.30am OUR SACRAMENTS Reconciliation & Exposition: 8.30-9.30am Sat Baptisms: By appointment Weddings: By appointment Anointing of The Sick: As requested OUR PARISH TEAM Fr Paul Durkin Fr Harry Kennedy Fr Joseph Choi Mal Weber Tomasz Kukielka Tina Muscat Debbie Doughty Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest Parish Secretary Youth Minister Catechist & Sacramental Co-ordinator Book Keeper OUR PLACE Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 3pm Phone: 9484 1427 Fax: 9484 0053 Website: Parish School: 9484 7200 E-Mail addresses: Callahan Centre: 20 Boundary Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Postal Address: PO Box 127 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Parish School : Kevin Bauer, Principal 9484 7200 School Email: TODAY'S READINGS Entrance Antiphon: To you, my God, I lift my soul, I trust in you; let me never come to shame. Do not let my enemies laugh at me. No one who waits for you is ever put to shame. First Reading: A Reading from the prophet Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 This passage has been described as “one of the jewels of the Bible” (Jerome Biblical Commentary). The exiles had returned from Babylon with high hopes enkindled by Isaiah’s prophecies, but then nothing seemed to happen. Isaiah confesses his sins and the sins of his nation. The prophet cries out and longs for God to intervene: 'You are our Father, our Redeemer ... Tear open the heavens and come down … we are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand'. Responsorial Psalm – Ps 79: 2-3. 15-16. 18-19 Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face and we shall be saved. Second Reading: St Paul to the Corinthians 1:3-9 This reading is the opening blessing and thanksgiving of 1 Corinthians. St Paul thanks God for the variety of charismatic gifts that have been manifested in the community, especially their speech and knowledge. St Paul reminds the Corinthians that in spite of all their present knowledge, they are still waiting for the final revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ. They need to be sustained by him to the end. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation. Alleluia! Gospel: Mark 13:33-37 Today’s Gospel reading is the eschatological (end times) parable of the doorkeeper. St Mark’s account applies this parable to the departure of Christ at his ascension and identifies his return with the Parousia, his final coming in glory. It thus becomes a parable of the post-Easter church waiting for the return of Christ in glory. The parable concludes with an exhortation: “keep awake, for you do not know when the master of the house will come…” Lighting of Advent Wreath Candle: Response Come Lord Jesus CONVERSION COMMUNITY MISSION St Agatha’s parish Reflection: Advent marks the start of the new liturgical year, Year B, which draws on St Mark’s Gospel. Advent means ‘coming’. Advent is a preparation for Christmas and more importantly, looks to the Second Coming of Jesus: “When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present the ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for, by sharing in the long preparation for the Saviour's first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for His Second Coming.” (Catechism Catholic Church n.524) In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus wants to instil in his disciples a sense of urgency: we are to ‘keep awake’, not to ‘fall asleep’, be vigilant, waiting in hope and expectation. All the texts of Advent are filled with longing and pleas and cries to the Lord to come to us. Advent is a time of waiting and expectation, marked by moderation, simplicity, silence and reflection. In the liturgy, there is a noticeable change of tone to mark the change in church season. The Gloria, the great hymn of praise to Jesus Christ, is first sung at the birth of the Saviour. It is not sung during Advent, but is sung with special emphasis again at Christmas. Please pray for our recently deceased: How shall I prepare for the Coming of the Lord into my Rev Can Doreen Collett (Mother of Jill life during this Advent? Howcroft), Colette MacKinnon, Benedick Leung, “Behold I stand at the door and wait….” says the Lord to Margaret King each of us. Let’s support and encourage one another in And for those whose anniversaries that occur at this time: Needra Doyle, Natividad Basso Please pray for the sick in our community: Juliet Bowron, Max O’Connor, John Swan, Aida Chan, Rachel Luchetti Service of Remembrance For families whose children have died or are missing Wednesday 3rd December 7.30pm St Matthews Anglican Church (cnr New Line & Castle Hill Rds West Pennant Hills) Please collect a flyer from the church foyer Appointment of third Bishop of Broken Bay: Most Rev Dr Peter Comensoli DD, STL, MLitt, PhD, until now Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Sydney, has been appointed the third Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay. Bishop Peter will be installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay on 12 December, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, under whose loving protection, Bishop Peter has placed his ministry. Fr Paul has written to Bishop Peter to pass on the congratulations and best wishes of the St Agatha’s parishioners and to assure him of our prayerful support. making Advent a time of preparation for the Coming of the Lord. Personal reflection on Advent (resource available in foyer or on parish website) Advent Wreath (see commentary and daily prayers on parish website) Morning Prayer Night Prayer Rosary or some other special prayer Attend at least one Mass during the week Read and reflect on the daily Mass readings Be reconciled with a family member or friend Contribute to someone who is in special need Visit someone who is in need of special care Send a card to someone who may be isolated, alone or grieving Reconciliation (note 5-5.45pm each Saturday in Advent; Second rite: 7.30pm on 10th Dec) Adoration All are welcome to attend Adoration in the Church from 10am – 10pm on Friday 5th December INVITATION TO THE INSTALLATION OF BISHOP PETER A COMENSOLI AS THE THIRD BISHOP OF BROKEN BAY All parishioners are invited to the Installation of Bishop Peter Comensoli on Friday 12 December at 11am at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara. RSVPs are essential by Thursday 4 December. Please phone Mal in the parish office on 9484 1427, or email; For those of you not able to attend, note that the Installation will be streamed live On the following 2 weekends, Bishop Comensoli will be celebrating Mass around the Diocese. He is looking forward to meeting as many parishioners as possible. Sat 13 December – Vigil Mass, 5:30pm, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Normanhurst Sun 14 December – 9:15am Mass, St John the Baptist, Woy Woy Peninsula Sun 14 December – 6pm Mass, Hornsby Cathedral Sat 20 December – Vigil Mass, Tuggerah Lakes Deanery (location tba) Sun 21 December – 9:30am Mass, St Joseph’s, Narrabeen Sun 21 December – 5:30pm Youth Mass, Our Lady of Dolours, Chatswood St Agatha’s parish Youth Happenings D-GEN Yr9-11:– Friday 12th December Plenty of fun, games, friendship and food, in the Callahan Centre from 7-9pm. D-GEN Yr9-11:– Friday 19th December 10am-1pm St Vincent de Paul Appeals in December: St Vincent de Paul cards and calendars are on sale in the church foyer. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal: All Masses on the weekend of 13th & 14th December FRAGGIES Yr7+8: Friday 19th December 3-6pm ANNUAL DIOCESAN MASS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THEIR FAMILIES HERE AT ST AGATHA’S Welcome to visitors: A special word of welcome to all visitors for the Mass for people with special needs this week-end. We pray that the Mass and lunch together is a time of great blessing, celebration and support for us all. See you in the Callahan Centre opposite the Church 3pm sign-on & sign off at 6pm. YOUTH GROUPS: Bring yourself, a friend, your great personality and $2. New people are always welcome. Enquiries: Tomek - 0405 393 872 or Parish Pastoral Worker (Incl. Seniors’ Ministry): St Agatha’s Catholic Parish, Pennant Hills Part time – 35hours a fortnight The role of the Parish Pastoral Worker (incl. Seniors’ Ministry) is to offer vision, leadership and organisation in the areas of pastoral care, community building, faith enrichment and sacramental celebrations for seniors and some others within the life of the parish. The successful application would report to the Parish Priest, work as part of a parish team and minister on behalf of the parish within the broader community. The position is available from 27 January, 2015. STUDENTS & YOUNG ADULTS! Check the noticeboard for events happening around Sydney. Looking to get more out of your summer? Why not come along to the annual iWitness Conference! As the year draws to close, hundreds of young Catholics come to together for a weekend of fun, relaxation and enrichment – all while soaking up by the sun by the beautiful Collaroy beach! There’s talks, perpetual adoration, a range of outdoor activities and a hundreds of joyful, exuberant young adults. Be inspired. Be challenged. Go to for more details and to th th register! Dec 11 – 14 ! SRE Ministry ( Catechists required) Would you like to respond to the call of Jesus to build His Church in an important ministry of sowing the seed of faith to children in our state schools? I will be holding a recruitment drive on the weekend of 17th/18th January please call Tina on 94841427 if you are interested in contributing to this ministry. Church Library We are currently preparing more books to be placed in the Church library. Please return or renew any overdue borrowed books. Closing date: 10th December, 2014 To receive an Application package email Denise Scott on For further enquiries please phone: Denis McNamara 02 9847 0232 Children’s Christmas Eve Masses – Wednesday 24th December The Mass times are 5.00pm and 7.30pm. Both of these Masses will have a nativity play which will involve a lot of children participating in many varied roles, all costumes will be provided. In the Church foyer there is a list of all the roles that need to be filled and also the two Mass times participation sheet. Please fill in all the details on the sheet All children participating will also need to attend the rehearsals held in the Church on Tuesday, 23th December at 12.30pm for the 5.00pm Mass and 2.30pm for the 7.30pm Mass. ‘Give a Gift to Christ this Christmas’ If you would like to make up a hamper for a family, please take a tag showing the make-up of the family you wish to help. th Please return the hamper on Sunday the 7 of December before the 10.30am Mass Thank you for your generosity Just a few helpful points for when you are making up the hamper: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mark the boxes clearly with the hamper number Eg. R7, C5, H17, V3 Use plastic rather than glass bottles. Although we can handle glass if necessary. For ease of handling use 2 boxes rather than one large box. Don't forget to mark both boxes though. Please DO NOT include any alcohol, red or green cordials or toy guns. In some cases, hampers may take up to Christmas Day to be delivered, so perishables may not last. So please include long life food where possible. 6. Include foods you would normally buy for your own family. Remember its always nice to have Christmas food at Christmas, but it is also nice to be able to eat in January. 7. The Christmas food could include a small tinned ham, a Christmas cake and a Christmas pudding! ENJOY MAKING UP THE HAMPERS & HAVE A HAPPY AND HOLY CHRISTMAS St Agatha’s parish This Week’s Parish Ministers: First Sunday of Advent 30th November 2014 Mass Times 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am Fr Paul Fr Joseph Fr Denis 10.30am Redfield College 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Harry Fr Harry Readers R Kennaugh C Kennaugh R De Souza P Carneiro C Johnstone B Gristi Fr Vince Casey & Fr Paul M Lynam C Man Yan Wardens D Tucker C McKenna Vacant J Minogue L Tadrose R Hyland S Messina J Gimenez S Kennaugh A Kennaugh D Kennaugh 1. E Spencer 1A. V Frizza 2. R Miller 3. L Periera 4. R Panandam 5 T Plotel S De Silva L Nery N Deitch B Faehrmann C Grace J Grace S Parsons M Anderson D Bower M Zahra K Adidharma S Chan Preparation J & J Corbett D Salvestro Wiggins Family Foertsch Family Pereira Family Music BBE Quiet Peter & Juliet Mark Berry Quiet Cathy Kennaugh Lisa Rossi Claire Gould Chris Gould Cecilia Notohamiprodjo Celebrant Communion Altar Servers Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters 30th November & 7th December Julia Bradley Robert De Souza (c) Beverley De Souza Vivienne Lea Gaynor Donnelly Joselyn HordernSmith Rosary Statue 1 Dec 8pm (Monday) Antanina & Ted Hook 58 Chapman Ave Beecroft Ph: 9484 1438 Altar Society 7 December V Logan N Prakash Amelia Pereira Len Pereira Julia Symons Rashika Dias This Week’s Parish Ministers: Second Sunday of Advent 7th December 2014 Mass Times Celebrant 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Harry Fr Dennis Fr Harry Fr Joseph D Ferdinands P Smith A M Whenman P Houchin J Patchell C Patchell Ayesha Saldanha Anjeli Saldanha Wardens E Gracie E Vassallo J Marsden S Santos Youth 1 D Scott 1A. A Rangel 2. S Alexander 3. N Tomasovic 4. J Gimenez C Alexander 5. J Pace M Limbrey L Nery T Kukielka M Del Gallego D Anderson A Raffel Communion A Wong M Mockler M Gregorio Altar Servers K Notohamiprodjo J Notohamiprodjo J Doowage G Da Silva M Wiggins T Kukielka N Pangilnan C Pangilnan Preparation C Hayward C Cameron Monique Royle M Lynam Pacheco Family Ray & Ronnie N Mascarenhas Group 4 Mark Berry Placido Family Joan McHugh Rhonda Miller Melina Moyes Lauren Hislop Margaret Tibbitts Money Counters 30th November & 7th December Jane McGirr 6.00pm A Messina S Messina Welcomers Floral Ministry for December Redfield College Readers Music Childrens’ Liturgy A Hughes Robert De Souza (c) Beverley De Souza Vivienne Lea Gaynor Donnelly Joselyn HordernSmith Rosary Statue 1 Dec 8pm (Monday) Altar Society 7 December A Hughes Floral Ministry for December Jane McGirr 55+ Group Reminder for those who have paid for Christmas lunch th Friday 12 Dec at the Marriott Nth Ryde 12noon sharp th Some will travel by 11.18am train from Pennant Hills in the 5 carriage from front. Alight Macquarie Park station in front of the lift, when you go through the ticket barrier turn right, cross Waterloo Rd walk 5 mins to Marriott. Those travelling by car, turn left off Lane Cove Rd into Talavera Rd; go into driveway to boom gate. Any enquiries – Kath 9871 5812
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