BASILICA OF THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF THE SACRED HEART Pilgrimage Site for Diocesan Shrine of Santo Niño “Annunciation” and “Tree of Life” Meditation Gardens 1st Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 Pastor: Most Rev. Michael J. Bransfield (Bishop, Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston) Rector: Msgr. P. Edward Sadie, P.A.,V.F., S.T.L. Associate: Rev. Akila Rodrigo, T.O.R. 1114 Virginia St., East, Charleston, WV 25301 Telephone: (304) 342-8175/Fax: (304) 344-3907 E-Mail: Register Online at: PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, at the Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of the Diocese of WheelingCharleston, are a diverse community of the poor, the disadvantaged and hungry, the well-to-do, the youth, elderly, visitors and those seeking refuge. As a community of many cultures and races, we stand for unity in our diversity by expressing our love of God the Father through prayer and worship, through service to one another, through the ministry of welcoming, through evangelization and ecumenism. With the Bishop, we shall pursue this mission faithfully through the example of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and talents of our members.” All are welcome today, especially visitors, guests and those who might be new to the community. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Mass Schedule Sunday (Saturday) 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM Mon-Sat 8:00 AM Wed 5:30 PM Tues, Thur, Fri 12:00 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM or by appointment ASK USHER FOR ASSISTED HEARING DEVICE. Handicapped Parking available Sacred Heart Grade School Early Childhood Education (ECE) ages 3 & 4 and grades K-5, Information or to register 346-5491 or Sacred Heart Early Learning Center Ages 6 weeks to 3 years Director: Dawn Snyder 414-5757 Sacred Heart Child Development Center Day Care/After School Care Ages 3 to Grade 5 Coordinator: Jeannie Tyler 344-1125 I (we) would like to REGISTER at the Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart I have questions for a priest. ______ I want to know more about the Catholic faith. To schedule infant Baptism, call 342-8175. Change of Address. I am interested in the RCIA. NAME: __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________, STATE: ____________________ ZIP: ________________ PHONE: home: (_____ )_______-______________ work: (_____ )_________-________________ Co-Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart TEL 304-342-8175 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Basilica FAX 304-344-3907 ADMINISTRATION Secretary: Sheila Kerekes 342-8175 Bookkeeper: Pam Acevedo 342-8175 Information Technology-Jim Blankenship/Mike Holmes 342-8175 Pastoral Assistant– Alyce Penniman 346-9369 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (at the altar/to the sick), Lectors, Other volunteers Receptionist-Angela Hodges 342-8175 EDUCATION Sacred Heart Early Learning Center: 6 weeks-3 years Dawn Snyder, Director 414-5757 Sacred Heart Child Development Center: Daycare/After School Care Jeannie Tyler, Coordinator 344-1125 Sacred Heart Grade School: K-5/Pre-School (ages 3-4) Terri Maier, Principal 346-5491 Charleston Catholic High School: 6-12 Coleen M. Hoyer, Principal 342-8415 Prep/CCD Parish Religious Education Program Alyce Penniman, Pastoral Assistant 346-9369 SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick, Confession, Infant Baptism, Weddings For information/to schedule any of the above, please contact the parish office at 304-342-8175 MUSIC Choir Director: Jeremy Severn Principal Organist: Gregory Gray Organist: Ellen Olson Organist: Bob Weisen 533-4892 (W)340-3200 (H)776-5252 OTHER PARISH GROUPS OR MINISTRIES Boy Scouts: Bret Hart Cub Scouts: Sam Wilkes Gabriel Project John XXIII Pastoral Center Knights of Columbus -St. Michael the Archangel #12630 Sam Gross, Grand Knight Ministry to Sick/Elderly Sr. Ida Chikara, SJI Sr. Placxedece Mugore, SJI Mount Olivet Cemetery/Mausoleum Wayne Johnson or Sacred Heart Parish Prayer Group: Elma Hull (1st Thursdays) Prayer Shawl Ministry: Wanda Dettinger SH Christian Service Committee: Ron Rushworth SH Riverview Terrace & Gift Shop: Nancy Bricker SH Volunteer Garden Keepers: Diane Kimble 344-0423 546-0614 414-4666 342-0507 346-2608 342-8175 342-8135 346-7972 344-1181 965-2666 342-2103 346-5854 ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: The church is open daily from 7:15 am to approximately 6 pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is encouraged by spotlighting the Tabernacle outside the times of the Holy Sacrifice. HOLY COMMUNION: We welcome to the Holy Mass all who share our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. While all are welcome here, we cannot extend to all an invitation to receive Holy Communion. This is not for lack of Christian hospitality. Rather, it is the recognition by the Catholic Church that real divisions of faith and practice do sadly exist among Christians. Practicing Catholics who go to Confession whenever needed are invited to receive Holy Communion. Non-Catholic Christians and those Catholics in need of the Sacrament of Penance are asked to pray for a spiritual communion with the Lord Jesus and for the unity of His Church. Week of November 30, 2014 Sat. Sun. 5:30 pm People of the Parish 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm Newly Conceived Babies & their Mothers Special Intention (N. D.) Those Buried in Mt. Olivet Deceased Priests of the Diocese Benefactors/Members Heritage Club Mon. 8:00 am Georgene DuBois Tues. 8:00 am Sally Jo Crowley 12:00 pm Ann & Katharine Potterfield Wed. 8:00 am Elizabeth Persinger-Chadek 5:30 pm Diana Halkias Thur. 8:00 am Farai Mary Mugore 12:00 pm Daniel Tyler Fri. Sat. 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 12:00 pm Rufo & Esperanza Amores 8:00 am Guy Erwin Mass Intentions may be repeated in the same week because of a lack of Mass requests. It is a Holy and Wholesome Thought To Pray for the Dead. More effective than flowers or memorial gifts, is to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for your deceased loved ones or a Mass celebrated as a “special intention” For a living person. Call or visit the parish office to request a Mass 304-342-8175. Use of Contribution Envelopes Those who insist on anonymity in contributing to the parish are asked to use the parish contribution envelopes and mark the contribution space -0- or -?-. This will enable pastor to know you are a practicing Catholic and regularly attend Mass for reasons noted under Sponsor Certificates. Sponsor Certificates To act as Sponsors of Baptism/Confirmation, certificates are gladly issued to registered members of the Basilica of the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, are known to attend Mass regularly by use of envelopes, receive Holy Communion regularly, have children receiving Catholic Religious Education and, if married, have done so in conformity with the regulations of the Catholic Church. Same criteria required for families to receive special parish rates for SHGS tuition. “SMILE” November, 2014 “Partners-In-Hope” November, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Anton, J. & J. Baumgras, E. Bobinger, W. & L. Boland, K. Brown, A. & H. Burke, J. & E. Cable, J. & A. Casey, N. & M. Chismar, D. & B. Cipriani, G. & A. Covelli, M. & B. Crimmins, L. Delgra, L.. Dobbins, W. & L. Erwin, G. Fisher, C. Flanery, W. & S. Gasper, J. & B. Gross, S. & K. Hacala, M. Herring, W. Hoyer, G. & C. Hoyer, R. & J. Janicki, T. & C. Keith, R. & C. Kerekes, R. & S. Kern, T. & M. Kimble, W. & D. Kirby, J. Lao/Aliff, M. & D. Lim, A. & M. Looney, B. & L. Lund, W. & T. Lustig, V. & C. Majestro, T. & P. Mangano, W. & L. Maroney, T. & A. McCartney, A. & J. McGhee, T. & C. McGucken, J. & N. Messer, B. & B. 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Miller, J. & T. O’Neill, J. O’Neill, MJ. Osebre, M. Park, P. & M. Parker, R. Patton, T. & F. Peery, W. & D. Price, L. & S. Pulido, F. & B. Ream, B. & A. Rossi, J. & J. Sadd, D. & P. Sadd, E. & P. Sadd, M. Selario, A. & L. Shawkey, J. & W. Skaggs, K. & A. Smith, J. & C. Staun, M. & C. Stricker, A. Strickland, M. & T. Tabit, J. Tam/Fredeking, B. & Y. Teleron, V. & A. Tiano, W. & N. Tinney, J. & M. Tuanquin, N. & T. Waldorf, T. & L. Watson W. & R. Weimer, J & A White, J. & D. White, T. & V. Wilkes, S. & L. Wilkinson, M. & E. Zsoldos, MJ. & N. Zuniga, J. & V. Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 Sisters Ministering the Infant Jesus’ Love to the Elderly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Bobinger, W. & L. Boland, K. Branson, J. & B. Brown, A. & H. Carrascal/Gomez, J. & F. Cook, D. & R. Copeland, S. Covelli, M. & B. Crimmins, L. DePriest, J. & M. Dettinger, B. & W. Douds, R. Flanery, W. & S. Forero, Lucia Green, S. Gross, S. & K. Hacala, M. Harrison, R. Hovorka, L. & C. Keith, R. & C. Kerekes, R. & S. Kimble, W. & D. Koleske, J. & M. Lanham, D. & K. Lim, A. & M. Lustig, V. & C. Mairs, B. Majestro, P. & R. Majestro, T. & P. Mangano, W. & L. McGhee, T. & C. Merolle, G. & M. Moore, R. & R. 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Moynahan, J. & M. Murphy, E. & R. Orcutt, T. & A. Osebre, M Parker, R. Patton, T. & F. Phelps, R. & C. Proctor, N. Pulido, F. & B. Quigley, T. Rader, R. & M. Ramos, J. & C. Sadd, D. & P. Sadd, E. & P. Selario, A. & L. Sherman, R. & H. Siebanoller, J. & S. Silhy, R. Stricker, A. Tellis, C. & V. Wade, W. & D. Waldorf, T. & L. Wallis, B. & E. Waugh, J. & D. Wheeler, S. & S. White, J. & D. Wilkes, S. & L. Wilkinson, M. & E. Williams, M. Zsoldos, N. & MJ. Anonymous Anonymous 12/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 11/14 11/14 12/14 12/14 11/14 12/14 It is gratifying to see the list of Partners-In-Hope and SMILE supporters every month. One-hundred percent of your $25.00 P.I.H. contribution supports our two Catholic Schools and one-hundred percent of SMILE contributions supports our SMILE Ministry. The date indicates the last month paid in 2014. Thank you for all you do for our children and the elderly. Msgr. Sadie Sacred Heart Early Learning Center Ages 6 Weeks to 3 Years Open to children of all faiths, located at 204 Leon Sullivan Way, has openings for children ages 6 weeks to 18 months. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, year round. At the Early Learning Center, care teachers provide a safe, clean, predictable and nurturing environment in which children can explore, build relationships and develop a positive self concept. If you are interested in our program, call Dawn Snyder at 414-5757 for an appointment, or for information. Scouting at Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Basilica has an active and strong Cub Scout Pack with approximately 40 youth. Troop 2 is growing with new young boys. We have several Eagle and near Eagle Scouts in this Troop. We welcome new members anytime through out the year. Upcoming events: December 6-Charleston City Christmas parade. Scouts will collect toys after the parade to donate. Date TBA-Christmas party for children at Sojourner's Shelter. The pack will also be adopting a family from the shelter February 1-Scout Sunday 9 AM mass Boy Scout pancake breakfast to follow March 1-Pinewood Derby March 29-Blue and Gold Dinner We welcome and encourage support from the Parish for our boys. We love to see parishioners at our Scouting events. The Sacred Heart Early Learning Center staff would like to express many thanks to Tricia Dexter for her work as an infant volunteer. All of us recognize that much of the success in the infant room has taken place because of the commitment she has made over the last year. We have been blessed to have her, a dedicated and loyal parish volunteer, every Tuesday afternoon as well as an inspiration to all of us and the children. Christmas Flowers Flower Donations In Memory/Honor of Adkins, Cecelia Ayers, Gregory & Linda Balkey, Joseph & Ann Blaul, Rosalie Blaydes, Jeffrey & Mary Bobinger, William & Linda Boland, Kathryn Bollinger, Ann Carrascal/Gomez, Jose & Francia Ciccarello, Dorothy Cipriani, George & Annette Cleary, Jane Collins, Steven & Mary Delgra, Lemwel & Pamela Dingess, Sally Dissen, James & Shirley Dobrich, Rita Espiritu, Julian & Felicitas Present & Former Students Louie LeRose Margaret & Bill Simpson, Marie & Joe Balkey Richard F. & Rosalie Cox Blaul Sophia Blaydes Adele Bobinger Dr. James P. Boland M/M William Perry Cleo Berbeo N. Ciccarello, M/M T.E. Proffit, M/M C.E. Bland Deceased Benincosa & Cipriani Families Robert Cleary, Flynn & Cleary Families Nick & Mary Ciccarello Cecilio V. Delgra Roger & Georgeann Wills M/M William Dissen, Janie Sturgill M/M Joseph Dobrich Luis del Castillo, Sr. & Jr., Julian Espiritu, Sr. Rannie Evangelista, Manolo Caoili, Emmy Formantes, Juan & Angeles Ranjo Roly & Tanciang Albert F. Famularcano, M.D. Dorothy Fesenmaier & Nancy Sehmann Anne Frontino & Ralph Morris Francie & Margaret Birrow Dick Gould, Jr. Barry & Lisa Green Barry & Lisa Green Abramowicz & Gross Families Our Granddaughter Ed Hacala, Mary Raver, Mary Hacala Estalilla, Oscar & Elena Famularcano, Michael & Lea Fesenmaier, Stephen & Frances Frontino, Michael & Janet Fulks, Annabelle Gould, Joanette Green, Michael Green, Sara Gross, Sam & Karen Guthrie, Mike & Carla Hacala, Martha Higgins, Barbara Mary, Aro, Etta, Fortunato & Maria Navarini, Mary, Dee & Frank Loretta, Bill, Josephine & Billy Frederick, Ike & Lillian Walker, Bud & Jay Fishell, Mary Fragmin, Connie Higgins Higgins, Margaret Ann Horn, Brenda Huff, Sandra Hunter, Barry & Miri Huxley, Lu Anne Joseph, Stephen Kazor, Edward & Muriel Keely, Linda Kincaid, Eldena Kogoy, John & Nancy Kovach, William Lamb, Patrick & Kathleen Leef, Alfreda Leonoro, Joseph & Helen Libo-on, Dilly Linkinoggor, Mark Linzy, Julia Lucas, Helen & Mary Fenton Lustig, Vincent & Carol Maher/Quinn, John & Regan Mairs, Beverly Male, William Maroney, Eileen Matuszkiewicz, David & Nora Miller, Theresa Thomas D. & Rose Ann Higgins Joan Michael Hal & Agnes Mathie Hunter & Daia Families John Huxley Phil & Julie Joseph Steve/Josephine Kazor, John/Mary Jackson Thomas, Louise & Denis Kerner & Mathew Keely Teresa Fragale Huggins Deceased Kogoy, Martin, Casey Families Clare Kovach Lamb & Campbell Families Alfred & Rose Corradi, Virginia George Tom & Kay Graham, Kathy McKisic Libo-on Family David Linkinogger & Julie Hamrick Rosa Walker Nick Lucas Lustig & Richards Families Dr. Greg Voit Pauline & Stephen Haley Ann & W.T. Male Cyan E. Maroney Rosa Saavedra & Valentine Portales Kay & Joe Kaputo, Vi & Woody Miller, Patricia Mckenzie Regis & Clara Schaming Rosemond & Lawton Beury Joseph McCann Joe Mullen Benny Obenza M/M Arnold Olson & Mary J. Staples Hannah R. & Elizabeth N. O’Neill Betty C. Park Carolyn Parker Rose Marie Patton Pazerski & Muretisch Families Meredith T. & Mary B. Persinger Phelps & Dierkes Families Ann H. Potterfield Louis & Josephine Loretta Angelita Reyes Robert “Bob” Quigley Edward S. Rada, Jr. Mitrik, Robert & Yvonne McCallum, Barbara McCann, Annyce Mullen, Ruth Obenza, Pilar Olson, James & Ellen O’Neill, Jane Park, Patrick & Michelle Parker, Robert Patton, Richard Pazerski, John & Judith Persinger, M. Thomas Phelps, Ralph & Carolyn Potterfield, Thomas Priddy, Gemma Pulido, Fred & Brenda Quigley, Teresa Rada, Anne Flower Donations In Memory/Honor of Ramos, Jaime & Carmencita Rannie Evangelista, Teofanes Ramos, Sr., Manolo Caoili & Emmanuel Formantes, Luis del Castillo, Sr. & Jr., Salud Ramos Rizk, Nagi Siriani, Mary G. & Samuel S. Rizk, Fr. Kieran Quinn Stosha L., Stanley R. Sr. & Stanley Rosiek, III Ronnie, Leta & Kermit Davis, Cleve Thayer Family Rosiek, Stanley & Janet Rossi, Jack & Joy Rowan, Edward & Lisa Sadd, Daid & Peggy Scharf, William & Dorothy Selario, Anthony & Lorena Shafer, Paula Siebanoller, James & Sharon Smith, Teresa Staun, Mark & Christie Staun, Richard & Judith Stricker, Ann Stricker, Sarah Supcoe, Christopher & Mary Surber, Lorena Taylor, Bette Tunnell, Susan Tyler, Robert & Barbara Veltri, Virginia Weber, Jason Wheeler, Shawn & Susan White, Thomas & Vicki Wiley/Morrison, Chad & Nicole Wiley, Deborah Wilkinson, Max & Erica Williams, Mary Workman, Andrew & Heather Zain, Carolyn Zakaib, Maria Zsoldos, Nancy Jesse & Anna Rossi, Forest & Virginia Bowers Ruby & Aris Bautista Our Military Lucile E. Scharf Thelma Hesson & Mary Selario Mr/Mrs Americo Deana Don & Ruth Stehle Susie Dunn Margaret L. Isola & Rose Randall Margaret L. Isola & Sophia Staun Vincent Stricker Clare Kovach, Irene Stricker Regina McCormick & Marilyn Began Charles “Ken” Surber Roy & Georgia Hinton Charles &Rhoda Turnblacer Jelich & Tyler Families Joseph & Costanza Veltri Francis & Edward R. Weber M/M Gordon Bronosky, M/M Joseph Polacek Theresa Higgins Mr. Richter, M/M Mangano, Mrs. Dorothy Morrison Joe Akibu John C. Wilkinson, Sr. Edythe & W.C. Williams Deceased Workman & Brown Families George M. Zain Fedela Caputo, Annette Mazzella Slaven & Zsoldos Families Flower Donations Anselmo, Mario & Zenaida Bien, William Bolles, Gregory & Lissa Boyle, Richard & Christine Branson, Joshua & Beverly Buck, Teresa Cable, Jeffrey & Annette Carnemolla, Reggie & Patricia Carney, Constance Charbonniez, Marlies Cook, Roberta DePriest, Mary Dobbins, William & Lisa Fernandez, Hortencia Herring, William Hillenbrand, Ed & Constance Howard, Paul Jack, Justin & Anastasia Keith, Cynthia Kern, Thomas & Mary Kimble, William & Diane Kinder, Raymond & Sharon Lee, Marciano & Fe Leonoro, Joseph Lynch, Nicholas & Elizabeth Majestro, Tony & Prudence McGhee, Timothy & Cindy McClung/Paletta, Reginald & Dianne Messinger, Richard Mills, Robert G. Moore, Roderic & Rhonda Morgan, George Morris, Josephine Navarro, Ramon & Maria Naylor, Stephen & Mary Ann Nicksick, Timothy Radcliff, Carol Jean Reishman, James Rixner, William & Bertha Sadd, David & Peggy Sadd, Eugene & Phyllis Salutillo, Willem & Gladys Shaw, Brent Waldorf, Thomas & Lola Willson, John & Janet Yanish, Bruno & Carolyn Zamora, Pelagio & Angelita Zuniga, Jonathan & Maria For corrections, please call the parish office 342-8175. Christmas Mass Schedule Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Vigil Masses 5:00 pm-Mass 7:00 pm-Children’s Mass 11:30 pm-Cathedral Choir (Followed by Christmas Midnight Mass) Thursday, December 25-Christmas Day 12:01 am-Traditional Midnight Mass 10:00 am-Mass 12:00 Noon-Mass (Cathedral Choir) ADULT CONFIRMATION If you are an ADULT or young adult that has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, we encourage you to contact us so that we might assist you with receiving this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of Christian commitment and a deepening, of baptismal gifts. If you are a Catholic who did not receive Confirmation as part of your religious education by 8th grade or in high school, we want to help you to receive this sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation brings great graces that will help you in your struggle to attain holiness. Contact Alyce Penniman, Religious Education office, at 346-9369. CHRISTMAS CAROLING Feast of Mary Mother of God Wednesday, December 31, 5:00 pm Thursday, January 1, 10:00 am (Only one Mass on New Years Day) Vicariate Reconciliation Service Thursday, December 11th Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Basilica, 7:00 pm, several area priests will assist. This Advent Communal Penance Service cultivates our Catholic identity and celebrates the Sacrament of healing which Christ gave to the church. Charleston Catholic Young Life Kick-Off Party! What: A Bonfire & Marshmallow Roast! Where: UC Newman Center (John Paul II House) When: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 8:00-9:00 pm Who: Any CCHS or ANY area students grades 9-12 What is Young Life: It’s designed for kids to capture the moment! More than one million kids worldwide participate each year. Young Life Club is a party with a purpose! It’s controlled chaos that’s almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that’s what the celebration is all about. Dynamic young adults who share our Catholic faith or a connection with CCHS will lead Charleston Catholic Young Life. Due to popular demand, the Knights of Columbus 12630 Christmas Caroling Extravaganza for Saturday, December 20, 2014, reads as follows: 2:00 PM - Meet at Council Hall (Sacred Heart Family Life Bldg, REAR. 1024 Quarrier Street) 2:30 PM - Meadowbrook Nursing Home (Greenbrier Street North/1/2 mile past Capital High School on left.) 3:30 PM - Quarry Manor Assisted Living (699 South Park Road/Turn at McDonalds @ CAMC, thru Tunnel, Straight Ahead 1/2 mile on right.) 4:30 PM - Marmet Nursing Home (Marmet exit I-77 South/Turn right, 1/4 mile on right Sutphin Drive, (up hill) 5:30 PM - Hubbard Hospice House (Kanawha Blvd. East/Turn @ Moose Lodge, Right @ Piedmont Rd., 1/2 mile on left, (up Mountain 1001 Kennawa Dr.) 6:30 PM - Meet at Council Hall for pizza feast for carolers. Please invite family, friends, neighbors to join us. Kelley Endres, Community Chairman The First Sunday of Advent “The season of Advent, which we begin again today, restores this horizon of hope, a hope which does not disappoint because it is founded on God’s Word. A hope which does not disappoint, simply because the Lord never disappoints ! He is faithful!” -Pope Francis Advent Prayer Come, O Lord! “For they see directly, before their eyes, the Lord’ return to Zion.” -Isaiah 52:8 Lord, help us to wait with patience and anticipation, not caught up in the rush of the season, but resting in your ever-present love. Amen. Sacrament Preparation First Reconciliation Preparation: A First Reconciliation Workshop is scheduled for December 1, 2014. Parents and students are invited to attend. The workshop will be at 5:30pm. Location is TBD. Details to come. Confirmation Preparation: Workshop II is December 7, 2014 from 1:30pm-4:30pm in the Family Life Center. The Commitment Mass will be the noon Mass on December 7, 2014. Please return all letters for the Commitment Mass to either the Faith Formation Office in the Family Life Center or the Cordis Center by November 26, 2014. Direct all questions to Alyce Penniman, DRE. (304) 346-9369 Gabriel Project West Virginia Jam and Jelly Sale Hospitality Space After all Masses December 6-7 Holiday gifts for family and friends . Support an interfaith pro-life service to pregnant women and families with young children who are in need. Jellies, jams, butters, salad dressings, salsa, soup mixes, chocolate and amoretto toppings, mustard pretzel dips, barbecue sauce, etc. Place donated nonPerishable food items in the food barrel inside the Virginia Street entrance to the church. All items supply food banks that assist the poor of the Charleston area. Christmas is coming….. be CHRIST’S SHINING STAR to a person in need! Discernment on the Mountain Catholic Charities WV will deliver these gifts to children, teens and seniors in Kanawha, Cabell, Lincoln and Logan Counties. Thank you for bringing God’s love, light and hope to those less fortunate in this Holy Season! A Spiritually Intense Experience for College and older High School Students. Join the Vocations Office for mass, prayer, adoration, discernment talks, and one full day of skiing at Snowshoe Mountain Resort. Participants will also have an opportunity to speak with priests, deacons, and seminarians of the diocese in an informal setting. The retreat begins on Dec 28 and ends on Dec 31. The cost is $50 and participants may register at For more information contact the Vocations Office at (304) 233-0880 ext. 442. 1. Beginning the First Sunday of Advent (Nov. 29/30) select a star from the tree in our Hospitality Space, the star you pick will have items for a child, teen or senior citizen listed. 2. Then by the 3rd Sunday of Advent (Dec. 13/14) return all or some of the items listed on the star UNWRAPPED. 3. Place your gift in a bag by the tree, and MAKE SURE THE STAR IS ATTACHED. Catholic Charities: Providing Help, Creating Hope! (For more information, call Ann Weimer, 345-5479) KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS #12630 Membership Info: Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 8 Regular Business Mtg. 13 Christmas Dinner 17 4th Degree Mtg. 19 Family & Friends Dinner 20 Christmas Caroling at Nursing Homes and Hospice Center Did you know? “There are many, many families today that will end in divorce because they will not survive the pressures of contemporary society unless they receive help,” insisted Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. The Church must work to strengthen the family by helping couples practice Christian concepts of virtues if it wishes to “open wide the doors to Christ” in the vision of St. John Paul II, he said. “We have often heard that the family is at the center of the New Evangelization. This means that there must be greater pastoral care and formation of families at the parish level. We must pray that this will be one of the fruits of the recent Synod on the Family and of the upcoming World Meeting of Families to be held in Philadelphia.” Anderson and his wife Dorian were recipients of the Saint John Paul II Award for the New Evangelization and were appointed by Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Council for the Family in 2007, they are both members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Altar Server Schedule December 6-7 5:30– Gaby Abad, Emily Coleman, Anabella Tiano 7:30– Katherine, Rachel & Hannah Weese, Maria Lanham 9:00– Jayla Boyd, Samantha and Erin Hoyer 10:30– Farris & Warner Murad, Anna Kate Ward 12:00– Tommy & Colin Hart, Emilia Flores, Katelyn Spangler 5:00– Dino Anania, Cara Flanery, Iris Hoyer Altar servers in attendance at Mass but not scheduled are welcome to come to the sacristy and vest. Servers: be in the Sacristy 20 minutes before Mass. Pray He Rest in Peace John Price brother of Larry Price of the parish. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Seek – Find – Knock – Follow all at SACREDHEARTCOCATHEDRAL.COM Seek - Parish Bulletin and Schedules for Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, & Altar Servers Find - groups, clubs, & ministries to join Knock - Request Information, Parish Registration, Update Parish Information Follow - us on Facebook & Twitter If your parish group would like to host a page, let us know! PASTOR'S THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Worry about nothing, pray about everything. DATES to REMEMBER See Vestibule Bulletin Board 12/4 Christian Service Committee– Meeting, SHC, 7:00 PM 12/5 Serra Club Meeting-Blessed John XXIII, 12:00 Noon 12/6 SHCC-First Saturdays, Adoration, Benediction for Vocations 3:00-4:00 pm. 12/6 Edgewood Summit-Santa’s Workshop and Holiday Open House, 10 am-2 pm, Info 304-346-2323 12/7 Spaghetti Dinner-For CCHS Baseball Team, Paterno’s at Power Park, 4-7 PM, Adults $10, Seniors $7, Kids $5 12/31 Goodnight 2014-Organist, Ralph Mills 7, 8 & 9 PM Organ Blast, Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Basilica 2nd Tuesday of Each Month-Prayer Shawl Ministry, Sacred Heart Cordis Center, 12:45-2:45 PM. To join or for information call 344-1181 or 345-5479. John XXIII PC 342-0507 (See Vestibule Bulletin Board) 1st Mondays-12:15 to 12:45 pm-Service/Prayer & Intercession 3rd Wednesdays-Prayer/Praise/Scripture WV Institute of Spirituality 345-0926 Nov. 29-Dec. 30 Five week discussion to prepare for birth of Jesus. Group guide: Bob Sylvester Every 2nd Tuesday of the month-Merton Institute with Presenter Fr. Bill Petro 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome: Wednesdays Step-Meditation 7 PM Eight Day Retreats-contact Dr. Bob Harrison 304-343-2647 1st Friday of the Month-Soup & Silence, 12 Noon to 1 PM, $7 Baptismal Preparation Class for First Time Parents To schedule a baptism preparation class for your family or to get more information please call 346-9369.. “Preparing for Christian Marriage” Rebecca Royse, or 1-888-434-6237, Cost $275.00 per couple, 2015 Dates: Jan. 16-18, Mar. 20-22, April 10-12, May 29-31 PARISHIONERS: Return completed form or contact the rectory for an appointment (342-8175) I AM SCHEDULED FOR: Surgery ________ Extended stay __________ at__________________________________________ hospital/nursing home on _______/_________/ 2014. I request the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick after the ________ Mass on ______ /______/2014. NAME: ________________________________________ PHONE 304 / _____________-________________ LEAVE A LEGACY Your Church has been there for you throughout your lifetime; You can be there for your Church’s future. Leaving a bequest in your will to the church, your Parish or School allows you to leave your legacy to an institution that has meant so much to you and thousands of others. Insurance or other bequests permit you to make a gift without loss of comfort or security during your lifetime, while allowing you to take advantage of estate tax savings. Please see your tax advisor. For more information please call Msgr. Sadie 304-342-8175 or e-mail: BASILICA OF THE CO-CATHEDRAL OF THE SACRED HEART Estate Planning Sacred Heart Parish is blessed to have been the beneficiary of trusts and estates over the years. When you plan the responsible and meaningful use and distribution of your resources, Sacred Heart and its programs would be grateful to be included in your plans. If you are remembering Sacred Heart Parish in your Will, we suggest the following language. I give $________ to the Most Reverend Michael J. Bransfield, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and his successors in office, for the benefit of The Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Charleston, West Virginia. SACRED HEART SCHOLARSHIP FUND ESTABLISHED 1999 "To endow is to establish a permanent fund or provision for perpetual support... to furnish with a gift" As another legacy to the future of the Church in Charleston, Sacred Heart has established a endowment fund, with the West Virginia Catholic Foundation, Inc. SACRED HEART SCHOLARSHIP FUND assists parish students who attend Sacred Heart Grade School and Charleston Catholic High School. When preparing your Will or planning your Estate, we suggest the following language: I give $_______ to the Sacred Heart SCHOLARSHIP FUND of the West Virginia Catholic Foundation, Inc.
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