EU Observatory Estratti delle evoluzioni nello scenario corporate governance a livello europeo in base alle notizie diffuse dalle varie associazioni e enti di riferimento Maggio 2014 Documento prodotto con il supporto di Tutti i diritti riservati Index European Authorities 1. European Commission 2. European Parliament / Council of the EU 3. EBA - European Banking Auth. / EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Auth. 4. ESMA - European Securities and Markets Authority 5. ECB – European Central Bank Associations/Institutes 6. Basel Committee / FSI / IOSCO / IMF 7. European Issuers 8. ECGI - European Corporate Governance Institute 9. FEE - Federation of European Accountants 10. IFAC - International Federation of Accountants 11. IASB – International Accounting Standards Board 12. Surveys & Insights 2 1) European Commission European Commission Issuer Title Description Link to document rket/ratingagencies/docs/20140505report_en.pdf European Commission Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the feasibility of a network of smaller credit rating agencies. The Commission has today adopted a report addressed to the European Parliament and the Council on the feasibility of a network of smaller credit rating agencies (CRAs) in the EU. The report assesses how the establishment of such a network could contribute to the strengthening of smaller CRAs, facilitating their growth to become more competitive market players. The report proposes the establishment of a regulatory dialogue with smaller CRAs. It also recommends that a full assessment of the feasibility to establish a more integrated network of smaller CRAs be carried out within the medium to long term when the overall impact of the recently enacted legislation ( Regulation 462/2013 and Directive 2013/14/EU) can be effectively analyzed. European Commission Press release 26 May 2014. Fighting Fraud: Hercule III Work Programme adopted. Today the European Commission adopted the first annual work programme for the new anti-fraud programme Hercule III. In 2014, € 13.7 million will be made available to support Member States in ocuments/headlines/ip_14_600 fighting fraud, corruption and other illegal activities. The Programme will also help finance specific _hercule_iii_en.pdf projects x-ray scanners and other technical equipment bought by national authorities to stamp out smuggling and other criminal activities affecting the EU’s financial interests (omissis). A major novelty under the new Hercule III Programme is that Member States can apply for more funding. Potential beneficiaries are now allowed to submit an application for funding even when only minimal national co-funding can be made available. 3 2) EU Parliament / Council of the EU Issuer EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Title Description Directive 2014/51/EU of the Please note that the Official Journal of European Union on the 22nd of May 2014 has been updated with the European Parliament and of the "Directive 2014/51/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 amending Directives Council of 16 April 2014 2003/71/EC and 2009/138/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No amending Directives 2003/71/EC 1095/2010 in respect of the powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and and 2009/138/EC and Occupational Pensions Authority) and the European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, Authority)". (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No "This Directive shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the 1095/2010 in respect of the European Union". powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) and the European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority). Link to document OJ:JOL_2014_153_R_0001 &from=EN COUNCIL OF Press release 13th of May 2014. The Council today adopted new rules on the provision of services for investments in financial instruments and http://www.consilium.europa. THE Markets in financial instruments: on the operation of regulated financial markets. eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pr EUROPEAN Council adopts new rules. The rules are aimed at promoting the integration, competitiveness, and efficiency of EU financial markets, essdata/en/ecofin/142575.pd UNION amending and replacing the existing "MIFID" text2 that regulates markets in financial instruments. f They consist of two new legislative instruments: -a regulation (“MIFIR”) improving transparency and competition of trading activities by limiting the use of waivers3 on disclosure requirements and by providing for nondiscriminatory access to trading venues and central counterparties (CCPs) for all financial instruments, and requiring derivatives to be traded on organised venues (9343/14 + 9343/14 ADD 1 REV 1 + PE-CO S 22/14); -a directive (“MIFID”) amending rules on the authorisation and organizational requirements for providers of investment services and on investor protection. The directive also introduces a new type of trading venue, the organised trading facility (OTF). Standardised derivatives contracts are increasingly traded on these platforms, which are currently not regulated (9344/14 + 9344/14 ADD 1 REV 1 + PE-CO S 23/14). 4 3) EBA / EIOPA Issuer Title Description EBA - European Banking Authority EBA - European Banking Authority Call for papers for the third The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a call for research papers in view of its EBA policy research third policy research workshop taking place on 25-26 November 2014 in London on the topic 'How workshop. “How to measure to measure the riskiness of banks’. the riskiness of banks?” London, 25‐26 November 2014. ents/10180/695081/Call+for+Pap ers++3rd+EBA+Policy+Research+Wor kshop.pdf INTERVIEW: Has capital influx saturated the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market and what Interview by Andrew Mawdsley, Head of EIOPA should investors’ response be? Financial Stability and Information Unit, for the Report “Insurance-linked securities for institutional investors 2014” tx_dam/files/activities/financial_st ability/Interview_by_Andrew_Ma wdsley.pdf EIOPA - EUROPEAN INSURANCE AND OCCUPATIONAL PENSIONS AUTHORITY The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the first risk dashboard for 2014 summarising the main risks and vulnerabilities in the banking sector in the European Union (EU), based on the evolution of Key Risk Indicators (KRI) from 55 banks across the EU in the fourth quarter of 2013. This release of the Dashboard includes a one-off annex on aggregate risk parameters aimed at achieving transparency regarding EU banks' risk parameters, allowing comparison across countries and geographical areas. Link to document Risk dashboard Q1 2014 (DATA AS OF Q4 2013). 5 ents/10180/679742/EBA+Dashbo ard+-+Q1+2014.pdf 4) ESMA Issuer Title Description Link to document SMSG position paper on ESMA - EUROPEAN SECURITY AND MARKETS Crowdfunding. AUTHORITY Please note that the European Security and Markets Authority’s website has updated on the 23th of April 2014. The Documents section now includes 010.pdf the position paper "Position paper. Crowdfunding - ESMA/2014/SMSG/010". ESMA Risk Dashboard ESMA - EUROPEAN No.2, 2014 SECURITY AND MARKETS AUTHORITY ESMA/2014/0536. Please note that the European Security and Markets Authority’s website has been updated on the 16th of May 2014. The Documents section now includes the second 2014 Risk Dashboard "ESMA Risk Dashboard No.2, 2014 ESMA/2014/0536". "The reporting period of this Report is 01 January 2014 to 31 March 2014, unless indicated otherwise". Please note that the European Security and Markets Authority’s website has been updated on the 21st of May 2014. The Documents section now includes the 8th updated Q&A on EMIR implementation “Questions and Answers Implementation of the Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (EMIR) -ESMA/2014/550". Questions and Answers ESMA - EUROPEAN Implementation of the SECURITY AND MARKETS AUTHORITY Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (EMIR) ESMA/2014/550. Summary of conclusions Please note that the European Security and Markets Authority’s website has - EUROPEAN BoS meeting- 19th March been updated on the 28th of May 2014. The Documents section now includes 60_SECURITY AND MARKETS AUTHORITY 2014 - ESMA/2014/BS/60. the BoS document "Summary of conclusions BoS meeting - 19th March 2014. _summary_of_conclusions_19_march_meeting.pdf - ESMA/2014/BS/60". In detail, "5.MiFID II": The Executive Director presented the note, highlighting the timing of the MiFID II activities, the ap-proach taken by ESMA and the resource implications; the Board discussed about the "IPISC draft Discussion Paper on MiFID II" and the "IPISC draft Consultation Paper on MiFID II/MiFIR". 6 5) ECB Issuer Title Description ECB - EUROPEAN Working paper no. 1672: Please note that the European Central Bank’s website has been updated on the 7th of May 2014. The CENTRAL BANK Wealth differences across Pubblication section now includes the "Working paper no. 1672: Wealth differences across borders and the borders and the effect of effect of real estate price dynamics: evidence from two household surveys". real estate price dynamics: evidence from two household surveys. Link to document b/pdf/scpwps/ecbwp1672.pd f Please note that the European Central Bank’s website has been updated on the 12th of May 2014. The Press ECB - EUROPEAN Toward the European - Speeches section now includes the speech “Toward the European Banking Union: achievements and ess/key/date/2014/html/sp14 CENTRAL BANK Banking Union: achievements and challenges. Speech by Danièle Nouy, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism”, 0512_1.en.html challenges. Speech by delivered at the OeNB Economics Conference, Vienna, 12 May 2014. Danièle Nouy, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. ECB - EUROPEAN Public consultation on a At the conclusion of the consultation, the Regulation on supervisory fees to set out how the ECB recovers its expenditures for supervising the euro area banking sector will be issued. "The ECB will take over as m/consultations/shared/pdf/f CENTRAL BANK draft Regulation of the European Central Bank on supervisor of euro area banks in November 2014 as part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). The ees/draft-ssm-feessupervisory fees - May SSM will directly supervise up to 130 institutions and work with national competent authorities to oversee 2014 smaller banks". The draft regulation sets out the arrangements under which the ECB will levy an annual supervisory fee for the expenditures incurred in relation to its new role, from November 2014 onwards. It establishes the methodology for: 1. determining the total amount of the annual supervisory fee; 2. calculating the amount to be paid by each supervised bank or banking group; 3. collecting the annual supervisory fee. Those interested can make their comments on Part III of " Draft ECB regulation on supervisory fees". Purpose of the document is to assist those interested in understanding and evaluating the draft ECB regulation on supervisory fees (that can be consulted in Part III). The consultation opens today for a seven-week period, until 11 July 2014. The consultation documents, comprising the draft ECB Regulation on supervisory fees, an explanatory report, and a Q&A note, are published in the “Banking Supervision” section of the ECB’s website. The ECB will hold a public hearing on the consultation documents on 24 June 2014, at its premises in Frankfurt. A webcast of the hearing will be made available on the ECB’s website. Information on registering for the public hearing and on how to submit a comment on the consultation documents can also be found in the “Banking Supervision” section of the website. Following the public consultation, the ECB will publish the comments received along with an evaluation and its responses. The ECB Regulation on supervisory fees will enter into force before the ECB assumes its supervisory tasks on 4 November 2014. 7 6) Basel Committee / FSI / IOSCO / IMF Issuer Title BASEL COMMITTEE Global liquidity regulation, supervision and risk management. Keynote address by Mr. Stefan Ingves, Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. FINANCIAL STABILITY Final Report. Thematic Review of BOARD the FSB Principles for Reducing Reliance on CRA Ratings. Report IOSCO-BIS. IOSCO Implementation monitoring of PFMIs: First update to Level 1 assessment report. Description Please note that the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s website has been updated on the 15th of May 2014. The Monetary & financial stability - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision - Speeches section now includes the speech "Global liquidity regulation, supervision and risk management. Keynote address by Mr. Stefan Ingves, Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision", delivered to the DNB seminar "Liquidity risk management - the LCR and beyond", Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 15 May 2014. Link to document 140515.pdf Please note that the Financial Stability Board’s website has been updated on the 12th of May 2014. The http://www.financialstabilityboar Publications section now includes the final report “Thematic Review of the FSB Principles for Reducing Reliance on CRA Ratings”. The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have published the first update to the Level 1 assessments of implementation monitoring docs/pdf/IOSCOPD440.pdf for the Principles for financial market infrastructures (PFMIs). IMF - INTERNATIONAL Research Please note that the International Monetary Fund’s website has been updated on the 28th of May 2014. The MONETARY FUND Conference. Publication section now includes the news about the "Research Conference. Financial Networks Key to Financial Networks Understanding Systemic Risk". Key to Understanding Systemic Risk. 8 s/ft/survey/so/2014/res052314a .htm 7) European Issuers Issuer Title Description Link to document European Issuers Shareholder rights directive Shareholder identification (article 3a) Summary Position “European Issuers fully shares the objective of improving shareholder identification. n/276_20140527_EI_One_Pager_SH_ID.pd However, we consider that the proposal falls short of that objective. An efficient f shareholder identification system should be based on these principles: 1. The shareholder identification system is a right for companies and should be initiated by the company 2. The shareholder identification procedure must allow companies to obtain from any intermediary at any point along the chain the identity of their clients, who hold the relevant shares. Companies should be able to bypass the investment chain and go direct to the investor where possible. 3. Failing an efficient sanction system, the shareholder identification system will remain theoretical. Only sanctions can render the proposed right effective.” European Issuers Shareholder rights directive Remuneration “The main concerns on remuneration are: 1. The remuneration report should be mainly about disclosure, while Member States n/274_EuropeanIssuers_Comments_SHRD should have the freedom to choose between an ex ante or an ex post vote. _Remuneration.pdf Disclosure of financial and non-financial remuneration components should respect confidential information; 2. Shareholders may not have the resources to decide on the details of remuneration; if they are asked to vote, then advisory votes may bring better results than binding ones; 3. There are practical difficulties in the calculation and interpretation of a pay ratio, so the provision to disclose this ratio should be deleted.” European Issuers Shareholder rights directive Related party transaction “The main concerns are: 1. Corporate governance systems in Europe are very different. No single model should n/275_EuropeanIssuers_Comments_SHRD be imposed on others. In this respect, the proposal may transfer too many powers _Related_Party_Transactions.pdf from boards to shareholders; 2. Transactions within groups of companies should be exempted (not just 100% subsidiaries); 3. Involvement of shareholders should be on an exceptional basis only, in the case of a prior negative opinion by a committee of non-executive directors; 4. Requirement for independent valuation by an independent third party should be removed; 5. Market-equivalent or standard terms should be exempted; 6. "Significant impact" is unclear and could generate uncertainty.” 9 8) European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Issuer Title European Corporate Does Mandatory Governance Institute Shareholder Voting (ECGI) Prevent Bad Acquisitions? Marco Becht Andrea Polo Stefano Rossi Description Link to document “Corporate acquisitions can be ruinous for acquirer shareholders. Can shareholder voting prevent such corporate disasters? Previous empirical studies based on U.S. data are inconclusive because shareholder 3/papers.cfm?abstract_id approval is discretionary. We study the U.K. setting where bids for relatively large targets are subject to =2443792 mandatory shareholder approval. Our findings suggest that under the U.K. listing rules shareholder voting can deter bad acquisitions. We find that shareholders gain 8 cents per dollar at the announcement of a Class 1 deal or $13.6 billion over 1992-2010 in aggregate. In the United States acquirers lost $214 billion in matched deals during the same period. In the U.K. relatively smaller Class 2 transactions do not require a vote and shareholders lost $3 billion. Our results are robust to confounding effects and other controls. A Multidimensional Regression Discontinuity Design (MRDD) inspired test supports a causal interpretation of our findings. Class 1 deals just above the assignment threshold perform better than Class 2 deals just below. Our evidence suggests that mandatory voting makes boards more likely to refrain from overpaying or from proposing deals that are not in the interest of shareholders.” European Corporate The Diffusion of “This paper investigates whether foreign institutional investors in emerging markets can enhance shareholder Governance Institute Corporate Governance value. We pay special attention to two dimensions of investor heterogeneity: whether an investor declares itself 3/papers.cfm?abstract_id (ECGI) to Emerging Markets: as an activist, and whether an investor comes from a country with a strong tradition of investor activism. First, we =2439306 apply an event study approach to the announcements of block purchases by foreign institutional investors in Evaluating Two Dimensions of Investor Korea. We find that stock prices rise on average, but only when foreign institutional investors declare themselves as activists. Source country identities also matter: The positive stock price reactions are more pronounced when Heterogeneity the activist investors come from source countries with a strong tradition of investor activism. Second, we examine corporate financial policies and governance practices of target firms one to three years following block Woochan Kim purchases by foreign activist investors. We find that target firms are more likely to reduce cash holdings, raise Taeyoon Sung leverage ratios, and peg dividend payouts and stock repurchases more closely to changes in earnings, but only Shang-Jin Wei if foreign activists are from countries with a strong tradition of activism. We conclude that openness to foreign activist investors, especially those from countries with a strong tradition of activism, can indeed put pressures on firms in emerging markets to adopt corporate governance practices that enhance shareholder values.” European Corporate Executive “We analyze the payout channel choice of listed UK firms and examine whether the choice between dividends, Governance Institute Remuneration and the share repurchases, a combination of payout channels, or complete earnings retention is affected by investor 3/papers.cfm?abstract_id (ECGI) sentiment, taxation, major shareholder ownership, and in particular the CEO’s compensation package. The =2436343 Payout Decision payout choice can have an immediate effect on the value of the CEO’s stock options and restricted stock, whereby anticipated dividends drive down the value of her equity-based pay if it is not dividend-protected Philipp Geiler whereas share repurchases may have a positive impact. We use a quantile regression analysis to examine Luc Renneboog various payout scenarios as well as a nested logit model which studies payout choice conditional on changing payout levels. We find that it is the CEO’s personal wealth as reflected by her compensation package rather than shareholder preferences which has the strongest impact on the firm’s payout policy.” 10 9) Federation of European Accountants (FEE) Issuer Title Description Link to document FEE : The Federation of European Accountants Brussels FEE comments on IASB Request for Information - Post-implementation Review: IFRS 3 Business Combinations On 19 May 2014, FEE issued a comment letter to the IASB on the IASB Request st_140519_IFRS_3_PI_review.pdf for Information - Post-implementation Review: IFRS 3 Business Combinations. FEE : The Federation of European Accountants Brussels FEE comments on EFRAG Short Discussion Series - The Equity Method: a measurement basis or a one-line consolidation On 13 May 2014, FEE issued a comment letter to EFRAG on EFRAG Short Discussion Series - The Equity Method: a measurement basis or a one-line consolidation. 0513_Equity_Method.pdf FEE : The Federation of European Accountants Brussels FEE comments on EFRAG Research Paper: The Role of the Business Model in Financial Statements On 13 May 2014, FEE issued a comment letter to EFRAG on EFRAG Research Paper: The Role of the Business Model in Financial Statements. 0513_Role_of_Business_Model_in_ FS.pdf FEE : The Federation of European Accountants Brussels FEE comments on ESMA consultation on Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) On 13 May 2014, FEE issued a comment letter to ESMA on the ESMA consultation on Alternative Performance Measures (APMs). 0513_ESMA_APMs.pdf 11 10) International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Issuer Title IFAC The International IAASB Proposes Federation of Enhancements to Accountants Auditing Standards Focused on Financial Statement Disclosures Description The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) today released for public comment proposed changes to the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) to clarify expectations of auditors when auditing financial statement disclosures. The proposals include new guidance on considerations relevant to disclosures—from when the auditor plans the audit and assesses the risks of material misstatement, to when the auditor evaluates misstatements and forms an opinion on the financial statements. Link to document IFAC The International IAASB Notes Progress Over 100 Jurisdictions Using or Committed to Using Clarified ISAs Federation of Toward a Single, Robust As today’s global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, the International Auditing and 05/iaasb-notes-progress-towardAccountants Language for Audit Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is pleased to note that the number of jurisdictions using, or single-robust-language-audit committed to using, the clarified International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) has passed 100— marking an important achievement in global convergence. The ISAs were thoroughly redrafted and revised during the IAASB’s Clarity Project, which finished in early 2009. Since then, the IAASB has monitored the uptake of the clarified ISAs. With the recent addition of several African countries – a development noted by IAASB Chairman Prof. Schilder during his recent speech in Cameroon in May – there is significant use of the clarified ISAs across six continents. “We have seen a steady increase in the use of the Clarified ISAs over the years, with the ISAs also now translated into many languages. This demonstrates the importance the global community attaches to a set of global auditing standards that can be used for high-quality audits in both the private and public sectors,” noted Prof. Schilder. IFAC The International Ethics Board Proposes Federation of Enhancements to Certain Accountants Non-Assurance Services Provisions in Ethics Code The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA, the Ethics Board) today released for public comment the Exposure Draft (ED), Proposed Changes to Certain Provisions of the Code Addressing Non-Assurance Services for Audit Clients. The proposed changes aim to enhance the independence provisions in the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) by: Providing additional guidance and clarification regarding what constitutes management responsibility, including enhanced guidance regarding how the auditor can better satisfy itself that client management will make all judgments and decisions that are the responsibility of management, when the auditor provides non-assurance services to an audit client; Providing better guidance and clarification on the concept of “routine or mechanical” services relating to the preparation of accounting records and financial statements for non-public interest entity audit clients; and Removing the provision that permits an audit firm to provide certain bookkeeping and taxation services to public interest entity audit clients in emergency situations. 12 11) International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Issuer Title IASB INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD IFRS Foundation response to the public consultation on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) Governance Review. Description Link to document Please note that the International Accounting Standards Board’s website has been updated on the 30th of April 2014. The Alerts - Governance section now includes the to the proposals set out in the public consultation document, issued on 23 January 2014 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), on the future governance of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB). The review is being undertaken by an IPSASB Governance Review Group "Response 29 April 2014. Public consultation on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) Governance Review". ernance/Documents/2014/IPS ASB-Review-Response-April2014.pdf IASB publishes IASB INTERNATIONAL amendments to IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD "IFRS 11 addresses the accounting for interests in joint ventures and joint operations. The amendments published today add new guidance on how to account for the acquisition of an interest in a joint operation that constitutes a business. The amendments specify the appropriate accounting treatment for such acquisitions. The issue originated from a submission to the IFRS Interpretations Committee. As a result the Interpretations Committee recommended that the IASB should amend IFRS 11". ctUpdate/Documents/2014/IF RS-11-Joint-ArrangementsMay-2014.pdf Press release 12 May 2014. IASB publishes amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 38 Intangible Assets. Annual Report 2013. IASB INTERNATIONAL Charting progress towards global accounting ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD standards. Please note that the International Accounting Standards Board’s website has been updated on the 12th May 2014. The Publications section now includes the press release “IASB publishes amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 38 Intangible Assets”. cation/Documents/2014/PRIAS-16-IAS-38-amendmentsMay-2014.pdf "The report summarizes the use of IFRS around the world, drawing on recently published jurisdictional profiles that show how IFRS is now required for use by more than 100 jurisdictions, representing 81 per cent of the 130 jurisdictions profiled. The report includes audited financial statements and a comprehensive breakdown of the financial support received by the IFRS Foundation during 2013". IASB INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD 13 12) Surveys & Insights Issuer PWC Title Description Link to document What you need to EU legislation to reform the statutory audit market was adopted in April 2014. The laws will apply know – EU audit from mid-June 2016 – with the exception of mandatory firm rotation, which is subject to transition reform arrangements. The legislation – composed of a directive and a regulation - means that mandatory rotation of statutory audit firms will be introduced into the EU on a 10 yearly basis for all public interest entities. There will also be additional restrictions on the non-audit services that audit firms can provide to their audit clients. The regulation contains as many as 21 Member State options, which may lead to a patchwork of rules across the EU – both in the periods for rotation and which services are prohibited. Stakeholders are being encouraged to engage with their respective governments to input on the best possible use of the Member State options. PWC Banking Banana Skins 2014 The CSFI survey of bank risk Inching towards recovery The core requirements and transition arrangements The measures that relate to the role and responsibilities of the audit committees of EU Public Interest Entities (PIEs) The measures regarding the introduction of prohibitions on the provision of certain non-audit services by statutory auditors to their PIE clients The measures covering new reporting requirements by statutory audit firms relating to their PIE audit clients, including changes to the statutory audit firm’s report on the audit and additional reporting to the audit committee and other supervisory bodies survey describes the risks currently facing the global banking industry, as seen by a wide range of bankers, banking regulators and close observers of the banking scene around the world. markets/banana-skins/assets/pwc-bankingbanana-skins-2014-v2-april.pdf The survey was carried out in January and February 2014, and received 656 responses from individuals in 59 countries. The questionnaire was in three parts. In the first, respondents were asked to describe, in their own words, their main concerns about the financial system over the next 2-3 years. In the second, they were asked to score a list of potential risks, or Banana Skins, selected by a CSFI/PwC panel. In the third, they were asked to rate the preparedness of financial institutions to handle the risks they identified. Replies were confidential, but respondents could choose to be named. Accenture Accenture Global New research from Accenture reveals that, while a vast majority of executives believe supply chain Operations risk management is a priority, only a small group of companies employ practices that enable them to nts/PDF/Accenture-Global-MegatrendsMegatrends Study generate a significant risk management ROI. Operations-Supply-Chain-Risk-Management.pdf “Don’t Play it Safe When it Comes to Supply Chain Risk Management” Bain & Designing the If there is one overriding imperative for CEOs, it is to add value to the portfolio of businesses so that Company Corporate Center: the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. Such value creation requires steering by the /role_of_center_organization_design_designing_ How to Turn corporate_center_turn_strategy_structure/ corporate center—whether across businesses, across regions, or across functions. But whatever Strategy into form that steering takes, the corporate center must not only choose its optimal parenting strategy Structure but also design an organization that translates that strategy’s value-creation logic into practice. Many CEOs, however, struggle to translate strategic logic into action, and as a result, many corporate centers still fall short of their full value-creation potential. 14 Documento prodotto con il supporto di Tutti i diritti riservati
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