Parish Bulletin November 30, 2014 1st Sunday of Advent Vision statement St. Charles Borromeo Parish is a Catholic community welcoming all to grow as faithful disciples, grateful stewards, and active witnesses of the Risen Christ. Parish staff extensions Fr. Mike McDermott .................ext. 0 Pastor Fr. Dean Mbuzi ..........................ext. 0 Parochial Vicar Mission statement Stephen McGlone............... ext. 3014 As Parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo we choose to: Deacon and Parish Administrator Pastoral assistants: •Live with the mind, heart and hands of Jodie Clark .......................... ext. 3036 Christ. •Give thanks and praise for God's saving Love, especially through the celebration of the Eucharist. •Share the Good News in word and action so that our neighbors everywhere may experience justice, peace and new life. Schedule Mass: Saturday vigil ................5 p.m. Mass: Sunday ………...8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Mass: Weekdays ....................... 9 a.m. The First Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. Mass for the Faithful Departed Reconciliation: Saturday ... 3–4 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays in the Convent Chapel: 9:45 a.m. until Benediction on Saturday 2:15 p.m. Food bank Call to make an appt: 253–565–7655 9:30 —11:00 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays Faith Formation and Baptisms Patricia Gleason .................. ext. 3018 Parish contact Parish/School ............ 253–564–5185 Emer. after hours ....... 253–677–9827 Fax .............................. 253–565–0936 Prayer line .................. 253–564–5587 Parish ............ Music department Susie Fujita………...8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Music Director Chancel Choir and Cantor Kim Seevers......................... ext. 3013 Marlys Everson .................... Organist Bob McKamey ..................Sat. 5 p.m. Renee Stocks ....................... ext. 3037 Moiya Callahan ......... Sun. 5:30 p.m. RCIA, Grief Ministry and Parish Life Music Director Brian Suda .......................... ext. 3019 Sr. High Ministry and Confirmation Madelyn McDougall ..................ext. 0 School contact and extensions School ................ Dan Hill .............................. ext. 3031 Mary Peterson ..................... ext. 3029 Andrew Senko .................... ext. 3051 Mary Derouin ..................... ext. 3012 Joyce Rousseau ................... ext. 3021 Michelle Hunt .................... ext. 3058 Susan O’Leary..................... ext. 3031 Liturgy, First Reconciliation. and Eucharist Outreach, Ministry to the Sick and Marriages Support staff: Receptionist Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Head Bookkeeper for Parish/School Bookkeeping Assistant for Parish/School Jocelyn Basquette ................ ext. 3017 Bookkeeping Assistant for Accounts Payable Music Director Principal Assistant Principal Administrative Assistant Secretary Development Office: Kim Heggerness .................. ext. 3030 Bill Uebelacker ..........................ext. 0 Development Director Andrew Rousseau ......................ext. 0 Administrative Assistant Facilities Supervisor Claudia Olson .................... ext. 3040 Custodian Shilo Maggie…………………...ext. 3052 The Parish Office is open 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. Monday–Friday The School front office is open 7:30 a.m.– Assistant Development Director 4:00 p.m. 7112 SOUTH 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465 253–564–5185 1 FROM our PASTOR ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 30, 2014 You are God’s Holy People God creates each person good and with a longing to see face to face the One who created them. Baptism confirms that a person is God’s beloved daughter or son. By Baptism a person is united to Jesus Christ who knows the way to the Father. Indeed He himself is the way, the truth and the life. By living as Christ lived we will come to see the Father face to face. While God always calls us individually by name- MY BELOVED, God never calls us in isolation. God always calls us as a people. Our ancestors in the Faith, from the days of Moses onward, have observed the Lord’s day as a day of worship and rest. This was done both in imitation of God the creator who rested on the seventh day and to remember that God had freed his people from slavery so that they might enjoy life. As followers of Jesus Christ, we Christians, have observed Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, as the Lord’s day. We understand the Resurrection to be the definitive completion of God’s work and the definitive freeing of God’s people from slavery, the slavery to sin and death. As a result the Christian Community, the Church, says to one and all “Do not forget the day of the Lord. Come let us worship the God who has created us and the God who has freed us”. Every time you join in the celebration of the Mass you renew your hope in God who has freed you and is leading you to new life now and in the Promised Land of eternal life. The reasons for going to Church each Sunday and Holyday, committing ourselves to a group of very flawed men and women and agreeing to journey with them, can be summarized in these nine statements. We go to Church because: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) It is not good to be alone: We grow best in the context of community. While our quest for God is consistent with our social nature our journey in the context of community is all the more satisfying. In Church we can take our rightful place humbly within the human family. Our blood family (even our tribe) is too small to help us identify fully with the human family. The human family itself is too big and abstract for us to find a place. The Church has a local and universal aspect and enables us to give up our elitism. Elitism is perhaps the greatest obstacle to church participation but ironically it makes all who participate elite.. God calls us to Church. God’s call is both to Worship God and Love one’s Neighbor. The relationship to Christ includes a relationship to the Community of Believers. The community of the Church dispels my fantasies about myself. In the context of dealing with others my own limitations become painfully obvious. 10,000 Saints have gone there before me. The saints of old and the saints of today are unanimous regarding the importance of going to Church. Others will help my carry my pathologies and I can help them carry theirs. In Church my joy is doubled and my sorrow halved. Here we can dream with others. Alone I am pretty powerless, able to make a splash, but not a difference. If I really want to make a difference in terms of Justice and Peace, I’ll find others with the same values in Church. Going to Church prepares me for Heaven. One cannot enter heaven without a universal heart. The Church community will definitely provide a way of expanding one’s heart. It give us joy. Think about family dinners. Despite some grumbling or sulking or even arguing at times, most family gathering bind people together in a way nothing else can. So does going to Church. MASS INTENTIONS READINGS Monday, Dec. 1: Revelation 14:1-3,4b-5; Luke 21:1-4 Tuesday, Dec. 2: Revelation 14:14-19; Luke 21:5-11 Wednesday, Dec. 3: Revelation 15:1-4; Luke 21:12-19 Thursday, Dec. 4: Sirach 50:22-24; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Luke 17:11-19 Friday, Dec. 5: Revelation 20:1-4,11-21:2; Luke 21:29-33 Saturday, Dec. 6: Revelation 22:1-7; Luke 21:34-36 Sunday, Dec. 7: Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 63:16b-17,19b,64:2-7; 1Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37 Monday, Dec. 1: 9 a.m. Mass — David Carlson + Tuesday, Dec. 2: 9 a.m. Mass — Bob Sipes + Wednesday, Dec. 3: 9 a.m. Mass — Cheryl Garcia & Brian Reynolds + Thursday, Dec. 4: 9 a.m. Mass Thanksgiving Day Friday, Dec. 5: 9 a.m. Mass — Albert Sullivan + Saturday, Dec. 6: 5 p.m. Mass — Debbie Shores + 2 EVENTS FOR THE WEEK ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 30, 2014 Monday, December 1 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 1:00 CVT chapel: Grief Ministry 7:00 p.m. CTR: Bible Study 7:00 p.m. HALL: Mark Shea Tuesday, December 2 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 7:00 p.m. MR: Chancel Choir 7:00 p.m. CVT: Knights 7:00 p.m. CH/CTR: Grief Ministry Evt. Wednesday, December 3 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 9:45 a.m. CVT sm rm: Bible Study 7:00 p.m. CVT chapel: Rosary Group 7:00 p.m. CTR: RCIA Thursday, December 4 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 7:00 p.m. DR: Parish Council 7:00 p.m. CVT Chapel: Upper Room Parish Charismatic Prayer Group Friday, December 5 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 9:45 CVT Chapel: 24 Hour Adoration begins 11:00 a.m. CH/HALL: 60+ Mass and Luncheon Saturday, December 6 9:00 a.m. CH: Mass of the Faithful Departed 2:15 p.m. CVT chapel: Benediction 3:00 p.m. CH: Confessions 5:00 p.m. Mass Mass of the Faithful Departed, Saturday, December 6th at 9 am The first Saturday of the month the parish has a Mass of the Faithful Departed at 9:00 a.m. We pray for those who have had their funeral services here at St. Charles on the 3rd month, 6th month and year anniversary of their death up to five years. Names can be added to the list of the Faithful Departed by contacting Renee at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or Newly Retired? Interested in meeting other parishioners? Join us for 60 Plus Mass and Luncheon, December 5th, at 11 am The mission is to provide an opportunity for parishioners over 60 to celebrate Mass together and connect with others through a luncheon and informative or entertaining presentation. This month we will be entertained by the 12th Street Singers from our parish school. The Mass at 11 am will also be an Anointing Mass. For more information please contact Renee at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or Reservations are not needed. If you would like please bring cookies to share. A free will offering is accepted to offset the cost of the lunch. Blue Christmas: A Service of Hope for the Holidays Tuesday, December 2nd, at 7 p.m. in the church A service offering prayers, scripture, song and remembrance. For anyone who is hurting or is experiencing loss… for those who have a heaviness in their hearts. The service is free and open to all (this will be a Liturgy of the Word not a Mass). For more information please contact Renee Stocks at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE God Gives it All Then Calls Us to Share THE SUNDAY COLLECTION as of 11/23/2014 Weekly Amount Needed 31,308 Last Week’s Collection 38,821 Needed Year to Date Actual Year to Date 657,468 608,045 (49,423) Thank you for the many ways you share your time, talent and treasure! Coffee and donuts are being served at the Advent Festival in the Parish Center after the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses. Come socialize! How does a person become Catholic? How does a person return to the church? We welcome the opportunity to share our Catholic faith with you! For more information please call Renee Stocks at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or Did you know we have a Facebook page? Find us and “like” us at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Tacoma, WA. Advent penance Service Thursday December 11 7:00 pm You are invited! Mark Shea, noted Catholic writer and speaker, is coming to St. Charles, Monday, December 1, at 7 p.m. in Feist Hall, to present The Eucharist and the Four Senses of Scripture: A look at the way in which Word and Sacrament illuminate each other in startling and unexpected ways. Mark's engaging style, deep knowledge and breezy, humorous delivery will entertain and enlighten all who attend. The Advent evening will help us to prepare the “way for the Lord” this Christmas time and extend into our Lenten read Living the Mass by Joseph Paprocki. 3 FAITH FORMATION ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 30, 2014 ADVENT FESTIVAL – COME JOIN US: Be Watchful, Be Ready and Wonder is the theme for our 2014 Advent Festival. Come on over to Feist Hall after the morning Masses to make your family’s Advent Wreath, partake in some goodies, make some Advent and Holiday crafts and visit with your friends. Lots of fun for all ages. This free event is a gift from the parish to you. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION Religious Ed Calendar of Events: November 30: No Religious Ed classes today. PLEASE come to the ADVENT FESTIVAL! Jr. High Youth are assisting at the Festival. December 7: Regular Religious Ed classes and Jr High Jr. High, please bring your St. Nick items December 14: Religious Ed Christmas Presentation 11:15-12:15 Parents come join us. Check out the November: RE Online at This tool encourages Religious Education at home. Try our Saintly Scavenger Hunt on the kids page. Print it out and bring to church and see if you can find and name all the saints and Holy People. You will also find a monthly calendar, fun facts, informative videos, coloring pages and more…… Religious Education Classes! They are offered on Sundays, September through May and meet between the Masses from 11:15 to 12:15 in the school. We have classes for grades kindergarten through 6th grade and preschool classes for 3 year olds (potty trained please) and 4 year olds, and our Jr. High Youth Group for 7th & 8th graders. It is never too late to register. We accept year round registrations. Families expecting children to participate in First Eucharist should be enrolled in Religious Education by first grade if not attending a Catholic School. Contact Jodie Clark, 564-5185 ext. 3036 or by email:, for more information, questions, or if you would like to assist with our program. Quilters for “Bundles of Joy” Quilt Club The ministry of Quilt Club seeks to encourage mothers who choose life, sometimes under difficult circumstances, and to support families in need. “Bundles of Joy” Quilt Club gathers every other week (Saturdays) to share fellowship and make beautiful baby quilts and other projects. All are welcome to be a part of this rewarding ministry. No quilting experience or special equipment is needed. If you want to learn this traditional craft or are already an expert, come join us. We gather next on Saturdays, December 13 and 27, at 10:00 a.m. in the Convent located behind the school. Call Jodie Clark for more information at 564-5185, ext. 3036. Advent Festival. Weekly Rosary! Join the Knights of Columbus each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in praying the rosary. During the month of November we are praying especially in Thanksgiving for our family, our Church, and all God’s blessings. If you’re attending the 10:00 a.m. Mass, just arrive a few minutes early and make our prayer to our Blessed Mother part of your weekly prayer! ADULT BIBLE STUDY: The Bible Timeline The Monday evening sessions begin at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Center and are studying Ascension Press’, The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation by Jeff Cavins, Tim Gray, and Sarah Christmyer Dec. 1: No Class—Group attending Mark Shea presentation, Dec. 8: Discuss questions of Divided Kingdom, Part 1, Dec. 15: View Session 13 video, Dec. 22 & 29: NO classes, Holiday break, Merry Christmas. All are welcome at any time during the study. You may even attend the video only evenings if that is all you can fit in your schedule. For more info contact Jodie Clark at 564-5185 ext. 3036 or 4 Advent Festival: TEENS have long been a part of teaching young people one of eight to 10 crafts (instruction sheets provided), monitoring supplies and assisting people with making advent wreathes. If you would prefer, help setting up is always handy. That takes place the day before and includes moving and laying out all the supplies and decorating. Bring a friend and help with this fun event. For more information, email Jodie Clark at Teen Bible Study: December 9 we will have the last Teen Bible Study of the year in the Convent Chapel. After this night, we are going to ask for your input about whether we should continue it as is, change it to another time or do something different. Sharing the Bible together has been a blessing. If you haven’t yet, feel free to join. And if you have a comment, suggestion or thought, feel free to email Confirmation save the date: If it isn’t already on your calendar, don’t forget that our Confirmation Retreat takes place December 20–21. This is the highlight of Confirmation prep! Experience your faith in a beautiful retreat center on a lake and start your Christmas vacation right. With Lent starting so soon, our Confirmation date is very early making this the only date that didn’t conflict with school events or major holidays. Thanks for understanding. Please take the time this year to make this retreat and say yes to a weekend encounter with God. Thanks In this last week of thanks, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who prays for our Teen Program. Prayer helps us in so many ways from providing a strong foundation to keeping us on track in all that we do and add. If you currently keep the Teens Program in your prayers, I thank you and I believe those prayers are helping so much. Our young Church is going to be leading our parishes. Let’s continue to pray that they have the opportunity for strong foundations in faith and parish life. FAITH FORMATION ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 30, 2014 ADVENT is fast approaching…..It’s a perfect time to make positive and healthy choices for you and your family. St. Charles is here to help… Beginning December 7th until Christmas, Coffee and Donut Social Time will look healthier with healthier food choices to enjoy! Did you know we have a parish nurse? Parish member, Marjorie Frohlich is a RN and trained in parish nursing. Nurse Marjorie will be at Coffee and Donuts on December 7 and December 21 offering free blood pressure screenings after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. On December 14, the complimentary blood pressure screening will be available after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. As we begin preparing for the joyous holiday season, we are also reminded of those who struggle to make ends meet. As a parish we can reach out to those in need through our Holiday Food and Gift Giving Program. Volunteer committees are already organizing for the collection of food, gifts, shoes and other items. You too can be a part of these wonderful ministries. Choose one or more of the following ways to get you and your family involved in the spirit of giving. THE FOOD DRIVE Please fill a grocery bag recycled from home with food items. Please return your donation to the main hall of the school in the collection bin or any collection bin located in the back of the church. THE GIVING TREE Please choose an angel from the Giving Tree to provide a gift such as toys or clothing. Bring your unwrapped gift to the church by December 7th. THE SHOE LITURGY Shoes are available for purchase outside the school office and in the vestibule of the church. The shoes are given as gifts in our Christmas Food and Gift Giving Baskets, in addition to being distributed through local agencies to other needy children. The Shoe Liturgy will be held at 2:00 p.m. on December 12th CASH DONATIONS You can write a check payable to ST. CHARLES HOLIDAY BASKETS and drop it in the collection basket at any Mass, drop it off at the Parish Office, or mail it to the Parish Office. VOLUNTEERING TIME Christmas Basket preparations will take place in Feist Hall at 9:30 a.m. December 17-19. Basket deliveries will be made on Saturday, December, 20th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. We will meet in Feist Hall before heading out to deliver. Need the perfect gift for your spouse? How about a weekend away to focus on YOU, YOUR RELATIONSHIP and YOUR VOCATION? St. Charles can help. For only $50, you can attend the Marriage Renewal Weekend Retreat. All meals for you and your kids (who will enjoy Kid Kamp) are provided all weekend. Just go home to sleep….We’ll take care of the rest. Pick up your sign up sheet and information in the vestibule of the church. The retreat was sold out last year so act now! The retreat will be held on campus Friday evening, January 16 through Sunday morning, January 18th – Martin Luther King Weekend. If you have questions, call Kim Seevers in the parish office at 253-564-5185 ext. 3013. Planning Your Giving: With the stock market at record levels, this may be the time to fulfill your parish and/or school support or your Annual Catholic Appeal pledge with appreciated securities instead of cash. There are significant tax savings for doing this. For instance, if you have owned the security for more than one year, you can deduct the current fair market value of the security instead of your basis. So, if you bought a security for $10 a share and it is now worth $100 per share, you get to deduct the $100. And, you pay no tax on the $90 capital gain. To see how you can benefit from this, contact Kim Heggerness, the Director of Development, at 564-3185 ext. 3030 or Your gift can support the parish or school. Also, talk to her about the tax advantages of making a gift from an IRA. Mr. Dan Hill, Principal Dear St. Charles Borromeo Parishioners, It has been a week since we saw the students, with parent/teacher conferences and the Thanksgiving Holiday, and I have to say, I miss seeing them. Our kids sometimes drive us nuts, but it's when they are not around and things are silent that we begin to look around.. and wonder where they are because we miss them. It's like that during Christmas break and the summer too. All of us at the school are in this profession because we love to be around kids, and these holidays remind us that, yes, the students belong to another family. But that doesn't mean we don't miss them when we are away from them. We truly have wonderful families and children at St. Charles, and in so many ways they become part of our own school family as we watch them grow up. I hope your November was full of friends and family, and I hope your December brings you faith and fun. Please remember to keep our students, and teachers, in your daily prayers. Thank you for your support! Sincerely, Mr. Hill Upper Room Prayer Group: Because Christmas and New Year’s day fall on Thursdays this year, the Upper Room Prayer Group is altering its meeting schedule. There will be no meeting the week of Christmas. We will meet on Tuesday, December 30 at 7 pm in the convent chapel instead of Thursday. We will resume our normal Thursday night meetings on January 8. Join us for a good time and prayer! Contact Deacon Steve if you have any questions. Thank you for your generosity! Because of your generous donations, St. Charles is able to help Catholic Community Services (CCS) with their Adopt-A-Family Program this year. Due to the heavy need within the community, CCS is overwhelmed with families that require sensitive confidentiality and who are in need of assistance. Because of the huge hearts and generous donations, St. Charles and CCS together will be assisting a large number of families this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep those donations coming and watch for the giving tree coming soon! 5 SOCIAL JUSTICE ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 30, 2014 The Food Bank Needs US Especially During the Holiday Season: Thank you for helping those in need through our food bank AND contributing to our holiday food drive. Here are this week’s special needs. Cereal Peanut Butter Jam/Jelly Canned Meats Canned Beans Ramen Noodles Don’t forget to purchase and donate Fred Meyer scrip. Using the scrip gift cards helps us to supplement our food donations. With healthy foods for the patrons. **Please be sure to drop your food donations in the collection bins in the church. The parish office does not have storage space to collect donations. Thank you for your continued support of our Food Bank!** RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Vigil for Life: The Respect Life Committee is sponsoring a Prayer Vigil for Life starting at 9 pm on the night of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8) until 1 am on the morning of the Feast of St. Juan Diego (Dec. 9) in the convent chapel. The Vigil includes exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Set the time aside now to pray for a greater respect of life. Mass and March for Life: The annual Mass for Life, celebrated by Archbishop Sartain, will be celebrated on Tuesday, January 20 at 9:30 am at in St. Martin University’s Marcus Pavillion. The March for Life will take place afterwards at the State Capitol beginning at 12 p.m. The parish will again sponsor a bus. Contact Deacon Steve at or ext. 3014 at the parish office to make a reservation. Rachel’s Corner • Hope and Healing After Abortion: Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, beckoning you to accept the invitation, to say “yes” to the urge to believe in a loving God who wants you to be healed and whole again. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ and find healing and wholeness. All inquiries are strictly confidential. The next retreat is March 6-8, 2015. Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB Our next book club meeting will be January 28, 2015 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the School’s Teacher’s Lounge. We will be reading Pope Francis’ book “The Church of Mercy”. This is a collection of speeches, homilies, and papers presented during the first year of his papacy. It is a Vatican-authorized book detailing his vision for the Catholic Church. Copies are now available in the parish office (suggested donation $12.00) Call Jodie Clark for more information at 564.5185 ext. 3036. FYI: Due to the holiday schedules, St. Charles will not be serving at Nativity House in November or December. In preparation of the cold weather coming up, please continue to donate socks, blankets, gloves, chap sticks, and coats to Nativity House. Church Open for Prayer: The parish church is open Monday-Friday for prayer from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (times may vary slightly due to custodial schedules). So, stop by any time to visit the Blessed Sacrament, say a Rosary, or just have some quiet time. Don’t forget that daily Mass is celebrated at 9 a.m. Dear Parishioners, Extend a Christmas Invitation! Please provide us with the name and address of a person or family who may have drifted away from the Church and are in the Tacoma area. We would like to invite them to our Christmas Masses. Please complete the form below and PRINT FOR CLARITY. Before He ascended into heaven Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into the whole world and make disciples. He wanted every person to experience the peace, joy, love and life that only he could bring and so bring hope and peace to our world. We understand, of course, that it is only the Spirit of God, sent by the Father and the Risen Christ, who enables one to become a true disciple. We can, however, foster an openness of mind and heart and encourage one another to continue growing as disciples. Christmas Invitation Please invite Name: __________________________________________ Children at Home? YES NO [circle] Address: _________________________________________ City: _______________________________ Zip: _________________________ We have learned that many are not comfortable coming to Mass alone, especially at Christmas. If you are comfortable, please also extend a personal invitation to join you. Please place in the Offertory basket or drop by the Parish office by DECEMBER 7, 2014. 6
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