Term 4 Week 6 Newsletter - Campbell Primary School

WEDNESDAY, 19 NOVEMBER 2014— TERM 4 WEEK 6 Campbell PS has Talent… The ACT Japanese Speech Contest was held at Wanniassa Senior Campus on Saturday, 15th November. Our par cipa ng students, who all delivered amazing speeches, were Stephanie, Caitlin, Wilhelm (all in Year 3), Indica (Year 4), Brynly, Celine, Jessica, Mika (Year 5), Tahli and Ben (Year 6). A very special thank you goes to Mrs Sue Saint who taught these children and helped organise this outstanding event. A P&C Member posi on on the School Board will become vacant in April 2015. To nominate for the posi on, please collect a Nominee Form from the Front Office. Nomina ons will be accepted From 2 February 2015 un l 16 February 2015. SUPPORT*CO-OPERATION*ACCEPTANCE*RESPECT*FRIENDSHIP*FUN*FORGIVENESS
The Northside Cluster Spectacular was held at the beginning of November. Our par cipa ng Car Park students were talented, dedicated and We have seen a major improvement in the extremely enthusias c. Congratula ons to safety in our school car park over the past Christelle, Madeleine, Ode e, Tamsin, Hanadi, week. Drivers were wai ng for their children in Hayley, Lily, Lucy, Iris, Imogen, Alexandra, the marked parking bays or on the grass Emily, Bridie, Stephanie, Mia and Marama. adjacent to the road and no one was double Miss Bridie Hill invested hours of her me in parking. By doing this the car park is safe for working with the students so they could everyone. showcase their talents. Thank you, Miss Hill. Thank you for helping make our school a safer Year 6 Band performing at Bandstrav this place for all children. week. Bandstrav is the combined ACT School Vandalism Band performance. This is a feather in the cap Unfortunately I need to inform the community for Ode e, Connor, Sam, Isabel, Lachlan, Zaia, of another act of vandalism at the school last Joseph, Ben, Tanner, Isabella, Josh, Alison, Thursday night. This me water caused a Tahli, Madeleine, Tamsin, Jennifer and Rachel. nuisance and damage to CASAC. Please be Mrs Sarah Sydney has worked hard with these alert when you are travelling around the children all year and the children do indeed have talent. Thank you Mrs Sydney. school and report any suspicious behaviour to the police. Regards Leaving? Chris ne Powell Are you leaving Campbell PS and will no longer Principal be a member of our school community in 2015? If so have you let us know? Please let Andrea King in the Front Office know ASAP. This informa on makes planning for next year School Board Posi on easier. Dear Parents and Carers, Parent Ar cle from Michael Grose Kids don’t get self‐esteem from hearing a mountain of feel‐good statements of ‘Well done!’ or ge ng cer ficates for mediocre performances. One of the tricks that successful parents use is to gradually teach kids the skills of self‐esteem building. Here are 5 skills for self‐esteem building: 1. Self‐praise The best strategy for kids of all ages and both genders is the development of self‐praise. You can cue your kids into self‐praise by saying, ‘Well, what do you think about that?’ Challenge nega ve responses (‘It’s crap!’) and help kids be realis c appraisers of what they do. 2. Realis c self‐talk Many kids will default to pu ng themselves down when they don’t do well. Help children understand their own self‐talk. Get them to listen to that li le voice in their heads that says they can or can’t do things and help them work out alterna ve messages that they can use if they are self‐defea ng. Teach kids that they can change the self‐talk from a nega ve to a posi ve response. 3. Encouraging others When children and teenagers encourage others to do well they are internalising encouragement. They also begin to associate encouragement they give to others with themselves. So if a child praises a sibling for overcoming a learning challenge, such as improving his spelling at school, he is learning first hand about the impact that encouragement will have. He’ll also experience that feeling himself. 4. Regula ng feelings If a child feels disappointed in himself he doesn’t have to stay that way. It’s important for kids to realise having feelings is ok, for them to be validated and not be overwhelmed by them. Kids learn to manage their feelings by observing modelling from parents/carers. We can teach kids to regulate their stress levels; express their feelings construc vely, not impulsively or hur ully. 5. Choosing friends Peers give young people a sense of belonging and an increased sense of self‐confidence. Talk with your child about friendships so that you offer support when there are difficul es and provide some ideas when needed. Give kids the opportunity to develop their own resourcefulness and to understand that they can make smart friendship choices, broaden their friendship group, and walk away from challenging situa ons. 2014 Term 4 Overview
Saturday/ Sunday 22/23 Nov Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 6 17 Nov Pay It Forward (Selected Students 18 Nov Swim & Survive Program 19 Nov Swim & Survive Program 20 Nov Swim & Survive Program 21 Nov Swim & Survive Program Swim & Survive Program Yr 6 Bandstravaganza Performance 2015 Preschool ‘Come and Play’ session— 4 to 5pm Assembly: 6H 27 Nov K‐6: Talent Quest Audi ons 28 Nov Chris an Educa on in Schools (Selected Students) 29/30 Nov 30 Nov Campbell Preschool Parents Assoc Xmas Party 3.30‐5.30pm 5 Dec Assembly: 4/5S & 4/5W 6/7 Dec Yr 6 Bandstravaganza Prac ce Week 7 24 Nov Pay It Forward (Selected Students) K‐6: Talent Quest Audi ons Week 8 1 Dec Pay It Forward (Selected Students) Campbell Preschool (Dolphins) ‐ Kenny Koala Visit 10.00am 25 Nov 2015 Kinder Orienta on Session 9.30—10.45am 26 Nov K‐6: Talent Quest Audi ons 2 Dec AMMP (Navy) ‐ Botanic Gardens Excursion 3 Dec Christmas Special Lunch Campbell Preschool (Dolphins) ‐ End of Year Celebra on AMMP (Maroon) ‐ Botanic Gardens Excursion Campbell Preschool (Whales) ‐ End of Year Celebra on Rock & Water—6H Week 10 Parent/Teacher Interviews: by request 15 Dec Pay It Forward (Selected Students) Campbell Preschool (Whales) ‐ Kenny Koala Visit 11.00am SRC Semester 2 Party **New Date** P&C Mee ng 5.30pm 8 Dec Pay It Forward (Selected Students) Week 9 4 Dec Kinder Orienta on session Parent Thank you Morning Tea Disco (Campbell Preschool, AMMP, Years K‐6) 11 Dec Year 6 Gradua on Assembly/Dinner 12 Dec Reports home 13/14 Dec CASAC Sub Mee ng 5.30pm 10 Dec Campbell Preschool Parents Assoc General Mee ng—6‐7pm 16 Dec 17 Dec Last day of school 9 Dec Rock & Water—6H Have your details changed? Eg. Email, phone number, address Please advise the Front Office on 6205 6300 or email andrea.king@ed.act.edu.au or use Change of Details tab on the School App Assembly: Talent Quest/ Farewells Permission Note Return Dates Selected Students  Governor‐General’s Sport Fun Day Note Friday, 21st Nov  Lunch me “Shake it” Celebra on Note Friday, 21st Nov PARENTS AND CARERS SURVEY – ACT PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS The ACT Educa on and Training Directorate is conduc ng an online survey of primary school and early childhood parents and carers as part of a wider research process on communica ng the benefits of the public school system in Canberra. As a parent or carer of a student in an ACT public primary or early childhood school, your views and feedback are very important. The survey takes about 10‐15 minutes to complete. Data collected goes directly back to Piazza Research (an independent Canberra‐based research firm contracted by the Directorate to conduct this survey). The survey can also be accessed on mobile devices and tablets. In order to achieve a reliable response rate, several reminders will be sent to all parents over the next two weeks. Your informa on is protected This survey is completely anonymous and individual answers will not be tracked or a ributed to an individual. Who to contact If you require help with comple ng this survey, please email admin@piazzaresearch.com.au as an ini al contact point, providing a phone contact with an email address. Piazza Research will contact you from there. You can access the survey by h ps://secure.piazzaresearch.com.au/ls2/index.php/523766/lang‐en or by scanning the QR code below. The survey will be open un l Friday 28 November. TOP CATS The netball year is well and truly over for our Top Cats, and they have had a great year. Our girls learnt a new skill, came together as a team, and had a tonne of FUN while they were at it! A big congratula ons to all of our players, Coach Brenda Sebas an, Manager Tiffiny Williams and our ever reliable umpire Shira. If you are turning 8, 9 or 10 next year and are thinking about playing netball, then be sure to keep an eye out early next year for Coach Brenda’s call to try out before registering to play in the Top Cats Netball Team for 2015. Ask any of this year’s girls ‐ you will have a great me! DEFENCE FAMILIES