THE GIFT YOU WO SHE 725 INDU F O R D L I N C O L N 866 SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 1-866-670-6111 Industrial Parkway & Hwy 89 E, Alliston Alliston • Beeton • Tottenham TheTimes Saturday: Friday: Mixed Cloudy/ Sunny Breaks Precipitation NewTecumseth Weekly Circulation: 2,000 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO.0040036642 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO 34 MAIN ST. W. BEETON ON L0G1A0 Visit us online at: Local 5-day ForecastLocal 5-day Forecast Local 5-day Forecast today today Thursday Thursday today Friday Thursday, November 27, 2014 $1.50 per copy ($1.43 + 7¢ G.S.T.) Sunday: Monday: Cloudy/ Mix of Sun/ Showers Clouds Volume 40, Issue 48 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Local 5-day Forecast Buying or Selling in 2014 Forecasttoday Sunday Friday Local 5-day Saturday Thursday Friday SaturdayThursday Sunday Friday Saturday today Sunday Thursday Friday MARC RONAN Sales Representative/Owner Saturday CALL TODAY! 905-936-4216 TheTimes Ronan Realty, Brokerage Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated NewTecumseth 0º C 17º C 20º C 17º C Saturday Sunday 5¢ G.S.T.) Combined Weekly Circulation: 49,000 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l Not intended to solicit clients under contract or contravene the privacy act. ? TROUBLE HEARING • Can you hear but not understand? Volume 00, Issue 00• Do you have ringing in your ears? Wednesday, January 5, 2011 • Is TV turned up loud? • Do you work in noise? If you answered yes to any of these questions, a HEARING TEST is recommended. Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) Orangeville 54 First St. 519-942-9428 Photo by Wendy Gabrek Santa can be Scary, eSPecially if you’re on the nauGhty liSt! – As part of the Alliston Business Improvement Association’s ‘Hometown Christmas’ event on Saturday, November 22nd, children could have their picture taken with Santa Claus at Bern’s Flowers. The pictures were taken by Robin Lynch, of ‘Photos by Robin’ and Mr. and Mrs. Claus were on-hand and making magic happen at the floral shop and gift boutique. In this photo, Emily, age 1 1/2, and William, age 3 1/2, weren’t certain of Santa – perhaps they found out they were on the naughty list! For Emily, seeing mom and dad close by was enough to cause panic. This hilarious picture, printed with permission from the parents, is truly what Christmas is all about! I hope it will be clipped and shown at Emily’s wedding in years to come. And don’t worry kids, Santa isn’t scary as long as you listen to your parents! Santa That’s right, all the way from the North Pole to the Gibson Centre! Saturday Sunday Saturday is coming to town! December 6th 10am-12pm, 2-4pm December 7th 3pm-5pm December 13th 1pm-4pm Treats and Refreshments available 63 Tupper St. W., Alliston • Call for more info 705-435-2828 Check out our new website: CATERING AVAILABLE Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria LLBO 905-729-0029 Bolton 316 Queen St.S 905-857-5183 Alliston 24-180 Parsons Rd 705-435-4356 905-487-8363 Store Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 3pm 17 Queen St. S., Tottenham Saturday Sunday Page 2 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Fundraiser for Jesse Scime planned for January PHOTO BY WENDY GABREK Jesse Scime (pronounced she-may), age 14 of Beeton, has Cerebral Palsy and needs a power-wheelchair to get around. With a terrific family supporting him, Jesse isn’t lacking in reasons to smile brightly, everyday. BY WENDY GABREK A fundraiser to benefit Jesse Scime and his family is being planned by Beeton councillor Richard Norcross. The event takes place on Saturday, January 24th at the Muddy Water Tavern in Beeton and proceeds from the event will be used towards the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van purchased by the Scime family in late Sep- tember. Jesse, a 14-year-old Beeton resident, has Cerebral Palsy and requires a wheelchair full-time to get around. A Grade 9 student at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School in Tottenham, Jesse is too big and too independent for his old manual chair. Having a power wheelchair equals freedom for the intelligent young man, and is saving his mother, Sally, from having to transfer him to and from his chair throughout the day. When the Scime’s first purchased the wheelchair, it was transported with the use of a trailer. Jesse would still need to be transfered into the car, and at 115 lbs. it was proving a difficult task for his mother. Shopping online, the Scime’s found a used Honda van for sale in the United States that would accommodate Jesse, and his wheelchair, with the press of a button. Since the Scime’s took possession of the van Jesse can get in and out of the vehicle by himself. This means that Jesse can take his power chair more places, more often – which is opening doors for the honour roll student, literally. Beeton councillor Richard Norcross became involved with the Scime family after meeting Jesse at a Career Day event. The two hit it off, and Jesse took time to write Mr. Norcross after the meeting. His letter to Councillor Norcross read as follows: Dear Mr. Norcross I recently met you at career day and learn the life of a politician. Your presentation was not only inspiring to me but also my classmates. It was a pleasure meeting you. I will tell you a little about myself. I am 14 years old and going into grade 9 at St. Thomas Aquinas in Tottenham. I currently live with my mom, dad and 15 year old brother in Beeton. I was born at 27 weeks and have a disability called Ce- rebral Palsy. My main mode of transportation has been a manual wheelchair as my leg do not work. As a result of being in a manual chair my friends have had to push me around in school. To gain my independence and keep up with my friends and move from classroom to classroom independently the physio therapist and doctor recommended I move to a power wheelchair. It took a lot of persuasion from the physiotherapist but I finally agree to move to the power chair. Although I use my manual wheelchair in the house my main transportation mode will be the power wheelchair. At the present time transporting the power chair is not so easy because it weighs 475 pounds with me in it. My parents are having to use a trailer to move my power chair to where I want to go. They also have to physically transfer me into our vehicle. I am getting to the point now where is very difficult for my mom as well as my dad to lift me into the vehicle. Therefore we are in the process of looking for a accessible vehicle to be able to transport myself and my power chair around with 2014 Sienna SE Stk#CP3637 | 10,280km BLACK FRIDAY $35,912 * PRE-OWNED SALES EVENT From November 27th to November 29th, visit Hallmark Toyota to receive fantastic savings on a wide range of certified pre-owned vehicles. Whether you are in the market for a Toyota or a Lexus, we will help you find the car that fits your lifestyle and budget. Need a car NOW? Ask us about our Pfaff NOW program where you can take same day delivery*. 2011 Corolla CE Stk#CP3647 | 90,599km $11,495 * 2010 Civic SI Stk#14300A | 110,671km $13,888 * Visit for more details. ease. My parents and I have researched used accessible vehicles but haven’t really had any luck finding an appropriate vehicle that will last us for years to come. The cost of a brand new accessible van is in the range of $50,000 to $60,000. With other expenses related to my care and independence this accessible vehicle would be a big burden on my family. I appreciate the offer you made to my parents to help and provide in anyway you can financial assistance to purchase this accessible vehicle. Thank you, Jesse Scime To help offset the loans necessary to buy the van, Councillor Norcross will host a fundraiser for Jesse on January 24th. Additional details to follow as they are determined. A bank account is also being setup at the Royal Bank in Beeton in Jesse’s name for those who cannot attend or wish to donate anonymously. Stayed tuned to the Times for regular updates on Jesse, and the status of this forthcoming fundraiser. 2009 Highlander Stk#CP3646 | 164,000km $16,900* 2011 RAV4 AWD Stk#CP3659 | 69,850km $18,928* 2013 SCION FR-S Stk#15049A | 26,886km $21,899* *All offers available during regular business hours, promotion is active from November 27 until November 29 at 5pm. The Pfaff NOW program available on select vehicles only. Images shown may not be accurate to actual inventory stock, mileage, condition and colour. All prices shown are plus HST and Licensing. th th The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 3 Milne, Dowdall look at deputy warden’s position RichaRD BlanchaRD Both Essa mayor Terry Dowdall and New Tecumseth mayor Rick Milne are considering a run for the Simcoe County warden’s position next month. Current deputy warden Harry Hughes will not be running again and recently decided not to run for warden. “It would be good to have someone from the southern part of the county as either warden or deputy warden,” said Dowdall on the weekend. Tay mayor Scott Warnock has announced that he will be running for the deputy warden’s position. There has not been a warden or deputy warden from the southern part of Simcoe County since 2005 when Dennis Roughley of Bradford West Gwillimbury was elected to the position. He served for one year. Wasaga Beach mayor Cal Patterson as served as warden for the past five years but was defeated for mayor in this fall’s election. Basil Clarke, new elected mayor of Ramara, will be running for warden. Gerry Marshall, mayor of Pentanguishene, would not confirm rumours that he will also be making a run for the position. Essa makes final request for provincial tornado funding not be providing funding towards costs related to the Angus Tornado last June, Essa council will be making a final request for funding. “We didn’t pass a resolution at the last meeting in regards to asking the province reconsider its decision,” said township mayor Terry Dowdall at last Wednesday’s council meeting. Municipal Affairs Minister Ted McMeekin confirmed on October 29 that the province would not be making any contribution to tornado relief in the township because of the township’s strong financial status and the over $100,000 raised for tornado relief fund. Township council has said that the township ratepayers will be left on the hook Photo By WenDy GaBRek for $55,000 in overtime and Bus tRiP to RaMa helPs local fooD Bank – Tottenham resident Eva Bradley pre- for nearly $20,000 to reconsented a cheque for $514 to Our Town Food Bank president Ben Bergin last Friday. Bradley struct fencing damaged durraised the funds through a bus trip to Casino Rama that took place on November 8th. Bradley ing the tornado. has been raising funds for local not-for-profits – including Heart & Stroke, Terry Fox, Painted “I still think that we may Rock Animal Farm and the Lions Club – since 2008. RichaRD BlanchaRD Despite the province’s announcement that it will have a chance to get funding,” said Dowdall. Staff will prepare a letter to be sent to the Premier’s office. The province announced on November 13 that it would be contributing upwards of $3,000,000 towards a disaster relief fund for residents of Burlington who suffered flood damage on August 4. youth Video Dances are back! The next Youth Video Dance will be held on Saturday, December 6, at the Tottenham Community & Fitness Centre. These youth dances are open to everyone aged 7 to 14. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Tickets are $10 each, and are available at the door. For more info visit www. McGUIRE FENCING LIMITED • Specializing in Farms • All Styles of Fencing • Installed & Repaired 705-435-2770 RR 1, EGBERT, ONT. L0L 1N0 Alliston 705-435-7631 Nov. 28 - Dec. 4 BIG HERO 6 Friday 12:30, 4:30 & 7:00 Sat. 2:00 & 7:00 Sun.-Thurs. 7:00 1:30 Matinee Tues. & Wed. COMING SOON Penguins of Madagascar It s getting colder. A new furnace will save money and energy and make you feel warm all over. Replace your old heating or cooling system and get up to $650* back. • Receive up to $650 in incentives on eligible replacement central heating systems† and ENERGY STAR® qualified central cooling systems purchased from and installed by a participating contractor • Save up to $325 a year in heating and cooling costs • New systems are more reliable and efficient – so you’ll also reduce maintenance costs Call 1-877-797-9473 or visit Subject to additional terms and conditions found at *Incentives are available for installation of eligible equipment completed between Jan. 1, 2014 and Dec. 31, 2014, and must be submitted no later than Feb. 1, 2015. Equipment must be purchased from and installed by a participating contractor. †Replacement furnaces must be high-efficiency models with an electronically commutated motor (ECM). Annual electricity cost savings are estimated based on past program experience. Actual savings may vary. Funded by the Ontario Power Authority and offered by PowerStream Inc. OMOfficial Mark of the Ontario Power Authority. Used under licence. Page 4 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES SIMCOE-YORK PRINTING & PUBLISHING LIMITED Isolated coyote incident Publisher of the The Times King Weekly Sentinel 34 Main Street, West P.O. Box 310 Beeton, ON L0G 1A0 905-729-2287 Toll Free: 1-888-559-2287 Fax: 905-729-2541 General Manager ALAN CLARIDGE Vice President Sales, Marketing, Business Development KARIN ROSSI Editorial Editor WENDY GABREK Reporters Brian Lockhart, Sports Advertising Sales Reps ANNETTE DERRAUGH Heather Erwin Kerry Desmond Classifieds Composing Graphic Designer Lisa Clendening Business Debbie Hill Mary Speck Subscription rates: Within 65 km except towns with letter carriers – $52.00 incl. G.S.T. Beyond 65 km and towns with letter carriers – $89.00 incl. G.S.T. Single copies $1.50 incl. G.S.T. Published every Thursday Copyright The Times 2012 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. THE TIMES is a member of the Ontario Press Council, an independent body set up by the newspapers of the province to uphold freedom of expression and deal with complaints from readers. The Press Council encourages complainants to first give the newspaper an opportunity to redress their grievances. If not satisfied, they may then write to the Council, enclosing a copy of material that is the subject of the complaint, at 80 Gould St., Suite 206, Toronto, Ont. M5A 4L8. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) toward our mailing costs. Member CCNA Photo SubmItted A coyote at a wildlife hospital. The animal was released after rehabilitation. Dear editor: In reference to Rafal Kubats letter Re: Action demanded against coyotes. After reading Rafals story about a coyote who simply walked up to him and yanked a little dog away from his grip while on its leash, is very odd to say the least. I can’t help wondering why those little light weight Yorkis weren’t lifted off the ground by their adult male owner. My guess as a wildlife rehabilitator is, the coyote would have retreated at that point. Perhaps this par- ticular coyote has become accustomed to being in close proximity to humans, especially due to their shrinking habitat due to human overpopulation. This could have been the result of an intentional or unintentional feeding by a nearby neigh- bor which changes their proximity tolerance. A case such as this is quite atypical to their natural behavior. I have walked the forested trails around my house in coyote country for 27 years with my small dog off leash and never had any problems. There is plenty of evidence that they live here but they have never come close to us or our dogs, let alone an attack. Need we remind people that these wild animals were here first. The nocturnal, shy coyote is incredibly beneficial to the natural ecosystem. They are a vital keystone predator keeping rodents and small mammals in check. They are known as “natures clean up crew”. Coyotes mate for life and are devoted parents to their offspring. As omnivores, their home range is anywhere from 3–50 square miles. Human fear, misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about coyote behavior and habitat have lead to 50–70% of young coyotes being killed by humans before they reach adulthood. This isolated incident does not justify declaring war on coyotes when economic growth set to decline Dear editor: Buried in the federal government’s fall fiscal update was some major news: economic growth in Canada will decline year-after-year for the next five years. Let me say that again: from 2015 to 2019, growth will decline each and every year. Faced with this sad prognosis, the Conservatives are putting all their eggs in the income splitting basket, a plan that will consume $2.4 billion borrowed dollars this year and $2 billion every year going forward, squeezing out room for a growth agenda. The Conservative income splitting policy is unfair: it does nothing for 85% of Canadians. And for 15% who do benefit, the largest gains blood inventory in critical condition Dear editor: On behalf of Canadian Blood Services, I’d like to sincerely thank residents of this community who responded to our recent urgent appeal for blood. When it really counted, you stepped up and helped ensure we could continue to meet patient needs across the country. We are fortunate to have such dedicated donors, some of whom experienced longer donation times during this critical period. Thanks to you we are no longer in a critical situation. That doesn’t mean our work together stops here; the need for blood is constant. We look forward to welcoming regular donors back again soon. If you’re a new donor we hope you will consider making blood donation a regular part of your life. We want donors to have the best experience possible. We’ve heard your suggestions and will continue to improve. To begin, we’ve introduced Wi-Fi in our permanent clinics, created a new website that is mobile friendly, introduced a mobile app called GiveBlood and started publishing our weekly inventory online so it’s even easier for you to take action. We have also introduced a new eligibility quiz to help you determine whether you can donate. To learn more visit Once again, thank you for your recent support and for helping to save or improve the life of a fellow Canadian. Mark Donnison, Vice-President, Donor Relations Canadian Blood Services go to the wealthiest. Single moms and dads, parents with similar incomes within the same tax bracket, those on low incomes, those without children or whose kids are at the expensive post-secondary level—all get nothing from Income Splitting. Income splitting is too expensive, it’s unfair and it’s anti-growth at a time when growth is what Canadians need. Instead of lavishing benefits on those who need them the least, we need to help our economy expand and give all Canadians a real and fair chance at success. Two key elements of that agenda are infrastructure and education. Investments in infrastructure will create jobs today and lay the foundations for greater prosperity tomorrow. By helping our cities build durable tools like better transit and water systems, we will reduce traffic gridlock and give a substantial and sustainable boost our productivity and quality of life. Seven out of ten future new jobs in Canada will require post-secondary education. If we can raise our post-secondary education attainment rate to 70 percent, there are many preventative, non-lethal measures to be implemented. To help minimize humanwildlife encounters, here are a few basic tips: • Never feed wildlife, keep pets in-doors at night, keep pet food in-doors, keep trash secured, keep farm animals in covered enclosures constructed with heavy mesh wire, teach children to safely admire wildlife from afar, • Always provide an escape route and never corner them. Never run, instead back away slowly or make yourself large and shout. • Hazing are techniques proven to be successful as a deterrent to restore the coyotes natural avoidance to humans. Some include: noisemakers ex. voice, air horn, pot and pan, cans full of pebbles, projectiles (around not at the coyote) ex. balls, sticks, popping umbrellas, spraying with a hose (in warm months) or water gun. Wildlife is not a ‘nuisance’ but rather a precious gift that we need to better understand so we may live in harmony together. Sylvia Penny we’ll have a workforce ready to meet our future job market needs. We don’t have to settle for gradual economic decline. Investments in education and infrastructure are two essential components for the prosperity of our middle class and our collective future. John McCallum, MP Liberal Party of Canada The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 5 PHoto SubmitteD CelebrAting VeterAnS At kingSmere – The veterans at Kingsmere Retirement Living thank Honda of Canada Manufacturing for their generous gift to the Poppy Fund. The Poppy Fund is dedicated to supporting the needs of local veterans and their families and is truly appreciated by all of our residents. PHoto SubmitteD “tHAnkS for tHe HoSPitAlity” – 2 Service Battalion presented a certificate of appreciation to representatives from the Town of New Tecumseth (Mayor Mike MacEachern and Beeton Councillor Richard Norcross) on Saturday, November 22nd for the warmth and hospitality they were shown during a week-long stay at the Beeton Fairgrounds. 2 Service Battalion also wishes to thank the Beeton Agricultural Society for the use of their land to conduct training operations away from their homebase in Petawawa. 2 Service Battalion provides second-line combat service support to 2 CMBG, including transportation, supply, and maintenance to assigned formations for domestic and deployed operations. It also provides essential institutional support to CFB Petawawa lodger units. essa’s past term of council riCHArD blAnCHArD With its term coming to a close at the end of this month, Essa township’s mayor and deputy mayor looked back at the past four years at the end of last week’s council meeting. “I have to say that I have enjoyed the past term,” said mayor Terry Dowdall who will be starting his second term as mayor next month. “It was certainly interesting. We saw the opening of the new high school, with the new library, near the beginning of the term and we had the challenges of dealing with the Angus tornado and the Plowing Match at the end of the term.” “I’m pleased that we have been able to make progress in a number of areas and keep our taxes relatively low,” he said. Deputy mayor Sandie Macdonald said that she felt that “it had been a good four years which I hope that we will be able to continue. From the results of last month’s election, I think that people are very happy with us.” The inaugural meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3 at Living Faith Church in Baxter at 2 p.m. The first regular Council and Committee of the Whole meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on December 17. HAGAN TREE SERVICE Est. 1979 • PRUNING • PLANTING • REMOVAL•• STUMPING STUMPING PRUNING • PLANTING • REMOVAL AWARD WINNING TREES • SHRUBS • HEDGES LANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION FULLY INSURED – CONSULTING NEW TECUMSETH BOB HAGAN, I.S.A. PUZZLE NO. 449 OGS meeting at 2 p.m. on Saturday December 6 at the LDS Church, 79 Ferris Lane, Barrie. AGM and presentations. Refreshments to follow. For more, Vanstone birthday party supports ADHS crown PAVING LTD. For ASK ok NowUS Bo $ave! d an Nex t Year THE HST ABOUT Specializing in Asphalt Paving Driveways • Interlocking • Concrete • Excavation • Farms CHARLIE Toll Free: 1-888-695-7283 Toronto 416-783-7283 • Oakville: 905-337-7283 416-230-3184 X CROSSWORD ogS meeting Dear editor: Maddie Vanstone, the young lady who fought and won to have her lifesaving medicine funded celebrated her 13th birthday at the Circle Theatre last Saturday. We demonstrated her compassion for animals in our area by asking for donations of money and food for the Alliston & District Humane Society. Her friends were very generous donating $200 as well as much needed supplies for our shelter. Thank you Maddie, your heart has grown along with you. We appreciate your very king gesture. Ernie Ogle, President Alliston & District Humane Society 1-905-936-2876 CERTIFIED ARBORIST ACROSS 1. Without 5. Part of LST 9. Army noncom 14. Taunt 15. Pageant prize 16. Higher 17. Naughty 18. White-plumed bird 19. Anthropoid ape 20. Blond shade 21. Temple 22. A road’s scholar? 24. Whatever 25. Welt 27. Unit of electricity 29. Pinochle term 31. Mongrel 33. Fertilizer component 35. Statesman ____ 39. Owl’s question? 41. Enlarge 43. Slosh 44. Ducklike diver 45. Dairy product 46. Cold and damp 47. “The ____ Walk Home” 48. “Take ____, She’s Mine” 49. Ordinarily disposed 52. Strongly suggest 53. Cooling drink 54. Jam fruit 56. Hard work 57. Fort Bragg meal 59. Bumper decoration 61. Tango’s need 62. “Atlantic City” action 63. Grayish green mineral 64. Arrive 66. Close to closed 68. Before, poetically 70. Unevenly edged 74. ____ Zeppelin 77. “Once ____ a Time” Copyright © 2008, Penny Press 79. Correct a manuscript 81. Bread truck 82. Cracker type 84. “Frida” prop 86. Ram or rooster, e.g. 87. Common salt additive 88. Stench 89. Film director Egoyan 90. Slip-on shoes 91. Nomad’s shelter 92. Say it ain’t so DOWN 1. Kind of poll 2. Overflowing 3. Suitable spot 4. Pen 5. John Hancock 6. Palace’s household 7. Dander 8. Track 9. Bobbin 10. Bristle 11. Indian melody 12. Smirk 13. Small whirlpool 15. Social function 16. Cheerful 21. Winter malady 23. Forerunner 26. Amid 28. Mountain lion 30. Morning drops 32. Rotation gauge 34. Note 36. Pushcart 37. Slowly, to a cellist 38. Stair post 39. Made of oak 40. Upright 42. Furry pet 44. South American mammal 50. Example 51. Beginner 52. Absolute 55. ____ homo 58. Black or Red 59. Paper fastener 60. Starchy root 65. Got together 67. Mr. Peron et al. 69. Amber, e.g. 71. Egg-shaped 72. Boutique 73. Opponent 74. Nonclerical 75. Chemical compound 76. Bauble 78. Brood’s home 80. Type 83. Playing marble 85. Pleased Pepin 86. Crazed Solution on page 18 Page 6 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES highlights from the alliston santa Claus Parade REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL P14-13 Real Estate Services Sealed submissions clearly marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Monday, December 15, 2014 To obtain a copy of the tender in pdf format, contact or copies are available for download at The Town reserves the right to select a proponent based on the proposal evaluation. Lori Archibald, Senior Buyer, Town of New Tecumseth 10 Wellington Street East Alliston, Ontario L9R 1A1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL P14-14 Canine Control Services Sealed submissions clearly marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 2014 To obtain a copy of the tender in pdf format, contact or copies are available for download at The Town reserves the right to select a proponent based on the proposal evaluation. Lori Archibald, Senior Buyer, Town of New Tecumseth 10 Wellington Street East, Alliston, Ontario L9R 1A1 TOWN OF NEW TECUMSETH ONTARIO VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD NOMINATIONS Council invites nominations of residents of the Town for the Ontario Volunteer Service Award (Adult 24 yrs+) category. Nominees will be honoured by the Town and also submitted to the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture under The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards. The Volunteer Service Awards are given to people who volunteer their time to a single organization for several years. Adult nominees must have volunteered with one group for at least five consecutive years, must not have received payment for their work, must be active beyond simple membership in an organization, and must not have performed the services as part of their regular business or professional duties. Nine levels of service are awarded – for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30+, 40+, 50+ and 60+ years of continuous service. The recipients will be recognized by the Town at the annual Canada Day festivities. Nomination forms are available at the Administration Centre in Alliston, Joint Operations Centre in Beeton, and on the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration website at: Nomination forms will be received until 4:30 p.m., Friday December 19 TH, 2014 addressed to: Cindy Anne Maher Clerk/Director of Administration Services 10 Wellington Street East, Alliston, ON L9R 1A1 (705) 435-3900 or (905) 729-0057 Fax: (705) 435-2873 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT WWW.NEWTECUMSETH.CA Photos by Wendy Gabrek rotary niGht Lit Parade enjoyed by aLL! – More than 30 local businesses took part in the Rotary Club of Alliston’s Night Lit Parade on Saturday, November 22nd. The event took place in downtown Alliston and was filmed for Rogers Television. Members of the Rotary Club judged the passing floats, and the winners for 2014 were: Best Overall – Kingsmere Retirement Living; WOW – Town of New Tecumseth Parks and Recreation Dept.; Most Unique – Vanderpost Miniature Horses; Traditional – Sprouts Childcare. Of course Santa Claus got a big reaction from the kids as he passed by as well! A Christmas Carol... What The Dickens! The South Simcoe Theatre’s 4th annual musical panto. ~~~~~~~~ Come see and participate in the age old story of Scrooge with a ‘pantomime’ twist! Opens November 27th thru December 7th ~~~~~~~~ 10 shows only! ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Take the opportunity to meet the cast and have your picture taken with them! Call Box Office for tickets 705-458-4432 Call early! ~~~~~~~~ Find us on Facebook ~~~~~~~~ 1 Hamilton Street, Cookstown L0L 1L0 ~~~~~~~~ A fantabulous, funtastical family-friendly Panto! Let this festive show start your holiday season off to a great beginning!!! ~~~~~~~~ Call early for best seating... tickets go fast. The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 7 T:10.25” BLACK FRIDAY SALE 4 DAYS ONLY RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL BLACK FRIDAY BONUS OF UP TO $1,000 ON SELECT MODELS ¥ 2014 CRUZE UP TO 5 000 $ , STANDARD FEATURES IN TOTAL CASH CREDITS ♦ ON SELECT MODELS - POWER LOCKS WITH REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY - POWER WINDOWS - ONSTAR® NAVIGATION - BEST-IN-CLASS SAFETY+ WITH 10 AIRBAGS - STABILITRAK® INCLUDES $750 FALL BONUS∞ FOR ELIGIBLE CUSTOMERS AND $750 BLACK FRIDAY BONUS¥ THE ALL-NEW SILVERADO 2014 NORTH AMERICAN TRUCK OF THE YEAR 2014 SILVERADO NOW UP TO x SIGN&DRIVE SIGN&DRIVE LEASE ALL 2014s AND 2015s COME WITH CHEVROLET COMPLETE CARE: 2 YEARS/40,000 KM COMPLIMENTARY OIL CHANGES ** 9 000 $ , IN TOTAL CASH CREDITS ♦♦ ON SELECT MODELS INCLUDES $1,000 FALL BONUS∞∞ FOR ELIGIBLE CUSTOMERS AND $1,000 BLACK FRIDAY BONUS¥ LEASE x T:14.2857” NOW STANDARD FEATURES - EXCLUSIVE AUTOMATIC LOCKING REAR DIFFERENTIAL - 285 HP ECOTEC3 ENGINE - 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - CRUISE CONTROL - POWER WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS INTRODUCING SIGN AND DRIVE LEASING* ON ALL 2015s 0 $ 5 FIRST MONTH’S PAYMENT. IT’S ON US! YEARS/160,000 KM POWERTRAIN WARRANTY ▲ 5 0 $ DOWN PAYMENT 0 $ SECURITY DEPOSIT 0 $ DUE AT DELIVERY YEARS/160,000 KM ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE ▲ VEHICLE PRICING IS NOW EASIER TO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT, PDI AND MANDATORY GOVERNMENT LEVIES. Prices do not include applicable taxes and PPSA. Consumers may be required to pay up to $799 for Dealer fees.*** For the latest information, visit us at, drop by your local Chevrolet Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. ♦$5,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $1,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) on 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ, a $750 Fall Bonus (tax inclusive), a $750 Black Friday Bonus (tax inclusive) and a $2,500 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Cruze LTZ which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,500 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model and cash credit excludes Cruze LS-1SA. ♦♦$9,000 is a combined credit consisting of a $4,000 manufacturerto-dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 Fall Bonus for truck owners (tax inclusive), $1,000 Black Friday Bonus (tax inclusive) and $3,000 manufacturer-to-dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit, which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discount varies by model and excludes Silverado Double Cab 2WD 1WT. ♦/♦♦/***Freight & PDI ($1,600/$1,695), registration, air and tire levies and OMVIC fees included. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2014 or 2015 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Quantities limited; dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Visit for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. +Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak®. **The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014MY Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ▲Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details. ∞Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/ GMC/Cadillac car, SUV, crossover and pickup models delivered in Canada between November 1 and December 1, 2014 (except 2015MY Cadillac Escalade). Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles; $1,000 credit available on all Cadillac vehicles (except 2015MY Cadillac Escalade). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. ∞∞Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pickup truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,000 credit available towards the retail purchase, cash purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet or GMC light or heavy duty pickup (excluding Colorado/Canyon); delivered in Canada between November 1 and December 1, 2014. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. *Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by and entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from November 1, 2014 through December 1, 2014 of a new or demonstrator 2014 Chevrolet Cruze, 2014 Chevrolet Sonic or any new 2015 model year Chevrolet. 2015 City Express excluded at outset of program; will be eligible once residuals become available. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two bi-weekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, licence and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. ¥$1,000 Black Friday Bonus is a manufacturer-to-consumer delivery credit (tax inclusive) available on the retail purchase or lease of 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab and Chevrolet Silverado HD (gas engine only) delivered in Canada between November 28 and December 1, 2014. $750 Black Friday Bonus is a manufacturer-to-consumer delivery credit (tax inclusive) available on the retail purchase or lease of 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet Cruze delivered in Canada between November 28 and December 1, 2014. Page 8 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Bus trip to Casino Rama to feed families, and support teens at Christmas Photo By Wendy GaBRek Bus tRiP to Rama helPs lions CluB helP teens – Tottenham resident Eva Bradley presented a cheque for $504 to Tottenham & District Lions Club Inc. representative Nick Giannopoulos last Friday. Bradley raised the funds through a bus trip to Casino Rama that took place on November 8th. Bradley has been raising funds for local not-for-profits – including Heart & Stroke, Terry Fox, Painted Rock Animal Farm and the Our Town Food Bank – since 2008. The funds will be used to buy gift cards for teens, as part of the Christmas Basket Program that supports local families in need during the holiday season. By Wendy GaBRek Tottenham resident Eva Bradley has been raising funds for local not-for-profit organizations since 2008 – simply, she says, because she can. Over the years, Bradley has donated funds, raised through bus trips to Casino Rama, to several organiza- tions including the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, the Our Town Food Bank, The Terry Fox Foundation, Painted Rock Animal Farm, and the Tottenham & District Lions Club Inc. “First I’d like to thank The Times for helping me to spread the word about the bus trips,” said Bradley. “The support of the local paper has been invaluable.” “I’d also like to thank everyone who came on the bus this time – we had 52 people participate in our November, 2014, trip – because without you, and the friends you brought along, these fundraisers wouldn’t be possible,” she added. Bradley says she organizes the bus trips to Rama because it’s something she likes to do. Funds raised from the November 8th departure were split between the Our Town Food Bank, that supports 100 local families monthly, and the Tottenham & District Lions Club Inc. in support of the Christmas Baskets program. The groups received $514 and $504 respectively last Friday. The cheque presentations were photographed by this paper, because it’s important, says Bradley, that the bus trip participants know that the money is going where it’s supposed to be going. Bradley does not keep any of the money raised for herself, and even pays out of pocket for the printing of flyers and other small expenses to ensure the bus trips can happen. The next trip to Casino Rama will take place in the spring of 2015. Tickets are $20 each (which includes $5 towards the cost of the bus). Participants are encouraged to use their Casino Rama Player Cards so the fundraiser could include a free buffet (as it once did) again. Casino Rama reimburses a portion of the cost of the ticket price with freebies, determined by the casino. Proceeds from the next bus trip will be donated to Matthews House Hospice and My Sister’s Place, the local women and children’s shelter. “I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing everybody on the bus again next spring,” said Bradley. Photos By Wendy GaBRek soPhie’s sWeets says GoodBye – Teresa and Carlos Trivino, owners of Sophie’s Sweets, are closing their storefront in Alliston as of December 31st. In order to make their final Christmas in Alliston a special one, the couple invited residents by the shoppe from some pre-parade fun last Saturday, November 22, from 2 – 5 p.m. Attending children could write a letter to Santa, get a free cookie with the donation of a non-perishable food item for the Good Shepherd Food Bank; and get their face painted by two amazing girls dressed as Disney’s Elsa and Anna from Frozen. Pictured: Carlos and Teresa Trivino at their store on Victoria Street, Alliston, with plates of delicious Christmas cookies. Disney’s Frozen princesses ‘Anna’ portrayed by Savannah, and ‘Elsa’, portrayed by Madison with Raelyn, age 7, and Liam, age 4 at Sophie’s Sweets last Saturday. To book the girls for your event go to: Ontario takes action to reduce smoking and obesity rates Ontario is introducing legislation as of November 24th to protect youth from the dangers of tobacco and the potential harms of electronic cigarettes, known as e-cigarettes. Also included in the legislation are measures to help families make healthier food choices by giving them caloric information when eating out or purchasing takeaway meals. The introduction of the Making Healthier Choices Act, 2014 supports the government’s commitment to achieve the lowest smoking rate in Canada. If passed, the proposed legislation would: • Ban the sale and supply of e-cigarettes to anyone under the age of 19. • Prohibit the use of e-cigarettes in certain places where the smoking of tobacco is prohibited. • Ban the sale of e-cigarettes in certain places where the sale of tobacco is prohibited. • Prohibit the display and promotion of e-cigarettes in places where e-cigarettes or tobacco products are sold, or offered for sale. • Ban the sale of flavoured tobacco products, with a delayed implementation date for menthol-flavoured tobacco products. • Increase maximum fines for those who sell tobacco to youth, making Ontario’s maximum fines the highest in Canada. • Strengthen enforcement to allow for testing of substances used in waterpipes (e.g. hookahs, shisha) in in- By Wendy GaBrek The Town of New Tecumseth has arranged for Santa Claus to take a break from his busy schedule to have breakfast with you and your family on Saturday, December 13th. Breakfast with Santa takes place at The Hornet’s Nest on the second level at the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre (NTRC), located at 7300 Industrial Parkway in Alliston, from 9:30 – 11 a.m. Tickets are $8 per child (plus HST), $12 for adults (plus HST) and children three and under are free. Be sure to bring your Christmas wish lists as Santa will be taking requests! Stay for free crafts and activities, holiday music, and a Christmas movie. Be a part of the magic this holiday season and plan to add a new tradition to your family’s holiday routine – Breakfast with Santa! Breakfast with Santa! door public places. These measures are part of the government’s efforts to make Ontario the healthiest place in North America to grow up and grow old. The proposed bill, if passed would also: • Require calories for standard food and beverage items, including alcohol, to be posted on menus and menu boards in restaurants, AS LOW AS 0 convenience stores, grocery stores and other food service premises with 20 or more locations in Ontario; • Require food service operators to post contextual information that would help to educate patrons about their daily caloric requirements; • Authorize public health inspectors to enforce menu labelling requirements. This supports Ontario’s % APR ¥ ON SELECT NEW 2014 VEHICLES $ PURCHAS E FINANCIN G FOR UP TO 72 MONTHS UP TO $1,800 (MSRP) VALUE Action Plan for Health Care. It is also part of the Ontario government’s four part economic plan to build Ontario up by investing in people’s talent and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire. SWAP RIDE IT ’S THE FORD BLACK FRIDAY EVENT! GET AN ADDITIONAL $ 750 ≠ NOV 27 st – DEC 1 UP TO th TOWAR DS MOST NEW 2014 MODELS ($500 ON SMALL CARS) PLUS YOU STILL GET 9000 1500 ‡ UP TO IN MANUFACTURER REBATE S , TOWARDS SELECT NEW 2014 VEHICLES (2014 F-150 5.0L AMOUNT SHOWN) VISIT YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE THIS WEEKEND FOR THE FORD BLACK FRIDAY EVENT. HURRY, IT ENDS DECEMBER 1ST. $ AND NO-EXTRA-CHARGE ◊ LOYALT Y AND CONQUE ST , TOWARDS SELECT NEW 2014 VEHICLES (2014 F-150 REGULAR CAB / SUPERCAB 5.0L AMOUNT SHOWN) CUSTOM ER CASH E WINTER SAFETY PACKAG RS � 2015 MODELS WITH THE PURCHASE OR LEASE OF SELECT NEW 2014 AND TIRES | RIMS | SENSO Our advertised prices include Freight, Air Tax, and PPSA (if financed or leased). Add dealer administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and applicable taxes, then drive away. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). ≠Offer only valid from November 27, 2014 to December 1, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers. Receive $500 towards 2014 Focus, Fiesta, or CMAX, and $750 towards 2014 Fusion, Mustang, Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Escape, Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series, F-150, F-250 – F-550 (excluding Chassis Cabs) and F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cab models – all stripped chassis, cutaway body, F-150 Raptor, Medium Truck, and Mustang Shelby GT500 models excluded (each an “Eligible Model”) with the purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) of an Eligible Vehicle. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Vehicle sale. ‡Until December 1, 2014, receive $500/ $750/ $1,000/ $2,000/ $2,500 / $4,000/ $4,250/ $4,500/ $4,750/ $5,000/ $5,500/ $6,000/ $6,250/ $6,500 / $7,000/ $7,250/ $7,500/ $8,500/ $9,000/ $10,500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2015 Fusion/ 2014 Focus (excluding S Manual) and 2015 Explorer, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader) / 2014 CMAX and 2015 Taurus (excluding SE), Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit/ 2014 F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader) and 2015 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs / 2014 Fiesta S Manual, Edge, Focus S Manual and 2015 Fiesta S Manual, Fiesta Auto / 2014 Fiesta, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cab / 2014 Mustang V6 Coupe, Taurus SE, Escape, Explorer/ 2015 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2)/ 2014 Fusion/ 2014 Transit Connect (excluding electric) / 2014 E-Series, F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2), F-150 Super Crew 4x4 XLT 300A and 2015 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew/ 2014 Flex, F-150 Super Crew 4x2 and 4x4 5.0L and 4x4 non-5.0L / 2014 Taurus (excluding SE)/ 2014 Mustang V6 Premium, F-150 Super Cab / 2015 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Gas engine/ 2014 Expedition/ 2014 Mustang GT/ 2014 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Gas engine and 2015 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Diesel engine / 2014 F-150 5.0L/ 2014 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Diesel Engine – all chassis cab, stripped chassis, cutaway body, F-150 Raptor, Medium Truck, and Mustang GT500 models excluded. Manufacturer rebates are not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. Delivery allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ¥Until December 1, 2014, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2014 Ford Edge, Flex, Escape models for up to 60 months, and Focus, CMAX, Fusion (excluding HEV and PHEV) models for up to 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $25,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 60/72 months, monthly payment is $416.66/ $347.22, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $25,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. ◊Offer only valid from November 1, 2014 to December 1, 2014 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers who currently (during the Program Period) own or are leasing certain Ford car, Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Cross-Over Utility Vehicle (CUV), Minivan, and Pickup Truck models (each a “Qualifying Loyalty Model”), or certain competitive car, Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Cross-Over Utility Vehicle (CUV), Minivan, or pickup truck with a pickup bed models (each a “Qualifying Conquest Model”). Qualifying customers will receive $1,000 with the purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) of a new qualifying 2014 Ford Fusion, Mustang (excluding Shelby GT500), Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Escape, Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series, or 2014 F-150 Super Crew, 2014/2015 F-250 to F-450; or $1,500 with the purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) of a new qualifying 2014 Ford F-150 Regular Cab or Super Cab model – all Raptor and 2015 F-150 models are excluded (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Some eligibility restrictions apply on Qualifying Loyalty and Conquest Models and Eligible Vehicles – see dealer for full offer criteria. Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales, per Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model. Each customer will be required to provide proof of ownership/registration and insurance of the applicable Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model (in Canada) for the previous 3 months and the ownership/registration address must match the address on the new Buyer’s Agreement or Lease Agreement for the Eligible Vehicle sale. Taxes payable before incentive is deducted. �Receive a Winter Safety Package which includes: four (4) winter tires, four (4) steel wheels, and four (4) tire pressure monitoring sensors when you purchase or lease any new 2014/2015 Ford Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Escape, Edge (excluding Sport) or Explorer between October 1 and December 1, 2014. This offer is not applicable to any Fleet (other than small fleets with an eligible FIN) or Government customers and not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP or Daily Rental Allowances. Some conditions apply. See Dealer for details. Vehicle handling characteristics, tire load index and speed rating may not be the same as factory supplied all-season tires. Winter tires are meant to be operated during winter conditions and may require a higher cold inflation pressure than all-season tires. Consult your Ford of Canada Dealer for details including applicable warranty coverage. Offers include freight and air tax but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ©2014 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2014 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 9 ‘Parish Feast day’ St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church in Bond Head will host a parish feast day on Sunday, November 30. The mass will commence at 10 a.m. with homilist Father Edward Jackman, O.P. The mass will be followed by a fundraiser dinner at noon and will include soup, meat on a stick, cabbage rolls, mixed vegetables, caesar salad, dessert, tea and coffee. Tickets are $15 for adults, $7 for children seven to 12, and children six and under are free. Everyone is welcome. For more information, please call 905 7758282. Celebrate Caledon’s poets As part of their Celebrate Local Authors campaign, the Caledon Public Library will be hosting ‘Stopping by the Mill on a Poetry Evening’ (with apologies to Robert Frost). Eight award-winning Caledon poets will be strutting their metaphorical stuff on Friday, November 28th, 7–9 p.m. at the Alton Mill Arts Centre’s ongoing series, Culture Café. Available in most new Ford vehicleswith 6-month pre-paid subscription Page 10 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES aBIa offers residents a ‘Hometown Christmas’ PHotoS By Wendy GaBrek Alliston children enjoy the cookies they decorated at the ABIA’s ‘Hometown Christmas’ on Saturday. Pictured, from left: Clayton, age 3, Nyle, age 4, Abby, age 9, Ezra, age 7, and Morgan, age 10. PHoto By Wendy GaBrek Burn BrIGHt lIttle tree – Mayor Mike MacEachern and a group of local children, smile brightly after the lighting of the Christmas tree at Mill Street and Victoria Street in Alliston last Saturday evening at 5 p.m. This will be Mayor Mike’s final tree lighting as the Mayor of the Town of New Tecumseth (after 11 years as Mayor, plus an additional two terms on council). Mayor Mike is currently seeking the Federal Liberal Nomination for the riding of Simcoe–Grey and hopes to stay on, working for the people of New Tecumseth, as the local MP. Santa Claus is coming to town... By Wendy GaBrek The man in red is coming to the Gibson Cultural Centre early next month. On December 6, 7, and 13th, Santa Claus himself will be at New Tecumseth’s most beautifully restored building to meet and greet with children – of all ages. Come out and meet Father Christmas and stay for treats and refreshments. Santa will be at The Gibson: Saturday, December 6th from 10 a.m. until noon, and again from 2 – 4 p.m.; on Sunday, December 7th from 3 – 5 p.m.; and on Saturday, December 13th from 1 – 4 p.m. Be there to guarantee your spot on the ‘Nice List’ this holiday season! By Wendy GaBrek The Alliston Business Improvement Association (ABIA) held its annual ‘Hometown Christmas’ extravaganza last Saturday in downtown Alliston. The event included live reindeer (direct from the North Pole), hot chocolate, cookie decorating, photos with Santa (at Bern’s Flowers), face painting and local shopping specials. Besides the live animals, the highlight of the event was the annual tree lighting at Mill Street and Victoria Street at 5 p.m. The tree, donated by Drysdale’s, was decorated with white lights and red bulbs decorated by local children. At the event, Mayor Mike MacEachern lit his final tree as the Mayor of New Tecumseth and children in attendance couldn’t have been more delighted with the way the tree looked against the night sky. Following the ABIA’s Hometown Christmas, the Rotary Club of Alliston held its annual Night Lit Santa Claus Parade, with more than 30 businesses participating by entering floats and throwing candies to the children who lined the main street. For more information on the ABIA and a list of upcoming events and activities for 2015 visit CANDY’S UNISEX Hair Care & Tanning Coffee Lover of the Week! WENDY TARDIF Rose Candy Welcomes CRYSTAL HILLIARD Call us at 905-936-5426 to book a hair appointment. Proud parents Steve and Mary Nordstrom and big brothers Ellis and Lukas are excited about the arrival of Niklas Grayson Nordstrom born April 14, 2014 at 11am and weighing 8 lb. 12 oz. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-6pm • Sat. 9am-1pm Adored by his Grandma & Grumpa (Peggy & Jay Feehely) and Nanny (Pauline Nordstrom). 55 Queen St. S., Tottenham Mall “Here comes the sun.” Walk Ins Welcome • New Great Prices on Tanning! The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 11 T:10.25” BLACK FRIDAY SALE * 1000 EXTRA BONUS 4 DAYS ONLY–ENDS DECEMBER 1ST $ ON SELECT LIGHT- AND HEAVY-DUTY MODELS 2014 SIERRA 1500 9000 $ IN CASH CREDITS¥ INCLUDES $1000 LOYALTY BONUS FOR ELIGIBLE CUSTOMERS AND $1000 EXTRA BONUS UP TO SIERRA ALL-TERRAIN DOUBLE CAB SHOWN± BEST BEST BEST FUEL EFFICIENCY NEW PICKUP OF 2014 NHTSA 5-STAR OVERALL VEHICLE SCORE FOR SAFETY AVAILABLE POWER 420 HP, 460 LB.–FT. OF TORQUE# MOST FUEL-EFFICIENT V8 IN A PICKUPΔ ◊ 2015 SIGN & DRIVE LEASE DOWN 0 $ 1ST TWO BI-WEEKLY PAYMENTS 2015 GMC TERRAIN AWD % @ $ LEASE 169 0.9 BI-WEEKLY FOR 48 MONTHS.▼ $0 DOWN PAYMENT. $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT. INCLUDES FREIGHT, PDI & LEVIES. INCLUDES $750 LOYALTY BONUS.† 0 $ SECURITY DEPOSIT 0 $ DUE AT DELIVERY** T:14.25” 0 $ 2015 GMC ACADIA AWD % @ $ LEASE 195 0.9 BI-WEEKLY FOR 48 MONTHS.▼ $0 DOWN PAYMENT. $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT. INCLUDES FREIGHT, PDI & LEVIES. INCLUDES $750 LOYALTY BONUS.† Terrain SLE-1 shown± Acadia SLT shown± PLUS ALL 2014 GMC MODELS INCLUDE GMC PRO-GRADE PROTECTION WITH COMPLIMENTARY OIL CHANGES FOR 2 YEARS/40,000 KM ‡ BLACK FRIDAY SALE ENDS DECEMBER 1ST TO GUARANTEE OUR QUALITY, WE BACK IT 160,000-KM/5-YEAR Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details. POWERTRAIN WARRANTY VEHICLE PRICING IS NOW EASIER TO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT, PDI AND MANDATORY GOVERNMENT LEVIES. Prices do not include applicable taxes and PPSA. Consumers may be required to pay up to $799 for Dealer fees.*** Visit us at: GMC.GM.CA For the latest information, visit us at, drop by your local Buick GMC Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Based on a 48 month lease for 2015 GMC (Terrain SLE AWD 3SA/Acadia SLE AWD 3SA). Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. OAC by GM Financial. Monthly/ Bi-Weekly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. A down payment or trade of $0/$0 and/or $0 security deposit is required. Total obligation is $17,573/$20,311. Option to purchase at lease end is $13,865/$19,726. Excess wear and tear and km charges not included. Other lease options available. *$1000 credit (tax inclusive) available towards the retail purchase or lease of 2014/2015 GMC Sierra Light Duty (1500) Double Cab and 2014/2015 Sierra Heavy Duty – Gas models delivered in Canada between November 28 and December 1, 2014. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). Dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. Offer may not be redeemed for cash. Void where prohibited. ¥$9,000 is a combined credit consisting of a $4,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive), $1,000 Loyalty Bonus for Truck Owners (tax inclusive), $1000 extra bonus, and a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014/2015 GMC Sierra Light Duty (1500) Double Cab and 2014/2015 Sierra Heavy Duty – Gas models, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discount varies by model and excludes Sierra 4x2 1SA Double Cab. /*/¥/***Freight & PDI, ($1,650/$1,650/$1,695), registration, air and tire levies and OMVIC fees included. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2014 or 2015 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario BuickGMC Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Quantities limited; dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ΔWhen equipped with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine (available to order fall 2013). Class is Light-Duty Full-Size Pickups. #Requires 2WD Double or Crew Cab with available 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine and Max Trailering Package. Maximum trailer weight ratios are calculated assuming a base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. Comparison based on 2013 Light-Duty Large Pickup segment and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM vehicles. Class is Light-Duty Full-Size Pickups. ◊U.S. Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s New Car Assessment Program ( ±2014 Sierra 1500 SLT Double Cab 4WD with GAT, MSRP with freight PDI & levies $52,599. 2015 Acadia AWD SLT-1, MSRP with freight PDI & levies $49.454. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Warranty based on 6-years or 110,000 km, whichever comes first. Fully transferable. See dealer for conditions and limited warranty details. Excludes Medium Duty Trucks. ‡The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick, or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 KMs, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between November 1 and November 30, 2014 (except 2015MY Cadillac Escalade). Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet, Buick GMC vehicles; $1,000 credit available on all Cadillac vehicles (except 2015MY Cadillac Escalade). Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. **Offer valid to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by and entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from November 1, 2014 through December 1st, 2014 of a new eligible 2015 model. General Motors of Canada will pay one month’s lease payment or two biweekly lease payments as defined on the lease agreement (inclusive of taxes). After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Consumer may be required to pay Dealer Fees. Insurance, license, and applicable taxes not included. Additional conditions and limitations apply. GM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice. See dealer for details. Page 12 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Correction Photo Submitted LinkS for Learning SuPPortS bmhS – New Tecumseth Mayor Mike MacEachern presented Banting Memorial High School with more than $18,000 from the proceeds of this year’s Links for Learning Charity Golf Tournament. The money will be distributed as scholarships to qualifying students in 2015. T:11” Pictured from left to right Kevin Runnalls, Dana Wright, co-chairs of BMHS commencement, Principal Lynn Kelman, Mayor Mike MacEachern and EDAC’s Rob Glozier. The New Tecumseth Singers, Collingwood’s Sound Investment Community Choir and the Dufferin Concert Singers are uniting as a mass choir to perform ‘A Glorious Christmas Celebration’ at Knox Presbyterian Church in Alliston on November 30th at 3 p.m., not 7:30 p.m. as previously stated in The Times, in the November 20th edition. The concert will feature: Louise Gallaugher, the Banting Glee Club, Banting Bass, the Dufferin Trumpeters, Susan Connolly, Kim Stevenson and Sean Derraugh and soloists Katie Thurman, Olivia Cacciola, Glyn Lloyd and Mark Gagnon. SEES: How far he’s come. How far he can push others. T:10.714” Felix ADVISOR. STUDENT. See more stories at Because it matters. The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 13 NEW TECUMSETH TIMES Coyotes give up third Hornets claim back–to–back wins over the weekend period lead to Bradford BY BRIAN LOCKHART They fought back, but a late third period blitz by the Bradford Rattlers handed the Alliston Coyotes a 10–7 loss Thursday (Nov. 20.) night at the New Tecumseth Recreation Complex in Alliston. At the end of the first period the Coyotes were trailing 4–2 to the third place Rattlers. After a late period goal from Angrej Jamnicky, Coyotes forward Nikita Sidenko made a class move in front of the net when he took a shot then picked up on his own rebound for the second shot that made it to the back of the Rattlers net. Feeling the pressure in the second frame, the Coyotes scored three, verses two more from the Bradford squad to close the gap and make it a 6–5 game going into the final 20 minutes of play. Alliston’s Austin Cunningham and Oleg Khalemin both scored early in the third period – Cunningham notching his only 15 seconds in the period followed by Khalemin’s goal just :50 seconds later – to give the Coyotes a one goal lead. From there, the Coyotes ran into trouble giving up four goals to end the game 10–7 for the Rattlers. It was loss number ten for the Coyotes and dropped them down to a .500 record for the season with 20 points – good for a seventh place in the Greater Metro Hockey League’s South Division. Over all the Tottenham Steam continue to dominate the League with 38 points and only a single loss after 20 games played this year. The Temiscaming Titans hold second place with 33 points, followed by the Toronto Blue Ice Jets with 32 points. The Coyotes will be back on home ice for their regular home game tonight (Nov. 27) when they will host the Toronto Ice Jets. The puck drop is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. PHOTOS BY BRIAN LOCKHART The Alliston Coyotes host the Bradford Rattlers at the New Tecumseth Recreation Complex on Thursday, November 20. The Coyotes tied the game after trailing in the first two periods, then gave up the lead when Bradford scored four in the third period to leave with a 10–7 win. PHOTOS BY BRIAN LOCKHART The Alliston notched four more points over the weekend with back to back wins on the road and at home. Friday (Nov. 21) night’s game against the Orillia Terriers ended with a 6–1 Alliston victory. BY BRIAN LOCKHART The Alliston Junior C Hornets are now nine points ahead of the Penetang Kings and the Stayner Siskins who are tied for second place in the Georgian Mid Ontario Junior C Hockey League. Penetang dropped their road game to Huntsville on Friday night. The Kings went into a nose dive at mid season losing six of their last seven games after a strong start in the early going and moving into first place in the League. The Hornets have been like a rocket this year – once taking off they have been steadily moving ahead and gaining speed with every game and overtaking the Penetang squad in the standings. The squad gained four more points over the weekend beginning with a 6–2 win over the Schomberg Cougars in Schomberg on Thursday, November 20. After playing to a 1–1 tie in the first period, the Hornets notched two more in the second frame and ended the night with three powerplay goals in the third period. Returning to home ice in Alliston the following night, (Fri. Nov. 21) they left the ice with an easy 6–1 win over the Orillia Terriers. “When we needed to put the puck on the net, we did,” Said Hornets goalie Tyler Brindle. “It was more of a slow paced game, I guess we kind of played down to their level.” Orillia has been playing a .500 season this year, and really had trouble getting past the Hornets defence in Friday’s game. “At the beginning of the game, I saw a lot more (action),” Brindle said. “As the game went on, it started to slow down a bit.” Alliston goals came from Nic Archibald, in the first. A single each from Mark O’Donnell and Jacob Tuck, in the second. And Nick Arcan, Brendan Spencer, and a second from O’Donnell in the final frame. The squad was pumped after Friday’s win and Brindle said the squad isn’t looking back at all. “It feels really good,” He said. “When we were in second for a while, it was driving us a little bonkers. Now that we’re in first, we’re not looking behind us, we’re going to keep going and building on what we’ve got.” At 21 games into the sea- son, forward Nic Archibald is leading the pack in the Hornets camp with 33 points – 11 goals and 22 assists. Close behind is Left winger Mark O’Donnell with 16 goals and 14 assists – good for 30 points. Jamie Bennett has 26 points as does Tanner Dockerty. The Hornets will be back on home ice this Friday, November 28, to host the Midland Flyers. Game time is 7:30 p.m. Page 14 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Photo submitted brinG non-Perishable food items to the Parade – The JAK Fund’s food drive for the local food banks was a success at the Alliston parade! Seen from left to right JAK supporters Geoff Keogh and Neil Pendlebury. Look for the JAK Fund’s wheelbarrows to be collecting for the food banks at the Tottenham parade this Saturday and in Beeton’s parade the following Saturday. Photos submitted firefiGhters honoured – The Town of New Tecumseth held its Annual New Tecumseth Fire & Rescue Recognition Night on Saturday, November 22 at The Hornet’s Nest in Alliston. Those celebrating 20, 25 and 30 years of service received recognition from both the New Tecumseth Fire Department (which consists currently of three stations in Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham) and the province. Those with 15, 10 and 5 years of service received department recognition as well. Pictured here is Fire Chief Dan Heydon and his Chief Officers. There is over 220 years of service posing with Mayor Mike MacEachern in this picture. SWAP RIDE Photos submitted excePtional Weekend for alliston Gymnasts – The Alliston Nikolettes Gymnastics Club recently competed in the 2014 Team Ontario Tour Selection in Etobicoke, Ontario. Tour Selection is for Gymnasts Level 6–9, and 13+ plus. Gymnasts competing at this event included Juliana Abas – Level 9, Camryn Gibson – Level 8, Julia Bullied – Level 7, Ashlyn Christos – Level 7, Kate Beausaert – Level 6 and Cassidy Metcalf – Level 6. Alliston Nikolettes coaches, Rod Hounsell and Brenda Daly, were very pleased with the weekend’s results. Camryn Gibson, Ashlyn Christos and Kate Beausaert each earned spots on Team Ontario in their respective levels and will be representing Team Ontario at the 2015 Lady Luck Invitational in January in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The top eight gymnasts in each level comprises each Team Ontario Tour Selection Team. “The Alliston Nikolettes Gymnastics Club is very proud of our athletes and coaches”. The Alliston Nikolettes Gymnastics Club is located at 4941 Dean Drive, Alliston. You can check them out at www.allistongymnastics. com and on Facebook at GET AN ADDITIONAL 750 $ NOV 27 th - DEC 1 st TOWARDS MOST NEW 2014 MODELS ($500 ON SMALL CARS) 1-866-670-6111 IT’S THE FORD BL ACK FRIDAY EVENT! 42967_R0_BlackFridayOfferAdblock_7.3x3.indd 1 SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Industrial Parkway & Hwy 89 E, Alliston 2014-11-24 12:16 PM The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 15 NEW TECUMSETH TIMES EARLUG EARLUG Stunt driver charged Road Watch plays role in keeping roads safe The OPP is ready for winter, are you? “As we continue dig out OPP officers from Central making sure that your car is Region have been kept busy prepared for winter driving, from the first winter storm responding to calls for ser- having a well-stocked winter of the season, I want to envice as a result of the latest emergency roadside kit in sure motorists and the public storm that has blanketed the case you become stranded or that the OPP is prepared as area and continues to do so break down and that you, as well. We have four-wheel in some areas today. a driver are prepared as well. drive vehicles and our new in futurum. dolor amet, TRAFFIC policeipsum vehicles aresitfactory The OPP has been speakChief Superintendent John Lorem consectetuer adipiscing sed diam ipsum for dolor amet,Tod, consectetuer equipped elit, to handle thenonexingLorem to motorists thesitpast Regional Commander ummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet adipiscing elit, about sed diam nibhCentral treme winter related weathcouple of weeks win- nonummy of the OPP Region tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. tereuismod preparedness for both is also reminding motorists er. Our detachments also aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad that “it is not the weather that have snowmobiles and if yourself and your vehicle. ALCOHOL & DRIVING minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation Our messages have in- is the cause of collisions, but needed, additional resources Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in henullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip cluded focusing upon the re- the way people drive in win- are available from our Genex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel drerit in vulputate velit esse molestie coneral Headquarters located in installation of winter tires, ter conditions”. sequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te ROAD WATCH December 1 tonotare 7 is Nationif you haven’t feugait consumed It’s illegal to operate a monulla facilisi. Mirum est quam littera gothica, al quam Safe Driving Week, and enough liquor to blow over torized vehicle if your ability Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleinunc putamus parum claram, antheteposuerit Canada Safety Council is at a Checkstop, if you’ve to drive is impaired by alcolitterarum formas humanita- fend option congue nihil imperdiet doming reminding Canadians that it’s got etweed in the system, or drugs, whether illegal id quod mazimholplacerat facer possim astis per seacula quarta decima quinta notdecima. just alcohol that impairs. your driving will be as bad or legal drugs, prescription Eodem modo typi, qui nunc no- sum ypi non habent claritatem insitam; est Driving is such a daily ac- fiant as someone who usus has had far or over-the-counter. That velegenti. bis videntur parum clari, sollemnes eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequa. On Wednesday, November 19th, at 9:48 a.m. an officer Orillia,” said Chief Superin- from the Nottawasaga OPP was on general patrol in the area of Highway 89 and the 9th Line of Essa Township tendent Tod. The OPP want all motor- when a 2009 black BMW model X5 was observed to be ists to be safe as they travel travelling westbound at a high rate of speed. The officer this winter and ask that any determined that the motor vehicle was travelling 132 km/hr advice that police provide in a posted 80 km/hr zone. The driver was stopped and as a result of the investigaregarding travel or road cloNamfrom liberBradford tempor was cum charged soluta nobis eleiTHEFT tion, a female driver with Stunt sures be adhered to. fend option congue nihil imperdiet doming Fiant sollemnes in futurum. Lorem ipInspector Mike Frew, Driving. Her licence was immediately suspended for seven id quod mazim placerat facerfor possim. sum dolorof sitTraffi amet,c consectetuer adipiscing and her motor vehicle was impounded seven days. Manager and Ma- days elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincWith all motorists adapting to winter defensive driving, rine for the OPP Central ReDOMESTIC DISPUTES idunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat the holidays are coming and speeding in gion says “your safety is our please remember Qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigavolutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, priority and focus. Please do inclement weather will increase your chances of a collitiones demonstraverunt lectores legere me quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper susyour part and contribute to sion. Drive safe, and slow down according to weather. cipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est road and traffic safety.” consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse moles- mutationem consuetudium lectorum. MirumNovember est notare19th, quamoffi littera gothica, tie On Wednesday, cers from the quam Nottanuncreport putamus claram, anteposuerit wasaga OPP took of a parum stolen trailer from a business the vehicle, loss of your li- on Highway 89 in Alliston. The officer learned that someCRIMINAL CHARGES cence and steep fi nes. Consequat, vel illum dolore time eu feugiat between 3 p.m. on November 18th and 10 a.m. on NoDon’t drive impaired nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et someone entered onto the business property vember 19th • Plan ahead. Have aqui desigiusto odio dignissim blandit andpraesent stole a 2011 black enclosed trailer with “Lee Sheds” nated driver, arrange a ride in duis dolore te luptatum zzril delenit augue decals on both sides. The Ontario licence plate number is advance,nulla or call a cab. feugait facilisi. ‘H25 67X’. Trailer stolen It’s not just alcohol that impairs OPP REPORT 1-888-310-1122 tivity, we can easily forget more to drink. hicle could be a car, truck, • Socialize responsibly. If anyone has information about this crime, please conthat it’s a complex task reDrivers who are high on motorcycle, ATV, snowmo• Before getting behind the tact 1-800-310-1122 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477. quiring skill, concentration marijuana tend to compen- bile or boat, and it doesn’t wheel, ask yourself: “Am I CrimeStoppers allow the public to submit their information and alertness. In the rush sate by driving more slowly even have to be moving – safe to drive?” It’s not just anonymously by phone or on-line at www.crimestopperssfrom Point A to Point B, we and leaving more follow dis- you could be charged under alcohol that can impair your Your information could make you eligible for a may not always be mindful of tance. This behaviour disap- the Criminal Code if you’re ability to drive. cash reward of up to $2000. the responsibility involved in pears when the driver a dolor the one theconsectetuer keys behind Lorem • Friends ipsumdon’t dolorletsitfriends amet, consectetuer aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad Loremhas ipsum sitwith amet, piloting two tons of moving drink, because alcohol makeselit, the drive impaired – have elit, sed diamthe nonummy nibh minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation adipiscing sedwheel. diam nonummy nibh adipiscing steel, glass and plastic. Given them feel less impaired even If a police offi cer suspects conversation that could save dolore magna ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna euismod tincidunt ut laoreet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conthe potentially conse-elit,though they arealiquam more imyou of having takenenim drugs,ad or a life. erat volutpat. Ut wisi sect etuerdeadly adipiscing sed diam CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors’ quences of doing a poor job, paired. a combination of alcohol and minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut Caregiver Support & Education presents a free information Performance at doesn’t it make sense magna to bring aliquam If youerat have taken weed and suscipit drugs,lobortis you could ullamcorper nislbe ut required aliquip laoreet dolore session on Funeral Pre-Planning. Want to make sure you yourvolutpat. best self toUtthe task? undergo testing to deterex drive. ea commodo to consequat. Duis autem vel wisi enim adalcohol, minim just ve- don’t Beeton Manor and your loved ones are looked after? Byniam, now, quis we allnostrud know that “I really don’t feel that tokmine if you are impaired. eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate exerci tation ulJoin us to learn more, including, reasons for pre-arrangOnce again the Hillside drinking and driving is a bad ing and is asesse bad molestie as Failure to comply with dothe velit consequat, vel illum esseoptions, molestie consequat, velserlamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl driving ut Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,ing a funeral, pre-planning types of available are performing at idea.aliquip But what about drugs drinking and driving.” request for testing results in Singers lore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore eu feugiat nulla ex ea commodo consequat. consect etuer adipiscing elit,vices, and the role of a illum funeral director. the Simcoe Manor Christand driving? Joe while charges similar toqui alcoholaccumsan et iusto odio dignissim blanfacilisis vero erosp.m. et accumDuis autem vel eum iriureEating dolor ainSloppy sed diam nonummy nibh • Thursday, November 27th, 1at p.m. – 2:30 Matthews mas Concert, Saturday, Let’s focus oninthe effects ofvelit driving might be than luptatum impairedzzril driving. ditsafer praesent delenit augue san et iusto odio dignissim qui hendrerit vulputate esse moeuismod tincidunt ut laoreetHouse Hospice, 6048 Hwy 89, Alliston. Space is limited; 29th, 7–8 p.m. weedlestie (marijuana or cannabis) but ul-te feugait In addition to criminal November duis dolore nulla facilisi. blandit praesent luptatum consequat, vel illumtexting doloreand eu driving, dolore magna aliquam eratplease register with Marc Terrance, 905 713-3373zz-ext. 8th Line, Beeton). because it’s one the most timately, they’re both dan- charges, drug-impaired driv- (5988 ril delenit augue duis dolore te feugiat nullaoffacilisis at vero eros et volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad 6226. us in celebrating the common illicit drugs found in The same goes with ers also face penalties that Join SUBHEAD feugait nulla facilisi. accumsan et iusto odiogerous. dignissim minim veniam, quis nostrud of Christmas with the drivers a deadly crash. luptatum drug-impaired driving vary by province, and the Joy Mirumand est notare quam littera gothica, Nam liber tempor cum quiafter blandit praesent zzril exerci tation ullamcorper susand staff, refreshYou mightaugue think: duis “Smokdriving. They’re bothputamus type of licence the antedriver residents VISA MASTERCARD INTERAC quam nunc parum claram, soluta nobis eleifend option delenit doloredrunk te feugait cipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex after the consequat. show. Spon- Duis ing nulla weed facilisi. helps me concen- risky behavioursposuerit that signifi - holds. These penalties per in- ments litterarum formas humanitatis congue nihil imperdiet domea commodo NEW TECUMSETH TAXI INC. Hillside Commutrate. Nam Plus, liber I drive slower. the chances roadside sored Samson NT seacula quarta clude decimaimmediate et quinta decima. ing id quod mazim placerat tempor cumcantly solutaincrease noautembyvel eum iriure dolor in St.Morris Ambulance 905 Doesn’t that makeoption me a betof the story badly. suspensions, impounding of nity vulputate velit NewJohn Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur bis eleifend congue nihil im-ending hendrerit Branch Manger facer possim assum. Typi non ter driver?” Now Accepting INTERAC or 705 434-4884 parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum. The truth is any safety • 24 hour pre-booking available • Airport Runs benefit you might get from “We go where you go” driving slower is more than VISA MASTERCARD INTERAC outweighed by the additional risk of slower reaction times, foggier thinking, and altered Tottenham Animal Clinic time perception you experience when high on weed. “I just had a little to drink BASEBAR and a couple puffs. I feel fine to drive.” The reality is alcohol has a “multiplicative” effect on other drugs. That means having a drink if you’ve also Call for an appointment had some weed results in M.S. Corradini, D.V.M. far greater impairments than 4 Mill Street East Tottenham 905-936-3131 taking either alone. So even New poll on fatigued and drowsy driving reveals serious problem Funeral Pre–Planning St. John Ambulance announces new branch manager 936-2581 ® ® Serving the Community for over 25 years VISA MC INTERAC VISA MC INTERAC Rollover injures Tottenham Page 16 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Highlights from the Open House for 2 Service Battalion Hannah, age 1, isn’t sure what to make of Captain Nicholas Cregan’s outfit – which differs greatly from her cute, pink attire. Beeton councillor Richard Norcross (who’s no shorty!) with super tall gatekeeper Corporal Murphy, from Administration Company at the Beeton fairgrounds last weekend. PHOTOS BY WEnDY GaBREk Master Corporal Brad Keffer offers Logan Usher, age 10 of Alliston, a candy cane, sharing in the holiday spirit. NEW TECUMSETH SERVICE DIRECTORY Who does what in our community. GaRaGe dooRs & electRic openeRs 40 Industrial Pkwy S 905-727-1382 home heatinG PROPANE AND APPLIANCE SALES • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATIONS SERVICE • DELIVERY 866-952-0146 If the job’s too big for a shovel & wheelbarrow CALL ME... 1-877-250-2993 ALLISTON 705.435.7271 BEETON 905.729.2261 Visit us at 2179959 Ontario Inc. landscape / GaRden CARLINg PROPANE INC. • natural stone • flagstone • bobcat services Office: 905-859-1046 Cell: 416-676-6641 WWW.MFCLANDSCAPING.COM 705-434-8905 RoofinG 50 YEAR MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY ON SHINGLES Roofing • Flat Roofs • Chimneys • Masonry • Skylights Eavestroughing & Aluminum • Drywall • Painting Roofing Inspections • Mould Removal Call Richard for a Free Estimate • Fully Insured WSIB • 24/7 Emergency Service We make your house happy tRee seRvice • interlock/pavers • decks/fences • retaining walls R Reupholstery Restyling Custom AXCESS ROOFING AND CHIMNEY REBUILDS D E M O L I T I O N • E X C AVAT I O N Toll Free 1-866-952-0146 HEATING HOMES FOR OVER 55 50 YEARS LS TE RY Your full-service garage door and garage door opener experts serving York Region and surrounding areas! R Need a hole dug? Water Proofing? Trenches? UP HO Since 1978 ReupholsteRy excavation Beeton 905-748-0128 tile • SALES • INSTALL • RENOVATION 26 Queen St. S., Tottenham 905-936-4646 Tues. - Fri. 3pm-6pm; Open Sat. 10am Tile, Stone & Laminate Epoxy Floor Coatings Texture Floor & Wall Coatings Bathroom Renovations Complete Renovations The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 17 Classifieds ADVERTISING RULES OF THIS NEWSPAPER The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertions of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. All advertisers are asked to check their advertisements after first insertion. We accept responsibility for only one incorrect insertion unless notified immediately after publication. Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corrections by a make-good advertisement. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, revise, classify or reject any advertisement. Phone 905-729-2287 or 1-888-559-2287 201 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 505 GENERAL HELP WANTED 1 BEDROOM. Private, clean, bright, quiet, MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE IS HIRING parking, heat, hydro in We are currently hiring in our Landscape and Construction Divisions for General Labourers cluded. No smoking, no and D Z T MUNICIPAL ruck Drivers M AINTENANCE I S H IRING pets. 1st & last required. Our p ositions o ffer: 905-729-4332 C45-50 We a re currently hiring in our Landscape and Construction Divisions for General Labourers MUNICIPAL M AINTENANCE I S H IRING and D Z Truck Drivers GUEST HOUSE for ü Year Around Full Time Employment with Guaranteed Income Our ü p Competitive ositions o ffer: I ndustry C ompensation R ates rent. Open concept, We aare re currently hiring in our and Construction Divisions for GSnow eneral Divisions Labourers We currently hiring inLandscape our Landscape, Constructi on and 1000 sq ft. 1 bedroom, üZ Health nd Safety Training and D Truck A Daround rivers for General ü Year Labourers F ull T ime and E mployment DZ Truck w Drivers ith G uaranteed I ncome ü Experience is an Asset, not a requirement (training is provided) 1 bath. All appliances, ü Competitive I ndustry C ompensation R ates Our positions offer: central vac and A/C, a nd S afety T raining If ü y ou Health a re i nterested p lease s end y our r esume t o N icole a t n ü ü Year Around Fis ull Employment with G(training uaranteed Income Experience an TAime sset, not a requirement is provided) washer/dryer, 2 car gapplicants ü Competitive I ndustry **All A C ompensation m ust h R ave ates a v alid d river’s l icense** rage. All inclusive. ConIf you are interested please send your resume to Nicole at Health and Safety Training tact eberkca@gmail. ü valid driver’s Experience i s a n **All A sset, A pplicants n ot a r equirement m ust h ave a ( training rovided) l icense** ü i s p com B46-48 If you are interested please send your resume to Nicole at pplicants m ust ave a v alid river’s h d l icense** **All A Think you have what it takes? Come join a dynamic, fast paced, growing entrepreneurial company looking for enthusiastic sales representatives. A rewarding, lucrative opportunity for the right candidate. OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sales Driven Y O N G E / M A J O R MACKENZIE AREA: Executive suite, 1 bedroom + solarium. Fully furnished, 24 hour con- cierge, double park- ing,, many amenities. $1,575/mth. Call 905851-0207 or 416-4712320 B46-49 VISA, MASTERCARD, AND AMERICAN EXPRESS PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE 505 GENERAL HELP WANTED 203 CONDOS/ TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT DEADLINES Unfortunately deadlines do not allow us to take ads after 5:00 p.m. on Monday. When there is a holiday Monday, the deadlines will be Friday at 5:00 p.m. All ads must be paid in advance by deadline or the ad will not run. WE ACCEPT Willing to take chances and learn from your peers Great Personal Skills Marketing and/or Communication education Have a positive attitude 205 COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT TOTTENHAM - Industrial Road commercial unit. 2,500 sq. ft., was carpentry shop. 905936-6206 B23-TFN Sales skills an asset 208 FOR RENT BEETON - 10 minutes to Honda, furnished 2 room basement suite. Cable, bedding, dishes. No smoking or pets. $700/mth. 2 room suite $125/wk. Weekend commuters $100/wk. 905-729-0775 B47-50 303 BUSINESS SERVICE ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO or across Canada, in a blanket classified ad. Choose the area you want to cover. Rate structure: Up to 25 words - all Ontario $429, Central Ontario $139, Eastern Ontario $143, Western Ontario $133, Northern Ontario $82. All rates subject to H.S.T. For all of Canada or additional words or further information call this newspaper at 905-729-2287 or 1-888-559-2287. B1tfn BUSINESS CARDS, PROMOTE your business with attractive cards. Stock and custom. Stock cards as low as $39 for box of 500. Phone Simcoe-York Printing and Publishing Ltd., 905-729-2287. B1TFN PHOTOCOPIES - COLOUR and black and white. Check out our quality and prices. Various sizes. Simcoe-York Printing & Publishing Limited, 34 Main St. W. Beeton 905-729-2287 B31tfn 406 VEHICLES WANTED 505 GENERAL HELP WANTED 505 GENERAL HELP WANTED CASH FOR SCRAP VEHICLES. Wanted scrap vehicles, any size. No ownership required. Fast service, free towing, loose scrap removed. Also, cash paid on the spot. Call 905859-0817 or 647-2273954. Open Sundays. B36-- TFN FREE TOW FOR unwanted cars or trucks. Cash paid, top prices paid. Call today! Call Joe @ 647-297-1970 or 705-436-6806. C42-51 WE PAY $325 - $3000 for your scrap cars & trucks. 24/7. Free tow. 705-500-2844 or 905922-5792 B45-48 CLEANING LADY/ HOUSEKEEPER for large home in King City for Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 am - 3 pm. Car essential. $17/ hr. Call 416-691-4167 B48-49 JAN WOODLANDS (2001) INC. located in Bolton, is now hiring: Forklift Operators. Permanent/Full Time/Days. Benefits in 3 months. Experience & License required. Fax resume: 905-951-8257, Attn: Stuart Robinson or email: C47-50 503 CHILD CARE AVAILABLE FARM HELP: Couple experienced with thoroughbred horses and farm management, equipped with some cultivating, hay and harvest equipment, seek farm requiring part-time help and equipment in exchange for accommodation and stabling of several horses within commute of GTA as of June, 2015. Call 416482-6713. B47-50 IN HOME DAYCARE - Location: Nobleton. Safe designated play environment, educational activities, nutritious snacks, hot meals, smoke free environment, Public/Catholic designated bus stop. Available for full time, part time and before and after school. Patient and experienced professional in a loving environment. Weekend services available. Call Patricia at 416-9495585 B12 - TFN EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTERS and LABOURERS wanted. Cutting and deboning poultry products an asset. Labourers, $11$14/hr. Butchers with minimum two years experience - $16/hr. Apply to Abate Packers Ltd by email at: or by fax: 519-848-2793. O37-48 SNOW REMOVAL CREW for sidewalks, heavy equipment operators and DZ drivers. Guaranteed hours but should be available 24 hrs. Please email your resumes to raffaela@ C44-49 510 DOMESTIC CLEANING MADE TO SHINE: Nobleton area cleaning lady. 10 years experience. Call 416-9399461 B46-49 ADVERTISING LOCALLY WORKS! Hard working and enjoy rewards in a team environment DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Sell advertising in our local community newspapers across numerous regions for maximum growth • Be part of an ever growing team, developing new verticals and supplements for new revenue and income opportunities COMPENSATION: Base + Commission Let’s Talk. EMAIL RESUME FOR CONSIDERATION: Karin Rossi Vice President Sales, Marketing, Business Development Students Welcome 701 COMING EVENTS 23rd Annual Victorian Christmas Show and Sale “In the Barn” Cookstown Antique Market 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. Dec 6th & Sun. Dec. 7th purchases plus many in store specials 10% off your Please bring a donation for the “Salvation Army” Located on Hwy 27. 1 km North of Hwy 89 In Cookstown – Beside the School 705-458-1275 Remember your loved ones in PLACE YOUR WORD AD FOR ONLY $28.00 + HST AND REACH ALMOST 50,000 HOMES UP TO 30 WORDS SPECIAL RATES FOR IN MEMORIAMS a special way... DEADLINES FOR ADS 5 PM MONDAYS IN MEMORIAMS EMAIL YOUR AD TO $30 + HST Page 18 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES 505 GENERAL HELP WANTED Sales and Marketing Support Role Available Come join a dynamic, fast paced, growing entrepreneurial company. A rewarding, lucrative opportunity, with lots of experience to be gained for the right candidate. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Assist and Support the Sales Team. • All paperwork associated with the advertising ordering and billing process to be correctly completed and submitted in a timely manner. • Developing territory: Contact with current and prospective clients • Performing needs analysis, developing and implementing sales campaigns. • Servicing and communicating with current and perspective clients. • The opportunity to work in the advertising sales and marketing department for our Newspapers, Billboards, Radio, Flyers, Online and all niche products. • Minor day to day banking, bookkeeping and office support. • All other duties as assigned by the Manager EXPECTATIONS: • Sales-driven and interested in building sales portfolio. Growth and results oriented. • Great organization and time management skills to efficiently complete: support, EA and admin duties. • Willing to work outside the box at a variety of tasks, in an ever-growing entrepreneurial company. • Possess good oral and written communication skills. • A positive attitude and care about your clients. • Willing to learn different facets of the organization, being independent and a self learning, while also asking all necessary questions of the manger. DESIRED SKILLS & EXPERIENCE: • Sales Driven • Works Well with Deadlines and Budgets • Experience in Microsoft Excel • Great interpersonal Skills • Some sales skills preferred but willing to train right candidate • Must have their own vehicle. • Willing to work in and around- Aurora, King, Caledon, Orangeville and/or Etobicoke. COMPENSATION: Base + Commission Let’s Talk. EMAIL RESUME FOR CONSIDERATION: Zach Shoub 708 DEATHS 709 IN MEMORIAM ISAAC: Margaret Jean (nee MONTGOMERY). Passed away peacefully at the Penetanguishene site of the Georgian Bay General Hospital on Monday, November 17, 2014, in her 85th year. Beloved wife of John Isaac and pre-deceased by Graham Jones. Lovingly remembered by her children Sheila (Rick) Thompson, Ruth (Gary) Sproule, Ellen (Mike) Gouett, Susan (Mitch) Zylski, Michael (Shauna) and Nancy (Steve) Kay as well as John’s children David (Cathie), Elizabeth (Bill) Russell, Ken (Jane) and Paul (Kim). Proud grandmother of 25 and great-grandmother of 20. Pre-deceased by her son Murray and will be missed by Kathy Marchand. Dear sister of Aileen Wallace and loved aunt of Peggy and Fred Wallace. Pre-deceased by her parents Herb and Mae Montgomery and her brother Joe. The family would like to express sincere appreciation to the palliative care team at Penetang hospital for their wonderful care and compassion during Mom’s last weeks. Funeral service was held at St. Paul’s United Church, Midland on Saturday, November 22. Spring interment Lakeview Cemetery, Midland. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate memorial to donations to the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Fund or a charity of your choice. B48 IN LOVING MEMORY of Chris Gentle. May 19, 1966 - November 28, 2013. Remembering you is easy, I do it every day, It’s just the pain of losing you, That never goes away, Though the tears in my eyes don’t always glisten, And my face not always sad, There is never a night or morning, I don’t think of the son I had. Not a day do I forget you, In my heart you are always here, For I love you and I miss you, As this ends the very first year. We all miss you so much, Love always, Your mother, the Gentle and Timewell Families. C48 805 HEALTH/ FITNESS SERENITY HEALTH. Colon Hydrotherapy. Effectively removes toxins. Increases energy. Helps with weight loss, constipation, digestion, bloating, irritable bowel. Consultations available. 905-857-1499 B16TFN Photo by richard blanchard santa droPs into adjala–tosorontio seniors tea – Adjala–Tosorontio mayor Tom Walsh was on hand last Wednesday to welcome Santa to the annual Seniors Tea held by the Adjala–Tosorontio Residents Association. Santa had gifts for the 150 seniors on-hand for the Christmas lunch. 804 SERVICES specializing in high-quality masonry, and natural stone Got masonry needs? We do it all. parging repointing brick & block work mortar colour matching brick tinting wall openings & closures chimneys window sill replacement fireplaces stone walls & flatwork cultured stone glass block historical restoration a specialty The brick stops here! 1-866-796-2663 ADVERTISING LOCALLY WORKS! Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers with a nose for bargains head straight for the Classifieds. In the Classifieds, you can track down deals on everything from cars to canine companions. It’s easy to place an ad or find the items you want, and it’s used by hundreds of area shoppers every day. Go with your instincts and use the Classifieds today. Call 1-888-557-6626 Remember your loved ones in a special way... IN MEMORIAMS $30 + HST Photos by Wendy Gabrek small business exPo dominated by female entrePreneurs – On Saturday, November 22nd, a Small Business Expo, hosted by Becky Wilson-Ouellet, was held at Hillside Church in Tottenham. The event was an opportunity for small and homebased business owners to advertise and sell their wares before the holiday season arrives. Spots were available for just $20 per vendor. The event attracted several local businesses, mostly owned by female entrepreneurs. CROSSWORD SOLUTION The TIMES – November 27, 2014 – Page 19 Improvements complete on adj–Tos roads • North Keenansville Stub Road (100 metres) • 20th Sideroad Adjala (2,150 metres) • 5th Sideroad Adjala (1,300 metres) The Government of Canada contributed $384,000 towards the total project cost of $384,000 through the federal Gas Tax Fund. “Our Government is pleased to provide municipalities with flexible infrastructure funding that allows them to support projects that By Wendy GaBrek Residents of Adjala-Tosorontio are now enjoying a smoother ride on seven local roads throughout the Township, thanks to contributions from the federal Gas Tax Fund. Representatives gathered on Monday to celebrate the completion of the work which provides numerous benefits to the community. In total, 6.5 kilometres of roadway was resurfaced in the Township in 2014. Road work included upgrading road surfaces from gravel to asphalt and resurfacing existing asphalt to provide safe and serviceable roadways. These improvements will increase the functional lifespan of the roads, while providing a safer and smoother commute for motorists. Road resurfacing was completed on the following roads: • Concession Road 3 Tosorontio (1 ,000 metres) • Main Street, Lisle (400 metres) • Mulmur-Tosorontion townline (400 metres) • 5th Sideroad Tosorontio (1,200 metres) ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. FOR SALE WANTED #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $32.95/Month FIREARMS WANTED FOR DECEMBER 6th, 2014 AUCTION: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns. As Estate Specialists WE manage sale of registered / unregistered firearms. Contact Paul, Switzer’s Auction: Toll-Free 1-800694-2609, or ORDER TODAY AT: or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538 SAWMILLS from only $4,397 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. come,” said the Honourable Dr. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour, Minister of Status of Women and Member of Parliament for Simcoe-Grey “We are pleased to be able to partner with the Government of Canada to invest in our road infrastructure. Building upon our road network will benefit our residents and local businesses for years to come with safer roads and improved access between our communities,” said Tom Walsh, Mayor. PhoTo By Wendy GaBrek ShoP The neIGhBourhood ThIS SaTurday – The Tottenham–Beeton & District Chamber of Commerce (TBDCC), the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and Yellow Pages is encouraging you to ‘Shop the Neighbourhood’ on Saturday, November 29th. This project was started in 2013 and encourages Canadians Nationwide to make a local purchase and take advantage of any exclusive event day deals offered by local businesses! All of the Chamber business members have been encouraged to participate in this free event by offering a deal for the day – following the BTBIA’s Santa Claus Parade this weekend. ‘Shop the Neighbourhood’ bags will be available from the Chamber of Commerce parking lot (located at 54 Queen Street South, Tottenham) while quantities last, during the parade, that starts at 3 p.m. Network Absolutely no ports are blocked Unlimited Downloading Up to 11Mbps Download & 800Kbps Upload address the needs of their communities. These road improvements, made possible through the federal Gas Tax Fund, will provide a safer and smoother ride for drivers, while helping to protect the environment through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Going forward, our investments through the federal Gas Tax Fund will continue to generate economic growth and job creation across Ontario communities for years to WA N T E D : O L D T U B E A U D I O EQUIPMENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond organs. Any condition, no floor model consoles. Call Toll-Free 1-800-9470393 / 519-853-2157. FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single i t e m s , m i l i t a r y. We h a n d l e a l l paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED BUILDING COMMUNITY - ONE STAR AT A TIME. Recognize a six to 17 year old with the prestigious 2014 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award nomination by Nov. 30. or call 905-639-8720 ext. 221. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONISTS needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from Home! 1.800.466.1535 LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mileage rate. Home weekly. New equipment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800-263-8267 DRIVERS WANTED VACATION/TRAVEL NEWFOUNDLAND CHARM MEETS LABRADOR SPLENDOUR! Experience ancient geology at Gros Morne, lose yourself in the Torngat mountains and spot whales, polar bears, and seals from our beautiful ship. Quote Ontario Newspapers AND SAVE $500! TOLL-FREE: 1-800 363-7566 14 Front St. S. Mississauga (TICO # 04001400) EMPLOYMENT OPPS. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-ath o m e p o s i t i o n s a v a i l a b l e . Ge t the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV - Need a MORTGAGE, Home Equity Loan, Better Rate? Bad Credit, SelfEmployed, Bankrupt? Been turned down? Facing Foreclosure, Power of Sale? CALL US NOW TOLL-FREE 1-877-733-4424 and speak to a licensed mortgage agent. specializes in residential, commercial, rural, agriculture, farms, & land mortgages. Visit: (Lic#12126). $$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Debt Consolidation, Refinancing, R e n o v a t i o n s , Ta x A r r e a r s , n o CMHC fees. $50K you pay $208.33/ month (OAC). No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGES, CALL TODAY Toll-Free 1-800-282-1169, (LIC# 10969). 1 s t & 2 n d M O RT G A G E S f r o m 2.45% VRM and 2.99% FIXED. A l l C r e d i t Ty p e s C o n s i d e r e d . Let us help you SAVE thousands on the right mortgage! Purchasing, Re-financing, Debt Consolidation, Home Renovations...CALL 1-800225-1777, (LIC #10409). STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 Connect with Ontarians – extend your business reach! FINANCIAL SERVICES FREE Consultation $$ MONEY $$ • 1ST, 2ND & 3RD MORTGAGES FOR ANY PURPOSE • DEBT CONSOLIDATION • BAD CREDIT • TAX OR MORTGAGE ARREARS • DECREASE PAYMENTS UP TO 75% • SELF-EMPLOYED • NO PROOF OF INCOME Ontario-Wide Financial 1-888-307-7799 (Licence #12456) ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS I N O N TA R I O W I T H O N E E A S Y C A L L ! Yo u r C l a s s i f i e d Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today 647-3502558, Email: or visit: Page 20 – November 27, 2014 – The TIMES Y A D I R F K C A E L A BL S T OU R CE N A E D I E F N L O C C ITH T W U Y Y U T B O N A R L R A W AL TORY C A F F O E C ALL BALAN 2013 DODGE CHARGER SXT 2013 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY NEARLY NEARLY NEW STK# 02408 23,600 KM $77 84 WEEKLY +TAX FORMER DAILY RENTAL MONTHS OAC 2013 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING SEDAN STOW N’ GO SEATING $105 84 MONTHS WEEKLY +TAX FORMER DAILY RENTAL 25% OFF EXTENDED WARRANTY OAC ONLY IN A JEEP 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 2012 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED NE ARLY ONLY 2,2 NEW 00KM NEW STK# 02401 13,144 KM FABULOUS LOOKING BLACK CAR $82 84 WEEKLY +TAX FORMER DAILY RENTAL ON ALL VEHICLES LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW 2013 CHRYSLER 200 SPORT NEARLY NEW STK# 02415 17,814 KM FULLY EQUIPPED E NO BETTER TIM CE, A NO BETTER PL PLE O NO BETTER PE MONTHS OAC STK# 131023 2,200 KM GORGEOUS CAR, TERRIFIC BUY $99 84 WEEKLY +TAX MONTHS OAC RUST MODULE INCLUDED WITH LIFETIME WARRANTY EASY WRAP UP NE ARLY ONLY 8,4 NEW 00KM 2007 VW BEETLE CONVERTIBLE STK# 151007A STK# 02416 8,400 KM $114 WEEKLY +TAX 84 MONTHS OAC STK# 02417 $96 2011 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 62,981 KM WEEKLY +TAX 84 MONTHS $10,999 OAC 2012 GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLANDER FULLY L OADED $98 34,000 KM WEEKLY +TAX 84 MONTHS OAC STK# 129023A $132 Where you are a customer for life! “Think of Fink!” WEEKLY +TAX 84 STK# 142005A $48 84 MONTHS WEEKLY +TAX OAC 519.942.8400 TOLL FREE 2012 CHRYSLER 200 LX 60,000 KM 1.888.243.6343 WWW.ORANGEVILLECHRYSLER.COM N CHRIS WELBURN TERRY CARROLL Product Specialist Product Specialist MITCH CONLIFFE GORDON HARRIS Product Specialist HWY. #10 STK# 02424 58,313 KM MONTHS OAC WE ARE HERE! HWY. #9 Product Specialist HWY 9, EAST OF 10, ORANGEVILLE
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