Dates for the Diary ‐ Parish events High Time update Today, 30th November, 4.00pm HT Hall, Advent Course con nues. It is not too late to come if you have not signed up! Please come along. Good News! Wednesday 3rd December, 2.30pm Blackbrook Park House Carol Service. Singers needed. Please speak to Garry. High Time Prayer for this week Saturday, 6th December, Breakfast Prayer for High Time 8.30am. Prayers at 9.00‐9.30am. Please come and support your Church’s cause. Sanctuary Lamp Following the recent quinquennial insurance inspec on during which the sanctuary lamp was checked, we have been informed that the lamp is unsafe and requires repairs cos ng approx. £1,500. This has caused us to review the type and posi on of the lamp. The Fabric Commi ee will be recommending to the PCC that this be changed to a wall lamp at a cost of approximately £600, which will be a one‐off charge. For reasons of safety we have been advised to remove the lamp un l we can make this changeover. Please bear with us. Help is urgently needed to clear vegeta on between church and Scout den, to enable repairs to the chancel to be carried out – date(s) to be arranged. If you can help, please speak to John Holliday. Weekly Gi Envelopes. Please pick up your Weekly Gi Envelopes from the back of the church. It is a good me to switch to Bankers Order and anyone wishing to do so please contact either Gordon Uphill or Paul Leece Fareham Borough Council has granted our planning permission for the High Time Work. We pray for discernment in appoin ng the right contractor. We feel the burden of responsibility! High Time for photo restora on Steve Ellis would like to reproduce your “old” photos back to their former glory. Nominal fee to cover cost of materials. The rest goes to the High Time appeal. Please speak to me to discuss further. Examples of what are possible are shown on the poster at the back of church. Pastoral Visitors—Important booklet on Safeguarding available for collec on for those unable to a end last Monday. Saturday 13th December, 8.45 am Holy Trini‐ ty Parish Hall Men’s Group Breakfast. Bacon Bu es, tea, coffee and chat. Contact Revd Garry Roberts for more details. Sunday 14th December, 12.30pm St Columba Christmas Lunch. Ticket price £10.00 adult and Child (12yrs and under) £5.00. Tickets available from Margaret Handley F. 608817. The Floodligh ng this week is sponsored by Hazel, Tim, Sam and Ka e In thanks for 15 fantas c years in Fareham No ces A note to say ‘Thank you’ to everyone who purchased vegetables in the summer. We collected £26 for the Basics Bank—Marion Westbrook. 2014 Christmas Day Lunch for People Alone The organisers of this year’s event are looking for dona ons towards the cost of gi s and raffle prizes, small gi s and food items such as mince pies. Please encourage anyone you know, who is going to be alone this Christmas Day to consider coming to lunch. Contact: Jennie Romecheva 01329 223140 at Community Ac on Fareham Christmas Voucher Scheme for the Homeless. How about dona ng a £5 gi card? See details on no ceboard in church. Please purchase your gi and leave with the parish office by 10th December. Thank you. Fareham Community Church Vacancy Full Time Youth Worker: Salary from £18K (commensurate with qualifica ons and experience) For more details contact: Mark Nash on 01329 829121 or email: Christmas Tree Fes val 4th—6th December at Methodist Church, Kings Road. Entry £2 including tea and mince pie. The Nu y Kni ers need your support and vote as if we win money will be divided between the Hub and the St Columba Development Fund. Prayers for the week People with special concerns: Leslie, David, Julie, Sally, Audrey, Dorothy, Ruth, Lorraine, and Irene. Those that have died: Hilda Billimore, Jill Bosberry Prayers for the people of the Parish who live in: Meadowbank Road, Middle Mead, Miller Drive. Collect Almighty God, as your kingdom dawns, turn us from the darkness of sin to the light of holiness, that we may be ready to meet you in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen Anniversaries of Death—November/December 30th Irene Bicker, Daniel Saunders, Jessie Simpson 1st Edith Godwin 2nd Mabel Budden, Dorothy Chilliston, Gill Redgwell 3rd Peggy Fraser, Edith Hearsey. 4th Andrew Corbin, Frank La y, Laura Muncaster, Dorothy Spurrel, Patricia Wilson 5th Wendy Biddis, Lily Emery 6th Ron Locke FAREHAM DEANERY WEEKLY CYCLE OF PRAYER: St Peter and St Paul, Fareham The Parish gives thanks : The con nued support for our church building by the Friends of St Peter’s. Cafe Connect which meets monthly in the Parish rooms. The Parish seeks prayer for: Our Christmas Tree Fes val and Bazaar on the 12th & 13th December. Our ongoing outreach to young families and the growth of our C Zone Sunday group for children. No ce Sheet 30th November 2014 Advent Sunday THIS WEEK’S DIARY Monday 1st December Church open 11am‐3pm 9.15am Morning Prayer HT Church Tuesday 2nd December Church open 11am‐3pm 9.30am Prayer Group HT Church 2.15pm Mothers’ Union Advent Service HT Church/Hall Wednesday 3rd December Church open 11am‐3pm 8.30am Morning Prayer HT Church 9.30am Li le Fishes HT Hall 10.30am Holy Communion HT Church Isaiah 25.6‐10a; Ma hew 15.29‐37 2.30pm Blackbrook Park Carols Blackbrook Park Thursday 4th December Church open 11am‐1pm 1.30pm Circle Dancing HT Hall 7.00pm HTCC Bishopsgrove Friday 5th December Church open 11am‐3pm 6.30pm Choir Prac ce HT Church Saturday 6th December Church open 11am‐1pm 8.30am Breakfast Prayer High Time HT Church 7.00pm Choir to sing Carols at HMS Collingwood 8.00am 9.30am SERVICES TODAY Holy Communion Preacher: Steve Dent Celebrant: Revd Sally Davenport Holy Communion Preacher: Steve Dent Celebrant: Revd Sally Davenport Reader: Sara Smith Intercessor: Mary Holliday‐Bishop Offertory: Sue Purcell and Ruth Burridge Revd Garry Roberts to Junior Church Revd Keith Wickert at St John’s Church Readings Today Isaiah 64.1‐9; Mark 13.24‐end Services next Sunday 7th December 2014 Holy Trinity INFORMATION Rector: Revd Sally Davenport; Tel: 07500 775926 Email: Asst. Curate: Revd Keith Wickert; Tel: 07717 312426; Email : Asst. Curate: Revd Garry Roberts; Tel: 07554 142729 Email: Churchwardens at Holy Trinity Church: Mrs Sheila Holliday ‐ Tel: 01329 310277 Mrs Daphne Armstrong Tel: 01329 280869 Team Vicar at St Columba Church: Revd Ruth Schofield Tel: 01329 842300 8.00am 9.30am 11.30 am St Columba 8.00am 10.00am Holy Communion Holy Communion Bap sm Owen Wills and Scarle Miller Holy Communion Morning Worship Readings next Sunday Isaiah 40.1‐11; Mark 1.1‐8 Parish Office: Tel 01329 232688. Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham, PO16 0EL Opening Times: 9am‐12n Mon‐Fri. Email: Subscribe to news sheets via the Parish Website. Website:
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