Bulletin - St Joseph Parish

St. Joseph Parish — Otis Orchards
Saturday, November 29
5:30 pm †James Curry Jr
Sunday, November 30
8:00 am People of the Parish
10:30 am †Walter & Mary Fischer
Tuesday, December 2
8:30 am †Arthur Rocco
Wednesday, December 3
8:30 am †Don Andrews
Thursday, December 4
8:30 am †Donald Soileau
Friday, December 5
8:30 am †Gary Schimmels
Saturday, December 6
5:30 pm †Pierrie Dimico
Sunday, December 7
8:00 am †Walt & Mary Fischer
10:30 am People of the Parish
Scriptures for December 7, 2014
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11
Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14
2 Peter 3:8-14
Mark 1:1-8
Ever present God, thank you
for your unceasing nearness,
which makes each day the
best part of my life.
WEEK AHEAD December 1-7
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration
Mom’s Group
1st Reconciliation Session
Eucharistic Adoration
Choir Practice
1st Reconciliation
Hour of Faith
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 Mass
Youth Night
Make your own household ADVENT WREATH:
this Sunday, 12:00-1:00 pm in the foyer. All materials provided and donations will be accepted ($5.00 is
suggested). Everyone is welcome! Thank
you to Bill and Sue Clutter for supplying the
lovely greens and to the Charbonneau’s,
Susan Moss, and Lisa Sweeney and Jerry for
helping others to make such lovely Advent Wreaths!
We are in desperate need of someone or some ones
to help keep our sidewalks clear of snow this winter! Shovels and snow blower are available. This
would be during the week and/or on the weekends.
Please call the parish office at 926-7133 for more information or to volunteer. The sooner the better and
more than one person would be great.
November 30—First Sunday of Advent
We are the servants of God, each with his or her own task.
We will be judged good stewards if, at His coming, He finds
us ready and conscientiously pursuing the tasks to which we
have been called.
$ 5,384.00
$ 1,095.58
$ 6,479.58
Total for November to date:
$ 25,356.33
Needed Monthly
$ 31,200.00
Building Fund Total for November
$ 736.00
Our Parish Our Future Campaign
$ 351,264.00
St. Joseph Nativity Exhibit
From Saturday, Dec 20th, through Sunday,
Dec 28th, St Joseph Parish will host an
exhibit of privately-owned Nativity and
Holy Family sets, plaques, and other artwork from around the world. If you have any such Nativity
display items that you would like to share with your fellow
parishioners and other visitors, please contact Jim Roeber at
328-6165. Set-up of the exhibit in the dining hall is planned
for Thursday & Friday, Dec 18th-19th.
Tree of Sharing
Please stop by the tree and take an ornament
and bring back the UNWRAPPED gift
by Dec. 14th!!!
There are a few more for St. Margaret’s Shelter (at
the front of the tree on the office side) and the House
of Charity (on both trees) can always use more.
As the ornaments disappear and the tree
begins to look bare, please consider decorating it again with a hat or mittens for
elementary school aged children.
5:30pm M Andriolo &
C Hoagburg
8:00am D & G Carlsen
T Klutz
10:30am J & R Rich
P & O Wehr
K Pefley
H Shogren, D Lansford, P Puhek
R Wood, J Sine, J Lloyd
J Strom, L Strom
P Kienbaum, J Kienbaum, G Kienbaum
K Dondero, M Lamb, T Stuber, B Conley
J Rosa
M Edwards
B Pearson
B Osborne
H Osborne
I Santiago
D Pefley
G Wehr
E Charbonneau
First Reconciliation Preparation
The last session is Wednesday, December 3rd
from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Students
and parents need to attend together. First Reconciliation
will be celebrated on Saturday, December 6th at 2 p.m.
for 13 students who have been preparing over the last few
Calling all kids! Do you sing, play guitar, piano, trumpet,
tuba or timbrel? Would you like to share your God-given
talents with the Parish prior to 3:30 pm Mass on Christmas
Eve? We are looking for those youngsters who would like to
participate in the pre-Mass caroling. If you are interested,
please call Roberta Hartley, 226-3163. Let your voices ring!
Religious Education for
4 year olds—7th grade
We want to help children grow up
spiritually rich as Catholics!
Classes have begun, but you may register
students at anytime. The great teachers, the
space at Otis Elementary, the wonderful curriculum and resources are all waiting for you!!
RE classes are Sundays, Dec 7, 14 & 21 (Advent Program).
9:15-10:15 am. Register at Otis.
Please call or email Teresa in the Parish office with any
questions or concerns at 926-7133 or
Supporting the Faith and Spirituality
of Teens 8th—12th Grades
This year’s Youth Ministry at St. Joe’s is held
on Sunday nights, 6-8 pm in the parish hall.
Youth nights will resume this Sunday.
THANK YOU to all our youth and parents who prepared and
turnout. Everything was delicious and everyone really enjoyed themselves!!!
"Closer to the Eucharist
through prayer, praise and
Join us for Hour Faith Sundays, 9:20-10:10 am. We gather to
prepare pray and praise. You are welcome for all or part, as
you are available. Focus will be on Sunday's Gospel. The
schedule for the school year: Dec 7, Dec 14, Jan 4, 11, 25,
Feb 1, 8, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 12, 19, 26.
God of All Things, especially the little, the sometimes forgotten and over-looked, thank you for the ways you come to us
in all things. Deepen in me an appreciation and respect for
the little gifts in my life.
Looking for work, need full time work, dealing with the
stresses of work?? Check out the Novena to St. Joseph, the
Worker on St. Joe’s Parish website: www.stjoeparish.org.
This 9 day Novena includes prayers from Fr. Mike,
Fr. Steiner, and Bishop Skylstad.
Sponsored by St. Joseph Charity and Justice Committee.
ADVENT: Three existing and two newly
formed small groups will be reflecting on,
discussing, and praying with the Sunday
Scripture readings during the seasons of
Advent and Christmas. Thank you to the
facilitators of the groups and to those
hosting groups. Please call Teresa in the
parish office for more information.
Stop by the tables in the foyer for all your Advent resources, ways to help guide us in faith and holiness through
this season of waiting and anticipation for our Lord and Savior. You will find materials for every age and household:
families, children, and adults. Donations accepted.
Morning Faith Study Group
Morning Adult Faith Study Group meets on Thursdays at
9:15 a.m. They will be reflecting on Advent and Christmas
readings as well as studying the 10 Commandments following the US Catholic Catechism for Adults.
St. Gabriel’s Group (Mom’s Group)
Learning how to incorporate the rich traditions of
our faith into practical home routines/events can
seem a bit daunting. When children are little,
spouses are of different faiths, or time just never seems to be
on your side, the integration of much of our Catholic Culture
gets lost or viewed as an after- thought. St. Gabriel's Group,
the mother's group at St. Joe's has just begun a discussion on
the book "The Catholic Home", by Meredith Gould. Using
the liturgical calendar, The Catholic Home provides familiar
and new ways to celebrate each season and its special days.
Gould reviews major holy days, select saints’ days, familiar
prayers, and suggests meaningful ways to prepare as a family for such sacraments as Baptism, Confirmation, First
Eucharist, and Matrimony. St. Gabriel's Group meets each
Wed from 9:30-11:30am. Childcare is provided. Please
contact Jessica Morgan at 509-638-8225 or
joelnjess@comcast.net for more information.
St. Joseph’s Baptism Schedule 2014-2015
Class: Feb. 1 & 8, 2015 Baptism: Feb. 15, 2015
March 22 & 29
April 5, Easter
Please call the parish office to register or if you have any
questions, 926-7133
http://stjoeparish.org/ Bookmark St Joseph’s to be up to
date on everything at the parish!
http://dioceseofspokane.org/ Catholic Diocese of Spokane
is now on Facebook ! Go to www.facebook.com/pages/
Catholic-Diocese-of-Spokane/116335971744555 and “like”
them to follow the happenings around the Diocese.
We remember those of our parish who
passed away since last November. Please
pray for their families:
Donald Andrews
Eldon Barr
Jacquelyn Bride
Pierrie Dimico
Geri Kwiatkowski
Jo Lloyd
Beverly Lutkie
Arthur Rocco
Gary Schimmels
Toni Turner
Catholic Charities Christmas Collection
This Christmas season, let us join together
to turn lives filled with FEAR and DARKNESS into lives filled with HOPE and
HELP! Your gift to the Catholic Charities
Christmas Collection will allow us to continue to provide critical services to over 70,000 people in our community each year. Donations may be placed in the collection at Masses, mailed to Catholic Charities at PO
Box 2253, Spokane, WA 99210-2253 or made online at
www.CatholicCharitiesSpokane. org. Extra envelopes
are available by the Baptismal font.
With your donation you are Providing Help, Restoring
Hope, Saving Lives in Eastern Washington.
God of Strength, you surround us with your strength, your
desire to hear our needs. Because of your strength, help me
to keep in mind those for whom I am praying; nudge me to
respond to their needs.
Thank you for your support of our Offering of Letters.
Your participation was greatly appreciated as well as a testament to your belief in Christ’s message of helping the least
among us.
Blessings, The Charity/Justice Committee
Blessings Under the Bridge
Blessings Under the Bridge Winter Event will be held again
this year on Dec 20th and hopes to server over 1000 homeless people in need. If you would like to help on this Saturday, the hours are from about 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you
would like to donate any items, the following are of the
greatest need: Backpacks, roller bags, warm socks, sleeping
bags, blankets, coats, gloves, and mittens. Please call Kathy
Dondero 509-990-3466 for questions or if you can help in
any way.
Growing in Christian virtue through prayer
* Pick a Christian virtue to grow in your life.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your meditation.
* Reflect 10 minutes or so on that virtue.
* Read something about that virtue: perhaps from the
Catechism or a quote from one of the saints.
* At the end of the day ask: How did I live this virtue today?
* Act: make a decision to implement a way to live out
that virtue.
Continue this pattern for several days before moving on to
another virtue.
Prepares Pregnancy & Parenting Support Program
At the recent Cornerstone Catholic Conference, the Catholic
Bishops of Washington State officially launched Prepares, a
statewide effort to provide support for women, children and
men from pregnancy through the child’s fifth birthday. Visit
the new website at www.preparesforlife.com and learn more
about how your parish can be part of the network that leaves
no one—no matter where they live in the Evergreen State—
without resources to choose life for their child and to form
healthy family relationships that will transform generations.
Advent Reflections
CRS Fair Trade invites you to signup for Advent reflections
on the journey that brought Mary and Joseph to the stable by
calling to mind the journeys of the poor and vulnerable
around the world. This Advent, journey with us through our
new prayers and short weekly reflections for use at home
with your family, or in religious education.
Sign up for the Fair Trader at www.crsfairtrade.org/fairtrade-resources/newsletter/
Celebrating the Journey and Mission of
The Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church
St. John Vianney Council #8201 of the Knights of Columbus
will be hosting a FREE benefit Dessert Social, on Sat, Dec
13 at 6:00 PM in the St. John Vianney church hall at 503 N
Walnut Street. This event will feature the history and music
of the order and is open to the public. A free will offering
will be accepted to support the work of the sisters. Admission is free; several door prizes will be awarded. Receive
your free door prize ticket as you enter the hall at the welcoming table. Tickets for the Sister’s raffle of two tickets to
a Gonzaga Men’s basketball game will be available.
Celebrating this event with the Sisters is a way of following the hopes and prayers of the Holy Father by making
the coming year, dedicated to honor and promote Consecrated Life – (Nov. 21, 2014-2015)
Contact James Pantaleo, PGK for questions 509-481-0010
Catholic Active Singles over 35 is hosting a Christmas
Potluck 12/06/14 at St. Aloysius, O’Malley Hall. Cover
charge is $5.00. Doors open at 6:30 with dinner at 7:00.
A $10.00 white elephant Christmas gift exchange
optional. Please come and enjoy the evening with us and
spread the word to other Catholic singles over 35.
RSVP is welcome but not needed. Kelan - 509-995-4267, or
e-mail catholicactivesingles@gmail.com.
God of Enthusiasm, you sent Jesus among us to reveal to us
who we are, to teach us the astounding mystery and challenging call of our lives. Help me to listen; help me to live in
our “wild” fervor for life.
Gonzaga Prep is accepting 8th grade applications
for the 2015-2016 school year!
All 8th grade applicants must attend the placement Exam
either Friday, Dec 5th from 5-8:30pm or Sat., Dec 6th
from 9am-12:30pm. Application deadline is Dec 6th.
For more information regarding the admission process and
the Placement Exam, call the admissions office at 483-8512
or contact Corrina O’Brien Kelsey, Admission Director at
Join Jeff Cavins and other great Bible scholars at this web
site for inspiring videos and articles, free 10 minute studies,
monthly round-ups of the best blog posts, sneak previews of
upcoming studies, and more.
2014 Christmas Bureau: Dec 10-19 (excluding Sunday),
10:00am—2:30 pm. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center,
404 N Havana. Provides books and toys for children and
grocery store vouchers for individuals and families.
To volunteer contact Brigid Krause at 358-4270 or email to
Elf at the Bing: Wednesday, Dec. 17 at the Bing Crosby
Theatre, 901 W Sprague. Doors open at 7pm with the movie
starting at 8pm. $5 suggested donation. For questions call
509-227-7404 or www.bingcrosbytheater.com
Harmony for the Holidays: Sun., Dec 20 at 8:00 pm
At the Bing Theater. A musical benefit in support of the
Catholic Charities Foundation. Contact Dennis Hake at 3584255 or dhake@ccspokane.org for more information.
Twilight Retreat for Women
Poor Clare Monastery, 4419 N. Hawthorne, Spokane
Friday, Dec. 5, 6:30-11:00 pm. Single, Women ages 18-35,
No cost, supper included. RSVP by Dec. 2. Sr. Karen Hawkins, SP (206) 661-5925 or karen.hawkins@providence.org
Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes
1115 W. Riverside Ave, Spokane. 509-358-4290
* On Sunday evenings during Advent, Solemn Evening
Prayer will be held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes
at 4:45pm. This liturgy begins with the singing of a hymn,
follows with the chanting of Psalms, and culminates in the
sung proclamation of the Canticle of Mary (the Magnificat).
This Gospel canticle, Mary's song of joy upon meeting her
cousin Elizabeth, is a particularly appropriate meditation
during Advent as we prepare for Christmas.
* Diocesan Youth Choir is beginning preparations for
Christmas celebrations at the Cathedral of Our Lady of
Lourdes. The Choir is accepting new members, and enrollment is open to children throughout the diocese in grades 36. For more information, please contact Robert Carr, the director of music at the Cathedral.
God Who fulfills Every Need, thank you for being our eternal
Rock. Energized by the witness of Jesus, I promise to
respond to the purpose of living—to be there for the needs of
“Mary come lead us!”, Marian Days of Advent Prayer
Monsignor John M. Steiner, St. Peter Catholic Church
December 6-10
Day One, Dec 6 & 7 at all Masses, 2nd Sunday of Advent
Advent with Mary, Full of Grace
Day Two, Mon, Dec 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Day of Obligation
Mass schedule: 7:15am, 9:00am or 7:00 pm
Day Three, Tues, Dec 9th, Holy Hour with Mary at Calvary
9:00am and 7:00pm – Holy Hour with the Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament
Day Four, Wed, Dec 10th, Pre Celebration of the Feast of
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Our Lady of Victory,
7:00 pm Closing Mass – Reception to Follow
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center
For more information or to register in advance:
(509) 448-1224 or visit www.ihrc.net
Coffee and Contemplation: 9-11am. Cost of $10 includes
roll & hot beverage. Come enjoy spirited discussion and
prayer time over a roll and a hot beverage. Please register in
Dec 17 “The Gift of ‘Wait Time’”, Carolyn Terry
Day of Prayer: 9am-3pm. Please register in advance.
Cost of $35 includes lunch ($45 with the use of a private
room for the day). The Day of Prayer begins with a Rosary,
includes two conferences, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a
Mass and ends with Adoration.
Dec 3 Advent Day of Prayer, “Journey to Christmas”
Fr David Kuttner
Upcoming Weekend Retreats
Cost is $185/person, $280/couple, $100/commuter
Dec 5-7 Serenity Retreat “The Pool of Serenity: Immersion
in the Serenity Prayer”, Sr Julie Wokasch, OSB
Dec 19-21 Advent Retreat “Walking with Mary through the
Advent Season”, Fr Armand Nigro, SJ & Sr Sharon
Bongiorno, FSPA. This retreat consists of guided sessions on
the mysteries of the season of Christmas, especially as revealed through the work of God in relation to Mary. Please
register in advance.
God of Faithfulness, you envision good things for us all.
Transform my expectations and actions, so that I might recognize anew, appreciate gratefully, and trust faithfully.
St. Joseph Family Center
1016 N. Superior St., Spokane, WA 99202
For info or to register call 483-6495
Thomas Merton’s “Bridges to Contemplative Living”
with Sr. Patricia Novak, OSF. 6–7:30 p.m.
Series 7: Adjusting Your Life’s Vision,
Dec. 2 & 9,
Suggested donation $40 includes the book.
Advent—A Time of Waiting
Sat, Dec 6, 10 am – 3 pm, with Sr. Patricia Novak, OSF
Join others for this retreat day which will include Advent
thoughts, guided reflection through time and prayer, personal
quiet and sharing with others. Suggested Donation $25,
bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea and dessert provided .
God of Generous Kindness, increase my awareness of the
many needs. Prod me to respond with lavish kindness.
Monastery of St Gertrude Spirit Center
465 Keuterville Rd, Cottonwood, ID 83522
Silence the Christmas Noise: Advent Retreat
Set aside a few days of calm, quiet Advent preparation this
year. YOU are worth this gift of time away from the Christmas rush. Prepare yourself for the true meaning of Christmas. Choose the retreat days that fit your schedule. $85/night
(includes meals). To schedule an individual retreat, call 208962-2000 or email retreats@stgertrudes.org. Once you confirm your dates, we invite you to complete your registration
with our online form.