GROUSE NEWS Newsletter of the Grouse Group of the IUCN-SSC Galliformes Specialist Group Galliformes Specialist Group IUCN-SSC Galliformes Specialist Group Issue 47 May 2014 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Contents From the Editor From the Chair News from the Galliformes Specialist Group 3 4 5 Conservation News In My Opinion: Conservation plans and the future of sage-grouse in Colorado, USA Experts recommend limiting ravens, owls to save sage grouse from extinction Comments to the Canadian Press article Lesser Prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) was federally-listed as Threatened in the USA 6 7 8 9 Research Reports A translocation experiment for improving the genetic diversity of an isolated population of Pyrenean rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica) Aggressive encounters of Chinese Grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi in autumn at Lianhuashan natural reserve, Gansu, China Non-invasive genetic monitoring of capercaillie in the wild: individual tracking and breeding success Successful semen collection from wild capercaillie Biology and conservation of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in a Mediterranean environment Greater Prairie-Chicken Thermal Habitat use in Heterogeneous Grasslands Conferences 13th International grouse symposium ˗˗ Iceland 2015. First announcement 7th International Black Grouse Conference, Pechoro-Ilych reserve, Russia, 24-29.05.2014. Third circular IUCN World Parks Congress 2014: Newsletter & Registration Information 11 18 24 28 30 31 35 36 36 Recent grouse literature 37 Snippets Capercaillie special issue of the German journal ‘Die Vogelwelt’ The first whole grouse genome is now sequenced and published Long-extinct heath hen comes to life in archival film Information on wind power sites in grouse habitats 42 42 43 43 2 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group From the Editor With joint efforts we will still make Grouse News a good newsletter for grouse people all over the world where they may find interesting things and be updated of what is going on in grouse research. But to fill the intension of being a connection between grouse people around the world it is important that all of you report on your research and other things about grouse that may be of interest in Grouse News. The more you write to grouse News, the better it will be. If you have anything that can be of interest to other grouse people around the world, please send it. We welcome articles, reports from projects, conservation news, abstracts from papers (if permitted by the journal) and also other things you think may be of interest to grouse people. Under conservation news you will find plans for sage grouse and also a text from Canadian Press with comments from researchers. And a text telling that lesser prairie-chicken is federally-listed as threatened. Research reports have articles about translocation of Pyrenean rock ptarmigan and aggressive encounters in Chinese grouse. Three articles on capercaillie dealing with genetic monitoring, semen collection of wild birds and biology and conservation in a Mediterranean environment are also published. The effect of climate change on greater prairie-chicken is also found. Snippets have short info about a special capercaillie issue of Die Vogelwelt, the first whole grouse genome sequenced, an archival film of the long-extinct heath hen and information on wind power sites in grouse habitats. If any of you change your employment or if there are other changes of interest, please send a short note to be put under snippets in Grouse News. It is especially important that you send your new email address if you still want to receive Grouse News. Each time GN is sent, too many are returned with address unknown. The 13th International Grouse Symposium will be held in Iceland 4-7 September 2015 and hosted by the Icelandic Institute of Natural History with Olafur Nielsen as chair. The 7th International Black Grouse Conference will be in Pechoro-Ilych reserve, Russia, 24-29 May 2014. In Sidney, Australia, the IUCN World Parks Congress will be arranged 12-19 November 2014. Tor Kristian Spidsö, Editor Grouse News Skilsøtoppen 33, N-4818 Færvik, Norway, Don Wolfe, Co-editor North America G. M. Sutton Avian Research Center, University of Oklahoma, P.O. Box 2007, Bartlesville, OK 74005, 3 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group From the Chair Major news from the Grouse Group relate to one past and one upcoming conference. A selection of papers from the 12th International Grouse Symposium (IGS) in Japan (2012) have been published in Wildlife Biology ( and are available for free download at The upcoming conference I want to draw your attention to is the 7th International Black Grouse Conference. The story behind this conference began in May 1994, when a group of capercaillie enthusiasts from various European countries visited the Pechora-Ilyich Zapovednik in the Ural Mountains. A Zapovednik is the Russian word for a strict nature reserve. The Pechora-Ilyich Zapovednik was founded in 1930 and it is huge – it covers >7000 km² of virgin boreal forest. At the time of our visit, I worked parts of the year out of Vladivostok in the Russian Far East, coordinating (or rather: trying to coordinate) a project on Siberian Tiger conservation. In Moscow, I joined up with Emmanuel Ménoni from France, David Baines, David Jenkins, Robert Moss, and Jimmy Oswald from the UK. Together we took a plane to Syktyvkar, the capital of Komi Republic. After a long overnight train ride through endless boreal forests and a few scattered villages we got to the town of Troitsk, the district capital. There, we changed into an old army truck that drove us along sandy forest roads to the village of Yaksha. At Yaksha, a small timer town at the shore of the Pechora river, we met with Russian grouse biologists Alexei and Vladimir, with whom we spent several days in the vast pristine forest - on foot, and by boat, truck, and airplane. To us visitors, all coming from parts of Europe where every hectare of forest has been manipulated by humans for centuries if not millennia, the landscape of the Pechora-Ilyich Nature Reserve was a true eye-opener to the spatial and temporal patterns and dynamics of boreal forest and their grouse habitats. David Jenkins reported on the visit in Grouse News 07 (June 1994), which is available here: Exactly 20 years later, in the last week of May 2014, I will return to Yaksha, participating in the 7th International Black Grouse Conference. The conference is hosted by the Pechoro-Ilychskii Nature Biosphere Reserve and the Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, and organised by Andrey Korolev, Leonid Simakin, and Juri Kurhinen. I am excited to refresh my impressions from 20 years ago, and again share them with a group of international colleagues. We will report in the GN. For last-minute participants interested in joining the conference: email Andrey Korolev at Ilse Storch, Chair, Grouse Group within the IUCN-SSC Galliformes SG (GSG), Co-Chair, IUCN-SSC Galliformes SG. Professor, Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg, D-79085 Freiburg, Germany, 4 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group NEWS FROM GALLIFORMES SG In October 2012, IUCN held its four-yearly World Conservation Congress, triggering the dissolution and reformation of its Commissions, and thus all Specialist Groups under the Species Survival Commission (IUCN-SSC), such as the GSG. With the membership’s support, we were soon invited by the SSC Chair, Simon Stuart, to continue as the GSG Co-Chairs for 2013-16. There then followed a long period of discussion about our precise identity with the World Pheasant Association (WPA) and the SSC. At length it became clear that from now on we can only operate under the sole auspices of SSC. The previous arrangement giving SSC and WPA joint oversight for the GSG has been cancelled, because it is no longer consistent how Specialist Groups can be set up as fully independent scientific advisory bodies under the current SSC constitutional guidelines. In particular Specialist Groups, as organisations, must be independent from NGOs. Individual SG members of course remain free to work with and receive project funds from NGOs (and government sources). It is only when such activities are to be carried out in the name of the GSG (and therefore SSC) that they require our approval or endorsement. We are, as ever, happy to receive project proposals for peer-review: our process is designed to be constructive in improving proposals and can involve extensive mentoring by reviewers. In addition, we know that supportive letters from us on a letterhead bearing the IUCN-SSC logo do often help to persuade donors to provide project funds. It is worth reflecting on some history at this point. Very soon after WPA was founded in 1975, it started to encourage and fund surveys and other research on pheasants in Asia. Subsequently it became involved in fostering work on other Galliformes species elsewhere in the world, and in running symposia, including the International Grouse Symposia. It was on these foundations that, in the early 1990’s, the five SGs covering all the Galliformes came into existence. Over the past 20 years WPA has given these SGs and then the GSG much support, including time from their scientific staff and the handling of donated funds for projects that the SGs endorsed. WPA and IUCN were the joint publishers of three Action Plans in 1995 and five in 2000, with WPA contributing substantially to the costs of editing and production. Many people who have been able to run projects with funds provided through WPA remain extremely grateful for all this support: it helped them to build their careers whilst carrying out important work on our threatened species. Long may this continue. Given that the wellbeing of the birds must be our top priority, we expect members of the GSG to work with people in any other organisations sharing this common interest. A current case in point is the international effort going into establishing the whereabouts of any remaining Edwards’s Pheasants Lophura edwardsi in the fragmented forests of central Vietnam, along with work to establish a robust new International Studbook population after DNA-screening of birds currently held in captivity across the world (see report in G@llinformed #8; page 10 and page 30). So what precisely needs to be done to stabilise or improve the situation of the quarter of our 290 or so species that are currently featured as Vulnerable or worse on the IUCN Red List? Of course the requirements of each species are different, and previously we had our five-year Action Plans as consensus documents to guide our priorities, but these have now expired (including Grouse, 2006-10). For over 25 years now, we have been engaged with BirdLife International, as the Red List Authority for all birds, in their annual review of species categorisations. The species accounts which provide the evidence for this process are published on the web at and on the main IUCN Red List site at These accounts include fields for status, threats and both current and proposed future conservation actions, the latter outlining what is being done and is still required, to reduce perceived stresses on threatened populations and species. We intend to conduct a full audit to check that the information given is fully up to date, and that conservation action is based on evidence and consensus. We will be looking for gaps anywhere in knowledge, plans and action: these will become our new priorities. Peter will lead this initiative, but he needs the help of anyone (and not just GSG members) who has detailed knowledge relating to our threatened species. Please help if you possibly can. Note: This is a slightly edited version of a text that first appeared in G@llinformed 8, the newsletter of the IUCN-SSC Galliformes Specialist Group. Peter Garson and Ilse Storch Co-Chairs,IUCN-SSC/WPA Galliformes Specialist Group (GSG) ilse.storch@wildlife.uni-freiburg. 5 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group CONSERVATION NEWS In My Opinion: Conservation plans and the future of sage-grouse in Colorado, USA Clait E. Braun I became involved with sage-grouse (Centrocercus spp.) in Colorado starting in 1973 on an official basis continuing into late June 1999. During this period I was involved with management and research activities which led to discovery and description of the Gunnison sage-grouse (C. minimus) (Young et al. 2000). Research on sage-grouse throughout southwestern Colorado revealed a pattern of discontinuous distribution and small scattered populations outside of the Gunnison Basin (Braun 1995). This led to joint efforts starting in 1994-1995 to develop the first conservation plans (Hemker and Braun 2001) for specific areas to identify what could be done to benefit Gunnison sage-grouse as it was clear that species would be petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act, once it was formally described. This led to formal conservations plans for this species in the Gunnison Basin, Crawford, Dove Creek, MiramonteDry Creek Basin, Pinon Mesa-Glade Park, and Poncha Pass in Colorado. The situation with populations of greater sage-grouse (C. urophasianus) in north-central and northwestern Colorado was also of concern as populations were becoming more fragmented and smaller (Eagle-Yampa, Piceance Basin, western Routt County, Moffat County, Middle Park, and even North Park). It was clear the same pattern observed in southwest Colorado with disappearance of Gunnison sage-grouse, from county after county, was well underway. Thus, attempts were initiated to get Working Groups to develop conservation plans for North Park, Moffat County, Middle Park, and Eagle-Yampa. These efforts were well ahead of where maintenance of populations was going to become problematic, except at Eagle-Yampa and the Piceance Basin where it was too late. These conservation planning efforts, for the most part, were well ahead of public recognition and acceptance of the problems. The goal of research and management in Colorado during the 1970s and 1980s was to measure the impact of hunting (Braun and Beck 1985) on sage-grouse as well as the impact of coal mining (Braun 1986) and other disturbances and projects (Braun 1987) that fragmented sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitats. The impacts of hunting were not measurable even with thousands of bandings, hunting by permit only (North Park for 3 years), collections of thousands of wings from hunter-harvested sage-grouse, and thousands of hours counting numbers of sage-grouse on leks in spring (Braun and Beck 1985, Zablan et al. 2003). However, research demonstrated that disturbance from coal mining activities had a local impact on recruitment of first-year birds to leks, greatly decreasing the number of males on leks in the local area (Remington and Braun 1991). It also became clear that activities that fragmented or destroyed sagebrush habitats including oil and gas development activities had negative impacts for sage-grouse (Braun 1998, Braun et al. 2002). The goal for research and management on sage-grouse in the 1990s in Colorado was to inform local residents and the public at large as to where management of sage-grouse would be in the 2000s (Braun et al. 1994). Thus, focus continued on research on Gunnison sage-grouse with the largest emphasis placed on informing the public and local residents of the immediate need for conservation plans so they would not be ‘shocked’ by petitions to list sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act. This was not well accepted anywhere as few could envision that sage-grouse were truly in trouble. Thus many people, including administrators in the then Colorado Division of Wildlife, were not totally on board for the need for local Working Groups and area specific conservation plans. This provides the backdrop of where we are today. Both species of sage-grouse have been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. There are conservation plans for specific populations of sage-grouse as well as state-wide plans. No population of sage-grouse in Colorado is doing particularly well as populations continue to fluctuate. Conservation plans overall have been ineffective (no measurable success in terms of increases in distribution and abundance; Connelly and Braun 2007) and all but one population of Gunnison sage-grouse are functionally extirpated and are being ‘maintained’ by releases from the back of a truck. Sage-grouse have not expanded their range into former habitats anywhere in Colorado, hunting opportunity has been greatly reduced, and the Gunnison sage-grouse may be listed under the Endangered Species Act early in 2014. This listing is likely to happen but that of greater sage-grouse may not occur for 10 years and litigation will continue over the status of both species. Could what has happened have been prevented? Possibly. But there would have been very little support from political representatives, citizens, or from within the then Colorado Division of Wildlife for the dramatic actions that would have been needed in 1995. Gradual loss of species is tolerated until it is 6 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group usually too late. Only catastrophic collapses of populations are noticed and followed by the regulatory changes that are needed to prevent total extinction of a species. The future for both species of sage-grouse is bleak. Gunnison sage-grouse will be listed under the Endangered Species Act as it is only a matter of time. We can logically expect Gunnison sage-grouse will likely no longer be viable as a species by 2030 as all that is needed is one or two cataclysmic events in the Gunnison Basin. Greater sage-grouse will also likely be listed under the Endangered Species Act as populations in most, if not all states, will be very limited or functionally extirpated by 2050. Several major cataclysmic events may be needed but, as with Gunnison sage-grouse, the foundations for cataclysmic events are already in place. References Braun, C. E. 1986. Changes in sage grouse lek counts with advent of surface coal mining. - Proceedings, Issues and Technology in the Management of Impacted Western Wildlife 2: 227-231. Braun, C. E. 1987. Current issues in sage grouse management. - Proceedings of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 67: 134-144. Braun, C. E. 1995. Distribution and status of sage grouse in Colorado. - Prairie Naturalist 27: 1-9. Braun, C. E. 1998. Sage grouse declines in western North America: what are the problems? - Proceedings of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 78: 139-156. Braun, C. E. and T. D. I. Beck. 1985. Effects of changes in hunting regulations on sage grouse harvest and populations. - Pages 335-343 in S. L. Beasom and S. F. Roberson, Editors. Game Harvest Management. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Caesar Kleberg Research Institute, Kingsville, Texas, USA. Braun, C. E., K. Martin, T. E. Remington, and J. R. Young. 1994. North American grouse: issues and strategies for the 21st century. - Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 59: 428-438. Braun, C. E., O. O. Oedekoven, and C. L. Aldridge. 2002. Oil and gas development in western North America: effects on sagebrush steppe avifauna with particular emphasis on sage grouse. Transactions of the North America Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 67: 337-349. Connelly, J. W. and C. E. Braun. 2007. In our opinion: measuring success of sage-grouse conservation plans. - Grouse News 33: 4-6. Hemker, T. P. and C. E. Braun. 2001. Innovative approaches for development of conservation plans for sage grouse: examples from Idaho and Colorado. - Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 66: 456-463. Remington, T. E. and C. E. Braun. 1991. How surface coal mining affects sage grouse, North Park, Colorado. - Proceedings, Issues and Technology in the Management of Impacted Western Wildlife 5: 128-132. Young, J. R., C. E. Braun, S. J. Oyler-McCance, J. W. Hupp, and T. W. Quinn. 2000. A new species of sage-grouse (Phasianidae: Centrocercus) from southwestern Colorado. - Wilson Bulletin 112: 445-453. Zablan, M. A., C. E. Braun, and G. C. White. 2003. Estimation of greater sage-grouse survival in North Park, Colorado. - Journal of Wildlife Management 67: 144-154. Clait E. Braun, Grouse Inc., 5572 North Ventana Vista Road, Tucson, Arizona 85750 USA, Experts recommend limiting ravens, owls to save sage grouse from extinction By The Canadian Press February 6, 2014 CALGARY - Conservation experts are making five main recommendations to protect one of Canada's most highly endangered birds from extinction. One suggestion is to protect the sage grouse by potentially reducing the number of predators, such as ravens. The ideas come from a workshop by the Calgary Zoo that brought together biologists, ranchers, government and energy industry representatives. Axel Moehrenschlager, head of the zoo's Centre for Conservation Research, says what's surprising is that many of the predators are other birds. "There's expansions by ravens, if you can believe, into the Prairie landscape and as such Alberta Fish and Wildlife is looking at ways of reducing the raven numbers, for example, so that predation on eggs or even young chicks goes down," said Moehrenschlager. Moehrenschlager said great horned owls are also affecting sage grouse. 7 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Moehrenschlager said reducing numbers doesn't mean a cull is necessary. "One of the things that the provincial government is looking at is, for instance, limiting the number of roosting sites that raptors can use," he said. "There are some old abandoned buildings that raptors are using, such as owls are using, to hatch their young. And so basically making those buildings inaccessible, so that they have fewer chances to breed in that landscape and as such have a lower impact on the greater sage grouse as well." Moehrenschlager says other options include fencing off areas where there are sage grouse nests so predators can't get to them. Other recommendations include setting up a captive breeding centre for sage grouse and establishing a group to help guide recovery efforts of the northern silver sagebrush ecosystem. The sage grouse population has dropped by 98 per cent over the last 25 to 45 years; there are fewer than 138 birds remaining in Canada. And the Calgary Zoo says models suggest current reproduction and survival rates are too low to sustain the wild population and extinction is likely within two to five years if action isn't taken immediately. The federal government issued an emergency order to protect the bird across 1,700 square kilometres of Crown land in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Moehrenschlager said the workshop's recommendations could help save the species from extinction if they're implemented immediately. "The trajectory has been downwards for a long time. The numbers are critically low. And the numbers of birds that are presently on the ground are not all in the same place, they're spread over a larger landscape," he said. "I think that the recommendations that came out of the workshop from all the experts, both in Canada and the United States, are comprehensive and if they're all acted on, as we intend that they will be, I think the species really does stand a good chance of still making a comeback in Canada." Reprinted from the Montreal Gazette published 6 February 2014. — By Jennifer Graham in Regina Comments to the Canadian Press article Clait Braun gave a talk at a sage grouse symposium in which he explained that the grouse evolved with ravens, predatory birds, drought, etc. and can still live with them in suitable habitat. He pointed out that the grouse did NOT evolve with repetitive grazing. That is a lesson the agencies do not want to hear or to learn. Stan Moore Adam - this is enough to give the term EXPERT a bad name. I will remember never to call myself one. Meanwhile I would like to see who could have made these recommendations. No Canadian ecologist I know would have done such a crazy thing (I would hope....). Charles Krebs I wonder if any of the ‘experts’ at the workshop thought of asking what all those ravens and owls are living on between their meals of sage grouse eggs and chicks. I guess these ‘experts’ think owls and ravens just bide their time in abandoned buildings until the next sage grouse comes within reach. Art Lance Of course they never do, Art! It stands to reason and common-sense. Predators eat prey and must be a menace. Adam Watson The enmity between humans who raise livestock (sheep, cattle, etc) against predators in general runs very deep and it seems to be true everywhere. I met a local rancher who very vocally and enthusiastically campaigns against wolves, even though they were extirpated in California a hundred years ago. I am part of a coalition of wolf advocates for the state of Utah where one wolf wandered in from Idaho and caused an uproar among even "outdoorsmen" who fear that recolonization of that state by wolves will ruin all hunting for deer, elk, etc. Sage Grouse have been impacted locally in a few places by Golden Eagles, which use large electrical transmission towers for nesting and the conflict occurs when those towers are near leks. But Sage Grouse would not be seriously affected if they had appropriate nesting cover. The cattlemen want to eradicate the sage brush through chemicals or mechanical means and graze the understory grasses and forbs down to bare dirt by their cattle. That is why campaigners in the Western US have tried and are trying to get the grouse listed under our Endangered Species Act AND to remove domestic livestock from the vast areas owned and administered by the Federal Government through such 8 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group entities as the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service. It is a long and difficult struggle and difficult to make progress. Clait Braun tells me the Federal Government will not list the Sage Grouse under the Endangered Species Act until it is absolutely forced to. Considering that sage grouse have lost 80% of their population and 90% of their habitat with no end in sight, the predicament is very bad. In Canada, the situation is even worse. So few grouse remain that the lives of every single individual are precious enough now for the effort to remove even marginal predators is serious. It is a failure to conserve that has caused this. Preservation of every individual is extreme -- the species is in dire condition in Canada. And the band plays on and most of the public is totally unaware and remarkably indifferent to the status of wild things that used to be so numerous as to darken the skies for days when a huge flock went past... I gather that a captive-breeding and release project is envisioned for Sage Grouse via a local zoo. My observation is that such breeding projects tend to produce young birds with reduced or inhibited survival instincts, and sometimes in marginal or reduced habitat. To the zookeepers putting such birds into the wild environment, I suspect that the risk of predators is magnified and the need to eliminate predators is enhanced. That said, the prospect of predator reduction/elimination has been raised previously for Sage Grouse when no captive breeding was planned or considered in areas where grouse populations were particularly at risk. Such is the mindset of "wildlife management" "experts", who can't bring themselves to manage people to conserve wildlife the evolutionary way. Stan Moore It gets worse and worse, Stan. There is a widespread desire of zoos to look good by captive breeding, when in fact the money and attention should be for people to create the right environment where gardening and tinkering such as captive breeding, killing predators, making predator sites unusable etc are unnecessary and indeed counter-productive. Adam Watson Lesser Prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) was federallylisted as Threatened in the USA The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 27 March 2014. In response to the rapid and severe decline of the lesser prairie-chicken, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced the final listing of the species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), as well as a final special rule under section 4(d) of the ESA that will limit regulatory impacts on landowners and businesses from this listing. Under the law, a "threatened" listing means the species is likely to become in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future; it is a step below "endangered" under the ESA and allows for more flexibility in how the Act's protections are implemented. In recognition of the significant and ongoing efforts of states and landowners to conserve the lesser prairie-chicken, this unprecedented use of a special 4(d) rule will allow the five range states to continue to manage conservation efforts for the species and avoid further regulation of activities such as oil and gas development and utility line maintenance that are covered under the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies' (WAFWA) range-wide conservation plan. This range-wide conservation plan was developed by state wildlife agency experts in 2013 with input from a wide variety of stakeholders. The special rule also establishes that conservation practices carried out through the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service's Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative and through ongoing normal agricultural practices on existing cultivated land are all in compliance with the ESA and not subject to further regulation. "The lesser prairie-chicken is in dire straits," said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. "Our determination that it warrants listing as a threatened species with a special rule acknowledges the unprecedented partnership efforts and leadership of the five range states for management of the species. Working through the WAFWA range-wide conservation plan, the states remain in the driver's seat for managing the species - more than has ever been done before - and participating landowners and developers are not impacted with additional regulatory requirements." The Service has considered the lesser prairie-chicken, a species of prairie grouse commonly recognized for its colorful spring mating display and stout build, to be a species in trouble for the past 15 years. Its population is in rapid decline, due largely to habitat loss and fragmentation and the ongoing drought in the southern Great Plains. Once abundant across much of the five range states of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, the lesser prairie-chicken's historical range of native grasslands and prairies has been reduced by an estimated 84 percent. Last year, the range-wide population 9 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group declined to a record low of 17,616 birds, an almost 50 percent reduction from the 2012 population estimate. The states' conservation plan has a population goal of 67,000 birds range-wide. "To date, we understand that oil and gas companies, ranchers and other landowners have signed up over 3 million acres of land for participation in the states' range-wide conservation plan and the NRCS' Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative," said Ashe. "We expect these plans to work for business, landowners and the conservation of prairie-chickens." In addition to the range-wide conservation plan and the Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative, a number of other on-the-ground programs have been implemented over the last decade across the bird's five-state range to conserve and restore its habitat and improve its status. Key programs such as the USDA's Farm Service Agency's Conservation Reserve Program, the Bureau of Land Management's New Mexico Candidate Conservation Agreement, the Service's Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances in Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, are engaging state and federal agencies, landowners and industry in these efforts. Collectively, these programs - and in particular, the range-wide conservation plan - serve as a comprehensive framework within which conservation of the lesser prairie-chicken can be achieved. The various efforts are similar to a recovery plan, something that the Service normally prepares after a species' listing. This early identification of a strategy to conserve the lesser prairie-chicken is likely to speed its eventual delisting. However, threats impacting the species remain and are expected to continue into the future. After reviewing the best available science and on-the-ground conservation efforts focused on the species, the Service determined that the lesser prairie-chicken is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future and warrants listing as threatened under the ESA. The agency is under a court-ordered deadline to make a listing determination on the species by March 31. The final rule to list the lesser prairie-chicken as threatened and the final special rule will publish in the *Federal Register* and will be effective 30 days after publication. Copies of the final rules may be found at the Service's website at 10 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group RESEARCH REPORTS A translocation experiment for improving the genetic diversity of an isolated population of Pyrenean rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica) Claude Novoa, Nicolas Bech, Jean Resseguier, Ramon Martinez-Vidal, Diego Garcia Ferré, Jordi Sola de la Torre and Jérôme Boissier. Abstract A recent study of rock ptarmigan population genetics in Europe found that the Pyrenean ptarmigan had a very low genetic diversity compared with that found in the Alps and Scandinavia. This genetic impoverishment is particularly marked at the eastern limit of the Pyrenean range where the population is small and isolated from the main mountain chain. To improve the genetic diversity of this population at risk, an experimental translocation program has recently been carried out as part of the European project “Gallipyr”. From 2008 to 2011, 12 rock ptarmigan were transferred from the main chain to the isolated population and radio-monitored. Subsequently, we did not find any differences in either survival rates or dispersion distances between transferred and resident birds. Out of 9 reproductive attempts involving at least one transferred female or male, 5 were successful and resulted in a total of 23 fledged young. We are monitoring the allelic richness and heterozygosity of the ptarmigan in the isolated population to see if the translocation results in an increase in genetic diversity. Introduction Following the last glacial retreat (about 10,000–15,000 years ago), many cold-climate species shifted their ranges north or became ice age relics in mountaintop refugia, the only zones which meet their ecological requirements in temperate latitudes (McCarty 2001). Among tetraonids, the rock ptarmigan is likely the most relevant example of this postglacial distribution pattern, with most populations inhabiting subarctic or arctic lands above 60°N. Below this latitude rock ptarmigan occur high in the mountains of southern Europe, central Asia and Japan. In Europe, this species has survived only in mountaintop refugia of the Alps and the Pyrenees, where suitable habitat became contracted and fragmented into “sky island” patches above 2,000 m a.s.l. For species with moderate dispersal ability, this “sky island” distribution may increase the vulnerability of small isolates by reducing gene flow and demographic rescue between patches. Without gene flow among them, small and isolated populations risk inbreeding depression and increased vulnerability to extinction (Frankham et al. 2002). Indeed, there is now good evidence that reduced genetic variability might be an additional problem for the survival of small grouse populations (Westemeier 1998). A loss of genetic variability has been documented in Pyrenean ptarmigan Lagopus muta pyrenaica compared with ptarmigan found in the Alps and Scandinavia (Caizergues et al. 2003). This genetic impoverishment could result from a genetic bottleneck associated with the progressive habitat fragmentation that occurred during the Holocene (Bech et al. 2009, 2013). These studies showed that a valley only 18 km wide constituted a barrier to gene flow and split the Pyrenean rock ptarmigan range into two distinct units: the main chain (from the central Pyrenees to Andorra) and the eastern chain (Puigmal-Canigou massif) (Figure 1). Data also showed that the genetic impoverishment was higher in the easternmost part of the massif (Canigou), which therefore required special conservation attention. In agreement with the recommendations of the Grouse Action Plan 2006-2010, which stated that “…in the future translocations should likely to be used more to increase genetic heterogeneity and fertility of small isolated populations…” (Storch 2007), Bech et al. (2009) proposed to improve the genetic diversity of the rock ptarmigan population of the eastern chain by transferring birds from the main chain. This translocation program was carried out from 2008 to 2011 as part of the “Gallipyr” project, a European program involving Andorra, Spain and France, and dedicated to the conservation of Pyrenean mountain galliformes. In this paper, we present the preliminary results obtained during this experiment and discuss briefly the potential benefits and risks of this project. 11 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Figure 1. (A) Location of the rock ptarmigan translocations in the Pyrenees. The Sègre valley splits the species distribution range (darker areas) into two distinct units: the Main chain and the Eastern chain. (B) Altitudinal profile of the cross section linking the two chains (dashed line on map A). (Source of elevation map: SRTM 90 m Digital Elevation Model). Field work In the initial project, we had planned to transfer 15 – 20 birds from the main chain (“source population”) to the eastern chain (“focal population”). To limit the impact on the “source population”, we chose to transfer juvenile birds caught just before the onset of their post-natal dispersion. Nevertheless, we also allowed the transfer of a few adult males given that the sex-ratio in rock ptarmigan populations is often skewed in their favour. In a first step, we searched for brood-rearing females in July with the help of pointing dogs and caught the hens by luring them toward a net with a tape-recorded chick distress call (Brenot et al. 2002). Afterwards, the full-grown chicks were caught in September by driving the radio-monitored hens and their broods towards a long barrage of nets set above the brood locations. All birds were fitted with 7–9-g necklace radio tags (Holohil System Ltd.) with an expected lifespan of 24 months and including a mortality sensor. Some of the birds were immediately released at the capture site as “control” birds, the others were transferred by helicopter to the “focal” population and released in their new place after a 30min helicopter flight. 12 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group A rock ptarmigan has been driven towards a net barrage. The bird is hesitating in front of this unusual obstacle. Last and crucial instants before its capture. (photo Pere Ignasi Isern). Both transferred and control birds were located at least once every 15 days from the ground using a portable receiver and a handheld Yagi antenna. Aerial surveys by fixed-wing aircraft equipped with an antenna were undertaken if any transmitter signals were lost. We collected feathers on each captured bird for genetic analysis. These samples were stored in absolute ethanol. To investigate changes in genetic variability after translocations on both populations, a total of 143 individuals were genotyped, 50 from source population (31 before and 19 after translocation), and 93 from the focal population (46 before and 47 after) using 11 microsatellites (see Bech et al. 2013 for laboratory methods). Results Capture and translocation From 2008 to 2011, we captured 16 brood-rearing females in July-August from which we captured 16 full-grown chicks in September. In addition, 3 adult males roaming near the broods were also driven towards the net and captured. From these 19 birds, 12 (10 juveniles and 2 adult males) were transferred to the eastern chain and 7 (6 juveniles and 1 adult male) were released in the capture site. The birds transferred were released on sites where rock ptarmigan traditionally gather for moulting. Some juvenile birds radio-monitored in the focal population before translocation were also considered as “control” birds in survival and dispersion analysis. Survival and dispersion Among the 12 birds transferred, one was predated within 15 days following the translocation, one was predated two months after translocation, one was censored (radio-tag failure) 5 months after and the 9 others survived at least until the next breeding season. The two adult males survived respectively 17 and 30 months after translocation. Survival rates of juvenile birds were estimated by modelling individual encounter histories from September of year n to July of year n+1 with program Mark (known fate procedure). Estimations of survival rates were 0.78 [95% CI = 0.37 – 0.94] for transferred birds and 0.54 [95% CI = 0.27 – 0.74]) for control birds (n=15). Obviously, the small sample size prevents concluding that the survival of transferred birds was greater than that of control birds, but at a first glance it seems at least that translocation did not affect survival. The dispersal distance was defined as the straight-line distance between release site in September (year n) and the reproductive site in June-July (year n+1). For females, the reproductive site was defined as the nest and for males as the median value of radio-locations recorded in June-July. For transferred birds, dispersal distances averaged 4.8 km [2.7-6.2] for 4 juvenile hens and 1.1 km [0.5-1.8] for 3 juvenile males. These distances may be compared with the natal dispersal distances observed in the eastern chain for 20 juveniles, 6.4 km [0.7-17.7] for 8 hens and 4.5 km [0.2-18.5] for 12 cocks. For the 2 adult males, the dispersal distances were 5.1 and 4.5 km. Hence, we may conclude that, at least for the juveniles, 13 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group translocation did not result in an over-dispersion of birds, which may sometimes be a cause of translocation failure (Dickens et al. 2009). A young rock ptarmigan male in early November, two months after his translocation. His winter plumage is almost complete but snow cover is only patchy (photo Pere Ignasi Isern). Breeding Nine of the 12 birds transferred in autumn reached the following breeding season. Seven of these 9 birds paired with a native mate (2 did not pair) and a total of 9 reproductive attempts were observed from 2009 through 2011. One point to emphasize is the good mating success of the transferred juvenile males. Two of the 3 juvenile males found a mate the spring following their transfer whereas only 3 out of 14 resident juvenile males radio-monitored in the Canigou massif succeeded in pairing in their first breeding season (Novoa, unpublished data). Among the 9 reproductive attempts, 5 were successful resulting in one brood of 2 full-grown chicks in 2010, 4 broods of respectively 3, 5, 5 and 8 full-grown chicks in 2011. In short, we could ascertain that the 7 “mixed” pairs (source male or female x focal male or female) produced a minimum of 23 full-grown chicks to the age of dispersal. This last result is likely the most unexpected outcome of this translocation experiment. Genetics No statistically significant changes in the genetic variability of the focal population were found after translocation (table 1), likely because the number of birds transferred was small and the duration of this experiment was short. As the translocation allowed us to add only 5 new alleles to the 47 pre-existing in the "focal" population, we would not expect a dramatic improvement in the genetic variability of the eastern chain. Nevertheless, genetic analysis revealed that a part of the transferred gene pool has been already incorporated into the “focal” population. Indeed, while all birds analysed on the Canigou massif before translocation were homozygous (fixed allele) regarding the microsatellite loci “BG15” (see table 1 in Bech et al. 2009), in 2012 and 2013, 6 birds caught in the same massif were heterozygote for this loci, suggesting that a new allele was added to the gene pool of the “focal” population. 14 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Table 1. Genetic diversity of two populations of Pyrenean rock ptarmigan before (< 2008) and after (2008-2013) translocation. The Allelic richness (Ar) and heterozygosity (He) of the focal population were calculated including or not the 12 transferred birds. (n = number of birds genotyped and used for calculating Ar and He). Genetic Populations Before After P value diversity translocation translocation (Wilcoxon test) Ar 5.088 (n = 31) 0.650 4.503 (n = 46) 0.623 4.503 (n = 46) 0.623 4.944 (n = 19) 0.656 4.768 (n = 47) 0.623 4.293 (n = 35) 0.589 0.575 1 “Source” He Ar With transferred birds “Focal” Without transferred birds He Ar He 0.328 0.424 0.894 0.424 0.286 Discussion In this study we tried to improve the genetic diversity of an isolated rock ptarmigan population by translocating birds from a neighbouring population. A total of 12 birds were transferred from a “source” population to a “focal” population located at the easternmost part of the Pyrenean rock ptarmigan range. Both populations are separated by the Segre valley whose low altitude and the 18-km width represent a barrier to gene flow between the two massifs (Bech et al. 2009). By forcing the birds to cross the Sègre valley, this translocation attempt may be viewed as a kind of assisted dispersion. Birds transferred survived well, mated with native birds and these “mixed” pairs produced a minimum of 23 full-grown chicks. The good survivorship and low dispersal rate of transferred birds was perhaps associated with the timing of the translocation on the one hand and with the choice of release sites on the other hand. A view of the rock ptarmigan habitat in the eastern part of the Pyrenees (Canigou massif) (photo Pere Ignasi Isern). 15 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Birds were captured in mid-September, i.e. just a few days before the breakup of broods and dispersion of juveniles. Hence, our translocations took place at an appropriate time in the rock ptarmigan life cycle and birds were transported quickly to the release site, two common features of successful translocations (Reese and Connelly 1997). Furthermore, as aforementioned birds were released near traditional moulting sites where rock ptarmigan gather from August to October, the presence of conspecifics near the release sites likely favoured the establishment of transferred birds on their new sites and reduced their dispersion. In addition, birds did not suffer any change in environmental conditions because these were very similar between main and eastern chains. Despite these encouraging results, the number of transferred birds involved in this experiment was likely too small to achieve a significant change in the genetic diversity of the isolated population. So, at this stage, the translocation attempt reported here must be viewed as a feasibility study which provided valuable returns in terms of rock ptarmigan translocation practices. Indeed, this kind of project is rather scarce or nonexistent in European countries and more often limited to forest grouse (Unger and Klaus 2008, Ewen et al. 2009). While in North America translocations of wild-caught animals have been widely used to augment or reintroduce populations of ptarmigan (Hoffman and Giesen 1983, Kaler et al. 2010, Braun et al. 2011) or prairie grouse (Connelly 1997, Reese and Connelly 1997, Baxter et al., 2008, Schroeder et al., 2008), this management option has been rarely used in Europe where the release of captive bred birds has been more frequent for restoring or enhancing grouse populations (Ludwig and Storch 2011). Furthermore, projects dedicated to rock ptarmigan translocation are even rarer worldwide. The best documented example is the reestablishment of the species in Agattu island (Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska) by the translocation of 75 birds caught in the neighbouring Attu island (Kaler et al. 2010). In Italy, 16 hand-reared rock ptarmigan from the Alpenzoo d’Innsbruck were released in Monte Baldo (Trento province) in 2002-2003, but this reintroduction attempt failed (Brugnoli et al. 2012). Although the innovative nature of our project yielded many technical achievements, it has also raised several questions. A fundamental assumption underlying translocation projects is that loss of genetic variability and inbreeding increase the extinction risks of small populations (Frankham 1995, Storch 2007). As an example, the low fertility observed in a decreasing population of greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in Illinois, USA was associated with its reduced genetic diversity. Afterwards, the egg viability was restored in this remnant population by transferring birds from more genetically diverse populations. However, effects of reduced genetic variation on the viability of wild animal populations remain controversial. Indeed, other authors consider that the effects of demographic or environmental stochasticity may be more detrimental than the genetic issues for the persistence of small populations (Shaffer 1981, Lande 1988). Some populations may persist at least in the short term with a high level of homozygosity by purging the population of deleterious alleles. Furthermore, genetic mixture of populations that are adapted to different local conditions can result in outbreeding depression. Indeed, translocations may reduce the fitness of the resident population due to introgression of poorly adapted gene complexes (Storfer 1999). In our study, given that environmental conditions were very similar between source and focal populations, it is unlikely that rock ptarmigan of the eastern chain developed specific local adaptations that were absent in the translocated birds. To conclude, this rock ptarmigan translocation experiment was carried out according to the assumption that sufficient genetic resources appear to be critical for maintaining small and isolated populations of grouse. The preliminary results of this experiment are encouraging since transferred rock ptarmigan found their place in the focal population and participated in the reproduction. The monitoring of both genetic diversity and demography of the focal population will be continued to track the possible changes due to the translocation. In the mid-term, a next step could be also to renew this experiment with birds coming from other Pyrenean source populations. Acknowledgements Josep Blanch Casadesús, Jordi Gràcia Moya, Daniel Olivera Aguilà, Marc Mossoll Torres, Josep Maria Sanchez, Jean-François Brenot, the agents of the Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (Eastern Pyrenees Departemental Service) and the agents of Generalitat de Catalunya (Cerdanya & Ripolles) helped with collecting the field data. We are especially grateful to L.N. Ellison who kindly reviewed the manuscript. The project "Gallipyr" was financially supported by the European Union (POCTEFA 2007-2013) and coordinated by the GEIE FORESPIR. References Baxter, R. J., Flinders, J. T. & D. L. Mitchell. 2008. Survival, movements, and reproduction of translocated Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah. - Journal of Wildlife Management, 72: 179–186. 16 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Bech, N., Boissier, J., Drovetski, S. & C. Novoa. 2009. Population genetic structure of rock ptarmigan in the ‘sky islands’ of French Pyrenees: implications for conservation. - Animal Conservation, 12: 138-146. Bech, N., Quemere, E., Barbu, C., Novoa, C. & J. Boissier. 2013. Pyrenean Ptarmigan Decline under Climatic and Human influences through the Holocene. - Heredity, 111: 402-409. Bouzat, J. L., Cheng, H. H., Lewin, H. A., Westemeier, R. L., Ronald, L., Brawn, J. D. & K. N. Paige. 1998. Genetic evaluation of a demographic bottleneck in the Greater Prairie Chicken. 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Kaler, R. S. A., Ebbert, S. E., Braun, C. E. & B. K. Sandercock. 2010. Demography of a reintroduced population of Evermann's Rock Ptarmigan in the Aleutian Islands. - The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 122: 1-14. Kaler, R. S. A. & B. K. Sandercock. 2011. Effects of translocation on the behavior of island ptarmigan. Pp. 295–306 in B. K. Sandercock, K. Martin, and G. Segelbacher (editors). Ecology, conservation, and management of grouse. - Studies in Avian Biology (no. 39), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Lande, R. 1988. Genetics and demography in biological conservation. - Science 241: 1455-1460. Ludwig, T. & I. Storch. 2011. Re-introduction and re-enforcement as a conservation measure for Grouse? - G@llinformed: electronic newsletter of the Galliformes Specialist Group (GSG) 4: 18-20. McCarty, J.P. 2001. Ecological consequences of recent climate change. - Conservation Biology 15: 320– 331. Reese, K. P. & J. W. Connelly. 1997. Translocations of sage grouse Centrocercus urophasianusin North America. - Wildlife Biology, 3: 235-241. Schroeder, M.A., Smith, R., Greer, R., Hagen, C., Jury, D., Cope, M., Espinosa, S. Whitney, R., Northrup, R. & S. C. Gardner. 2008. Twenty-two years of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse translocations: have we made a difference? - 11th International Grouse Symposium. Whitehorse, Yukon., (abstract). Shaffer, M. L. 1981. Minimum population sizes for species conservation. - Bioscience, 31: 131-134. Storch, I. 2007. Grouse: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 2006 –2010. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and World Pheasant Association, Fordingbridge, UK. Storfer, A. 1999. Gene flow and endangered species translocations: a topic revisited. - Biological Conservation, 87: 173-180. Unger, C. & S. Klaus. 2008. A translocation study using capercaillie Tetrao urogallus from Central Russia. - Grouse News, 36: 16-19. Westemeier, R. L., Brawn, J. D., Simpson, S. A., Esker, T. L., Jansen, R. W., Walk, J. W., Kershner, E. L., Bouzat, J. L. & K. N. Paige. 1998. Tracking the long-term decline and recovery of an isolated population. - Science, 282: 1695-1698. 17 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Claude Novoa, Office national de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, Espace Alfred Sauvy, 66500 Prades, France. Nicolas Bech, Université de Poitiers, Laboratoire Ecologie et Biologie des Interactions, Rue Albert Turpin, 86022 Poitiers, France. Jean Resseguier, Office national de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, Espace Alfred Sauvy, 66500 Prades, France. eanedith oran e fr Ramon Martinez-Vidal, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural, Doctor Roux, 80; 08017 Barcelona, España, Diego Garcia Ferré, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural, Doctor Roux, 80; 08017 Barcelona, España, Jordi Sola de la Torre, Govern d'Andorra, C. Prat de la creu, 62-64, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra, Jérôme Boissier, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Labo Ecologie et Evolution des Interactions, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan, France Aggressive encounters of Chinese Grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi in autumn at Lianhuashan natural reserve, Gansu, China Siegfried Klaus¹, Yingqiang Lou, Yun Fang, Wolfgang Scherzinger & Yue-Hua Sun Key words: Chinese grouse, Tetrastes sewerzowi, aggressive behaviour, Lianhuashan reserve. Running title: Encounters in Chinese Grouse ¹) corresponding author Introduction The Chinese grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi inhabits the coniferous forests mixed with willow (Salix spec.), the dominant food, and other deciduous trees in the high mountains of Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Eastern Tibet. The territorial and mating behaviour of the Chinese grouse in spring has been described earlier (Klaus et al. 1996, Sun & Fang 1997, Scherzinger et al. 2003). Both hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia and Chinese grouse defend territories in spring and autumn (Swenson 1991, Bergmann et al. 1996 for a review). The aggressive behaviour in autumn as a part of the territorial activity has been studied in October 2000, 2006 and 2013. The territorial behaviour during the mating time in spring was studied yearly (1995 -2013) allowing comparison between spring and autumn. Results of observations in only one season (in October 2000) have been described earlier (Klaus et al. 2009). From our telemetry studies (Sun et al. 2003), we have learned that both males and females establish territories in autumn and that both sexes enter flocks in winter (Sun & Fang 1997) similar to northern and eastern populations of hazel grouse (Swenson 1993, Swenson et al. 1995). Consequently, the territorial activities are interrupted while they lived in flocks. Studying a subpopulation of Chinese grouse partially colour-banded and equipped with transmitters, we describe 1. the aggressive behaviour in autumn 2. differences between autumn and spring. Study area and methods Study area The study of Chinese grouse was conducted in the Lianhuashan Natural Reserve in Gansu Province, central China (34o56’ - 58’N, 103o44’-48’ E). The highest peak is 3,578 m a.s.l. About 30% of the reserve (11,691 ha in total) is forested, but only 1,170 ha were mature coniferous forests growing on limestonederived soils, mainly on northern slopes (Klaus et al. 2001, 2013). The tree canopy is dominated by Abies fargesii, Picea asperata, P. purpurea, P. wilsonii, three species of Betula and about 24 species of Salix. The optimal habitats of Chinese grouse are characterised by the close vicinity of coniferous forests with a shrub layer of different species (Berberis, Lonicera, Rhododendron, Rosa, Viburnum, Crataegus, Spirea, Cotoneaster, Rubus etc.) that provided cover, and groups of deciduous trees and shrubs (Salix spp., Betula spp., Sorbus khoeniana, Hippophaea rhamnoides) that provided food in winter. The dense ground cover of bamboo Sinarundinaria nitida disappeared after intensive flowering in 2007. The study area is described more thoroughly in Klaus et al. (1996, 2001, 2009a), Sun et al. (2003, 2006) and Wang et al. (2012). 18 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Methods Foraging and territorial activity of the grouse were observed during 12 field days in October 2000, 22 field days in October 2006 and 17 field days in October 2013, when territorial activity culminated. During a 2-month stay of L. Y. (September –October) in 2013 the beginning and end of aggressive behaviour was determined. Entire-day observations were concentrated on foraging males and females and the territorial activities of males (flutter jumps, noisy drumming flights, encounters). The data were corrected to realize equal observation times during the light hours of the day and during the decades of September and October. Here only the behaviour involved in encounters between males is described, based on the analysis of our video and sound recordings. Times given are local times in Gansu province / China. In the description of the grouse behaviour, we follow the terminology of Hjorth (1965). Results General features In Table 1 some general features are summarized. In 38 aggressive encounters 77 males were involved. In one case 3 males were seen together. The duration of encounters varied in a wide range (2-77 min, mean 18.7 min). Most of the aggressions occurred on ground (n=24, 63%). 37% in trees (including willow and mountain ash). In willows, aggressive males were more often recorded (n=18) as in mountain ash (n=7). During fructification in autumn, mountain ash fruits are a very preferred food. In a short time interval, Sorbus berries are a clearly preferred food. Our study of tree species composition on 30 plots distributed over the study area has shown that 23% of all tree species was willow, only 1% was mountain ash (Klaus et al. 1996). In most cases, aggressions started in preferred food trees visited by two neighbours. Sometimes, (n=6) males moved to both tree species or moved from ground to trees and vice versa. 38 aggressions were recorded at 22 sites, indicating that some neighbour males came together repeatedly at the same site. During n=11 aggressions females were present also. They continued feeding and were not involved in aggressions. Sometimes alarm calls (figure 3d) of both sexes were noticed. Table 1. Encounters in Chinese Grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi. Year n On ground In Sorbus In Salix Ground & tree n males involved Mean duration (min) 24 17 18 Sites Trill song Squeak song 37 14 26 n females present 3 2 6 2000 2006 2013 18 7 13 13 4 4 3 1 4 4 6 11 2 2 2 9 4 9 0 3 3 18 4 10 Sum 38 21 8 21 6 77 11 19.7 22 6 32 The trill phrase was uttered in 6 cases (16%). More frequently the squeak phrase (n=32, 84%) was noticed. During the whole duration of an encounter the type of vocalization did not change. Monthly and daily distribution Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of encounters during September and October. A pronounced peak is seen in the second decade of October. At the end of October flock formation starts, depending on weather conditions (snow cover) and fructification of sand buckthorn (where flocks prefer feeding in late autumn and winter), resulting in a strong decline of aggressions during the 3 rd decade of October. 19 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Encounters in autumn 30 25 20 N 15 10 5 0 IX-5 IX-15 IX-25 X-5 X-15 X-25 XI-5 Date (September-October) Figure 1. Monthly distribution of encounters in Chinese grouse (n=38) during September – October. The diurnal pattern of aggression behaviour is demonstrated in figure 2 with a smaller peak in the morning (at 7 a.m., local time) and a somewhat higher peak in the afternoon (around 4 p.m.). Between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. aggressions occurred rarely. During intensive feeding to fill the crop before darkness, aggression behaviour is finished. Encounters in Chinese grouse 14 12 10 N 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Day time (hours) Figure 2. Biphasic distribution of encounters (n=38) in Chinese grouse in autumn. Day time corresponds to the local time in Gansu province 20 20 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Two different vocal displays For territorial advertisement the hazel grouse utters a unique, extremely high-pitched cantus (8 kHz, Bergmann et al. 1996) not comparable with other grouse vocalizations. In the sibling species, the Chinese grouse, the main territorial display is the flutter jump. During border conflicts only, two types of vocal displays at much lower frequency the trill or the squeak phrases are uttered, not comparable to the vocalizations of hazel grouse. Trill phrase The trill is a sharply rising very short (duration 0.16 s) note, composed of 3 very short and densely packed sub elements (figure 3a). The interval between two trills was about 3 s in this sonogram. The mean interval within a longer sequence of an intensive dispute averaged 5.8 s (n = 25). The trill sounds like a short and clear "trrit" or “britt”. The frequency range is between 1 and 4 kHz with the main energy output at the lower frequency level. As in the squeak phrase, the overall energy is low. The trill can be noticed by the human ear on a distance of about 20-30 m. In all cases observed, the trill was uttered by only one of the rivals. The other (intruder?) was sitting silent and/or feeding at a distance (>10 m). During trilling the male contracted the neck rapidly, ruffed the neck and throat feathers and the tail is fanned and erected shortly and lowered afterwards. The crest feathers were never erected in this situation (figure 4). Sometimes a cackling sound was interrupting the trills, accompanied by a little different behaviour: a male sitting on a stump was bowing, than erecting his neck, turning around, and fanning the tail more conspicuously. In a longer sequence during a 7 min lasting encounter we noticed 14 times the trill, interrupted by 7 cackling phrases. During running after a rival, the male stopped, trilled and continued its chasing. Figure 3. Sonograms of vocalizations of Chinese grouse (a, b, c –males; d – female), a – trill phrase, b – squeak phrase , c- squeak phrases of two males singing in duet, d- warning call of a female (after a video of S.K., October 13 (3a) and 14 (3b,c,d) 2013) 21 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Figure 4. Typical posture of a male uttering the trill cantus: crest feathers flat, tail fanned and enhanced at the beginning and lowered at the end of the phrase. The bird is turning around, sometimes bowing (after a video of Y.F., May 8, 2012). Squeak phrase The duration of the squeak phrase is about 1 s and the phrase is composed by up to 4 or 7 elements. When starting, two elements of lower-frequency can be regarded as intention elements. As shown in the sonogram (figure 3b), a conspicuous harmonic spectrum of the main elements is responsible for the special nasalsqueaking sound. The mean interval between single phrases within a longer sequence of high activity averaged 15 s (n = 14). The overall sound energy is low, the low-pitched signal (2-4 kHz) can be noticed by the human ear on a distance of about 30-50 m. Nevertheless, the sound production seems to be an energy-consuming event: the male’s breast is expanded; the first element is produced by a rapid head bowing and opening the bill for 0.33 s. During the whole encounter - during calling, running and even feeding - the crest feathers are fully erected (figure 5). This posture is the same as during fighting (see figs. in Klaus et al. 2009a). Often, two rivals are using this species-specific phrase in the sense of counter singing. Figure 3c shows an example. The squeak phrase is uttered in most aggressive situations when the rivals are close to each other or in intervals during fighting (in spring). Figure 5. Male during the first element of the squeak phrase: head bowing with bill open, head up and bill closing during the following elements of the phrase (single pictures of a video, October 14, 2013) Alarm A sonogram of a longer alarm sequence (like: tetetetete…) uttered by a female during an encounter of nearby males is shown in figure 3d. This long lasting stereotypic phrase contains 9-10 elements / s. The alarm note can be used by males and females as well. The hazel grouse has a very similar note in the same situation (“plittern”, in Bergmann et al. 1996, Scherzinger et al. 2003). Discussion In Chinese grouse and hazel grouse, both males and females defend year-round territories throughout most of its range, with peaks of activity in spring and autumn (Swenson 1993, Bergmann et al. 1996). Territorial activity (whistling in hazel grouse only - flutter-jumping, territorial flights and encounters in both species) increases markedly just after the breaking-up of broods in early September/October, when 22 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group yearlings start to find their own territories. As reported earlier for Chinese grouse (Klaus et al. 2009b), flutter jumps were the dominating territorial performance in spring (87% of all performances versus 34% in autumn, p<0.001, Chi2-test), whereas in autumn noisy territorial flights were dominant (45% vs. 9.3% in spring, p<0.05, Chi2-test), followed by encounters (21% vs. 3.7% in spring, p<0.01, Chi2-test). As shown in figure 1 the frequency of encounters rises slowly during September and culminates in the second decade of October. At the end of this month flock formation starts resulting in a strong decline of aggressions during the 3rd decade of October. Depending on weather situation (snow cover), in November the grouse normally live in flocks (Sun & Fang 1997, Wang et al. 2012). The daily activity pattern of Chinese grouse both in autumn and in spring was biphasic, with peaks in the morning and in the afternoon (Klaus et al .2009b). This is valid for encounters too (figure 2). When neighbour males approached each other, conflicts followed. These were accompanied by two types of vocalizations, the trill and the squeak phrase. Encounters were observed on the ground (more frequent) and/or in feeding trees, mainly in willows. The rivals often change from ground to tree and vice versa with very loud flights. The signal effect of these territorial flights is greatly enhanced by noisy hitting twigs with their hard primaries. During the encounter, the males produced their vocalizations often in duet on the ground within the shrubs at distances of 1-20 m from each other. If both rivals ran on the ground, one was chasing the other or they run in parallel at distances of 1-20 m. When the chasing was interrupted, they started feeding and/or uttered one type of the cantus. During the most intensive phase of encounter, the males were pecking on ground or on twigs in a ritualized way. When intensity of aggression declined, true feeding dominated. The conflict culminated when males approached each other and stood in an erect pose in front of each other. Synchronous head-bowing follows. Actual fights in Chinese grouse occurred rarely. They consisted of jumping into the air, pecking and loud wing-beating. The crest feathers are always erected during fights. We observed serious fights and long-lasting chasing runs mainly in spring, very rarely in autumn. The fighting behaviour in Chinese grouse resembles that of Hazel grouse which was very seldom observed. Few examples were described by Pynnönen (1954), Teidoff (1952) and Scherzinger (1981), summarized in Bergmann et al. (1996). The development of two different types of vocalization used in border disputes seems remarkable. Both types are uttered by males only. Despite the overall low sound energy and limited distance it seems the energy input of males is high. In addition, the disputes –sometimes lasting 10-40 min may attract predators. We noticed several attacks of goshawk and sparrow hawk, the most effective predators in the study area on the calling grouse. Because most of the encounters took place in the dense cover of shrubby habitat only a part of the attacks were successful. Summary In 38 aggressive encounters observed in autumn 77 males were involved. The duration of encounters varied in a wide range (2-77 min, mean 18.7 min). Most of the aggressions occurred on ground (n=24, 63%) and 37% in trees (including willow and mountain ash). In most cases, aggressions started in preferred food trees visited by two neighbours. Sometimes, (n=6) males moved to both tree species or moved from ground to trees and vice versa. A total of 38 aggressions were recorded at 22 sites, indicating that some neighbour males came together repeatedly at the same site. Two different types of vocalizations of the males were observed. The trill phrase was uttered in 6 cases (16%). More frequently the squeak phrase (n=32, 84%) was noticed. During the whole duration of an encounter the type of vocalization did not change. The frequency of encounters rises slowly during September and culminates in the second decade of October. At the end of this month flock formation starts resulting in a strong decline of aggressions during the 3 rd decade of October. The diurnal pattern of aggression behaviour showed a smaller peak in the morning (at 7 a.m.) and a somewhat higher peak in the afternoon (around 4 p.m.). Between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. aggressions occurred rarely. Sonograms of the trill and the squeak phrases were described and the accompanying behaviour characterized. Differences between aggressive behaviour in spring versus autumn are discussed. Acknowledgements The work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG), by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No. (No. 31372210, 31071931). We are grateful to Hans-Heiner Bergmann, Tor Kristian Spidsö and Jon Swenson for their comments on the manuscript and to Martin Päckert for the production of sonograms of our video recordings. 23 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group References Bergmann, H.-H., Klaus, S., Müller, F., Scherzinger, W., Swenson, J. E. & Wiesner, J. 1996. - Die Haselhühner. Magdeburg, 278 pp. Hjorth, I. 1970. Reproductive behaviour in Tetraonidae. - Viltrevy, 7: 181-596. Klaus, S., Scherzinger, W. & Sun, Y.-H. 1996. Ökologie und Verhalten des Chinahaselhuhns Bonasa sewerzowi. - Der Ornithologische Beobachter 93: 343-365. Klaus, S., Scherzinger, W. & Sun, Y.-H. 1998. Territorial- und Werbeverhalten des Chinahaselhuhns (Bonasa sewerzowi). - Journal für Ornithologie 139: 185-186. Klaus S., Selsam, P., Y.-H. Sun & Fang, Y. (2001) Analyse von Satellitenbildern zum Schutz bedrohter Arten. Fallbeispiel Chinahaselhuhn (Bonasa sewerzowi). - Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 33: 281-285. Klaus, S. , W. Scherzinger, Y.-H. Sun, J. Swenson & Y. Fang 2009a. Das Chinahaselhuhn Tetrastes sewerzowi – Akrobat im Weidengebüsch. - Limicola 23: 1-57. Klaus, S., Y.-H. Sun, Y. Fang & W. Scherzinger 2009b. Autumn territoriality of Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. - International Journal of Galliformes Conservation 1: 44-48. Pynnönen 1954. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lebensweise des Haselhuhns, Tetrastes bonasia (L.). - Papers Game Research 12: 1-90. Scherzinger, W., S. Klaus, Y.-H. Sun & Y. Fang 2003. Ethological and acoustical characters of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) compared with sibling hazel grouse (B. bonasa) and ruffed grouse (B. umbellus). - Acta Zoologica Sinica 52 (Supplement): 293-297. Sun, Y.-H. & F. Yun 1997. Winter flocking behaviour of Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. - Wildlife Biology 3: 290. Sun Y.-H., Swenson, Y. E., Fang, Y., Klaus, S. & Scherzinger, W. 2003. Population ecology of the Chinese grouse in a fragmented landscape. – Biological Conservation 110: 177-184. Sun, Y.-H., , F. Yun, S. Klaus, & J. Martens, W. Scherzinger & J. Swenson 2008. Nature of the Lianhuashan Natural Reserve (in Engl. & Chines.). - Liaoning Sci. Publ. House, P.R. China, 100 pp. Sun, Y.-H., Klaus,S., Fang, Y., Selsam, P. & Jia, C. X. 2006. Habitat isolation and fragmentation of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) at Lianhuashan Mountains, Gansu, China. - Acta Zoologica Sinica 52 (Supplement): 202-204. Swenson, J. E. 1991. Social organization of the hazel grouse and ecological factors influencing it. - PhD thesis. University of Alberta, 185 pp. Swenson, J. E. 1993. Hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) pairs during the non-breeding season: mutual benefit of a cooperative alliance. - Behavioural Ecology 4: 14-21. Swenson, J. E., Andreev, A. V. and Drovetskij, S. V. 1995. Factors shaping winter social organisation in hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia: a comparative study in the eastern and western palearctic. – Journal of Avian Biology 26: 4-12. Teidoff, E. 1952. Das Haselhuhn. - Neue Brehmbücherei Nr. 77. Wittenberg-Lutherstadt. Wang, J., Y. Fang, S. Klaus & Y.-H. Sun 2012. Food selection of the Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi in winter: the role of food density, predation risk, food quality and intake rate. – J. Orn. 153: 257-264. Siegfried Klaus, Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry 07745 Jena, Hans –Knöll-Str. 10, Germany; Yue-Hua Sun, Yingqiang Lou, Yun Fang, Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China, box 215, Beichen Wet Rd. No.1, Wolfgang Scherzinger, D-83483 Bischofswiesen, Germany, Non-invasive genetic monitoring of capercaillie in the wild: individual tracking and breeding success Francesco Foletti, Arnaud Hurstel & Gwenaël Jacob Abstract Reliable data on species dynamics are of major importance to design conservation areas and implement management measures, yet this data is difficult to obtain for elusive species like capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). In this master project we present preliminary results on the monitoring of the capercaillie 24 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group population in the Vosges Mountains (France). From 2010 to 2012, a network of volunteers collected faecal samples in the field, mostly during early spring, when birds aggregate around displaying grounds (leks). Samples were genotyped at 21 microsatellite loci to allow for individual identification. A large majority of the individuals observed more than once during the three years of the study stayed within a restricted area. Most movements were detected between neighbouring sub-populations, with the exception of one female visiting three sub-populations within a month for a total distance of nearly 50 km. Parentage analyses conducted on a subset of sub-populations allowed us to identify parents–offspring trios with 80 % confidence. The amplification of additional markers will allow us to reliably assess (> 95 % confidence) individual breeding success in this population. Context As quoted in the IUCN Grouse action plan 2006-2010 (Storch 2007): “Although genetic studies have confirmed that central and western European capercaillie show metapopulation patterns (e.g. Segelbacher et al. 2003), information is almost completely lacking on juvenile dispersal rates and dispersal distances (Storch and Segelbacher 2000), and their roles in population genetics, dynamics and persistence.” The present communication summarises the results of the Master thesis of Francesco Foletti (contact information Our aim was to develop and test the performance of genetic tools required to identify juveniles and track juvenile movements. Study site and sampling The study area was situated in the southern part of the Vosges Mountains (Regions Alsace and Lorraine, France). The capercaillie population in the Vosges Mountains declined from more than 2500 individuals in the 1930’s to less than 100 in 2005 (Lefranc and Preiss 2008). The demographic decline of this population was accompanied by its fragmentation into seven geographically isolated sub-populations (Hurstel, unpublished). Faecal samples were collected at lek sites during the breeding season. A total of 266 samples were collected in 2010, 177 in 2011 and 221 in 2012. Genotyping We extracted DNA using the DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen) or the PSP Spin Stool DNA Kit (Stratec) following a modified protocol, including negative controls to test for cross-sample contaminations (Jacob et al. 2010). Extracted DNAs were amplified at 21 microsatellite loci and a modified primer pair to determine the sex of the individuals (genotyping details in the Master thesis). All the samples have been replicated at least four times to control for genotyping errors (Taberlet et al. 1999). For each sample, we identified a consensus genotype, i.e. the most probable genotype, extrapolated from the analysis of the PCR replicates. Samples showing a maximum of three missing loci (no consensus genotype at a locus) were re-analysed. The aim was to amplify the missing markers and, if necessary, to correct these genotypes. We found 237 genotypes with a maximum of two missing loci in 2010 (genotyping success = 89.1%), 141 (79.7%) in 2011 and 160 (72%) in 2012. After re-analysing samples showing missing loci, the number of samples with a maximum of two missing loci (those used in the subsequent analyses) increased from 498 samples (74.8%) to 538 (80.8%). This step also allowed us to correct genotyping errors. Of the 132 unique genotypes first identified, 128 unique genotypes remained after the second step of amplification, the number of genotypes identified only once decreased from 53 to 49 after and the number of genotypes identified twice from 19 to 14. This step allowed us to increase the reliability of the genotypes identified. Among the 128 unique genotypes (= individuals), 73 were observed only once: 38 individuals (19 males and 19 females) in 2010, 21 individuals (18 male and 3 females) only in 2011 and 14 individuals (6 males and 8 females) only in 2012. A total of 49 individuals were recaptured: 17 individuals (11 males and 6 females) were observed in 2010 and 2011, 9 individual (1 male and 8 females) in 2010 and 2012, 11 individuals (5 males and 6 females) in 2011 and 2012, and 12 individuals (10 males and 2 females) were detected in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The date of sampling was uncertain for 6 individuals. Individual movements The distance moved by individuals was estimated as the Euclidean distance between the locations of samples assigned to a particular individual. Most of the individuals stayed in the sub-population where they were first identified. Eleven individuals (8.6 %) moved across larger distances (2–33 km) and visited one or more other sub-populations. Most long-distance movements were due to females (figure 1). The large majority of dispersal events are concentrated along the southern and eastern ridge of the Vosges Mountains, which can be seen as a dispersal corridor (figure 2). 25 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group 8 7 6 5 males females 4 3 2 1 0 2.0-5.0 Km 5.0-10.0 Km 10.0-15.0 Km 15.0-20.0 Km 20.0-33.0 Km Figure 1. Individual movements among sub-populations by four males and seven females. Figure 2. Illustration of individual movements among sub-populations. Genetic variability in the population We observed low levels of genetic variability in the capercaillie population in the Vosges Mountains, with a mean of 3.4 alleles per locus, compared to 6.1 alleles per locus in the Swiss Alps (Jacob et al., 2010). We estimated the proportion of the genetic variance among populations, among individuals within sub-populations and within individuals using an analysis of variance (AMOVA). Most of the molecular variance is found within individuals (71% for females and 87% for males; figure 3). Within subpopulations, genetic variation among individuals is 23% for females (FIS = 0.240) and 0% for males (FIS = -0.006). Genetic differentiation among sub-populations is lower for females (6%, FST = 0.063) than for males (13%, FST = 0.132). This result suggests that males are philopatric and females are the dispersing sex, as already described in capercaillie by Regnaut et al. (Regnaut et al. 2006). Indeed, few individuals, mostly females, visited more than one sub-population. Thus, female dispersal along dispersal corridors is essential to maintain the genetic connectivity among sub-populations. 26 Grouse News 47 Among Pops 6% Newsletter of the Grouse Group Males Females Among Indiv 23 % Within Indiv 87 % Within Indiv 71 % Among Pops 13 % Among Indiv 0% Figure 3. Partition of the molecular variance for females and males in the Vosges population Parentage analysis We conducted parentage analyses to reconstruct parent–offspring trios and to assess individual breeding success in the population. We used Cervus 3.0 (Field Genetics; Marshall et al 1998) to estimate allele frequencies and other genetic parameters and to run simulations to estimate the power of our set of microsatellite loci to identify parent–offspring trios. The simulation step allowed us to identify a critical LOD score (the likelihood of a potential father–mother duo being the true parents of an offspring) at which we can be 80 % or 95 % certain to identify the true parents of an offspring. Any candidate parent pair with a LOD score exceeding the critical LOD score for 95% confidence can be assigned with 95% confidence (it is the true parent at 95%). We ran simulations using different genotyping error and proportions of candidate parents sampled to assess the impact of these factors on the LOD score. Due to the low genetic variance in the population, assignment of parents was only possible with 80 % confidence. As a consequence there is a risk that some parent–offspring triplets may be incorrect. We currently work at increasing the number of markers to avoid this risk. In our study, it was not possible to determine the year of birth of the individuals and we therefore considered all the 128 individuals as candidate offspring. We selected as potential parents 88 individuals from the sub-populations where sampling effort was highest (Gazon du Faing, n = 39, Ventron, n = 24, Saint-Antoine, n = 8, Haute-Meurthe, n = 7 and four satellite sub-populations). We ran simulations (estimation of the threshold LOD scores) and conducted parentage analyses assuming that 60% of the mothers and 80% of the fathers were sampled (more females than males are not detected at lek sites). A total of 30 parents–offspring trios were identified with a confidence of 80%. We present the results for one of the largest sub-population, Ventron, where all but six individuals were identified as potential parent or offspring, and two females observed in a neighbouring sub-population (but never in Ventron) reproduced (figure 4). Figure 4. Pedigree of the Ventron sub-population as inferred from parentage analysis. The six individuals not involved in reproduction are indicated on the lower left corner. The two immigrants from the subpopulation of Haute-Meurthe are also indicated. 27 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Discussion In the present study we showed that the genetic monitoring of a population based on non-invasive samples is suitable to identify dispersal corridors among sub-populations and, potentially, to assess breeding success of individuals in some sub-populations. The sampling effort at lek sites, done by volunteers in Vosges Mountains, seems suitable for the monitoring of this population. Our results confirmed that at least four replicates are needed to control for genotyping errors (Taberlet et al. 1999). We detected 128 single individuals during these three years, which is most probably an underestimation of the true census size. Indeed, sampling was mostly restricted to lekking grounds and may have missed individuals not attending the leks. In addition, sampling effort was lower in the central part of the study area. We could reconstruct parent–offspring trios in the sub-populations of Saint-Antoine, Ventron and Gazon du Faing. We observed evidence of direct inbreeding (two events of reproduction of a father with its daughter), which increases the risk of inbreeding depression in these sub-populations. Five females and two males reproduced after dispersal, thus promoting gene flow among sub-populations (effective dispersal). This observation further demonstrates the importance of dispersal in the dynamics of the population. Offspring of parents from the large sub-populations were observed in satellite subpopulations. The present study demonstrates that the genetic monitoring of a wild population based on noninvasive samples is suitable to study the role of juvenile dispersal in the dynamics of the capercaillie population in the Vosges Mountains, and in other grouse population worldwide. Acknowledgements This project was financed in the frame of the LIFE+ project “Des forêts pour le Grand Tétras” (2010 and 2011), and in the frame of Natura 2000 network (2012). This study would not have been feasible without the contribution of all the volunteers who collected samples during these three years. References Griffiths, R., Double, M.C., Orr, K. & Dawson R.J.G. 1998. A DNA test to sex most birds. - Molecular Ecology 7: 1071-1075. Jacob, G., Debrunner, R., Gugerli, F., Schmid B. & Bollmann K. 2010. Field surveys of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the Swiss Alps underestimated local abundance of the species as revealed by genetic analyses of non-invasive samples. - Conservation Genetics 11: 33-44. Lefranc, N. & Preiss, F. 2008. Le Grand Tétras Tetrao urogallus dans les Vosges: historique et statut actuel; Ornithos 15-4: 244-255. Marshall, T.C., Slate, J., Kruuk, L.E.B. & Pemberton, J.M. 1998. Statistical confidence for likelihoodbased paternity inference in natural populations. - Molecular Ecology 7: 639-655. Regnaut, S., Christe, P., Chapuisat, M. & Fumagalli, L. 2006. Genotyping faeces reveals facultative kin association on capercaille’s lek. - Conservation Genetics 7: 665-674 Segelbacher, G., Höglund, J. & Storch, I. 2003. From connectivity to isolation: genetic consequences of population fragmentation in capercaillie across Europe. - Molecular Ecology 12: 1773-1780. Storch, I. 2007. Grouse Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 2006-2010. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and the World Pheasant Association, Reading, UK. Storch, I. & Segelbacher, G. 2000. Genetic correlates of spatial population structure in central European Capercaillie and Black Grouse: a project in progress. - Wildlife Biology 6: 239-243. Taberlet, P. & Luikart, G. 1999. Non-invasive genetic sampling and individual identification. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 68:41-55. Francesco Foletti, Department of Biology, Unit of Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Arnaud Hurstel, GroupeTétras Vos es, 1 Cour de l’Abbaye, 68140 Munster, France, Gwenaël Jacob, Department of Biology, Unit of Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Successful semen collection from wild capercaillie Ewa Łukaszewicz, Artur Kowalczyk and Zenon Rzońca In Grouse News 43 (Rzońca et al. 2012) we presented shortly the history of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus population in Poland and the initial results of collaborative efforts of Wisla Forest District at Silesian 28 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Beskids in Southern Poland and Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, aimed to improve the reproductive success and effectiveness of capercaillie captive breeding by applying the artificial insemination and semen cryopreservation techniques, as well as to create gene pool reservoirs ex situ in vitro. Animals kept in captivity, in zoological gardens or closed breeding centers, often serve as the reproductive basic flocks to multiply the number of progeny further introduced to natural environment, or as donors of the reproductive cells, further frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen as gene pools. One of the most serious problems occurring in captive-breeding and small population in natural habitats is a risk of inbreeding. Currently, the basic reproductive flock of capercaillie located in Capercaillie Aviary Breeding Center in Wisla Forestry consists of 16 males at the age ranging from 2 to 12 years and 40 females, aged from 2 to 10 years. Some of these birds descend already from the parents born in captivity. Establishing the “family” in every reproductive season we are trying to avoid the relatedness at least up to three generations back. However, soon there can be a problem with the selection of unrelated birds. To overcome or minimize the inbreeding problems, a very important task is to increase the diversity of the basic reproductive flock. Hence, the effective semen collection from capercaillie living in the wild can be recognized as a huge and important success. In May 2013 thanks to very friendly cooperation with Slovak colleagues from Tatra National Park and in April 1, 2014 from Great Fatra National Park, we were able to collect ejaculates with live, motile sperm. In both cases we have got the information from National Park Guards that capercaillie appear in area frequented by tourists. Within three hours we were there. In the first case the male was walking on the tourist path. When the capercaillie male saw us he was trying to attack. During the attacking we caught him the same way as we do in the breeding center (see the movie We repeated this procedure after two days. In 2014 the male displayed and showed courtship behavior in the presence of two ladies – the forest guards, in the forest. They caught him during courtship, just before our arrival. After a short dorso-abdominal massage (Łukaszewicz et al., 2011), both males responded with semen ejaculation. The males were released immediately after semen collection. The first ejaculate has been frozen at the spot (see photo) by previously described method and will be used for insemination in this year, in Capercaillie Breeding Center, while the second was diluted with EK diluent (Kowalczyk et al., 2012), transported in +40C temperature and then after four hours two females, also from our Center were inseminated. Successful insemination will result in increased biodiversity of our basic flock. Acknowledgments Described experiments are performed within NN 311 081040 project financially supported by Polish National Research Centre. References Kowalczyk A, Łukaszewicz E, Rzońca Z. 2012. Successful preservation of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) semen in liquid and frozen states. - Theriogenology 77: 899-907. Łukaszewicz, E., Kowalczyk, A. & Rzońca, Z. 2011. Successful semen collection from Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) kept in an aviary system. - Ornis Fennica 88: 110-115. Rzońca, Z., Łukaszewicz, E. & Kowalczyk, A. 2012. Protection, reproduction and reintroduction of capercaillie in the Forestry Wisła, Poland. – Grouse News 43: 17-20. Ewa Łukaszewicz, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Animal Breedin , Division of Poultry Breedin , Chełmońskie o 38a, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland, Artur Kowalczyk, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Animal Breedin , Division of Poultry Breedin , Chełmońskie o 38a, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland, Zenon Rzońca, Forestry Wisła, Czarne 6, 43-460 Wisla, Poland, 29 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Biology and conservation of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in a Mediterranean environment Manuel Antonio González Thesis summary. Supervisors: Ena, V. and Olea, P. P. [Biología y conservación del urogallo (Tetrao urogallus) en un hábitat mediterráneo.] Abstract Populations residing at the rear-edge of the species’ range are often at a high risk of extinction, due to their isolation, fragmentation, small population sizes and existing under suboptimal habitat conditions. However, these populations also play a relevant role in the conservation of biodiversity since they may represent a valuable genetic resource and cope differently with the future global warming than core populations. The capercaillie is strongly associated with wide forests and declining throughout most of its historical range due to human alterations. It is considered an umbrella species of the forests wherever it inhabits because of its extended habitat requirements and consequently its occurrence involves the maintenance of a high forest biodiversity. The Cantabrian subspecies (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) is the most threatened population. The Cantabrian capercaillie inhabits deciduous forests of the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain, at the southwest limit of the species’ range. Recently, nine previously unknown Cantabrian capercaillie leks were described in Mediterranean forests of the southern slope of the Cantabrian range, where the subspecies historically occurred. The origin of these birds, their genetic status and relationship with the core population inhabiting northern Eurosiberian forests remain unknown. We described an extension of the known distribution range of the Cantabrian capercaillie into an atypical area and habitat for the species. In an effort to genetically characterize the population genetic diversity and structure of the endangered Cantabrian capercaillie across its whole diversity of habitats, we performed genetic analyses using microsatellites of all known leks in the newly described marginal Mediterranean forests and the adjacent Eurosiberian core range. We also describe the habitat and anthropogenic factors threatening these Mediterranean forests. Nine capercaillie leks and 14 cocks were recorded in 2009 in Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forests in an area of 1,500 km2, of which 4,500 forest hectares were surveyed. No significant genetic differentiation between Eurosiberian and Mediterranean forests was detected and, contrary to expected, gene flow mainly occurred from southern Mediterranean to northern Eurosiberian forests. At present, this population represents both the southern-most distribution for capercaillie and the only one inhabiting Mediterranean Q. pyrenaica forests, suggesting a wider adaptation of this subspecies than previously thought. This population and its habitat need to be better studied, as well as to be considered in conservation planning for Cantabrian capercaillie. The Mediterranean capercaillie forest population faces a high risk of extinction not only because of its peripheral location but also due to its small population size, low genetic diversity, and low incoming gene flow. Of most immediate concern is that wind farms are quickly being constructed and the number of turbines has increased from 0 to 65 in two years within the Mediterranean distribution of the capercaillie. Eighteen operative wind farms are within the average capercaillie home range of 3-4 km around each lek that is strongly recommended to be preserved. This could potentially negatively affect the capercaillie local population. As long as the effects of wind farms on capercaillie are not concretely known but disturbances continue to happen, wind farms should be excluded from this grouse distribution as part of the precautionary principle as is implemented with other threatened bird species. The policy against fires is effective when applied, hence it should be applied wherever the capercaillie resides. We recommend including the Mediterranean capercaillie distribution within Natura 2000 as a first step to consider the area in the local conservation planning for this grouse. If capercaillie is to be preserved in the Cantabrian Mountains, permanent monitoring of its population trends and distribution and the control of anthropogenic activities within the entire capercaillie distribution should be implemented. Manuel Antonio Gonzáles C/ El Escubio, n3 Lugueros 24843 LeóN, Spain, 30 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Greater Prairie-Chicken Thermal Habitat use in Heterogeneous Grasslands Torre J. Hovick and R. Dwayne Elmore Introduction Climate driven change has accelerated biodiversity loss and increased extinction risk for many organisms (Maclean and Wilson 2011). Average temperatures and extreme heat events are both predicted to increase in future decades (IPCC 2013). Research that takes a proactive approach to understanding how management can mitigate the effects of climate change is necessary to decrease species loss and improve future conditions for imperiled populations. Despite the knowledge that temperature plays an important role in ecology, many aspects of thermal ecology have gone unstudied (Begon et al. 2006). The few studies that have examined the influence of thermal environments on habitat use typically measure air temperature alone and fail to incorporate other parameters that can influence how the environment is perceived by an organism. Operative temperature, which incorporates aspects of air temperature, solar radiation, wind, and humidity, can give a more accurate representation of energy flow between an animal and their environment. Limited evidence measuring operative temperatures suggests that thermal environments can limit habitat use in gallinaceous birds and it has been speculated that high temperatures in the near ground environment are a limiting factor in Northern Bobwhite populations of the southern United States (Guthery et al. 2005). We examined Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido; hereafter prairie-chicken) thermal habitat use in tallgrass prairie that is managed in a way that restores the interaction of fire and grazing. The prairie-chicken represents an ideal case study for examining thermal habitat use because of its conservation status, potential role as an indicator species, and evolutionary lineage from cold adapted ancestors thereby leaving it potentially sensitive to rising global temperatures and thermal extremes (Johnsgard 1983, Pruett et al. 2009). Our main objective was to measure thermal environments at nest sites and sites within two meters of the nest (i.e., micro-sites) relative to the broader landscape. This was done across a range of available vegetation patches that result from the spatio-temporal variation of the fire-grazing interaction at The Nature Conservancy’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve located in Osage County, Oklahoma in the southern extent of the Flint Hills. Methods We trapped prairie-chickens using walk-in funnel traps during the springs of 2011-2012 (Schroeder and Braun 1991). Trapping started in mid-March and concluded in early May. We attached necklace-style radio transmitters to hen prairie-chickens at the time of capture. We used series A4100 transmitters weighing approximately 16 g (~1.5 % of the bird’s body weight) and having an expected life span of 900 days (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Isanti, MN). Females were then monitored every one to three days with daily checks after localizing at a nest site. We flushed females intentionally after they localized in the same area for three consecutive days to observe nest contents and record exact nest locations using a handheld GPS unit. To quantify thermal environments at the landscape scale, we recorded operative temperature by measuring air temperature inside the center of a black steel sphere (15 cm diameter) placed at Photo 1. Black sphere arrangement used to measure ground level (Guthery et al. 2005). operative temperatures at nest sites, micro-sites, and the Sampling periods were weeklong and broader landscape at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, OK. conducted twice during the breeding season (i.e., early May and mid-July) in 2011 and 2012. To capture spatial variation, we used three 50 m transects that varied in landscape features (e.g., time since fire, topography). Within each transect, two by two meter plots were established at 0, 25, and 50 m; operative temperature was recorded at every corner of each plot resulting in 12 sampling points per transect. This allowed us to quantify the variation in operative temperature available across the landscapes 31 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group based on landscape features. Additionally, we measured operative temperature at each nest site on the forecasted hatch date (i.e., known start of incubation plus 25 days) by placing one black sphere in the nest bowl and three spheres at random locations in the immediate area (<2 m) around the nest bowl to examine micro site operative temperature variation near the nest. Operative temperature was recorded every five minutes for a 24 hour period at 32 nests. We modeled operative temperature at prairie-chicken locations and across the landscape based on the interactive effects of air temperature and solar radiation. Both air temperature (°C) and solar radiation (watts/m2) were recorded every five minutes at an onsite Oklahoma Mesonet station (Brock et al. 1995). We limited our model to temperatures above 25˚C to only examine thermal environments at warmer temperatures. Because operative temperatures were not all recorded on the same dates, we used the developed models to predict operative temperatures at prairie-chicken locations and across the landscape on the days that operative temperatures were measured at prairie-chicken nests and loafing sites. This modeled data was used when comparing operative temperatures and trends between prairie-chicken locations and across the landscape. We also recorded vegetation parameters such as grass, forb, bare ground, and litter coverage in a 0.5 m2 quadrat centered over black spheres both at the nest bowl and the surrounding micro-sites. Photo 2. Greater Prairie-Chicken nest. Results We found that heterogeneous grasslands have high thermal variability with operative temperature ranging as much as 23°C across the landscape when air temperatures are > 30°C (figure 1A). Operative temperatures in all environments increased linearly with air temperature, but the rate of increase varied among patches, micro-sites, and nests (figure 1B). On average, prairie-chicken nests were in environments that averaged 21.4 (SE ± 1.8) months post fire. Thermal environments were cooler at nest sites than any other locations measured across the landscape (figure 1B). Modeled nest site environments were 4° C cooler than micro-sites within 2 m of the nest when air temperatures reached 38° C (figure 1C). Additionally, measurements of vegetation at nest sites and the micro-sites were similar for all parameters with the exception of vegetation height, which was significantly taller at nests than micro-sites (F1,126 = 4.53, p < 0.05) and suggests that shading from vegetation could be driving operative temperatures at nest sites. Furthermore, thermal environments were significantly cooler at successful nests than failed nests (figure 1D), with successful nests being up to 6° C cooler at higher air temperatures. However, there were no statistical differences in vegetation height (F1,29 = 0.84, p = 0.37) or any of the other vegetation parameters measured at nests with different fates, indicating that thermal environments at nests may be influencing survival rather than predator avoidance through nest concealment. Successful nests also had a more moderate rate of operative temperature increase with air temperature (i.e., flatter slope) when compared to unsuccessful nests (figure 1D). 32 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Figure 1. A) Modeled data showing range of operative temperatures that result when air temperatures are ≥ 25˚C in tall rass prairie mana ed with interactin fire and grazing. B) Linear models of landscape patches resulting from time since focal disturbance (i.e., fire and grazing), micro-site, and nest operative temperatures using modeled data. C) Differences between nests and micro-sites within two meters of the nest bowl Nests were nearly 4˚C cooler at 36˚C than the surroundin micro-sites. D) Linear models of successful and failed prairie-chicken nests at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma, USA (20112012). Successful nests experienced operative temperatures that were 6˚C cooler at 36˚C and had more moderate operative temperatures (i.e., flatter slope) than failed nests. Apparent survival trends were reported to show general relationships and because all nests were found at the onset of incubation by tracking marked individuals. Gray areas surrounding modeled lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Discussion These results elevate our understanding of the importance of heterogeneity of thermal environments across multiple scales and demonstrate the importance of understanding habitat heterogeneity from a thermal perspective in the face of climate change. Our results show that heterogeneous prairie with interacting fire and grazing had high amounts of variation in the thermal environment and that reproduction of imperiled grouse is correlated with thermal properties. Additionally, we illustrated the complexity of thermal environments in plant communities that are often viewed as structurally simplistic (i.e., grasslands). Our research demonstrates that habitat selection may be driven, at least in part, by thermal environments rather than simply being a predator avoidance strategy. It has been reported that egg 33 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group temperatures > 38˚C may kill embryos if exposed for prolonged periods and that the eggs of most species can withstand exposure up to 41˚C for short intervals (Webb 1987). Therefore, at some level it is necessary for prairie-chickens to select nesting areas that minimize thermal loads if eggs are to maintain viability, and it appears that they are capable of doing this at fine spatial scales (i.e., within 2 m; figure 1C). Additionally, high temperatures likely increase stress on incubating females potentially causing more frequent nest departures and increased potential for predation events. Subsequently, selection for cooler thermal environments may reduce the frequency with which females leave nests thereby decreasing the opportunity for predators to detect nest locations. In conclusion, managing for heterogeneity in grasslands can increase the range of available thermal environments providing thermal refugia, and allows organisms to select for areas that improve thermal regulation and afford energy for other metabolic processes (Gabrielsen et al. 1991). By improving our understanding of how disturbances impact thermal environments we can improve conservation efforts. This research emphasizes the need for more investigation of thermal environments and questions past research that has operated under the assumption that biomass manipulations largely influences fauna as a result of predator avoidance. We believe future research should emphasize the thermal aspect of ecology to determine the cues that fauna use in selection and how and when predator avoidance and thermal refugia act alone or in synergy to influence survival. Despite broadly recognizing the role of temperature (Begon et al. 2006), few studies actually investigate the role of temperature in determining habitat use or the dynamic interplay of thermal environments and natural disturbances. If we hope to conserve biodiversity as global changes become more extreme, it is necessary to take a proactive approach that maximizes species’ opportunities for survival by recognizing a major role of landscapes is to function as a moderator of thermal extremes and it appears this is maximized by restoring ecological processes that create focal disturbance and hence landscape heterogeneity across broad scales. For complete details on this research please view the published manuscript: Hovick, T.J., R.D. Elmore, B.W. Allred, S.D. Fuhlendorf, and D.K. Dahlgren. Landscapes as a Moderator of Thermal Extremes: A Case Study of an Imperiled Grouse. Ecosphere 5:1-12. References Begon, M., C.R. Townsend, and J.L. Harper 2006. Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems 4 th edition. Malden, MA. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Brock, F.V., K.C. Crawford, R.L. Elliott, G.W. Cuperus, S.J. Stadler, H.L. Johnson, and M.D. Eilts 1995. The Oklahoma Mesonet: a technical overview. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 12:5–19. Gabrielsen G.W., F. Mehlum, H.E. Karlsen, O. Andersen, and H. Parker. 1991. Energy cost during incubation and thermoregulation in the female Common Eider, Somateria mollissima. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 195:51-62. Guthery, F.S., A.R. Rybak, S.D. Fuhlendorf, T.L. Hiller, S.G. Smith, W.H. Puckett, Jr., and R.A. Baker. 2005. Aspects of the thermal ecology of Northern Bobwhites in north Texas. Wildlife Monographs 159:1-36. IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The physical science basis. Contributions of working group I to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change [Stocker, T.F., D. Quin, G-K Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Johnsgard, P.A. 1983. The grouse of the world. Lincoln, Nebraska. University of Nebraska Press. Maclean, I.M.D. and R.J. Wilson. 2011. Recent ecological responses to climate change support predictions of high extinction risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108:12337–12342. Pruett, C.L., M.A. Patten, and D.H. Wolfe. 2009. Avoidance behavior of prairie grouse: implications for development of wind energy. Conservation Biology 23:1253-1259. Schroeder, M.A. and C.E. Braun. 1991. Walk-in traps for capturing Greater Prairie-Chickens on leks. Journal of Field Ornithology 62: 378-385. Webb, D.R. 1987. Thermal tolerance of avian embryos: a review. Condor, 89, 874-898. Torre J. Hovick and R. Dwayne Elmore, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA, 34 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group CONFERENCES 13th International grouse symposium ˗˗ Iceland 2015 First announcement The 13th International Grouse Symposium will be held in Iceland on 4-7 September 2015. The conference site will be the Hilton Reykjavík Nordica Hotel. The focus will be on grouse biology and topics addressed will include population ecology, genetics, phylogeny, conservation and management. The conference language will be English. A one day, preconference field trip will be on 3 September and a four day postconference field trip on 8-11 September. The theme of the preconference field trip will be rock ptarmigans and habitats in the mountains north of Reykjavik (Mount Esja and adjacent alpine areas). The post-conference field trip will be to northeast Iceland and the theme will be rock ptarmigan, gyrfalcon, vegetation and geology. The conference is hosted by the Icelandic Institute of Natural History. Members of the organizing committee are Ólafur K. Nielsen (chairman), Icelandic Institute of Natural History, María Harðardóttir, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Arne Sólmundsson, The Icelandic Hunting Association, Arnór Þ. Sigfúson, Verkís, Consulting Engineers, Jakob Sigurðsson, BirdLife Iceland, Karl Skírnisson, Laboratory of Parasitology, Keldur, University of Iceland, and Tómas G. Gunnarsson, University of Iceland. Practical organizing is by Iceland Travel Conferences: The conference home page will open in April. ( Registration will start in January 2015. Territorial rock ptarmigan cock. The ptarmigan is the only grouse found in Iceland. It is common but numbers fluctuate in a regular fashion with peaks approximately every 10 years. Photo: Sindri Skúlason. Olafur Nielsen, 35 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group 7th International Black Grouse Conference, Pechoro-Ilych reserve, Russia, 24-29.05.2014. Third circular Dear conference participants, this letter contain bank details of Institute of Biology Komi Science Centre (RAS) for remittance the registration fee. The registration fee includes registration documentation and correspondence, conference materials (abstract publication), coffee breaks, banquet, accommodation and meals in Pechoro-Ilych Nature Reserve and field excursion. We remind you that the fee for participants is 200 euro, and for students and accompanying persons – 100 euro. The deadline for payment of the registration fee – May 1, 2014. Scanned copy of the payment documents in the JPEG-file please send at the address For participation in the 7th International Black Grouse Conference 23 grouse researchers from 8 countries are registered. In addition to reporting there will be an interesting program of field trips, including visits to two grouse lekking sites. Bank details of Institute of Biology Komi Science Centre (RAS) Intermediary: RAIFFEISEN ZENTRALBANK OESTERREICH AG, Vienna, Austria, RZBAATWW Beneficiary bank: ACC 000-55.042.253 SCBMRUMM METALLINVESTBANK, 2, Slavyanskaya pl., Moscow, Russia Beneficiary: ACC 30109978200000000270, SEVERNY NARODNY BANK, 68, Pervomayskaya str., Syktyvkar, Russia Details of payment: F/O ACC 40503978416420030024, Institute of Biology, 28, Communisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, Russia P.S. Dear conference participants, we would like to remind you of the need to send your personal data to obtain a Russian visa. Please, give us this information as quick as possible. These data will be used for the preparation of official personal invitations. Juri Kurhinen, IUCN World Parks Congress 2014: Newsletter & Registration Information Held once every 10 years, the IUCN World Parks Congress provides a unique opportunity to bring about change, not only for today, or tomorrow, but for the decade ahead. It will be a gathering not just for protected area professionals but for everyone who cares about the health of humanity and our natural world hosted by the IUCN and its partners, Parks Australia and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services. The congress will be in Sidney, Australia 12th – 19th November 2014. Congress registration is now open online. The ‘Early Bird’ registration fee is available until 30 June, and you can also benefit from the preferential rates for IUCN Members, Commission members and staff. An excellent way to keep up to date is to visit the World Parks Congress website and to subscribe to the Congress newsletter. For further details and information about the IUCN World Parks Congress, please contact Helen Noble, World Parks Congress Executive Officer, 36 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group RECENT GROUSE LITERATURE For a complete bibliography on grouse, go to: (please note that the link in previous editions may not be current). Åhlen, P.-A., T. Willebrand, K. Sjoberg, and M. Hornell-Willebrand. 2013. Survival of female Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in northern Sweden. Wildlife Biology 19:368-373. Arkle, R. s., D. S. Pilliod, S. E. Hanser, M. L. Brooks, J. C. Chambers, J. B. Grace, K. C. Knutson, D. A. Pyke, J. L. Welty, and T. A. Wirth. 2014. Quantifying restoration effectiveness using multiscale habitat models: implications for sage-grouse in the Great Basin. Ecosphere 5(3):31. Baxter, J. J., J. P. Hennefer, R. J. Baxter, R. T. Larsen, and J. T. Flinders. 2013. Evaluating survival of Greater Sage-Grouse chicks in Strawberry Valley, Utah, by use of microtransmitters: does handling time negatively influence survival rates? Western North American Naturalist 73:419425. BenDor, T. K., and S. Woodruff. 2014. Moving targets and biodiversity offsets for endangered species habitat: is Lesser Prairie Chicken habitat a stock or flow? Sustainability 6:1250-1259. Bird, K. L. 2013. Observation of polyandry in endangered Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist 94:247-252. Blanco-Fontao, B., B. K. Sandercock, J. R. Obeso, L. B. McNew, and M. Quevedo. 2013. Effects of sexual dimorphism and landscape composition on the trophic behavior of Greater PrairieChicken. PLoS One 8.11:e79986. Blomberg, E. J., D. Gibson, J. S. Sedinger, M. L. Casazza, and P. S. Coates. 2013. Intraseasonal variation in survival and probable causes of mortality in Greater Sage-Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus. Wildlife Biology 19:347-357. Blomberg, E. J., S. R. Poulson, J. S. Sedinger, and D. Gibson. 2013. Prefledging diet is correlated with individual growth in Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Auk 130:715-724. Boal, C. W., B. A. Grisham, D. A. Haukos, J. C. Zavaleta, and C. Dixon. 2013. Lesser Prairie-Chicken nest site selection, microclimate, and nest survival in association with vegetation responses to a grassland restoration program. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1235. Bollmann, K., P. Mollett, and R. Ehrbar. 2013. Das Auerhuhn Tetrao urogallus im Alpinen Lebensraum: Verbreitung, Bestand, Lebensraumansprüche und Förderung. [The Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Alpine habitats: distribution, population size, habitat use and management. Vogelwelt 134:19-28. (in German with English abstract). Boyd, C. S., J. L. Beck, and J. A. Tanaka. 2014. Livestock grazing and sage-grouse habitat: impacts and opportunities. Journal of Rangeland Applications 1:58-77. Braun, C. E., W. P. Taylor, and S. E. Ebbert. 2014. Changes in Evermann's Rock Ptarmigan density on an eastern portion of Attu Island, Alaska, 2003–2009. Northwestern Naturalist 95:28-34. Braunisch, V., and R. Suchant. 2013. Aktionsplan Auerhuhn Tetrao urogallus im Schwarzwald: Ein integratives Konzept zum Erhalt einer überlebensfähigen Population. [The Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus Action Plan in the Black Forest: An integrative concept for the conservation of a viable population.] Vogelwelt 134:29-41. (in German with English abstract). Broome, A., T. Connolly, and C. P. Quine. 2014. An evaluation of thinning to improve habitat for Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Forest Ecology and Management 314:94-103. Carlson, A. 2013. Mapping seasonal habitat suitability for the Gunnison Sage-Grouse in southwestern Colorado, USA: species distribution models using maximum entropy modelling and autoregression. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Edinburgh. Carrlson, K. M., D. C. Kesler, and T. A. Thompson. 2014. Survival and habitat use in translocated and resident Greater Prairie-Chickens. Journal for Nature Conservation XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Caudill, D., T. A. Messmer, B. Bibles, and M. R. Guttery. 2013. Winter habitat use by juvenile Greater Sage-Grouse on Parker Mountain, Utah: implications for sagebrush management. HumanWildlife Interactions 7:250-259. Connelly, J. W. 2014. Federal agency responses to Greater sage-Grouse and the ESA: getting nowhere fast. Northwest Science 88:61-64. Cowles, S. A. 2013. Trade-offs in male lek behavior. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 65pp. (Sharp-tailed Grouse) Dinkins, J. B., M. R. Conover, C. P. Kirol, J. L. Beck, and S. N. Frey. 2014. Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) hen survival: effects of raptors, anthropogenic and landscape features, and hen behavior. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92:319-330. 37 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Dinkins, J. B., M. R. Conover, and S. T. Mabrey. 2013. Do artificial nests simulate nest success of Greater Sage-Grouse? Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:299-312. Dunn, P. O., Z. Bateson, J. A. Johnson, A. Henschen, and L. A. Whittingham. 2013. Genetic analysis of a translocation of Greater Prairie-Chickens into Wisconsin. Unpublished Report, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Madison, WI. Duvuvuei, O. V. 2013. Vital rates, population trends, and habitat-use patterns of a translocated Greater Sage-Grouse population: implications for future translocations. M. Sc. Thesis. Utah State University. 168pp. Emery, N. G. 2013. Seasonal resource selection, site-specific brood predictors, and nest characteristics of Greater Prairie-Chicken hens in northwestern Minnesota. M. Sc. Thesis. University of North Dakota. Fletcher, K., D. Howarth, and D. Baines. 2013. The status of Ptarmigan in Scotland: results of a survey questionnaire of land managers. Scottish Birds 33:291-297. Forbey, J. S., N. L. Wiggins, G. G. Frye, and J. W. Connelly. 2013. Hungry grouse in a warming world: emerging risks from plant chemical defenses and climate change. Wildlife Biology 19:374-381. Franceschi, S., L. Nelli, C. Pisani, A. Franzoi, and L. Fattorini. 2014. A monte carlo appraisal of plot and distance sampling for surveys of Black Grouse and Rock Ptarmigan populations in alpine protected areas. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:359-368. Frey, S. N., R. Curtis, and K. Heaton. 2013. Response of a small population of Greater Sage-Grouse to tree removal: implications of limiting factors. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:260-272. Galla, S. J. 2013. Exploring the evolutionary history of North American prairie grouse (genus: Tympanuchus) using multi-locus coalescent analysis. M. Sc. Thesis. University of North Texas. 74pp. Gibson, D., E. J. Blomberg, G. L. Patricelli, A. H. Krakauer, M. T. Atamian, and J. S. Sedinger. 2013. Effects of radio collars on survival and lekking behavior of male Greater Sage-Grouse. Condor 115:769-776. Gonzalez, C. A. 2014. Changes in mass of the preen gland in Rock Ptarmigans (Lagopus muta) in relation to sex, age and parasite burden 2007-2012. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Iceland. Green, A. R. 2013. Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat selection in northwestern Wyoming and stable isotope analysis of fecal material. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Arkansas. 114pp. Gregersen, H., and F. Gregersen. 2014. Wildlife cameras effectively survey Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix leks. Ornis Norvegica 37:1-6. Harju, S. M., C. V. Olson, M. R. Dzialak, J. P. Mudd, and J. B. Winstead. 2013. A flexible approach for assessing functional landscape connectivity, with application to Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). PLoS ONE 8(12): e82271. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082271. Harju, S. M., C. V. Olson, L. Foy-Martin, S. L. Webb, M. R. Dzialak, J. B. Winstead, and L. D. HaydenWing. 2013. Occurrence and success of Greater Sage-Grouse broods in relation to insectvegetation community gradients. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:214-229. Hazelwood, K. 2013. Factors affecting Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) nesting success and chick survival at Langholm Moor. M. Sc. Thesis. Imperial College, London. 53pp. Hess, J. E., and J. L. Beck. 2014. Forb, insect, and soil response to burning and mowing Wyoming big sagebrush in Greater Sage-Grouse breeding habitat. Environmental Management 53:813-822. Hornell-Willebrand, M., T. Willebrand, and A. A. Smith. 2014. Seasonal movements and dispersal patterns: implications for recruitment and management of Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus). Journal of Wildlife Management 78:194-201. Hovick, T. J., R. D. Elmore, B. W. Allred, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and D. K. Dahlgren. 2014. Landscapes as a moderator of thermal extremes: a case study from an imperiled grouse. Ecosphere 5(3):35. (Greater Prairie-Chicken). Hull, S., D. Drake, L. Kardash, C. Pollentier, D. Sample, and B. Sadler. 2013. Nesting success and survival of translocated Minnesota and local Wisconsin Greater Prairie-Chicken hens in Central Wisconsin. Unpublished Report, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Madison, WI. Imperio, S., R. Bionda, R. Viterbi, and A. Provenzale. 2013. Climate change and human disturbance can lead to local extinction of alpine Rock Ptarmigan: new insight from the Western Italian Alps. PLoS One 8.11:e81598. Irvine, R. J., M. H. Moseley, F. Leckie, J. Martinez-Padilla, D. Donley, A. Miller, M. Pound, and F. Mougeot. 2013. Investigating the loss of recruitment potential in Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): the relative importance of hen mortality, food supply, tick infestation and louping-ill. European Journal of Wildlife Research 60:313-322. 38 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Jankowski, M. D., R. E. Russell, J. C. Franson, R. J. Dusek, M. K. Hines, M. Gregg, and E. K. Hofmeister. 2014. Corticosterone metabolite concentrations in Greater Sage-Grouse are positively associated with the presence of cattle grazing. Rangeland Ecology & Management XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Janusz, A., G. Stanczak, and M. Piszczen. 2013. Źródła finansowania i analiza kosztów hodowli wolierowej głuszca Tetrao urogallus (L.) w Nadleśnictwie Wisła (RDLP Katowice). [The sources of financing and cost analisys of aviary breeding of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L. in Wisla Forest District (RDSF Katowice).] Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie R. 15. Zeszyt 36 / 3 / 2013:148-157. (in Polish with English abstract). Kardash, L. H. 2013. 2013 Greater Prairie-Chicken survey in Central Wisconsin. Final Report. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Kemink, K. M. 2012. Survival, habitat use, and movement of resident and translocated Greater PrairieChickens. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Missouri – Columbia. Kervinen, M. 2013. Fitness in male Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) - Effects of life histories and sexual selection on male lifetime mating success. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Jyväskylä. 48pp. Knapp, C. N. 2013. Engaging local perspectives for improved conservation and climate change adaptation. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 213 pp. (Gunnison SageGrouse) Knapp, C. N., J. Cochran, F. S. Chapin III, G. Kofinas, and N. Sayre. 2013. Putting local knowledge and context to work for Gunnison Sage-Grouse conservation. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:195213. Kobayashi, A., and H. Nakamura. 2013. Chick and juvenile survival of Japanese Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta japonica. Wildlife Biology 19:358-367. Kobielski, J., D. Merta, D. Zawadzka, A. Krzywiński, G. Myszczyński, T. Wilczyński, Z. Rzońca, K. Jamroz, J. Holubowicz, and R. Czokajlo. 2013. Realizacja projektu LIFE11 NAT/PL/428 „Aktywna ochrona nizinnych populacji Głuszca w Borach Dolnośląskich i Puszczy Augustowskiej”. [Implementation of the Project LIFE11 NAT/PL/428 “Active protection of lowland populations of Capercaillie in the Bory Dolnośląskie Forest and Augustowska Primeval Forest”. Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie R. 15. Zeszyt 36 / 3 / 2013:271-278. Lande, U. S., I. Herfindal, T. Willebrand, P. F. Moa, and T. Storass. 2013. Landscape characteristics explain large-scale variation in demographic traits in forest grouse. Landscape Ecology 29:127139. (Black Grouse, Capercaillie). Langdon, J. G. R. 2013. Forecasting the impact of climate change on terrestrial biodiversity and protected areas in the Pacific Northwest. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Washington. 105pp. (Greater Sage-Grouse). LeBeau, C. W., J. L. Beck, G. D. Johnson, and M. J. Holloran. 2014. Short-term impacts of wind energy development on Greater Sage-Grouse fitness. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:522-530. Lees, J. J. 2013. Seasonal adaptations in the energetics and biomechanics of locomotion in the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Manchester. Lees, J. J., L. P. Folkow, J. R. Codd, and R. L. Nudds. 2014. Seasonal differences in jump performance in the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Biology Open (2014) 000, 1–7 doi:10.1242/bio.20147930 Lees, J., J., L. P. Folkow, R. L. Nudds, and J. R. Codd. 2014. The effects of season and sex upon the morphology and material properties of keratin in the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Journal of Thermal Biology XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Lockyer, Z. B., P. S. Coates, M. L. Casazza, S. Espinosa, and D. J. Delehanty. 2013. Greater SageGrouse nest predators in the Virginia Mountains of northwestern Nevada. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4:242-254. Martinez-Padilla, J., L. Perez-Rodriguez, F. Mougeot, S. C. Ludwig, and S. M. Redpath. 2014. Intrasexual competition alters the relationship between testosterone and ornament expression in a wild territorial bird. Hormones and Behavior XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). (Red Grouse). McNew, L. B., L. M. Hunt, A. J. Gregory, S. M. Wisely, and B. K. Sandercock. 2014. Effects of wind energy development on nesting ecology of Greater Prairie-Chickens in fragmented grasslands. Conservation Biology XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Ménoni, E., V. Favre-Ayala, R. Cantegrel, J. Revenga, J. Camprodon, J., Garcia, D., Campion, D. Afonso, I. et Riba, L. 2012. Réflexion technique pour la prise en compte du Grand tétras dans la gestion forestière pyrénéenne. [Pyrenean technical reflection for taking account of the Capercaillie in forest management.] FORESPIR, Union Européenne, DREAL-Midi-Pyrénées. Pau. (in French). 39 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Merta, D., J. Kobielski, A. Krzywiński, and Z. Rzonca. 2013. Czynna ochrona głuszca Tetrao urogallus na terenie Borów Dolnośląskich. [Active protection of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in the Bory Dolnośląskie Forest.] Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie R. 15. Zeszyt 36 / 3 / 2013:195-209. (in Polish with English abstract). Messmer, T. A., R. Hasenyager, J. Burruss, and S. Liquori. 2013. Stakeholder contemporary knowledge needs regarding the potential effects of tall structures on sage-grouse. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:273-298. Mignatti, A. 2014. Models of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the high altitude alpine fauna in the climate change context. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Milano. 202 pp. (Black Grouse). Mikoláš, M., I. Kalafusová, M. Tejkal, I. Černajová, Z. Michalová, T. Hlásny, I. Barka, K. Zrníková, R. Bače, and M. Svoboda. 2013. Stav habitatu jadrovej populácie hlucháňa hôrneho (Tetrao urogallus) v Západných Karpatoch: Je ešte pre hlucháňa na Slovensku miesto? [Habitat conditions of the core population of the Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the Western Carpathians: Is there still place for the species in Slovakia?] Silvia 49:79-98. (In Slovakian with English summary). Nelli, L., A. Meriggi, and A. Franzoi. 2013. Habitat selection by breeding Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta Helvetica males in the western Italian Alps. Wildlife Biology 19:382-389. Norvell, R. E., T. C. Edwards JR., and F. P. Howe. 2014. Habitat management for surrogate species has mixed effects on non-target species in the sagebrush steppe. Journal of Wildlife Management XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). (Greater Sage-Grouse). Paule, L., P. Klinga, M. Mikoláš, and P. Zhelev. 2013. Genetic diversity of the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) along the Carpathians. Pp. 197-203 IN: Beukovic, M. (Ed.). 2013. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hunting - Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population. Novi Sad, Serbia, 17-20 October, 2013. Pedersen, A. O., E. M. Soininen, S. Unander, M. H. Willebrand, and E. Fuglei. 2014. Experimental harvest reveals the importance of territoriality in limiting the breeding population of Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan. European journal of Wildlife Research 60:201-212. Pekkola, M., R. Alatolo, H. Poysa, and H. Siitari. 2014. Seasonal survival of young and adult Black Grouse females in boreal forests. European Journal of Wildlife Research XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Petras, T. 2014. Concept for the monitoring of climate induced impacts on Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) in Triglav National Park, Slovenia. Advances in Global Change Research 58:185-195. Pirius, N. E., C. W. Boal, D. A. Haukos, and M. C. Wallace. 2013. Winter habitat use and survival of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in West Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin XXX:XXX-XXX (online early). Poor, E. E., A. Jakes, C. Loucks, and M. Suitor. 2014. Modeling fence location and density at a regional scale for use in wildlife management. PLoS ONE 9(1): e83912. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083912. Reinhart, J. S., T. A. Messmer, and T. Black. 2013. Inter-seasonal movements in tri-state Greater SageGrouse: implications for state-centric conservation plans. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:172181. Robinson, J. D., and T. A. Messmer. 2013. Vitals rates and seasonal movements of two isolated Greater Sage-Grouse populations in Utah’s West Desert. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:182-194. Rosner, S., E. Mussard-Forster, T. Lorenc, and J. Muller. 2014. Recreation shapes a "landscape of fear" for a threatened forest bird species in Central Europe. Landscape Ecology 29:55-66. (Capercaillie). Scallan, D. 2013. Ballydangan Bog Red Grouse Project. Report for Roscommon County Council under the terms of the Community Heritage Bursary. 26pp. Sitzia, T., M. Dainese, T. Clementi, and S. Mattedi. 2014. Capturing cross-scalar variation of habitat selection with grid sampling: an example with Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia L.). European Journal of Wildlife Research 60:177-186. Smith, K. T., C. P. Kirol, J. L. Beck, and F. C. Blomquist. 2014. Prioritizing winter habitat quality for Greater Sage-Grouse in a landscape influenced by energy development. Ecosphere 5(2):15. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Division of Wildlife. 2014. Sage-grouse management plan for South Dakota 2014-2018. Wildlife Division Report Number 2014-02. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, South Dakota. 39pp. Stader, P., C. Ebel, and M. I. Förschler. 2013. Verhalten und Nahrungswahl eines Auerhahns Tetrao urogallus im Nordschwarzwald. [Behaviour and diet of a male Capercaillie Tetrao urugallus in the Northern Black Forest.] Vogelwelt 134:75-82. (in German with English abstract). 40 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group Storch, I. 2013. Human disturbance of grouse - why and when? Wildlife Biology 19:390-403. Suzuki, A., A. Kobayashi, H. Nakamura, and F. Takasu. 2013. Population viability analysis of the Japanese Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta japonica in Japan. Wildlife Biology 19:339-346. Tape, K. D., and D. D. Gustine. 2014. Capturing migration phenology of terrestrial wildlife using camera traps. BioScience 64:117-124. (Rock Ptarmigan, Willow Ptarmigan). Timmer, J. M., M. J. Butler, W. B. Ballard, C. W. Boal, and H. A. Whitlaw. 2014. Spatially explicit modeling of Lesser Prairie-Chicken lek density in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:142-152. Vik, A. M. 2013. Terrestrial locomotion in the Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). How does treadmill running compare with running overground? M. Sc. Thesis. University of Tromsø. 39pp. Vogler, T. 2013. Predicting hunting success on Willow Ptarmigan using bag statistics and distance sampling estimates. M. Sc. Thesis. Hedmark University College. 33pp. Wegge, P., J. Rolstad, and K. O. Storaunet. 2013. On the spatial relationship of males on “exploded” leks: the case of Capercaillie grouse Tetrao urogallus examined by GPS satellite telemetry. Ornis Fennica 90:222-235. Wills, H. D. 2013. The relationship between wind turbines and corticosterone and testosterone levels in lekking male Greater Prairie Chickens in Nebraska. M. Sc. Thesis. University of Nebraska at Omaha. 81pp. Winder, V. L., L. B. McNew, A. J. Gregory, L. M. Hunt, S. M. Wisely, and B. K. Sandercock. 2014. Space use by female Greater Prairie-Chickens in response to wind energy development. Ecosphere 5(1):3. ES13-00206.1 Yang, C., J. Fang, Y. Fang, Y.-H. Sun. 2013. Is sexual ornamentation an honest signal of male quality in the Chinese Grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi)? PLoS One 8.2: e82972 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082972 Zellweger, F., F. Morsdof, S. S. Purves, V. Braunusch, and K. Bollman. 2014. Improved methods for measuring forest landscape structure: LiDAR complements field-based habitat assessment. Biodiversity & Conservation 23.2:289-307. (Hazel Grouse). 41 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group SNIPPETS Capercaillie special issue of the German journal ‘Die Vogelwelt’ In December 2012 a capercaillie conference was held in the Lower Lusatia, in the eastern part of Germany. Main aim of that meeting was to present first results from a release project which was started as a pilot study in this region. Moreover an exchange with other grouse professionials from Germany and other European countries should be achieved, including guests from Poland, Switzerland and Sweden. As a result many of the presentations given at the conference have been summarised in a special capercaillie issue of the German ornithological journal ‘Die Vogelwelt’. The focus is on capercaillie release projects – including problems, methods and results of different release attempts in central Europe. Most of the articles are in German, but have a comprehensive English summary and English subtitles of tables and graphs. Beyond that, there are two English papers. In the beginning, Siano & Klaus give a detailed overview on all capercaillie release projects realized in Germany since 1950, including project descriptions as well as a critical discussion of the use of captive-reared grouse. Moreover the authors tried to evaluate the project success. Colleagues from Poland describe a promising new release method called ‘born to be free’ (Krzywiński et al.) which is already practised in a release project in Western Poland (Merta et al.) and seems to be much more successful than the release of reared grouse in the usual way. Unger & Klaus present results from a translocation study which took place in Thuringia. Two articles deal with capercaillie research in the Black Forest. Braunisch & Suchant presented the capercaillie action plan for that region, which should support a viable population in the Black Forest. Stader et al. show results from a study dealing with behaviour and diet of an abnormally behaving capercaillie male (tame). Bollmann et al. give a comprehensive overview of the status of the capercaillie in Switzerland, containing distribution, population size, habitat requirements and protection measures. Last but not least Lindner & Thielemann presented details of the pilot study in the Lower Lusatia, which includes the translocation of wild capercaillies from Sweden. Their article describes the aim of that study and beyond presents preliminary results. Ralf Siano: Schubertstrasse 6, 01307 Dresden, Germany. Georg Grothe (publishing company): AULA-Verlag GmbH, Industriepark 3, 56291 Wiebelsheim, Germany. The first whole grouse genome is now sequenced and published The first whole grouse genome is now sequenced and accepted for publication in BMC Genomics. In this study, the draft genome of black grouse, which was developed using a reference-guided assembly strategy, is presented. The different regions of a genome do not evolve at the same rate. The advent of the next generation sequencing technologies has made it possible to study which genomic regions are evolutionary liable to change and which are static, as well as enabling an increasing number of genome studies of nonmodel species. One hundred and thirty three Gbp of sequence data from one black grouse male by the SOLiD platform were generated. The draft genome well covers the main chicken chromosomes 1~28 and Z which have a total length of 1001Mb. The draft genome is fragmented, but has a good coverage of the homologous chicken genes. Especially, 33.0% of the coding regions of the homologous genes have more than 90% proportion of their sequences covered. In addition, ~1M SNPs from the genome and 106 genomic regions which had a high nucleotide divergence between black grouse and chicken or between black grouse and turkey were identified. 42 Grouse News 47 Newsletter of the Grouse Group The results support the hypothesis that the chromosome X (Z) evolves faster than the autosomes and the data are consistent with the MHC regions being more liable to change than the genome average. This study demonstrates how a moderate sequencing effort can be combined with existing genome references to generate a draft genome for a non-model species. The full text is found in the following reference: Wang, B., Ekblom, R., Bunikis, I., Siitari, H. and Höglund J. 2014. Whole genome sequencing of the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix): reference guided assembly suggests faster -Z and MHC evolution. BMC-Genomics, in press. Long-extinct heath hen comes to life in archival film State officials from the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game have found, restored and finally released a silent black-and-white film that is believed to be the only footage of something not seen for nearly a century: the extinct Heath Hen (Tympanuchus cupido cupido), a subspecies of Greater Prairiechicken. The agency had commissioned the film nearly a century ago as part of an effort to preserve and study the game bird, once abundant in the scrubby heathland barrens of coastal North America from Southern New Hampshire to Northern Virginia. Then, like the Heath Hen, the film was largely forgotten. Rediscovered in 2011, the film has been digitally restored and is now available for public viewing. This early film was taken in Martha’s Vineyard, a large island off the coast of Massachusetts where the last known Heath Hens were protected in a state preserve. But the last Heath Hen, named "Booming Ben", vanished in 1932. By releasing this rare video, conservationists hope that people will be reminded of the bird and the lessons that can be learned for the benefit of extant species of grouse. Jim Cardoza, a retired wildlife biologist, said that for him, the film holds many lessons. “It’s always kind of an emotional thing to watch an extinct species on film, because on one hand you feel an enormous privilege . . . but on the other hand, you can’t help but feel the loss.” Stephanie Manes, Information on wind power sites in grouse habitats For our research project on the influence of wind turbines on grouse (introduced in Grouse News 45, May 2013) we are currently setting up a website combining available information on grouse and wind power. On this website we would like to display as much on this topic as possible. This will range from sites where wind turbines have been or will be constructed in grouse habitats to summaries of papers or reports. We would also like to include anecdotes or small findings. Here coincidental found collisions victims or observations of lekking sites near wind turbines are of interest. With this website we would like to facilitate knowledge exchange and gather data which is not internationally published and make this available to the public. Attached you find a recording sheet regarding grouse collisions with wind turbines on which you will find a short section with most important facts and an optional section with more detailed information. This sheet will also be made available through the website. We would be grateful if you could spread this sheet and would contact us when knowing anything about sites where wind turbines are present or will be constructed in grouse habitats or about other findings such as collisions victims. Please do not hesitate to contact us for questions or further information! Joy Coppes, Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, +49 7614018 171 43 Recording sheet Grouse collisions with wind turbines Most important information (if available) Name: _____________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________ Species: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of locating bird: __________________________________________________________________________ Position (coordinates, WGS84): northing y: ______________ easting x: _________________ m a.s.l.: __________ Nearest place / region: _________________________________________________________________________ Optional information Species Sex: male female unsure Age: adult juvenile unsure Condition of the body when found: fresh / intact pitted / decayed only remnants existing prairie other Habitat Turbine in: forest tundra pasture Short description habitat: (Examples: Old growth pine forest/ Moorland/ Alpine pasture) ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind farm Presumably collision with: base / tower rotor blades Tower painted (Y/N): ____________ Distance to tower (found, in meters): ____________________________________________________________ Manufacturer wind turbine:_____________________________________________________________________ Hub-height wind turbine: _______________________________________________________________________ Capacity (mw): _______________________________________________________________________________ Number of wind turbines in wind farm: ___________________________________________________________ Total area wind farm (ha): ______________________________________________________________________ Comments:__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Forest Research Institute of Baden Württemberg, Germany Joy Coppes, Tel.: 0049-7614018-171, Fax: 0049-7614018-497 E-mail:
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