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11.23.14 E-News
Facility Improvement Projects November
Taking Meals Together (Acts 2-4) (Small group Wk #8) Early morning Bible class with Mark Tevis 9:15 AM All-Church Thanksgiving Feast 12:30 PM (Bring Salads/Deserts)
“Little Things make a Big Difference” (Chuck Tipton) “The Walk” BYO Lunch-Rehearsal (1:00-3:00PM)
Children’s Ministry Meeting (4:00 PM) @ CVCC
The building and grounds team are working on many projects. We give all of the honor and glory to God as he provides for these projects. We are prayerfully laying the funding for these projects at God’s feet knowing He will provide. Some of the present projects needing funds: 1. Parking Lot reconfiguration. Coming soon… 12/03 “The Walk” Rehearsal (6:30-8:00PM)
12/05 “The Walk” Rehearsal (6:30-8:00PM)
12/07 Meet The Leaders Lunch (12:30) at CVCC
12/07 Teen Christmas Party (Dinner) @ 4 PM CVCC (See Misty Wilen)
12/10 “The Walk” Rehearsal (6:30-8:00PM)
12/12 “The Walk” Rehearsal (6:30-8:00PM)
12/14 Annual Christmas Dinner@CVCC (See Arn Masuoka 360-280-1719)
12/17 “The Walk” Rehearsal (6:30-8:00PM)
12/20 Dress Rehearsal for Drama (1-4 PM) @ CVCC
12/20 All-Church Christmas Caroling & Hay Ride
12/21 “The Walk” Christmas Drama and Special Music 10:30 AM
12/24 Christmas Eve Service @ CVCC 7:00 PM
12/31 New Years Eve Bunko Pary @ CVCC 8 PM
1/03 Carenet Benefit Concert
2/27-28 Teen 30 Hour Famine (See Misty Wilen)
3/20-21 NWMinCon@ Overlake CC NWmincon.com
3/20 Esterlyn Concert @ CVCC (6 PM)
3/21 Esterlyn Leads Worship for CVCC Service
3/29 “The Rock” Presentation by the Creative Team
4/05 Easter @ CVCC - Invite Friends! 4/17 Acquire The Fire - Christian Faith Center Federal Way (See Misty)
7/17-18 Promise Keepers - Seattle, WA (ShoWare Center)
Church Photo Directory
See Rhonda Tevis (360) 480-6794 to be included in
the “On-Line” CVCC Photo Directory.
You set your own password and your own photo.
2. Electrical installed in Community Garden area. 3. New doors at the handicap entrance at the head of our handicap ramp. We are also starting a Building Fund for future needs of His church. So, if you feel compelled to donate to any of these please designate the funds as you feel the Lord leading you. Please keep in mind these designated donations should be over and above your Regular giving to our general fund. Also, we can never “out-­‐give” God. Has
ero ree
(Donation Collection Boxes
On Auditorium Wall Also)
See Pastor Bruce (360) 754-7700 about this Brand-New Church starting Fall ‘15
Seeking Maintenance Volunteers
Christmas Drama & Special Music
Program practice rehearsals:
Sunday, Nov. 30th, 1:00-3:00
(bring your own lunch)
Wednesday, Dec 3rd, 6:30-8:00
Friday, Dec. 5th, 6:30-8:00
Wednesday, Dec. 10th, 6:30-8:00
Friday, Dec. 12th, 6:30-8:00
Wednesday, Dec. 17th, 6:30-8:00
See Bill Koepp moesendranch@yahoo.com
Cell (360) 259-4815
Dec 7 th @ 12:30
(Play people MUST be at church no later than 9:30)
See Misty Wilen (360) 701-3362
Children’s Ministry Mtg
November 30th,
4:00 PM
See Misty Wilen
(360) 701-3362
Prayer and Praise List
Greg Kunkler - injury to foot - currently on Dr.'s orders to stay off the foot.
Jim & Vicki - daughter Kobi - health needs - went to hospital Sunday 11.16.14
Lydia ultrasound found gall stones but no kidney stones - waiting on further info
from Dr. as far as what action to take.
Carly - 2 yr. old - (Rhonda's contact) - experiencing seizures
Kimberly Tevis - looking for job - considering starting her own business. Aria Coumbs - traveling to Florida with her mom - wants to be baptized
Janie - (friend of Rhonda’s) - 2 months to live - Leukemia
Alisha Rakin - pray for pregnancy
James Fricke - Paul Vitous’s co-worker - recovering from multiple strokes
Joann Bell seeking prayer for son Blake (13) who is having some huge challenges.
Erin Casey seeking prayer for her son Malachi - in hospital because of brain tumors.
Michelle Merrin had surgery on 11.13.14. healing at home.
Jim Hyde (wife Inez.) - Healing Broken hip.
Mary Sheeley lost her niece to suicide 11.10.14
Samantha Rowe - Hospitalized for a fall - is now home with sprained ankle.
Nick Sherman - Dottie's son - moving fiancee from Costa Rica - needing Govt. Visa
Shaina Mittelstead - Family Relationships - (Mom and Dad)
Ken Gerdts - New Business to grow
Patty Hoke - Thin blood - following hip replacement surgery
Nan - Janie's mom - Kidney infection - Hoping to travel here soon
Mark Tevis - work related challenges
Kyle Steffen Prayer for clarity and Praise for work he has done on facility
Praise for Tim Ripp and others for fixing Front Doors of the facility.
Lee Squirrel’s Niece, Jennifer Fritchman (Kids = Trinity & Alex) battling brain cancer
Marie Turner (Steve Woolsey's Aunt) - Pray for her family (Ron & Tina)
Dale Frank’s Friend - Don Rockwell Health issues from Agent Orange & salvation.
Pray for Bj & Melissa Lemons and their marriage & family.
John Franklin - Unspecified prayer for support and strength
Betty Vogel — Currently in hospice & Judy Storey as she is care giver for parents
Loving People To Jesus!
Register Today or See Debbie Koepp (360) 259-4814
Worship Today!
Please join us today for
our annual All-Church Thanksgiving Feast
rd 2014
November 23
9:15 Morning Bible Classes
10:30 AM Worship Service
1775 Yew Ave NE, Olympia,
WA 98506
(360) 754-­7700, cvcc@cco.net,
Note: There are 2 Jars located on either side of the Platform in our
worship auditorium for people to share their prayer requests and
praises. Please jot down your request or praise and place in the jar.
Welcome to Capital Vision!
Associate Pastor Chuck Tipton (253) 209-5804
Youth Group Ministry: Misty Wilen (360) 701-3362
Elementary Program: Bev Masuoka (360) 628-6297
Preschool Program: Lydia Sanders (360) 402-3365
Nursery Program: Debbie Koepp (360) 259-4814
Community Garden: David & Rene’ Willis (360) 791-6808
Facility Manager: Arn Masuoka (360) 280-1719
Small Groups: Bill Koepp (360) 259-4815
Worship Leader: Steve Woolsey (253) 250-3033
Sound/Tech: Brent Dean (360) 480-0422
Evangelism & Discipleship:Bruce Sanders (360) 402-0520
Hospitality Room: Rene Willis (360) 791-6808
Prayer Team Captain: Ron Merrin (360) 791-6002
Men’s Breakfast: Arnold Masuoka (360) 485-7437
Women’s Bible Studies: Rhonda Tevis (360) 480-6794
Women’s Hospitality: Debbie Koepp (360) 259-4814
Photo & Videographer: Tim Dean (360) 528-0808
Food Min/Procurement: Ben McMilian (360) 426-9468
Women’s: Lydia Sanders (360) 402-3365
Prayer & Praises (text) Bruce Sanders (360) 402-0520
Website Development: David Pancost (360) 250-4908
Happy Hearts Preschool: Lydia Sanders (360)402-3365
2015 Directory: Rhonda Tevis (360) 480-6794
Financial Count & Deposit Prep: Elders (360) 280-1719
Treasurer (Beginning 2015): Ryan Drake (360 870-4186
The “Love Fund” Benevolence: Pastor Bruce or any Elder
Sunday Attendance & Offering Count
October 2014
Date Attend Sun.Off Mogiv
$ 1,234 $1,000
10/12 141
$ 3,152 $ 636
10/19 107
$ 1,756 $ 300
10/26 106 $ 1,548__$ 300
$ 7,690 $2,236
Grand Total $ 9,926 $2,482/wk)
Oct. Attend Aver. 112
November 2014
Date Attend Sun.Off Mogiv
$ 2,397 $1,000
11/9 108
$ 1,844 $ 400
11/16 87
$ 940 $ 600
$ 5,181 $2,000
Grand Total $7,181 ($ 2,394/wk)
Nov Attend Aver. 98
For Newcomers
We welcome you today! It is our desire to minister to those who have given up on
the traditional church and those with no church home. We hope to have the
privilege of getting better acquainted and being of service to you in whatever
ways we can. Here are some ideas for newcomers to CVCC.
•RELAX! Feel free to dress casually, and don’t worry about being singled out or
•REST ASSURED! Weekly your children will be ministered to in a fun and
encouraging environment. They can enjoy the Kid’s program or sit with you in
the main adult service.
•RELEASE THE STRESS! Please accept the worship service as our gift to you,
and don’t feel any pressure to give an offering. Our regular attenders support the
ministry and are delighted you are here.
•REFLECT! As a service to you a page of notes is included for each week’s
message. Notes may help with your retention and application of the week’s
lesson. Recorded messages are on-line weekly (capitalvision.org).
•REFRESH! Help yourself to refreshments provided by our Hospitality Team
before, during, or after the service.